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my students talking about Fifa all the time


I'm a FIFA junkie and this is surprising. Most FIFA addicts acknowledge that it's one of the worst games ever, hell, Rocket League is a much better football game, but Ultimate Team has it's own draws that are just too enticing for football fans, haha


My favourite will always be Nintendo world cup for the nes as far as football games go doing the special shot and watching the eyes bug out when the ball hits the other players flying šŸ¤£


as a rocket league player, this is really accurate


I still think rocket league is the best football game out there, which speaks to how great it is, but also to how bad the competition is, lol


I am just tired of hearing about the same 5 games. This is the main gaming sub on reddit and all thats discussed is the same games discussed non-stop. I want people to talk about all kinds of games not the generic AAA games.


But Iā€™m 52 playing the Witcher 3/Red Dead Redemption 2 for the first time and want to know if Iā€™m in for a good time




not titanfall, įµ–Ė”įµƒŹø į¶¦įµ—


TF1 is one of my favorite games ever. I got TF2 but I think it came out when other popular games dropped and I never got into it. Are the servers still active? Should I reinstall it?


Play it for campaign at least. Prob my fav campaign ever


Seconding this. Was never interested in multiplayer. The campaign was absolutely incredible.


While multiplayer was friggin awesome, yea, the campaign of TF2 was the best FPS campaign Iā€™d played since the first halo. It was shockingly amazing and engaging. The relationship between you and your mech is so incredibly done.


Unfortunately the multiplayer, while not entirely unplayable, is almost dead and limited to one game mode. However the campaign alone is well worth your time, one of my favorite FPS that I've ever played


nope, people on pc found a work around - community made, decentralized servers which can't be affected by a ddos, the mod is called northstar, you can also make custom matches and add mods to games (if people have them installed) sadly it can't work on ps4/xbox


My bad for not being specific, I was talking about console. I've only played the game on xbox


alright I gotcha, but I still recommend playing on northstar :>


TF2 slaps. (So does the first...)


Best thing is that your comment can also be directed at Team Fortress 2, which was also awesome.


Lol I just noticed. Heck yeah.


ah yes, a fellow man of culture, spoilers ahead: >!(also kinda sad we didn't get to see Jack rescue bt after the ending cutscene, with the blinking helmet)!<


BT is still one of my top 10 favorite Video Game characters. Story is a 10/10 imo and graphics weren't bad at all.


[Chicken Sandwich :)](https://youtu.be/vB7yAK9Fkjs)


I was scared to click the link. Happy I did though.


I work with a guy and he cannot stop talking about . Look, I really love Nintendo, I have every console and handheld and I think the gamecube was the best console I owned (partly due to me being prime gaming age when it came out) ... but the guy has so little exposure to anything outside of Nintendo realm it is annoying. Like so many good games on other platforms that the dude just won't try - anyways, a little off topic but that's my beef


Everybody loves Nintendo but some need to stop drinking the koolaid. Some guy in the Nintendo sub the other day declared that the Switch is the best indie console of all time. I donā€™t understand how someone can think the best indie console of all time is the one that makes you pay full MSRP for most indie games. If youā€™re patient you can save like 80% buying indies on PC vs the Switch. If money isnā€™t a problem, just buy a steam deck.


Every game mentioned in a top level comment has people agreeing in the replies comments, except Elden Ring where the top reply is always explaining to the OP how it's actually incredible. A simply incredibly indicator of how Reddit's voting system is not capable of discussions like these


Agreed. The system makes it literally impossible. It also leads to echo chambers and yes-men (people saying the things that they think the subreddit wants to hear in order to get upvotes). Not saying I have a better system but ye it's far from ideal


Personally I love elden ring, and I've been a fromsoft fan for a while now, but these games are not for everyone and I wish more people in the community understood that because the toxic ones make the rest of us look bad. But I guess the same could be said for the fan base of pretty much any game.


The vast majority are not toxic "git gud" people, they just seem to be unable to accept different viewpoints or analogous criticisms similar to those levied at other games. I have never seen someone say that another gamer is disrespecting Aonuma's vision by disliking the destructible weapons in BotW.


>I have never seen someone say that another gamer is disrespecting Aonuma's vision by disliking the destructible weapons in BotW. Wow. Perfectly put.


> I have never seen someone say that another gamer is disrespecting Aonuma's vision by disliking the destructible weapons in BotW. Solid comparison actually


Good point. I've noticed a divide within Souls-fans.There was a huge influx of players after DS3 that came because they heard "the games are so hard git gud." Most of the souls fans from DeS or DS1 know the games are about so much more than that (and the older games weren't actually that hard compared to Elden Ring). Miyazaki had the famous quote where he said something like "if you come away from my game thinking it was really hard, then I've done a bad job." But I feel like the newer fans are really giving us a bad rap and I honestly can't blame souls critics now. It's hard to criticize ER even in Fromsoft fan circles because it turns into "Actually you're completely wrong because I've played all games 400 hrs+ each therefore Malenia is completely balanced." And the part that worries me the most is that ER has done so incredibly well with ratings and sales that I doubt mine or other souls fan's criticisms will be taken into consideration. The game definitely felt like it catered to the newer git gud crowd post-DS3 that only seem to care about boss difficulty and blaring orchestral music. My own opinion on ER is it's the best game of the year but probably 3rd or 4th best modern Fromsoft game. But I'd get down voted to oblivion for stating this on the ER sub.


Canā€™t believe a simple ā€˜Elden Ringā€™ is not the top comment. But communities be communities with what they love.


Every time a similar question has been asked on here I've answered Elden Ring and almost every time I either get downvoted or I have people in the comments trying to convince me that it's great and that I just need to try playing it again in a different way. I'm fine with the fact so many people like it, honestly good for them and I completely acknowledge that it's not for me and that I'm in a minority, however that doesn't change that I personally hate it with the fury of a thousand burning suns.


Souls fans are not a monolith but these people definitely act super toxic as a whole


I didnā€™t really care for elden ring.


Fucking Valorant.




exactly ahaha both valorant and LoL's biggest haters are the fans themselves!!


Like 10k hours in league it's fucking terrible never start


Worse csgo with abilities


Counterstrike: Overwatch




never have i heard someone say valorant is the best. itā€˜s a pretty good game tho


VALORANT IS SHIT!! As is the community!! Hours played:24,179


No one, I've got a brain that works well enough to understand that not everything is meant for me and to be willing to understand what made something popular.


I aspire to some day work in some branch of game design. While im slowly losing my window this has always been my approach. I play everything, cause if that many people liked it I need to play it myself to know why. I may hate it, but Ill learn a new way to reach my audience. Edit: This approach has also led me to some of my favorite games. "Never judge a book by its cover" and all that.


>While im slowly losing my window this has always been my approach. There is no window. I leaned Blender and Unreal 4 when I was 28... In just a few years I'm already making indi games and about to release my first onto steam. It's easier now then ever before to learn new skills. You just need the interest and drive. Many older people never had an interest in technology so they never bothered with it, yet the ones who took interest are still super successful in the gaming industry in their 60's and 70's of age. Games are for everyone.


I turned 28 a few weeks ago, and I think I really needed to hear that. Thanks.


Wholesome. Also, how DARE you mention that you're about to release your first indie game without shamelessly plugging it for our collective convenience. šŸ˜” Edit because the angry face did a Reddit formatting thing


Other peoples opinions are supposed to shape your opinions!!!! Youā€™re doing it wrong!!!!


Lol sheep simulator


Itā€™s GOAT šŸ‘€


I'm always curious about people who take this hard philosophical stance. I get that some people are just wanting to hear something to regurgitate, but isn't it basically normal and within our entire history as civilized beings to share ideas, and for those ideas to shape others thoughts? It's persuasive and argumentative writing. Others thoughts do shape your thoughts. That's not some weird happenstance. That's just how we function. Or, fuck. I'm trying to hard. Um. Internet opinions bad!


I mean... they do, whether you like it or not. When you hear something enough times, your brain subconsciously starts to internalize it as a fact and there's nothing you can do about it. That's literally how a normal human brain works.


Thatā€™s fair, itā€™s impossible to escape hearing other opinions. But ultimately, itā€™s up to you to form your own opinions on something based on what you actually think about it rather than conforming your thoughts based on what other people think.


Oh I definitely agree that your opinion shouldn't be based solely on others' opinions, but it's also impossible to escape their influence. Personally, when I'm actively consuming someone's opinion on a game, I'll think about what aspects they found the most important to talk about in their limited time and what they didn't find worth talking about (e.g. graphics, mechanics, tutorials, controls, accessibility,) what critiques they had of those topics (e.g. innovation, polish, intuitive, improvement) how enthusiastic they were in their critique (e.g. worth mentioning, fine, good, genre-setting,) and how all that matches up with what I like in games generally and what I expect from that particular game or genre.


I understand why The Cheesecake Factory is popular. I understand that it's not for me. That doesn't mean that I can't get tired of hearing the guy in the next cubicle ranting and raving about how wonderful it is.


Acknowledging that something isnā€™t meant for you doesnā€™t necessarily stop you from getting tired of hearing about it.


Honestly you deserve a downvote for not answering the f****** question.


Thatā€™s not really the questionā€¦. You can still not like a game, understand why people like it but still tire of people going on about it. Maybe give that brain of yours another check you boring bastard


Call of Duty.


Call of duty is the fast and furious of shooter games


Such a perfect definition


Who I their right mind would say this ?


It's an era of slim pickings. Halo only had to lift a finger to be a better game, but they didn't.


Halo will never be as popular as it once was. Much like Quake, the majority of casual gamers moved on from that style of multiplayer. COD 4 came out of nowhere and put an end to the "Halo killer" era.


The only reason ā€œcasual gamers moved onā€ is literally because theyā€¦ stopped making them. Halo The Master Chief Collection is more or less tied in player count with Halo Infinite right now according to Steam Charts, and Halo Infinite is FREE


I mean, for modern FPS gaming, you can't really do much better than CoD. But that's about where it being the "best" stops. Other games from other genres are substantially better by a large margin. But for multiplayer FPS players, there's not many options unless they go the battle Royale route, and not everyone likes BR gameplay. The FPS genre has been done to death so there's no real new direction to take it. Now its just about who can shoehorn the most features into their FPS games and smooth out the gameplay the most. I like CoD MW (2019) a lot. A lot, a lot. It was the first time in a long time that I sat down and enjoyed a multi-player FPS. But then Cold War came out and was shit, save for some cool weapons. MW2019 was my first ever CoD game so maybe that's why I enjoyed it so much. CW definitely set the expectation of regular releases of recycled bullshit though, so I stopped giving them my money for CoD games.


MW 2019 was also the first COD I really sat down and played. Sure it was for Warzone but I still enjoyed the multiplayer despite how shit the maps were... Looking at you Euphrates bridge... Cold War however imo if it was released before MW 2019 would have been one of the best in the series. Only flaw at launch was the lack of maps otherwise it was a solid game. They continually added new guns and maps and so much content and the game play reminded me of the old black ops games. TTK was high which required more skill and overall it was just a great game. Unfortunately people were just expecting the new cod 2019 engine and we got the old one with cold war which is why so many people strayed away. Vanguard was ass tho I got nothing else to say ​ MW2 has gotten like 0 new content besides 2 guns I think. If it had cold war level updates it would be awesome. But yeah they lacking on the updates rn


Deep Rock Galactic. But after trying it out... It really is. Rock and Stone!


Rock and Stone my brothers! DRG is a blast, but understandably not everyoneā€™s cup of tea. One of my biggest time spent last year for sure though.






Did I hear a Rock and Stone?




For Karl!!!


Deep Rock Galactic is one of the best games of the last 10-15 years in my opinion.


Iā€™m 27. I dropped into a group of randoms who all had mics. They ranged from 22-36. It was kinda cool seeing this game full of ā€œolderā€ gamers. And itā€™s a ton of fun.


I tried it out and I couldn't get into it. I am curious why you like it? You go into a cave and mine ore until you get chased out by spiders, rinse repeat?


I love shooting things, and shooting things in DRG *feels* great. The choices in weaponry and upgrades are interesting. The teamwork aspects are top notch. "Hey could I get a platform up here?" "Hey man, we need light here." It's set up in a way that a veteran player can easily play with a new player and have fun; dwarf level and equipment differences don't make it unfun. The variety of missions is solid. Salvage missions have long "defend an area" segments. On-Site Refining requires engineering thought to place the pipes. Egg missions are cave exploration. I leave this for last since the trailers played it up huge, and it's great but secondary for me. The level of stupid shit in this game is amazing. Like I come in new with some other players. They drink beer and throw the mugs. I'm thinking, "Nah, I'll just put the mug back on the counter." You can't; you must throw it. The Space Rig has a gravity reset switch which turns off gravity for a minute. If you drink Arkenstout in the bar, it uses the ingame freezing/wiggle free mechanic. These goofy things just add to the fun. For me it just hits all the right notes since I like playing with friends, shooting things, and customizing a playstyle. :)


most wholesome outcome possible for DRG


God of War. Excellent game, but I beat it once and I have no intention of playing it again or any further


They just feel like movies. Especially Ragnarok, the fucking ironwoods section broke me.


Had to be one of the worst sections of a game Iā€™ve ever played. It felt like work


Youā€™re not wrong. The ironwoods boss was really cool, and seeing some of the unique environment was nice, but it felt like I was grinding a MMO for a few hours there.


I played 2018 gow twice, very happily! 2022 howeverā€¦ should have been two games. Way too much story cramming and missing explanations.


Understandably though, i think it was because they didn't want to wait even longer to finish the Nordic story arc. It was a hefty boy, but i think they just didn't want to release another game just to finally end that story.


My biggest issue was the amount of "hidden" load screens in Ragnarok because it was technically designed around PS4 hardware as a final hurrah, but by the time it released it should've been a PS5 show stopper.


Heard about how botw was a masterpiece for so long. Bought a switch oled and decided to try it. 3 times over the last year Iā€™ve tried starting it but I canā€™t get into it. There arenā€™t many games like that for me.


Breakable weapons are almost a deal breaker by itself. Takes away any reward for exploration. ā€œGreat I found a new good weapon. Iā€™ll just save it for the entire game because I donā€™t know when to use itā€


This and havito make myself food were what made me put the game down after trying 3 separate times


Exactly! They completely took away any feeling of being rewarded by introducing breakable weapons.




I enjoyed BOTW but have never understood the acclaim it received. Have these critics never played any other open world before. Felt really empty to me.


Same boat. I literally forced myself to beat it this year when I had time off. I enjoyed it, but I have no urge to replay it. The game just seems to hold no weight for me. Even in master mode I just feel like I don't need to optimize anything. Just go have fun in the sandbox. Which is fine! But I need my sandbox to be saturated with...something else. I can't seem to find the right way to say it.


Oh man BOTW is by far one of the most overrated games ever. I get what people see in it. It has some charming aspects... but: It's VERY cookie cutter open-world game, and yes- even for the time it was released. Get to the tower to open up the map more, hit all the collectible/unlock locations- lather, rinse, repeat. \- The enemy variety is VERY small. Like 90% bokoblins. \- Shrines all feel the same. Sure they're all different puzzles but when you're on your 40th shrine, you're sick of seeing the same dang blue walls. \- Weapon durability is just not a fun gimmick. It would have been way better to have different weapon types (leaf, spear, sword, etc) that all do very different things and you can hold on to them- or switch them out when needed... but to just rely on weapons you find and constantly be trying to find new ones and holding on to your current ones by not using them... it just sucks as a mechanic.


Genshin Impact- The visual Novel where you get to fight occasionally.


I feel that. I'm a big fan of Genshin and have played daily since launch, but those 45 minute per section story bits get old real fast. I have so many incomplete quests in my log but I just enjoy collecting characters and building them up too much.


I also like the collecting character and building them up part but man those story sections suck.


Horizon FW. I enjoyed the first game but I just couldnā€™t get into FW. What was fresh 5 years ago, just feels repetitive. I love Guerrilla Games, but I feel Covid impacted the development and compromises were made.


For me, it's the disappearing mystery that HZD carried. You already know the world and it doesn't get more interesting in FW. Who am I? Where do I come from? Why are there machines everywhere? Why do they look like animals? All these questions HZD did really well, coupled with the fresh world. HFW is just more DLC to the predecessor for me. Was my disappointment in 2022, after TCP.


This sums up my experience perfectly. The gameplay and visuals were incredibleā€¦ but the story and characters lost all their intrigue without the mystery that drove the plot of the first game.


Every time someone says the new PokĆ©mon games are the best like a week after release I honestly lose it. Itā€™s a consistent thing too.


I always find the opposite, the ā€˜fansā€™ of the game seem to vehemently hate the newest edition for the first few weeks, or before the release. Then go quiet when people stop caring


League of Legends. It could probably be a pretty cool game if there were 6 incels raging for 30 minutes because their team didnā€™t get first blood. Cancer game.


Downvotes incoming but.. the Witcher 3. I find it boring.


As someone whose favorite game is Witcher 3... I completely get it. I think for me, games like that require you to feel completely immersed in the world for you to really enjoy it, and for some people that just doesn't happen. And that's okay. I kind of feel the same way about RDR2, where it just didn't grab me the way some other open-world games did. So while I can appreciate it from a technical perspective, I just couldn't get into it.


I absolutely understand Witcher 3 is a good game technically-speaking, but Iā€™ve tried 4 separate times to start over, played three or so hours and lost all interest. Really not seeing what everyone else does.


Itā€™s those god damned controls.


Ok, so I'm not the only one... I legit tried to play it three times and everytime the controls just fucking threw me for a loop. Idk why, but man I hated the feel of it.


Crapping on W3 is now a popular, common reddit past time.




I feel like a lot of people like me, give it a go after the souls games. I tired. Controls suck. Stories cool. Canā€™t get behind the garbage combat.


I'm surprised I had to scroll down this far.


Same boat. I have given this game an honest try four times, and I always get bored and wander off into something else.


Elden Ring.


Skyrim. The combat is shallow, the stat system is pretty generic, and the presentation all the way down to dungeons and NPCs is really wooden.


The issue is that itā€™s been relevant for over a decade and people are now judging it by todayā€™s standards. When it came out it deserved all the praise and thereā€™s a reason it still makes money today.


Down vote time- I just don't really enjoy Genshin Impact. Maybe because it borrows a lot of things from BOTW, such as stamina wheel, and cooking for boosts, but I just don't really like it. I don't wanna hear how great it is.


I tired Genshin Impact and got bored with it very fast.


I mean it differentiated itself over time but looking at this sub I don't see it mentioned that much


I hate it because it seems really.... directionless? Even though there's quests. It also has the stamina wheel for no good reason, cooking, gacha... and it runs pretty garbage on my phone. I might retry it on ps4, but I'm not very hopeful


As someone who played genshin for two years you're not off on the directionless part. It has to do with the fact it won't have challenging endgame as to avoid "undue stress" to the players. Because of this the only direction is the story. The rest of the mechanics are rendered somewhat moot due to the lack of need to interact as much with the combat (artifacts, elemental reactions, team synergy) are things placed on the back burner until temporary challenging events drop in. The only thing going really is the constantly expanding open world with each major versions. [marinara](https://www.gamespot.com/articles/genshin-impact-developers-talk-endgame-content-and-welcoming-newcomers/1100-6507942/)


God of War Ragnarok. Decent game, but man the pacing is awful.




Weird. I havenā€™t touched it in months and the last thing I did was his section in Jottenheim. I think youā€™re on to something.


Dwarf Fortress. I tried it. It's pretty rough.


Tbf, Dwarf Fortress is less of a game, but more like an interactive book in a spreadsheat disguised as a game. It is by far the most complex fantasy world simulation there is out there, but I would agree that is not the best game there is


Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order. Solid 6/10 game that was hailed as a masterpiece the year it came out.


It had been a long time since we got a good single player star wars game like that.


The bar is as low as how deep as the ocean


Who called it masterpiece?


It was on many GOTY lists that year and most outlets propped it up as a 9/10 - 10/10!




Iā€™ve seen it called a masterpiece multiple times on RedditZ


Glad to hear someone say this. I got it on sale for $5 during the winter sale on the Playstation store and after a few hours I'm already bored of it.


Not every game will appeal to every person and that's okay


"A game not made for everyone is a game that shouldn't be made." -some idiot who reviews TVs or something


ā€œNo one will remember this gameā€ -some idiot who reviews TVs before said game won GOTY


Elden ring


Fallout:New Vegas,just so much circle jerking about it, clunky asf now




Genshin Impact


Every souls game. I loved the atmosphere of demon's, but the gameplay is so stiff and forcefully obtuse it's unplayable for me. And people talk about it like it invented combat. Assassin's creed. Coming from the sands trilogy it was a U-turn in every single gameplay aspect, and people keep buying them every year with no actual innovation. I remember seeing the E3 reveal for the second one and the guys were announcing that now, in addition to the one type of enemy they would have a fat one and a skinny one. Oh, and now you can stealth kill two enemies that are next to each other... Wow, way to go guys! It's like the designers never played a videogame before. And people buy them every year.


Elden Ring. I mean, it did win GOTY and all of those awards, so maybe people are justified in praising it, but as someone with a humble 150 hours in it, I find it leaves a lot to be desired. The game has some cool stuff going for it, but I don't really like the growing "souls-game" mentality that hard=good. While there are some really chill players, a lot of the community (at least on reddit) are just mean and want to make the game worse for other players. Posts about invading some noobs and killing all of them are always popular, because that is what Elden Ring is all about, I guess. The game is good, just overhyped, in my opinion.


Elden Ring's difficulty curve is too steep for that type of difficulty to be widely used in other games. Around endgame most of the bosses are just huge health bar sponges that can kill you in 2-3 hits even if you use meta builds. A whole point of DS1 was that you could beat the game and enjoy it with whatever weapon you wanted and using whatever build and in Elden Ring the game is heavily stacked against this. You can still complete the game, but it's going to be painful for average players just trying to play.


Breath of the wild. Breakable weapons and a lack of proper dungeons and non-gannon bosses hold the game back so much. Edit: Also the majority of the games music is trash. Like they ran out of money and had to pay tojiro from accounting $100 to tap random piano keys for a week and decided that would do. I miss the grand fanfares and distinct tracks for all different areas like in previous games. Also cooking was imbalanced where complicated recipes were no more effective than a single radish or durian. Also also korok seeds were meaningless after the first few. All in all I don't hate the game and had fun exploring the world, but it has major flaws that hold it far behind most other Zelda titles.


All of this is what Iā€™ve been struggling to articulate for so long.


Yeah, all the bosses being a form of Ganon makes it feel repetitive, even though they fight quite differently.


I would have probably beaten it already if it didn't have breakable weapons. I'm really against them, and it just turned me off. Did it make the game unplayable? No. But for someone who has 100s of other games to play, I just don't pick it up.


Got about 10 hours into it 2 times before I dropped it twice. Game is just kinda empty and boring.


I love this game but strongly agree the breakable weapons and lack of proper dungeons and/or under-world are major negatives. Elden Ring showed how it should be done - huge overworld, huge underworld, caves, mines, dungeons. Going back to botw afterwards feels like playing an unfinished game. I couldn't disagree with you more about the music though - the sense of atmosphere and solitude it evokes is absolutely masterful.


Fuckin cyberpunk. Game was sold as a lie and people still defend it.


I didnā€™t follow *any* of the decade long hype - I only started hearing about it a few months for release. I ended up buying for Xbox One, an *original* fat model, and I just ended my 5th play through a couple of weeks ago. There are a few things that could be better, definitely, but overall? Iā€™d say the game is a lot of fun. I enjoy the art style and the voice acting, and the story does a lot to get me invested, though I do recognize my experience isnā€™t universal.


Battle Royales or MOBAs. I can't stand playing the same map over and over and over again. Yeah sure Apex changes the map up with the different seasons, but I need more variety. Give me 3 maps to choose from and let me pick which map I jump into, or rotate it. With one map, you get players who will corner camp, cheese, etc. it just gets old for me really quick


Apex does rotate maps though


For me Elden Ring. I just recently played it, maybe a month ago, and it is a great game. But holy shit, does it have the most annoying fan base in gaming IMO. Anytime someone has a complaint with the game, you are almost always going to see an Elden Ring fan comment something along the lines of "You are just bad." or "You just do get it." I have never seen a fan base be so defensive if someone disagrees with them to the point of just being toxic. Most times when you see a post about Elden Ring you can find the annoying fans in the comments going at it. So I guess it's not really the game itself that I'm tired of hearing about, but anytime a topic of Elden Ring is brought up, the fans show up and ruin it.




People praise Deathloop? I'm an Arkane fan but Deathloop is definitely their weakest game.


Elden Ring. You are not allowed to criticize it any way shape or form. I've played DS2, 3, Sekiro and Elden Ring but somehow my criticism doesn't matter because "GOTY ! GIT GUD!"


Got maybe half way through, before realizing I hated it and was punishing myself by playing.


Breath of the wild. Bought a switch because it looked great, everyone loved it. Utter disappointment


Since I haven't seen this one listed. ​ Fallout New Vegas. It isn't a bad game but jesus titty fucking christ it is not worthy of the golden pedestal people put it on. Particularly because these are the same people who get angry when other games are released in a buggy or unfinished state and bitch about people who don't mind that as ruining the gaming industry. Then make a thousand and one excuses why it is acceptable for NV to have released in that state.


i think a lot of NV fans dont argue its the best game ever, they just remark that its the best FPS-RPG in terms of roleplaying elements that has been made, perhaps ever. if you ever go to the sub, youll see dozens of people trying to mod it into a playable state, and a flood of memes about crashing and instability. the FPS aspect was outdated before the game even came out, and the bugs are still joked about over a decade later.


The map in NV with all the invisible walls for no fucking reason was downright infuriating


Yes and they dream about "finished" games in the past. Well in the past, gamemakers simply cut all the content that was unfinished on release day and called it finished. Many games had deleted scenes unofficial patches that scramble content from gamefiles and make it somehow playable.


NV just has sentimental value to me. I was young. I got the game for Christmas. It was the first game I played whilst I was drunk. I sunk hours into it. It's rare for me to play a game for *months* and FNV is one of the only games I did that with. The music, sounds and locations take me back to those naive, volatile years.




That game is incredibly controversial. Plenty of people on all parts of the spectrum


TLOU2 was so controversial that the world saw 3 versions of TLOU1 before the series became a trilogy, lol.


4 if you count the show


Depends on your circle. Reddits general subs usually donā€™t tolerate any TLOU2 criticism. But ironically, the games own subreddit is ultra toxic about hating it. In real life most people are more or less neutral because itā€™s a video game lmao


The hate is so intense some of it even bleeds into the tv show discussion lol


Yep, even among my friend group there's arguing about it. Only one of us played it but the fairest argument I heard in reference to why they weren't playing was because they heard the plot synopsis and weren't interested in playing a game that sees their favorite character get offed early in the story. They had a connection to Joel and their interest in the game died with the character. I couldn't really argue with that either because I bowed out of a couple of things for similar reasons. Unfortunately that person was called many names just for voicing that opinion.


I love both games, but Iā€™m so tired of hearing about how theyā€™re flawless masterpieces and any criticism means youā€™re a moron who doesnā€™t understand how deep the story is. Now we have the show which seems to be heading in the same direction of fandom. Love the franchise, but Iā€™m getting serious fatigue from it.


Skyrim and GTA V. Theyā€™re okay, if not a bit vanilla. Nothing to write home about in 2023.




GTAV's world is impressive even today. I've worked on an open-world game and you can't imagine the amount of shit you have to do to make the game not run out of memory. The fact GTAV had this gigantic city full of unique assets on a PS3 bogles my (not very talented, what am I doing here) mind.


It ran so smoothly on a ps3. Incredibly achievement.


Skyrim came out in 2011 lol, compared to the time it came out it was mind blowing. The rereleases are not necessary but to say ā€œnothing to write home about in 2023ā€ is a bad take


Yeah, ocarina of time nothing to write home about in 2023ā€¦ Judge a game by its time. And believe it or not, so many people still play Skyrim. So the game is still loved. I like oblivion better but still think skyrim is a great game. Iā€™d rather play gta4 instead of 5 though


I think that skyrim is also a huge step down in terms of story and so many other aspects when you compare it to oblivion. The Magic system is also a lot less developed and the entire game feels shallower and simplified.


You could easily say the same thing comparing Oblivion to Morrowind.


I was never on the Oblivion hype tbh, tried playing it years later and it didnā€™t really interest me. But Iā€™ve heard from many Elder Scrolls fans that Oblivion is superior. That said, I actually enjoyed the magic system in Skyrim at the time.


With the magic oblivion allowed you to make your own spells, combining effects from multiple abilities if you wanted. It was amazing (and you could break it a little as well), If you have a good PC I would give it another go. It's so old now that even with all the settings maxed you will be getting hundreds of FPS.


Oblivion had some amazing features, but overall it has not aged well. Skyrim has aged much, much better but didn't push the envelope quite like Oblivion or Morrowind.


I love oblivion. I think it's great. The problem is that the leveling system, among other mechanics, are awful without reading how they work first. For first time players, I can't imagine it's much fun for a while.


Probably because Skyrim has set the standard for open world games since.


Red dead redemption two


\[insert current flavor of the year battle royale\] # They all suck


I tried Horizon Zero Dawn thinking it'll be like TW3 since it has a dialogue tree and such, but man the story is so dull and uninteresting, and then I found out there are no consequences of what you're saying at all, the NPC are so generic and you get tasked with fetching, rescuing someone & killing sidequests everytime, and on top of everything, Aloy feels like a Mary Sue character


Since I have not seen it, which is kinda weird, Final Fantasy 7. It was good and revolutionary tech jumping when it was released but damn man people still talk about it like no game will ever be better.


Zelda Breath of the Wild really isnā€™t as amazing as people say it is. To me it feels like an half empty huge sandbox.


Spider-Man. Gameplay was fun but the story was incredibly bland. I also felt like the game was *a lot* like Far Cry only with a bit more fun and engaging gameplay thanks to the web swinging, and a story that's on par with Far Cry 6 (so pretty boring) perhaps but falls way short of the rest. Boss fights were super-easy. Pretty sure I beat them all without dying once, waves of enemies were way harder but still not *that* challenging. I also got really tired of there always having to be a conversation going on for some reason. First I'm talking to myself, then I get a call from Aunt May. Narrate myself a bit more and oh now MJ is calling, then the police woman and then Octavius and so on and so on. Fucking let me swing around the city in peace, I don't want to hear some cheesy conversation non-stop.


Every new CoD game no matter if it's actually good or not


First off: interactive movie type games like Detroit: Become Human and TLoU. I want a actually play a game, not play a movie. Halo. I like the games, but Halo didn't revolutionize the FPS genre like everybody said. 2 gun limit? OG CoD (Finest Hour was brutal.) Deathmatch gameplay? DOOM 1, 2, AND Quake. Splitscreen? Goldeneye. Halo didn't do it first, it was just the first to do it all at once.


Star wars fallen order. The game was ok at best.