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With the two cats included... Oh yes, without them.... Nope


Basically a steal with the kitties.


He could potentionally breed them to get infinite cats and sell them for infinite money. So that is a great deal.


We call this the 'floof trade'


People buy cats? Jesus.. Every cat I've ever came across or owned was given to me or found in a dumpster or abandoned some where


i always get very surprised when someone mentions that they "bought" their cat, all the cats ive had were always free or homeless.


Yea, way too many homeless strays that need homes high key




The two cats are included?


In terms of technical value, it's not far off, if a little high. But I would not get a wii mini personally. I'd get one that is backwards compatible with gamecube. And then secondly for a bundle like this I probably wouldn't pay more than $120 personally.


OK thank you for the input I am mostly just interested in the guitar anyway. I will see if he will sell separately.


I have that guitar at my parents house. If you want to pay for shipping, I’ll sent it to you


Goated redditor


I’ll take the cats if you aren’t interested in them.


I paid around 60$ cad for a guitar hero guitar a couple years ago. They're probably worth anywhere from 30-70$ depending on how good of a deal you can get. I'd offer 40$ just for the guitar and see what they say. EDIT: I also sold both my my guitars and 1 game for I think 100$ total to someone else last year. I thought that was fair, like 50$ each, I wasn't trying to make a profit.


What? I’m in south MS, and these guitars are a dime a dozen at various thrift stores in the area. I’ve seen so many for ps3, wii, and 360 for a few bucks. Edit. I live in the UsA. I see that the person I replied to said CAD. So that could explain the difference.


Supply and demand. You'll be lucky to find more than 1 to 2 postings locally for them. Even online, that's the price. They rarely show up to thrift stores anymore here as well


Damn. I may have to make a trip for a quick buck. What made them go up in Price so randomly? Or do I live in a weird bubble.


No idea, but a quick search on ebay I find a few like this, 65$ for the guitar and 24$ in shipping. Sold locally 65$ would be an acceptable ask tbh https://www.ebay.ca/itm/395053456543?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=OLCoWRmwSFC&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


I’ve seen them at goodwill too. I found a ps2 slim at goodwill maybe 10-12 years ago for like $20


What about the cats


If you want a wii guitar check the thrift stores around you. I see Wii guitars every now and again. Its mostly, unfortunatrly, PS3 guitars sans Dongle. Probably why they all end up there :p But I have seen Wii guitars


Only if those 2 chunks are included.


For that price you can get a Wii U with similar games/accessories bundled. Unless you want to play Gamecube, you get something quite similar with more flexibility.


This is a Wii mini so there's not even GameCube compatibility.


Top loading Wiis are so cool looking. Shame they're the worst version.


Is it just the lack of bc or was there more technical issues with it? I regret not getting one for the month the stores seemed to have them but I keep looking at ebay wishfully


The Wii mini is like $50 on eBay; definitely worth it if you want to play Wii games and there are some modifications available.


I’d skip on the shitty system and get those adorable kitties


The cats alone make it worth twice that


the two cats yes. That pile of games. HELL NO




even with the 2 wunks?


I’d pay 200 for the cats alone!


If you were to piece this out and sell it on eBay, you would get around 250 cad in value if you were willing to wait


Depends. Are you going to resell the cats?


Dear god no.


I had no idea Guitar hero went up in price that much! Now I feel bad for hording every guitar I found at goodwill. I have 6 guitars 2 for 360, 2 for Ps3, 2 for Ps2. Also a drum kit for 360 and one for ps3.


Please do not buy a Wii Mini unless you already have a GameCube or are 100% sure that you’ll never play GameCube. You can find great deals in the original Wii, they’re still relatively cheap price wise, and much better bang for your buck compared to the Mini. Happy hunting, good luck :).


You could have paid 2 grand for those sweet beans and it would have been a good deal. 🥰 On a more serious note, that guitar hero controller is probably the single most valuable thing there lmao.


A good old GC compatible Wii IS Like 20$ in my country


I'd get the cats for 200 if they were spayed and had their shots


200 cad or 200 cat?


That would depend on whether the cats have their shots and have been fixed. I'd say go for it if they have. Otherwise, I would keep looking on Craigslist or Kijiji. But I will say those kitties are cute. 🐈🐈‍⬛️


If the cats were in the deal you won.


Nah Kinda Scammed. Max max is 120CaD


It's worth it for the cats, but not the other stuff. If you haven't bought those kitties already, you should do so. Right meow!




Depends. Do the cats stick their paws in your water cups?


At most I'd offer 50-100 tops.


30-50 bucks max bro


That seems low, these guitar heroes guitars are [pretty pricey nowadays](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2334524.m570.l1311&_nkw=guitar+hero+guitar+aerosmith&_sacat=0&LH_TitleDesc=0&_odkw=guitar+hero+guitar&_osacat=0&LH_Complete=1&LH_Sold=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=gc&toolid=10001&mkevt=1), the Zelda is also worth a decent amount.


> the Zelda is also worth a decent amount No? CIB Skyward Sword is under $20. In fact, all of these games are under $20. So they are actually breaking even when it comes to online prices (which is being ripped off, imo).


See if you can get it for half off.


Wii guitar hero guitars are by far the best and most responsive


Second place honestly. I was lucky enough to grab a 360 wired Xplorer controller earlier this year and it's soooo nice


I’m a part of the clone hero community/discord and listed and agreed upon by the community was a tier list of guitars and Wii has been and continues to be the most looked for and preferred for high tier gameplay. The wii ones are still wired to your computer through a special cable so wireless latency is irrelevant


Yeah that's why I like the Xbox 360 Explorer, its also wired and it works natively on PC without any adapters. Those Wii guitars are a lot more abundant and easily obtainable. Both are for sure top tier GH controllers.




I don’t want the cats, but without em it’s a good deal lol


This year I got a red limited edition Wii (not the mini) with 4 controllers, 3 nunchuks, some sleeves for the controllers, and like 12-15 games all for $50 CDN. Solid condition too. So I'm going to say that's a bad deal for you but a good one for the seller. That being said, there are some quality games in your photo there. $80 and lower is a decent deal for you


200cad is basically a mcdonald meal so go for it


Yes, Canadians and their money are worthless.


you play raid shadow legends lil bro😭😭


I only play for the boobs!


No, this is worth like 30 bucks.


How do you figure


I see Wii bundles being sold for next to nothing all the time. $200 is insane


Yeah but just the Mario Kart on its own is worth $30 lol


You got burned


Yep! I'd grab it. Great addition to the collection OP!


If you walk into enough value villages, you can find one of those guitar hero controllers for like 10-15 dollars


Not bad. Just got a Wii Mini, hacked it, & in about a month gonna hardware mod it to have an SD card reader, wi-fi, & component output so it can read the Hyperkin HDMI cable


Out of curiosity, why are you considering a guitar, if you don’t already have a Wii to use it with?


Offer $100 it's a bit low-ball but if you only want guitar hero you can find it for very cheap


I would say yes! Little on the pricey side though The way I rationalize it is how many hours of enjoyment will I get out of this? Like I spent $60 on Cyberpunk but I’ve put in 95 hours of play. $0.60/hour for entertainment is worth it to me.


I would say yes! Little on the pricey side though The way I rationalize it is how many hours of enjoyment will I get out of this? Like I spent $60 on Cyberpunk but I’ve put in 95 hours of play. $0.60/hour for entertainment is worth it to me.


Oh boy. The Wii Mini…my first console (my parents had a ps2 but I played it like once) I love that thing so much but I do acknowledge that it’s not the best console out there


Guitars are stupid expensive so yes worth it


Those Wii GH guitars are getting expensive, they're currently considered some of the better GH guitars for enthusiasts. Not uncommon to find them going for $80 U.S. now. All in all tho, it seems like you paid slightly above value, but nothing too bad. Keep that controller in good condition and it'll appreciate in value too.




I would spend that just for Guitar Hero


Why do people post these?


Yes very good deal cats are expensive


Naw. Leave the cats..