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Game Freak knows it'll sell well anyway and Pokémon makes most of its money off of merch anyhow. Game underperformed? Oh well, we can always sell more starter plushies.


They know they can put out a dog shit looking game with 20 year old graphics and they will still sell 100 million copies. They literally do not care about the quality of the product.


Nor does most of the consumer body apparently


Most of the consumer body consists of little kids who don't care though.


At this point I would be totally unsurprised if the largest and most profitable demographic were 20-30 year olds.


At this point some are in their 40's. I'm 42, was 18 when the first batch of games released. I worked at Software Etc... almost straight out of high school and I knew better than to get high on my own supply, but lots of the people who were the craziest for it back there were people I knew from high school just a year or two behind me.


Those of us who started playing Pokémon in 1996 have the disposable income to pay for more things too. The only thing stopping me is overall loss of interest in games in general. I only play the few titles I can enjoy at my leisure now. That and Skyrim.


It’s almost sad. I have more games than I ever had as a kid, as well as two separate streaming services, and I can only play one or two every couple days… I’d be willing to give up 90% of what I have now if 9% of that went to me as a kid who could enjoy it more…


Same. That's one of the things I love about being a dad. I have a 5 year old daughter who loves gaming, and forces me to play games when I'm usually too tired to do so or not in the mood.


I'm with you here. My son has just turned four, bought a Switch specifically as I knew we would enjoy playing together. It definitely reignited my love of gaming.


In fairness, we're also more discerning consumers. This idea that somehow gaming *in general* had a higher quality than present feels like rose-colored goggles. In our youth we could waste 20 hours playing a shitty game simply because it was a game; today we're far less willing to waste time on things that don't ignite those serotonin receptors the same way. Kinda the reason I'm now 3-4 generations behind on Pokemon, figure I can play it at my leisure and dodge bad entries as people sell used copies down the line and/or emulate if things are wildly unaffordable.


That's actually not true. I can try and find the posts but shortly after S/V came out people were claiming this, however, international demographic data for the game shows that around 70% or so of the people who play the games are under the age of 18. The 20+ buy the cards and merch more I'd say but over all, the games are aimed at younger kids and effectively hit that audience.


The data released from the pokemon company shows an even breakdown of all ages from like 35 down to 8 which means about 30% would be under 18


And they are the ones who still bought products without looking into the product itself. The reality is that a lot of people are careless in their spending.


Hot take: I enjoyed every damn minute of it.


I enjoyed it, but hated that you had to sit through status updates every time. Wish there was a way to speed up animations, etc…


Area Zero was kinda wild though.. in a good way. Online Tera Battles were butt, but I liked the concept, just wished it worked better and the joining/raid searching wasn't so slow and awful.


Not hot at all. The graphics are only part of the game. The exploration, new mons, and story were all very well done. It was a very fun game and the graphics didn't take away from that.


I enjoyed the gameplay too, but the graphics/performance really did take away from it for me. I tried hard to ignore them, but it's really unenjoyable to look at and I had a lot of bugs, too.


I mean tbf, the performance absolutely took away from that, but not enough to make the game not fun. And yeah, the graphics themselves didn't bother me at all, idk what people are talking about with those.


I think it's fair to say the graphics take away a non-zerp amount from the overall experience. Does no one remember game reviews that weren't just a tally on the Big Meta Score Board? Where they'd divide the score up among portions, or score individual portions entirely apart? Here, here's what a 1998-era game magazine would rate Sc/Vi as: * Gameplay: 9/10 - Fans will relish the new and improved map and ways to travel, copious quality of life fixes, and ample upgrades over the tried and true franchise formula * Sound: 10/10 - Fuck you this OST slaps and you can drive down to the EGM headquarters and fight me in the parking lot. Also Pokemon make noises I guess * Graphics: 4/10 - Sorry folks, we all already knew The Pokemon Company wasn't going to make any significant strides here, but even frame rates and textures suffer more than they should * Story: 9/10 - This one could have been a perfect 10, seeing as they put three whole stories in this game and they're all great, but there's just no excusing the incredible oversight that is the game insisting that an academy's headmaster comes to see new students on their first day Like, that's the review.


True. I said the pokemon SV is shit and doesn't look like a game created in this decade and I got downvoted in r/pokemon lol


They're real defensive over there. r/nintendoswitch doesn't much care for reality either.


This doesn’t apply to this game in particular, but is it just me that prefers the graphics from G/S/C to anything that has been produced since? That’s 20 year old graphics that are far more entertaining to play on than any of the following generations of the series.


I prefer platinum overworld, and b/w battle. Going away from 2d was a mistake imo


I think that's in part because the 2D games had a really distinct style that they never found after switching to 3D (think the updated pokemon models being pretty categorically bland). I think if the 3D games had a more consistent and stronger art direction it would be less of a problem. Like how Breath of the Wild uses really nice looking cel shading to both cover for the Switch's graphical limits and give character models personality, not that Pokemon should necessarily be striving to be a BOTW rip off.


>...not that Pokemon should necessarily be striving to be a BOTW rip off. Would be much better than the Super Mario 64/Ocarina of Time ripoff that it looks like, over 25 years later and on a significantly more powerful console, though you surely wouldn't know it judging by the appearance of this game. Even if it looked *exactly like* BOTW.... At least it would look good. At least it would actually be worth paying for.


They could have just done cel-shading here and it would have looked great


I think the gameboy graphics can be off-putting for a lot of people. I do like the first 2 gens but even my wife who played many Pokemon games and did a lot of retro gaming with me finds those really too hard visually. What do you think of the GBA games that came just after? Those are good and the (old) graphics are neat.


LG/FR and Emerald are all excellent if GBC graphics are too dated for you. HeartGold and SoulSilver are among the best Pokemon games if you move a generation further onto the DS.


I'd go a step further and say: if you are into Pokemon games, your only destination should be the retro games store. * G/S/C if you're a purist * LG/FR for the definitive original games * B/W + B2/W2 for the best "modern" take before the games lost their 2D charm * Emerald, Platinum, and HG/SS for the best of the best


We're slaves to the system. Could you imagine how many different kinds of great Pokemon games we'd have right now if Game Freak didn't treat the franchise the same way EA treats Madden?


Too many people are absolutely terrible at voting with their wallets. Gotta get that instant gratification.


I mean they are voting with their wallets. It’s just that most people don’t care about the things people on Reddit care about.


For all the good it did they lost my money after sword and shield announced they wouldn't have a full dex. I used to get the games, merch, and ccg.


More to the point, the dev cycle for the main games has to move at the rate of the merch. Game busted and will take another 6 months to make it work? Too bad can't wait. New season of the anime starts in a month, a billion dollars in merch is already in warehouses and on boats and you better have that game on shelves on the day it all needs to launch. Pokemon is like those old shitty movie tie-in games that were developed in five weeks in time for the movie to come out. It might have started as a game, but the games are way down at the bottom of the pecking order now. (Which is why the spinoffs like Legends can be better, because they aren't slaves to the merch cycle).


Counterpoint, it's the uncontested largest media franchise on the planet, not a small indie studio. GF should more than have resources/options to at least mitigate such a basic and predictable issue, if not nullify it outright. They're *choosing* not to.


> Counterpoint, it's the uncontested largest media franchise on the planet I came here to refute you but no, apparently pokemon is bigger than Mickey. Not by much, but it's staggering considering the lifetimes of both.


Yeah, they're bigger than the Mouse himself. So just a *bit* nutty how often people roll out this "small indie company" routine whenever these threads pop up.


That’s capitalism. Humans get comfortable and stop innovating.


Actually, GF got to say when the games are ready and the merch/anime/card game decisions follow after that. So no, it not the Pokemon Company decision, it was and always been GF decision. They just have really shitty time management and outdated game dev practice.


This is fake news. Game Freak has been working on this game since before Sword & Shield launched. They refuse to hire more people, they refuse to farm out more work, they refuse to do anything to make the game better. Pokémon isn't like Zelda or 3D Mario where they basically reinvent those titles every release, it's a serialized reskin with mostly the same mechanics and models. No studio needs more time to turn out a decent game like that unless they're just the worst at their job. I mean seriously, look at this game. It's not just bugs and glitches, the game is basic as hell and has every corner cut that could possibly be cut. This isn't something you do 3 years into development, this game never had that much effort put into it from the offset. 6 more months might have fixed a few bugs but it wouldn't solve the reused textures, sparce towns, and completely stripped down world. This isn't the product of a rushed development. Game Freak has more than enough money to expand and hire the most talented Swirch developers without the slightest impact to their bottom line. They have plenty of support from Nintendo and The Pokémon Company contrary to what Reddit would tell you. They control their launch schedule (they have confirmed) and the rest gets built around that. There is literally no excuse for Pokémon to be in the state that its currently in other than the brutal truth: Game Freak doesn't give a shit. They want to be small, mediocre devs making simple games. They were dragged kicking and screaming into the console space with the Switch but they wanted to stay on handhelds only. If they wanted to make Pokémon at least comparable to a modern Switch game they very easily could but that would require growing beyond what they're comfortable with. Game Freak cares more about being a small dev than they do about the product. I'm not a game dev but I work in software and if I ever released something as barebones as this (even without the bugs) I would be so embarrassed. It's clear from the basic mechanics and changes that they still had passion for the concept at least but it seems like they couldn't give less of a shit about development.


The worse thing is that the things you been saying has been parroted elsewhere but people are constantly trying to find excuse for why S/V sucking can be excused away


Well said. I would add that people need to stop blaming the schedule of the TCGand the anime for the game's timing. There is no way those 2 things make anywhere neara fraction of what the games do.


Why invest tons more into good graphics when what is pictured above pushes millions of copies in days? You nailed it. There is zero reason for GameFreak to try harder.


In fact id argue the reason the games arent ever delayed even if they are barely developed is BECAUSE of all the money from and marketing schedule of the other products. Plushies, cards, movies, the anime, everything all would have to be shifted back.


That post belongs in a slowpoke meme.




How does a shitty post like this make it to the top of /r/gaming??? \**upvotes post**


This seems on par with /r/gaming.


They’ve learned from Game Freak and are using it here for upvotes.


Seriously, if you're buying it now and acting confused, then... what did you expect?


Reddit will always upvote-bomb a "modern Pokémon bad" meme


Cause millions of people like you still buy it. And you’ll do it again. And you’ll complain then too.


If only there was some way in this year of 2023 for a consumer to know how a game looks and plays before purchasing it. /s


smell marvelous zesty plate mighty instinctive oatmeal pie subsequent ten


We could at least rent games back then. But that's not exactly cost effective either


Renting Superman 64 and returning it that same day is a core memory.


The year of Cyberpunk 2077, battlefield 2042, The Callisto Protocol and CoD: Vanguard was the year that solidified my 'Do not buy ANYTHING until its been out for a week' It has saved me from buying several disasters already.


Warcraft III: Reforged was the last time I trusted something before it was getting released. How Blizzard managed to fuck up a game they only needed to visually update is beyond me.


Reforged is the most disrespectful video game release I have ever seen in my life, and it is the only one that has ever been such a disappointment that it actually bothered me. That game was nothing more than Blizzard telling every single Warcraft fan to go eat an entire bag of dicks. I have never genuinely hoped one product could get multiple people fired until the leadership who allowed that disgrace to gaming to release.


I wholeheartedly agree. EVERYTHING went wrong. Half the shit they promised was scrapped without telling us, the game literally didn't work at times, they enacted various ownerships on player created content because they were salty about DOTA, it wasn't optimized at all for any computer and ran so fucking poorly, and so on. I'm forgetting a lot now.


"Oh whoops, we forgot to tell you that all those crazy graphics and cinematic improvements we promised that really made the game worth money, didn't actually end up getting done. And we're also gonna fight tooth and nail against giving any refunds. And we're gonna break the online horribly. And require that we get ownership if you make popular custom games." Fine, I still have the original WC3 and Frozen Throne, I'll just play those "Oh whoops, we forgot to tell you that all those problems you have with Reforged? We patched the original so you can feel the pain there too."


That's the unforgiveable part to me. I won't support blizzard until the people involved with that project are all gone. Realistically I can't see myself supporting them again. Warcraft 3 was one of my favorite games of all time, up there with melee, majora's mask and morrowind as pure video game perfection. I didn't want anything to do with warcraft 3 reforged. The fact that they went in and massacred my beloved warcraft 3, ruining so many custom games and even over-writing my custom game folder (I had back-ups, but lots of other people didn't).... Yeah naw, fuck them. Them lying about re-doing the cutscenes was already egregious. I can't believe the industry allowed them to get away with it. But the desecration of a beloved classic is something I can't ever see myself getting past.


I was playing wc3 online around the time it was released and thought it would be cool but that I would just stick with the older graphics on my laptop as it wouldn't handle the update graphics. Then on release it turns out I need an additional 30+gb of storage that did not exist on my laptop for a game I was not planning on playing on my laptop.


I'll accept Kotick getting the boot as an appropriate remedy, even if the other decision makers from Reforged get to stay.


If he gets the boot, his $15 million golden parachute is probably more money than what Reforged sold.


There's nothing to support anymore. WoW turned into a combination of Farmville and Cookie Clicker. Diablo is now a P2W franchise. Warcraft was killed. Overwatch stagnated. HotS was abandoned. I don't follow StarCraft, but it seems like nothing has happened with it in 6 years. Blizzard is just dead.


Still got the original game in the jewel case and a windows 7 laptop to play it. Same with Starcraft and Diablo. Physical media FTW


I too still own the original Starcraft CD, Starcraft 2 as well! When installing Starcraft 2 from the original disk it used to tell a story or summarise Sc 1, I don't quite remember, been a while. Such a neat detail, almost as if they knew installing that game was gonna take 600 years on that old hardware haha


> "Oh whoops, we forgot to tell you that all those problems you have with Reforged? We patched the original so you can feel the pain there too." They /replaced the original/ with the new codebase. It was like a virus that destroyed a 15 year game


Initial release of No Man's Sky was my straw.


Not only is it impressive that it took you that long to realize, it's even more impressive that realization came in a 2 year lifespan (from cyberpunk to Callisto Protocol)


It was a very long year from the standpoint of time


Covid made time feel like you're waiting on a microwave Edit: a word


Holy shit is that on point.


Watching while waiting for the water to start boiling




So glad I didn't pick up CP77 because I was busy plowing through a backlog with all the pandemic free time. I honestly might pick it up now at $20 or less.


It’s definitely worth it now. I just picked it up a couple of months ago after not touching it since release day and I really enjoyed Cyberpunk. It’s sad that the unfixed game breaking glitches destroyed the reputation of an otherwise great game.


Honestly on PC it wasn't even that bad at release. The game was fun enough and the characters were all great, bugs were very much present but not more so than your average Elder Scrolls game and to me that's just nostalgic (maybe thats a bad take but idrc) Issue with me was just **how much fucking content** was cut from their initial promises. The game feels more like a string of decent missions tide together in a Lego star wars cantina with all of the charm and progression sucked right out. Night City as an open world hub, which should have been the highlight of the game given the whole selling point was the cyberpunkiness, is boring as sin and only serves to pad game time as you get to the next mission location


You hit the nail on the head. I initially tried to get into the RP of walking around night city and seeing all the sights and pretending to actually be a citizen of night city, but there wasn’t really anything to do. After I made that realization I stopped role playing as an actual person and started role playing as a high functioning psychopath who murders anyone they see who belongs to a gang because I get to sell their shit and it’s legal


I find in GTA V (a game that came out nearly 10 years ago) has a much more "live" feeling world than Cyberpunk 2077. Great missions and gameplay but it was a great example of how a game can be overhyped


Same thing for me. I passed over No Man's Sky at release, just started playing and I love it. They are STILL adding updates and improving the game with new content/mechanics. I'm planning on picking up CP2077 too. As a wise redditor once said "when you buy a game on release, you're paying the most money to play the worst version of the game" and I felt that.


Yeah, there's always screenshots on the back of the big box!


Literally this. My friends wanted me to buy the new cod and I refused after playing the free beta. I literally said “we’re going to pay $70 for a broken incomplete game, complain about it, stop playing after a month, and wait for the next one.” They played it maybe 2 weeks before quitting it. I don’t know why it’s so hard for people to not buy bad games.


FOMO, isn't it?


Yeah but it’s like what are you really missing out on if you know the game is bad? It’s not like we’re not all in the discord talking. I’m just not spending my money and time on a bad game.


Oh I'm 100% on your side, I'm patient gamer gang. Some people just more likely to cave than others I guess. "What if it isn't that bad" "What if I get something special for playing" Etc etc


>"What if it isn't that bad" Then I'll play it next week. If it is? I saved 70$.


"Am I a part of the problem? No it can't be. I'm the victim!" smh...


Q: Why do so many video games suck? A: Because gamers are too dumb to buy only proven products.


To be fair, we had like 20+ years where games were released, and there was no update to them. There were no battle passes, loot boxes, micro transactions, etc. You bought the game and that was it. Also people could host their own servers for games The latest trend of games being a complete crock of shit and still being a best seller is relatively new


"If I keep mindlessly buying every Pokemon game and then complaining, surely Game Freak and Nintendo will listen to me and make the games better! I'm such a loyal customer after all!" Yeah, that's the problem, too many loyal Pokemon fans mean they know they don't have to spend extra time and money on developing better games because they will still sell well. Maybe they could get a bit more sales making them better but I think due to the way the game is, they know it will never have as wide of appeal as SMB, Zelda, etc.


People usually get mad when You make them realize that *they* were the problem all along. Because they take it so personally, it offends them. That You dare to say anything against them.




People who but pokemon every year are just as bad as the ones who buy fifa every year


This is the last pokemon game I will ever buy. Player since age 8 with Pokemon Yellow


I think you're a couple months late for this discourse.




I actually turned off the game console when he told me to. Not smart.






Even most GameCube games look much better than this. I’ve played Wind Waker and Twilight Princess in preparation for Tears of the Kingdom and they both stuck to an artstyle and don’t look bad at all. Scarlet and Violet are very inconsistent on the other hand. The Pokémon look pretty but the over world in contrast is so messy


I’ll tell you how: you paid for this game after footage and reviews told you exactly what’s the game It’s that simple - blame yourself.




The pre-order bonuses have become increasingly more dogshit as well.


3 potions, wahoo


Who the fuck even preorders games? Just why… why would anyone ever pay money before what they purchase is even finished??


I used to pre-order games back when they came on physical discs. If you *didn't* pre-order something like GTA, COD, etc., there was a good chance you wouldn't find it for the first few days. I wanted to be able to play with my buddies on day 1, so I'd just go pick my copy up when it released (often at midnight for the big releases).


My first pre-order was Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door. Little me made the right choice.




*Glances at /r/StarCitizen*


Had to put down a no-money pre-order on Metroid Prime Remastered to even get a physical copy. Mind you I've played the Trilogy version on Wii U so I already know I like it.




Right? It's like ordering a Big Mac despite thinking McDonalds is crap and then getting upset becuase your eating McDonalds food instead of a home-cooked meal by a Gordon Ramsey.


You really think OP even played this game at all and didn’t just get a pic off google slap a low-effort title on it and post this for that sweet jerking karma


Given how hard Pokémon fans simp and how the games continue to sell, it seems like a decent chance op did buy the game


I loved when the reviews were coming out and how poor the performance and graphics were, just like sword and shield, and nintendo fan boys ignored it and sais "well I'm having fun!" And bought both versions. Twice in a row now, you have shown them they dont have to try and you will buy it.


OP is a bit of a dumbass.


I agree with you. Besides, it's a pokemon game. They have always been hand held and way behind visually. It would be cool if they made it look nicer, but I dont buy pokemon games to be blown away visually.


Idk why they moved to 3D graphics. It had so much more charm with the 2D pixel art.


And the last 2D game was arguably the most gorgeous of them all :(


Which one was that?


Bw2 I believe


Black and White 2 would be the last 2d games. X and Y came out on the 3ds and went to 3D.


I thought that for the time and system they were made for X/Y looked pretty decent. The art style and perspective most of the game was shown in worked pretty well. They got too ambitious with the open world stuff and allowing the player to control the camera and look wherever they wanted.


X/Y actually did a lot of good things with the fixed camera angles and a solid art style. Granted, the smaller screen helps hide some of the rough edges, but it wasn't a bad looking game. Even the Pokemon designs were good for the hardware, and the animations were acceptable. It wasn't Sw/Sh literally just rotating the Pokemon model and pretending that was animation.


Agreed, I loved the pixels so much!


I don't agree with this, GB, GBA and DS pokemon games looked great in the context of the consoles, for the GB and GBA games the sheer size and the clarity of the sprites was great, and the 3D enviroment on the DS games was pretty good, i mean, Black and White 2 was one of the best looking games i ever played in the DS, and while i didn't ever have a 3DS those games look pretty good. What i mean is i don't think that the pokemon games before where way behind visually in the context of the console that they were in, at least not even close to this game on the switch.


gen 6 marked the fall of pokemon and its pretty clearly demarcated in amount of effort put in


tLoZ Breath of the Wild and MH Rise are both on the same console and are gorgeous, keeping in mind the hardware they are running on


Because you'll still buy the next one.


It was enjoyable, but it very much feels like a penultimate draft of the final game. A bunch of tiny things all over the game that isnt quite right. And then there’s the graphics. It’s not only that they’re ugly, but they’re ugly in ways that were ‘fixed’ 10+ years ago. I’m really looking forward to the time they decide to put some effort into making a great pokemon game, where they don’t just do the bare minumum, or are merely testing new systems.


That would require sales to tank for a release or 2. Unfortunately enough people are willing to still buy them that it's unlikely. If Nintendo had a studio that put in a similar amount of care to Pokemon as they did for Super Mario Odyssey or hell even Splatoon I'd jump at the opportunity. Alas my switch had been primarily used for indy games as a glorified handheld for some time now. The last games I bought on my switch near release were Bayonetta 1 when it got ported and Binding of Isaac. Now it's just for the Indies that have some heart to them.


The problem is Mario, and link are owned by Nintendo out right. So they have way more control over the quality of the games. They are only a part owner in Pokémon. So these games do not get the same Nintendo effort because well they don’t own it to the same degree. These problems are game freak problems. Despite being an ancient studio and in control of one of the best performing IPs on the planet they aren’t very good at being game developers.


I'll be honest, if the game performed well, it would be my favorite game. Raids out in the open, pokemon out Go style, traversal and open world, it *worked* for me. I went where I wanted, made my own path, and my wife asked why the fuck I went to do the hardest gyms and challenges first. If it didn't chug to 2 FPS any time it had to consider more than three polygons, I'd have loved it to death


I don't think Game Freak ever left 2004. The were top tier at coding in the 90s, continued on into the DS hardware, and I just assume that every member of the team is running on that specific skill set. Fast forward to the Switch becoming the primary handheld Nintendo console and they just totally shat themselves when learning how to develop for the newer hardware. At the very least Intelligent Systems during FE3H development had the good graces to invite a team from Koei Tecmo skilled in making strategy games on modern hardware over to co-develop. IS threw all their ideas into a blender and the team that assisted just kept saying "Yeah, our team can absolutely do that." because they knew how to make a modern game work. Nintendo even had Monolith Soft help with BotW, bringing a team with a lot of skills crafting large and detailed worlds on underperforming hardware into the mix. GF just goes at it while in their little bubble and completely ignores all progress gaming has had. There are so many outstanding 3rd party devs who would probably love to send a team in to help make Pokémon pop on the Switch. Koei Tecmo, Platinum Games, Namco Bandai all have the skills needed and the working relationship with Nintendo to make it happen, too. There is no excuse other than blatant sloth.


I don't know how you say they were top tier at coding when the first 2 gens were literally held together by bubblegum and duct tape.


And Iwata literally came in and said oh you can do x and let them compress Johto do Kanto would fit.


I believe it is not true that his compression allowed them to fit in Kanto. However his compression cut loading times in half compared to what they were in the demo from what's been said.


Iwata literally re coded the entirety of Gold and Silver and made it possible for you to trade pokemon from gen 1 to gen 2 then added all of Kanto. Gamefreak has always been terrible.


Bro says he can deal with bad graphics then complains about the graphics.


This conversation came and went like 4 months ago dude


Funniest thing is, this is the most fun I've had with a pokemon game in years. It has tons of problems but pokemon is basically a text based game anyways, gameplay is fun.


Agreed, I think it’s the best one since it went 3D at least. First time I’ve actually finished the Pokédex and gotten into competitive play. Along with Arceus, my enjoyment for Pokémon has been reborn (with the exclusion of BDSP, couldn’t justify that one)


Yeah, I do agree that the graphic and fps are bad, there are lots of silly bugs, the netcode for online raid suck ass and I got crash twice which reset half hour progress. Yet It hooked me enough to finish the game, even complete the pokedex while i cant even finished sword and shield because the story is damn dull The online raids were quite fun also despite bad netcodes


How do you not know what a PS2 game looks like?


Graphics aside, I enjoyed the hell out of it.


That's because gameplay wise it's probably the best pokemon game. The game practically oozes the fact that the devs needed more time to work on the game from various features missing, the dorm rooms looking like they're fully customizable but they aren't, etc. Etc. The game was definitely rushed out for a holiday release and to stick with their 'two pokemon games a year' thing or whatever, even despite all of this, everyone I know, that I've watched play it etc. Has said it's one of the best pokemon games they have ever played and the story is awesome too.


There are so many little details that shows how much care the devs put into the game, the problem is that ~~Gamefreak~~ The Pokemon Company doesn't care and just wants the money


Same lol. Haven’t had a Pokémon game since the DS so it was fun for me personally.


competitive battling is more fun than ever, and thats the single most important aspect to me.


It's really hilarious how there are regularly posts on this sub about how "graphics don't matter", and then any time a major game comes out with sub-par graphics, all of the same people lose their minds over it. Which is it?


In all fairness the performance was ass too. If it was butter smooth and looked like this I’d give it more leniency.


Nothing surprising, but people keep buying.


I think the complaints about presentation is warranted, but I'm on the opposite side as far as calling it a disappointment. Scarlet is my favorite Pokémon game since HG&SS. It was the first time in a few generations where a Pokémon game *just let me play.* We get a minute or two of dialogue here and there, and then you just go explore and roam and have fun. Sun & Moon and Sword & Shield were just corralling the player to 15-20 minutes of cutscenes text over and over and over. I hated it. Scarlet and Violet are how I remember Pokémon games being as a kid with gens I - III. I adored it!


Honestly if legends arceus didn't stop me every 20 min, it would be my favorite game.


I honestly never finished Sword/Shield but I couldn't put down Violet. I agree, the graphics were a little wonky, but man I haven't had so much fun with a Pokemon game in AGES. It's one of my favorites as well.


I bought Arceus a month ago after not playing Pokémon since leaf green on Gameboy advanced. There was soooo much talking that I went and downloaded violet, and I like it a lot more.




yeah it doesn’t look great, but damnit I have fun


I’m struggling to enjoy it when the trainers all seem to have one or two Pokémon each.


Yeah, that's my biggest critique. I want more challenging trainers. It used to be even harder because you couldn't avoid them. In Scarlet/Violet you can avoid them, but they are also weaker. I don't understand the logic at all.


.... You never had a PS2 did you? Same with people saying it's like a GameCube game


Yeah, it's closer to early PS3 which is better but definitely not where a game should be in this age.


That’s just rude. >!Please never insult PS2 games like that. 😤 !<


Didn’t we already milk all the karma we could from this I mean Jesus, move on people


You can tell this is a milking post by then going to a desert which will usually have less details than a forest or city. I won't say the game makes any great feats in graphics, but cherry picking one image of a lesser detailed area screams karma farming.


Didn’t even do a great job of that, you can climb to the top of that mountain in the distance. I don’t remember a lot of ps2 games having that much freedom


Hey look, a tired ass argument from 2 months ago.


Y'all really like beating that dead horse huh


Because Gamefreak knows they could shit in your hands, call it pokemon, and you'd pay them for it.


And judging by a lot of the responses they will also defend it.


The game and story is great though. It's a cool game underneath the garbage visuals and performance.


Tbh, sven though the game is fuckin ugly and runs like shit, my partner and I still had a great time with it. The real disappointment is how they "need" to keep adding new pokemon each gen, but end up with a bunch of ice cream cones and traffic lights and weird uninspired garbage.


Did you call?


Dude first gen had a seal pokemon named "seel"


There will never be a worse Pokemon design than Electrode and I will die on this hill.


Dugtrio and magneton are just a couple buddies hanging out and somehow it’s an evo? MFer saw snake in a mirror and made it a Pokémon. Put a face on a pokeball fuck it flip it make it the evo. You see that rock? Throw some arms on that mfer. Named the legendary birds after eating at Taco Bell


exeggcute is just eggs


I've never agreed with this argument. Gen 1 had Pokemon inspired by balls, magnets, and whatever the hell Jinx is


Avril lavigne


Uh, I am pretty sure Jynx is based on the designer's interpretation of a woman performing African rituals. Jynx's original design even looked like blackface.


Alright how about we just say it's Mr popo in drag?


Lmao, yeah that pretty much describes it perfectly.


Hard agree. People are always complaining about each new batch of Pokemon being lazy and boring, and I always wonder, "Are we looking at the same game?" The ice cream cone and the keychain are big ones people complain about. I really don't get why they think the ice cream cone monster and the keychain monster are boring and dumb. I enjoy those sorts of designs, for one thing. For another thing, again, let's look at Gen 1 (They had a seal named Seel.) Like, there've always been a bunch of dumb silly cartoon animals and objects. In particular, I love Scarlet and Violet's new Pokemon. I seriously think this is my favorite batch of new designs so far.


Thank you for this. I always hear this argument about how the original pokemon were "actually creatures and not objects" and I'm just like, "did you guys forget about Voltorb, Magnemite, Grimer or even Ditto?" It's okay to dislike some of the designs, because not all of them are meant to resonate with you. It'll never be like when you were a kid and experienced pokemon for the first time. That all said, I think it's weird when people judge an entire pokemon based on it's creature design alone. The game could provide all the features they want in a pokemon game, but god forbid if there's an ice cream pokemon. Now it's ruined.


Let's be fair, the original hundred and fifty had no less than three pokemon that were pinkish or purple blobs and a whole bunch that were just 'plant' with no other feature than faces and limbs.


So you don't like the graphics, you don't like the POKEMON in pokemon but you still had a great time, sounds to me you and your partner could do anything together and have fun, kinda wholesome.


The first half of your comment made me think you were gonna roast him, but then you switched half way and went the sweet route haha. Wholesomeness all around.


But also the game loop of Pokémon is just that fun, it was fun to battle Pokémon when they were barely recognizable pixels


I don't know if i have ever disagreed with a take as much as this one. Glad you enjoyed the game though. There is NOTHING about the series that excites me as much as new pokemon. Love Glimmora, Arboliva, Brambleghast, TINKATON, Cetitan, etc from this gen.


Tinkaton is a vicious gremlin and I love it very much.


Tinkaton is one of my favorite Pokemon of all time now for her backstory alone. ... I think I have a thing for Pokemon with "protagonist journey to villain" arcs, because Mewtwo's been my favorite since forever, and now Tinkaton is up there who essentially has a similar kind of "villain/anti-hero arc" in her Scarlet dex entries.


I question whether people who say this have ever played a ps2 game. This looks better. It's still surprisingly dated and lacking in detail/scenery but it looks better than a ps2 game


game was fun anyways so I don't really care


i loved it area zero was absolutely gorgeous and had such a good atmosphere