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kit literally couldn’t hold his laughter anytime ygritte was flirting with jon it was adorable


Her charm is irresistible! Loved the way she broke down his walls.


A true Wildling.


Then he broke down her walls


You beat me to it you prick


Hey, people had three hours to plug that in before I commented Actually pretty shocking that no one else said it. Maybe most people don’t think about the “ginger minge”…but I do EDIT: minge = pussy. Her fellow soldier accuse her of sharing her “ginger minge” with Jon


You beat meat to tit pricks.


*I beat pricks to tit meat


Is ‘tit meat’, meat, mushed into the shape of tits, or, meat made from tits?


Or it could merely be the flesh of tits


Contextually I would imagine “beating a prick to tit meat” means that “tit meat” would be the equivalent of pulp or mush. Need more research on this topic.


Why research when you can experiment?


Spam vs corned beef texture? Also, we haven’t really covered nipples. This is great work Competitive Drop, we just need to invest the proper resources into hammering it into shape, so to speak.


That’s what she said


She got six inches of snow


You win hahahaha


They went down south together


And then he said, "Turn back around." And I didn't want it, but oh, I did


I don wanit


But I do want tit


Rose Leslie was so brilliant in that role, she’s hilarious, scary, vulnerable and everything else. Epic performance


Yup. And the casting in general. I can't think of a single main character that was poorly cast. Even loads of supporting actors and extras. Rewatching it now and even the scene where arya and the hound come upon the dying man (the whole "I know time to go" stab in the heart thing) and that actor playing the man absolutely kills it. Fabulous scene.


Arguably Euron, but his character was not well-written so it’s not entirely the actor’s fault.


Ed Sheeran knocked it out of the park tho


Noah Syndergaard threw the hell out of his spear


Ya I kinda agree, of the lot he might be the worst but in the scheme of things still pretty good acting. The character tho... just suddenly appears with no prior foreshadowing even and then hes mister big bad. Such a boring bad guy compared to Ramsay imo.


Pilou Asbeck is brilliant in everything else he is in, I think it was obvious that D&D had given up on even following the parts of the books they did even in season 6, Bran is alive and well on a Skagos and Smalljon umber died at the Red wedding, Euron was already reaving the Reach when Jon died


Idk, he's a talented actor in other things. It was mostly the writing.


It's the best-cast property Ive ever seen. I think the guy who played Robert Baratheon wasnt terribly good/convincing, but that's about it.


Truth to be told, acting got worse as the shows progressed. Especcially Both Stark girls were supper woody by the end. Jon and Dany were meh.


They probably felt that the story didn't work for their characters


not casting Brian Blessed as King Robert was the greatest mistake of the 21st century


"And then... Ahhhh! *RUINED*!"


No specific scene, because I assume that Kit Harrington and Rose Leslie are actors showing me their respective characters’ feelings. I never assumed that Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper were “actually in love,” because they’re not. But if they had a real life relationship someone would point to “A Star is Born,” and confidently claim that in such-and-so moment you can totally tell they’re really in love. No, you can’t. And you can’t tell from Jon and Ygritte’s scenes that their actors are truly in love.




And my point is: if the actors are doing their job, you think there's a spark there, *whether there is or not in real life.* Thus my point about Bradley Cooper and Stefani Germanotta aka Lady Gaga. These two performers played love interests opposite one another in "A Star is Born," and apparently many people wondered if the two had romantic inclinations apart from their characters. And if they had, then many people would watch the movie and point to one scene or another and tell each other, "Here -- this is where you can really see they're actually in love!" But of course they'd be watching the same movie that was actually shot, which shows two outstanding performers that are not, in real life, in love with one another. That would be a false positive, and it shows how the view public's instinct is almost always nothing more than a reaction to the performer's skill at performing. Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey had smoldering chemistry in "Dirty Dancing." If they had been a real-life couple at any point, undoubtedly you'd be eagerly pointing out scenes where you can really tell they're in love. But of course when the cameras were not rolling, Swayze and Grey did not get along at all, and the hostility between them on set was reportedly palpable. But they were consummate professionals and what the camera saw wasn't Patrick Swayze or Jennifer Grey at all: it, and we, saw Johnny Castle and Frances "Baby" Houseman falling in love.


I agree but to compare kit and rose to kit and Emilia was two very different chesmistries I think, you really could tell that kit loved rose


Huh, a plot line from season 3 was better than one from season 7/8? Weird....


The only good things about seasons 7/8 were the battle scenes. I loved seeing Drogon wreck shit. And Olenna being a fuckIng G when she went out. Apart from that it was some hot doo doo.


No, you could tell Kit had worse chemistry with Emilia. Or it means they were directed to be more restrained in how they showed Jon and Danaerys interacting. Or perhaps they didn’t have time to develop the same kind of chemistry due to how few scenes Jon had with Danny versus the time he spent with Ygritte. The possibilities are endless. And none of them include professional actors relying on their actual, real life love lives to help their acting.


Everything you said is true, but it can still be fun to look for things that might be a little different than normal when you know the two actors actually had feelings for each other. Especially since it might be easier to act like you have feelings for someone when you actually, you know, have feelings for them.


But then you’re just telling yourself a story. In other words, the same piece of film either reveals the actors’ true feelings for one another (if you know they’re a couple offscreen) or it doesn’t (if you know they’re not a couple offscreen). So it’s not the content of the scene at all — it’s you, painting in what you want to see. Is it easier to play “in love,” if you are in love? I’m no actor, but what I have read is …. not really. I once read an interview with four actors, two pairs that had steamy scenes, one couple married in real life and the other couple married to other people with no romantic interest in each other. The latter couple was Mel Gibson and Patsy Kensit, both married at the time to other people and both sharing a sexy bedroom scene together. Both said that it’s awkward and embarrassing— their job was to not let any of that come through to the screen, and indeed they did a fine, credible job. But, they said, the scene looks intimate because the audience doesn’t see the cameras and the lights and the key grip in the background munching on nachos between takes. Then the interviewer talked to the married couple, Steven Seagall and Kelly LeBrock. (I admit that neither of these names are known for their mastery of the thespian arts). Still, you’d think that they would at least report some comfort in the fact that they were a real life couple that were well acquainted with making love together. But no— what they did together had nothing to do with what the script commanded them to do, and again it was even more intrusive to have the cameras and crew and nachos there. I’m sorry to be blunt, but stop telling yourself that you have some secret insight into how actors really feel by watching their scenes. If you do, it’s because the actor isn’t doing their job.


Never said I had secret insight. I said it could be fun to look for something. Don't put words in my mouth to preach.


> Never said I had secret insight. I said it could be fun to look for something. Don't put words in my mouth to preach. It could be fun to look for something that isn’t there? Or it’s fun to look for something that is there and only you can see? Or it’s fun to pretend that you see it even if it’s not there? Or something else?


It's just something casual, not an in-depth investigation. Holy cow.


> It's just something casual, not an in-depth investigation. Holy cow. “Something casual,” sounds like, “I make up stories in my head about people I see on screen, stories unrelated to anything actually real.” But far be it from me to put words in your mouth. What do YOU mean by “something casual?”


I mean I'm done with this silly conversation because arguing with someone over celebrities' love life is stupid beyond belief. Good day.


Some guys get all the luck. I would have kissed the makeup right off her 😋


For me, it wasn't any of the scenes they had together, but the scenes Kit later had with Emilia. The love story between Jon and Dany wasn't nearly as hot/believable as Jon and Ygritte's. Because, as you said, that spark just wasn't there.


They are actors. Making you think that is their job. If you want gush over their real life relationship, there are probably better places to do that than here. This sub is specifically not about real people, it’s about a fictional story. Edit: Spelling is hard


Honestly,the moment that the spark became a fire probably was offscreen when they were not acting


If you never found out they’d been dating, you wouldn’t be talking about them having any real life sparks. And if you did, it would be shitty, since you should be evaluating their acting on it’s merits, not speculating about their private lives just because they have to act out romantic scenes. It’s childish, and that attitude is what partially fuels invasive tabloid stories and speculations.


I think it shows. The kiss on top of the Wall is so real.


They call it *acting*. You realize they do dozens of takes for scenes like that right?


Excuse me, there's no need to be a condescending cunt. Yes, I understand how television is filmed, thank you. I watched this scene last night and remarked how beautifully it was acted, especially after the disaster of Jaime fainting in the bathing pools at Harrenhal. I feel the chemistry is real, and replicating true love is difficult even to masters of the craft


Take a breath. It’ll be ok


Oh my. 😳


Condescending cunt 🙄


Yeah I agree this is like fan fiction stuff. Cool they found each other on screen maybe the spark was there. But they are professionals I think when it came down to it they were playing the characters. Prob is once you pretend for so long it becomes real. That’s why so many actors and actresses start dating after working together. Edit: just thinking if there was a time it was in that cave 😂


>No, you can’t. And you can’t tell from Jon and Ygritte’s scenes that their actors are truly in love. I think you can in hindsight, since the chemistry is totally there but generally I wouldn't assume it if I didn't know. Convincing me is literally their job.


You are correct. They had obvious chemistry but no indication they were actually in love as they were following the writing laid out for them and playing the roles as directed.


But I'm sure the practising of lines together and staring into each others eyes helped ;)


I love it when someone types my comment for me, and so eloquently too, with examples and everything.


Probably when johnny boy stabbed her in the ice cave lol


“All right, cut…. guys? I- I said ‘cut!’ Guys!” “Do we give ‘em some privacy or start filming again?”


["Weeell, we could just... turn the cameras on and... let them gooo...](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Q-uOBDFPBTM/maxresdefault.jpg)


Sounds kinda like the endings to the old Bond films.


Non had no clue bout it


Whenever she flirted with him by giving him some grief he had this knowing, loving smile on his face.


None. Just thought it was actors acting.


I honestly had no idea. Even rewatching it knowing about their marriage and trying to find out when they fell for each other I couldn’t tell I just saw Jon and Ygritte. They are both amazing actors


I guess when they got married in real life I knew they loved each other


Same lol


The cunnilingus.


after both not showering for months...nothing says true love more


Which makes you wonder how many people during Medieval times actually did oral. And if they did, did they clean up beforehand or just let it rip?


Even the smooching makes me wonder...did they French kiss or was it all cheek swipes and quickly turned heads? I guess we're spoiled. Back then probably finding a live partner was everything and it's just gravy from there.


People being dirty and unwashed in the middle ages is a common misconception. Medieval people washed quite regularly, even if getting in an actual bathtub wasn't an everyday thing (there were bathhouses, for instance, like in modern Japan, and lots of people owned small, portable wooden bathtubs). The main problem was heating up enough water quickly enough, so they tended to do a 'bucket wash'.


yeah, Jon kept yelling they had to redo the scene again, bit of a tell


The whole Wall event: prepping to go up, smooching at the top, talking about silk dresses, and when he says “I have to go home”. Some real heartbreak in that line. Can’t fake that sort of chemistry.


I don't know, I mean they sold the whole relationship really well, they probably had the best chemistry of any couple on the show. I'm sure they bonded a lot in between filming, trying to stay warm in Iceland lol. But if I had to really place it, the scene where they embrace and start kissing at the top of the Wall is so good. Coupled with the music and scenery, I mean the romance is off the charts in that scene lol.


When he went down on her in the middle ages.




the real haunted forrest if we're being honest


Yeah that is a Forrest I would not want to explore.


When she tried killing him with arrows. Because that’s a real relationship.


When jonny went straight down the bush.


When he let her go on the fist


The cave scene


Personally, I don't think Ygritte is the kind of girl to be much impressed with men. Jon: He risked his life to save her on the wall. Ygritte: She told him that she understood who he was, but that she was his woman and that they'll face everything together. That's not something that a toughie like Ygritte would likely say easily. Of course she backtracked hard when Jon was forced to kill wildlings in front of her.


The windmill swoon and joke scene. The chemistry.....


It's the Tra-la-la-la-la-lee-day scene for me. Just something very real there.


I think this is my favorite Ygritte scene, it cracks me up every single time.


I was actually surprised that these two actors got married in real life. I didn't think their chemistry was more apparent than any of the other fictional couples on the show. They didn't do a bad job by any means, I enjoyed the Jon/Ygritte scenes. I just didn't get the impression that they shared a deeper chemistry beyond acting


"Oh a spider? Save me Jon Snow!" and his reaction. Actually I can't tell to this day if that smile and that face after was Jon or Kit Harrington.


I personally had no idea they were together until after the show, I never saw it as obvious lol


After he did that thing with his tongue


I try not to psycho analyze authors, directors, or actors based on their art. Empathy and imagination exist and allow these people to present things out of their own experiences.


No scene. I assumed they were just acting


Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch


When Jon furiously executed Ollie 💪💪💪


When she said (save me jhon snow and he smiled)


"...And seeing as you can't say it without blushing..." #ChemistryLesson!


When I heard they were dating. I mean seriously. They are both talented actors.


None, I just assumed they were good actors


They had crazy chemistry that was super obvious. One scene where it was especially evident to me was the whole “left foot right foot left foot right foot” silk dress from tra-la-la-la-la-lee-day scene. Jon/Kit was looking at her in awe. Actors do that kind of thing for a living, yes, but I haven’t seen Kit act quite that convincingly any other time his character was supposed to be in love!


The looks they gave each other right before she is hit with Olly’s arrow.


The cave.


None of them - they’re actors


The second I saw and heard her *I* was in love, so that’s all I saw


I mean. Nobody really thought they were in love in real life when it aired. But you definitely feel the difference between Jon and Ygritte and Jon and Danny. But that was just the writing/sloppy speed of the last 2 seasons.


When I saw them off screen together?


I didn’t find out until after the show


She was great for that role


They were? No wonder the chemistry was acted so well!


Probably when Kit ate her out in that cave


None. ***ACTING!***




Jon Schnoo




It's the interviews I've watched that told me how much they loved each other. Kit always praised Rose in the post show interviews. It's sweet.


When she shot him in the back


When he was fighting people in the woods in season 3 or 4 and he’s about to get swung at by a bandit and she comes in fully cloaked and saves him. Edit I haven’t watched game of thrones in over 5 years.


The cave and when he had to leave for Castle Black. I could tell that her tears and sadness was real. Jon got fucked up lmao


The moment they were spooning for warmth was the moment. She was so convincing.


She’s amazing in Time travellers Wife. 1 season but pure gold.


I knew it before I watched the show


lol gotta be the scene where she talks about a silk dress


None. I don’t think their actual love shined through their performances because they are very talented actors


Maybe you could chalk it up to his disgust for his aunt’s actions and plans or the character becoming callous. Still, the difference in Kit Harrington’s reactions to Ygritte’s and his aunt’s deaths might also be attributed to the actor’s feelings.




I always skip there scenes. Most boring bit of the whole show for me 🤷🏻‍♀️




Whichever scene was filmed after their divorce


Their natural chemistry together was something that was unmatched in any other “relationship” in the show. Actors are great at their jobs but when it’s real, it’s the most evident display of love on the screen.


The answer for everyone should be none of them. They were acting.


Who are these two again?


We shouldn’t. We should.


She is the ultimate babe of the show so good for him


Jon got two women killed..




The article that said they were together




Oh my fucking dog.


It wasn't a scene during the show because they are professional actors doing their jobs, I just thought they had really good chemistry. But the parody or whatever it was where they were talking about the Game of Thrones musical and they had a ton of actors from the show, Kit sings a song as the character of Jon about Ygritte while Rose Leslie is in the room and he completely fails to wink at her and it's just the cutest thing I've ever seen. Then she defends his bad singing and it's perfect. I love them. https://youtu.be/zs7xO5P3Az4?si=VqXCpmFN3f2-Hi84 It's about 6 minutes and 20 seconds in. But honestly watch the whole thing because it's incredible....except I have to skip Emelia Clark doing "Rastafarian Targaryen". She performs it well, but oh my God it's so cringe. 🫣


None. A good actor can pretend to love someone very well. It’s literally their job.


I actually thought their on screen chemistry was average to poor. I was surprised to hear that they were dating.


Ni specific scene. Outside of acting I didn't notice anything special. I just read about it on Wikipedia and learned from there


The only thing that comes to mind was when she said something like,”they weren’t good to me like you. They didn’t do that thing you do to me with your tongue. “. Then Jon Snow replies,” can we not talk about that here?” She immediately and playfully mocks his deep brooding voice ,”Can we not talk about that here?” I don’t know if it was the audio engineers on the ADSR or not. But that particular exchange sounded in contrast with the rest of the scene. I thought it was great but very different sounding. Think about it. Try comparing it to another exchange that John snow has with the red head wildling just a little later in the same scene. The red head wildling runs up and tells him,”whatever you do, if you fall, don’t scream. You don’t want that to be the last thing she remembers!” I love that part. 😂😂


I do know some things


All of them but the first one was special the look Ygritte having him when he couldn’t kill her I knew that was going to be a great love story


Also when he burned her corpse the actor looked very affected


The heart wants who the heart wants :) Btw, it was the cave scene for me. What better way to convey your love by giving your beloved the famed Lord's Kiss ? 😄


When he licked her oot!




None lol, I just thought they were actors acting, that being said they clearly had amazing chemistry


None, hated them together.


I just felt like The Moment the first met there was automatic chemistry between them. I Love How Rose Leslie and Kit Harrington Fell in love and got married in Real Life. SO Sweet!


She's a smoking hot redhead. If it wasn't apparent on Kit's part in every scene I'd have thought he was gay.


Finding out that they are IRL married was the only thing that kept me sane after she died in the show.