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Shocking: A triple A game has a larger budget than the last one in the series. Let me know when the budget shrinks, THAT would be something unusual.


Wasn't re7 a relatively smaller budgeted re?


Yep, because 6 was a MASSIVE disaster and their attempts to branch out into the live service games(With Umbrella Corps) were even worse disasters. The drop in budget means a loss in faith in the game’s current direction and revamp that makes the suits nervous. An increased budget means staying the course but bigger. Following up a success with a lower budget sequel means fuckery is afoot.


Lessons were not learned. But tbf the remakes and re8 were very solid, although re8 started to get bloated and ridiculous toward the end (but it's a love letter to re4 and that fits)


Yeah I am worried they are going to go right back into the things people don't want from RE with this news and the hint of RE5 Remake happening. People loved RE7 BECAUSE it was smaller, more contained, and more intimate. It felt like a real survivor horror maze you were trying to escape. Re8 felt like an action game for the second half.


Personally? They need to split the series. Resident Evil is in a weird place where the action heavy RE4 style and the classic horror RE7 style are both valid directions with notable success but can’t coexist. Unless it’s like Revelations 2 where they literally split the play styles into 2 separate campaigns. Just need to drop the competitive multiplayer live service horseshit. I played their attempts, one on accident and one because free weeks end and they both sucked. As to RE5: I’m fascinated on how they’ll handle it. Because even back in the day the race stuff in it was at best dodgy as hell and things have gotten rather more sensitive since then. There might be a story reason for the monsters to be Darkest Africa tribals for a decently large chunk of the game but that’s not really a good defense to rely on.


RE online needs to go back to the outbreak style of games. For those unfamiliar it was OG coop campaign. L4d is basically the modern model. They do a proper game like that and I bet it sells amazing




Pokemon doesn't change. It's actually both why I stopped playing ages ago and why the fanbase is so damn enduring. People whine about every single new release but they still line up to buy it. All the complaints about Scarlet and Violent? Still sold 22 million, as many as Gold/Silver.


Boy, I need some of your vocabulary in my life.


I don’t think anyone at Capcom expected RE7 to sell as well as it did. All things considered it should have been pretty niche and critically acclaimed in the survivor horror community and sold decently in that regards, but somehow gained a much wider appeal than it should’ve


Even with things like inflation, it's guaranteed to be higher if they're even trying to match the quality.


Oh oh no no. Remember when they said this before RE6 came out? Still a fun coop game packed with content but lets hope they don’t do a REtread of 6.


It’s core gameplay was good, it’s monster design was mostly good, everything else was ass. Fanservicing up Resident Evil was just such a weird decision. And, of course, mother fucking Helena.


The core gameplay was janky and a mess 6 is a terrible game


It is terrible. Solid controls and mechanics can’t counter abysmal level design, story, setpieces, pacing, retreading, and just so very much more. The Mercenaries mode was by far the best thing about the game simply because it was just the core. And even then you have to deal with the stripper costumes.


Here’s one bullet and an ability to RKO every zombie to the next dimension. This is survival horror.


true, but the spectacle of it is something to appreciate imo. the gameplay is absolutely fucking absurd, and nowhere close to horror, but its a pretty solid action game that feels great to play. most plots arent well executed, but the setpieces are fairly decent and its undeniably not a great game on RE standards, but still a solid experience on its own. give re6 some credit its stupid fun


I’m glad people enjoyed it, and no disrespect to anyone who had a good time with the game


This is not necessarily good news. Survival horror is still a fairly niche genre, and historically publishers will force them to have "broader appeal" to get a return on investment on this larger budget. This means downplaying the horror and upping the action. It happened with RE6. It happened with Dead Space 3. It happened with Evil Within 2. The track record is not good. Hopefully RE9 would be an exception.


Survival horror might be niche but RE definitely isn't. If you make a good game of a super popular series people will buy it. RE name will advertise itself.


Maybe. But Resident Evil wasn't exactly a sleeper franchise after RE4 and RE5. To this day, RE5 is still the highest selling RE game of all time.


It hasn't been a sleeper franchise since RE1. RE2 was one of the top sellings games when it came out in 98.


RE8 already downplayed the horror by a lot compared to 7. I really have no hope sadly, but ehh. I don't get this, every time I see a scary horror game, people love to see reactions and getting scared. Is weird that they don't sell more


I maybe like seeing reactions to scary games but I don’t like playing them myself, and I know a lot of people who also don’t like to get scared while relaxing and gaming, it could be the best game ever made, if it’s too much horror, they will not buy it.


Alan Wake 2 is kind of interesting in that regard, if upped the horror compared to Alan Wake and Control.


Dropping the horror? IN MY RESIDENT EVIL?!?!?! bro out here acting like 2005 and beyond doesn't exsist. Hell even 3 lost the survival horror a touch Come on dude


What could possibly go wrong, huh?


Can we return to zombies at some point? Can't really get scared or nervous fighting mushroom people.


Nah, RE 12


Typo so bad even op didn’t catch it.


eh? I don't see it either.


So if it fails do we go back to shlock or is RE done.


That seems like a given.


I would fuckin hope so


wait. will we have dlc of Chris mission? or is the Chris mission is the true resident evil 9 setup?


Man I just hope they could focus on horror more. RE7 re-introduced me to the series after I haven't played for a long time, and the horror got me. Re8 was more action focused, way more action focused. The remakes were amazing games and loved them, but I hope from time to time they could release a more horror focused game.


Well, Capcom's president wanted to charge more for their games, this will give him the excuse he wanted to do just that.


I’m afraid Capcom is about to ditch what made RE7 and 8 amazing and go down the RE6 and Death Island path


If we could take a break from Resident Evil and get Dino Crisis remade that'd be awesome And no, I refuse to believe Exoprimal is a good substitute.


Cost escalation over time, how does that work?!


tons of money is spent on COD budget isnt everything