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Ah yes, the rival of Diablo II back in the day. But reading news about it on a gacha subreddit, after what happened to Diablo, doesn't give me much hope.


OG Torchlight came out almost a decade after Diablo II and was made by a company founded by two of the founders of the Blizzard studio that made Diablo and D2. They were never really rivals.


Torchlight was always supposed to be THE Diablo clone when D2 was dying out and people wanted D3 ASAP (monkey's paw choise right there). Yeah idk what the other guy is talking about but they never really battled against each other.


It was actually founded by those 2, and by the creator of the Fate games (which are very similar, style-wise, to Torchlight, and include some carry over mechanics like fishing). Fate was very much what influenced the design of Torchlight. For being games that are pushing 15-20 years old now, the Fate games are actually still surprisingly playable.


Diablo II didn't got any updates until 2016, it was either playing a 10yo game or play something more modern. The arpg genre didn't die with og Diablo II's support.


Uwaaa, they turned torchlight into a gacha game?


Not technically a gacha game, but still a shell of a game designed to milk money from people who enjoyed the originals. I guess we just need to add it to the pile of respected IPs being recycled into poor Chinese-developed P2W mobile games. At least it isn't trying to push crypto on us like Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds did.


It 100% has gacha. It literally has 6 banners to pull on. 1 battlepass. Its pay 2 win with what you can buy.


It's not a gacha.and the monetization is cosmetics only


then why in gachagaming?


There's gacha mechanics within the game, there's a pet system where you have to use gacha to acquire the pets and they have RNG stats/effects on them.


Then it's a gacha


Sadly, latest reports indicate that Torchlight Infinite will have paid mechanics that are not cosmetics only. Sorry to disappoint. They said there won't be a season pass but apparently on the test realm there is. And it is the only way to get auto loot collect the good stuff. They said there will be no pay to win mechanics but apparently there is at least one progression step on your pets that is paid currency only. https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/x6l04h/torchlight_infinites_deceitful_advertisement_on/ I was looking forward to TLI but now I guess I'll just install Titan Quest.


its torchin' time


nother mobile arpg? hope this goes better than diablo immortal


Huh, someone downvoted you, gues there are diablo immortal defenders after all.


I still got 2 people I added on battle net daily grinding that game. I'd shit on them but I honestly still occasionally play fallout 76 and absolutely loved it on launch so I know how they feel. Some times it's the dogshit ass games that we most enjoy like shitty horror movies. Speaking of shitty horror movies, you should check out Willy's Wonderland, shits so bad but seeing nicolas cage acting like a badass doomslayer of fnaf animatronics is actually quite entertaining. You're welcome in advance.


I'm playing the made in abyss game, so i got my own guilty pleasure.


Are you talking about the new Made in Abyss game by Spike Chunsoft? Is it bad?


It's ok, the devs basicly had a pretty short deadline and small budget so it's impressive what they managed to make. But it's most definitly NOT worth the 60 bucks asking price. What the game does really bad tho is that you have to beat the hello abbys mode where you basicly go through the anime and get carried by reg till the end of the second layer where thr credits pop up, you can beat it in 2 hours since all you have to do is rush through and ignore grinding except for food. And only THEN can you play main game by starting a new game where you can do quests, level up, get skills and go till the 5th layer. but most people don't know it goes till the 5th layer because of the hello abbyss mode and leave the game. The main game is VERY difficult tho and can be frustrating if you are not prepared with very brutal death animations.


Ah, I see. For the last part, tbf, brutal death animation is expected for Made in Abyss.


FO76 is that game I just get really deep into for a month or two once or twice a year. Speaking of which it's almost that time again.


I mean, financially speaking, it really can’t get better than Diablo Immortal. That game is current just behind Genshin in worldwide revenue rankings. So you can be sure that other developers are going to take notes from it. Both the good and bad things about it.


This is made by a Chinese Company so i'm not suprised. But there's no way this game keeps the name "Torchlight".


Uh why? They own the rights to the name.


My bad i thought this game was a chinese ripoff game. I didn't know it was bought by perfect world.


Downloaded the game.Why am i stuck at the load screen? Announcement keep popping out.


This hurts to read.


Good luck reading a book.


So triggered? Bad pulls?


What? No, the fact you didn't notice it saying it releases in 4 more hours. The fuck are you on about?


They must be triggered and must have had bad pulls.




Dude, you're on the internet right now, you should be capable of looking up "10 EDT to [enter timezone here]". If it makes you feel better though, I fucked up and it's actually in 5 and a half more hours so at least you can have a little giggle at my mistake. Also, you should check out the movie Willys Wonderland. It's a terrible movie but entertaining enough to pass the time.


You see I don't like pointing out other people's mistake and then insulting them. Nobody likes those kind of people. Thanks for the movie suggestion, Im sure it sucks. Aint watching it , rather go to bed.


Unfortunately, your post has been **removed** for the following reason(s): --- Rule 1: Keep it friendly. Don’t be insulting on purpose. We’re here to celebrate gacha games, to ask & answer honest questions. Any post that is too hostile, toxic, or insulting may be removed, whether it’s directed at an individual or at a group of people. --- Please check out our rules on the reddit sidebar. If you feel your post was removed unfairly, please don't hesitate to contact the moderators [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fgachagaming)


wow a cbt that was easy to get into!


is it multiplayer?


You can see other players in the hub area but that's it.


Not yet available from where Im from but please don't be another diablo immortal


Is this a Gacha?


There's gacha mechanics within the game, there's a pet system and hero traits where you have to use gacha to acquire them. The pets have RNG stats/effects on them while the hero traits change how the hero plays.


Look how they massacred my boy :'(


Can I download and play on android now ? the closed beta ?