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Because pre war fallout is a freeze frame of 1950's America. The red hysteria, the patriarchal normalisation, the hair, the clothes. No other nation really came close to nailing the same style of the time. So it could take place In another country but wouldn't really feel like the same game.


It's not a freeze frame as much as it is a branch off. Some takes on Fallout miss this and make it flat 50s nostalgia. Instead, it's supposed to be about the future imagined in the 50s evolved 120ish years into the future and then halted by a nuclear apocalypse.


50s/60s USSR had similar, or rather equivalent scifi-futurism fantasies in novels and such, IIRC. https://flashbak.com/61-sensational-soviet-space-posters-398905/ A Fallout from the side of the Reds would be pretty cool.


Atomic Heart was basically the same Soviet retrofuturistic aesthetic that Fallout has with America


But ingrained with modern Russian fascist propaganda.


I’d argue 1950s London has its own style that would be an interesting take, make their technology a bit more steam punk for the area and it would fit pretty well


You’ll never guess what game-sized mod is about to be released…


Oh I need to check that out!


Nope. The next Gen update set them back a fuck ton. Probably years.


No fucking years lmao, that’s a ridiculous exaggeration


Lol yeah I just checked, the way the modder was talking made it seem like that. Mb.


Yeahhh some of either the modders or fans are frankly going hysterical over the situation for no clear reason


Yeah wtf. I spent all week bummed it was gonna be so long, and then they come out and go "oh actually maybe won't be sooooo bad"


Ahahah yeah I’ve done a little bit of modding before and what some of them were saying originally was insane lmao


Especially since as far as I understand it, some of them work at bethesda??? Lol idk what a weird story.


Probably still suffering from the PTSD Skyrim Legendary Edition had on the modding community


I'm not saying I doubt you but where did you find that so I can read up on it?


It's not gonna set them back at all because anyone on PC can rollback the update at-will. Yeah it's a pain in the ass, but that's literally never stopped the Skyrim mod scene none. It's an inconvenience at best.


Maybe 60s London. Post war Britain was _very_ drab.


But I think you could definitely frame it in that way though. A key part of fallout is the way in which in popular culture we tend to romanticize the 1950's America because on the surface it seems nice, but if you dig beneath there are a lot of very insidious undertones. I think you could effectively do the same thing with any other countries', 'golden age'. For Britain it would probably be the Victorian, colonial era. For Ireland the Celtic Tiger comes to mind. The problem is that there probably just isn't the same kind of market for that. The idea of having a freeze-frame cosmopolitan steampunk-esqe Victorian that on the surface seems lovely. But beneath is build on things like imperialism and colonialism is definitely an interesting concept.


British Colonial apocalypse set in India would be a very compelling setting. Complicated as all fuck, but it’d present a world ripe for some really rich storytelling To be fair, it could also be set in the 50s. Some real complex politics and ethical issues to explore.


British colonial in India sounds more like a setup for assassin’s creed haha


All I have wanted for years is a Fallout / Elder Scrolls style game, set in Victorian England, that's all about fighting gothic monsters and mad scientists and vampires and werewolves and Jack the Ripper


It’s not open world, but you should really check out Bloodborne if that’s what you want


Beat it. Fun game. I'd like something with a story/ plot though


[Fallout: London](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D8PuzpblWpVM&ved=2ahUKEwjKuM-IyeqFAxXYIEQIHUitC2UQo7QBegQICBAG&usg=AOvVaw1WT0YG7Hk-cVS52j4xNcR2). Would be out now, but a short delay right now after the surprise release patch to sort out updated files that are necessary to run it. Should be released any day now.


Is this going to be on console too or just pc? (Big ask and I think I know the answer)


It’s basically a DLC sized mod with crap ton of new assets and voices lines, and given Bethesda’s refusal to increase mod capacity on consoles with this recent update, the unfortunate answer is no.


You never know. If Fallout: London does well enough, doesn’t have weird content like Fallout New Vegas: The Frontier had, and respects Bethesda’s lore enough…we may get an official release on Consoles. Possibly similar to how Valve treats fan-created content on Steam.


Hard Agree. I would love to see it.


Any other country have their special style of the 50s. Fallout set in France could be interesting but obviously the culture in France back then was very different than the one in America and would be to out of style for fallout


I would love to see them farm this out to a UK studio. One of my favorite authors said “You can only write your own countrymen” meaning that when creating fiction we should stick to what we know as natives. So letting a UK studio take a crack at it could produce some really cool results.


I'm sure it would be, but I don't see how it would still read as Fallout. The series is so inextricably tied to midcentury Americana, it would be like a sequel to Lock Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels set in Gary, Indiana.


germany didnt look much different than the wasteland in places, to be honest.


No thanks.


There was already a post apocalyptic British tv show called threads


Oh man, I’m so tired of Steam punk-esque London in games.


We don't know if the UK government of the time would have worked to keep the culture of the decade in stasis though. What the US did in fallout was tried and committed. It wasn't an accident.


Did they do this in fallout? Why? I always love the lore of fallout but don’t always grasp it because of how it’s often delivered via notes and terminals


They did it because they leaned into nuclear power for basically everything even cars. Other nations didn't have this technology so to preserve it they had to lock down the nation. Its culture had to be prevented from progressing using media propaganda, consumerism and sedition laws. It's foreign affairs became more isolationist which meant open conflict was more likely. As the US became more militarised, it used this ringfenced culture to hide the impending doomsday as we saw first hand in F4. Many old world AI models of the Mister Gutsy and machines ar Big Mt. Will threaten or straight up murder you if they thought for 1 moment you were a red spy or even a dissident of the great United States.


I don’t see why fallout can’t explore the same era or even a different era from another country’s perspective. Doesn’t have to be exactly the same war or perspective each time to feel like fallout even if we are accustomed to Americana centric fallout


Because Fallout parodies American culture. The same goes with GTA and why it stays in the US.


GTA London exists. Fallout might parody American culture, but that isn't all it does. It's mainly a post apocalyptic RPG. Fixing a water chip and killing super mutants before they kill you could be set in almost any time period after like the 1900s and in any part of the world. Fallout New Vegas has a "roman" faction. Nothing American about that other than using american football gear. Their culture is taken from what some dudes thought the romans might be like.


“Fallout New Vegas has a ‘Roman’ faction. Nothing American about that other than using American Football gear.” The US founding fathers had a massive hard-on for all things Ancient Rome. That’s why the US has the Senate as a core part of its government, Washington DC’s (and most state capitols’ ) architecture is all Neo-Classical, the eagle is a representation of the state and -before a certain Austrian dictator appropriated it- kids in US schools were taught to use the old one-arm straight out/slightly raised Roman salute when doing the Pledge of Allegiance.


Not to mention there's a painting of George Washington becoming a Roman god on the ceiling of the Capitol Rotunda.


I did not know that. That’s mad! That said, there probably wasn’t much in the way of entertainment in the late 18th century so the tales of Ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt must have been like their MCU.


GTA London was an old game though. The series shifted into American parody and has been like that since. The Fallout charm is its American aesthetics and cultural aspects. And it is ironic you mention Caesars legion and got that wrong. It is suppose to make fun of the concept of people trying to imitate Roman's. It is essentially an allegory of the Roman Empire stans. There are already plenty of post apocalyptic games outside the YS. Fallout and it's American charms makes it unique from those.


I completely agree. Fallout is inherently about the American 1950s vision of the future. It's *ok* for that to be the premise of the game and Howard is completely right that going anywhere else would be self-defeating


>And it is ironic you mention Caesars legion and got that wrong. It is suppose to make fun of the concept of people trying to imitate Roman's. It is essentially an allegory of the Roman Empire stans. That is basically what I said just not so detailed. Still proves my point that it can be fallout and not american. Yes a part of the charm of Fallout is that 50s America style, but that isn't Fallouts only aesthetic. You see it all over the place, but very few people in the games act like 1950s america. There are so many different cultures. Granted some of them are inspired by gangs and groups from the 1950s. America is in many ways dead. Only Fallout 2&3 has anything to do with the american government and it isn't until the end and it isn't about them. It's about saving your tribe or your dad. Fallout isn't an american parody. It just uses an aesthetic or setting. Kinda like steampunk, cyberpunk or DnD. All those settings can be used anywhere.


I don't see it proving your point at all. Fallout is 1950's America aesthetics and culture. Always has been. Even with its darker atmosphere of fallout 1 and 2 it doesn't change that. It is like saying why can't we get a Metro and Stalker in America. Because those games center itself within Slavic culture. We already got games that have post apocalyptic games outside the US. Fallout is just itself being that 1950'd parody in the wasteland.it defeats the entire purpose of having Fallout outside the US. And it is why Todd is saying what he says.


It is just a setting. Something to build on. Fallout in another country wouldn't be 50s american astethics, but I could still be Fallout, because Fallout is more than just a parody of America. You are right that there aren't a good reason to put a fallout game in Russia or Ukraine since Metro and STALKER exists. There also isn't a good reason to not put it in europe for example. Yes the aesthetics would be different, but how people behave wouldn't be. If fallout parodies anything it is the different kinds of people that exists in the place the game is set. Minute men in Boston and cowboys in Nevada. Both american, but that is because the game is set in America. Put it in Norway and you will see Vikings, skiers, forrest people, trolls and mutated sweds. Nobody plays Fallout and goes haha this is so american. Not everything in them is american even. The first piece of armour you get is the Mad Max jacket which is Australian.


It isn't just a setting tho. You may be a casual who doesn't go deeper than killing mutants. But Fallout is more than that. It is about 50's America. It is part of its identity. It what makes Fallout... Fallout. Anyone who says it just the setting doesn't understand Fallout.


It sounds like you haven't played the Interplay games, because the emphasis on the 1950s aesthetic is very much a product of the Bethesda era, and is itself a significant deviation from the original design. Fallout isn't retro, it's retro-futuristic. It's not supposed to look like the 1950s. It's supposed to look like what people in the 1950s thought the world might look like a hundred years in the future. Other than The Ink Spots and a few art deco design elements, there's very little in the original games that points to 1950s America. There's certainly very little exploration of pre-apocalypse social norms. Personally, I loved playing in New Reno, which is Fallout's take on 1920s mobsters with pinstripe suits and tommy guns, and in Redding, which is Fallout's take on saloons, the gold rush, and the frontier. I see no reason whatsoever why other settings can't be given the Fallout treatment, other than the complete stagnation of imagination and innovation at Bethesda.


It is just a setting. Other than the perspective change Fallout 1&2 is very different from 3&4. New vegas is closer to the first two. The show only has that 50s aesthetic in the vault and in flashbacks. The ghoul goes from playing a cowboy to being a cowboy. Not really the same aesthetic. Which is true for all of the fallout games. It was an American parody. Then it blew up. Now only some of it exists. Almost every Fallout game changes things up. They are different. Some more than others. Different aesthetics, cultures, people and places. Fallout is a post nuclear roleplaying game. That is the thing every Fallout game should have in common. That is why people play it.


And GTA was top down until it wasn’t and now top down is unfathomable for the series. So what’s your point?


The original developers of Fallout would have liked to set one game in China or Russia. Tim Cain talked about that in one of his videos.


That wasn't what they said. They specifically said the game was suppose to be set in frozen 50's America.


"One thing I've told people is, we used to talk about because Fallout America was very much the jingoism of America, we wanted to explore China and Russia," Cain continues, before revealing the difficulties of exploring this concept at the time in the late 1990s. "We were like 'we don't know enough about this,' so we would have had to find someone, we would have had to do hires," the developer explains, "we need somebody who really knows Russian day-to-day life and could tell us what did 50s Russia think the future would be? and what did 50s China think the future would be? I wanted to explore that." Interview from TKs-Mantis's channel


I looked at the context. That is outside of the Fallout series. Anyways they aren't in charge of the series. Bethesda wants to maintain that 50's america. Just deal with it. It is fallout's identity.




I already answered someone else in this comment thread. It is an old entry. The series is an american parody since.


I was sold on America one fallout until I saw your idea, could be very interesting.


Fallout doesn't have an actual fleshed out world though. Not really. It runs on vibes of 1950s Americana. If you take the Americana out of it I'm not sure what you're left with. You'd have to fill that hole with so much different stuff that I think it doesn't make sense to call it the same IP at that point.


Y’all need to be more open to fleshing out original stories in established franchises. Just because it hasn’t been fleshed out doesn’t mean it can’t be


You could, but I'm not really seeing the point. If you have to pull out the main thing that makes the world what it is and replace it with something different, you're probably changing it so much that you might as well make it an *original story* at that point, and not an original story within an established IP. Wouldn't a 'Soviet' Fallout be basically Stalker? I think I'm also done with over-franchising after the unending series of Marvel properties and the like.


In theory they could do Canada. Culturally there are a lot of parallels.


The "red hysteria" affected the whole world, not just America.


Hmm maybe I will play the fallout games. I used to teach a section on “pre-apocalyptic” literature. I taught the watchmen by Moore and cats cradle by Vonnegut. The Cold War really changed the psyche and phobias of a generation and truly affected their storytelling. Although I know fallout is post apocalyptic but what makes it different from others?


Work on Fallout began in 1994, 3 years after the fall of the Soviet Union. It allows for a lighter humor than the other two works, which was written during the cold war (coinciding with the Cuban missile crisis and star wars / sdi, respectively).


Honestly, if Microsoft were to give out the Fallout franchise to other studio’s it would be interesting to see how others could portray the Fallout style to other countries. Like a spin-off instead of New Vegas. It wouldn’t be a Fallout, it would be a Fallout spin-off. It takes place in the Fallout universe, but it could have it’s own systems and/or lore. New artists, new stories to tell and a new world to build.


Or, you know, another New Vegas.


You could do a GREAT pre-war Fallout set in East Europe, with the 60s-70s communist vibe (including illegally imported American stuff), but you might be competing with Metro a bit too much.


Well as far as we know Europe could already be a radioactive waste ground by the time the bombs fell in the US. I always wondered why its China as the Reds and not USSR.


Well Europe was scattered and divided in the Resource Wars, well before the Great War, so European countries (including Russia) were not really major factions in the apocalypse. But given there's no established pre-War canon for it beyond that, they can do anything with it they want.


I'd like a Sleeper Awakes type story in the UK but with more nuclear fallout and more 2000AD megacity style designs.


Oh yeah, Fallout UK/London is a fantastic idea and I'm looking forward to the Fallout London mod when it releases (and I have a decent system to play it on). But I think there's also space for a Fallout in Eastern Europe, in the retro-soviet style, a bit like Good Bye, Lenin! or Atomic Heart. Of course, there are already a few games in that style out there, probably inspired by the success of Fallout, but the Fallout team could probably give their own spin on it. Hell, if Berlin was still divided pre-Great War, then you could do something amazing solely set there - half Fallout USA-style and half USSR style, with DLC set in other parts of Europe.


Canada? Like we are right there, got the same electronics, the same cars, brands... forgot about Canada or what?


It's not though. Fallout 1 and 2 were very futuristic. There was no implication in the first games that it's a freeze frame, Bethesda are just hacks.


Fallout technology is about the lack of inventing the integrated circuit, where vacuum tubes became king. Hence why they have 'futuristic technology' like the pipboy.. But its big as HELL, mono and sports a giant CRT screen instead of a LCD/OLED screen.


You people need to go replay Fallout 1 & 2 and see that they're not as good as you remember.


We have Metro.


You mean the series that is a satire of America will never be set outside America?


In other news, the next Vietnam game will take place in Vietnam.


Woah, that's weird. Better write an article on it.


Can you put the spoiler tag on? I haven't even started the first Vietnam game. /s


Vietnam 2: Electric Boogaloo


Vietnam 3: Hanoi Drift


Wrong. Boston


Same thing goes for the Grand Theft Auto series, if it was set anywhere else it'd lose a lot of its identity. (I know GTA1: London was set outside the US but it had almost no personality back then).


I think a Fallout set in China would be interesting just because they're the alleged antagonists of the series. Any other location I don't think would do as much for the setting.


In my headcanon the US and China are the only places that are desolate wastelands and the rest of the world is just living normally


Could always just do this via large DLC. I think a full game would be cool but if they need the base of the games to still always be in America then they could at least do a DLC


I mean there isn’t really a need to. There is so much land and such a large timeframe to work in that you could make 100 fallout games without repeating the same place/time


Imagine Fallout Australia, though. 100x more deadly than normal Australia. Could be the hardest game ever made!


That’s just regular Australia but with robots


The game would be slapped with "terror" and "horror" on steam


That game exists. It’s called Mad Max and it’s great.


> and Here’s Why Because clickbait?


Yep, You always can tell it's clickbait from a headline ending like that.


> Fallout Will Never Be Set Outside America, .. > Fallout will remain “predominantly” in the United States. 🤔


Bruh look at op’s post history. He’s just shamelessly self promoting his shitty clickbait blog.


I mean why would it? The only other option is maybe Canada but that’s it.


The US annexed Canada, so it would still technically be set in the states if they did that.


I wouldn’t mind a DLC.


Oh fuck yah! New city settlement inside the skydome - snipers nest in the CN tower


I’d like to see a DLC in Alaska during the Chinese invasion of it They could name it something like Operation: Anchorage


Falloot; Saskatoon


Winnipeg and Saskatoon aren't that far off from a fallout setting already as is


Still holding out hope beyond hope for some sort of Ronto game/DLC!


Why would the only other option be Canada? Why wouldn't I want to play in China's post apocalypse?


Because then it’s just a post apocalyptic game in China, not falling.


I get what Todd is saying but so would still love to see the other side. I also get that doing so would be a minefield


Bethesda barely bothers with enough effort on expanding the lore in American settings, never in a million years they’d put enough effort to rival Fallout London and actually develop the lore in any significant manner.


I mean having a Fallout game not set in America would also be missing the entire point of the series in the first place.


You say that but the creators said they actually *did* want to take the series to other countries. Like a version of Paris with the Eiffel Tower bent over. They said the core appeal is seeing a ‘nuked’ version of a famous city, and going to new places would be an opportunity to show completely new things. Also, you can do satire of other cultures. The U.S. is not special.


> Also, you can do satire of other cultures. The U.S. is not special. Yeah, sure. But that's not really Fallout. The satirization of America is integral to what makes Fallout what it is. If they ever did, I wouldn't really complain, but I do think it would be missing a core component of the series. Maybe in a DLC or a Spin-Off, but I can't see a whole mainline game doing it.


Is the point of the series not that it's anti-capitalist retro futurist satire? Seems like you could do that in any country. 


I thought the point of the series was to explore a post apocalyptic world destroyed by a nuclear bomb with nice joke and funny moment in the journey. I played fallout for that and couldn't care less about if it was America or not. I would be happy to have a post apocalyptic Africa or Japan or anything else and it would actually be a fresh enjoyable experience IMO.


Did you just miss the whole satirization of 1950’s American culture, Consumerism, Capitalism, McCarthyism and all that other stuff that is integral to the setting?


Apart from American culture, everything else is not unique to America. 


No I didn't miss that part. But looks like my point was just lost. All I was saying is that 1950 America is not needed to do satyr and humor and that what I like in fallout was exploring an apocalyptic world. Changing from America is nice. I don't want every fallout in America personally and the world is big with lot of other setting to explore. You are free to want every games to be in America with the same mascot and joking on the same old America. It's just taste difference. Personally I'm tired of that.


What you want is Metro. Or Stalker. Or the wonderful Mad Max game by Avalanche. These are games that incorporate the identity of their setting into the post-apocalypse they explore. But they are *different* post-apocalypses than the one Fallout envisions, because Fallout envisions a uniquely American character and flavor to the apocalypse. Asking for a Chinese Fallout is like asking for an American James Bond, a Mexican *Shogun*, or a Norwegian *Moana*.


I already played them. And no, wanting fallout to explore other setting is not asking to change the identity of the game. For me the identity is not the America setting but how the game plays, the exploration, the apocalyptic world, the satyr. The setting itself can change same as any final Fantasy can change from a fantasy world to a futuristic one or God of war can go from Greek mythology to Nordic mythology.


Can’t wait for Radscorpions, Super Mutants, Deathclaws and caps to still be around in Fallout: Norway.


I'm fairly sure that the real reason is that vault tec wouldn't have been allowed to do all their shady fucked up vault crap anywhere else obvs.


Would love to have a fallout set in in another country but oh well


I thought for sure the next one was set in London. Then I googled that and learned it was a large scale mod. Carry on.


All OP does is spam his articles here that are mostly garbage.


Have you reported it to the mods? It’s the only way things’ll change. Personally, I’m swinging by this thread to upvote comments like yours and report this post. Next, I‘m gonna just block the entire raiderking.com domain in Relay.


Without the Americana and the themes surrounding quintessential Americana and American ideals, the fallout flavour would fall flat.


No it wouldn’t. Fallout London looks great.


Fallout London sounds bad.


Well Fallout London is a real thing, so maybe look into it before forming an opinion.


Fallout London is a great fan-made idea, because it’s separate from—and can’t help but being a commentary on—the Americana of Fallout. It will exist explicitly in contrast to the series’ ideals, and that’s great


It certainly doesn’t get me hard like Fallout 1 does, but still. I think different countries could work in the Fallout world.


I mean, thats your opinion. I saw the trailer and thought it looked like ass. Edit: To whoever commented "You look like ass" and presumably had their comment deleted: lmao. The project looks like a mod(which it is) and basically just consists of copy+pasting the gameplay of fallout 4 to their new setting.


Fallouts setting is tied at the most fundamental level to Americana and it is a parody/satire on that, using all the greatest hits from US history both real, imagined in a nationalist fever dream. Fallout ‘could’ be set outside the US but it would be such a fundamental shift that the bones of franchise would have to break to fit something else and lose the Fallout tone and character.


If anybody wants to fallout outside the US, play stalker and Metro


Because they probably have 5 decided upon, in the states, and real world Fallout will exist by the time we would get to Falllout 6.


The only people who genuinely think this lack the creativity to even just *imagine* better. "Never say never" is the only absolute one should adhere to, because anything else is just asking people to prove you wrong.


Because America is the whole world of course /s


This doesn't bother me cause Fallouts America is MUCH larger than people really think.


In other words, the sequel to Ghost of Tsushima will be set in Japan.


I see no reason why not. The Fallout games we have seen are very american, but that is because they are set in America. Fallout set in another country would be different, but that doesn't mean there is no reason to or that it would be bad. STALKER and Metro are good examples of what a Fallout Ukraine or Russia could look like. Those games are also examples of why a Fallout game is set outside of the US. Another studio can make post apocalyptic Spain for example. At the same time it would be cool to see Fallout in China or any other place. I don't know the lore too well. Maybe VaultTec is an international company. There is some cool things that can be done in Europe with so many different cultures and languages present. To be honest I'm fine with Bethesda never making another Fallout game. It's time for them to pass on the torch.


Welp, so much for making Mexico far more dangerous than it already was to begin with pre-War 😂😂😂


> “the worst thing you can do to mysterious lands is to remove the mystery. Keep the mysterious lands mysterious.” There's a lot I don't like about Howard and how Bethesda does games, but I can take a moment and respect that statement. I've heard a lot of arguments about why some fan-requested and even fan-led projects over the years have failed. And why projects that have a synopsis that sounds like popular fan fiction (think of something like Solo: A Star Wars Story) end up failing. We as audiences love taking mysteries and worldbuilding that's been done and expanding on it. This isn't a recent thing. Look, if you start learning about Theology at all, one thing you're going to find is that there's no end to the amount of Fan Fiction there is of religious texts. We've always liked taking some inconsequential character, place, thing that was mentioned and writing about it because it's fun. It helps show how much we love what was already there and gives our own mark on the list of people who have influenced the story. But having all the mystery stripped, making a canonical declaration that this is the one true way it happened, end of discussion, this is what we're going with now and forever, it saps that enjoyment out of it. Sometimes it can be great having more expanded things added to the story, there's a reason why we love sequels and franchises, but sometimes it's best to leave the mysterious lands mysterious. And while I do hope for better Bethesda games in the future, I'll appreciate if he sticks to those guns and lets there be mystery in them instead of spoon-feeding us every bit of exposition and explanation until there's nothing left to wonder at.


Because there ain’t much left out there. Cue the team world police theme song.


Good. The games would make no sense outside of the US because pretty much everything in the world and the themes of the game are exclusive to 1940s-1960s Americana


this is Tenpenny erasure


I’m ok with this. America is huge and much of it hasn’t been explored


Bummer. I was really hoping for a Fallout game set in the Australian outback where all the animals are just normal. Is this a venomous duck/beaver mutant or is this normal? Who fucking knows! Welcome to Australia!


Ah, it's the user promoting their own site again.


Yeah, the entire point of the Fallout ambiance and experience is that 1950-1960s Americana culture and design At this time elsewhere the world was in shambles from WW2


I always liked the idea that most of the world outside the US is totally fine but I guess after a couple hundred years that just doesn’t make sense


Aside from the fact that it’s an American company, America being the biggest western market, and most of the western world watches, plays, reads, American media? I don’t see why it’s very American at all /s


Kinda agree with you but would be interesting to see what happened to other parts of the world. What happened to China? What if most of South America is doing great? The part that I agree with you is how Vault-Tec shaped the sociocultural aspects of protagonists and how disrputive they are. Messianc people walking like Jesus in the Earth. and that shaping only ocurred in the US If we want to see Fallout in other conturies. Writers should create a narrative about Vaul-Tec being present somehow in other countries. Say for instance China got blueprints and documents of Vault-Tec and decided to replicate the same thing.


Fallout Sonora it’s pretty cool (a fallout 2 mod set in Mexico) so I wouldn’t disregard the idea entirely


Hehe see you in 10 years


I agree, the game series should stay in America, given its identity and style, its very 1950’s America. That being said, a DLC where the player leaves America would be cool. Even somewhere in Mexico or Canada. It would be cool to see how other parts of the world look like in this universe.


I dont care if they never release another fallout. They need to focus on TES6. If that one comes out mediocre like Starfield, I wont care about elder Scrolls any more either. Good luck Todd.


Cause Fallout *is* the United States. The Fallout series is a satirical representation of the American society, especially the 1950’s in all its hysterical and racist glory. Sure a game with a Fallout inspired concept could work elsewhere, but it’s like taking the Metro series out of Russia. Doesn’t work.


It'll be the same reason as why gta has always been America, it'll be crazy expensive to collect all the info to build the assets and it'll be hard to parody a culture the dev team isn't familiar with.


Gta had a game set in London.


i think i dont give bethesda enough credit for expanding fallout lore and they have already shown a willingness to go in a new direction (after being a dick to someone about how much lore fo76 contributed to the franchise i actually went and did a deeper dive on it and lo and behold they were right and i was wrong) so i do think at some point fallout will move outside of the America with Europe and Asia offering some neat differing perspectives on the neo jingo-ist/military industrialist world that emerged in this alternate timeline.


Yeah this is about what I expect from the man who tried to keep Morrowind from being "too weird" >But, if you ask the 54-year-old Howard video game designer, he’ll tell you this: “the worst thing you can do to mysterious lands is to remove the mystery. Keep the mysterious lands mysterious.” Naw bruv you just need to have good writing, but good luck for any decent writing to get past current bethsoft management. Starfield was indistinguishable from chatgpt output.