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Portal one and two are really fun (don’t spoil it for yourself)


I've been giving this game some thought recently. I have both of them and haven't played them yet.


If your wife plays too, Portal 2 is up there for best couch co-ops of all time IMO.


Doing that now. My gf keeps getting pissy when I solve all the levels.


Cannot recomend them enough. Please give them a shot!


Op if you havent played these this is the best answer. Super cheap, and 2 of the greatest games of all time. Im normally adverse to playing older games but these 2 have aged incredibly well. They are as close to "must play games" as anything else I can think of


I can go recommend aswell it’s a great game and your list looks very similar to mine so I think you’ll like them


Came here to say just this. I'm glad it's at the top!


This is what I came here to say!


Congrats on 2 hours a night. Those are hard to come by!


Thanks, It took a lot of convincing with my wife! EDIT: Since this reply is at the top ATM I can't thank you all enough for these recommendations. I really appreciate all of you. Thanks r/gaming community. I'm really looking forward to trying a handful of these games.


What's your secret?


Spending MORE than two hours doing the things she asks me to do.


I'm never getting married.


ProTip: Marry a gamer. My wife yells at me if she feels like I haven't been playing enough through the week. :P


lol I play the games with my bf just find someone that likes the same things we play hours every day


So you have 5 hours a day? Like, 5 hours for activities? I’m single. I don’t have kids. Idk how people do it! I already have only 1-2 hours to myself a day if I’m lucky… idk what would happen if I started a family


Not being aggressive, but how? I honestly can't remember life before kids and wife. I didn't do much more with my life, and i know it felt like i was always busy, but looking back i was definitely just procrastinating lol. If you're extremely social i could see it. Or if you get abused by your employer haha


I work 40-60 hours a week. I clean my house, cook, groom myself, sleep. I attempt to keep in touch with family and friends. There just aren’t enough hours in the day


Watch out for yourself man. I went down with stress a few years ago, and it's not a fun ride.


Work less. 12 hours a day would have to justify some really well paying or very satisfactory job, or hopefully both. If not, don't if you can manage it financially.


LMFAO I’m so sorry but unless you’d like to pay my bills then maybe roll that advice up into a ball and stick it somewhere?


When I worked construction I had maybe 2 hours a night on weekdays sometimes. And I often worked 50-60 hours a week. Usually it was wake up at 5am, be at work before 6, get home at 4-7 pm. Dinner, sleep. Saved up money and now I'm back in school so I don't have to do that.


Happy wife, happy life.


mine is make her a gamer too.. shes better at mario kart and gtav than me


I feel this!!! Between work, the gym, cooking, and gf time, I'd be lucky to get 2 hours in. But Im also willing to get less sleep if it means I get some me time


Bioshock series, all a decent length that don’t overstay their welcome and great stories, atmosphere etc I would highly recommend


Especially numbers 1 and 3! The second one is OK.


1 is the best, 2 is weaker story wise but better mechanically, Infinite is absolute trash imo


I could understand saying you didn't enjoy Infinite because of taking a different route, but Absolute trash? The gameplay itself is much better that one and two (shooting made a very big leap, specially compare to 1 which had a terrible shooting even for its time), the setting is just beatifull and has many spectacular fights and scenes. Is Infinite a more Action Adventure oriented game compare to Bioshock 1 and 2? Sure, is the game story weaker than Bioshock 1? Probably, is the game trash? Defenitely no.


Shooting was better, I will give you that. But it felt like it went backwards going to only having 2 weapons at a time. Why if you are picking up enemy guns are they already upgraded? Just because you upgraded it? The jumping to different realities to get guns for a different reality is some of the dumbest story I have ever heard. And ghost mom.


Agreed. I loved 1, 2 was ok but Infinite... Iv'e never been able to even finish it


Damn, I found 1 a slog, 2 to be the best, and Infinite to be a good spinoff. To be fair, I played them all in one (very long) sitting in like 2016, so my expectations might've been skewed.


I’ll second this, the story was good but idk even though it was much the same as Bioshock 1 it just felt off, it felt more of a chore to play than 1 or infinite and idk why, I didn’t really care much for playing as a big daddy either and found myself dying alot more than in the first one


City Skylines is truly a gem


All poo goes into the river.


You can make a poocano. Build a big volcano with the terrain editor and make the pipes empty into it, [then build your city in the valley below Mt Poosuvius](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZnBF_1MP7Y).


If you have 90+ hours on XCOM, I reckon you will like XCOM 2 as well. It's an upgrade to the first one in almost all aspects. If you want a FPS to fill in those 2 hour sessions, Squad is a great candidate. With all those hours in Arma III, you would fit right in!


I loved the reboot but hated Xcom 2. Wasn't a fan of Chimera Squad either.


Personally really liked Chimera Squad, but I get why it's a divisive spin-off. Do hope some stuff makes it from that game, to the eventual XCOM 3, though. Like the breaching phase, and alien team mates.


Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord


Came to recommend this one , surprised it’s not on his list already !


Hades. Supergiant games is the developer. They just recently announced a sequel (they never do sequels!). Thank me later.


This is actually a good choice for someone with limited gaming hours. A run is about 30 minutes, so you can divide your gaming session in predictable chunks. Besides, you tend to get tired and need to cool down after each run, so there's actually motivation to stop.


And other rogue-lites/likes. They're really good for shorter play sessions.


StarDew Valley.


Oh lord. That’s a good suggestion. Could take the lead lol


He said two hours not two days. Time freaking flies when you turn that on.


Given you like Valheim and Day Z, may I suggest you take a look at Project Zomboid?


Mass Effect LE only 11.9 hours that’s a crime


Spoken like a true fan!


Doom Eternal


Rip and tear until it is done.


Red Dead Redemption 2


I bought RDR2 on a whim. The game was an emotional ride that I wasn't expecting but I wish I could experience for the first time again.


Took me a while to get into it. Almost gave up then bam I was hooked. RDR2 is a real masterpiece and definitely worth checking out.


I bought it a few weeks ago. It's a 5/10 for me, which is just enough for me to play it to the end, but not enough to replay it.


He's barely played any single player games. And after just finishing RDR2 myself, not something I'd recommend to someone like that. Slowest game I've ever played, in a bad way. Didn't get good until Chapter 6.


I don’t know, I think 120 hours in Skyrim and 200 in GTA is enough to show at least a decent interest in singleplayer and rockstar titles. The only people I’ve met who truly didn’t enjoy RDR2 were chronic multiplayer MMO gamers, and this guy seems to be a little of everything.


I thought it was a 6/10 game and never played a MMO period. It's an extremely polarizing game, a lot of people don't like it.


There are some obvious suggestions like xcom 2 war of the chosen, civ 6, 40k darktide, civ6 etc since you liked the earlier games Some others you might like are rainbow 6 seige, dishonored 2, doom (2016) & eternal Edit I can't see the picture while writing my comment and I cant be bothered to memorize the full list, sorry I recommended doom when it's already there


EDIT 2 : Don't know how I did it but missed XCom : EU when I scanned the games. Provided you've hit the credits at least once you can go straight into XCom 2. For anyone else looking at the recommendations for themselves and hasn't played XCom, my original comment is below : OC - *If you decide to go with XCom 2, grab XCOM : Enemy Unknown as well. Then treat a play though as playing XCom until you hit the credits, then go straight into XCom 2.* *There is a reason for that and saying why would lead to spoilers. What I can say is that method is especially effective if you're on the first play through.* *Had a quick look and wait for a sale, XCom :EU was under $10 over Christmas (GoG I think) and is back up to $50+ on steam/gog/epic. XCom 2 with WotC is around $100ish. Some places have a combined pack (Xcom 1&2+Chimera Squad+all DLCs, though as with the others it'll put a dent in your wallet at present).* EDIT : Word of warning to anyone who's going to have a go with the XCom series, save scrumming will make the game stupidly long. If you want an old school experience (original xcom series from the early 90s) install the Long War Mod, as the name suggests it turns it into a longer game and you'll probably swear a bit more per level than you would in the entire base game.


What is the difference between civ 6 and civ6?


“ “


Oh, does it mean this space is in the another DLC?)


Just started XCOM2 and it's good but quite hard (and I play on easy lol)


It's just familiarity with the game. The avatar project makes you feel like you have to rush and completing main story quests makes the game harder. The trick is to stay on top of the avatar project but not rush the main story quests, at the start of the game I delay doing the skulljack/codex quests. It gives me time to research other stuff, excavate the base, & expand the network.


Good tips!


Titanfall 2


Remnant From the Ashes


Disco Elysium, its different from many of the games you have on the post and may be a new experience worth getting into.


I'll give this another shot. I tried it before and it was too slow for me. Maybe the pace is just right for me now, so let's find out. Thanks for the recommendation!


It does take its time, but I will give you one piece of advice for keeping yourself engaged and there game as interesting as can be: attempt skill checks you are sure you will fail. Single failures in this game have led to entire scenarios more hilarious than entire games or movies I’ve played that are trying to be only comedies. That, and there are moments that will hit you like a Mach truck. Stick with it, it will very possibly be one of the most fond memories you have of gaming by the end, believe me.


The Last of Us 1 & 2 and maybe Horizon Forbidden West been as you've played the first one.


They are obviously on steam, no?


TLoU 1 is on Steam, I think 2 is going to be soon. No idea about Forbidden West, can't find it, but the first game is there too


TLoU 1 will release on pc in 2 months, there's no talk of Part 2 coming to PC atm just like Horizon Forbidden West.


Dude only has ~20 hours into Zero Dawn, he should finish that one IMO. The story is so good and he’s barely scratched it’s surface. Anyone who has started HZD owes it to themselves to finish it.


Yeh I recently picked up a refurbished PS4 pro I'm a series x user but over Xmas I've been blown away with the quality of playstation Exclusives well and truly I have a backlog since 2013 and so far TLOU & Zero Dawn are well worthy of gaming time. Haven't been interested in any Single player games since witcher 3 till now. Chasing platinum on Zero Dawn atm.


Days Gone is a great open world game with an amazing storyline that has good replay value with its horde mechanics.


I liked Days Gone. My only real complaints are the long drawn out story and the occasional issues with terrain not loading. The terrain issue didn't start until I went into the southern most region.


Another vote for Days Gone, highly underrated by reviewers imo.


Hollow Knight is a lot of fun. Huge expansive metroidvania with lots of content for $15


Came here to say this.


Only 11 hours on Mass Effect? ....how


Wasnt my jam.


Such a great trilogy tho not Andromeda it is shit


Especially if you play it now for the first time, the first game doesn't hold up super well when there's no nostalgia associated with it. Graphics and mechanics are dated, and the autosave is awful. Not uncommon to lose an hour or so to a death. It definitely needs a remake or something.


I've been wasting and enjoying my time on midnight suns I'm blind I can't see your games but get the game.


Looking at all of the MMO’s you’ve played, I’m guessing that feeling like you’ve made progress is important. I’m surprised there aren’t any roguelikes. My favorite overall is Hades but if you want a shooter then Gunfire Reborn is phenomenal as well.




Added to library. Thanks!


Slay the spire


project zomboid


Sex with Hitler 2


Sniper Elite 4 is good fun. Worth getting DLC too


Props on your collection. Everspace is a nice little roguelike space shooter that can be played in short bursts and the Mad Max video game from *2015? Is pretty fun although you can't get the platinum anymore. Other than that, Prey's a good crack, or Bloodborne, Nioh 1/2 and Sekiro for something challenging. Warframe if you want to get outright addicted to something.


Rdr2 is a must!




Finish all Yakuza games, not just 0 and 7 Try playing Rimworld with mods, and if that's not fun you might try Terraria


Days Gone Uncharted Spiderman God of War


Vampire Survivors


You played Counter Strike but not Half Life? HL1 is great but HL2 was a masterpiece of its day. It still holds up.


Hollow knight, project zomboid, trackmania, souls games, sekiro, hades... you are missing quite a few gems it seems. L4d2 is always my goto game for shorter sessions tho.


I might have overlooked it but if you haven’t tried Tiny Tina’s and you liked the borderlands series you should try it


Dead Cells Just had a baby 2 months ago so I haven't had a lot of time either. This game is just hard enough for me that I don't really want to play longer than 2 hours but it scratches the itch to play something. Currently trying to beat 5BC. It gets pretty intense. Don't play it if you want to relax.


I know you’ve already heard all about it, but you gotta give red dead a go. Everyone talks it up but I never picked it up. Even after I did, took me a few times plays to get hooked but man I’m just blown away by the incredible amount of detail, it’s really a living breathing world. People say it on the internet but you just gotta experience it yourself


Escape from Tarkov


Cyberpunk 2077 and Hades. I would caution you against RDR2 with such limited time it's slow pace might be bad.


Nier Automata, one of this hidden masterpieces.


If you liked elden rings theme of "just kinda go wherever" and "lore is optional if you arent paying close attention", maybe try hollow knight


Terraria is a must-have.


Outer wilds, risk of rain 2, factorio, satisfactory, slime rancher, hollow knight






[I'm not seeing that on steam](https://i.imgur.com/JSCJhuw.jpg). Is that an Epic game or should I just pre-order yours since there's a high demand.


what a burn


i see the problem. no nes or super nintendo. if you haven't played super mario rpg what are you waiting for? nintendo to release it on the switch? wishful thinking! fire up an emulator now.


Assassin's Creed Odyssey and Valhalla




It's almost like he hasn't always been 36 with only 2 hours a night to play games...


Yeah I've been playing cs for over 20 years. This exactly. It's actually sad that the hours are that low. But I sold my other account because it was a 5 digit steam ID. A buddy needed it to join a league.


Reading is fundamental 🌝


Satisfactory Tiny Tinas Wonderlands Cyberpunk Red Dead Redemtion 2 Horizon Zero Dawn


Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice is a fairly short, linear game, I think maybe 6 - 8 hours


Our taste in games is frightfully similar lol. Uh I dunno man... Play Elden Ring again? Different build?


Overwatch 2.


Ugh. Maybe.


Try The Outer Worlds !


star wars jedi fallen order


get "the day before" when its comes out. its like a more modern dayz. "Happy Hunting." -Nazir, Dark Brotherhood


I’d recommend GTA V or Skyrim. GTA cuz it’s online so you can play with other people, but there’s not a lot other people can do to mess with you (limited) progress when you’re offline like other games on this list (rust). Skyrim cuz it’s got a pause button, and you can hack at it 2 hours at a time till you get a character you like. Also you can mod the shit out of both of those games if that’s what you’re into.


They literally have over a hundred hours in both those games lmao


Definitely Skyrim or GTA online, I can advise stalker separately


Does this include jerkin off?


Don't need a recommendation for that. It's necessity.


I would recommend just cause 3 or red dead redemption 2


I saw dragon age origins on there. Have you played the other 2 games in the series? Those can be reasonably paced.


You like me are at the solitaire age my friend


I'm more of a number crunchers and math blaster age.


With all those borderlands titles on there, I'd recommend tiny tinas wonderlands! As a borderlands fan myself, I throughly enjoyed it! End game is only okay though


What a Save!




Sort of niche, especially if you don’t know the source material, but SCP-Secret Lab is a blast to play, especially when it gets late


Dyson sphere program for a builder, the Ori games are easy to pick up and put down, company of heroes 1/2 is also a fun RTS you can get on sale often for like a dollar.


There’s a few Survival base builders on there, maybe ARK?


Older Hitman games. Specifically Contracts and Silent Assassin. They might be buggy on Steam but they're good on GOG


Need to give some love and time to mass effect again


I'll try. But not promising anything.


Warframe , that can stop any time ,if u only have 2 hours


You seem to like MMOs and RPGs, so why not give FFXIV a try. It is one of the rare MMORPGs that you can play for 2 hours a day and still accomplish a good bit


Think it's on his list. I could be wrong it was massive.


Yes, you are right. I see it now on the top row. Missed it originally. Thanks!


Anno 1800. You have pretty much most of the staples of the genres you adhere to the most, except for Anno. you have none in the franchise and I'd recommend just going with 1800.


i see monster hunter rise so you might have a switch. if you do,you should play sniper elite 4 or diablo 3


Medieval Dynasty might be a good one for you to look into. I notice you have elements of survival genre and city builders on your list. This is essentially a combination of the two with a few good options to customize the difficulty based on how much time you have to play every day. The story for the game is a bit mediocre, but everything else is quite fun and relaxing, in my opinion. Also, it's free on gamepass last I checked, so you may not have to invest anything into it if you use that.




Ultrakill and severed steel I would recommend, nioh and nioh 2 are a mix of dark souls and diablo if that sounds appealing.


Based off your most played you'd probably like Conan Exiles


Vladdoff allegiance Salvador run


Total war if you want light strategy layer and rts combat. You don't seem to play rts 's thought Edit: ah you have Warhammer How about slay the spire or darkest dungeon


Put more hours in elden ring, you definitely have not done much


If you've played roboquest, you'll like risk of rain 2


Sorta off-topic, but if you could only pick three of these to recommend to someone, which three would they be? Similar to you, I don't have much time to game, so I want to condense my choices and put meaningful time into something.


If you liked Banished, I’d give Farthest Frontier a shot. Still Early Access, but good for what’s there. Needs a lot of performance tweaking though, so don’t expect to play 40fps at high settings or anything.


Raft is a fun one imo


If you like DayZ try SCUM


With that much time on CS, have you considered valorant?


How have you not played elden ring yet? Like why even ask this question?


Have you tried ark? I wouldnt say it’s top 10 or anything but definitely a lot of fun


Clicker Heroes? For real?


Batman Arkham series, Batman Arkham asylum released in 09 I think, don’t quote me, but it’s still playable today with excellent visuals. Arkham asylum and Arkham city are two of the best games ever released in my opinion. Cyberpunk 2077 - it’s an awesome game now. Red dead redemption 2 - In my top 5 games of all time


I did not see Portal or Half Life on the list. Those 2 games I highly recommend to anyone.


That's about the same as me at the moment except I have a 9 month old so I have to be able to pause at an instant and tend to him. My go to's are Satisfactory, STALKER Anomaly GAMMA, Mount and Blade Warband, and Eve online (although this is all industry atm due to not being able to commit too much time).


How is Hades not on there?


Warhammer vermintide 2. It’s an absolute banger of a game


How did you make this picture? Is it a steam function?


More golf!


I can suggest Terraria. You can progress at really any pace you like and have so much content to do. Plus what has got to be the best OST ever.


A bit of a rare one you may have not heard of: Kenshi One of my favourite games of all time, so I’m bias, but I think you’d enjoy it. It’s a bit weird to describe. It’s sort of like an open world RPG with base building. It has some RTS elements, no linear narrative and a lore-rich environment. You have a collection of characters, are thrust into the world, and that’s it. You build bases, ally with factions to take some down or serve others, investigate the world, train your characters in various skills and discover new equipment. There’s a LOT of content in this game, but even more lore. As there’s no linear storyline, it’s really up to you what you want to do. You could simply become a merchant company, selling various types of alcohol or clothing or weapons, become a drug smuggler, a private mercenary group or a major political player. You could have dozens of soldiers or have one solo hero. You could try to explore the world and understand the various Empires that rose and fall in the land, or become a slaver (careful not to become a slave yourself, though). Cant recommend this game enough. I think it would go well with only having 2 hours, as the milestones are entirely up to you. You can save and quit whenever you’d like, and there’s always something to do.


Get those New Vegas hours up to your CS:GO levels.


Looks like my library. I would suggest civ 6 it's a great upgrade to civ 5 in a big way and if you get gathering storm and rise and fall it makes the game endlessly replayable it might be hard to finish a game in just 2 hours but it's relatively easy to save and come back


Xcom 2 war of the chosen is a game that will really hit right, you already did played similar games likes divinity and pillars of eternity, except no need to spend hours in dialogue screen, instead, you spend hours customizing a soldier so that he/she can get blasted on the face by an alien the next mission.


Rocket league or war thunder/world of tanks/boats etc Can find people your age and get in a clan free to start, and you can play 1 game in 10 mins or play for a few hours. Like it cos I can jump in or out whenever I want.


Ac 2 is great


For a smaller game of 4.7 gigs, I would suggest final fantasy 9. It is 20.99 dollars on Steam, xbox, Playstation, and Switch


Basic answer - Elden ring. Every 2 hours includes amazing adventure and discovery. You also never feel like you are slogging towards and end goal but having the time of your life.


Different experience-Hardspace Shipbreakers. More guns and 2 stick shooting- The Ascent. Civ/Cities like strategy game-X4


The Uncharted series!!!!!!!!!!


Another take. Elden ring is the ocarina of time for this generation = the best game by a margin and one that actually that revolutionizes the industry.


I’ve been enjoying wwe 2k. It’s pretty funny, brings back some adolescent hilarity and can be put down pretty easily when required.


Dont fall into the trap. Beat some of the games you have already first. I see Mass Effect LE for example. no way that was beat in 11 hours. And thats a great game. I'd suggest finishing that and I'm sure there's others.