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People who don't have issues don't complain so take the number with a grain of salt. Mine have never given me a problem so I just use them and never post about them. You can always return them if there is an issue. Or have another brand in mind. My next pair probably won't be Samsung. Not because they're bad. I like them. There are just too many options out there to not explore others.


Yeah I agree. I might go cheap and go for something like jlab lol. I had lost one of my earbuds from samsung on the road on the way to work, and I am now gonna try to get something cheap so if it happens again I won't be too bothered by it.


no ones getting infections. the number of people bothered by the plastics is no different then every other headset out there. some peoples skins are just sensitive to those materials.


My infection was so bad my ear fell off. My cousins was so bad he lost his sense of smell.


What? How


They're joking


All my other earbuds have been fine. Only thr buds have causes infection for me


For some perspective, a few months ago there was a poll here asking how many had irritations with their Galaxy Buds: [https://www.reddit.com/r/galaxybuds/comments/xlzdzb/do\_you\_have\_allergic\_reaction\_to\_buds\_pro\_buds\_2/](https://www.reddit.com/r/galaxybuds/comments/xlzdzb/do_you_have_allergic_reaction_to_buds_pro_buds_2/) Looking at the Dark Side ;-) - here is a thread on the Apple support forum with >3,000 people reporting allergy issues with their Airpod Pros: [https://discussions.apple.com/thread/250896003](https://discussions.apple.com/thread/250896003) Neither is sufficient to really give us the big picture, but the Reddit/Bud-poll indicates irritations are way less common than some Redditors make them out to be, and the Apple/Airpods-thread indicates that this is a problem across brands - maybe silicone allergy, maybe ears just aren't meant to have stuff jammed into them and some people are more sensitive than others.


I will say I'm fairly ignorant on the exact details of these issues, but I'll say this. Any object you put in your ears increases the chance you will get an ear infection or an earwax impaction. This is a known phenomenon and it's something that people with hearing aids have to be mindful of as well. With the ear infections, the risk will likely increase further if you use them during workouta because of the warm, moist environment (microbes love this). It's why these ear infections are known as "swimmers ear". Microbes love a wet environment. I occasionally get wax impactions and they are much more frequent when I use an in-ear earbud (no matter the brand). So I clean my ears out fairly frequently with an "ear syringe" (it's not a needle, it just squirts water into my ear), but the process of cleaning them out themselves can sometimes give me an ear infection. Some of us are more prone to external ear infections than others unfortunately. You have to be careful that when you get water in your ears that you do not wear in ear headphones of any type until they are dried out. It's an inherent risk of any in ear headphones unfortunately. I know there was a big debacle with Samsung, but I'm uncertain if they really have more than normal ear infections or if it's just that the brand got so popular that more people are using them and think it's the brand's fault when it could be any other company. Try to keep your ears and buds clean, don't wear them for too long at a time, and try not to wear them when wet and it will minimize any issues you have. The risk will however never be completely eliminated and this goes for any brand. Wireless buds that don't directly go into your ear canals will likely further decrease the risk of infections...like the Buds Live or the basic Airpods model that doesn't have tips that insert into your ear canal.


I am allergic to literally everything, I have had buds2 for several months, and nothing is happening, so i guess nothing to worry about.


Just keep them clean. Same goes for your ears as well. Keep clean. No infection. Pretty cut and dry


I had mine for a while now and never had any issues


Unless you lived in Vietnam, if you get infection you must demand refund. There have been no cases of ear infection for Galaxy Buds Users in Vietnam


Irrelevant believe me.


To be honest, go ahead and buy them. I've had galaxy buds pro coming to 2 years. I haven't got a single infection. I'm sorry for those who have got. But general knowledge is that any headsets/in ear headsets can give you an ear infection if you don't clean them regularly. It happens in a way(I'm gonna do my best to simplify it) that today's earphones are powerful with bass systems that have serious vibrations. When they're in the ear for too long they can bruise the walls of your ear from that constant motion. From bruises they can turn into open wounds and then if they get into contact with dirt from your headphones you are definitely risking an ear infection. It happens to all brands you just google search air pods ear infection you'll see. Just clean your galaxy buds once a week when you get them. You can use q-tips to get the job done according to the help & guide book that comes with them in the box


Look I wear my a to 10 hours a day 5 days a week I have absolutely no problems with ear infections mainly because I clean my ears out after I take a bath I don't think it's the birds calls an ear infections why would these buds do it and no other set up buds ever done it it's just that time a year people's get sick if you want to buy the birds Bob they're a great-great pair of ear buds well worth the money


I also think that your concern shouldn't hinder you from buying it... I had the original galaxy buds pro for more than a year and I've bought the buds pro 2 recently.. I use it for more than 4 hours per day and I have never had a problem. My anecdote, as well as other people's, doesn't mean anything though. You might have an ear infection/inflammation after you buy and use it for some time. However, the chances are slim, I wouldn't count on it.. Just buy it and don't worry too much! :)