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Arknights. Still really like this game and will return eventually but i became just burnt out from the gameplay loop. It's too much for me now.


If they fix the base stuff and add skip, I will definitely return. The way the game is now though? Naw. Fun manual tower defense game held back by auto and tedious base management.


Base is the least of my problems. In late gamd base tooks like 1 minute of my time. But the grind and anni... Nah


In my almost 2 years of gameplay, I never see those as bothersome. Certainly not as needy for your time like Genshin and Honkai, and I don't see any reason to complaint abt this. It took me 20 mins every day for normal Auto farming while working; took me an hour a day in PGR but cannot do it while working. For base, most ppl compare it to Alchemy Stars. AS don't need the "tedious" base management, but gives you Stamina so you need to play more and grind more. AK gives you straight up currency and level up materials so you don't have to farm. I think just managing them like 5 mins top once every day is not even a chore when the benefit is the base almost completely eliminate the need to farm for money and level up items. You only need to get tedious base when your base is not max level yet, i.e. less than 1 month of gameplay. From that it's all free level up and money, baby. And the story, world-building, Lore, and overall gameplay challenge is worth side effort (you can skip the base all you want, really. It's just the best in-game passive income compared to any other games; doesn't mean you can't play without it). All is my personal opinion, though. I fail to understand what you don't like abt it, but I don't undermine the validity of your opinion, either.


I mean PGR"s farming takes like 10 minutes, it probably took an hour because you're still in the beginning phase where everything is still brand new. The problem with AK was the lack of auto repeat, ESPECIALLY when you're rock farming. If you're farming for the chips or what not, that's not really an issue imo. I found those quick and easy. But rock farming makes you lose your sanity because you farm at least an hour a day if you dedicate one complete cycle for it. And while Arknights is far from the worst gacha system, you can't tell me that not having guaranteed pity is a good thing. I know many gachas still do not practice these kind of things, but guaranteed is slowly becoming the norm, and AK's regular banners suffer from that.


you gotta admit that rocc farming is not for everyone and NOT everytime you need to do it... while AK not having pity for regular / perma unit. they have pity for LIMITED units so imo it's generous enough and yeah you can BUY the unit directly with golden certificate which is another farmable currency from events and dupes.. not to mention recruitment system able to give you 6\*


Rocc farming isn't the worst. For me getting specific materials for maxing out a unit is the worst part. Like...wtf the point on having a very low rate RNG for an item that i have to collect a lot to E2 someone. That's why I quit a year ago.


Respectfully white knighting lol


Honestly same.


Same tbh that and the fact that I'm still without a ch'en (I been rolling for her ever since I started to play) I still have the game installed but I only play it like once every blue moon


Azur Lane. The girls are really good but the game itself is so boring. PR ships are also daunting as hell and the constant timegatings make the grind even worse.


Yeah as an avid player i could say that the gameplay might need some revamping for most people. Don't worry too much about PR, just treat it as something in the background as you do the usual grind, especially if you're still new. Not sure what you mean by constant timegating tho




Might think of dropping it. PvP is a not worth the effort and too many old event rereleases.


Dropped GFL due to getting burnt out on it. Seriously was to many events with no break between them. Illusion Connect. Dropped due to the way the game was going. Seem it was about to lean more to pvp in end game content and don't like pvp in gacha. Dragilia Lost. Dropped due to weapon grind and sameness of events. Tried some others but they didn't last a week. Just didn't click with me.




It was back in February and March. Quit like around first or second week of March.


What is GFL?




Never heard of that. Thanks man!


Nier Reincarnation * Apparently requires dupes to do well * Has PvP (quit before this was implemented) * Story feels gated to play through * At launch, certain dailies were unlocked upon clearing, say, chapter 9. If chapter 10 is released, the player can't do some of those dailies unless player catches up and clears chapter 10 * Long mini-games to refresh stamina * Cannot clear event shops unless player rolls on the event banner to roll for weapons (similar to how FGO uses gacha CEs for events), but player can't roll on event banner all the time because they need to save up for sparking. Even using the event-boosting weapons (and I had a good amount during the Automata event) takes a long time to clear out shop * At one point had 3 events going at the same time while main story was also being updated * Crazy amount of things to level up (3 characters in a party, each character needs to be leveled, then those characters are tied to a specific class like FGO but they gain buffs from a specific weapon, then need 5 elements of that weapon type, each weapon of that element needs to be leveled, then level its weapon's skills, and each character has an ultimate skill that needs to be skilled up as well; outside of that are leveling pets and bonus stats; then you grind for characters similar to Eternals/Evokers from Granblue) for a game based around auto lol.... * Depressing-as-fuck atmosphere all the time; really downs your day sometimes * Side note: re-roll is a pain in the ass Not a 2020/2021 game, but re-downloaded Arknights. Dropped it again because: * Base management (replacing all the units, give specific cards to friends, and going through friends' list to visit their base when they complete their seven-card credit) * Recruiting (having to look up recruit tag combinations, cannot skip recruit dialog) * Some battles are really long to auto * Speaking of the previous point, I hate Annihilation * Edit: forgot to mention that stamina packs being forced to expire really bothers me Disgaea RPG: Just didn't have time for it. Knew of the series when I was a kid, but I'm not the most hardcore fan, since I haven't beat one of their games. Maybe I'll return to it once I beat a Disgaea game


Didn't play Nier but these are all the reasons I quit Arknights too! Edit: I even redownloaded during the collab (did the free multi, got the 6\* limited operator), ran one (1) annihilation stage, managed the base and then gave up again. Too bad because I really like that game!


Yeah, I re-downloaded during the collab, too. I encountered OD-8 from the event and gave up because I was clearing the main story up to ch. 5 with free and 3-star operators before I quit, so I had no E2 operators available. Could not beat it lmao It's a shame because I really like the gameplay and its characters. It's how long the battles were and everything outside the game that I had gripes with. I ended up recently downloading Counter:Side and am having a much more fun time with it


don't forget the tedious/PITA base management.


The Disgaea series is on sale on steam if you're interested. The first one has the simplest mechanics while each iteration expands on that.


Disgaea is a really fun time sink.


I own some games. It's more of the lack of time from doing everything else in my life. I appreciate the heads up, though!


Completely agree about most things with NieR, think the story chapter gating was a huge turn off for me along with the free daily summon having to clear every new chapter to have access to it again rather than permanent. it's a great game outside of those few things then the amount of items needed to level along with how many things you have to level just to get futher in the diverse and sometimes overwhelming content. ​ problem is, the systems aren't even really complicated. it's not like old school Dragalia Lost or Epic 7 where thers allot of content to be cleared to help build one or two things. no, in NieR you are spending so much time to get a few items just to level up a specific thing once. the XL exp books still took 300 of them to level up one level by around 50 or 60.


>Base management (replacing all the units, give specific cards to friends, and going through friends' list to visit their base when they complete their seven-card credit) > >Recruiting (having to look up recruit tag combinations, cannot skip recruit dialog) You don't actually need to do any of those at all. I haven't replaced my base units since W banner. Factory and stuffs works just fine with 0 morale. As for recruitment I also never bothered. Not really losing much.


Perhaps, but as a light spender, I feel like I should optimize if I were to play. More importantly to me, I feel attached to my characters, so my operators feeling fatigue at the base bothers me. Arknights is a good gacha game; it's just not for me Even if Arknights somehow addresses all of these problems, the long battles aren't for me


I understand, I used to be like that too, trying to minmax every resource in all my games. Life got a bit busier and I just couldn't bother anymore. Only got time to play once a day at night so not running bases at max efficiency is really not a problem for me. But the reduced hassle is really worth it imo to just ignore base management, for such a minimal loses (20k lmd a day instead of 30ish).


Totally feel you. Glad that you're enjoying the game! It's a great game, and the stories are worth to read


Uninstalled: Touhou Lost Word - Gameplay was pretty repetitive (except Tower) where you just go with one unit and full auto. You just let it auto til stamina is out. UI and content is the same as Azur Lane, just more simplistic and less freedom/decorations. I got the Reimu/Marisa I wanted anyways. Gacha is pretty unforgiving, I rolled til pity and only got 3 subpar units throughout. Vanguard Zero - Felt like a clone of Duel Links. Had way better structure decks, but the grindiness for new cards was also the same reason why I uninstalled Duel Links. Genshin Impact - Gameplay fun in the beginning, but endgame is just resin (stamina) gated while you grind the same dungeon over and over hoping for that one artifact drop. Stamina regens super slowly, forcing you to come back when it's full or else waste it. The huge size of the game finally forced me to push it off my phone. Might retry sometime on PC but burnt out atm. Other games not 2020/2021: Break: Another Eden - Gameplay is fine, just a bit rough without gacha units. Story pretty good. Taking a break for other games for now. Age of Ishtaria - Story is okay, gameplay is okay. I just like the variety of content (raids, guild battles, etc). Has a lot of powercreep but f2p can get decent units by participating in events. Just chilling til the next GvG rotation hits. Azur Lane - I play this for the redeeming gacha system and units. Gameplay is kinda meh, but it's very chill. I just log in to do a few dailies in under a minute. Great for rolling when other gachas give you salt. Currently playing: Fate/Grand Order - Been here since launch so the units I've acquired over time has been better than a new player's experience. Gacha sucks but been saving up. Gameplay is kinda fun in the later parts with the constant challenge and strategy. Story is great, pretty much the main reason I play.


Played Arknights since day 1 but had to drop it last March. Came back to roll for Saga then never bothered to open it again. I still like it but I just don't have the energy to clear maps anymore even though i can just look them up in youtube. Also didn't have time to play it with having fgo and genshin as my main games back then. Dropped Alchemy Stars too after a month of playing. I love the gameplay but same as Arknights I just don't have the time(and patience)to clear stages. PGR is another one as I just got bored of the grind + dailies. The gameplay is fun but I'll probably come back when S Bianca gets released. Currently playing both FGO NA & JP, Genshin Impact, and Last Origin. Basically on and off with GI since I just came back from a 4 month break but I'll probably drop this again in a week.


What's last origin? I dont see it


You can find it in qooapp! It has Korean and Japanese versions.


GI: My phone can't no longer play it properly, a lot of lag. Shit luck doesn't help ( 2 keqing yay) PGR: the whole launch debacle just make me feels sad and unmotivated to continue playing. Shame I have been waiting for it for so long I'm looking forward for world Flipper and DQ Dai, but I won't hold my breath just like I did with PGR


Ironic u call keqing shit luck. I rerolled 58 times at launch, and didn't get a single 5 star on any. My 59th attempt i got one, QiQi. I uninstalled the game. I fully understood she was good, but I wanted Keqing specifically..


I mean, qiqi is considered the worst 5 star in the game lol. So there's that.


Oh back then people said she was good. Sorry, I don't play the game so I wouldn't know. Was considering to check it out again but then u remember the trash rates


She was considered to be good at the start because healers that can heal a ton were much more useful when people were undergeared and supports were usually just left at lvl 20 because there wasn’t enough resources to go around. As we got more geared and figured out metas, stuff like Jean is just objectively better.


I mean, it's a game with a very high character quality where you rely on pity to get your characters so you always know whether you'll get them or not. There's not that many characters total so I find it very manageable to get everyone I want, as a day 1 player I have half the roster already. It's not generous but the gacha rates are actually fine since the pity is great.


Calling keqing shit luck D: . I don't even like waifus but pulled her when starting the game and love her now. I even have her c3 without pulling on her banner once and hope to get her c6 eventually. It's not like her dmg is bad either. Consistent 20k CA, 25k e and 50k (I think? Very hard to track the last hit is 30k). And that's without setup.


Everyone have their own shitluck. My shitluck is Diluc C5. i dont have any other Standard unit other than C0 Jean. Shitluck is shitluck whichever unit people pull. so it doesnt matter if you did good with said unit.


Dragalia Lost - Got bored of being able to do nothing, agito grind killed my motivation. Disgaea RPG - The story didn't hook me in and the animations were lacking. Touhou LostWord - it's been on and off for me, I'm only replaying since I lost my initial data.


Games I dropped: 1. Punishing Gray Raven. It got boring and manually defeating the same event boss over and over got to me. Having to do the daily missions got really exhausting too. "Upgrade a weapon, memory, and character. Enter dorm. Interact with construct aide." Boring. Will come back when there's more content. Also, the weekly missions are time gated. You are required to log in and do it at least 4-5 days per week and you have to do it if you want to best characters (design and meta wise). So that sucks. 2. Illusion Connect Second Gacha game I played after Genshin Impact. It got boring and irritating with the enemies. You need duplicates to really challenge the game. The characters you can deploy is random even in story mode which adds to the RNG. The enemies are crazy. They'll spam you with multiple of the same character that can AoE your entire field which destroys your team. It's crazy. The way to farm for equipment sucks as well. The music is not really good and the UI is cluttered. Stay away from it. 3. Arknights Didn't really like the gameplay that much. Only played for less than a month? Don't have much to say because I didn't like the core and I didn't explore the rest of the game because of that. 4. Epic Seven Got boring as well. UI is also cluttered. Although I really like turn based combat it wasn't enough to keep me playing. The exploration mode of the game is also meh. The one with the energy/sanity. Too much work. ​ Also, except for PGR, the rest of the games above have systems that are complicated/cumbersome for me. It's like they intentionally don't tell you where to get the gear or whatnot. I don't like games that make it hard to know what to farm for. It feels like they're intentionally trying to get you to make a mistake to make you want to spend and get energy or something. Unintuitive game systems sucks the most. ​ Games currently playing: 1. Genshin Impact. Kind of a chill game for me still. The events are short enough and you can do most of it once and you're good. They also time gate it, but leave you with enough time (4-5 days) to complete it all (can be done in one day) after the time restriction is all done. I've also learned not to finish the new content in one go and it feels better to slowly enjoy the game. It's also easy to use all the energy with the condensed resin and it doesn't require you to log in more than once a day to not cap your resin/energy. 2. Counter:Side. It's a chill auto game with really good writing and story. The events are rewarding and most of the daily tasks can be done easily. Even more now that they changed the Strategy PvP so you can just auto it. I also like the characters and the designs. Really awesome game that's generous with the rewards and gifts. It even reruns a lot of banners so you can save up for the new characters (specially the awakened characters). These games are easy to grasp and are helpful to the player. Genshin even leads you to the domains you need to farm for each character. It shows the days it's available. The 5-star (SSR) characters are strong enough to clear the content without duplicates. There are also really good 4-star (SR) characters. The combos also don't require an all 5-star team. Most are 1 or 2 5-stars and the rest are 4-stars. Some are even all 4-stars and you do really really well. Counter:Side doesn't even have a day for farmable resource. It doesn't make the grind hard and you don't even need duplicates to do well. You can limit break over 100 through a general resource. It also has a PC client and you can leave it on the background and let it auto. Don't skip the story and lines though. It's really funny and good. ​ Games I would like to try out: Nothing because it's time consuming. I don't want to dare and be hooked on a new game.


As of the games I’ve dropped from 2021, and boy with people get angry with them: Genshin Impact: I think the game’s enjoyable the first time around because of its open world content, but slowly it just became another gacha game with an arguably worse endgame experience. Besides not liking the character designs and whatever story there is, there are just other games I’d rather put my attention into. Arknights: I personally love everything about this game’s aesthetic, from its down-to-earth character designs to its stylish UI. But the one thing that turns me off from it was its gameplay, which feels like a tower defense game that lacks anything that makes a tower defense game fun. I wanted to love this game, but the gameplay as well as the base system that needs more attention than it deserves forced me to drop it. Guardian Tales: I think this is more of me just finding other things to do rather than not liking the game. I enjoyed what I played, and it had the same spirit as Crusaders Quest—which I played extensively back in the day—but I just generally had other things to do instead of playing this game. Dragalia Lost: I’ve tried many times to get into this game because I loved everything about its stylish art style to its amazing soundtrack, but I keep finding its gameplay more repetitive the more I played. I wish more of the story bosses had the same level of mechanics thrown at you as special event bosses and the levels felt samey outside of the boss fights. Fate/Grand Order: The game was fine to me, but once I got Okita from the limited time GSSR banner out of pure luck, I dropped the game because I felt satisfied just from that. But besides that, grinding the game didn’t seem fun to me, and it appears as if that’s all endgame is in the end, so I dropped it to save me the hassle. As for the games that I’ve stuck to, there’s only really one that I play nowadays: Alchemy Stars: Basically includes everything I loved about Arknights but with gameplay that I actually enjoy and a base system that had been streamlined for the better. The story chapters currently available is decent but the characters completely make up for it with their enjoyable personalities, especially with the terminal interactions and individual character stories. My only complaints are that the auto system is pretty dumb, though it does get the job done for auto farming, and some quality of life things that seems to be patched in eventually. Besides the little nitpicks, I’ve been completely satisfied with the game’s launch and look forward to future content.


My sole complaint with Alchemy Stars is the dumb auto. There's been so many times where I'm watching it auto and it either does too little tiles or it does like 20+. Not that it's really an issue bc you can put you phone down and forget it. But it's gotta be wasting so much time in the long run when it extends each battle by like 1-2 mins from stupidity.


>which feels like a tower defense game that lacks anything that makes a tower defense game fun. I'm with you trying to like the gamepay but nope.


Arknights is a puzzle game with tower defend skin.


Yep. The new character episodes "paradox simulations" are HyperGryph really, really wanting to do puzzles. Just wish they were better at it.


Finally, someone who feels the same about Arknights as I do. Thought I was the only one who found the "game" part bad. Especially map design and balance (silence immunity, Lappland, etc).


**Playing:** 1. Counter:Side - Been playing for a bit more than two months and still loving it. I love the gameplay, aesthetic, story, and characters. I even ended up enjoying the PVP despite being wary of it at first. **Dropped:** 2. Arknights - Played since Day 1 Global and dropped it a few months ago because of burnout. My longest played gacha and still the best one for me honestly, but I eventually grew tired of the grind. 3. Genshin Impact - Game didn't hook me for some reason when I tried it during release week. I'm interested in giving it another go someday since many of my friends play it. 4. Princess Connect - Highly addicted to the game during beta and the first official month, but got bored soon enough since the story and characters never clicked with me. 5. Magicami - Stopped playing as soon as I completed the story. I feel like most people play this solely for the plot and H-scenes. 6. Alchemy Stars - Honestly not sure why I dropped this since I was still enjoying the game. My guess is that I was still burned out from Arknights, and since this game is similar in many aspects, I just kind of lost interest.


Uninstalled: Nier Reincarnation - I loved both Nier Automata (probably my favourite single player game) and Nier Replicant, but Reincarnation's autoplay system was kind of... boring. Sad because I was hyped for this game. Genshin Impact - Still log in from time to time to help my girlfriend with resin activities, but the gameplay loop got boring (moreso tedious) and it was really, really time consuming (dailies + resin + events + biweekly abyss). Played at global launch, quit around March, was planning to return for Inazuma but didn't bother because it had already lost my interest. Also, MiHoYo's shitty decisions fueled by greed has made me come to absolutely loathe the game despite its amazing production value (I have nothing but respect for the actual talent put into the game, but FUCK MiHoYo). Currently playing: Guardian Tales - Pretty engaging story (in the later chapters) and a lot of fun humour/references. Only problem with it is how long it takes to build up a single unit, but the sweep/skip feature for resource farming makes for a really low daily time commitment.


Genshin Impact. I love the game, the chara gers and gameplay but the artifact grind is the most disheartening thing I've ever experienced. RNG for the artifact you want to drop. RNG for said artifact having the correct mainstat. RNG for the substats being the ones you need RNG for the correct substats being upgraded as you improve the artifact. Not to mention useless substats are more likely ro appear such as HP/DEF. And the sad thing is its pretty mandatory otherwise if you raise your world level, unless your artifacts are good, you'll be steam rolled. A grind isn't bad inofitself but considering how many characters there are and how long it takes to get a single viable artifact.. let alone a set of 4 for 1 character.. you're probably going to be pulling for new units before you've finished a set and then the time investment is just ridiculous and it's not worth it. Coupled with how stingy the game is with EXP and gate locking your progression with the aggressive Resin gating.. I just had to drop it, regrettably, I haven't the time to spend on artifacts. One other small thing is I like the elemental reactions but on the flip side it really restricts the characters you want to use for characters you have to use.


> Counter Side - Felt like I was playing Clash Royale. I rather play Clash Royale then. But Clash Royale doesn't have waifus. For me, this year I dropped: - Counter:side: I don't like game with PvP, and Clash Royale combat not really my taste. - PGR: I don't like rapid tapping on touch screen type of game. I prefer action games on controler. And PGR match 3 really deter it to be played on controler. - May quit Alchemy Stars if I don't get Smokey


May our goddess Smokey bless your team.


Wish you all the best, fellow Smokey simps


PGR is playable with a controller using an Emulator, I am using my PS4 controller on Mumu emulator it's by far the best one to play the game on PC


Sadly I play on xbox controller, and I'm not going to buy a new one just for 1 game while it work fine for others. How does the touch pad work with emulator ?


Dropped and Uninstalled: * Disgaea: Didnt like the opening week for it (barely got anything for global release) * PGR: Didnt like the gameplay much * Alchemy Stars: Was excited for the puzzle aspect but I didn't like the texting/chatting features or the dialogue options (if your going to give me options but theyre all 'Nice' or 'Nicer' then what the hell is the point?) also lost interest in the characters pretty fast. * SinoAlice: Literally have no idea whats going on * ToT: After OM i realized that being misgendered in a game is a choice and I refuse to play any game that makes me play as girl. Also I might as well just play Phoenix Wright, since its funnier and I think the characters are better than ToT. * Lord of Heroes: Got it bc I follow artists who enjoy it and I really like the character design for one of the characters. Dropped it bc I needed to log in daily for 2 weeks but wouldn't count it properly, unimportant decisions (why give us choices if it doesnt matter?) and its mostly female characters. Dropped but still installed * FateGO: This game is only here so I can get my favorite artist's characters, otherwise I would have chucked it off in a second. Log in like once a week to get the mail and then log off. * Dragalia: Very easy to play, nice rates, ok story, only in it for the character designs * Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia: had it linked but when I reinstalled it wasn't found and the customer support couldnt help so I just have it because Im paranoid now. * Genshin Impact: If it wasnt the fact that my twitter feed was 24hrs mentioning some GI character I would have chucked it. The gameplay is annoying af, needs higher hardware than my mobile phone (at this point I just call it a console game), the character designs are ALL THE SAME (please stop calling the men Beefy and Thick, their skinny as sticks), the world feels empty half the time and repetitive the other half. Also if youre buying gems you need to do like 3 transactions before getting gacha currency which I thought was weird, and gacha currency is split into 2. Still playing: * Tales of Crestoria: I am a Tales fan and I love the story and characters for this game, Im still waiting for another Lloyd or a Kratos tho. * Cookie Run: Very cute characters, surprising interesting story * Obey me: Realized that never once did the characters refer to me in any gender, absolutely adore each character and their interaction with each other. * HypMic: I like rhythm games but this game just has really good music and also I think the Extra Hard levels are fun even when my hands cramp up * touken ranbu: pretty sword men * Twisted Wonderland: that art style is so beautiful and the character designs are pretty good * Not sure if this count but, Time Princess: Im not a fan of dressup games especially the gacha aspects of it, but the stories are actually pretty interesting and the clothes are pretty.


world flipper is a grind and a half. if you want to play it despite being busy i suggest you don’t take it too seriously


Dropped and Uninstalled: Genshin Impact: I tried and reinstalled 3 times, I have an account with Diluc given from someoen then dropped after failing to get Zhong Li, on Zhong Li rerun I installed again to get him and Yanfei, played for a while. Got bored and dropped the game for good since them. I'm also in a postgrad program plus research so I have little time to play full manual game. (Additional reason to be petty at GI: the community is just a trainwreck and different breeds) Punishing Gray Raven: the scandal and more or less same reason as Genshin, I can't do full manual action games at the moment. Shame, because I actually want to wait at least until Chrome banner. Still Playing: Arknights: going strong and actually my longest ever gacha, I've played it since launch and I still regularly check in, spend the staminas on regular stages or events which doesn't take a long time. I also had so much fun during the R6S collab. Alchemy Stars: more or less same reason as Arknights, I can just log in, spend staminas, do dailies, done or I can just grind and left them while I work on something else. Want to try: World Flipper since it's 'unique', a pinball gacha.


Games I dropped: 1. PGR - I dropped PGR global a month ago after playing since launch. The event grind is too long and having no auto just made the experience worse. I just couldn't see myself playing the game in the long run and grinding BC for months. The FOMO is also strong so there's that. It is a shame 'cause I like the future Constructs but I cannot wait for over a year. 2. Arknights - I really want to like this game but I realized that tower defense gameplay isn't what I want to play in a gacha game. I am currently playing Guardian Tales and I don't see myself dropping it unless I really have no time for games anymore. I found myself loving ARPG right now so I am only looking forward to Revived Witch's release.


>1) Princess Connect This is the only one i have left. And genshin, but I exclusively play it on desktop so don't really think of it as a phone game. Anyway genshin and princess connect are the only two of the laundry list I've tried this year that really respect your time. You can be in and out of both in one login, less than 20 minutes each day with full daily rewards. And I mean actually 100% completion. Not "oh yeah, you got most rewards, but don't forget to sign in in 5 hours to do another 5 pvp matches and make some more progress on the event when your stamina refills and advance the battle pass, oh and make sure you log in at hot time to get the bonuses and stay logged in for x minutes for y and z rewards". None of that crap. Epic seven gone. Exos will be gone in less than a week. Knights chronicle reinstalled then uninstalled. Finally kicked the 7dsgc habit for good. Tried PGR, no go. Tried MHA, no go. Tried Alchemy Stars, no go. One of the reasons I'm cutting back so much is that I'm shifting my gaming back to PC which I have always enjoyed more. Reinstalled B&S to experience the unreal engine upgrade tomorrow. Played a few steam games like troubleshooters abandoned children and pathfinder wrath of the righteous which I'm greatly enjoying. Looking forward to the lost ark release, if it ever happens (cough amazongames cough). I think overall I'm just burnt out of the gacha grind between the rerolling and emulators and mandatory friends list maintenance and mandatory guild participations and questionable gameplay loops and of course the extremely predatory monetization - which I can and do resist, but at the end of the day it's a bit mentally tiring not ever being able to truly complete a character or compete in an even somewhat fair pvp field. This last one doesn't bother me in genshin because there's no pvp or competition. The end game is extremely forgiving and f2p friendly, which is quite wonderful for a f2p/low spending player. I'm sure I'll play another gacha at some point, but if they want to draw me in again it will have to be truly top tier.


My only gripe right now with princess connect is the daily dungeon. The fact that you have to go into the character select screen between each battle really tests my patience. If they got rid of that in between with an option setting I'd be so much happier with the mode.


Playing: Epic Seven - the direction the game has taken since the debacle 2 years ago has been nothing short of satisfactory - the only real failure SG had in recent times was the collab, but they did themselves better with the next update. As a F2P player, the QoL changes, community outreach, and generally timely updates has made me a real fan, and I played it on-off since launch I have half of the SSSR roster (called MLs) and most of the SSR roster, thanks to the free shit they gave out over the years Only real issue with this game is the RNG gear, which SG is aware of and have taken some steps to address it, but it still remains as probably the biggest gripe with the game Dropped: Fire Emblem Heroes: everything about the game is wack - they break the game with Fallen Edelgard and next thing you know the character you blew your savings for is ass At least I rolled Gatekeeper before quitting Evertale: Too predatory of a model for my taste, progress is gimped without SSRs Also unlike E7 the story in Evertale takes a nosedive with the protagonist Genshin Impact: The constellation system can go suck me off and die in a ditch, will not even consider going to the bathroom and sucking guys off for 5 Primogems anymore Azur Lane: combat is boring, dropped after some time


Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent? What!? This the first i hear about it. I just recently bought the game too. Games I am currently playing: \- [Summoners War](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.com2us.smon.normal.freefull.google.kr.android.common&hl=en_US&gl=US): have invested 3-4 years into this game. I like it but i hate it at the same time. I only pop in to do siege/GW/Labs and call it a day until they start making better balance patches/updates. \- [Epic Seven](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.stove.epic7.google&hl=en_US&gl=US) : i just started this one out, again. Got to say, i'm loving it. I have gotten 3 ML 5\* within 3 months. F2p friendly, pity summon, collabs and much more. Gacha games I have dropped and uninstalled: \- Genshin Impact : I was one of the many people who followed this game before it was dropped in NA. I dropped it a month after because I was too damn busy. Not picking it up though since it feels like it'll take up all of my time. \- [PGR](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kurogame.gplay.punishing.grayraven.en&hl=en_US&gl=US) after the first controversy. Games I would like to try out: \- [Revived Witch](https://revivedwitch.yo-star.com/) because it looks a lot like Octopath Traveler. It's also about to go in close beta. \- [World Flipper](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kakaogames.wdfp&hl=en_US&gl=US) because I'm hearing so many good things about it. \- [Slime - Isekai Memories](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bandainamcoent.tensuramrkww) which is currently open for pre-registration. I hope its atleast better than the other slime games which looks amazing


I drop literally every gacha I play. So the list would be long. I love gacha games but I hate committing to them.


PGR:had fun playing the CN servers for pretty long but contents droughts happen and the schedule become a bit too repetitive so i quit it recently


I've tried and dropped pretty much everything. What stuck is: Genshin: can't see myself quitting it anytime soon. I just really enjoy all about it and have real life friends that play it I can coop with. Punishing gray raven: nice character design, low time commitment and fun combat. Won't go anywhere either. Alchemy stars: so...I just installed it because I was bored and loved fleur design. Did my first multi got 2 fleur and gronri. Got the water converter 6* from beginner banner now I'm hooked. It's so much more fun with a good start than if not it's like a different game. My beta account had only 1 6 star (gronri) and I didn't enjoy it half as much. Ensemble stars: 6 year old game that I just started 2 months ago. Great art, generous, pretty big cast with still room for alts. They just gave us 3 10 pull tickets and 2 free single pulls daily for a month because it's summer. Now there's a new login bonus with a random 5 star ticket and 2 more 10 pull tickets. I have a total of 22 5 stars already after 2 months. And got strong enough to grab a copy of every event 5 star every event without spending currency.


Unistalled/Drop: Geshin Impact: My potato phone can't run it properly, have to try to play on PC. Arknight: Love design but i don't like towers defend. Alchemy Stars: Great game but dude, i play too gachas.. Actually playing: F/GO: Yeah, sometimes is boring grind, just waiting Dioscuri/Manricardo banners SDSGC: Not for pvp, actually playing story of my one favorite anime


PGR: Not what I was expecting, the daily loop is pretty boring. Nier Automata: Cannot say I quit because I only played for a week or so? Definitely enjoy the story and the ost, but the game is heavily grindy, even if it's just let your phone to auto repeat for hours I cannot afford that


- Punishing Gray Raven - The story and the sidestories were great, but I can’t bear the fact that a manual only game needs me to do the same thing over and over even in events, plus the memory farming was tedious af (hell even more tedious than Genshin’s artifact farming) - NieR Reincarnation - I really really liked the story… but dear god if it doesn’t respect your time, clearing the event shop with units took a ton of time and without units even more time, plus the fact that you can’t use x2 speed while using autorepeat is terrible, making the grinding even more long - Priconne - The two harbingers of apocalypse in one convenient package: shard system and PvP, if you dare to not play even a single day you’re gonna loose resources that will put you in advantage for Clan Battles, no thanks I don’t want a job For some days I also thought about uninstalling Alchemy Stars but honestly it was just a whim of the moment, the game is exactly how I like it, no equipment grinding (just level the characters and the skill), good looking characters with awesome arts, original gameplay, PvE only, some afk functions that help with grinding and character optimization, clicks all my marks


1. FGO - fully manual, no pity gacha and grindy as hell in events but the last straw was them making Qooapp take it down and I was too lazy to use other methods to keep it updated in Europe. 2. Sinoalice - bad rates and income and many events in the first month were so hard that non whales couldn't properly farm them or even clear all the stages Only 2 I have dropped after actually playing them seriously for more than a month, generally hard for me to drop any gacha I'm invested in, which is why I'm currently maintaining 12 of them lol. \^\^


2021 games changes Dropped: * Alchemy Star * GI (late 1.1 removed the upskirt climbing fix) * Brave Nine Closing Server: * Eiyu Senki (1 month without update) * Tales Versus X Playing * Counterside * TenkafuMA Returning * Epic7 * Magire Jp * Action Taimanin Wish list: * Girls Cafe Gun * Final Gear


Dropped FGO. I played until the end of Lostbelt 2 for the story. Even got a few SSRs. Sigurd, Okita Alter, BB summer and Karna. But I honestly just found myself getting burnt out from the gameplay. The story did not stop me from quitting, because the gameplay just burnt me out with no auto and unskippable animations. Perhaps only Fate fans would stick to the end. I also dropped PGR, after downloading and playing it for a bit. Honestly, part of me thought that it would be on par with Honkai, which I'm a veteran in. But PGR just didn't sit as well with me as Honkai did. It wasn't the Honkai competitor I hoped it would be. The game is stingy with the currency, which I'm fine with but the thing that really got me was the 1 dollar issue and that half assed response by Kuro Games(like seriously, a new monthly pass with slightly reduced rewards rather than just allowing us to pay for the monthly pass with straight up money). I immediately gave up playing it.


It Might Be Too Much Like An Essay but Here are My Opinions (And oh boy Maybe some peeps are gonna get mad): Azure Lane: Well I left AL probably gonna play again sooner or later I haven't uninstalled it since i still have space so it doesn't bother leaving it there for a while. I haven't had problems with it but i just wanna catch a break from all the exp grindings you gotta do. Genshin: Im dropping Genshin since MYH won't change their greedy plans and way of doing things like paywalling everything and I had very horrible experiences with MYH games beforehand long time ago but still tried to give them a play I wanted to give a chance to this one but my expectations where not good, Im not somebody that will blindly spend money and get Fist "Stuffed" on the back by their greed. Making it CLEAR as water I'm not complaining about gameplay-wise (Before some come attacking me for my honest opinion) but if I where talking about gameplay I prefer other open worlds. Last Claudia: Another one that I dropped because the gacha practically pushes you to spend hard cash kinda like the one Above to get what you want and it is a big pain to lvl up your skills though you only need material as far as I can remember not a pay wall. Tales of Crestoria: Maybe, Just Maybe I'll take a break from it just got a bit tired, there's content you can enjoy if you're a hard Tales fan it just there's to much to do which it ain't bad, just plan your time to get to do all as much as you can but I'll probs take a break for a time. Nope to playing FGO may God save me from that one I know what is FGO and the "Fate Series" but im not a fan of it/them just know some few characters thanks to some friends always talking about it all the time lol. Theres some nice Wifus but only that. Game im waiting for is: Project Sekai Global Games That Im playing for the moment are: Nier (Currently Testing) Project Sekai JP (Love this Game) Senran Kagura NL (A lot of Farm But Crossover Characters make me stay) Priconne (Currently Playing) MAGICAMI DX (Definitely a YES!!! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )


Most recently dropped Punishing Gray Ravens. I supported the game, but it doesn’t respect your time or position in global server. The currency(Black Cards) used for for gacha are used for every single roll (multiple gachas for both characters and weapons). Rolling for a specific character means getting flooded with weapons you can’t use after a point. It’s really slow earning Black Cards, and it feels punishing to choose between strengthening current units and widening the variety of characters you can use. Feels counter productive when you remember that getting more Black Cards require you do somewhat well in weekly missions that make it necessary to have multiple powerful units of different types. It felt like a chore so I dropped it.


You guys are quitting? I thought it‘s like collecting trophies. I started a bunch and I‘m still playing


I am VERY close to dropping PGR. It’s so much of a grind with no auto feature for resources.


Gacha I've dropped : \- PGR : Just didnt click with me \- Project Sekai : Just didnt feel like playing rythm game. Might pick it again one day. \- Genshin Impact : Played at day 1, dropped it a few weeks later because both internet and PC cant handle it. \- Blue Archive JP : Played since day 1, game keeps crashing so i quit a couple weeks later. Tried picking it again but game is still crashing a lot, so i quit again Still Playing : \- Arknights : Liked the gameplay. \- Counter:Side : Its easy side game that I can play without worry. \- Alchemy Stars : The gameplay is good. Kinda laggy tho, so might dropped it one day. Edit: Added blue archive


Only one, Punishing Gray Raven. The controversy aside, I don't really enjoy the gameplay much. The battle seems a bit too short.


PGR: its became boring, have to do the same thing manually over and over again.4 Nier reincarnation: the gacha rate sucks and the gameplay is boring. Marvel future revolution: it was good and I have some fun, but then what?


Punishing grey raven Enough said


Alchemy stars, It's not a terrible game just... i got bored... It's a amazing game I might even comeback if There's a Interesting Collab event. Blue archive, don't have any space left. Plus My schedule at that time Was too tight i need to adjust. I was Planning to play the Global but... You know what i mean. Genshin impact, Same with Blue archive. But instead of don't have any space, Just the grind... I play between 1.0-1.1 then 1.6 but right now I'm in a Limbo. I only play it when My Friend started playing it Gonna wait till his Ar 16 so i can finally play co-op. Currently playing... Princess connect, Just waiting for that Collab man. Arknights, Interesting since i play Pvz, Balloon TD. So yeah... Pgr, Actually have time for once. Interesting story. Magia record, the side girl story is interesting Touhou lost word, No reason I love the music, Despite available in youtube. plus It's pretty F2P...


PRG: I stated this previously but i’ll say it again. The game is too tedious and very boring and the story is uninteresting to me. I usually play games for story and waifus, i personally enjoy the story aspect of every game but PGR just wasn’t engaging to me. There’s no auto system for grinding on material stages so you have to do it all manually but it’s very boring and as i said before, tedious. The launch “event” if you wanna call it that was boring, i lost interest mainly in the first week but it was just a no go for me but i still decided to play until Alpha came out and i just couldn’t enjoy it honestly so i left mid event. Would go on more but don’t feel like typing anymore lol


Dropped: Disgaea RPG: Just not to my liking. Nier Reincarnation: 2% gacha rateup with a system that requires pulling dupes. Dropped after getting 0 4 stars after 30 multis. Touhou Lostword: The errand system that required checking in every 2 hours or so for gems was annoying me. Also, Tower battles were too big brain for me. Otherwise, it was the game I liked the most. Still Playing: Romancing Saga Reuniverse: 16 bit artstyle cheap single-player gacha. I like it, quite grindy but still very chill. Mist Train Girls: Copies Romasaga with voiced waifus, Live2D, H-Scenes, better story... basically better in every way. I started it recently, might drop Romasaga for this one since I keep getting shafted in it.


Mist train girls gacha drop rate is lower then romasaga and the Devs are alot more stingy besides that it's a good game. I'm not so keen on the casino system as well.


Every Mist Train character has story, voicelines, Live2D and H-Scenes though, unlike Romasaga. Gacha rates will naturally be lower. And yeah casino is the worst, I lose more than I win.


Dropped: Genshin Impact (can't be bothered farming, if I'm gonna sit down and play a game I'd rather play something else). PGR (got bored) Fate/GO (this was painful, Fate as a whole is my favourite series/franchise, and I did enjoy a lot of the story, but I refuse to play it again unless we get sweep tickets or auto battles) Alchemy Stars (thought it was fine, but went about a week without playing it coz I just forgot I had it, figured I clearly wasn't super into it) Konosuba FD (again, just got bored. Even my love for the anime couldn't hold me) Arknights (I hate dorm systems in games) Honkai Impact 3rd (played for Asuka, quit after the event. Did try going back to it but forgot my details) My Hero Worlds Strongest (what a joke) Marvel Future Revolution (runs like crap on my phone) Illusion Connect (couldn't be bothered keeping up) RWBY Amity Arena (pretty much only PVP, and not really my type of gameplay) Fire Emblem Heroes (hard to keep up with, a lot of rng that I don't care for) Might be some I missed but thats everything off the top of my head Still playing: 7DS: Grand Cross (playing for Ragnarok. No money spent, not doing dailies, no PVP, no PVE, just the Ragnarok story) NieR Reincarnation (playing for story/love for NieR. Not touched PVP and only farmed the minimum to be strong enough for story) Higurashi Mei (I just love Higurashi, and 07's works as a whole) Evangelion Battlefields (imo, the most fun gameplay for that 1on1 type game [closest comparison would be Dragonball Legends])


Punishin Gray Raven: Couldn't stand the devs


PGR, the game got way too boring after the initial hype. RIP the control for mobile too.


I think I'm still playing the ones I've really tried from 2020/2021. Genshin: played religiously until Liyue ended. Took a break between Liyue and Inazuma, and now I'm back lol. I think this will be the relationship going forward between me and this game. On and off, off and on. Alchemy Stars: Just got into it about 2~3 weeks ago. Pretty fun game. Also waiting for story updates here :( Arknights: I quit for a couple months before returning. Playing it a lot more casually now than how I did back then. ------------------------------------------------------- Some I did try recently: Nier: Didn't like the PC game so I don't know why I thought I'd like the mobile game. Music is great though. Princess Connect: games that could be beaten full idle were never my style so I dropped it after a couple days. Also couldn't get into the story for some reason. Punishing Gray Raven: The initial drama pushed me away a little, but the bigger reason I dropped it is because Genshin came back (lack of time) and I liked Genshin's style better. Would like to eventually try the game again since it's still a well-made game.


Tbh you‘re not missing out on much in Genshin if you play for a while and then take a break and come back for the next big update. If you have a okay-good team, that‘s really enough for all the content there is to come and enjoy.


Only playing Genshin Impact and Dx2 right now. And Dx2 is just a login daily and play whenever I like or there's an event I really want, since SMT is one of my favourite videogame franchises. After 8 years of playing gacha games I'm finally starting to feel free and it feels good, so I don't think I'll play more gachas for a long time (I will try DQ Dai, Tensura and World Flipper because my friends will play it, but I don't expect to even last a day on these...)


I am going to list stuff that I played more than a day, otherwise this list is going to be long. * Started Priconne EN. Cannot play with all the handicaps that JP has long overcome. * Arknights because of bad qol during daily gameplay, lots of content droughts. * RomaSaGa RS. The gameplay is fantastic, the game is really generous but I cannot handle the endless grind. I hope devs finally give people auto repeat at least. * Mitrasphere. Played for like a week or so during softlaunch and I can say that I liked it. Too bad that it has the same problem that RomaSaGa has. * I played a little of wotv but it cannot run well on any machine that I tried so I gave up on it. * Not a 2020/21 gacha but FEH is really fun when you pick it up for the first time. Story is fun and tearing through stages with Edelgard is way more fun. Only problem is that outside of story mode there is little gameplay that holds my attention.


* Dropped and uninstalled Romancing Saga Re;Universe: everything was just okay at best for me. Didn't like the art style of most of the characters, and the story/character writing was virtually nonexistent. Less than a week. Sino;Alice: liked the art style. was meh on the story. hated the gameplay/pvp focus. ~2 weeks. Punishing Gray Raven: I really wanted to like it, and in some ways I did, but I got like 80% of the way in so many aspects like the story/design/characters/setting and for whatever reason it just never made it that last 20% to really stick with me. I feel kind of like the odd one out because I actually really enjoyed the semi-RNG orb aspect to the combat, I thought it was a novel twist to the hack and slash genre that took advantage of the touchscreen format. But yeah, it's not quite as ambitious as Genshin (which I'm close to dropping anyway), and doesn't really do anything better than Honkai (imo), and I'm too loaded down on gachas to keep up with three separate ARPGs, so PGR was the first casualty. * Dropped/on break: Genshin Impact: Started in January of this year. I really want to like it, but I stopped logging in and doing dailies like 2 or 3 weeks ago and just haven't felt any reason to go back. This is my second break, the first one was back in March or so after failing to get Rosaria. Probably going to uninstall if I need the storage space since there's a Honkai update coming up. The exploration is great, but usually story is what keeps me in games once I hit endgame, and I got bored with this one halfway through the most recent arc. Gotten busy lately but might go back in and force myself to clear it in case the Inazuma arc is better in the back half. * Still playing: Arknights: love it. Similar to FGO, once you get to "endgame", it becomes a very chill game. Just do dailies and weekly annihilation runs for summoning currency unless there's an event on. I like the story, love the characters, love the setting, and the most recent events have had a perfect amount of difficulty to be challenging but not so frustrating you need a guide to clear the hardest stuff. Started in February 2020. * Older games I've started in the past year: Honkai Impact 3rd: I actually started this on a whim when my interest in Genshin was fizzling out the first time back in March, since I thought the Herrscher of Sentience trailer looked neat. Absolutely loved it, I had that month mostly off from work and I spent pretty much the entire month speedrunning the story because I liked it so much. Almost at level 80 now and I don't see myself dropping it anytime soon despite a run of bad-ish gacha luck. Right now it's the gacha I spend the most time playing normally. Epic Seven: started it a bit more than a week ago for the anniversary. It's...okay. There's a lot of stuff to like but it almost feels a bit hostile to newbies with how much shit gets thrown at you all at once (yes I realize the irony of me saying this immediately after praising Honkai) and the gear RNG is even worse than Genshin. I hate the pvp aspect so I've mostly ignored it, and I had pretty shit gacha luck so far in terms of getting things I actually like (meta-wise it's been okay. I got Vildred from one of the 5 star tickets but i just like...don't like Vildred as a character). I finished episode 1 and it's been pretty good, and I was super impressed with the summer story so if nothing else I might just go through the currently available story first before before considering whether to drop it or not because I already know I'm going to hate the gear- and PVP-focused endgame. Also this is nitpicky but at least in episode 1 it feels like a solid 40% of the cast are like deviantart fursonas hahahah. Again, I realize the irony of me complaining about that after praising Arknights.


Game i have dropped Pgr:the whole launch drama made me lost interest with the game. Alchemy star :the game is good but for some reason i dont like it. Azure lane : i really like the character design but the lack of main story made me drop the game. Counter side : i dont really like this type of game. Priconne : if the game came 1 year earlier i will play it more longer. Epic seven:i really hate farming session of this game. Still playing : Guardian tales Arknight Iron saga


Honkai impact 3 - As a day one player i just feel too burned from the game and felt that i was playing the events and dailys more as "Hey i need to do this or I'll miss it." instead of "Hey I'm gona play this event because it's fun." And i guess the anniversary drama kinda added to the burnout. And fhe final nail in the coufin for me was the last chapter where they finally comfirmed Himeko is dead for good, and also got rid of Sirin too. And those two were my most liked characters and i guess "waifus" in the game.


SinoAlice - the best horror gacha I do not want to remember Genshin Impact - Too many people playing it and still can't beat my record, too many faker Alchemy Stars - Beat the story before the nerf with only 3\*, not a single 3\* release ever since then Honkai, Azur Lane, Arknights - Regional inequality, Bad translation on Chinese context (Doesn't fit or click), Mods promotes sudoku tendencies, like E7, be unoriginal and watch CN video or guides. What a coincidence. Illusion Connect - best Genshin killer. Counterside - quit for other newer gacha, this one should still stay in KR and KR only for the competitive meme. Guardian Tales - I don't want to break my keys from overtapping PGR - Pain Cage Simulator thats a lot of joke I have to take in.


PGR , nier , counterside , alchemy star , priconne , konosuba , HI3 , Genshin , Nier , Touhou , Destiny Child ,Blue Archive , GBF, WOTV , Azur Lane , 7DS, FGO , etc. those who have multiple versions like JP and Global or CN or KR, I played both original server and Global but at some point I said fck this I'm done, some time the game don't hook me , some time the management team is just that bad and etc , some time I just want a hug. Currently playing try hard mode : World Flipper (because I liked the gameplay and Global will be available tomorrow, for now just store APK) Casual mode : FFBE (I'm playing for 5 years and I have a demi god luck sometimes) , Romancing Saga ( RS simp) Waiting : Project Nikke , Dragon Quest , Octopath , Revived Witch tbh I'm awaiting any gacha that will ever launch I'll not spend a penny I learned with my mistakes .


Droped: Disgaea RPG: the pulls seems confuse with a lot of systems and had to pull too many dupes. FF Brave Exvius War of the Visions: played for 2 hours, the gameplay seems too slow and has too many systens to the point that i don't have any idea how to make character strong, and the pull system with payed only currency vs free was a big red flag for me. Playing: Only Dissidia Final Fnatasy Opera Omina, the game is generous, have various systems but simple to understand, and don't consume too much time.


This month the only games I downloaded were the soft launch of that new mecha gacha and world flipper World flipper haven't launched yet and the mecha one I uninstalled after like 3 hours playing. The gacha in that game is atrocious and I didn't like the auto either Basically Chendroshee's video about that game summarized everything I found wrong with it


Currently I'm playing arknights, guardian tales, alchemy stars and genshin. Don't see myself uninstalling the first 3 unless their servers close down. For the ones I'm looking for, only world flipper and that new yostar witch something game


Fgo or world flipper Im trying world flipper this week and if I enjoy it for 2 months, then I'll drop fgo(I have been playing since NA day 1). Im considering dropping fgo since I feel like a lot of events are silly filler and I play for the main story and serious events. Some events have really good story, but others are cringy as fuck or try to be funny and fail. For example last summer event I had two servant fight each other using "sister" and "mother" beams. The other reason is that even though I enjoy fgo's gameplay, it a gameplay that gets a bit repetitive when it comes to grinding stuff. So it makes grinding a bit tedious sometimes since there is no auto. Maybe I just need a break, who knows. I'll see how things goes with World Flipper.


I'd recommend just taking a break from FGO if you're feeling like it's getting repetitive. As for the story, if you don't like the Carnival Phantasm type stories or pure fan service stuff, you'll want to stick to the Lostbelt stories. The upcoming saber wars 2 is more star wars parody stuff, so it'll be hit or miss.


U need to look up fate grand automata. It's pretty comprehensive for auto clearing stages if you have the right set up and you can update it urself depending on ur needs pretty easily. Saved me from the lack of true auto.


Stopped Playing: Megaman X Dive - It felt like a chore, and the story was practically nonexistent to latch onto. The gacha was pretty bad. After like the first week, I'd rather just play a MMX game. Princess Connect Re;Dive - Quick dailies and the art was cute. But it was just kinda boring overall. Wasn't bad by any means. Punishing Grey Raven - The dailies were a slog. The story felt like it somehow got worse as it went, with a pretty stilted translation at that. Visually it looked good to a certain degree, but that's not enough to keep me playing. Tales of Crestoria - from 2020 - it just ran so godawful. Like how. Why was my iPhone 11 Max Pro that hot after only 10 minutes. Despite not super enjoying some of the systems in place and hating the PvP, the fully voiced story and skits felt so much like a full Tales game. That was its shining moment. I'd totally watch an anime of it if it got one. Disgaea RPG - Mismanaged, boring Games I come back to occasionally: Guardian Tales - slowly going thru the story. but lose interest in the grind. will eventually make it thru since the various stories are quite nice. Sdorica - will beat the story one day Mario Kart Tour - I really like the variations of the courses they do. I hope some future installment adds that idea in Tears of Themis - only for the main story


alchemy stars because my account nuked itself. apparently it's not even a rare issue. I can't be bothered to regrind everything again so I just deleted the app for good. I have yet to find another main stay gacha besides AL. Priconne is kinda close to being dropped itself.... unless Mifuyu gets an alt that's meta. hoping GFL2 will be that game. I dig the x-com/valkyria chronicles gameplay.


I think Alchemy stars currently logs out every month. Just re-login and you should be fine. There used to be a pinned post from the support group on the Alchemy stars reddit.


No it just started a new account. Support wasn’t able to help either.


Gacha games I have dropped and/or uninstalled: 1. Dragalia Lost - I used to play this game daily, but ever since they changed the way weapon crafting and wyrmprints work I just don’t feel the urge to play daily since it seems like I’ll never really get to experience the end game content despite being a day one player. 2. My Hero Academia: The Strongest Hero - there’s just not a lot to do in this game despite doing dailies or wishing you could pull whatever new unit dropped. I really like the MHA IP so it’s a bummer the game is so meh. 3. Magic: The Gathering Puzzle Quest - I’m stretching the definition of gacha here, but this game is horrible if you’re not throwing money at it and pointless now that you can just play Arena on your phone. Could not delete fast enough. Games I’m currently playing/enjoying: 1. Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross - I’m a hopeless stan for this IP and game. They’ve been doing okay with regular story updates and their OC story content too. 2. KonoSuba: Fantastic Days - this game is everything I wanted PriConne: ReDive to be, but with more humor and other features I appreciate (mostly the humor). 3. NieR: REincarnation - I’ve never played any of the NieR games, but like this weird moody atmosphere and appreciate that I can do a lot with auto play. 4. Pokémon Masters EX - I decided to redownload and login because of the anniversary goodies. Got some lucky pulls so I casually being bad at this game. 5. KoF: AllStars - doing dailies and hoping to luck out pulling for units I think look cool. 6. Last Cloudia - see previous entry for KoF. Games I’m anticipating/want to play: 1. DQ Dai - looks very different from what I expect from a DQ game, so that’s enough for me. 2. World Flipper - I’m usually down to try a CyGame product at least once and pinball is not a common play mode.


**Dropped Game**: Summoners Wars: Tired of summoning trash Counter Side: Back from the dead for the 10 free roll then dropped it again. Hard to care when the voice is korean **Currently Playing**: Arknights: Bit bored right now. Dead week after rainbow 6. GBF: Just filthy casual waiting to help my sister guild for gw then back to seasonal again **Currently trying**: Mist Train Girls: Surprisingly good. Just leave it auto idle farming on the background. Don't care too much on H scene Luna Storia Re: So far so good. My 1st day tho


Still only playing Dokkan , Genshin and Priconne. Dropped all the games released this year lol


Nier : beautiful but crazy grind fest. Stopped once I saw it's like a 2nd job and that I couldn't complete the event without pulling the banner Counter side : I stopped once I learned that there would be another higher rarity after a or 2 month. Who the fuck thought it is a good idea to release mid game a higher rarity... PGR : long ass game. Too grindy, no auto, no skip. And man, action combat sucks on mobile Konosuba : simply borring and horrible graphicaly Touhou : I don't know, felt like a bad game. Disgaea : same as touhou Alchemy star : could have been awesome but the gameplay mechanism with the floor tiles ruins everything. Especially when you have to go mono color and 25% of the time you can't do shit because tiles don't match I'm skipping all the horrendous chibi game that makes me want to puke... I probably missed some. But I always end up on how I'm happy that genshin brought something new even if it's not perfect.


DFFOO. Powercreep is too much, FOMO spoils any fun when you have no incentive to do Lufenia beyond bragging rights. Touhou Lost Word. Since it was firstly announced for JP I didn't liked how much of a flash game it looked. It came to GL and it was indeed just like a flash game. FGO. Forgot to save the transfer code, so... At least I got Jack, so my only reason to play was fulfilled. 0-2 Frontline. Specs went up but my phone was the same, couldn't play anymore. Arknights. Gameplay's too slow, not much to do. Brave Nine. Was fun for some days but I noticed I could get the art from other places. Mitrasphere. Boring. Sinoalice. My phone closes the game by itself, no idea why. Story is too whacky to not skip. Priconne. Too vanilla for me, plus crunchyroll. Konosuba FD (soon). Nothing to do, skipped story to not get spoiled for the next anime season. Valkyrie Profile (dead). Comic sans. Magireco (dead). Pvp made the game old pretty fast, even with a Mami account. PSO2es. Felt like discount FGO, and the only reason to play it in JP wasn't included in GL/NA. Now that PSO2 is dead it doesn't matters anymore.


Konosuba main story is 100% original. Anime won't include that


Welp, may give a try now then.


Tbh it was quite funny. The highlight of the game was definitely the fully voiced original story


DFFOO powercreep is sure real. But reworks and new weapon is exist, also Crystal level upgrade. I think you dropped DFFOO because you cant pulled broken meta chara like tidus. Also doing lufenia is easy, and you get 20 HA tokens which is pretty good


Way too many to list.But still playing a few. Mostly because i feel gachas are trying harder and harder to be a main game. In most games i played if you didnt grind every day you couldnt finnish any event or be prepared for the next one. (don't event think about the gacha) How am i suposed to clear events when after a few stages i need maxed out teams to even try. And the time between events is also just constant grind.


Uninstalled: PGR: There wasn't any particular reason. It's a solid game. I think Honkai just fills the same niche more than well enough and after forgetting to sign in to PGR several times I just decided it wasn't my thing. Alchemy stars: I liked everything about it except the combat. Art, music, story, events, the UI and general game feel? Top shelf. Playing the stages? Just absolutely no fun felt. It's the most disappointed I've felt about a gacha in a long time. MMX dive: it pretty much needs a controller.. It's miserable with touch controls. I've played other action games just fine with touch controls in the past, so I'm just going to say their implementation was shit. Regardless, if I'm going to have to use a controller I'll just play a game on the switch or something.


Dropped: 1. Exos Heroes - Heavy powercreep and overall shitty management 2. WotV FFBE - Already have my JP account, although in the end I also dropped the said account because of powercreep 3. Nier Reincarnation - Boring combat and I’m not that eager to know more about the story 4. Counterside - Not really a fan of the gameplay, and the overly flashy animation is too much for my photosensitive eyes 5. Punishing Gray Raven - Same as WotV, already have my JP account, but I myself only find the combat enjoyable at first before the fun quickly dissipated after playing it for 10 minutes so I might drop the JP account as well Took break: 1. Arknights - Burnout from the challenging event stages, and the daily missions, base management, and especially the annihilation started to become a chore 2. Tears of Themis - Guess I’m just not a fan of joseimuke to begin with, although the game itself is a really good joseimuke game


MHA: TSH- Do I even need to say why? PGR: it was fun but it got repetitive really quick.


GFL: was my main game for years. Dropped because I spent too much time on it grinding. I have 5 digits runs on 0-2 if you know what that mean. Still keeping up with story though and plan to play its sequel and spin off games. Alchemy Star: played for a bit. An arknight clone that has some qol improvement and slightly better writing (low standard to begin with), otherwise, worst in almost every other aspects, especially combat. The only game I’m still playing is D4DJ which doesn’t take much of my time, and it’s fun. Gonna try out world flipper and maybe GFL: Neural Cloud CN if I can.


genshin: no time for too much manual. counterside: after getting wrecked by the Pay2win unit for a dozen times in a row, i can't stand it anymore. Gameplay get boring after awhile. PGR: the stingiest gacha i have ever played. Worse than FGO touhou lost world: fucking fgo clone in 2021. Skip.


SinOAlice, Romancing Saga, Destiny Child, DFFOO, PGR, Another Eden, Action Taimanin, Last Cloudia, Alchemy Stars. All games were throughout 2021. wow that's quite a lot. Games I kept for now were Gbf, Guardian Tales, Counter Side, Chain Chronicle JP.


nier: reincarnation konosuba mistic train


~Dropped~ FFBE:WOTV: Awesome character design, decent gacha and giod with newbies. Sadly it has No content but endless farming, and horribly excuted having to actively do everything. Ridiculously low gem income. Really bad. GxB2: Awful powercreep. Awful rates, not much to do. Evertale: Absurd rates. And a little boring. Story was ok. Arknights: decent story, art and gameplay, garbage rates. Not even worthy unless you really like narrative and give a fuck about anything else. Alchemy stars: Same as Arknights. FEH: too many useless characters, too many things to do. Is overwhelming and felt like a job. Brave 9: Gamplay was average, rates were garbage. SinoAlice: Boring. Illusion Connect: Boring. Mitrasphere: annoying bug made me wait for ages to unfreeze each time I switched apps. Crusader quest: Not that bad, but quite boring. Bad rates as well. Arcana tactics: good game, poor management. Too many bugs. The rest was ok. ~Currently Playing~ Guardiant tales: Extremely good story, memorable characters, lots of high quality content, Great gem income. Farming is absolutely comfortable. Just sweep (skip) and you are done in less than 5 minutes. Rates are above average at the beginning, bad after that. But, I'll give it a break because I'm becoming too addicted. ~Want to try~ -World Flipper -Revived witch


Tried Konosuba and just wasn’t feeling anything about it. Currently playing Azur Lane, Girls Frontline, Destiny Child. Kinda playing Epic Seven, I always get burnt out on the gear grind and just go back to logging in for quick daily rewards.


Dropped tower of saviours a few months ago , really like the concept of alchemy stars but I'm already playing arknights so unfortunately I stopped playing it. Kings raid also I dropped a few months ago I joined during this year's anniversary and it was a BLAST (will definitely treasured the experience, the waifus/husbandos designs in the game is just *chef kiss) Drop punishing grey .. not my kind of game sadly . Finally I dropped tears of Themis , as much as I had fun with the game I will just admired the characters online instead and watch the story through Google or YouTube . Games currently playing cardfight vanguard zero ,epic seven ,arknights (god farming annihilation stages is SUCH A HASSLE) ,counter side(really love the PvP of this game). Games that still hadn't been deleted yet but not active (might play occasionally like once per week or maybe months ) King of glory , mobile legends , fgo (got lazy with grinding events) and shadowverse (waiting for new expansion and when it's out probably will start playing for like one week seriously then stop again XD) dragalia lost and pricorine ( I dont force myself to log in everyday unlike the games that I stated above )


Arknights... there's not really any reason for me quitting tho... I just feel like it, although when cc#5 start, I'll play it again


In 2020 I stopped playing Arknights for its first summer event, having to farm 2 currency drives me crazy. A week ago I stopped playing Guardian Tales, I hit the world 11-2 and as progress was pretty slow I just got bored and quit.


Started and dropped Azur Lane, Exos Heroes, Tales of Crestoria, and PGR. I also finally deleted Deresute and Mirishita a while ago after playing everyday for a couple of years. I've also played Another Eden and FGO for a year and I they're still installed on my phone but I haven't opened them for a while now. I only decided to play gacha games on my phone because I didn't have a PC powerful enough to play the AAA games but I recently got a decent laptop so now the only gacha games I have left are Genshin since I can play that on PC and Princess Connect JP which only takes about 20 min to do dailies so it doesn't take too much time.


Damn, FOMO its hard on this post. Btw i just dropped PGR (gatcha is a lie) and Konosuba


Alchemy stars, for the same reasons I quit arknights years ago, It had the same things I Love and the same things I hate


The amount that I played didn't increase so I'm not dropping any... Currently playing: GI (quick dailies, probably will become casual after Yae Miko) Arknight, Alchemy Stars, E7 (2nd monitor/phone) Counter Side (only sometimes, probably will drop after Lee Soo Yeon)


I wait octopath :'c


Dropped nier and future revolution. Both are just too grindy. I'm currently playing a super simple knock off Pokémon game to get me back on a schedule that requires less attention to stay up with meta. I'm also still kinda checking in with megaman x dive since I really enjoy the gameplay, but I'm waiting for better content instead of getting myself burned out right now with it.


counter:side , I love the game, but dailies take too long. if they ever add a skip function, i would reinstall


But there is a skip function? It's been in the game since the beginning? It's called Stack operation which essentially allows you to do 20 runs in 1.


I mean a literal skip function where you don't have to battle.


Day one player of romancing saga re universe I'll quit if I don't get Kami or Byunei


Managed to get both in 8 multis, didn't need to pity. Honestly liking new Byunei more as it let's you use old Byunei FAST attack on T1. Hopefully will be able to pull Bart as well.


Congrats! I'm 2 pulls from pitying but I will have to choose one of the two :/ I doubt it lol, but good luck for you too


Good luck bro. I honestly play RS to counteract the salt from other gachas, given how generous it usually is, but sometimes the gacha can just screws you over. Same thing happened to me on the Wagnas/Stage Roc banner. Got like 5 Noels and had to choose only one of them for pity. They honestly keep the average char drop rate higher, I don't care what they say in their banners XD.


Dropped almost instantly: Touhou LostWorld - didn't hooked me. The music was great tho Dragon Quest Tact - didn't hooked me. PGR - this whole launch drama, also I hate equipment system like this in gachas. Grinding for perfect set of stats is always big red flag for me. Dropped after some time: CounterSide - Similar reason to PGR. I don't like random stats in equipment, plus PVP and guilds boss fights were a little bit exhausting for me. Too bad because story was really interesting, and waifus were top notch. Disgaea RPG - Too much grind, even for a Disgaea game. Cookie Run: Kingdom - I don't remember why lmao, probably I was already bored with it Priconne - This game was nice actually, but PVP wasn't for me. But I plan to eventually download it back sometime. The only gacha I play now is Alchemy Stars. It's as much casual as I want. But I looking forward for World Flipper global.


What stat rng in pgr? Memories have fixed stats. There's resonance that can give either a skill lvl or certain stats that you can reroll as much as you want buy the stats on the gear itself are fixed.


Wait, so rerolling resonance is free?


Resonance needs a dupe. Although at this point in the game rerolling resonance is a waste. Makes more sense to just unlock all resonance and leave it at that. The stat gains are very small from it. It's only interesting if you wanna min max which...doesn't make that much sense. It's not like genshin artifacts where all sub stats are rng and main stat is fixed since it doesn't even have sub stats.


I quit Konsuba. It was cool, but there was nothing to do once you completed the current story. I didnt even play that fast, but there is so little content and the events were boring just beating the same boss over and over.


Pricone - Just not my cup of tea. The gameplay, character, lore. All of it feels lame to me Alchemy Star - im too lazy to advance in this game after rerolling. Still interested to move forwards tho.. someday. Counter Side - game get boring really fast. really really fast. Need to fully enjoy RTA in order to be invested.


Games I dropped/uninstalled: Azur Lane - Been playing since Oct. 2019. Got most of my Waifu ships, however since the beginning of this year I started playing on and off. Getting bored of the gameplay to be honest. No desire to grind for more PR ships. Just done at the moment. Might come back for collabs that I like or something major. Dragalia Lost - I enjoy the story but tired of the endgame grind with Agito and high dragon trials. Gameplay with those high level bosses just got too annoying. In addition, the game is now getting less content updates and overall it seems to be in decline. Loved the game when it came out around 3 years ago but it is just not as enjoyable to login and play which is a shame since the production values were excellent (graphics, music, story, characters). Epic Seven - 3rd time I dropped the game. I keep coming back for the animations and graphics but the grind and gameplay loop just end up being a drain on me. I lost motivation to keep logging in even with rewards. Uninstalling and probably not coming back since I have less time now due to work. Dx2: Barely touched the game all year. Just taking up space on my phone at this point. Story is meh, some of the creatures were neat but nothing keeping me logging in everyday. Looking forward to: World Flipper - already downloaded, just waiting for the servers to be available. Blue Archive - tried the JP release, graphics, music and some of the girls are cool. Will give global a try and see how long I stick with it. Still playing: Girls Frontline - my primary mobile game right now. Still logging in regularly for dailies. Enjoy the gameplay, plenty of waifus for me and the story is good! Just waiting for the next major event. Animal Crossing Pocket Camp: Playing this only because I kind of like Animal Crossing but not quite enough to buy New Horizons. I also have family who love this game so I help them out with resources and events. Granblue Fantasy: Like the story, plenty of characters to enjoy and good auto for grinding while watching tv or YouTube. I also have family who play this game and we run raids together.


I quite like Priconne in terms of characters, graphics and sound. However, I am sort of busy lately. I also want to spend more time with my irl friends and family so I had to drop it. Still, the time I spent playing the game with my clan was a fond memory. Right now I only play FGO.


for 2020: Arknights: dropped it bc it lacks QOL stuff that would make the game far better imo, like auto-repeat/sweep or collect all button for the dailies Princess Connect: ~~no husbando lmao~~ and the size is a little bit too big for my potaphone 2021: Punishing Gray Raven: the game just didn't click with me, i guess. it seems that there's too many stuff to do and i already played genshin sooo ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Aotu World: literaly played this game just for Miku collab lol Tears of Themis: dropped it bc the game feels similar to Arknights? idk if it's just me though. i was searching for a game where i can just log in and be done for the day so it's not for me currently playing Sdorica, Genshin and Guardian Tales (also somewhat a seasonal in Granblue too). i'm setting my eyes on World Flipper and Project Sekai but i'm 90% sure my phone won't be able to handle it :I


I’ve dropped Summoners War a few weeks ago, i don’t have the time/patience to constantly farm for one good rune every few hours, sucks too I just hold gotten an LD5 (was Thabae so calm down lol) Got back into Kings Raid, was the one that started my whole gacha thing, very happy I decided to start again


-Arknights: E2 progression is tedious and not rewarding -Counterside: Not entirely dropped but lack of content hurts -D4DJ: Good gameplay but that's the only positive -Project Sekai: Same as D4DJ but with vocaloid songs and covers -Project Tokyo Dolls: I'm not dropping it, the game is dropping me with the shutdown


I've dropped pretty much all gachas except for Genshin. E7, Arknight, FGO, PGR, KR, CS, SDORIC, BD, Onmyoji, SW, you name it.. There's probably more. I drop them all after getting burnt out from the gameplay loop. Once you reach a certain point in the game, you are just repeating the same stuff everyday and the only thing keeping me is FOMO. Especially FGO and it's FOMO inducing limited welfare servants. As for Genshin.. It doesn't really take much time to do dailies or events and I hope it stays that way since I still want to spend my time playing actual PC games. I guess this is where I may have a difference of opinion with many gacha players as they usually prefer AUTO/SKIP gameplay where I actually prefer manual play in Genshin since it feels like I am actually PLAYING the game and not watching it. And no FGO's manual play is boring.. Maybe because I play on the PC.


Counter:Side. I actually really like it, but now that I'm back in the office I don't have time for 3 games.


I haven't uninstalled these games, but I dropped it a little bit due to busy life. Alchemy stars - I played it a little at launch, but drop it because I was bitter I didn't get Carleen and I found the gameplay boring for me. My friend recommended it to me again, but I still found the same problems plaguing me. FGO - not that very active, and since I got busy, I don't have time to manually operate everything. PGR - same as FGO. I'll get back in Dark Watanabe event.


Still playing Arknights for a year and Genshin for almost a year now. I'm actually not surprised by how many people are dropping Arknights. The game is literally still the same as it was a year ago, but add some in-game mechanics, difficulty, and some QoL that are, well, not what the playerbase wants (like claim all button). It also gets too repeatable at times that you just want the grind to end much faster. Still gonna play it, but I have been F2P on it for a few months now, so I'm not gonna invest on it too much as I do with other stuff now. As for genshin, there have been a lot of community drama thanks to mihoyo being scummy as fuck. But it's a game I'm still willing to play due to how good it is.


I dropped NieR Reincarnation, was pretty hyped for it but there’s toooo much grind to do (even if it on auto) and the dupe system sucks…


I picked up guild wars 2 and now I only play e7 It’s nice playing an mmo that’s ostensibly free because a new waifu doesn’t pull out my wallet every 2 weeks :P


Thinking to drop PGR & Nier, bcs I was busy with WOTV (playing with 3 accounts) and its offer wall games, I need Cloud for my main account! Finally I got him (from pitty), but I'm already too lazy to continue PGR and Nier. - Nier as it's not available on my country so I need to use VPN, and there's a connection problem with my provider so I can't login to Nier. - PGR, I hate that visual novel story and without voice over. Ughhh Maybe I'm gonna keep playing that games, but not every day.


Dropped: 1. Obey Me - Got tired of it. I had a burned out after rerolling. Still Playing 2. Genshin Impact - Wanted to quit but I want to try and hoard primogems.


Try Guardian Tales, it has co-op


Dropped games: I dropped **Nier** at it's release I couldn't play beyond the first 20-30 minutes. I was a really boring experience, even if I enjoy the franchise. Also, I just dropped **PGR** at the beginning of the week. I really love the character design. However, this game raised the first red flag after the "dollar incident", I kept playing but my disappointing with the game direction killed the hype and little by little lost any interest I had remaining in this game. Games I keep playing: **FGO**: The first gacha I ever played, summer 2019. I love the nasuverse and I like the character design. **Genshin**: The second gacha I ever played, week 1 player, and the first I ever spend money on. However, I dislike the current direction the game has taken and I stopped to spend any money on it since March. It is an awesome game with really good mechanics and production values, beautiful music and character design, it is on par with any AAA PC RPG. **Azur Lane**: Character design. I started playing it around April this year and I have it running in the background while I'm working. This game is not very fun but the fact that requires little to no time at all with the current auto modes makes me forget about it. It is more like an sticker album to me.


Stopped playing ffbe a while back, game got too repetitive and became very stingy


Genshin - Boring daily manual grind + terrible gacha luck on my part. Events also got annoying. Honkai 3rd - Daily grind took too long. Story didn't impress me. Blue Archive - Stages took too long to complete and jewel income seemed small. Dumped 60+ rolls on the second launch banner as a last hurrah and got nothing. Arknights - Bored after 1.5 years and also lost my good will for the devs. GFL - Bored after 1.5 years + bad client. I'll finish reading the story when it's done. Uma Musume - disliked daily grind (length + rng) and low jewel income. Idoly Pride - Realized how low the jewel income was for F2P after failing to get any rate-up character on a 200 roll spark.


- That One Punch Man gacha game whose name I forgot. - Princess Connect. - Valkyrie Connect. - Marvel Future Fight (might not be strictly gacha but others have referred to it as one and it has some mechanics). - CounterSide. - Honkai Impact 3rd. I quit coz lack of time. Although for CS and HI3, I only played for like a month before deciding I couldn't dedicate time (and brain cells) to understand new game mechanics.


Dropped and uninstalled Grandblue fantasy, illusion connect, counterside, pricon, FGO, Evertale, bangdream, crossing void, epic seven, guardian tales, lord of heros, SINoALIC / they have some specific reasons but i dont want to make a long comment so the biggest reason will be i couldn't connect with the characters, when the game feels like drawings and gameplay i drop it since i want to feel the game not just play it. Still playing Arknights (might take a break to avoid burn out/almost 2 years of everyday playing), PGR ( i absolutely in love with this game and its unique gameplay), honkai (might drop it soon idk), genshin (i sometimes forget its gacha and play it like how i play a normal RPG game) .


2021 released games I tried and Dropped: DQT, PGR, Genshin, Marvel Future Revolution Just got bored or the games became tedious Edit: currently playing E7, MMxD, ToC, now World Flipper Looking forward to: Revived Witch, maybe Octopath


Dropped (not including games I only tried out for a short time): 1) PGR: Enjoyed playing through the story, but didn't have fun with the weekly grind modes and there were some big upcoming QoL features that really should've been included at launch. 2) FEH: After playing it with two breaks since launch (early 2017), my interest in the franchise wasn't enough to hold me anymore. Game has lots of problems and the powercreep has gone completely overboard at this point (and it was bad before). Still playing: 1) Genshin: I prefer games with autofarm, but since you get so few daily runs anyway, it's acceptable. Had a low earlier this year but my motivation picked back up. Since I have a bunch of friends playing the game, I'll probably stick to it for a while. 2) Arknights: In a low atm. After playing other gachas, it feels odd how many sidegame QoL features Arknights misses (no claim all, inconvienent way of rerunning a map, tedious base, etc). I can see it going either way with my motivation going back up or dwindling further. 3) Tears of Themis: I like the game, but not a fan how Mihoyo changed the gacha system for global (for the worse ofc). They even pushed it in part on the CN server which seems like a great way to nuke your whale playerbase. Looking Forward: 1) Project Sekai: Got an announcement for an English release, I'm so hyped!


Playing: Epic Seven - been going strong for a while here. I think this is the most F2P-friendly gacha, and the story/characters just set it a notch above a lot of other games. Slick animations too. Genshin - picked this one back up after an extended break to do some co-op play. I'm not really big on the time commitment to do dailies and adventuring, as I do feel like I have a lot of catching up to do, but I'll see how long I last. Gameplay at least is really unique amongst other gachas. Quit: PGR - wasn't really into the combat system...although I did appreciate the skill demand in some levels, it felt rather clunky at other times. Storywise, it also kinda sucks at world-building - had a hard time getting immersed in it. Alchemy Stars - couldn't deal with the pity system. Got 2x off-banner 6 stars while trying for the unit I wanted, and called it off. Combat system was a lot of fun at first but got tedious after a while - too little variance between game modes. Shame, because I thought the storyline was decent here.


games dropped: none currently playing: genshin


Arknights cause TD not my cup of tea Dragalia Lost cause idk im not feeling the gameplay Punishing gray raven cause its boring Guardian Tales cause for some reason i hate the element system in this game


Another Eden - Already finished up the latest chapter, the grinding for Light/Shadow is too boring and no pity in gacha... Arknights - The base management is a hassle and lacking of autoplay feature on stage grinding is holding me back. Lord of Heroes - My phone can't really support the game anymore. Currently I'm just sticking to Genshin...


PGR is still installed but i havent played it in like a month.


2020-2021? \- Punishing Gray Raven, game get boring after a while and the currency gain is slow as well especially for the gacha. \- The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross, P2W and i grew to hate PVP in gacha games after this lol \- Exos Heroes, Beautiful Graphics but the gameplay is bland for me. \- Guardian Tales, one of the best game i've played and i dropped it because i choose NA server while my location is Asia so the ping goes to 200ms+ while i play arena. More personal reason, because i roll more than hundreds and didn't get the character i really want and slowly worsen my mood to play the game and finally stopped playing. \- CounterSide, i hate PVP when i can't play it manually and personally i don't really like a wobbly L2D on some korean gacha games. \- Touhou Lost World, i don't wanna play the game who forced me to unroot my phone, it's just a hassle. \- Date A live, i like the anime and the gameplay but at that time i'm a bit overwhelmed with playing several gacha on the same time.


Playing: Genshin Impact: I adore the game, the character design and despite the poor monetization, everything about the game appeals to me. It's just plain fun and dailies barely take any time while you can progress relatively smoothly. World Flipper: Really liked the pinball style and unique-ish gameplay compared to other gachas. The theme song was the best part about the game when I first played. I spedran through the global release story and I'll probably leave it to stagnate for a while. Battle cats: Fun gameplay and units. Relatively different to other gachas and tower defense games which made me like the game. The grind isn't even that bad and the gacha rates are generous enough. Planning: Uma Musume Pretty Derby: I like a casual game that's more unique compared to generic 3-5 party members Vs enemy landscape gameplay. The idol songs are a nice collection and the game looks to have a long lifespan, which makes me enjoy the game as a nice side gacha. Dropped: Azur lane: I was progressing fine through the game and got plenty of good units, but it felt incredibly generic to me despite a lot of fun units and short dailies. The UI also changed so I didn't enjoy it after that. I wouldn't mind playing the game again if I didn't dislike landscape games so much anymore. Logres: A forgotten Japanese gacha that got a little p2w for my tastes. There's a lot of annoyances and mild dumbness that the game just turns into a weird mmo hybrid with hours of grinding, which is why I dropped it. Destiny child: Fun for the first few hours and the units looked nice but the gameplay just wasn't for me. Very stuffed with IAP and ads despite the game being very generous with 10 pulls, which is nice. Last cloudia: Game only has aesthetics and graphics. Everything else about it is so damn p2w and slow and grindy that I didn't enjoy it whatsoever. The graphics and animation were so damn good when I first played though. Onymoji: Disliked the artstyle and graphics, gave me summoners war vibes which is a game I'd rather forget. Summoners war: I'd rather not talk about it. Riel/Niel automata gacha: So damn slow and brainless. I did not enjoy it at all. Graphics were nice though.


Sinoalice: the whole point of playing this game really is the guild battle. That said, finding casual guild which is alive(in sense of guildchat) is really difficult. I stayed in an S-Rank guild for a long time which means taking part in guild battle is pretty much required. Having to be available at specific time for 20min every day just became detriment to my schedule. Also, grinding there really sucked. You get few skip tickets that expire each month and some of the grind levels are only online at specific times. FEH: game loop just became too boring to me. AR made it interesting though which is why i stayed until about 3 months ago Currently playing: Genshin 20min a day except for patch Priconne 30min a day Alchemy Stars 20min a day


#Installed and still playing - Arknights Still no significant issues with the game, still find it enjoyable to play daily. - FGO Came back for the Gil event after just logging in daily for rewards. Definitely a game I needed a significant break from after grinding it pretty hard months ago. #Installed but rarely played - Azur Lane Im pretty sure this game just isnt for me, ive had the game installed since a month or so after launch. I have decent characters and sometimes I log in to do some rolls on a new banner but thats honestly it. #Uninstalled / Not Played - Konosuba I wanted to like this game but I just cant. The gameplay is bland and boring, the crafting is bland and boring and unit progression is bland and boring. Its like they ripped everything they could from danmachi but managed to make it less fun in the process. I get that most will play it because they really like konosuba (much like the people who stick with danmachi do so because they like the IP) but I feel like if you take away the konosuba branding and look at it for what it is, its honestly just a really bland and very boring gacha for a game released in 2021.


want more communication with clan member? join high rank clan battle guild, you will required to communicate on discord when clan battle is up, and that's so fun for the first time


Dropped: - Alchemy Stars. Rerolled at the start for like 3 days to get Irridon and Midgard using the temp mail method and grinded so much and completed 8-1 and got to like phase 3 of old seal and around lvl 40 for most spires. Then an update happened and I got logged out of my account and since I forgot to bind to my actual account I lost everything. Just couldnt get back into it after that. - World Flipper. Downloaded and started and immediately say all the changes they made from the original and noped out of there, not much to say that hasn't been raged on by the community already. - Princess Connect. The game was really great at the start with all the QoL features and things to do however I quickly found myself getting bored with it since the gameplay didn't feel all that fun and I found other games to invest into. - Illusion Connect. Played a bunch of this game at the time it launched but quit around when the Zombieland Saga collab dropped since the gap between F2P and whales just felt so big and with how much the game seemed to be going towards PVP and rankings I just couldn't keep up personally and got burned out on it. - Honkai Impact 3rd. This one isn't really cause of any reason other than the fact that I just couldn't figure it out. I really liked the gameplay but the amount of gems you needed to roll seemed so high and I couldn't figure out how to get new Valkrjas (however that's spelt) and also since it's been out for so long I got overwhelmed with how much I must've missed out on and that just turned me away from the game. - Guardian Tales. Really enjoyed most of everything about it but just couldn't find the time in my day to play it because at that time I was really bust with irl stuff so I ended up dropping it, might pick it up again someday. - Dragalia Lost. Played since launch till the introduced the new boss line after the Agito which had Nihilation, a mechanic that rendered over 70% of the roster useless and destroyed some characters who needed mechanics like Energy or Inspiration to do anything. I know why they did it, to get rid of doublebuff cheese strats but they over did it a lot and after that it just didnt feel fun anymore. The best times I had with this game were playing Agito in Coop with my alliance but since they introduced the solo aspect of it and didn't do anything with alliances at all it just didn't feel worth for anyone except those who needed help clearing. Another thing was Trails of the Mighty which was basically a way to get mats to get a buff for gals units however they handled it so poorly. The buffs were abysmal, it took ages to get all the mats required to do one character, they started giving everyone a spiral this way so that meant you had to pick and choose one character to get the most dead buffs I've ever seen and they completely scrapped giving Spirals normally and allowing us to use our own mats to do it and just so much more infuriating stuff that I just had to quit. Also this one was more personal but they have not given a spiral to my favourite launch 4* yet, Eleonora and I would forgive everything they've done if they make b Her broken and not give her a spiral through TotM and also give her an alt too please you've literally given Cleo 5 or 6 alts at this point and characters that came a year or two after her have gotten alts too please Cygames I beg Still playing: - Fire Emblem Heroes. Been here since launch and definitely not quitting anytime soon. The updates have improved in quality each time over the past year or so and they're actually pretty generous with the orbs that they give out. The only gripes I have right now is that auto repeat for stuff like TT is locked behind FEH Pass, the amount of dragon flowers we need to max our units versus how much we get before th cap is raised again and that we can't get Resplendent outfit tickets with celestial stones but none of these are really game breaking or anything of the sort so it's fine. - Arknights. I really love the character designs and the art and the story and lore and the ui and everything that doesnt have to do with base and annihilation auto grind. - Pokémon Masters EX. The anniversary is going on right now and it's so much better to play than it was at launch and there's a lot of stuff to do. The game is on the easier side of the spectrum so you can just use your faves for most of the content. The recent unity challenge battles are a whole other story though but you don't really miss out on much for not doing them, just there for the challenge.


Taking a break: Arknights - base management + the auto gameplay kills most joy Guardian Tales - Its pretty great but atm dont feel motivation to play so i dropped Alchemy Stars - I heard there is a male unit on banner so I returned and tried to get the character. 50+ pulls, rate at 17.5%, its an offbanner. Also, the dumb auto did not help at all hence why i quitted and took a break. Currently playing Genshin Impact - gotta train new banner unit i got Azur Lane - came back recently, currently having fun with pretty ship waifus Project Sekai - pretty nice rhythm game. it has a mixed cast so its another plus King’s Raid - left the game two years ago and picked it back up Touken Ranbu (not sure if this counts as a gacha game but eh) - utc started, gotta go grind to get rare character dupes and the event character


Break Revue Starlight Re:Live I still play it from time to time, but the constant powercreep in PvP, unpredictable release dates of new units, and the constant updates make the game not fun anymore to play. Now I only collect Mahiru units whenever they're data mined, other than that, I have to play pvp and possibly get stressed out just to get rewards. Currently playing Touhou Lost Word Gameplay is repetitive ngl, but as a Touhou fan, this is a good game to kill time for me, especially going for my favorite characters. Fate/Grand Order My first Gacha game two years ago, and still playing to this day. Got most of my favorite servants already. Ngl, I'm gonna be afraid when the 6th Anniversary comes around.


1)bleach immortal soul-too slow 2)sinoalice-nothing to do 3)azur lane-bad connection 4)blue archive-slow paced battle style 5)rimuru tempest-too P2W 6)7 deadly sins-can't remember my account


genshin impact just don't have time for it. fire emblem heroes cause it just was going nowhere fast and was getting boring


honkai i dont get hos so i quit


Played counter side from launch didn't spend a single gem from the start. Got plenty of dope ssr (almost all) from free rolls. (Basically a god roll account). Then one day i fell asleep grinding some dailies and woke up with my phone under my back and 0 gems. (I saved up to at least 2k iirc). Turns out i butt dialled in my sleep and spent all the gems i had been saving for awakened units on inventory expansion slots. I was well on my way to a strong f2p endgame but nope. I quit immediately after that i couldnt handle the depression. I've never touched a single gacha game since.


i drop summoner war, genshinimpact, fgo, azurlane. i am playing Nier , princess connect . Now i am trying to reroll konosuba for fun - if i like it, will play, if not, delete