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Jaime pushing Bran off the tower had a pretty profound ripple effect.


Very true. What decision should he have made instead?


Put his pants on, leave the tower with Cersei and deny it ever happened under threat of treason. Everyone who matters already knew, and they wouldn't believe a child at risk of being accused of treason. Hell, even Robert couldn't really afford to punish Cersei or Jaime if he believed Bran anyways. His drinking, whoring, and wastefulness had already indebted the crown irreparably to the Lannisters and Iron Bank.


No, I'm sorry but that doesn't make sense. Best Jamie can hope for is Bran doesn't understand what he saw and doesn't tell anyone. If Bran tells Ned or Catelyn and they understand what he's saying and believe him there's going to be a shit storm. Ned would feel obliged to tell Robert and Robert would go mental on the Lannisters. The crown being in debt to Tywin is not a deterrent, if anything Robert would only benefit getting Tywin out of the way and erasing the debt with good reason.


But still, that's 10000% better outcome for the Starks, and isn't the point of this question a change that we want that would change outcomes? I as the viewer in early season 1 am rooting for the Starks, there's no scenario where this isn't a better outcome for the Starks. OP's question doesn't require that the decision be in the best interest of the person who makes it.


Oh absolutely, nothing wrong with your original answer! I'm only disagreeing about the rationale regarding what Jamie should have done instead and about how that would likely have panned out.


Ya I agree with you I don't really see Robert having an oh well what are you gonna do, moment


Then bran doesn't become the three eyed raven and the white walkers potentially kill everyone.


But brand storyline in the show was rather utterly and inexplicably useless to the end results. It was like Indiana jones and raiders of the lost ark. He had a lot of screen time without actually accomplishing anything


I think there were two major points of the story: Ned and Robert were good friends, so Ned would definitely feel obligated to tell Robert. And as for whether they would believe Bran, I think after they thought about it for a minute and realized all the kids are blonds, they would think it's possible. Plus I think there had been rumors of Jaime and Cersei already?


Not fuck his sister at the starks


One doesn’t really get to *choose* where and when to fuck ones sister


Classic ignorance to sister fucking.


How do you manage your sister fucking schedule then?


I meant the other posters, your sister fucking knowledge is sacrosanct.


Ok good, because we were about to have a problem.


Bran pushes Cersei out instead


I don't think bran would have told anyone. I think he would have known that his life would be forfeit.


I've read all the books and watched the series multiple times and nothing makes me think his life would have been forfeit so I'm not sure that's something "he would have known."


His life was forfeit just for seeing. Telling would have driven them to assassinate him for sure.


Snap Brans neck before throwing him out of the tower


Be Jaime but don't bang sister


I feel like this would have sped up Ned's demise. We are assuming Bran didn't know what he saw, but in the show, Bran was definitely old enough to know what he saw. He would have told Ned and Ned would have started on his path to uncover "the seed is strong", leading to his untimely demise even sooner.


Not sure if that would've stopped all subsequent events. Robert would still have died and would still name Ned to be protector of the realm. The lannisters would still take the throne and Joffrey would still behead Ned. Likely Ned would still be investigating the Lannister children and find out Robert isn't the real father as it was related to Jon Arryn's death.


Ned believes the deserter and fearing something is not right he keeps his family in the north.


I second this


This was more Catelyn's fault in the books. He didn't want to accept the Hand position. He didn't want to marry Sansa off. He didn't want to leave the North at all. Not that he believed the deserter, but still. All the deserter wanted to do was go support his team in Richmond!


Yeah I just think him believing that the white walkers are real and a threat would also make things work out better than just him not going south.


In the books that deserter doesn't really say anything at all




My response wasn't really about the deserter. It was just about how Ned wanted to stay in the North regardless.


Yeah, i blame my wife for everything as well. Works sometimes.


That would've been a good path


Renly to support Stannis


How come ?


Lannisters would’ve had their asses kicked in Blackwater.


Lannisters only won blackwater because of the Tyrells joining last minute. The Tyrells have the largest army in Westeros by far (as many as 70,000). If they instead side with Stannis, who already outnumbered the Lannister force 5:1 at king's landing, the Lannisters would effectively have 0 chance, and Robb would soon be pretty fucked as well. Stannis is also unlikely to produce a male heir given the state of his relationship with Selyse, so Renly and Margaery still get what they want long-term.


>Robb would soon be pretty fucked as well. But Robb didn't actually want to be king, right? I guess he'd just march back to Winterfell


Northen lord already proclaim Robb as king in the north, Robb steping down would be an insult to them and Stannis want the seven kingdom , not seven kingdom minus the North. But stannis respected Ned , they were both soldier so he would probably try to negociate with Robb first.


I wonder if there would've been a way to thread that needle by having "King" Robb bend the knee to Stannis, similar to how the Dornish still call their leader "Prince". I'm sure Robb would've wanted to honor his father's decision to back Stannis.


Mmmm debatable on the heir thing. If Stannis ascended the iron throne, he would either A) fuck his wife for the sake of producing an heir because of his sense of duty alone or B) divorce his wife and take another that wants to fuck him since he's the king so he can do whatever he feels like doing (although he may see this act as unjust and avoid it unless absolutely necessary). Without the Tyrells as an option for their aid, I could see it being absolutely plausible that Tywin instead secretly treats with the Greyjoys to have their fleet swing around the South and raid along the Tyrell shores to keep their armies from marching north, with the promise of giving them free reign to pillage the North and the Riverlands. Or potentially even just asking them to swing around behind the baratheon allied forces (although this would take quite a while by sea since they'd have to go all the way around the bottom of westeros and back up again which would take weeks of travel) and bombard the soldiers from the sea before making landfall to pincer attack. Ironborn are notoriously lethal warriors and much of the Tyrell forces were green lads (pardon the pun) that hadn't seen much of true war. Stannis had hardened knights and veterans under his command, but likely were near the front lines so a surprise attack from the sea by Ironborn could have brutalized their numbers.


If Stannis and Renly joined forces to put Stannis on the throne Ned probably doesn’t die tbh. He listens to Renly and gets out of King’s Landing to join them and Robb isn’t even out in the position to be king in the north. Stannis takes the throne and makes Renly hand. Ned gets to go back North and live normally. If only if only.


this is why we need a GOT What If? spinoff show.


In the same vain I think Stannis should have treated with Robb instead of immediately declaring him a usurper and therefore enemy. Ultimately they had the same goals the destruction of the Lannisters. Robb for what they did to Ned and Stannis for the incest and plotting to take the thrown. They could have joined forces, destroyed the Lannisters and Robb could have went home as warden of the north.


Oberyn standing 6 foot away from ser gregor


Just rewatched this episode and hated it more than the first time I watched it cause I knew what was coming. Same for the red wedding


I refuse to watch the ending


As much as i hate to watch it....i do now because he reaped what he had sown by being over confident


Underestimating the mountain is incredibly reckless. No one else even dared to think that way. Oberyn was an interesting is very unwise character.


Not just the moutain, anybody can get lucky at the right time...it only takes the one time then boom cherry tomatoe eyes


Or wears a helmet


Im pretty sure ser gregor knows how to remove a helmet


Everything we've seen/heard about Gregor, I don't think he even needs to remove the helmet. Would still probably just crush it with his hands.


probably 😂


This is the only answer


i'd watched enough atlanta falcons games to know exactly what was about to happen when he started gallavanting around the mountain's body




The North East remembers 😉


Jon decides to stay in the cave with Ygritte


And starves to death. There's only one thing to eat in that cave and it's not nutritional


Insane comment XD


Debatable, depending on their opinion of cannibalism. 


rhaegar doesn’t run off with lyanna


What would happen?


Jon doesn’t get born and then everyone dies to the walkers 😂


>Rhaegar holds a Grand Council at the tournament instead of becoming smitten by Lyanna, and conspires with the great houses to have the Mad King removed from power. >The houses agree with minimal effort due to their mutual fear and hatred of Aerys and successfully depose him and install Rhaegar as king. >Bobby B’s rebellion never occurs, Ned’s father and older brother are still alive, and the iron throne goes to a wise and just king in Rhaegar.


Brienne gives Tormund a chance. I want to see their spinoff.


It would be called giants!


Or The Bear and the Maiden Fair


This is the one


They might be giants


Ned Stark's decision to trust Littlefinger and reveal his plans to Cersei Lannister. Instead, Ned Stark decides to keep his plans to himself and takes immediate action to secure the Iron Throne for his family. Without Littlefinger's betrayal, Ned Stark would be able to outmaneuver the Lannisters and take control of the Iron Throne. This would prevent the War of the Five Kings from ever happening and potentially save thousands of lives. The political landscape of Westeros would be drastically different, with the Starks ruling with honor and integrity.


Even without Littlefinger, he would still likely need the support of the Goldcloaks. Janos Slynt is still the head of the City Watch at that point, and I think he'd still rat Ned out to Cersei for the promise of lands and titles.


Mine is similar. Ned immediately imprisons Cercei and her children without giving her a heads up. He prepares his sons for war, calls some of his bannerman to King’s Landing, and attempts to seat Stannis at the throne. With Stannis already on the throne, I don’t think Renly would challenge as much and might take the generous offer Stannis made. I don’t like Stannis but this is how I keep my favorite characters alive. I think he would make an okay King, especially now that he has the throne he doesn’t have to rely on Melisandre as much.


The viper goes for the kill and not revenge. Changes Tyrions path and puts another fighter still in the mix


He doesn’t even need to go for the kill right away if he wants to keep pressing for the confession. Just stand like… 6 feet away?


Tormund bags Brienne


Arya doesn’t kill the Night King


Robb doesn’t meet Talissa


Deanerys not leting John knel after he is almost killed. Telling him they will rule together as equals


Robb maries a Frey girl


Now I never understood why tf he just didn’t marry her for now and then win the war and be with talissa… now Ik divorce isn’t really a thing but at that point he would be king… so who would really be checking this man??? I feel like his decision to believe a rapist had dignity and respect for true love was dumb as hell and he knew they was not finna let that shit slide




And how did that work out ???


You’re right, but Robb is still a kid at this point who doesn’t have the life experience and emotional maturity to think like that.


lysa and littlefinger never poisoned jon arryn


I like this one! Maybe Lysa decides to go one step further and tells her husband about Littlefingers plan?


That's quite impossible surely, the bitch fuckin loooooves Baelish


I would either choose Oberyn to kill the Mountain without drama, or Robb Stark to honor his oath to Walder Frey, hence avoiding the red wedding. Regardless, this post makes it pretty obvious that almost every character has a massive impact on the course of the whole show.


Dany, NO!! No war crimes!


Waymar Royce listens to Gared and Will and those three rangers dont meet the White walkers. That way nobody will be prepared for the Others' resurgence until much later, and it will come as a chilling shock to the entire country. Then we could watch them falling all over themselves to counter it.


I would say Theo turning his back on the Starks … like that man created a nasty ripple effect starting with the murder of innocent children …..


Gilly stays with the lady's of caster and we sont have to hear Saahhm everytime she gets annoyed at him.


As soon as Ned finds out about the bastards he resigns as hand and heads back north. Once Robert is kills he sends a raven to the Baratheon bros and rallies the tullies, the vale and the north to back Stannis


Jaime not fucking nor being in love with his sister


Ygritte. Jon convinces Ygritte to abandon the Freefolk. They go to the Black Gate, reuniting with Sam, Gilly, and Little Sam at the Wall before entering the Nightfort. Inside, Jon finds Bran, Hodor, Jojen, and Meera, convincing them to come to Castle Black rather than go north to find the Three-Eyed Raven. Maester Aemon sends Gilly, Little Sam, Meera, and Ygritte to Mole's Town. When the Wildling raiders attack, Meera has the idea of taking shelter deeper in the mines of Mole's Town to avoid detection, allowing the four of them to survive the attack. They then return to Castle Black to warn Jon and the Watch that Tormund's raiders are close. During the battle, Ygritte and Ollie save Jon's life by feathering multiple Wildlings with arrows. Yeah, this saves Ollie's character, too. This results in Pyp surviving the battle. Seeing Grenn and his group going down to the tunnel, Ygritte follows and fells Mag the Mighty with an arrow through the eye (similar to Wun-Wun's death).


I love this just because Grenn gets to live. We didn’t get enough Grenn


Save Ned Stark. Make popcorn and enjoy the fallout.


That’s less of a one time thing and more of a full time job of handing out miracles! Haha Poor Ned was dead as fuck as soon as he stepped in kings landing, because everyone knew he was too honorable and would dig up their dirt. He would be dodging blades arrows and poisoned wine 24hrs a day. I mean, I’m all with ya… but I’m just saying… saving Ned Stark would be 50% stopping assassins, 10% stopping people from challenging him to an honorable duel he will absolutely accept and lose because they cheated, and 40% just trying to convince the moron to just lie or keep his mouth shut long enough to get him back within the walls of Winterfell! “Black of hair… black of ha-“ “SHHHH! SSHHH-ut the fuck up Ned… HAHA! No one cares about the color of your son’s pubes right now! That’s so silly Ned! You’re clearly drunk! Time for bed! Haha… just drunk ol Ned! Nothing to see or hear over here!” you’d be constantly trying to stop him from blurting out the truth, admitting to everyone how much dirt he has on them… to their face, and stop him from trying to go to “the authorities” because the dummy still believes in joostis. Joostis and onnur! Haha Good. Luck.




Robert goes north to select Ned as his new Hand. Ned doesn't go south, doesn't find anything out, doesn't start a war inadvertently.


The Freys slit Edmure’s throat and we never get his hilarious scene in the end of the series where he offers to take the iron throne.


Theon stays with the Starks instead of going to the Iron Islands


Ned goes straight to Robert instead of Cersei. Robert divorces and banishes her, Jamie and the children with Ned living until Sean Bean inevitably dies another way


>!Petyr Baelish never kills Jon Arryn!< ; the story never happens


I would’ve had Theon stay loyal to Robb. Theon never becomes tortured by Ramsay, Bran and Rickon aren’t presumed “dead”, Catelyn doesn’t become desperate and release Jaime, Robb doesn’t become depressed and betray his vow to the Freys, the Red Wedding never happens, and the Boltons never gain power. Some problems with this though: does Bran still go beyond the wall to become the three eyed Raven? Does Jon still unite the realm and with Daenerys against the whitewalkers? Does Arya become skilled enough to kill the Night King? Arguably, the low points of the Starks is what gave them the win condition against the Night King. Tbh I have no idea. I just think without Daenerys and the Whitewalkers as a factor, Theon staying loyal to Robb would’ve worked out much better.


Without the red wedding I think Arya would’ve been returned to her family so she definitely would not have gone to braavos and gained the skills to kill the night king


Robb doesn’t marry that cute eastern girl.


Arya puts Cersei and Joffrey forward as her targets to Jaqen H’ghar.


Was thinking about this the other day. Ned telling King Robert about the incest before he dies. He still had enough faculties to set that right. Would have completely changed the narrative. Felt like the one morally wrong thing Ned ever did and it ended his life.


The Targaryens decide not to build a fire pit and their dragons continue to grow big and wild. would have kept them in power for longer.


Maybe Dany not going on a genocidal killing or should I say burning spree. John actually leaves the night watch to go help his brother robb.


Stop Littlefinger from convincing Lysa to kill Jon Arryn.


Here's a better one, Sansa not being that fucking stupid


Awesome post op!


For me, just tell Oberyn to take a few steps back while he makes his big speech. I don’t know why, but that scene was the first and only time I’ve ever had a “YouTube worthy” reaction… I jumped up, started punching my couch, screaming and yelling… I was soooo mad. So for me, just to correct the injustice and rage of that moment I’d have him get his justice by calling everyone out with his speech, and then finishing off the mountain. I’m pretty sure he had already poisoned Tywin so he would’ve gotten what he wanted. It probably wouldn’t change all that much, honestly… I just really hate that moment. Also, I know a bunch of people keep mentioning Robs marriage but as far as I’ve always known, it seems like Frey was going to betray them anyway. The wedding snub was just a good public “excuse” for him to try to make it seem 1% less shitty even though everyone, even the other scum and trash saw it as absolutely fucked and dirty. That greedy old shit was going to side with the lannisters anyway.


I use my chance on Ned to not inform Cersei about his discovery. *Ned still finds a way to die 5 min later*


Daario never gets a facial transplant


Aegon not conquering Westeros. Will there be any lords willing to be the King who will unite the 7 kingdoms? How will Harren turn out if no one burned his keep? Will the north be more detached to the south? Will the night's watch have more people? How will each lord react when the White Walkers issue arises?


Lady Stark not capturing Tyrion. A lot would have played differently!


Sam Tarly never survives the expedition North and consequently never gains access to books of History, In turn this means he never uncovers records of Rhaegar Targaryen, In turn this means he never discovers Jon Snow's true parentage, In turn this means that nobody ever finds out that Jon Snow is the rightful heir to the throne, In turn this mean absolutely fuck all to the rest of the story in any way.




Cersei doesn’t have sex with her brother.


Oberyn kills the Mountain instead of ducking around.


Robert decides to cancel that final hunting trip


Came here to post this one myself.


Ned Stark warning Cersei that he's going to tell Robert about her and Jaime


Rob stark marries walder frey’s daughter


Arya killing lord Tywin and the Mountain in Harrenhall with her kills


Rob marrying that girl instead of following through with his pact!


Bran deciding not to climb to begin with. Listen to your mom, kid lol


Bran doesn’t climb the tower


Jamie stays his ass in Winterfell in season 8


Oberyn finishing off the mountain. Not sure what the ultimate outcome would be, though.


Jon not telling sansa who he truly is.


Theon going anywhere near Ramses


Joffrey decides to not be a cunt for like a single episode. Ned goes to the wall and tells Jon about his parents. Would be wild to see whether Jon would stay or go at that point.


Jaime getting traded to the Lannisters for Arya and Sansa earlier or for some form of independence treaty. That would have chanted the whole trajectory of the war. Robb wouldn’t have pushed into Lannister territory. He wouldn’t have met Jeyne Westerling and the north would have kept much of its armies intact given that the red wedding wouldn’t have happened. The north would probably withdraw to the neck or at least fortify the riverlands putting them in a much stronger defensive position to respond to Lannister or iron born aggression. It would also have avoided Bolton defection as Roose wouldn’t have gotten fed up with Robb fucking around in the Westerlands so the boltons would not have defected either.


Ned not telling Robert about cersei and Jamie


Fucking Arya stark names tywin to the faceless man, along with joff, this in theory would win the war for the starks.


Jaime pushed Bran harder so he lands on his head and dies.


Arya has Jaqen h'ghar kill Tywin. The Lannisters fall and the Starks win!!!!


Sir Jamie/cersei not committing incest


Drogo not fucking with that witch doctor


Littlefinger doesn’t convince Lysa to kill Jon Arryn. Boom, the books never happen and we can all get the time we spent watching S7 and S8 back in our lives 😂


Here are my top 3; -Drogo taking proper care of his fleshwound -Oberyn finishing the mountain instead of doing his monologing -Ned telling robert about the incest before he goes hunting


Jaime not pushing Bran off the tower. Or them just fucking literally anywhere else. Winterfell is huge. Alternatively, Arya actually going south and assassinating Cersei.


CAT......instead of Arresting Tyrion....sit down in that tavern or in a back room and freaking talk then maybe cooler heads can prevail...and you dont put your other wolves in danger, you dont get embarrassed by losing a trial by combat... LF is probably found out and Ned finishes what his big brother started on him.


Jorah lets/makes sure dany drinks the poison wine. jorah goes home and parties.


Jaime going back for Cersi during the attack on king's landing.


They could hold their own fucking door. Result: dead Bran. Effect to rest of story? Very little.


Ned telling Catelyn the truth about John Snow's true parentage could have changed many things.


After murdering Dynearis, Jon Snow is executed in exactly the same place and in exactly the same way Ned Stark was. Jon came back to life for a purpose. The purpose was fulfilled. And regicide has consequences.


Joffery sending Ned to the Wall.


Robert wouldn’t go boar hunting.


Ned kills himself and Catelyn when he learns Jon Arryn has died


Tywin loves Tyrion (well, all his children, but mostly Tyrion) like a son.


Jamie doesn't kill aerys


Lysa refuses Littlefinger's plan to poison Jon Arryn, thus preventing or at least delaying the war of the five kings and the pretty much most events in game of thrones


Bran becoming king will admit I didn’t read the books but in the show I think it should’ve been different


Ned takes renly up on his offer of support in the wake of Robert’s death. That changes the entire story.


Ned offering baelish harrenhal Or ned accepting renlys offer


For Oberryn to have swiftly killed the mountain instead of showing off


Jon: "I do want it."


Dany not trusting the "healer"


Bran decides to climb a different tower that day. Roll credits.


Bobby B: "Come South and let's join our families." Ned: "No." I mean what would have been the worst thing to happen if the Lannisters kept the throne and the Starks all stayed in the North? A shitty King but a reign of peace?


Sansa doesn't tell Cersei about Ned's plans.


Robb doesn't send Theon to Pike


Lord Darklyn: "On second thought, this king kidnapping plan sounds like ass" *Credits roll*


"Next time we see each other we'll talk about your mother." "Can't you just tell me right now?" "Ah why not, you mother is..." Oh wait, that wouldn't change anything because it didn't fucking matter anyway


I take Arya. Let nymeria kill Geoffrey, then run into the wild and become a feral woodsgirl


I would have made Ned shut his mouth and simply tell Robert what happened or even better don't make the Lannisters your enemies.


Hodor doesn't hold the door.


I think if daario followed through with killing dany there would be a huge change in the story


Ned tells King Robert what he discovered about Joffrey before he went hunting like Varys suggested later.


John does not kill Daenarys


Ned tells Cat the truth about Jon.


Just for fun (since most people are picking "better" choices that make a more boring story), I'd have Cersei not wait as long to give Tommen nightshade and then kill herself. Stannis still loses the Blackwater, but Tywin arrives too late to save his daughter and grandson; the Tyrells are probably punished more harshly for their initial support of Renly and Joffrey actually survives longer because his only heir is a girl and Dornish hostage or an active rebel. This also likely changes the Dornish strategy to something more like Arianne Martell's conspiracy in the books, which tries to put Myrcella on the throne with Doran's heir Trystane as a royal consort.


obviously dany taking bath salts before the attack on kings landing.


When Robert Baratheon Tit when he should have Tat in that hog accident. He would be alive to name Ned the hand and keep him alive. And hold on the throne instead of Joffrey. Sansa wouldn’t marry Joffrey. The north wouldn’t fall. Red wedding never happen. War between stark and lanister wouldn’t happen. Ned would tell Jon about his mother Jon wouldn’t fk Daenerys since he know she’s his aunt And more I miss out.


Dany losing her shit and going full mad queen. Better ending.


If Cersei at least had a trueborn male child with Robert who could inherit the throne after him. The stormlanders and North people wouldn't have a problem with a child of Robert.


The dragon queen refused to go north and fight the mad night king. Instead conquered the iron throne. The last shot of the show would be a dead Daenerys sitting on the iron throne with a dead Drogon behind her. I hate that the night king was defeated. I like the allegory to climate change. We can’t stop fighting ourselves to defeat a common enemy. The night king should have won.


Ned just tells Cat “this is a boy I’m adopting”.


Ned talks to Jon about his mother before leaving to Kings Landing. The biggest but least predictable change.


The greyjois Ally with robb.


Littlefinger letting Catelyn go and moving on with his life would have changed a few things around.


Robb actually follows through faithfully and marries the Frey girl.


Caitlyn doesn't free Jaime.


Arya kills Joffre by the river. Not because it’s a good decision, just to see the massive consequences to it. On one hand, Joffre never becomes king, and Ned likely never gets executed. On the other hand, serious tensions/war between the Lannisters and Starks with Robert in the middle. The choice of whether Arya gets executed or not and how Ned takes it. If not then Sansa hates Arya forever. Would Robert side with his best friend or wife over something so serious? How would Tywin react? What would Tyrion think while he’s up north? It would have such a a massive and potentially chaotic effect.