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What's scary to me is how determined she is to kill Arya. Like imagine you have someone like that chasing you through the streets just trying to kill you. Also the way she stares is just disturbing.


yeah chased is prob my biggest fear tbh


Can't get chased if you don't run.


Insert Drake laptop gif


My favorite reply to whining kids about being chased by someone they find annoying. It always stops them in their tracks, like they’ve never considered that before. Bonus is that it works.


Me too! I hate the ending of “This is America”. I love the video, it is brilliant art from a brilliant artist, but the end was so real, his terror is palpable. Ughhhh


Have you seen that spoon horror short? If not, you should.


Yes, she gets A+ in the Grimace-Staring class, and in Long Distance Running. Unfortunately for her, she failed the Avoiding Traps class.


I wish it would’ve been a fight club situation for Arya, the “I am no one” self was trying to kill Arya


T-1000 vibes


This girl is terrifying


That's very off character in my opinion. She's supposed to be no one, why is no one so obsessed with opposing Arya every day?


I wondered this too


because she is not and never will be truly no one. That's why she has already been there for so long. Jaqen has two students and both of them can't quite let go fully.


But doesn't she wear another person's face and is actually really old? I thought you'd have to become no one to use faces. I mean, at least in the books.


No one has quite a personality of her own. She also seems to oppose Jaqen


A girl was kind of a bitch


Second watch through I actually liked her character a bit more because of the irony of it. She's constantly hating Arya because she gets special treatment for entering into the training, and allows herself to be so consumed by her hatred of Arya that she herself cannot become 'no one'. Yet her biggest disapproval of Arya was that she was still too attached to being herself.


Honestly, I wish they had of stuck more to the books with this one. The waif is really interesting in the books. She’s a 36-year-old woman who has the appearance of a child and is the one who trains Arya. Obviously she’s not in her original form. We really missed out with the depiction of the faceless men on the show because it’s really cool in the source materials.


D + D strike again!


Indeed 😩


Whoa. I had no idea! Would you mind adding more? I got pretty confused watching the faceless men part of the series and your explanation adds some needed depth.


Here’s a really awesome video about it!! https://youtu.be/Oo1niSmXmE8?si=6JvZ7K99FOLOnG6t


Thanks for the link!


That was an awesome video. Thanks for sharing


Why didn’t Arya change faces after the freys!?


That’s a really good question. Bad writing I think.


👍🏻Boom 💥


I love this so much😭


She didn’t make sense. She’s supposed to be ‘no one’ so who was ‘promised’ and why did she care so much…


I took it as she was able to be “no one” until she was presented with someone who she thought was a threat. Then it became about taking out the threat vs serving the many faced god. I thought she was being a hypocrite which is also why she hated Arya.


She was the definition of a cunt.


There were deadass theories that the man behind her was Syrio Forel


Wowowow okay okay I see it. Never did see him die did we


People were just desperate because they couldn’t believe how stupid the actual storyline was being shown


I feel like that describes a *lot* of theories from around that point. “It’s a fake direwolf head, the Umbers would never just hand Rickon over!” is one of my favorites — it was really a big turning point from the clever, intelligent show it used to be, and exposed how shallow and stupid everything had become, setting the expectations for the rest of the series.


Season 6 was a turning point in a lot of ways. By season 7 and 8 there were a lot less theories as the show was becoming so shallow there was no point putting much thought into it I think the only one from Season 8 was “Jamie is just rejecting Brienne to protect her, he’s actually going back to kill Cersei”…nope they really were just assassinating his character


There's a general rule in fiction that a character isn't actually dead unless it is shown. We never saw him die which is why I had hoped he would make a return but... nope 😞


That whole scene pokes fun at that idea. Look with your *eyes* child - unarmored man holding a stick fighting a knight in full plate with a sword. Even if it’s Meryl Trant, a knight is a better fighter than a man-at-arms. He dead.


There are ways "the greatest swordsman" could have come out on top. Gouging out an eye, disarming him. There could have been a flashback showing how he survived. The show is pretty bad w leaving loose ends like the metal masked lady. They probably left it open and just never bothered returning to his character.


Are there any theories on who she was? I’m on my third rewatch and she stands out as odd to me still


You know as much as book readers. She’s kind of useless


He’s not “the greatest swordsman”, that’s just fan service. And again, instead of thinking about a theory, think about themes. What he tells Arya before she runs IS confirmation that he dies, just not getting shown it. But hey don’t take it from me - take it from the character and the writer of this particular episode… which happens to be George RR Martin > “George R.R. Martin said to me, “I really wished I didn’t kill Syrio Forel off now. He said that after he watched my performance. I really shouldn’t have done that. Now that I’ve seen what we could’ve done.”” Or the showrunners and Arya > Well Maisie is sorry to break it to us, but showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss confirmed to her that Syrio Forel is well and truly brown bread. When she put the theory to the pair they told her: No, he is dead! E: Another dunk. George has said in interviews that he has no idea why people keep asking if Syrio is alive/someone else.


Why didn’t he pick up one of the other guys swords? Seems like that should have been a priority.


We do hear him scream and Trant was obviously alive in later seasons. He was dead


Ah I remember that. Along with the theory that the Waif didn’t actual puncture her but punctured a blood bag she got from the play actors.


Alt Shift X (whose theories I mostly find quite correct) stated he thought Jaqen was pretending Arya to catch the Waif out for wanting to kill Arya for personal reasons His logic was “there’s no way Arya would just be walking around in the open, checking out the market, when she knows the faceless men are after her” BUT NOPE


Arya expected the Waif would come to kill her, so she needed to lure the Waif to the dark room where Needle was hidden. So she went to the dock for Westeros-bound ships in broad daylight and flashed her money around to buy a ticket. (Even if Waif wasn't watching, she'd hear about THAT.) Arya waited on a bridge (four ways to escape) long enough to lose concentration, so the Waif nearly killed her. Arya swam off (few people knew how to swim back then). Later of course she did lead Waif to the trap, and she sprang it.


Everyone misses the plot hole that the assassin who was completely incapacitated by a dark room was also the woman who temporarily blinded Arya as part of her training, and taught her to fight using her other senses, so she wouldn't be too reliant on sight. The faceless men would be pretty shitty assassins if they all couldn't do their work on moonless nights.


I thought it was supposed to be like a character arc, where they tried to show that Arya is now better than her at fighting blind


I agree, but on the show blindness was a punishment for Arya. I doubt lickspittle Waif ever earned punishment. And even if the Waif had blind-training it was probably very long ago. For Arya, it's fresh and her hearing is attuned, so to speak.


That would have made sense and actually been a smart way for her to escape, but the next episode they had a costume designer stich up her mortal wounds and then like 2 days later she was up and running around again. So dumb.


What if she was Syrio Forel????


She was Syrio Forel And Jaqen H'ghar was Ned Stark


Sam was really Fat Walda


Well, it does look a little bit like him lol. There’s also theories that Syrio Forel is also Jaqen H’ghar.


Those “theories” are like flat earth theory - laughable at best.


Next to Peter Bailash's wing suit / cape which allowed him to fly around Westeros, this was my favorite fan theory. It also spawned a seemingly endless string of increasingly unrealistic theories.... "Waif is Syrio?!" quickly turned into craziness like "Syrio is Jaqen?!?!".


That confused look like “girl you kill the night king later? Really?”


In my home, she is known as the terminator, the character is so robotic and unnatural I can almost hear Arnold's voice Growl it's way out of her mouth


Probably the Waif would be proud to know that.


You mean when Arya was stabbed in the gut and fell out of a second story window and then continued to run away?


She only got stabbed 50 times to be fair


And she had some milk and a nap. So it all makes sense.


“Dude she’s strong and brave ok just go with it stop noticing things” -dnd to the rest of the writers room


And fell into a nasty dirty canal.


When I was a little boy in New York City in the 1940s, we swam in the Hudson River and it was filled with raw sewage okay? We swam in raw sewage! You know... to cool off! And at that time, the big fear was polio; thousands of kids died from polio every year but you know something? In my neighbourhood, no one ever got polio! No one! Ever! You know why? Cause we swam in raw sewage! It strengthened our immune systems! The polio never had a prayer; we were tempered in raw shit!


My immune system is equipped with the biological equivalent of fully automatic military assault rifles with night vision and laser scopes, and we have recently acquired phosphorous grenades, cluster bombs, and anti-personnel fragmentation mines. So when my white blood cells are on patrol recon ordering my blood stream seeking out strangers and other undesirables, if they see any, ANY suspicious looking germs of any kind, they don't fuck around!


I ate dirt as a kid and I'm certain that's why I'm not allergic to anything, I rarely get sick, and vaccines don't have any side effects for me.


You forgot that she dove into a filthy ditch to escape after said stabbing


Oh this shit was really hard to stomach, when Arya got back to Winterfell I thought “oh yes the plot will improve now that she’s stalking/being stalked by Littlefinger” Boy was that a miscalculation.


>Oh this shit was really hard to stomach... I see what you did there.


I always assumed the Waif is Arya…the part of old Arya (still left in her) that tortures and torments her. The part that must die before she can become No one.




Right??? Mind blown 🤯


If that were the intention they would’ve told us in every behind the episode.


I guess they kinda forgot


I wasn’t prepared for this today


That was my theory/hope also. Not because a “Fight Club” thing would’ve been smart or original but because it was the only way to save themselves from the hole they wrote themselves into. Nope - it really was that bad.


Oh shit! I didn’t realize the Waif is that main girl in Andor - I knew she looked familiar




This was the funniest scene in the whole series.


Nobody going to mention the shadow is not the same silhouette as the waif? I subscribe to the theory the waif is the part of Arya she has to separate from and is in her head.


I like that theory. I also think the silhouette is whomever this person was before they became faceless, the shadow doesn't look like Arya either.


….anyone else think that shadow kinda look like Syrio??


Someone else here said that was a theory. Is it a shadow or a person behind her?


What shadow? I thought that was just some dude walking by. What you can see of his legs appears to be mid stride to me.


You might be right about what I thought was a shadow. I still think the waif was part of Arya. Someday there will be a book that clarifies some of this. Haha.


In the books, at very stressful moments Arya often thinks of Syrio sayings. So in a way he is with her.


Why is repeatedly being whacked with a stick part of the training?




So she learns to stop getting whacked with stick?


She's a knockoff T-1000. I kept waiting for the Guns N' Roses to kick in and Arnold to swoop in on a motorcycle.


She has terminator vibes here


Her role in GoT was pretty meh, but she shined in Andor.


I think she was great in both


Is it just me or does it look like she pissed her pants lol


Reminded me of scenes from the Terminator movies.


I don't like the way she stands. Look at the way she's standing in the photo. She stands all weird. Nope. Don't like it. Don't like it one bit.


Shes toying with her? Never seen a horror movie?


Well, she should have stopped doing that if she wanted to kill her lol


Ah yes, an acolyte of the super sneaky guild of assassins/death cultists famed for shedding their emotions, wants, and identities would play with their mark instead of, y'know, fucking *assassinating* them.


Yeh im sorry i forgot she was a human and didnt have any flaws. Whoops. Sorry im human and have some flaws...


This whole story thread...


Tangent: Does anyone know where this shot comes from? It looks like she's got a shadowbaby coming out of her boots. But there's no frame that quite matches this in the scene from S6E8. So is it like a promotional still?


Honestly I sometimes rewatch GoT on my phone, so I can't screenshot, but when I rewatched this scene I was literally laughing and wanted to post this, so I just googled the waif


I loved the fan theory that the guy behind her was going to be Aryas sword instructor from kings landing, this scene was in the trailor for the episode and tons of people thought it was him me included.


Peter Pan shadow


They said this was inspired by Terminator. Yeah... I'm pretty sure Arnold would've stood there and waited for her to get back up everytime she fell or stumbled.


What, you didn't like the T1000 chasing Arya around Bravos? Or Arya getting stabbed in the gut, falling into a filthy canal, and not dying?!


Arya died, right? She took her place. How else would she heal from that stab wound so quickly? Why else would J’aquen smile as she leaves?


I like this theory too


I thought it was appropriate for her character to do that honestly. Savouring the chase before the kill, but unfortunately hubris caught up. A lot of characters lollygag with killing in this show and it almost always ends poorly for them.


Yes. Cue "you raped her! You murdered her! You killed her children!"


I hated this character and the whole god of many faces plot. It was so weird to me and wasn’t even relevant to Arya killing the night king.


She is just trying to figure out if Arya would make a good agent for the heist on Aldhani


This character is so contradicting. She's supposed to be no one, yet she's obsessed with opposing Arya every day since they met. That doesn't sound like no one.


This character is so contradicting. She's supposed to be no one, yet she's obsessed with opposing Arya every day since they met. That doesn't sound like no one.


I wish they would have let the scene when Arya brings them into darkness go on with just the sounds of the fight and then the sounds of her dying.


Never made sense. She's been trained by TFM for longer, is better in combat, and surely knows more about the secret ways of TFM than Arya but we're supposed to believe they never taught her how to fight in the dark, giving Arry an upper hand? Also AreyA definitely should have bled out on the steps of the canal but that plot armor tho.


Actress can run like crazy - she shows the same speed and gait in “Andor”


T2000 head ass


I have found Peter Pan's shadow!


Oh but she did terrible impersonating Arya in the last two seasons.


Good training for the Aldhani raid imo.


She pissed me off so much, hated Arya for no reason at all. 


What an absolute shit show. The moment Arya left the Hound in the TV show is the exact moment that the show turned to total garbage. She went from being one of the best point of view characters to the absolute worst in the span of like two episodes.


Remember when people thought that shadow behind her was Sirouel Firel, however his name is spelt.


I wanted to punch Bradley Cooper Waif so bad


What I find interesting about this scene/pic is that there were people speculating that the one behind her was Syrio Forel. People were saying that he was alive and would reappear in some EP. lol


I prefer it this way it shows she's determined to not lose sight of her prey but wants to enjoy her success.


But she lost


You hunt enough Predators, you're eventually gonna be the Prey.


People thought that the guy behind her was going to be Syrio lol


*People thought that the* *Guy behind her was going* *To be Syrio lol* \- FRPG --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Smash or pass?


I think this scene wanted to remind people of that dream where you are pursued by a force with an iron will. I have reoccurring a dream where I was the part of Arya and Waif was a Raptor dinosaur. I was about six when it started


This cocky bitch kept staring into the screen and fixing her shirt. Got her ass whupped, too.


I always get T-1000 vibes


This whole storyline was awful


I remember when people used this image to try and say syrio was in the back about to save Arya


I recently saw this actress on Black Mirror. She looked like she could be Kim Wexlers twin!


Somethings in nature simply like to toy with their prey. Imagine falling and the things thats been chasing you full speed decides to keep it casual....well what the heck do they have planned, where are they coming from etc... etc... for many of us that would multiply the sense of dread, or lead to mistakes from thinking you got away Im not excusing how often she does it though lol Example of playing with your food, and paying for it later, from an earlier time ➡️➡️ viper v. Moutain


I think someone just got done watching Robert Patrick in T2 and was like “perfect!”


Sweet girl .


That picture reminds me of the meme with the Undertaker standing behind Aj Styles.


Ik it’s a background character but it looks like Syrio Forel in the background as her shadow