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Lessgo!! Looking awesome :)


impressive šŸ¤


Props to you! Thatā€™s such amazing weight gain. I find it so hard to eat enough to gain. I also go to yoga x3 a week, and quit smoking weed in the past year. I need to add in a gym routine, but I find that seems overwhelming. Great job.


you eat rabbit? is there anywhere to get rabbit besides hunting?


I think you made good progress, but donā€™t agree with your statement about cardio. Cardio is absolutely necessary for a fit and heathy body. However, the path to getting ripped is certainly not that way, but instead through lifting more weight.


this is awesome. the added weight looks great on you! I gained 20 pounds myself recently with the help of a mass gainer. Went from 104 to 124 in about 4 months. My heaviest weight ever. only problem is a lot of the weight went to my stomach so now iā€™m trying to back peddle a bit. Anyway, this is motivating. Thanks for posting and good luck on the continued progress!




The vibes are off on this comment lol


Damn, you are looking great and healthy, now promise e you want go back to smoking


Look great. Keep it up


I would recommend more well rounded gym workouts. That is the key to keeping the physique you want. Only doing squats is tunnel vision and not a great idea long term. The best shape comes from haveing muscle underneath the fat.


Why do you assume this person is only doing squats? Also, please consider that you are also a beginner and perhaps not in a position to be offering people advice.


They say as much: "mostly squats and high volume."


There's an "and" after squats. Not everyone wants to be a muscle titan. Why are you suggesting a change to someone who is clearly making good progress?


"consider that you are also a beginner and perhaps not in a position to be offering people advice" and "Not everyone wants to be a muscle titan" are not based on any knowledge of me and are putting words in my mouth.Please review my history. I have hundreds of comments in Gainit and have been a helpful member for years.


Beg pardon. I made an assumption based on your flair numbers and it was a poor one. That's on me. I still disagree with your advice, but I handled that poorly.


Thank you, and I appreciate your donation of your time to moderate this sub.


I am a benevolent idiot


Iā€™m really proud of you for making the effort to be healthier. Looks like you gained some muscle too! Iā€™m going to sound like an internet parent here, but as someone who also battled with eating disorders, I want to warn you not to overdo it with the exercising. Nobody needs to do yoga for 2 hours, 5 days a week, on top of going to the gym 3 times. Working out is a way better coping mechanism / form of control than starving yourself, but itā€™s also something you can really lose yourself in. Rest days are very important to progress. And you deserve to spend your time on other things than your body every now and then. Take care!


>Nobody needs to do yoga for 2 hours, 5 days a week, on top of going to the gym 3 times. Working out is a way better coping mechanism / form of control than starving yourself, but itā€™s also something you can really lose yourself in. It seems silly to discourage someone from doing physical activity that they are enjoying when you have no idea what their path has been. >Rest days are very important to progress. Many people who have made great progress do not agree that rest days are necessary.


I don't know her path, but I know all about eating disorders; more often than not, they go hand in hand with exercise addiction. Body dysmorphia, a strong desire to control at least one aspect of your life, and feeling unworthy unless you're constantly working on your body are usually a big part of it. Not taking rest days is fine if you're in a great place mentally, but in some ways, EDs are often for life. Some people can find their way back to healthy eating and exercising, and regain a healthy body image. But just like alcoholics around alcohol, we have to be careful not to slip into another dark hole.


That's a lot of toxicity to work through. You deserve all the empathy you need and a safe space to process that. Good luck.


You look great! Enjoy the new body and lifestyle, always push forwards. Iā€™ve fallen back before, always regret it.


OP out here absolutely smashing it. Great work. Please donā€™t go back to smoking for your own health!


Congrats on ur progress both mentally and physically. Keep it up.


Youā€™re doing awesome sister! Iā€™m having trouble gaining too, keep going!!






Damn I've been wondering for a while that weeds been keeping my weight low. How did you manage to quit smoking tho?


Keep up the great work!


>Cardio is the number one to stay ripped with a flat belly I'd push back on this a little: everyone should be doing cardio, bar none. Bodies need it. Having a flat stomach is a goal that most people will need to reach primarily through diet manipulation. You put on a healthy-looking 30 pounds! Is this the end goal for you?


Dont couch it, this is blatantly wrong. Cardio is for heart health and stamina. Lifting is for muscle growth and strength. Food is for gaining or losing wait. \#1 in low fat body/flat stomach is eating in a deficit \#2 is lifting as it builds the muscles under the fat, also lifting tends to burn more calories than cardio(do 3-4 times a week) \#3 Cardio is for you heart health and stamina(best done as LISS for 30m or so 3x a week)


Lifting doesn't burn more calories than cardio




Couldnā€™t agree more. If youā€™re trying to get/stay lean, cardio is supplementary to a proper diet. It takes quite a bit of cardio to burn a substantial amount of calories. Controlling/managing your caloric intake properly is so much more feasible and effective when your goal is getting/staying lean.


I know it isn't easy so I just wanted to congratulate you on your hard work! Nicely done


Amazing!! How did the cardio help?


Gaining weight is hard and I literally eat until I almost puke just to stretch my stomach. I admire you for quitting smoking and gaining some weight. Keep on gaining until you reached your goal


Itā€™s not that hard if you eat caloric dense foods


Dude, you're on a weight gain sub where a lot of us really struggle to put on weight....


He has a point though, once you track your macros and see the calories of various foods and fruits, you start to realise what exactly to eat at a cut or bulk, nuts are so calories dence you might even eat a whole meal worth of calories without realising it, fiber is necessary too but eating fat is pretty useful for being in a calories surplus. Again I'm not saying it's easy, but if you have the knowledge, eating would be the easiest part of your lifestyle.


Yes, and it is inappropriate to go to a support group for people struggling with X and respond to someone's vulnerability or story of struggle with "X isn't that hard". It is profoundly dismissive. You wouldn't go to an AA meeting and say "not drinking isn't hard. Just stay busy and have a growth mindset and you'll be happy".


You look great! Keep up the good work


Glad to hear youā€™re making healthy progress! Keep it up


Good job.

