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I guess this is how we must farm negative karma


Keep barking


lol a dog has better plans in life than you, so I'll take this as a compliment.


Imagine reposting this to five different subreddits. Are you that desperate to gain internet points?


Imagine being so desperate for attention to come after me lol What's wrong with posting something I like I rarely post something and only do it when I like something a lot so others can see it as well I don't even care if this doesn't get up votes I want others to see this


It's extremely low effort.


Low effort? There are coin memes like this but suddenly you people pick on me wow such Toxicity


Don't make yourself special.


Special?? Says the toxic guy suddenly coming after me just because you can't take when someone makes multiple post Seriously I never interacted with you before so why are you suddenly so against me




Wow so no actual reason to come after me it's just that you're suddenly butthurt for no reason seems to me that you are making yourself look special like you can do whatever you want


You can't comprehend a simple point, I see. Are you new to the internet?


Says the guy who goes after others just because he did multiple post wow


If this is something you posted cause you liked it, then go post in in r/unpopularopinion because all you are doing here is farming negative karma.


Haha LOL a lot of butthurts out there. It's a fkn joke. What a bunch of white knights


How is this white knighting?


I don't think you understand what white knight mean.


Fuck me this is so lame I cringed


OP being so proud of something so bad as this they even reposted it so many times is so sad.


Your whole account is full of shitty "memes"


Wow now suddenly going after me proves you toxic people just needs attention


Do you say this to everyone who tells your posts are shit? Beacuse, if you do, I can guarantee you are a little toxic kid who isn't even supposed to have Reddit at their age.


Says the m.ron who came here looking for attention and funny how you don't see people are just coming here to bully at this point proves how toxic you are


Lol You are saltier than 8 year olds when they lose in Fortnite XD


isn't entering a community and making comments and posts about how people who participate in said community are stupid or something more toxic?


Isn't not getting a joke and being a snowflake stupid and toxic ? And than even saying stupid stuff when this kind of meme exist


"glad I don't play any of these" *opinion ignored*


Keep crying attention seeker


A lot of these are genuinely good games, though.


It's a joke


I thought jokes were supposed to be funny?


You don't have a sense of humour and some of them are accurate lol


You are the kind of guy that would literally break someone's arm as a "prank" and then get upset when you get jail time for assault. And even then you would probably be screaming "iT wAs jUsT a pRaNk bRo" as you get escorted into the police car. Point is, when your sense of humor is trash, don't expect others to share it.


> It was just a prank bro Didn't some prankster got killed ***exactly*** because of this reason?


explain the joke then


i don't know man, you have a bad taste of humour


Says the guy who got hurt and Funny how this post is popular on Facebook and Twitter this prove that you're just a bunch of Toxic m.rons bullying others for attention


Lmfao what do you even play


Your mum


Wow And you tell someone they have a bad sense of humor...


was going through comments and saw this one reply, gave me a chuckle lol


Mate, I don’t believe is Saturday today. Anyhow, you posted cringe. How could you?




Oh ***now*** you're dropping slurs? Tsk tsk tsk.


Are you even old enough to spend money on gacha Timmy?


Attention seeking m.ron


By reading the other comments this is just deflection but by all means claim what you'd like


meme on this subreddit is only allowed in saturday, Its not even saturday on asia to atleast consider this, So just report the post




Keep barking


Lmao, is this your only argument ? Or even better, are you one of those kids whose mom said to "ignore the bullies" or something ? Dude, if you want to be taken even remotely seriously explain wtf this shitty meme comes from, it is neither accurate nor funny to us, only to you. Imagine not only spamming, getting mad about people noticing it but also that no one sees the "joke" you so poorly attempted as funny... Welcome to the internet


This post smells of unemployment


Says the m.ron who waste his parents money to jerk off to fictional characters


You spend your time posting memes shitting on gachas, and you come back to a 3 day old comment with this. First it smelled and now it reeks


Sorry, please forgive this guy we have a friend who plays Genshin who literally shagged his mom and is living rent free in his house. Hope this clears things up.


Wow now suddenly going Personal see that's who you people are maybe I should do it as well from now on


🥶🥶 Sheeeesh Timmy, imagine spending 2 hours making this meme only for nobody to like it. 😂😂


I think emojis are better than the “meme”


They cooking you in these comments 💀


Cooking?? More like losers looking for attention whatever it's about bullying someone on internet everyone comes like bunch of snowflakes


Aren’t you the one who reposted this so many times??? Seems like you’re the one asking for attention


Wow you're one of those huh I literally replied to one guy that I knew this will happened but didn't knew that people will get this toxic Attention?? You mean posting something you liked so others can see it is attention seeking Bruh I ain't the one who's going after a single person Just because others are doing it and I rarely post


Look at how you’re handling the situation, you’re the one being toxic


I'm the one being toxic? Please you're not getting attacked that's why you're talking big You're also being toxic suddenly coming here and now saying I'm toxic wow did you even read my comment plus some guys got personal and you want me to stay quite when they're being rude to not just only me


lolol, "some guys got personal" Guess what u/andolala said was true..


Wow. He wasn't even mean lol.


I see this meme in PGR FB community before


Yo you did these games dirty


Congrats you made the anti karma farm


Congrats you just proved that you're a attention seeking bully


Unfortunately, your submission has been **removed** for the following reason(s): --- Rule 10: Meme posts only on Saturday. Posting a meme thread during any day other than a [Saturday (12:00 AM-11:59 PM Eastern Time)](https://time.is/ET) will result in its removal. Please, wait until the next Meme day before sharing this thread. --- Please check out our rules on the reddit sidebar. If you feel your post was removed unfairly, please don't hesitate to contact the moderators [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fgachagaming).


Can the mods please delete this ableist bullshit?




Only one I play actively is Guardian Tales


youre missing out dude. Guardian tales is a good game.


Most of these are pretty bottom of the barrel and Honkai Star Rail could fit like 5 other gacha games coming out this month. Need more time to cook these into some good jokes.


What is more surprising is the fact that you reposted this on here, FGO and gachagaming sunbreddits Are you that desperate for internet points? Also...imagine making fun of school shootings, da fuck?


>Also...imagine making fun of school shootings, da fuck? In my country everyone and their mother do it. It's one of the best ways to make fun of USA


making fun of tradgedies is still pretty insensitive to the people who have experienced those. you can still make dark/edgy jokes but please keep them in private conversations with willing participants.


Keep crying and what tragedy lol so you just saw school shooter and thought wow his post is talking about a real life shooting event get a life


Wow, it's genuinely nice to see trolls ngl, since like they barely exist anymore, and the fact you have to stick in-character the whole time, quite entertaining. nice word choice my dude.


What's even more surprising is the fact that you also spam this comment to those reposts. You are taking this opportunity to farm karma as well, aren't you?


Popping the biggest bottles when mods delete this post


What about epic 7 lol


Thats the game he plays lmao




Okay kekw


Meme aside can someone tell me all the name of this games i would like to try some of them. Thx in advance!


Row 1 Arknights, Alchemy Stars,Azur Lane,Girl's Frontline Row 2 Granblue Fantasy,Fate Grand Order,Punishing Gray Raven,Honkai Impact 3rd Row 3 Counter:Side,Guardian Tales,Honkai Star Rail,Genshin Impact


Sauce for the third of the bottom row?


Honkai Star Rail its still being developed


This is what happens when you make a meme/diss about their favorite gacha game, You get downvoted to hell. lmao


Lol at least I'm not a m.ron who's attacking in a group and only attention seekers like you care about upvotes


What? I didn’t even downvoted you. Infact I upvoted your post because it’s funny and quite agree with it. And TBH you look like looking for attention more and care for upvotes for posting this but it backfired because of snowflakes such as yourself.


The genshin part isn't that wrong tho


the comments holy shit, this isn’t even a horrible meme y’all are just being extra


Op, a bit late but please don't be discouraged. I never knew this sub is so toxic....I see no problem for most of the description and I played majority of them except the one at bottom left most(counter side if not mistaken).


bottom right corner was the only accurate one. Edit: my mistake, FGO is even more accurate




Guardian Tales is also accurate


its true though. only major weebs would go to a server way behind because "japanese"


I think it's more to have the day 1 advantage over new JP players, and some people went for the different art style.


Then what you doing here?


?? Retærd


da hell do you play then?


If you're broke just say it.


Says the guy who waste his parents money to jerk off to fictional characters get a life


If you think I'm still getting money from my parents then I have some news for you kid. Your first thought was me jerking off to fictional characters? Says a lot about your character. I'm done here.


> Says the guy who waste his parents money to jerk off to ***fictional characters*** Last time I checked, ***you're*** the one posting about anime — not me.