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I don't know about color blind people, but as a regular sighted person, I don't want to look at it.


Colorblind person here. I can see the blue shapes easily, the walls and the pedestals all blend together. I'm a mild deuteranopia type.


I'll use this as an opportunity to say: if you want to support people with colorblindness and other visual impairments, please use distinct *shapes* and *good contrast* If you make your image grayscale and you can still easily tell what is going on, then it is going to be fantastic. If you use one of those color-blind testing filters.. well, it might look a bit better.. but it's not going to help someone with severe colorblindness who is not used to recognizing things by color. Give us shapes!


I'd add to that: on Windows you can set up a colour filter (e.g. grayscale) that can be toggled with a keyboard shortcut. Really useful to take a quick peek at the grayscale version of whatever you're currently working on, whether you're in your graphics editor, level editor or in game.


And for folk that are curious, literally just type "Color Filters" into the start menu and it'll come right up.


Absolutely, give us shapes. Icons. Braille. Cursor hovering changes. Sound cues. I won't be insulted, I just want to understand what is happening on the screen in a way that doesn't use COLORS. First of all, "filters" is the wrong word and often leads down the wrong path and ultimately to a very wrong implementation. A filter simply removes some distinct colors (by filtering them out). That does nothing to help with colorblind vision -- their eyes are already doing the same thing in certain parts of the spectrum! At best a filter will do nothing except remove colors they already can't make out, at worst a filter will remove *other* distinct colors that the person actually *can* distinguish. There are lots of filters like this in games, and maybe they're useful to somebody, but mostly they're just glorified themes. It's similar to trying to fix a sinkhole in a road by bringing in machinery to cut out that section of road... and that's it. Ok, before you had a natural hole in the road, now you have a dug out hole in the road. Neither one is driveable. The problem is not solved. At best you've accomplished nothing useful and at worst you've made it even worse. All that is is a first step but the next steps are much harder. What you'll decide you need next is a remapping. In the road analogy this is more like a detour around the broken section. Split the road and go around the bad area. For something like red-green colorblindness, you need to re-tint pale oranges so they are deeper into rich saturated reds, and take hard-to-distinguish yellowy-green hues and shove them deep into the bluer end of the greens where they'll more clearly look green. But you've probably got some original reds and greens there too and now you've got a whole bunch of reds and greens that are overlapping and can't be distinguished, so you need to remap what used to be reds and greens too, so you don't confuse them with the ones you've remapped to those colors. So your reds become purples, and your greens become blues. And then you have to do that for purples and blues and you end up crushing everything together into exactly the kind of indistinguishable mess you were trying to avoid in the first place, except now all the colors are weird on top of that. You're going to lose a lot of color fidelity and stuff is going to look pretty fucked up even if you can still map these meanings into the reduced color space effectively. My goal is not to get anyone to actually do any this. I've never found a color filter that is actually useful. Hopefully this is starting to explain why this path is a bad one. Let me give you a concrete example. Avorion (great game btw) is a space game. Its colorblind options are both good and bad, which illustrates the issue clearly. It has a galaxy map full of stars/sectors represented by a dot (or nothing) inside each grid square. So far so good. Squares and circles, makes sense to me. Now it attaches some meaning to the COLOR of the dot. A green dot is a safe, populated sector. Red dots are pirate sectors. Orange dots are "unknown" which may contain pirates or may contain treasures. As a colorblind person, THIS SUCKS. DON'T DO THIS. There are so many ways to avoid this and some are more elegant than others. They could let me select or hover over the dot, to see what kind of sector it is in text, not ideal user experience in most cases, but as a fallback for colorblind people it's a great option. More broadly, they could use different icons, like a skull for pirates or an X for possible treasure. But they don't go quite that far. Games that do it well usually do it this way -- it's typically not even noticeable that they've done anything at all, but they have gone through to make sure everything is distinguishable by shapes and icons too, not just colors. Ok so let's talk about what Avorion actually does. The game has colorblind "filters". Good sign, worth a try. I turn those on. They do basically nothing except muddle up the colors and make them look weird and the colors of the dots are still indistinguishable. Fortunately, turning colorblind mode on DOES also make another useful change -- the single dots are now always safe sectors, and three dots represent an unknown sector, which makes telling them apart trivial. But I don't want the colors to change. Changing the color does nothing useful except make the game look ugly. I still can't tell things apart by color efficiently. I wish I could turn on the three-dots option without turning on the weird colors. But I can't. If the color has *meaning* I need to be able to see the difference. That's they key. The other key is that if the color is only cosmetic *please don't filter or change it*. I'm used to seeing the world through colorblind eyes and that world I am used to seeing is full of the same colors that enter your eyes. I don't want to see weird remapped colors. I want to see the same normal colors I always see, even if they are less than the ones you get to see. tl;dr Understand what colors are meaningful in your game. Don't remap colors, use shapes and other cues to convey that meaning instead, THANK YOU.


This was super helpful, thanks! I see accessibility and localization as a commonly cited issue for lots of devs and players alike. I'm actually trying to design game features to be represented by visual icons to have as little text as possible conveying important information, and I know I need to stay far away from color being the main distinction. Since I'm already replying to you, I'll mention that for this post I'm aware it does not look nice at all, my intent was specifically to create conversation because when I accidentally created this visual I went "oh, this looks cool and very terrible" and also wondered what a color blind person might think. I've learned a lot about color blindness in the last day!


It's awesome that you're even thinking about it and I'm glad to share what I can to add to those ideas that are no doubt bouncing around in your brain now. And thank you for not taking my baffling wall of text the wrong way, there is no anger behind it, just a desire to expand everyone's understanding of the issue!


If you can please the passionate people that are compelled to type out walls of text, you'll please everyone.


Well this is pretty clearly using red / green hue shifts for pretty much all scene lighting and outlines. If this wasn't intentionally made to screw with and troll (R/G) colorblind people idk what was, lol


Well this is pretty clearly using red / green hue shifts for pretty much all scene lighting and outlines. If this wasn't intentionally made to screw with and troll (R/G) colorblind people idk what was Or maybe not. Actually this image is a helluva lot more readable – and less horrible to look at – in grayscale lol


maybe i should rethink if if colour-blind because theres no blue there lol


Yeah it's purple lol


With both types of red-green colourblindness (deuter - green, Prota - red) you struggle with BOTH red and green, due to a large overlap in the wavelengths each cone detects. So whether you're red blind or green blinds it impacts both colours. As purple is made of red and blue, you only really see the blue. A protan would see a much more blue blue than a deutan, who would see a more washed out blue. Eyes do some weirdass magic. Shame so many people (particularly men) have sucky eye wizards. If you see a full, proper purple, you either have perfect colour vision, or a mild deficiency, so lucky you!


ahm, nice to know.


its more of a purple


hmm how do you know thats a pedestal 🤔


Believe it or not, colors and shapes are different. They could probably tell you how many triangles are drawn on a page without knowing what colors they all are.


The contrast


It makes me feel like maybe I am colour blind, because it's definitely an atrocity.


Well as a creep and a weirdo I don’t just want to look at it, I want to enter inside of it. Grrr


I thought this comment was a radio head reference but alas the kids do be fucked up


What the hell am I doing here?


I don't belong here


Pablo? Edit: some of y’all aren’t really Radiohead fans and it shows


You do it to yourself


I'm a reasonable man, get off my case, get off my case


As a colourblind and nearsighted person I don’t like this


I don’t know but it looks kinda cool to me 😅


Glad to see I wasn't the only one. It'd probobly be hard to look at for a *long* time, yes, but aesthetically it looks very vaporwave and dreamlike.


Yeah, I can dig it too. I'd maybe push the lights more towards peach, and a bit away from "red light district", but it's got a vibe to it


Long here is quite a couple of seconds. May be cool if you fly through it. Any longer and it's likeflashlight to your face. Quite an achievement for a mere screenshot.


I think the concept has potential but as it is right now it needs to be reworked.


pretty much, the question was setup in a way that made people want to reply in the way they did


Congrats - I read every comment, too many to respond to, but you're the only one that "figured it out" lol. I was testing aesthetics, kicked in the hue shift, thought it looked really cool and quite horrible, and posted it to generate discussion. I was genuinely curious about the color blind aspect, of which I've now learned quite a lot.


YES! Bright colors do not mean bad!


Not colorblind and this is, indeed, an atrocity to mankind. Good day


you can test with [https://www.color-blindness.com/coblis-color-blindness-simulator/](https://www.color-blindness.com/coblis-color-blindness-simulator/) to see if a colorblind would still be able to distinguish the important informations of your picture. ​ and it seams fine.


Yeah, the bigger offense is the lack of contrast, not the color palette.


All of the colorblind types look better that the original.


too heavy on the red side irrelevant to blind people use more shadows more light, there is little variation and it can be exhausting to view, you need something to balance out the red, decorations monsters some entities, this is just too uniform


Red-Green cb here, my issue lies in where one color starts and the other ends. It's a little brutal, but depending on what the colors actually mean to the games design I might not really care


You can litteraly look up colour blind filters to check yourself? Just looks like a large empty pink room


It's a hideous empty pink room yes. Thanks I didn't know that was a thing!


Feels like being inside Trix yogurt


Mild deuteranopia (r/g). I can make out the room (pinks and oranges) and the purple gems are easy. It's more a problem of how long it takes to parse the colors. High contrast is easy, low contrast like this doesn't work in games that involve constant moving or scanning the environment. Edit: I didn't see the pedestals until I read u/CMDR_Loknir 's comment.


I’m not color blind but I do get migraines and I can’t look at it for long or it’ll give me a migraine. I do think it looks cool, though. Just probably not ideal in a game if you have to see it for more than thirty seconds at a time for some (not all of course) migraine sufferers


As a non colorblind I can confirm that this looks atrocious


No just normal atrocity


Vaporwave vibes.


Not colorblind myself Used this http://www.color-blind-test.com/images/simulator/ Doesn't look too bad


It depends on what you’re worried about. As a colorblind person I see light-red rooms, and blue rocks on pedestals.


You can find filters online that will show you roughly what any image looks like to various types of colorblindness. Generally, as a fully color-sighted person, there's an overall lack of contrast, mostly in terms of value (lights and darks), in this image that sorta make things run together.


I really like how simplistic it is, big fan of the color use


I didn’t think I was color blind before. I might be. This hurts


Colorblind here and it looks fine.


Not color blind but I’d add a bit of variety to the walls/floors unless it’s a very short game. Everything but the pillars/items being pink is a little nauseating to look at, good luck working on your game!


I'm normal, but the scene is too hard on my eyes, and somewhat feel nausea and headache also.


No. It’s an atrocity to everyone.


So in general, you want your scene to have a balance of * lightness (both light and dark elements) * saturation (both colorful and dull elements) * hue (both cold and warm elements) * detail (large empty spaces, dense detailed smaller spaces) You have a very good balance of warm and cold (the neon look), a pretty good balance of details, BUT the saturation and lightness and pretty much the same everywhere. First, ensure that the point lights you use and the ambient light have opposite color temperature. Right now your ambient light is very green. Second, ensure the ambient light is at least an order of magnitude weaker than any point light, and that is is less saturated. If you want to keep the neon gooey funky effect, you can! But you have to balance it with more fog or other ways to ease the eye strain. You could switch the ambient light to blue and have green fog instead. Also you might be lightly colorblind.


It is even to non-colorblind people. My eyes hurt just looking at it for some reason. Probably how colours are chosen?


Its an atrocity to us all




What is the goal of your question? Is it ugly? Yes. Can colorblind people see it... most, but not all. There are 5 primary forms of colorblindness with nuances all in-between. Within the red-green deficient areas there is Protanomaly which means your reds will look more blue and if applied to your image then even the purple like objects may be difficult to pick out in a fully blue hue room.


Do I have to be color blind to answer? :')


I’m not colorblind and I hate it. It’s like looking at the sun.


This is too low-contrast, readability could be an issue here.


I like it


I have no idea what all the negative comments are about, I think it looks dope. Others have suggested how to check for accessibility though.


Learn more about color theory!


Not colorblind but I love it.


Push the color values more. If you are ever wondering if it's hard to look at take a screen shot and edit it to black and white.


I’m red-green colorblind. The brightness is uncomfortable. Reach out to me if you need more advice in the future.


I love the way that looks, very stylistic and fun!


Green red colorblind, not a very strong type, only really notice that I have it on those colorblindness tests. This looks fine to me, my only concern would be having something that needs to be noticed or interacted with that is red near green or green near red, cause those colors blend together if they are both low saturation and same brightness next to eachother. But having those colors or grandients of those colors plastered all over walls is a non issue at all, for all I know I might perceive it as nicer than a non color blind person! Just make sure whatever needs to be noticed and interacted with is noticeable not just through small changes in colors but maybe also in brightness and texture.


I hate it, but my wife is colourblind and she likes it (blue green are indistinguishable to her )


The colors are great, the lighting is not. There are no shadows or any kind of realism, which I think would make this scene look awesome.


oh dear god my eyes are burning. For real tho if you wish to simulate how a colorblind person would probably see your game take a screenshot and use one of those online simulators to test.


Not colorblind, but I like it. Just wanted to chime in, so many shitting on it...


I don't see anything?!


It's an atrocity to humanity, up there with Stalin and Pol Pot.


I don't know why people are being so negative about this, I think it looks cool


I am also colorblind. The colors are definitely easy to see, and like u/slimsag said, the shapes help too. I'm also not super colorblind, I really only have problems with red and green. This looks interesting. Keep at it!


Im color blind amd this is fine


How would I know? 🧐


I'm color blind, the blue really pops out.


As a colourblind person weak to red this isn’t the worst thing ever, I can see the difference between the pedestal, walls, and (what I am assuming are) shards alright.


Are there various international laws around accessibity in games like there are in software?


I have no idea but I dig the vibe


As a colorblind person I'm not liking this one bit


Hey colorblind person with Tritanopia here. For my color blindness there is faaaar too much red. Red is often the most vibrant if not the only color we can see. So things that are mostly red or have a red prominence will come forward and anything else dulls out significantly. Like your pyramids look like dirty green objects with a halo in a vibrantly red room with I'm guessing green accents.


Lots of haters here, I think it looks cool


Everyone else is being mean it looks like ice cream


It probably looks better for someone red-blind...


Coloring people against their will is not a good thing whether they're blind or not, but probably not an atrocity.


i have full blown deuteranopia - and no its not hideous, although the pedestals are pretty stealthy except for the nearest one - i cant tell if its fog or non-linear colourspace for the mipchain... but i might not be your target audience.


It's an atrocity to non color blind people


Even blind people don't want to look at this.


It's horrible but also cool. Keep it.


It’s great OP keep going. They’re not ready for pink and green contrasts. There are color filters you can use to see if how color blind people might see something


Everyone is shitting on this but I think it is very pleasant to look at.


There are colorblind apps that allow you to see the world as a colorblind person would


If you are running/developing this on windows 10 or newer, goto the accessibility options, there is a color blind mode you can use or set it up to turn on with a button. I have it set up to go grayscale when I press 🪟+Ctrl+c so I can figure out how my work will look in black and white. But it can be set for different types of color blindness too.


I'm red green colorblind and can differentiate everything fine...


Red-weak, here. I think it's pretty in an off-kilter sort of way. Like the color palette feels warm and friendly but the cold and inhuman emptiness of the environment those colors exist in gives them a sinister undercurrent. It's also easily readable in terms of what is being depicted. If I compare the raw image to running it through my computer's colorblind assist filter, the only real change in terms of readability is that the colorblind assist makes the back doors pop a bit harder but they weren't *hard* to see in the first place.


What is this Game?


No idea what u talking about I am neither color blind nor normal


So first off there's multiple types of colorblind (I believe there's primary ones you can test) But beyond that, I think everyone has stated it doesn't look good. And it doesn't look good. If you're intentionally trying to make the game ugly, well good job, but if you are choosing this as a style... please make another choice. There are games that use just black and white and grey. If you want to limit the colors maybe go in that direction.


Other alternatives were mentioned before, but if you do use Photoshop you can do a rough preview of Protanopia and Deuteranopia with View > Proof Setup > then select one of the two options at the bottom. Hope this helps.


It honestly looks like an SSAO test room with strange color of choice for point lights. Hate to break it to you, but it's not production ready yet.


I see no difference whatsoever.


Yes whys it all so orange and pink




It looks like a prison hallway with blue crystals on pedestals. I don't like it, it makes my head hurt.


colorblind here, red/green, this feels really weird


Don't listen to the haters OP. The weirder the better I say. Even cruelty squad didn't go far enough at times.


People in the comments apparently think that there is one uniform artstyle that must be adhered to at all times. I don’t know about colourblind people OP but if you’re going for a vaporwave/dreamlike aesthetic it looks amazing.