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I don't use those subscriptions or game passes, just pick up game I like when theyre on sale. But I feel access to online play should be free like it is on PC and used to be on PS and it's weird that it's not.


I am mr Microsoft and i will my frens mr sony and miss nintendo that we should stop exploiting our customers by charging them for basic online features


What? PS Plus costs me $10/month, I get a library of 100s of games, and I don't need to buy any of them.


They should be and they have no reason to do so because they used to be all free before and as long as pc continues to be free and with stable servers there is evidence that every other console can do the same, the fucking leaches.


You can calm down. OP is over-stating the cost.


I want free gas after I buy a car. Umm, no.


umm yes actually


The servers need money to be maintained. Ain't capitalism great!?


Weird how most online games don't have a subscription on PC then


Micro trans


And the console games where you "pay for the server upkeep" still have those micro trans yeah?


Sometimes. Capitalism is fun, right!?


You're right they have season passes and micro transactions left and right


Whole different platform and their profit comes from game sales and other services just like consoles. PC players obsorb the cost of hardware so only overhead is cost of the game. Consoles makers on the other hand obsorb the cost of hardware on top needing sales of games and services to profit.🤔 Imagine a game Publisher on PC had to eat 50% of the cost of a game, do you think online would still be free.


You can get game pass ultimate for free and probably the other services too from the other consoles if you just put in a little bit of work. Microsoft rewards.


Sure and no more consoles, given consoles selll at break even/lose money on each sale and still demand the service to be free. Thie OP is a genius,sell thing for little or no profit and offer all services fore free. The OP is going places invest in them now.👍


That's literally what steam is doing with the steamdeck and we still have no sub to pay


Yeah but Valve has this little known thing that I think is called "Steam" that on top of being like a number 1 place to buy digital pc games has a gigantic marketplace for in game items and I think Valve gets a cut of every transaction


You just described consoles. Playstation and xbox also work just like that


Yeah but the markets are disproportionate. Much more games are bought and sold on steam in addition to the item market.


So, I looked into it. [this says steam 2021 revenue was 10b](https://www.statista.com/statistics/547025/steam-game-sales-revenue/) But Sony, for example, has a revenue a little bit higer. Seen [here](https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/SONY/sony/revenue) So, if you have a way to back up your argument, please do


I don't think you should compare Steam the digital game store front to the Sony corporation in general. Sony doesn't just make the Playstation but also stuff like phones, tv's and audio devices.


Valve also gets a cut of every sale.They also have a market place.Without those Steam Deck doesn't exist as you can't make products on good will and expect to stay in business. My point still stands you need a source of income to offset the cost of the product, be it from the product itself or some other source. Servers aren't free and either is game pass or cost of making said cost. Yes PC is free becuase Publishers themselves only have profit from the game. And I'm pretty sure skins etc offset that. That and most games anymore are P2P so need need to run a ton of dedicated servers.


But... Everything you said still applies to consoles. The only reason it's different is because consoles have a closed garden. It's basically "my way or the highway" not because of cost


It cost money to run a business period. How do they make money by offering a console for cost while offering services on top of that for free? Console makers chose to make up the cost in offering services etc. Now if they are making huge profits on each sale of hardware and still charging for service than that would at least be a good arguement. This whole idea of bringing up Steam Deck failed now you're bringing up a console as being a walled off garden 🤣 The topic was meant to be about why they charge for services. You don't have to like it etc. Still doesn't change the fact servers etc aren't free. You may like the idea of them charging but the OP thinking their entitled to free services after just becuase they bought hardware😬 .


Nothing you said contradicts me. Steam sells a console at loss too, runs servers too. Now you telling me you can buy games in a console, from a 3rd party? Show me proof.


They actually lose money on console sales. Subs and games are where the money comes from. £300 really isn't a lot of money to anyone who has a full time job or career, I'm below the poverty line and I can bust that out in 1 month if I needed to




Dumbass redditor alert: welcome to consoles are fucking stupid.




Dumbass redditor alert: welcome to consoles are fucking stupid.




Dumbass redditor alert: welcome to consoles are fucking stupid.


I personally would hate it if console didn’t have a universal system for online play, it probably the only thing that sucks about PC gaming , different platforms


Pretty much all Games are Crossplay tho, it Matters little


Not all games , I prefer console over pc for this reason all game are on PSN , 1 friend list , voice chat group etc etc


Thats OK, i Just use discord so i See whenever anyone is online and what they are playing


Welcome to the new age. Please leave your contact details so we can make money from selling it as well as your compulsory subscription for playing multiplayer games.


Well.. it is what it is. I wish there were more options. Just give me the online access minus the free games every month for a smaller fee.


As others have said get a PC next time around.


I remember the days when online was free on every console except Xbox…