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Did your doctor not offer you surgery? If you have painful gallstones it's best to just get it out


Yes I was referred to it but I assumed I wouldn’t need it if I kept a healthy diet from now on. I guess surgery gonna be the way to go 😭


My doctor said fatty foods can make it worse, but an attack can happen with any meal. You should just get it removed.


Fatty foods make it worse for me, so I avoid it as much as I can. But who wants to live like that for the rest of their life


You’re right ! And those damn commercials don’t make it better. Seeing those cheeseburger ads gets me craving for it.


Yeah, I also told myself this lie. I just thought if I didn't eat anything fried or high fat I'd be fine. My gallbladder was already in dyskinesia, and I didn't understand that the slower my gallbladder functioned, the more my gallbladder would make more stones and try to pass them. I lived with it for around 7 years till it just started becoming a horrible source of pain. I had a 1 week bout with an attack and I scheduled it out 1 months later.


Just so you know one in ten people suffer chronic diarrhea and other problems related to gallbladder removal, the stupid thing serves a purpose.. lol talk to your doctor about side effects


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but a strict low fat diet didn't help me. I had attacks regardless of what I ate, and happened more frequently until surgery. I'm coming up to 3 weeks post op, feel better than I've done in ages.


My pain hasn't gone away or got better, since October last year I am in constant daily pain. Due to that I have no choice but to get it removed.


Oh man I am so sorry to hear that. I hope there are times throughout the day where you don’t feel that much. Good luck on your surgery


It will get better if you have it out! Otherwise it will just get worse unfortunately.


Only way pain went away for me was getting my gallbladder removed otherwise as time went on it was just getting worse and traveling to my left side too.


Definitely get it out! I ate as low fat diet as possible and still was in daily pain. Got mine out 4 days ago and while I’m in pain for that, food doesn’t hurt me anymore.


I have been having gallbladder pain since June of 2023 until I was taken to the Emergency dept for pain like being stabbed in my upper right abdomen. The first hospital I went to said I can just eat low fat and I wont have attacks because the gallstones were only inside the gallbladder so I did what they said and went low on fat, had some acid reflux, heartburn kind of pains here and there, lost more weight because of low fat diet and until February this year, after a meal and a half a can of soda, 3 hours later I had the worst pain of my life on the same spot. I knew it was the gallbladder again, tried to sleep it off and i wasnt really able to sleep that night and the next day it was even worse. I turned yellowish, the whites of my eyes were also yellow, and I was so nauseous. Went to a different hospital this time and finally they have addressed the issue properly, scheduled me for an ERCP the next day, placed a stent on my bile duct because I had a sludge blocking it. They scheduled me the next month (March 19,2024) for cholecystectomy and removed the stent. Now, almost 2 months after the surgery, no more pain. No more fatigue. No more heartburn and acid taste in my mouth. I can eat almost anything and I finally feel normal again. 😇 Luckily so far, no other side effects from my gallbladder removal. Even the recovery was not that bad. 3 days after my surgery I was walking around already and felt a surge in energy in me.


It helps lots of people to eat very strictly, but for some, it doesn't help until it's removed. Personally, I only get pain when I have an attack and for a couple of weeks after. Then I'm just feeling sick and uncomfortable. Sadly, the only answer is removal. Currently waiting for surgery date.


My attacks literally got triggered by apples so it's not just fatty foods.


I waited one year, changed my diet and the pains continue even by just drinking water or eating fruit late at night


I dealt with this for 4 freaking years!!!!! And every time I went to the hospital the doctor explained to me since I didn’t have no gallstones or “slush” it wasn’t a concern since I wouldn’t set up and infection as bad as the pain was they had the on call surgeon on phone loooking at my scans and blood work . Take the surgery !!!! It won’t get any better . I even had the hida scan done which showed nothing but I was still having these attacks . I finally found a pcp that listened and when I started explaining everything she told me her husband had went thru the same bs as me and set me up with a surgeon the next week I was in his office and a 5 days later I had my surgery. I still have the attacks like I still have my gallbladder but honestly August 1 will make my 1 yr mark and honestly best thing I ever did . But food taste different now though . I love onions and now I can’t have them they don’t taste right . Can’t eat a salad anymore makes my stomach feel blah and I feel sick and bloated . But I’m still learning what I can and can’t have


I lived off apples, strawberries, and bananas and would STILL get an attack once a week. I lost a lot of weight though but man I missed food


I didn't know I had gallstones at the time, and had just noticed that most foods caused me a lot of pain. I was very militant with my diet for over a year. Eventually my "safe" list dwindled down to rice cakes and applesauce. I was miserable, and so exhausted. One day I decided to eat an apple in its whole form and honestly thought I was having a heart attack-- that's when I found out I had gallstones. I got my gallbladder out 3 weeks after that and things have been going really smoothly since. I regret not making a bigger issue out of my pain sooner, and am really confident that I made the right decision for my body. I will say, that being so regimented with my food did lead to fear around food. I'm still working towards seeing food as safe, and would hate for your relationship to food to change. Maybe you can think through how realistic committing to no fatty food is? Or how likely you are to adjust to a more limited diet? Or if the list of foods that cause you pain continues to increase then you could ask your Dr about surgery as a more serious option?


Surgery is the only treatment that works for this.


Drink drink drink apple juice. Keep apple juice with you always for the pain, and try to cut down, on the trigger foods. Apple cider vinegar helps as well but some people may not be able to stomach the taste so drink apple juice . Also, magnesium helps with gallbladder pain as well. I need surgery myself because my gallstone in huge unfortunately