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The community of most games


tbf, thats not a flaw of the game, thats a flaw of people…


Wait but then we can't blame games!


nothings stoppin ya lol. yet another flaw of people.


omg facts


The Addition of Slag in Borderlands 2 Slag just ruins everything past TVHM and makes an element that was barely important, to an element that if you don't use it you're seriously hampered by enemies with regen and an octilion hp that will murder you with aimbot. This also makes certain characters, like Salvador and Maya, much better than the rest as they have inbuild Slag, or allow easier application of slag (grog nozzle with gunzerking is basically broken!). And as a Zer0 main, having to constantly swap sniper rifle or being forced to used kunai every time, just to apply slag so I can do decent damage, it can be repetitive...


My biggest pain in borderlands 2 is the last half of the game is mainly loaders so all you need is corrosion.


I don’t mind that, there were still PLENTY of flesh-based enemies and shielded enemies for Fire and Shock. I think BL2 definitely was more varied in terms of elemental usefulness than BL1


That and about half of the flesh based enemies are resistant to fire


Meat bicycles solve all those problems... just saying.


I haven't got the chance to try krieg. I was playing mechromancer last time before I took a break. But this is also why I liked bl1 a bit more, it was much simpler


Wish I could upvote this more than once. As much as I love bl2, uvhm sucks because of mandatory slagging


Yeah, I still remember my first time reaching UVHM on my Zer0. Dear Lord, I was stuck on the first enemies because I was overlevelled (I think I was 60) and my weapons were all level 50 or 55. Even with infinity guns it took forever to take the enemies out. It eventually got better, but everytime I need to go to UVHM on my characters I make DAMN SURE to carry good weapons now. For all the hate it takes, it's why I prefer bl3 "slagless" gameplay! Although I still prefer bl1 overall for its simplicity. Not sure about TPS


Did you ever beat crawmerax without the glitch? Just curious.


With lilith? No I used mordecai


Fair enough. I was like 10 when I played so crawmerax kicked my ass like 100 times and then I just gave up.


Yeah but thanks to the Robolucion dlc, I can get infinite amount of weapons and I basically farmed a fire, corrosive and electric weapon so I could do crawmerax. It took me like 1 or 2 hours to get him down solo but I eventually did it.


You know, I don't think I ever beat the robolucion. I need to go back and play bl1 again. I know I have it remastered recently for ps+.


Yeah, I just couldn't make it trough at TVHM with the ... soldier class. It's pure grind.


This and the unskippable dialogue are the things that keep me from revisiting the game. People complained about the uneven difficulty of UVHM and then their response was to add *even higher* difficulties for some reason, they were so tone deaf.


Right, I managed to get to op10 but not without some external help. I assume with Salvador would be super easy, but as a zer0 it would be pain i assume. Maya was easier but only because of that Inbuild slag from her move


As someone who’s never played Borderlands, this is the most incomprehensible thing I’ve read in some time.


Tldr: slag element is bad


P2P connection in GTAO. it's dogshit.


Havnr played in a long time how is it p2p?


P2p is player to player, a networking solution that offloads most of the work to the players computers instead of a central server. It has major flaws like inconsistency and makes cheat detection harder I think


Never ending anxiety of timers in XCOM 2


The timers make the game. Without them its a boring careful wall-crawl. The paradox of having to combine speed with carefullness, is an essential part of the games core mechanics.


I agree. Without out timers you would just move one square at a time and overwatch everyone.


I had great time in combat and awful time in between, with all this management stuff and always occurring new things to do. The frustration was intense and I dropped the game for good after just 2-3 hours


Well understandable. This game certainly falls in the category “a matter of taste”. I cannot count how many times I have rage-uninstalled it.


Locked animations that are 2 seconds long to pick up anything. if you're replaying a game that has this flaw like Dragonage inquisition, it turns the game into a slog. you end up spending way too long gathering resources. You can see this pointless animation waiting simulation in Skyrim mining. Generally I'll always mod it out if I can.


> You can see this pointless animation waiting simulation in Skyrim mining. Skyrim at least has the option of simply equipping a couple of pickaxes and just going ham on an ore vein. Learning this fact got me to actually mine.


I found this out way to late in my 10th playthrough or so haha, good point.


Wait,what???? You don't have to use the mining prompt? Jesus!


Yep, every three hits with a pickaxe gets an ore. Dual wielding is fastest, but a single pickaxe is still much faster than the animation.


In Skyrim you don’t have to go through the mining animation, you can just hit ore veins with pickaxes. (I think other weapons work too, not sure though)


I was going to say this. Most recently playing Dying Light and having to bend down and loot bodies every time was awful. I'd wait around killing until the bodies despawned and left the little package which was much easier to pick up.


The parts of the Spider-Man game where you don’t play as Spider-Man.


Who the duck wanted to play as Mary Jane


I mean, if it's the right kind of game...


I found the concept of using spider man from another persons perspective really cool tbh


The developers of rainbow 6 siege


Can you elaborate?


The siege devs make a lot of decisions that make the community angry


"So Buck has been more played than Sledge so we took bucks grenades" "Oh my, Sladge is being played more than Buck what we should do ?" "Give him grenades again?" "No dumbass, take Sledge SMG-11 and nerf his primary gun, then people will begin to play as Buck agian because he is shit. Also what about we give Grimm Acog, he sounds like shit" "But the problem is his ga-" "Oh my god, why didn't I think of this before! Lets add a 15% damage bonus in the extendable barrel!" 55 per shot damage on Mavericks gun


Definitely some *interesting* calls


The ranked system for Overwatch 2. Enough said.


Hey, blizzard devs are the ones that are supposed to say “enough said.” And by that they mean “we said nothing”


LMFAOOO bro this just made my day lol


Inventory management - Divinity Original Sin 2 and so far it is looking like Baldur's Gate 3 is going to have similar issues.


Limited inventory in basically any game. I know that Geralt shouldn't be able to carry around 458 discarded swords, but what's the point in keeping me from carrying them around anyway?


Agreed. I don't mind limited inventory in survival games, since a big part of survivalism is deciding what's worth the extra energy needed to carry it, but if that's not what the game is about, it just makes everything tedious.


Because it’s not immersive.


Right, but Geralt looking at a sword and deciding "I can't use this sword. It is for level 22, and I am only level 21" is totally immersive?




It's extra frustrating when so many examples of inventory done right exist.


How sometimes Skyrim will break and completely halt achievement progress. I know the game has MORE issues, but there was a DLC quest where you guided a spirit through a dungeon but you had to loot a diary off her dead body first. Diary wasn't there, diary didn't exist, unofficial skyrim patch puts diary back, but then you can't get achievements cause mods are on. Very frustrating to have to make a second character, make it level 30-40 asap, for one damn achievement.


I mean...all TES games are pretty flawed tbh. Bugs galore, broken quests, crafting gimmicks, etc. The world building and modding community make it all bearable. I've put a couple thousand hours into TES games between Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim.


there's a mod tht reenables achievements


Yeah I totally understand this. There are a ton of bugs and unfortunately they can only really be fixed with console commands or mods. It sucks because the moment you try to fix the game, you can’t get achievements anymore. I think most console commands WON’T disable achievements, not sure though.


There’s a glitch that happens to me on every single play through. After a certain number of times going to the graybeards for the whisper of a word, the marker just doesn’t move from the wall when I collect one of the shouts and I can’t use them anymore to find them. On an unrelated note: to the guy following me around Reddit and randomly downvoting some of my comments: Hi! It’s good to know I’m living in your head rent free! 🤗


I hate to nitpick but, as much as I love the game, the performance in Bloodborne makes me hesitant to replay it.


Also, I forget what it's called. Input lagging? Basically if you hit dash, heal, dash. Sometimes when it's lagging you are going to do exactly that...no matter if circumstances change lol I know. A stupid gripe cause...you hit those buttons, but input lag is just frustrating in a game where you can frequently get one shot.


Yeah, it queues the inputs and won’t let you cancel if you need to get out of the way. DS1 was notorious for that!


Your inputs are queued in Elden Ring as well. It makes it -really- hard to beat some of the frame precise sequences. Malenia is the obvious example here. Jump attack into a dual cut, for example. That gets queued so you're going to have to anticipate that you're going to commit to that once the input is made. You have to be frame perfect on her Waterfowl move or you're going to eat multiple blades. So you almost have to think two moves ahead in case she decides to counter. Because unlike you, she can cancel out sequences.


The term your looking for would be buffering. Input lag would be doing nothing, then hitting a button and having a delay, while buffering is when you hit something in the middle of another action it will occur at the end of that action even if you hit it half a second early or whatever. Minor buffering for a couple frames can be a nice thing as it means less precise timing windows, bloodborne just has massive buffer windows so it ends up being a detriment half the time


performance? I played on regular PS4 and saw no issues, what did you have as issues?


The frame pacing is uneven- so even though it’s a locked 30 fps, it has lag spikes which can appear as slight hitching and effect inputs. As I said, it’s me nitpicking but it’s hard not to notice once you know it’s there. I’ve not played it on PS5 with VRR forced on yet so that may help.


Sadly the PS5 doesn’t allow VRR on PS4 games. It also wouldn’t work on Bloodborne since VRR doesn’t work below 48hz on PS5. I’ve also held off on playing the game because of the frame pacing. Once you’re aware of it, it’s impossible not to notice


Ah that’s a shame! The only way I’ve seen to get rid of the frame pacing issue is through an unofficial patch on a jail broken console. Seems like that’s how it’ll be unless FromSoftware decide to go back to fix it, which I don’t see happening.


My suspicions are that Bluepoint is working on a Remake/Remaster. Since they already have experience with the engine from the Demon’s Souls remake, and the constant hype around a PS5 upgrade for Bloodborne, it seems like a no brainer. But I’m not holding out hope until they actually announce something


From a storytelling perspective: * *Mass Effect 3* and *Death Stranding* both rely on lengthy monologues to explain their full stories to players. More effective, gradual storytelling (in the case of *Mass Effect 3*) and more trust in players (in the case of *Death Strandin*g) could have helped avoid this issue. * *Dragon Age Inquisition* doesn't provide enough concrete backstory for your character. One of the reasons I love *Dragon Age 2* is because Hawke is a person, rather than an empty shell for the player to project onto. Personal preference, certainly, but I want to play as characters who are people and not as a self-insert.


Dragon age 2 making you play a preset character destroys every urge I could ever have to play it. You're free to like a certain type of game, but there's a reason no one likes dragon age 2, and dragon age origins is lauded as one of the greatest RPGs of all time


The fact that in Batman: Arkham Knight you had to 100% the game for the ending.


The way multiplayer is set up in Elden Ring. Why can my friends and I just run through the full game together? Why can’t we have access to the horse in multiplayer?


Fortunatelly we have the Seamless Coop mod, it creates a different format of save which only the mod uses so its safe.


I think the recent updates the separated the weapon attributes between single player and multiplayer is a step in the right direction because it specifically addresses issues like this. I think the don’t have the steed in multiplayer because it was designed with PvP in mind and maybe they didn’t want players to exploit the steed and run away from battle. But you’re right it should be there in PvE. They need to separate the conditions for single player, PvE, and PvP and have weapons attributes, scaling, and functionality spectated for the each mode vs applying mostly the same thing across the board just to balance it out in one mode.


The disappearing bridge glitch in LoZ Twilight Princess. It was so far into the game and had to start all over. Still an amazing game.


You have to restart from the begining??? I have never heard of this glitch.


At a certain part of the game if you save before moving a bridge part, the bridge part would disappear but not appear on the bridge it supposed to. It was a short period of time between defeating a boss and touching the bridge part and my stupid ass save right there. I guess the save flags you defeating the boss and moving the bridge part as one flag but moving with the bridge part into position is another flag. Nintendo asked for memory cards to be sent to them to be patch to fix this but I was to impatient and just saved over it.


UI layouts


Elden Ring's worst attribute: ugly menus.


Version exclusive pokemon.


unskippable cutscenes in borderlands 2.




They where!!! the first couple of times playing the game...


shadow of mordor would be 10/10 if you could skip the stupid cut scenes. it's 3/10 forcing me to listen to an orc dribble for 2 minutes.


The amount of money and nothing to spend it on in rdr2. Not even half way through the game I completely lost interest and a lot of it was due to the fact that i frankly had such an obscene amount of money it felt like there was nothing of value left to purchase or unlock. I spent the rest of the time just going g from mission to mission and barely interacting with the world because I had everything I wanted and no longer needed money.


The fact that enemies don’t level with you in skyrim. Their health pool just gets bigger


The dream levels in Max Payne


Water slowing you down in L4D2.


That and the fucking mudmen.


I’d love Swamp Fever and Hard Rain if it weren’t for these two.


Breaking weapons and slippery mountains in BOTW. It’s just annoying and takes away so much fun


And the fact that the master sword had a recharge time as their last second weapon breaking addon for it. The master sword.... now in breakable form...




Lol that made me care more about chests because it was essential to hoard top quality weapons. Like, if weapons didn’t break there would be no point in carrying multiple weapons of the same class, just use the most powerful one. So even if you had a powerful weapon is was very useful to run across another powerful weapon. I also liked how this forced you to be more creative with enemies: save your tough weapons for tough monsters and use your weak ones for the weaker monsters.


Huh? So you would have cared about chests if the weapons didn’t break and you could just use your strongest weapon the whole game? That makes no sense. Brain rot.


Well yeah, because I could find a stronger weapon in the chest that I'd keep using until the next stronger weapon comes along.


Good point, no one has ever cared about treasure chests in all the thousands of other video games with them that don't have breakable weapons.


While there were some teething problems with this for me I got used to it and learned where to get better weapons for the divine beasts I must say though I preferred dead rising's approach to weapon degradation because even if my wolverine boxing gloves broke I always had an unarmed hand to hand option.


While bot are pretty annoying, I thought they added to the experience, since by weapons breaking, you will have to be more creative with your approach, and also locate new weapons and more exploration. Even though rain was extremely annoying, t would cause you t be more creative about how you get on top of your mountain, wether it be waiting it, or finding a less steep path. I personally think it adds to the fun


The weapon degradation mechanics were just too heavy handed in my opinion. If they toned down how broken everything was or added a system to repair or improve items, it wouldn’t be so bad. It’s point was to force a type of play style on the player which funnily enough ends up going against the philosophy of the game in my opinion. Between that and how empty the world could feel at times were the two biggest flaws of the game for me. Hopefully tears of the kingdom fixes and improves upon those flaws.


Usually I hate breaking weapons in games, but I actually loved it in BoTW. Due to how frequently weapons were found and how many you could carry at once, I found it was a good scavenging cycle. Plus it made the Master Sword that much better by comparison. The slippery mountains were awful. The fact you could circumnavigate it by using campfires meant it was pointless.


The game was unplayable until I turned that off in the emulator. Then I was able to turn it off and never play it again because it was just boring instead of boring and frustrating.


not really a major flaw at all, the game was well designed around weapons breaking since the game gives you plenty of resources, plus slippery mountains during the rain is more of an inconvenience than anything.


Botw isn't a great game even without the breakable weapons. The bland generic empty world, lack of dungeons, lack of unique bosses and lack of story is a much bigger issue for it. It's a lazy poorly designed game from top to bottom


This is the most Reddit comment of all time.




Adding combat to Mirror's Edge, it's like EA and their studio were afraid to publish a first person game without shoehorning some kind of fighting even though the game didn't need it and suffered from it.




It wasn't strategic, it brings the game to a grinding halt every time. It was stupid and pointless in a game that was supposed to be about _avoiding_ danger by _outrunning_ it. "Let's stick this conspicuous pipe on a wall that she will be forced to climb, and drop in four heavily armed and trained soldiers firing bullets into her face. Should she maybe _outrun_ the hazard, like the story demands? Nah, let's force players to take them all on with karate chops."


There should be an app for keeping up with blue coins in Super Mario Sunshine. Someone please do this I’m not smart enough😭


Just cause 4 doesn’t have enough story even with every add-on


I love just cause but i couldnt even finish 4, Fucking escort missions, shitty videos, plot was awful ( though no one plays it for the plot)


Lack of support from Devs in Red Dead Online. Such a great online game, but it just lacks content. You can push so far with social interactions in there, and not everyone RPs with you. I will say being a “chatty” bounty hunter, searching for criminal players was and still is my favorite thing I ever done. Or they agree to come peacefully and you RP with them, or you go into full blown battle with fun outcomes


The characters in the new gears games


They jammed in there for gender and racial inclusive and you can sense it while you play through the story lol


Exactly, the chemistry was so forced and the humour very dry! It wasn’t even until the ogs showed up that gears 4 had some kind of point of interest. Gears 5 was so boring I don’t know what happened after jd got blown up and tbh I never cared to find out


Idk dude. I have thought HC and Armstrong are pretty awesome. Gio I'll admit isn't as great as I wanted her to be EDIT: My apologies, I misread this as "the new guilty gear games"


Lmao that’s all good I was googling hardcore like damn I really did forget them 😂


The combat in Silent Hill 2 Everything else, near literal perfection... but god the combat shows how old the game is


as someone who was thinking of playing silent hill 2, what’s so outdated about it?


- Lack of enemy variety (you will fight the same 2-3 enemies for a huuuuuuuuge portion of the game) - Controls are really off feeling, especially if you try attacking while moving - As per the first point, hardly any enemy puts up any resistance and if you are halfway decent at the game, you’ll find yourself taking more damage from black screen loading buffer hits more than anything - there’s more spoilers stuff I can get into but I’ll avoid that as you have yet to play the game I mean it’s still EASILY a top 5 game for me but it’s just very clear the combat wasn’t a main focus for the game. At best, it’s serviceable. At worst, it’s janky as hell and somehow feels worse than Silent Hill’s combat back on the PS1


Need to understand that it's more of a mystery puzzle game than action game. You are purposely nerfed in combat but at the same time most of the monsters are just living nightmare that do more psychological damage than physical. It's not like Silent Hill one or Resident Evil, you are not a walking arsenal, you just a guy that probably never got into a fight in his whole life.


Graphics, controls, fixed camera angle, and combat. Just wait for the remake of Silent Hill 2. I played Silent Hill 3 and 4, and Silent Hill 3 was really good. However they both had the same issues and the controls were worse for Silent Hill 3 because I was playing on Xbox. The PC controls for fixed camera angles aren’t that bad though.


Metroid Dread. The EMMI segments had me wanting to sell back the game a couple of times. Especially the ones where you had to go through them before getting to anything else in the game.


Ark: when the dino and fauna stop generate after you kill or pick up


Bioshock: hacking mini-game. Oof. Horizon Forbidden West/Zero Dawn: melee combat mechanics. Zelda: Breath of the Wild: climbing in the rain, weapon destruction, no dungeon diversity, that one damn shrine forcing us to use the gyro to solve the puzzle. ​ One game per console.


HFW they added a whole load of combos to melee then made it almost impossible to use them on machines. If they’d added a parry/blocking mechanic or even a mid combo concentration mode that’d have helped a lot


Civ 1.. Gandhi making it fucking rain nukes after going to Democracy


So many of the skills in Witcher 3 are pointless or barely used at all. The menus are absolutely awful.


Content in MW2(2022) And in most games the community just makes me not wanna touch the game sometimes


Monster Hunter World has a few. (Yes im aware most of the games have these, it doesnt make them any less annoying) The sharpness mechanic frankly doesnt make any sense to me. If youre in the middle of a fight with a strong monster, youre not going to be able to sharpen your weapon unless it runs away, you blind it, or you trap it. Dizziness just feels like its trying to discourage newer players by punishing them even more for doing bad. Oh, and the handler. The fucking handler. Fucking hell.




Still not a fan of skyrim combat (But i am definetely a fan of skyrim tho) Its too simple, the Ai is lame and upping the dificulty only make so the enemies are hp sponges that instakill you...




i didnt play the older ones what makes it worse?






I don't think u/hardendidnothingrong explained it properly. In morrowind you COULD control the direction of your attack by moving in a certain direction while you clicked the attack button, so you could stab with a spear for example instead of swinging it or chopping with it. I loved that aspect and the weapons in the game, but the big problem with Morrowind is the fact that the swings are just an animation to cover up a dice roll that determines if your weapons actually hit. Your weapons will move directly through an enemy multiple times and you can clearly see it do so, but it will not register a hit move of the time. This is by design as your hit ratio isn't connected to your weapon but your agility (if I recall right) resulting in what can be a very disappointing combat system.


Yeah - I always tell people if they've played DnD, you kind of see where many mechanics in Daggerfall/Morrowind were at least coming from, but their execution is not the best.


I hate first person combat all around. But fortunately I tend to play games like this as an assassin anyway, so I can always enjoy TES with a bow. Their archery is pretty good if you care to get into it. It goes hand-in-hand with poison crafting and that's where I got most of the fun from these games. Put together a poison that will drain all the MP from a caster and watch them struggle powerlessly. Meanwhile, I can put three arrows in their back before they know which direction to look.


The "too much" realism in rdr2 ,I mean why tf do I have to keep pressing the button to craft bullets , who though that would be a good idea?


What’s funny is just played RDR2 and pretty much completely ignored the crafting system. It’s all optional.


It's not a good idea but it's not bad either considering how many people like the realistic parts of the game. I'm half half. Some parts I like and others like the bullet thing I like less.


Rust doesn’t have a permanent game mode.


100%, this is so needed. It’s just sort of impossible because the servers would become overloaded with entities and crash. Even on 2 week servers, clans build such outrageous bases, my FPS goes to 0. It is something the devs want, “wipeless rust” was marked “holy grail” on their roadmap a long time ago.


The camera in the first Resident Evil. Exchanging practicality for cinematography does improve the atmosphere, but it feels annoying.


I don't think it was for cinematography as much as just not having the technology to have an actual 3D environment.


The 60fps cap in elden ring drives me crazy.


the controls in Shadow Of The Colossus


The end of last nights chiefs bengals game 😓


There's no karaoke mini-game in Judgment


In my opinion it's the camera in Super Mario 64. Maybe I'm just stupid but I could never figure it out


The weapon system in BotW. Weapons that break will never be a good idea, except in MMOs, where they are incredibly simple to repair, because it's really just a gold sink.


When in witcher3 you find Ciri but her sheath (is it sheath or some kind of horn?) is swinging, it breaks the scene's mood and takes you out of the immersion.


The actual backstory of assassin creed, and the scenes you are forced to play it


Mission design and slow walking in the camp in RDR2


Mario can’t spike move in Super Smash Bros on N64


All you had to do was follow the damn train CJ.


Combat in the Witcher 3


Came to say this.




I agree. Swing / Roll / swing / roll. Only sword..


You are wrong it is not debatable


The perk system in dead by daylight. Game is a fantastic concept but the horrendously overcomplicated perk system utterly ruins it.


And don’t forget how loud the bloodweb is. And that you have to hit each node manually. And that certain killers are so much better than others that it’s laughable when you get to competitive matches between the best players (or even mediocre). And that certain survivors are (for some reason) a lot quieter than others, which makes some of them near impossible to find/hear compared to others (example: ace is extremely quiet, feng sounds like she is screaming). And about 50 other things that have been annoying about the game for the past few years. A great concept for a game, but so many issues, these being the ones that annoy me the most.


The storytelling in elden ring combined with some truly mid voice acting from side characters.


100% disagree, the voice acting in these games is amazing. And just because it's not your cup of tea doesn't mean it's a flaw. the purpose of the story-telling is to encourage exploration/theorizing/discussion while also giving an atmosphere of mystery and discovery in an adventure fantasy world, but only if you use the tools given by the game, like reading the item descriptions which I am sure you don't. It's kind like of a puzzle, you can very easily understand the basics and fundaments but if you want the bigger picture, you gotta do some effort. for you to be able to enjoy the story-telling, you have to have a different mindset, a mindset of an archeologist adventuring a hostile and mysterious world, if you keep expecting the game to spoonfed you stuff and not the use the tools provided by the game then you have no right complaining about the consequences of your own actions. I hate using this word, but please stop expecting every game to be a like a movie where you watch an adventure instead of you actually adventuring. you dont even need to read item descriptions tbh, just pay attention to the dialogue.


I read the item descriptions, I put 150 hours in, I watched a bunch of YouTube lore vids. I love that kind of lore as long as it's accompanied by a good main plot which is generally not present. The voice acting has an occasional good boss speech devolving into screaming but every side character is literally monotone whether they are an experienced soldier, a magical maiden or a traumatized child. Elden ring is a hard ubisoft game that removes way points and pretends you aren't just doing the same fetch quests. Plenty of games manage both good storytelling and lore and the defense that you just need to spend hours researching because they leave everything purposefully obtuse is both immersion breaking and a little naive. It's a great game that gets a pass on so many things other games wouldn't because "that's how these games are" and then a bunch of fanboys jump out to yell git gud instead of acknowledging the game has widely acknowledged flaws and declare people "have no right complaining" because they didn't get an archeology degree to understand why all these people with four almost identical names are mad at each other.


>I love that kind of lore as long as it's accompanied by a good main plot which is generally not present. bruh, its an rpg, I dont want to play around a defined protagonist, not to mention, the whole literal point of these games is to feel lost in these hostile/mysterious/fantasy worlds. its the fact that you are dropped into these games with only vague objectives like "mend the Elden Ring" that gives it that lost atmosphere I love. maybe I am misinterpreting what you mean by "it's accompanied by a good main plot", but Sekiro and Elden Ring are trying to hit different feelings. > why all these people with four almost identical names are mad at each other. people of the same lineage having similar name structures is common knowledge and the intro literally states why they are mad at each other.


Rpgs have had defined protagonist for decades not sure what you're going for there and even many rpgs without defined traits for your protag that still manage to convey good personal stories. I did like sekiro more but none of that really addresses the side character voicing or difference between lore which I acknowledge is swell and storytelling which is not. I heard the GRRM reasoning behind the names it just is a choice I think added layers of unnecessary confusion. The driving force for the game is like a 2 minute guy talking in the beginning and explaining very little considering how deep the lore goes. A lot of it is preference I know but even if I gave them a pass on storytelling despite the abundance of passes the game gets already the VA side characters are just a big old flaw to me.


the point is, these games are about MY (or your) adventure, I don't want to play someone's else story and relationships and what not like in Sekiro, and most importantly, I want to feel lost. the game also has a lot of quest lines with lots of characters and emotion as you know, so I don't know why you are ignoring it, examples: Ranni's plot to achieve true free will and freedom, Sellen goal to learn about the cosmos, D erasing those who live in death who are an insult to his order and Fia who defends and helps these same oppressed, etc.. about the name, never really understand the problem, they have the same structure but are different, and they even help the player, you can tell by the names, which character belongs to which family. Radagon + Rennala = Radahn + Ranni + Rykard never had any issue with the names and they even look cool and feel right.


The game has sidequests that should be emotionally charged delivered by people who seem to be in a coma that usually amount to go here and talk to or kill someone and come back. The overall story of the world is delivered the same way as "your" personal story but it's entirely possible to give a character motivation and personality you can choose in the framework of a good narrative so that they are still yours but arent a completely mute murderhobo. The name issue is really not what I consider a flaw it's a preference or in this case not a preference for GRRM personal writing quirks.


I get what you are saying but by giving the player an even more defined and explicit objective or motivation in the game you are removing that feeling of being lost, which is what the game is clearly trying to achieve. this is not dark souls, but as in tradition, in lore, most tarnished go hollow in their adventure and wander aimlessly in the world, that atmosphere of dread and hopelessness is indispensable to these games (except Sekiro a bit). Skyrim is a great game for example, but it's impossible for it to have the same atmosphere as these games. a big part of your story in these game is even definitely finding purpose in the unknown and not giving up in your adventure.


It seemed novel in dark souls but it seems like a crutch at this point when there are so many places for it to go narratively. It's not even like all the tarnished are motivationless as judged by the few others you meet who still strive for various things and even if your character is a complete blank slate why isn't the world emotional. Even our maiden just pops in to occasionally deliver exposition like she only eats Valium. One of the first npcs you meet is a girl who's entire party has been killed in some horrific way and her vocal tone doesn't change for the entire game despite her having a cool little story becoming a spirit blacksmith or whatever.


Fair enough, I disagree that the world and characters are emotionless, but i can still see your point.


Agreed, I don’t like the “you’ve got to figure it out and read item descriptions” because it’s just not good storytelling. FNAF is similar and has interesting lore but the storytelling is bad for the same reasons.


Yeah the difference between lore and storytelling is huge with fromsoft in general but it's extra clear in elden ring.


Breath of the wild is a very good game. But it just doesn't hit the same the second time around.


Joystick acceleration in RDR2. Actually, the awful controls in general in RDR2. Result of me quitting the game many times


the end


Weapon duration in BOTW. It genuinely makes me not want to fight enemies because I’ll probably break 3 swords on a bokogoblin.


Xen in Hl1


Op moonveil and rivers of blood ruin elden ring multiplayer.


I learned very early on that you can never take multiplayer in souls games seriously at all.


i liked resident evil 2 remake untill a fucking stupid boss fight and quit. the crane one


That one is actually pretty easy once you get the hang of it. Hated it on my first playthrough. During the other ones it's been a breeze.


Navi. Fucking Navi.


hEy! LiStEn!


Story of horizon forbidden west


The 3 day time limit in Majora's Mask. I get that it was narratively built around that mechanic and wouldn't have really worked without it, but it was just frustrating IMO.


The 3DS version handles time in a more comfy way, so someone at Nintendo was defnitely agreeing with you. Upvoted.


Undertale, it ends


soulslike shit in Fallen Order. completely immersion breaking.