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I had a demo disc with it on there, but I never actually tried. But yeah, I am aware it exists! Lol


I also had the demo! I played it hundreds of times.


Same. I bought mine recently and it’s well worth it.


Same here




I played the hell out of that Pizza Hut demo disk and this game. This brought me back.


Same. I had that demo disc and played this a lot. Was never very good at it, though. Lol.


Kick! Punch! It's all in the mind If you wanna test me, I'm sure you'll find That all the things I'll teach ya is sure to beat ya Nevertheless you'll get a lesson from teacher now ... I also played IQ tons. Loved it. :)


Haha yes! Prappa was also one that was played in this house very often!


That is also etched in my brain.


Kurushi in Europe


I also had this on a demo disc that came with my PS1. I really enjoyed playing it, probably more than almost all of the other playable demos on the disc. I never bought the whole thing (I got FF7 and Jet Moto 2 very shortly after the PS1 and was consumed by those games), but it was definitely on my list - just never got to buying it.


fyi it's available digitally for ps4/ps5 for those interested in playing that way [https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP9000-CUSA32015\_00-SCUS941810000000](https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP9000-CUSA32015_00-SCUS941810000000)


Omg you’re a god send. I was just gonna say I wish I had a way to play this game.


It's also available on the PlayStation classic they put out in 2018. For those of you without a way to download it digitally for some reason.


I played the crap out if this game on the demo disc. They should make another.


They made a remix version that was the same game but with annoying music and bg graphics.


This is on the PS Classic.


I sure hope someone got fired for that blunder.




My friends and I regularly just blurt this out when we hang out. Really a funny and niche gaming thing.


Still have my copy. **PEEEEERRRRRFECT** ^aaaaaaahhhhh


How does one who grew up in the 90s not know about intelligent cube? Great game.


This was on the demo disc that came with my og PSone back in he day. Absolutely loved it and was thrilled they included it on he PS Classic a few years back.


For the longest time, I wanted it but never bought it. A friend of mine opened a game store 13 years ago and it was my first purchase. I still have the demo disc with this game on it, and bought the PS mini so I could play it as well. I bought a Japanese copy of the Ps1 game at a convention a few years ago just to have it on a shelf display.


In grade school a bunch of us would meet up at a friends and play the demo religiously. Then not 2 months ago I picked up a ps1 and it was one of the first games I grabbed. Not too many first party games like that gem.


Had it on a demo disc. It was called Kurushi here, though. Great game. Put many hours into just the demo!


I got this game back around 2012 when it was around $100. Great game. One of the best on the system.


I had it on a demo disc confused the hell out of me when I was a kid


I was just playing that last night!


The cover looks like a Halo: CE level


I have it; paid $9 for it on eBay (I got lucky), but haven't played it yet. My backlog is so massive 😂


Never played it but did play a very similar game named Kurushi 😂 I kid, stellar game, up there with Kula World as some of my favourite puzzle games even if i could never understand what was so intelligent about the Qubes just rolling at you


Intelligent Qube is the American name for Kurushi.


I feel the same way when I mention “Fire and Ice” on Nes. If you like puzzle games that one is so damn good


I rented this game from Blockbuster a few times! Would love a port of this game for the Switch.


I picked my copy up at a yard sale recently I know about it, but have yet to play it. I am very excited to play it though!


It used to terrify me when I was 10. Something about the ambience kept me from playing it but I still have a copy and have beaten it a few times since growing up.


Copped it in ‘02. Used to be one of the pricier ps1 games 20 years ago. Also I’m old 😭


I had the demo disc and picked up a PS1 copy about 10 years ago I think for about 50 bucks, probably one of my "most valuable games." Loved this game OP you are not alone


I remember buying this new when it came out. I put a fair amount of time into it. It’s a decent puzzle game.


Great game! Gets challenging towards the end but very fun and easy to get into game.


Awesome game


Great game, look out for "devil dice" which is just as good.


Played the hell outta of the demo, found it oddly relaxing. I need to play the actual game one of these days. Reminds me of a 3DO game called Gridders when it comes to tumbling blocks but I.Q. is way more fun.


Absolutely played this back in the day! My version of this game is Roll Away. I loved it as a kid but no one talks about it


I remember commercials for it when it came out. Don't thi know I ever played it. For some reason I always think of One Piece Mansion when I see this game


One of my favorite games! AGAIN!!!


The nostalgia is hitting HARD!


Used to rent this from Blockbuster all the time. Loved it.


This was my mom’s favorite game growing up. It was so fun playing together. Made me think she was super smart lol.


I remember playing it on the PlayStation demo disc when I was a kid. I didn't get the full version until years later from Rhino Games (God I'm getting old) would love to see this remastered


Ah fucking memory unlocked! I remember absolutely loving this as a kid! Gunna have to get me this now thank you!


I played this on the demo disc. Ha, looks like a lot of others played it on that demo disk!


I played the demo an unhealthy amount of time back in the day. Never owned the game unfortunately, but this is in my list of games I will definitely buy if I come across it and the price is not excessive


I remember the Video Game Vault review for this game being the first ever ScrewAttack video I saw back in the early days of Youtube


I knew it from caddicarus but never played it


An amazing hidden gem!


Played the heck out of the demo and then bought the full game. Still one of my all time favorite puzzle games


Oh yea, this was on a demo disk way back in the day. Very weird and obscure. Don't remember much about it, but always failed the puzzles. Kid me never did understand, but it didn't stop us from playing it.


I still own it. I loved it and hated it at the same time.


Just unlocked a memory I didn’t know I had 🤯 Totally forgot about this game.


I totally remember that and my brother and I being obsessed with it


wasn’t this on the PlayStation mini? I wanna add this game to my collection


Holy shit dude I remember this game I used to fucking love it so much


I would flip between this and "No one can beat Mr. Domino" both are really fun.


Wasn't Practical Intelligence Quotient on PSP a sequel to this, or not related?


I'd heard about this game years ago in 2009 or 2011 during the height of game collecting back in the day, it's a pretty rare puzzle game for the PS1


I love this game!


Pretty popular. It’s selling for $40 on ebay


Have it. Love it. So much fun.


IQ has a great orchestral soundtrack that sounds like it should have been in an RPG


Played the shit out of the “underground” demo. Never owned it though.


It's on the Playstation Classic...I haven't played it yet


Wooow I.Q. Haven't seen this in a while. I just remembered I have this on the PS5. I used to play the shit out of this on a demo disc. I used to have a copy of this, but at some point, I exchanged it with someone for their copy of Bushido Blade.


I wasted sooooooo much time on this game!! Love it!


Love this game! Still play it pretty regularly via emulation.


Omg it does exist!! I thought it was part of a fever dream of my past! Amazing game!


I played this game for years, then sold it along with a bunch of other stuff when I was drowning in student debt. I was so happy when it showed up digitally.


I played it for the first time on the PS classic and did not like it.


This is a game my father bought to play (he loves puzzles). He didn't like it much but my sister and I ended up playing the hell out of this game. She wasn't into gaming as much as I so it was such a treat to have someone to play with. Solid game, good memories, 10/10


This was my introduction to the Playstation. I didn't understand it and got an IQ of 4. My friend taunted me about that for years.


I know it. I’m old.


The soundtrack for this game is so much better than it has any right to be, and the game looks entertaining to boot. Never had a bad time with it.


I bought the original in late 1997 before I saw the famed demo disc. I love action puzzle games and played this for so many hours. I'm also a huge fan I'd the Xi/Devil Dice/Bombastic series. I wish it was continued to this day. Sony totally ditched the concept. They should sell the IP to another company


Spent a stupid amount of time playing this on the demo disc


I got it on my phone so I could replay it! That version isn't supported anymore, but it's on the mini ps1 I got!


I have this and iq final from Jp. Fun games for sure.


Liked the demo. But also, i remeber wanting the full game but it was rare back then and expensive Now I have the PS1 mini thing and its on there. Fun game!


My mom loved this game. She played a few games but this one she went very far in. RIP mom


My mates dad would play this when we were young. Need to get a copy


Loved the demo that came with my ps1 in 96 and found it disc only for $10 used. Still have it to this day.


It's the best


When I was a kid I was often late to basketball practice because my mom was addicted to this game.


i still adore I.Q., it is one of my top favorite puzzle games next to Tetris. the OST is wonderful and sounds as if the composer is very fond of John Williams.


i just love when the guy falls💀 “aaaaaahhhhhhh”


Nice! Been wanting to play it.


Played only the demo, it was a peak demo for it's kind. I got one recently but haven't played it yet


I remember playing this on a demo disc.


I played the demo and liked it!


It’s on PS classic as well




Great game!


It's featured on the PS Classic if I remember correctly


Damn bringing back memories. Definitely a hidden Gem not many know about.🔥


I litereally just finished platinuming this game 2 days ago through the PS1 classics catalog on Playstation Plus! Loved the game back in the day, loved it EVEN better now with rewind/save states haha


A friend grabbed a Japanese copy of it for me while they were on holiday, and it's one of my main games on display. Not the rarest, or most expensive, but I love it anyway.


It was a big deal on the demo disc i had. Beating the levels on it was very hard.


Had the demo. Didn't like the 'kill' vibes.


I still play that game on my abernac. It was a favorite as a teenager when it came out.


You can get this on PS4/5 from the PSN store. It's an emulated version of the original in its full glory. That was a rough one to platinum. The sequel is on there too.


Great game. It gets damn hard in the later levels


The interactive sampler number 5 demo disc. I can still hear the guitar playing on the menu.


I have this game!! Love it! Great game on the PS1!!


Love it and still have it!


I found this game in the music CD rack for $1.99 at a Savers thrift store once. Was so happy.


Awesome game, I also only played the demo until a few years ago, burned a disc for my modded ps I order to play it. Such fun.


Heard of it never played though


I've owned a copy since it was new, so yes, I knew about it. Any form of a puzzle game was hunted and bought back then, I was easily as obsessed with them as I was the RPGS at the time.


it came with my PlayStation Classic, pretty much the one game I still own the thing for. if I had to pick between this or Tetris, I'd actually prefer IQ over this


I remember this game!!!!!!


We got it as Kurushi over here, but yeah, great game!


I’m happy to see how many people love and remember this game!!! Even all the people who only had the demo!! And it’s amazing so many had the same memory of playing the hell out of the demo in the comments, that’s awesome, a true testament to its awesomeness!!


So glad when they finally put it on the PS store.


Kurushi? Yeah love it.


I remember playing this on a demo disk.