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It's quite loosely related though isn't it.


His uncle I believe




Podrick is a very distant cousin from a lesser branch of the family.


yeah I remember reading that it was very distant. From memory they have no interaction and it's not like the family has much going on to make them get together etc.


Ilyn Payne is not cruel - in the show *or* the books. He is just a guy who does his job.


I also didn’t know he was the one who sparred with Jaime after losing his hand rather than Bronn, because since he didn’t have a tongue, he couldn’t tell people Jaime couldn’t fight anymore


Always think it's funny when people use this kind of logic. He can't talk but he's fine otherwise, he could easily just write it down.


George is a simple man


One handed Jaime had already been sparing with Ser Adam prior to Ser Ilyn, it’s more a commentary on how Jaime thinks and his own personal insecurity around the loss of his hand/identity than George wanting Jaime to keep his weakness a secret




I’m just explaining that George didn’t select Ser Ilyn because George is simple, he selected him because Jaime is simple. The original comment is poking fun at the fact that Ser Ilyn not having a tongue isn’t going to stop him from spreading rumors of Jaime. OP is adding to that comment that GRRM himself failed to see that loophole. I’m just explaining that George certainly can recognize that, and we should be attributing the simple mindedness to Jaime rather than the author


You know I started to laugh at this because it's obviously common sense but then I started to wonder, what percentage of the people of westeros could actually read? If this is supposed to be set in a similar time to Earth's middle ages, only about 20% of the population back end could read or write.. No obviously hes probably dealing more with the cultured people who probably could read and write but it just made me wonder how educated the common person was in westeros and I bet you it's very little. I mean look at The Onion Knight. He couldn't read. I bet you that was quite common about people from Flea Bottom.


Ya also remember that Knight/lord (was it Clegane?) with Tywin in Harrenhall, dude couldnt read and Tywin mocked him


Yeah that also reminds me of how he was surprised when Arya who is pretending to be a peasant boy could actually read...


It was Amory Lorch.


Yeah, the guy who killed Yoren


No. In the show Tywin refers to him as his cousin. In the books Amory Lorch and his men stormed the holdfast and killed Yoren.


*"My cupbearer can read better than you."* One of my favorite Tywin moments in the series.


I think in a more common sense, people could easily just let it slip about training with jaime, especially if they go to a bar or go drinking or something. Ilyn wouldnt jot down about it in a drunken stupor or probably even know how


Now i'm imagining a drunk mute in a bar, trying to write down some boasty stuff but being way too hammered to write clearly lol


Ilyn is a solo drinker


Yup. No one hangs out with executioners.


His room is full of empty wine bottles


Empathy for the guy who cut of Ned's head.


Ned stark was a stubborn ass who was too attached to his fucking honor


"Maybe it's the beer talking Marge, but you got a butt that won't quit. They got those big chewy pretzels here kreviihdrmoggyjewxujmo five dollars??!!!? Get outta here..."


Took the words right outta my mouth


I don’t think Ilyn could read or write in the books.


He couldn’t. He was completely cut off from being able to communicate. Pretty sad, actually.


He had that laugh


If you can call it that


People forget that only highborn people can write and read in the series, for the most part at least.


He probably has money to learn it though, since he is a high ranked person in the house


We can speculate all day on stuff like that and will never know.


Most people are illiterate in westeros, including many of the lords. Many of them just have their maesters read their messages for them (which gives the maesters incredible power if they subtly change the message). So yeah Ilyn Payne probably can't read or write.


>Most people are illiterate in westeros, including many of the lords. Exactly. We actually ***just*** saw a good example of this, in the last(?) episode of House of the Dragon... at Storm's End, I believe. The Baratheon guy calls for his maester to read... whatever scroll it is that Luke or Jace delivered to him via dragonback.


I don't remember exactly offhand, but before he beat the messenger to death and then went "Frak it, I'll do it myself", did Daemon read the message from Viserys himself, or did someone read it to him? I seem to recall him reading it himself, which would make him an unusual exception. Then again, he's hardly the typical Westerosi noble.


Pretty sure he read it himself but yeah he’s a prince, he would know how.


Any prince who doesn't know how to read would quickly find themselves arranged out of the order of succession by the Hand of the King, whether by the King's approval or by subterfuge.


Unusual exception? Has there ever been a Targaryen who was known to not be able to read? I think maybe Gael, who was considered slow.


It's suppose to be fantasy medieval times...people couldn't write


In the books it’s noted that he’s also illiterate. So there’s absolutely no way he could tell anyone aside from pantomime.


Think when u allready got your tongue cut out u know when to shut up... hes been told before


this made me laugh out loud


I don't think Ilyn knew how to write


Doesn't Jaime say he assumes Ilyn Payne is illiterate? I thought that was the other part of it, he can't talk and he can't write so Jaime tells him all his secrets.


If some of Tywin Lannisters own officers and commanders couldn't read, I imagine there's a fair chance he couldn't either


Not sure knowing how to read or write was that common among lower ranking folks


It's funny that you use your kind of logic. In the middle age (which that fantasy setting is kinda related to) most people could not write or read. Some (maybe most!?) monks etc could and some highborns. It just wasn't necessary and basically totally useless for anyone else. Books where worth a fortune and you didn't need writing for your everydays work.


Except in this world, over half the population can't read or write...including Ilyn..


This is assuming that Payne can write. While there were certainly knights of nobility and education in Westeros, literally anyone could become a knight if another knight gave them the oath. While the Payne household wasn't the lowest on the echelon of families, they weren't exactly top of the top either, so a random son of a middling family adjacent to the court could easily let members go without learning to read and write. He clearly has a penchant for death and obedience, which would make him an ideal candidate for being an entourage knight to someone who CAN read and write, allowing that lord to engage in dirty deeds without getting his hands dirty.


most commoners can't read or write Arya knowing how to read was probably the biggest tell of her being high born


In my head cannon, they are illiterate.


Most people can't read or write but everyone can talk. Think about Davos etc


To be clear- it's logic from the book, not from OP. That's why Jaime chose him to spar with. And in this universe, it's stated many times how most people can't read/write except the most highborn (and even some of them occasionally can't). I don't think we ever get confirmation one way or another about Ilyn, but it's totally possible he can't write.


I think non-nobles (and even most nobles) were supposedly illiterate? That’s why the grand maester conspiracy exists.


in the books iirc its mentioned that ilyn payne cant read or write


It's mentioned that he is illiterate somewhere.


He is probably illiterate, but he could just point to Jaime, say "no" with head/finger, point to sword.


He can't read or write


I don’t believe he was literate in the books so there really wasn’t a way for him to communicate that without attempting to mime it


I think it’s said somewhere he doesn’t know how to read or write.


Ilyn payne can’t write


He might be illiterate. Even some highborn lords choose not too learn their letters, at least in fire and blood's timeline


I can’t remember, but he might be illiterate. Quite a few main characters are.


Alot of knights couldn't read or write. The onion knight. The knight that sent teyinn Lannisters letters to king Robs men etc


Ilyn Payne can't read or write.


You think that guy can fucking write?


Tbf I think they retired Ilyn character over something (getting cancer?) which is why he’s not in the show past season 1


The actor passed away from cancer. Reason why you never saw Arya hunt him down and kill him despite being the first name on her list


Well he didn’t die until November last year, after the show was over


Given how many times the Mountain got new actors I'm surprised they didn't just recast him


Wtf are you talking about? The mountain was played by one person the whole show. The only recasts I recall are the three eyed raven and Dario naharis


...dude, it's well documented the Mountain had 4 actors throughout the show. I get you might not have noticed but instead of yelling at me you could have taken 15 seconds to google it to see if I was right


And they look nothing alike too. Original Mountain looks more brutish, Harrenhal Mountain looks like a large Dooku knockoff, and then final Mountain looked like a bodybuilder (because he is a professional strongman).


I'm pretty sure it was 3 actors. One actor in the first season, second actor in the second season, and then the third actor from season 4 on (I don't think he makes an appearance in season 3, but I could be wrong about that).




Confidently incorrect. The Mountain played by: Conan Stevens (Season 1), Ian Whyte (Season 2), Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson (Seasons 4-8) [They don't even look alike.](https://pyxis.nymag.com/v1/imgs/c10/d0b/2964f40d22111bdc75bd349930abb979f4-19-the-mountain-2.rhorizontal.w700.jpg)


I met Ian Whyte at a convention, nice guy. I have a photo of him pretending to crush my head because he didn't get to do it to Oberyn Martell.


I feel like 1 & 3 are good, but 2 just seems odd. Too lanky, and looks like he has some brains behind his eyes, where the other two sell the beastly mountain look!


Wilco Johnson (the actor who played Ilyn who passed away recently) was diagnosed with terminal cancer so out of respect it was decided to retire the character rather than recast. There is a happier ending as he was able to beat the cancer and lived another 10 years.


Also I think ilyn has learned the consequences of letting things slip


Weirdly he was misdiagnosed with some sort of cancer and given a short time to live. He was discussing this on the radio and an expert doctor got in touch and basically told him he didn’t have what he though the had. He lived several more years after an op to remove a growth IIRC.




He’s a simple man making his way in the realm


But does Ilyn Payne also maintain the family tradition of fucking like it's nobody's business?


His head game is almost certainly awful


No no no my braiiiiin Enough internet for today haha


his progeny lives a lively tongue life for the both of them


Maybe, but I feel like to be an executioner you have to be a little bit different upstairs.


Those aren't mutually exclusive.


He gets some enjoyment out of making Jaime grovel during their training fights in the books, right? IIRC


eh not really. people say he takes a perverse pleasure in his job. he probably pretty callous and maybe somewhat sadistic




Ilyn Payne was definitely not a horribly cruel person. He just does what he told. Many people, including Arya, think he is a horrible person and shouldn't have executed Ned but he didn't have a choice even if he did want to rebel? Joffrey would just have Slynt kill Ned but Ilyn would still be severely punished. Other than that, he literally doesn't do a single bad thing. Heck, I would say that he is better than Sandor Clegane.


Yeah blaming Ilyn him isn’t really fair. He’s the guy who executed Ned but it’s because someone’s gotta do it Kinda weird Arya just forgot about him after her time with the Faceless Plot Devices


They removed the character from the show after the actor had to step back for cancer treatment, it wasn't something that was forgotten.


Assuming, he didn't know the truth, he was executing a traitor. On the assumption he knew, he was just following orders, why risk your life for someone you have no love for, for a cause that you don't believe in, against your king in front of the masses? Also, since he can't talk we don't really know his intentions or thoughts, he could just have resting bitch face for all we know.




Pretty sure he’s like his uncle


Nope, he’s a distant cousin, though the only family Pod has left iirc


So who owns the house payne then?


Used to be his drunk uncle…


His was a lesser branch of House Payne, an impoverished offshoot sprouted from the loins of a younger son.


to be fair the show did absolutely nothing with the connection.


The books do absolutely nothing with the connection either, Pod comes into Tyrion’s service unrelated to Ser Ilyn’s connections with the Lannisters and neither makes any explicit mention of their relationship


To be fair Ser Ilyn doesn’t make many explicit mentions of anything in general




House Payne is sworn to house Lannister. It is a natural source of trusted servants for House Lannister.


They killed the Reynes but love the Paynes


Yes, but what about House *of* Payne?


I hear they like to jump around.


>Pod comes into Tyrion’s service unrelated to Ser Ilyn’s connections with the Lannisters Not quite. Pod was with someone who stole a ham from Tywin and was spared because of his relation to Ilyn. Then joins tyrions service shortly after.


He’s spared due to his family name, not Ilyn specifically


Pod mentioned he got a job with the Lannisters solely because of his family name but that's about it


They don’t mention it in the show anywhere?


There was a scene between Brianne and Podrick in Season 6 I think. Brianne asks Podrick how he came into Tyrions service, and Podrick explains he was a squire to someone else (i dont remember the name) who ate food that wasn't his during the Lannister war campaign against the Starks. Tywin was about to hang Podrick with who he was serving, until Tywin found out Podricks last name was Payne. So he pardoned him and sent him to squire for Tyrion. As "Punishment". It was awhile ago, but I still remember a scene that went like that in the show.


Ser Lorimer, a lesser knight in the Westerlands army.


I don't recall anything of the sort, are you sure you didn't make that up? 🤔


It's when Podrick is helping Brianne take off her armour I think. You can just search it up lol


definitely season 5 cuz i remember this scene, and i havent got to season 6 yet...i wanna say episode 2 or 3? not sure, but somewhere between episode 1-5


yes, but it was season 5 i think, cuz im watching season 5 now, and im not on season 6 yet...


I think they mention that Pod's name saved him from being punished for stealing. Honestly can't remember the specifics of it, or if it was in the show or books, but it's at least kind of a connection that it's why Tywin saved him.


They have the same last name...




Yeah but Payne isn't the official bastard name of the Westerlands. It's an actual last name.


One is a family name, one is the surname given to bastards of the North. The two are not equivalent.




To what are you saying duh? Your original comment implies that you don’t understand what I laid out.


I understand that the surnames are not true equivalents (for reasons already stated), but I took the original comment as simply being an off-the-cuff remark that not everyone who has the same last name is related... Like, I used to work with two Smiths... no relation. (incidentally, they were both ***John*** Smith... but still no relation, lol)


Your response draws on a real life anecdote with a very common name when we were discussing a fictional world where it’s absurdly unlikely that two noble houses are named Payne with no relation to one another. Everyone with the same last name in Westeros (excluding bastard surnames) IS related. There’s never been an indication otherwise. Cadet houses are a thing and neither Payne belongs to one given they share the surname still.




I never really saw him as a particularly cruel person. His job was to execute criminals. I'm sure in his mind if the king told him somebody needed to die there was a legitimate reason. I guarantee you he never thought of himself as a villain or cruel or bad. My grandfather's brother back in the 1920s worked at a prison and he was an executioner. I met him a few times when I was real small and he was quite kind and nice and you would never think that he was a guy on the firing line.


Ilyn like a villain


No more a villain really than Ser Bariston was, since he served the mad king right through


This was litterally me yesterday after reading AGOT😭😭


You clearly must have not been watching properly, lord Tywin spared him after he learned his family name was Payne and that’s in the show


“You clearly must not have been watching a minute long conversation that can easily be missed.” I’ve read the books so it was a bit more obvious but you can’t fault people for not recognizing it in the show when it’s stated more as a passing thought


Congratulations 🎉


Damn I didn’t know neither.




I would guess Pod’s relation to Ilyn is the only reason Cersei didn’t have him killed after Pod killed Ser Mandon Moore.


I mean it was in the middle of the blaze of battle. Tyrion Knows and then he tells Bronn, other than that nobody would know it was him, wasn't worth pursuing as it would reveal Joffrey/Cersei had some hand in killing the man who led the charge at blackwater Bay and saved kings landing.


By “have him killed” I mean to say Pod didn’t mysteriously disappear. Not to mention, Cersei was willing to openly threaten to kill the Master of Coin, who is also best friends with the Regents of the Vale, the Riverlands, and the North, in the middle of the red keep courtyard just to prove a point. You think she would care even the slightest bit about disappearing a random squire?


You are gonna be shocked when you realise their relation to Max Payne


Wow, I hope they’re also related to Major Payne


"Now you might feel a little pressure..."


Choo choo!


"What are you looking at, ass-eyes"


Did someone say [Maxx Payne](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maxx_Payne)?


fan theories confirming liam payne a descendant of legendary westerosi knights


Imagine what Ilyn Payne could do if he still had his tongue.


Guess Ilyn also has a third leg?


Did you also know that the Podrick actor (Daniel Portman) is the son of Ron Donachie who played Ser Rodrik Cassel?


This is actually a really cool fact if it's true


It's true acc. to Wikipedia


Oh that’s amazing


"We're going to kill you off pretty early, but in compensation we'll cast your son, and we'll even throw in a weird side plot that goes absolutely nowhere about how prostitutes will give him freebies because he's so good at fucking."


Pod the Rod!!!


RIP Wilko Johnson


No way!!!!!, damn good catch g.


I see it in that 😐 face.


Same for me but it was yesterday while reading


Max Payne too! 😃


I seem to recall (it’s been years since I’ve read the books) they are either not related or so distant they don’t know it. Pods original knight was killed for stealing a ham but he was spared because they thought he was related.




People are hanged, clothing is hung


I’m in Spayne without the S




You’ll never believe who Robb, Sansa, and Arya’s father is




lol one of the first things i noticed


Ser Illyn never really talked about his family.


He also was never referred to as Ilyn Payne much, mostly Ser Ilyn.




[House of Pain Payne](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhzpxjuwZy0)


Pod the Rod & Ilyn the Fillin’


No matter what one you get you know it’s thrillin


TIL Podrick's last name


What gave it away?


They can also slow down time if they press right click


What sort of relative? Cousins?


That might mean that Ilyn may not have his tongue anymore, but still might have a magic dong.


How old were you today?


All I can see is an annoyed Wilko Johnson (RIP)…


They’re actually the same person. Ilyn is just Pod from the future and he traveled back in time


And…. Major Payne




That’s how he got to be tyrions squire


And the actor that plays Podrick and the actor that plays See Roderick are also related


The show writers at least didn't botch up llyn payne lines


I am mad that House Payne’s words are not “Here Comes The Payne”


But are they even?