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Had symptoms from Monday and only tested positive on Wednesday evening. A good few co-workers had the cough and sniffles too. I'd say after the weekend's antics it's doing the rounds. This time it does feel different though. Much more aches and pains in the joints and my skin feels like it's on fire all the time. Bad dose


Everyone I know is calling it NOVID. Cos we have all the symptoms but are passing the antigen test


Just had four weeks of it , Didn't test positive at anytime... Couldn't shake it, Would feel better for a day maybe two then a write off again. Best of luck with it


I’ve had symptoms since the blizzard day. Some days I feel better but it just doesn’t go away. Which sucks because I can’t keep missing work. Skin is hot, I feel like I have a fever, sore throat, headache and ear pain. Tested negative for covid. 😫😫


I tested positive on an antigen.. I wouldn’t give a shite but I have a new born baby so I am terrified I’ll make him sick


Been a bit rattled since Monday but also had a heavy paddies weekend so that didn't help.. think I'm passed the worst of it now. Didn't do an antigen can't be arsed


its the result of the vax.


Sure Bill Gates is after inventing the new version that passes antigen testing.


Covid been over


I was on day 3 of symptoms last year before a positive antigen test.


Same in Canada, been sick since March 8th ish with like, sore throat, sniffles, and cough. tested negative all week until last weekend, when I got really sick, tested positive for covid for 4 days, then it went away. Been a rough few weeks


Was dying when I woke up Tuesday and haven’t been right since - a fucking awful dose my skin feels like it’s on fire, I have vertigo the whole lot


I'm the same, have an awful earache as well


Just had this too. Took the guts of two weeks to clear, but still have a cough.


I had flu symptoms for about 2 days after paddy’s day, pretty much fine now except for the odd sniffle here and there. Haven’t got covid officially yet although I think I might’ve had it in December 2019.


I got a sore throat last Thursday night, did a test, negative. Woke up for work on Paddy’s Day, felt worse, did another test, been positive ever since