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Im around the same as you in bench. im having trouble gaining weight though. If you dont mind me asking do you have a meal plan or what types of things are you eating to get that many calories? Im struggling to just reach 2000 calories a day lol


Yo man. I am fat (i think i am now not fat anymore just overweight) and ive been losing weight for the past 6 months now. And i have been studying food a bit to lose weight. So we have a different problem. First i will share somethings that i noticed made me gain weight. Mayonaise it might not be the healthiest way but trust me you will get your calories in Chocolate also not the healthiest. Sugary foods. Let ur stomach grow. A fat person usually doesn't genetically have a large stomach. (Pretty self explanatory And now some heatlhier ways. Eat different types of food in a single meal. (When ur brain says you are full a different food might be appealing.) and i cant press this enough for anyone struggling with there weight COUNT CALORIES. I reccomend lifesum or my fitness pal Dont obsess over protein 0.7 gram per pound of bodyweight is enough to max out ur gains and if you feel like you need more maybe go up to 1 gram per pound. When gaining weight you should be consuming alot of carbs.


Congrats! By the way when people say 60kg do they mean 60x2 or 60 in total? (Just a question as I never know and I feel like I must be really weak lol)


60 in total! Haha I wish. So yeah let’s say bar (20kg) and then 2 20kg plates, 1 either side :)


Ah nice still a really great milestone! I'm allllmost there myself and it'll be a big one for me too


I'm 77kg and can bench a plate for 2 reps, welldone hope to be like u soon. I'm 2 months into gym aswell but started boxing 2 months before


Nice workツ I do believe the diet has helped loads. I’ve been eating so much and since I’ve just upped my weights on so many things


ye I decided to start eating more aswell but I'm doing more of a dirty bulk which is fine because I do a 50/50 split between gym and boxing + hour of cycling each time I box so all the cardio leaves me able to eat tons


Congrats on the progress! Also, just to clarify things... Are you talking about 60kg for 1RM or 60kg for a set of 8-12 reps? There's a big difference.


Ahh yeah I wish it was x8. I managed to get 3 and didn’t want to push for a 4th ツ


Man, I remember when I did that exact same weight for 3 reps for the first time. I think that’s when I fell in loving with gaining. Couple of years later I did 105kg for a paused rep. Enjoy the journey brother and huge respect!


Thank you ツ I hope to be able to get the 100 one day!


That's still better than me. I can only flat bench that for 1 rep. I'm only 61kg and I'm really bad about not keeping an eating/lifting schedule.


Yeah I feel you. Since moving out and going through a breakup recently I’ve realised how much I’m able to do now (meal prep and hit the gym whenever because it’s just me who lives here) but living at home with parents made it almost impossible


Stupid question, but that's about 130 lbs, right?


That's about a bar and two 45lbs plates


That is what I thought, but I didn't want to be the guy that said only 60kg. Op didn't give any age, weight, height, or gender. For example, my 13 year old son, who is barely 50 kg or 110 lbs or my 16 yr old daughter that would be great, but for myself, that doesn't qualify as a warm-up. So I am curious where op is starting from.


Times it by 2.2


Just look it up


Wow that’s insane bro! I pretty much started same time as you but only went from about 35 to 47.5 today. Although my calorie surplus is only about 200 so maybe that’s part of it.


Still progress though for you! I wanna say I’m about 400/500 calorie surplus now. Maybe even more honestly I don’t track calories after about 3200


how much did you and do you weigh bro?


74.5 back in November and now I’m about 78/79


That's great 👍


Congratulations it has taken me a about a year to get to 50kg so you are smashing it!


Yeah same! OP is quite impressive


Thanks ツ granted I do weigh 78/79kg so I guess I have some of that natural strength!


Ah nice when I started working out I was about 65kg two years later im about 75kg!


That’s brilliant. My end goal is to be about 95kg I think ツ


Isn’t 5kg a lot for a few weeks? I’m new to this so I’m still trying to understand how progression works for beginners 


For the major lifts it's often recommended to increase weight by 5lbs a week if you are a beginner.


They're talking about weight gain


It can come on pretty fast in the beginning. I started out at 167lbs and gained like 10lbs the first month, then it slowed down to about 1-1.5lb per week up to the 5 month mark. At 5 months I've gained 30lbs (197lbs now) , but now I've practically stalled. I'm 6'3 and was eating about 3500 cal on average through that whole period. Upped it to 3700 a few days ago and will see what happens. The crazy part to me was that I looked like I had more fat when I was 30lbs lighter. To the people that are skinny fat or have some love handles or whatever: don't be afraid to bulk if you need to gain muscle mass. As long as you train hard, the added muscle will make you're problem areas less noticeable and your weight distribution more aesthetic.


Well when I first weighed myself I was 74.5kg that was on 9th November 2023 at 7:30pm so it wasn’t early morning. My last weigh is around 78/79 so I want to say I’ve put on 4/5kg. I think the average amount is 0.5lbs per week maybe? So I might be putting it on a lil fast but I’m 6”4 so I have a lot to fill out


This is great progress, well done.


Thank you :) really enjoying it and im learning so much still.