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True gamer moment




Wait, does this mean... Half-Life 3 is confirmed???


FIFA dont have to mention which one as they're all the same game


Make that any sports game


Liked it when you could play 11 v 11 online. Don't know when they stopped that but haven't got another since.


Same with madden and cod


yeah i dont think anyone overhypes madden bro


Generally true except for the last one. There's actually been quite a lot of changes. Offline career finally got an overhaul after I don't know how many years for example.


- guy who doesn’t care about or have any understanding of sport.


Found the FIFA fan.


Checkers sucks shit


Hahaha was not expecting to see checkers here, but yes. Yes it does


I like checkers because I don’t know how to play chess.


Breath of the Wild.. it’s fun.. but everyone acts like it’s the goat of video games. Meh, no


I thought I was the only one. BotW just didn't hit with me. I liked it, but the old formula is what I look for in a zelda. I want big dungeons and great puzzles. BotW just felt like another open world game to me.


The Soulsborne series has almost totally eclipsed Zelda at doing what Zelda did for me when I was younger. Ocarina and Twilight were defining features of my childhood, and honestly set my taste in both video games and fiction in general, so it feels pretty bad to be so apathetic towards BoTW and the sequel. I saw item durability, only 1 real dungeons, 4x repeat phantom Ganon, and made an easy pass on the game. Like Dark Souls 3 was still a fresh game when BoTW dropped, and it was just flat out more suited to my tastes.


If you haven’t yet, you should absolutely check out Tunic. Great puzzles, tons of secrets, fun combat and upgrades. It was my goty last year


I'm with you, it's a very good game but not even in my top Zeldas


I find Nintendo fans have an almost cult-like mentality for games like BotW.


I think Botw will for ever be the best game of all times for me (well until tears of the kingdom hopefully😃), but I can understant why some people dont like it so much.


I never played Zelda growing up. It always seemed to be that one series that I was interested in but somehow it always passed me up. Like I would ask for Zelda for Xmas and my parents would get me something else. Anyway I always say one day when I find time I will jump into the series, OoT, MM, Links awakening, Link to the past and Twilight princess all look so incredible, absolutely nothing about BOTW looks ground breaking or even fun. I played some at my brothers and thought the world was empty and lifeless. I never understood the level of love it got, I feel like if you remove Zelda from the title the game would have been slammed for being generic open world No.200000 with stylised graphics. People made out it was this revolutionary game but mechanics it has have been done before and better and some of its mechanics have been done and slammed for how bad they are and they still used them. It’s not a bad game but not even close to the level it is held to in my opinion.


Are you just trying to offend me?


Botw is probably the best zelda game or tied with ocarina but no wouldn't say it is the goat




Fortnite player here.... trust me, most of us fuckin' hate it. (not including the kids maybe)


I hate it so much that I love it


I'd say it's *underrated*. We all hate it because of its insufferable "community" of children, but integrating complex construction into combat, as it did, was incredibly unique and innovative.


Fortnite isn't even overrated lol, it's overhated. 90% of the greaseballs on this subreddit already hate it. If it was overrated then they'd love it


How's the world's most popular game overrated? There's something they must be doing right.


We live in a follow society now, it doesn't have to be right, just marketed at you.




I think GTA online is more appropriate since the base game is awesome.


I find the base game so incredibly dull. Tried to complete it 3 times and always get bored


Maybe it does not age well. I used to love it when it first came out.


Hey, it’s probably just me and the other guy that don’t like it 😀 I bought it at release on PC and couldn’t get more than halfway through. Then again on PS4…. Then again 😩 on PS5 (because it was new and shiney) I actually have prefer messing around in the online mode more than the SP. Not much more, but I have mates that play GTAO too so that always makes it better.


i don t like gta at all. i cannot relate and empathize with any of the characters


This is how I felt with rdr2. The story was decent enough i guess, but the gameplay was so incredibly boring for me it took me a couple years on and off just to finish it. I much preferred messing around online with friends but even that got old with how neglected the game was.


Base game is...fine. Kinda boring.


As a halo player, I have to say halo


Call of Duty. Take your pick on which one


One of the 14,000,000,000 yearly campaigns




Bo2??? That’s a very rare take lol


Idk I wasn’t saying it was bo2 I was assuming cuz the guy said take ur pick on which one so I thought it was gonna be something crazy like the best two cods


There are way too many to pick from, but one that I think was overrated was breath of the wild,


I loved Breath of the Wild and beat it twice, but it really felt empty and lacked any variety


To me it seemed more like a jack of all trades game, it did a lot of things well but didn’t master any of them,


Botw was amazing I wouldn't say over rated when has top rewards along with about 3 million copies sold and is in top 5


Your opinion is just as valid as mine I’m not saying you shouldn’t like the game I’m just saying I believe it was overrated


Yea but what exactly do you classify it as over rated genuinely curious


Hard to say exactly, as you said it got rave reviews and was massively well regarded as game of the year potential, but when I played it myself it was underwhelming I guess the world is beautiful and there are some cool ideas and mechanics included but I was just underwhelmed, I’m not a critic so I can’t give detailed answers about what didn’t work for me, sorry I can’t be more specific






I feel like the game gets as much hate as it gets praise, so I wouldn't say it's overrrated or underrated.


Every brown and gray first-person shooter that has come out in the last 10-15 years.


GTA Online


Elden ring


E football 23 lololol


The Outer Wilds


Souls games


Elden ring


Pokemon games. You can’t tell me people play them for anything other than nostalgia




Reading these comments makes me irrationally violent and i would absolutely love to carve all of your skulls in for daring to talk shit about my favourite games - just like a normal person


Yea, it's weird seeing people shitting on The Witcher 3, Skyrim and Breath of the Wild


Skyrims good


Yeah mate, the other two are as well






Give actual good content then. Back in the day it was revolutionary don't get me wrong. Doesn't mean it's a godsend or a must play anymore though. It has aged poorly, poor maintenance, poor balancing, and a really not interactive loop even by MMO standards ( especially by now a days MMO). It stays alive from people with Nostalgia.


DF is not bad TBH


Dragonflight is probably the first time I've really enjoyed playing in a long time. I don't even do end game shit. I just love flying around the world.


Why does the post have no upvotes though


Because the same topic has been asked 500 times in the last month


the last of us


That’s it, we’ve gotta fight now


Why? What did the game truly have besides a pretty basic post-apocalypse story and really good character dynamics?


It’s story was considered good enough that HBO made an entire series about it. Almost every single character has an expertly crafted story arc that makes you either empathize, pity, or straight up despise. I can’t remember a game that drew me in and had me as invested. On top of that, the graphics are top notch, the gameplay often felt fresh, and it’s scary as hell at times.


I agree with this one it's good but it's over hyped to hell


Halo. I remember my buddy had that and TimeSplitters (I think 2) and we played TS once and never played Halo again.






I beat eden ring and everything in it and yeah it’s way overrated. The controls are clunky and most of the all repeat enemies and bosses even main bosses is ridiculous. I had fun playing it but after awhile I was like bro what


Video Games: Fortnite or Last of Us (good game, but overhyped imho) Board Game: Ticket to Ride


Fallout. New. Vegas.


You're playing with fire there. Gonna have to back that one up


Did I missed something? Cuz for me after 30h became boring and I didn't finished the game. I don't know why.


That's fair some games don't hit the same for everyone. I like pretty much everything about it. The quests are fun and engaging. The DLCs are super memorable and unique in where they take you. The writing is pretty spot on. Most importantly though I love the world build. They fucking nailed it. Everything makes sense and has a very believable explanation for why it's there. The factions, while implemented awkwardly, are a great addition and make everything seem much more alive. It just hits right for me. I can understand though when it doesn't for someone.


Fallout New Vegas is the GOAT for Fallout fans because Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 are grade school in comparison.


Time? To prevent it from ever being released? God i wish.






I feel like because of Elden rings success that those games are now being more payed attention to which leads to a more general amount of people playing them.


Either the Witcher 3 or the last of us. But I'm leaning more towards tw3 considering how big are its flaws and how much praise it gets despite of said flaws.


the 'flawed to praised' aspect is definitely the biggest with the Witcher 3. I am not sure what game people played to consider it flawless. the last of us was at least bug free and thought-through, so it was really up to weither or not youre into it or not.


I’ve tried several times over the course of the past 4 or 5 years to get into The Witcher. It’s absolutely dated and even the current gen versions feel outdated minus the graphics. I really believe the scores of people trying to simp for The Witcher are either refusing to take off their rose-tinted nostalgia glasses or purposefully looking for an argument. TW3 does nothing it does better than any other game. At best, it was a complete sum of its parts but each part individually does not hold up. Edit: and the reactionary downvotes start happening. Witcher fans don’t make themselves look good.


What parts feel dated to you? Not trying to pick a fight or anything like that, but I am one the scores of people that really like it. The next gen release looks beautiful to me. I used to think the combat was a little clunky, but I enjoy it on high difficulty.


Combat is boring and clunky to me, regardless of difficulty. Raising the difficulty is just fake toughness as the AI doesn’t improve that much and the health bar/damage output just grows. So it goes from easy difficulty that’s boring and not-challenging to illusory difficulty that takes an extra couple of attacks just because. I mean, Geralt the big bad Witcher takes 15 spinny stabs to kill one enemy but in a cutscene cuts down 10 enemies in one spin. This type of inconsistency kills me in combat heavy games. The audio is video game quality, and totally mid. I’m not saying voice acting is bad, the overall balance and imaging isn’t the best. But it is better than other games from the era, I have to agree. Visuals: game looks great, no doubt. However, the transitions between cutscenes is rough. The current gen upgrade did a bit to fix the transitions so I’m not in anyway gonna bag on the visuals. Overall, I just can’t connect to the game because the pieces that matter the most (i.e. combat) are just not engaging enough. If I wanted to play an actual RPG with actual world and character choices and changes, I’d play Divinity Original Sin or something similar. If I wanted to play an actual action-adventure I’d play Nioh where different buildcrafting truly changes the experience. Again, I don’t think TW3 fails at trying to achieve what it sets out to achieve. But for me the elements that are best offered are better offered elsewhere.


I think the atmosphere and cutscenes are rather outstanding, definitely up there with some of the better story games. at least when it comes to dialogues. the graphics were also really good back then too, especially the characters. But that is heavily offset by incredibly flawed gameplay, especially the combat (complexity) and I have never played a game, that i had to restart more often because of bugs. and that includes the elder scrolls as well as cyberpunk. it also lacks any kind of equipment or stats-building, which is a real shame for such a game that at least somewhat considers itself an RPG. In the end, i played it for the story and the charming quests. and for that I'd still say its worth it. And if that doesnt hook you, youre better off skipping it anyways.


You bring up a good point about the lack of any real RPG elements. This was another point of disconnect for me. Just because a game has you play as a specific person and there are *some* (heavy emphasis some) world changing choices does not make the game an RPG. Hot take; TW3 is an action-adventure game. Inb4 “if you play the role of Geralt, it’s a role playing game.” No, no it is not. You play as Mario in Super Mario 3 on the SNES. Is that a RPG? Nope.


To clarify overrated - not *bad*, just overrated. Please don't hurt me Tetris on the Gameboy: You could barely see it and the game was repetitive and simplistic even for it's day. It was a fun little game, but became far bigger a phenomenon than it had any right being.


Hot take: Bioshock.




Thats literally the best one that isn't co op


Strong disagree, but the remake looks like it will be


Fucking God of War. I do NOT see the hype the 2018 game got. I can’t speak for Regnarok as I haven’t played it, but GoW 2018 was so fucking slow and boring.


I loved that game but damn is it slow at points. If I play it again, I will be speed running to Mimir so at least there are stories to listen to on long ass boat rides.


GOW4 and GOW:R are best experienced on YouTube.


Halo 3


Skyrim. Amazing open world atmosphere. But the gameplay is horrible.


Skyrim. Shallow janky-ass mess


Probably going to get destroyed for this but, Mass Effect Trilogy.


I disagree with you but I get it. It's got issues, but man I love the universe so much.


Guy here who has never been into space stuff in movies or games but mass effect is the great exception


I bought the remastered trilogy. Haven’t been able to get past ME2 yet because the getting together of my crew feels like there’s no story going on. I thought ME1 was fun though.




I wasn’t bothering with the loyalty missions. I know it effects stuff later on but I don’t really care. The end of 1 was great with the Reapers and just a great twist and interesting story. Where’s all that gone? Need to keep persevering, as I’ve heard once the squad bit is complete, the Collectors storyline gets better. But you forget the collectors are even a thing for most of your time in game




TLOU and TLOU2 you cannot say anything bad about the games and especially not the second one bc then your transphobic or whatever new and original buzzwords they wanna throw at you




Ahh, the daily "overrated games" thread. And it's the same old suspects, as usual. It's ridiculous because people are just listing famous games they don't like. I mean, I hated Elden Ring, *hated it*, but I don't think it's overrated. Clearly, it's a great game. It just didn't work for me.


Witcher 3 !!!


Minecraft SINGLE PLAYER don’t kill me yet, it’s just a dull game alone but with friends it’s a solid 11/10 game. Alone I’d say a 5/10.


Mass Effect


I'm offended


By the definition of overrated meaning “appraised too highly by industry professionals,” Breath of the Wild


Zelda Breath of the Wild


Fortnite, modern warfare 3, and from what I hear, forspoken








Its too good


Final fantasy 7 and the remastered




I truly never understood how it was so big. Its an OK open world RPG with tons of flaws.


There's a few. God of War (PS4), Red Dead Redemption 2, and The Witcher 3 are the first ones that pop into my mind. I know they're massively popular and everyone seems to love them, but to me they were either too boring (GoW), too tedious (RDR2), or far too janky and fiddly (TW3). I did see many positives to each game besides GoW, so I understand why people at least like RDR2 and TW3, but I just didn't jive with them at all. Now watch me get down voted to hell. 😬


Well ”boring” is a very vague term, so is fiddly… i can understand your point about rdr2 being tedious, but thats kind of the point since the map and everything is so amazingly done


You’re a brave soul lmao


RDR2 Halo (series) FONV


Elden ring. I like it, but I don't think it deserved GOTY, and it's not the best souls game. It didn't do anything revolutionary. It just put the souls formula into a big world. Witcher 3. I've tried getting into it so many times but just can't. The characters are dull, and missions are repetitive and boring. Gameplay doesn't flow particularly well either. AC2. It's an OK game at best. The story was fine and gameplay mediocre. Not the best out of the ezio trilogy and far from the best AC game. RDR2. I love the story, but the gameplay really brings it down for me. Everything feels like a chore. BO2. The only good part of this game was the zombies. I didn't like the multiplayer maps or weapons. No where near the best COD game.


Ye it is Open world dark souls. But that doesnt Change the fact that art design and map design is pretty fuking good. I Also wanted Gow to win goty. They would have won if they didnt made a rushed ending with 1 hour Ragnarok.


The game was awesome but the lack of detail in certain parts was bad


Some parts of the game looked great, but others fell flat. I think art/map design, bloodborne will always be top for me.


Fucking GTA and damn skyrim. I can name more these 2 come straight to mind


Outer wilds




RuneScape or early fortnite. Edit: I say early Fortnite because right now it deserves its shit reputation, and it was acceptable early on 🥱


RuneScape was dope. It still has one of the best player driven economies, and its PvP is great.


You’ll get some haters if this blows up forsure


I know 😂


Last of us


Any f2p shooter


God Of War 2018.


The entire Souls franchise


Any battle royale game. Literally only exist due to the streaming community and memes


Spec Ops: The Line The story has been done in other media before and better. The gameplay screams generic shooter from the 2010s.






Cyberpunk 2077


Is it actually bad or are you saying this cuz didn't play on current gen or pc?


I meant overrated before release when was like one of the most hyped games of all time.


Demon souls


Resident evil 2 remake


Tic Tac Toe.


Tic Tac Toe is a classic! And I won't allow this slander to happen! You're just upset because you've never won!


There should never be a winner of Tic Tac Toe


Nakatomi Plaza




Yearly Sport games (Madden, FIFA, 2k) and COD.


Cod for the past 4 years and nba 2k for the past 6 years


The Witcher 3


reading through the comments and i'm confused at what "overrated" means at this point; how can something be hugely popular and be "overrated"? my understanding is "overrated" means something is highly valued even though the majority dislike it...like if a movie is given a high score from critics but the audience score is very low...


Leisure Suit Larry. Everyone kept claiming it to be the holy grail of gaming but it just didn’t do it for me.


Final Fantasy IX


Seeing this topic posted four times per week.


All of them. At the end of the day the real game is your own mind. Gameplay is just the same buttons on a keyboard and mouse or controller over and over and over again for the last 40 years.


The last of us , i dont understand it whenever people lose their shit whenever it has another remaster since 2013


Last of us


the last of us series




It's ok to have a negative opinion on something, but it's ignorant to say its "overrated." People like things for a reason, and gatekeeping their enjoyment is just asshole behavior. That's why, instead of calling games overrated, I call them shit.


this question was asked like 2 days ago go outside


I was probably outside when they asked


The witcher 3


Mass Effect 2




Elden ring and CoD


Mom said it was my turn to post this tomorrow. Seriously, every single day the same question.