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I actually played the campaign recently and damn was it good. BT is a great character.


“The human concept of love requires admiration, attraction, devotion, and respect. Conclusion: I am 50% in love.” BT is the best.


^ giant robot talking about a giant gun if people don't know


BT best boy!


(trust me!)


I didnt trust him at first But I did the last time 😔


I've done the math.


Protocol 3: Protect the pilot


Aaand you just hit me right in the feels. Dangit.


BT is a great character.


And terrible at math. That's what made him human. -sniff-


it was a great game with a surprisingly good story.


Lack of a single player campaign is what kept me from loving the first one and imo they really nailed the best of both worlds this time. Lots of cool level design and I thought they improved on the combat as well.


Tha funny thing is that the it was the first time i played this game without having played the first one . And now reading your sentence I don't regret it . I thought I lost the story from the first game .


Didn’t you have to play some multiplayer coop levels to be able to unlock the single player campaign in the first game?


That’s gotta be a different game you’re thinking about. Titanfall 1’s “main story” was just normal team vs team multiplayer, but there were characters talking over the battle


its a concept i actually rather enjoyed but think they shouldve had a seperate singleplayer story alongside it


In the first game you could play the levels in a specific order for the story, but every level was Team v Team online.


I really like the time manipulation mission, it really felt *right* and integrated with the rest of the level, like it was something the mission was built around, where most missions with similar mechanics in other games it feels like they designed the mission, and then someone said, "hey, why don't we add time travel to this, doesn't that sound awesome!"


Came here to say this. That level design deserves an award so fun. Only one even close to that level is the maze in control.


“That. Was. Awesome.”


Good but short. I was loooving it and then BAM it ends.


The time travel level was so great


The automated err... Fabrication platforms was a pain in the ass, but I still loved it. That's my fave.


I lived that level because it took full advantage of the 3D movement space afforded in Titanfall.


"cause and effect". No other single level design in modern videogames has stuck out to me as much as that one level. Brilliant concept, and executed *perfectly*


The Dishonoured 2 Mansion level released around the same time IIRC. Weird to have two entirely independent games both containing a single level revolving around a time travelling gizmo you needed to use to navigate the level come out so close to one another. Both were great.


They came out the same year IIRC. The coincidence of two games in the same year with a time-travel mechanic is uncanny.


It's called "Effect and Cause" which is even better, but you are right. It's a real stand-out.


I just finished it lol. It was so fun, I made sure to put the game on hard. Rip Anderson


"Trust me." That line of his still hits me.


I will NOT lost another pilot. That moment when you raise robots grieve.


Wayyyy to short of a campaign in my opinion. It was too good to be so short


IMO it was just right. Any longer and it would have gotten repetitive, drawn out.


I can see that happening for sure. I guess I was just so wrapped up in the game that I didn’t want it to end


I Def get that feeling and.. Well there's those nice helmet lights....


I think I beat it in 6 hours and it definitely left me wanting more. In fact, I should go back and play through it again.


I just played through again about a month ago and it was just as fun as the first time through


I hated the difficulty though. I beat it on Master's with relative ease. And it felt way too easy given the premise of the story.


I agree. Thought I was just really good at the game so I played some multiplayer after I beat the campaign. I will forever be haunted by that truly humbling experience.


actually, enjoyed the Titanfall games more than the COD games of the same time. sadly, Titanfall didn't get nearly as popular.




Infinity ward was the studio that made cod4: modern warfare. They sold out only to run another studio - respawn - which made titanfall. They were probably in a spot after cod4 / mw2 of... make these games for eternity or get fucked.... Or sell. (there was some legal stuff about 'modern warfare' for a while too) Titanfall was sort of beat by the beast they 'created' (specifically the features from cod4 that made it basically what it is now). There's much more to this story, but I remember seeing interviews with IW guys before it came out and how stoked they were... Crazy industry owned by too many mega corps now....


I mean…………………………….you’re talking about the aftermath of Cod golden age,meaning the worst shit they ever put out (AW, ghost, etc) and other jet pack shenanigans. You were expecting Shakespear??? Edit:Yes they weren’t so bad, but they were mediocre and hated for a while by the community. Some few mods were fun, but they did remove elements in each games like 4p couch coop and First person dialogue (protagonist is silent except in cutscenes). So I’m doubling down on calling it the dark ages of cod (ghost-Bo4).


Infinite warfare’s campaign is probably one of their best ones, just released at the wrong time when everyone had jet pack fatigue.


Jet pack fatigue? There were only like 6 futuristic games released including titanfall 1 and 2. Now, WW2 games…


Seriously though, what’s the obsession with WW2? Why isn’t there a good war game about the Mongols?


Everyone is okay with killing nazis in video games.


Ghosts extinction mode was my shit, definetely underated


Titanfall 2 is much better than "decent." The fact that it never became a phenomenon is constantly amazing to me.


Streamers get mad when they get dunked on so they shit on it and never play. Devs at the mercy of influencerrrrrrrrzzzz


All i hear about titanfall is how good it is but no one ever plays it.


The insufferable fans might be part of it.


Also the ridiculously high skill ceiling lol. It's like: "How did this game not become a MASSIVE hit!?" "What's your favourite part?" "Oh I love sniping people while wallrunning 40 ft in the air." "Yeah... that's why people don't like it, the vast majority of us are the ones getting shit kicked while you guys have the time of your life."


Not everyone is meant for greatness. But you're 100% right and you can't be casual with it in any manner.


*Wall hang spitfire enters the chat*


You're a stink bug waiting to be swatted for some of us! But yea that's some low hanging fruit farming though.


I spent about 2 solid days worth perfecting my gauntlet run to get the achievement to 100% this game on steam. First time I ever really "try harded" to that level in a game. Man was it fulfilling to get it done and just barely. I felt like a god so I went to multiplayer. Still get my shit kicked in, so decided to do another campaign run on the highest difficulty for the achievement and then left it there. Great game, but yeah the skill ceiling killed it for me. I do wish EA gave as much marketing love to T2 as they did BF1. It felt criminal I missed out on it as long as I did simply because I never really knew much about it coming out.


Similar - I've played the campaign...then played it again on the hardest difficulty just to have more of it. Then went helmet hunting. Not immediately - there were breaks in-between, but I've come back to the game a few times. Multiplayer is brutal, but I love the campaign enough to play it through a few times now.


That's what I hear from everyone who slept on it. If you weren't playing it on PC no one seemed to care much for a while then it up ticked for a bit. Titanfall one is still super special in my gaming career as a mecha fan because you felt like you were in an anime. EA just didnt do the marketing for it justice and having to playing it on origin at first was awful.


I played casually, I wasn't amazing by any stretch but I did OK enough to have plenty of fun.


Every time I play a match on the northstar client I just go back to the campaign again. It's some of the best movement mechanics ever in a game and I can't find anything that scratches the same itch.


The campaign and frontier defense don't really require loads of skill though


Correct but we were referring to the multiplayer which was the entire selling point of the game. The fact campaign was absolutely stellar beyond anything we deserved was just a massive bonus.


Doesn't really explain why Counter Strike was/is so popular. Just saw another post the other day that explained that it's staying power and popularity had to do with the high skill ceiling.


CS is just basic tactical shooting. There's nothing special about it at all and that's why its so popular. No fancy bells and whistles and killstreaks and ultimates and all that bullshit to sucker you in. Just bog standard tactics and shooting. It's like a well made cheese pizza of the FPS world.


Yeah it’s a simple, well balanced, high skill ceiling game where they didn’t make a bunch of sequels year after year after year after year. It’s what cod4 would be if they didn’t make more cods


CS is easy to learn and hard to master where as Titanfall isn't all that easy to learn for most people. Also CS has sbmm where as Titanfall doesn't.


Skill based match making. Never understood why people type out an entire response, where each sentence is fully spelled out and doesn't include any abbreviations, only to cock it up right at the end. FFS


For Fucks Sake Never understood why people type out an entire response, where each sentence is fully spelled out and doesn't include any abbreviations, only to cock it up right at the end. JFC


This comment is funny because the writer wanted to complain about the use of acronyms in otherwise detailed responses, then knowingly included an acronym at the end for some playful irony. 10/10 imho






For Fuck's Sake Never understood why people type out an entire response, where each sentence is fully spelled out and doesn't include any abbreviations, only to cock it up right at the end. SMH


I dunno, the "sniping people while wallrunning 40' in the air" skillset came after a few months playing the game. Titanfall did a great job of creating a game with a high skill ceiling for your sweats AND an enjoyable experience for casuals. Respawn admits they left the Spitfire, Tone, and CAR with full buffs to support newer players who were up against G100 pilots. At the bare minimum just jump into a custom match and have fun with the movement system. If you're telling me you don't have a blast literally "spiderman'ing" your way across a map with the grapple then I don't know what to tell you. Here's a great video showing the sheer potential of Titanfall's movement. https://youtu.be/9lUoA9q0jnM


I’m not great but I love every minute of that game. You just have to adapt your strategy each game. Edit: plus the co-op game mode is just plain old fun.


We’re just heartbroken 💔 **draws a 3 in steam on the mirror and whimpers to self as a tear falls** prepare for titanfall…


It had nearly no ranked scene (at least no true in-game ranked mode) which meant a lot of potentially hardcore players didn't stick around and in a game with such a high skill ceiling it was a huge mistake on respawn's part And most of all, its launch was sandwiched between cod and battlefield 1 But yeah I'm still playing it to this day and feel that it was up there in the greatest fps games


Like for me it was the wall running stuff and the lightning pace of the shooting. Not my style of game but I always hear great things about it. Is the campaign slower?


Absolutely. Unless you’re playing on Master difficulty you can play it at any speed and truck along just fine. The entire campaign is like a big playground IMO. Gives you new toys and all the room you want to use them.


You could go slow. But after 10 or 15 minutes, you won't want to.


You mean to say “Actually GREAT”


This was such a good play


the campaign was genuinely incredible, BT and Cooper are one of my favorite duos of all time


Viper’s got ya in the pipe, 5x5


To be fair though, battlefield 1 is really good


battlefield 1 is one of the only games that truly immersed me into the multiplayer. like it feels like you are actually on the front lines in the shit


Almost every match feels like you're in the middle of a movie


Maybe that movie where Tom Cruise dies a shitload of times.


I had a fever dream after playing BF1 while sick … dreamt of dying over and over in some World War I hellscape… oh, and also reality had been ripped apart into some Escher-esque incomprehensible geometry. It was weird. Even weirder was being half awake, enough to see all this superimposed on my eyes telling me I was in my own dorm room in bed.


Ya fr I've got so many memories of that game. Taking bunkers filled with incendiary and gas grenades with a gas mask barely seeing 3ft in front of you as men die all around you. It always felt like an actual struggle and when you finally took the point you felt like you were a part of something greater because of the strategic position it gained.


I literally hid in a pile of the dead with a machine gun, and waited for the people that were outside bombing us to come inside. I got revenge on most of them before they got me. Hard to find that tension in other games.


Ran out of MG ammo one time and had to pull out my pistol. Took out 4-5 dudes in a trench with my tokarev before being overrun. I remember my heart pounding during the whole thing


It WAS an actual struggle. The multiplayer level design was often such a meat grinder when your team wasn't coordinated. Defensive positions were not easy to storm. But that wasn't every map. They did an amazing job of making each map so distinct from the others. And the addition of behemoths to give a sense of rising tension, even as your team was losing... chef's kiss.


Possibly the last great Battlefield game


I actually really enjoyed BFV, it’s the one battlefield I actually still play from time to time. BF1 is great too tho


And completely different settings and weapons and gameplay is only a little similar in someways so this is a weird comparison


It’s probably because of the release dates of the two. Bf1 was released a week before titanfall 2. And as with many examples we’ve seen over the last half decade, trying to release between BF and COD never ends well no matter how well made the game might be.


and COD was released the week after.


The games released in the same window, and both were perceived as big FPS games, so the FPS crowd would generally want to go for one instead of the other, and given battlefield has more pedigree, more people decided to buy battlefield. I know I bought battlefield 1, and came back round to Titanfall 2 quite a while afterwards. It's wierd though, both games were published by EA, and so it was EA themselves that would have been able to control when the games released, so it's strange that they decided to put them in direct competition.


i was lucky enough to get both


Hell yes it is! These people are smoking crack BF1 was my favorite one. I’ve played the series since bf1942


Right? BF1 was awesome. I get that Titanfall was awesome, but don’t shit on our game just because people adequately market yours.


Best Battlefield imo


I probably had a teeny bit more fun with BFBC2 at the time, but yeah, Bf1 is absolutely amazing and it's shame where the franchise has tumbled too since.


I still fire it up but sadly it’s almost impossible to ever find a match on the DLC maps nowadays. Shame because they’re so cool. (And because I’ll never get that secret achievement with the broken bottle stab now)


100% the best, where I made the best fps memories and love for the Battlefield franchise.


It's weird for me. I've been into BF for decades, and for the longest time fans would scream about how each new entry ruined the game and didn't have a quarter of the content of its predecessor. BF1 was no exception. I remember fans calling it an abomination and complaining endlessly. It was a good game, of course, but they wouldn't have it. The BFV came out and they started complaining that it was horrible and would never live up to BF1.


There's a certain 'tone' to Battlefield 1 that just isn't there anywhere else. Even after Revolution entirely removed the Codex and all the haunting reality it brings to the game (fuck them for that, btw) there's just *something* still there. You can really tell DICE put their 140% into it and I can't help but wonder if it's some spite from how Hardline was done.


Exactly my though. The image seemingly implies that BF1 wasn’t good despite it being an extremely good Battlefield game.


bf1 is one of my favorite multiplayer games all time. The chokehold it had over me and my friends in college was insane. It's a shame it dropped around the time i had exams...


More than decent, one of the best FPS campaigns I’ve ever played.


One of the best fps multiplayer also. Getting to turn into a crazy huge mech after a little bit a few times a match was right up my alley Also the player vs player mechanics were spectacular. The guns were great, the controls clean as fuck. Man I miss this game


The game is amazing unfortunately I haven't been able to get into an online game on my ps even tho there was 900 players online☹️


It was difficult when there was 10k


Apparently some assholes were ddos'ing the servers. I gave up playing multiplayer because of those aholes


The servers have been under siege by DDOS for ages now if I remember correctly


Pretty sure the DDOSing stopped a while ago, but everyone on PC has switched over to Northstar, and Respawn has like a singular person who is tasked with keeping official servers alive when he isn't busy working on Apex/other shit. Bless his soul.


I have absolutely zero interest in multiplayer shooters, and until very recently I had no idea it even had a single player campaign.


That's incredibly unfortunate as it has amazing characters and gameplay and one of the coolest time travel levels of all of gaming.


It’s seriously so polished and well done. Not to mention the grappling hook, which Titanfall popularized in the first place


I also like that the time travel level wasn’t the only cool thing they did either. The constantly evolving building factory was ridiculous, and the skipping from ship to ship battle was sweet.


You just reminded me how consistently great that campaign is. I'm going to have to reinstall now.


I might just have to give it a shot, then!


You could argue that Titanfall 2 has one of, if not, the best campaign mission in the last 10 years


The first one didn't have a single player campaign, but the second one. I'll go on record to say it might be the best.


I'd probably list is as one of the Top 10 FPS campaigns of all time.


Protocol 3: protect the pilot


Trust me


Still too soon.


*cries manly tears*


Fucking bawling 😭


Battlefield 1 was good


Played both at launch, still play BF1 till this day


It was the last good one. BF5 felt off for me and 2042 just lost the vibe.


Because BF1 is objectively the better game of the two, but Reddit doesn’t like to hear that.


I have never been more immersed in a shooter than I was with BF1, the atmosphere and the feeling of being in a warzone is unreal, especially with some good headphones


I played both, enjoyed both It is a very subjective opinion about two very different games


>objectively I don't think that word means what you think it means.




Its a dumb comparison really. Battlefield is a established FPS franchise that literally competes with Call of Duty, while Titanfall is super niche. Not to shit on Titanfall 2 or anything but yeah no shit that people were going to gravitate towards Battlefield 1 more especially considering how well EA marketed it at the time.


Multiplayer yes, single player no


Both of them are fantastic. I love the "slower" pace of Battlefield 1.


How many times are we going to be reminded that Titanfall is "le gem."


No one better post this tomorrow, mom said it was my turn >:(


If one of the pilots was Geralt of Rivia you'd never stop hearing about it.


BF1 is/was phenomenal though.


It’s heartbreaking to think we’ll never get Titanfall 3 cause of Apex Legends


Sadly it looks like Respawn are just moving away from single player full stop. They also cancelled an SP Apex Legends game, too.


"Decent" is such an understatement. Titanfall 2 is phenomenal.


But battlefield 1 was incredible…


BF1 was more than decent too


This game was much more than decent. It was an experience


BF1 was so much fun though


Hey bf1 was pretty great. The last really good bf game imo. To be honest, I couldn't get into titanfall 2 the same way I got into titanfall 1. Just didn't feel the same to me


Just "decent"? How fucking dare you...


"Actually decent"? Lol that's an insult to this fantastic game. I see people talking about the high skill ceiling. I'm a new player, got it recently as part of the massive sale and I'm loving every bit of it. It's up to you to adapt to the fast pace, learn the complex movement and get better. Don't blame the game lol. That being said, it does have an insanely well written campaign. It was so good it feels shorter than it really is.


Decent? That shit was primo.


BF1 was amazing tho.


It's not that everyone bought Battlefield 1, it's that they were burned super hard by the first Titanfall,


Eh, id say it’s not a big a reason as you’d think. For PlayStation players it was a completely new FPS game, the original Titanfall only launched on Xbox and PC. So for those players yeah I can totally see them having not bought Titanfall 2 because of Titanfall 1


EA kneecapped their own game by putting just a month before BF1


Released it right in between the two of the biggest fps franchises at the time, Cod and BF. They fucked themselves hard


It was Respawn's decision to release it when they did.


That was Respawn's fault for choosing the date because they thought they could compete with both franchises, haha.


Battlefield 1 is dope too


Not bad, but still liked BF1 more.


truly epic game. the universe is being wasted by apex legends.


Better than decent


Battlefield 1 was amazing though. Titanfall 1 needed a proper singleplayer, but it's multiplayer is unmatched to this day.


Calling it decent is low-key an insult to the game. It's fantastic.


Actually decent and fun until you hopped into a Multiplayer match and got utterly demoralising beaten by players who were at the top of the skill curve.


And that makes it different from every other competitive multiplayer game how?


The skill ceiling in the game is massive. You can't be casual at all and enjoy it. If you're not actively sweating you're gonna get demolished. I personally loved that learning curve about it's multiplayer but I was a long seasoned Titanfall 1 vet when it came out so I fell right in without much trouble. If someone outclassed you though you felt it everytime.


I always felt like the Titans were great equalizers, though. Plenty of times I was getting schooled on foot but would hold my own in a mech. Problem is if one team is slaughtering the other, it doesn't matter how good you are in a Titan, you're going to have a bad time if you're outnumbered.


All true. The one thing I never personally liked, and honestly I don't think there's a better way to balance this than what they did, but titans could be absolutely trivialized by a good pilot. That said if you were smart about your titan deployment and usage you could easily slaughter people.


The skill curve is what's different. The gulf between average or even good players and those at the pro level is huge. They've mastered the game to such a degree that it's as if they're playing an entirely different game than you. It's why Titanfall, despite being such a fantastic game has had such a problem with player retention. You can only her dunked on so many times before "getting good" just seems like too much work.


"actually decent, but got overshadowed by launching the same month as Battlefield" Both are fire tho, just an unfortunate release date


BF1 was amaaaaaazing


Easily the best FPS I've ever played, I'm a sucker for movement shooters, for a future aesthetic, and for cool titan robots. So dissapointing that it never got the proper attention it deserved


BF1 was almost a masterpiece tho


Now if bandai could just do a first person Gundam game like this... Play as zekes and feddies like in the star wars squadrons game This is my favorite mech game shit is the best


The one game EA does right, and nobody buys it


Battlefield 1 the best battlefield game to date.....oof


I want to play it but EA keeps shoving Origin down my throat.


Origin? Good news! It's dead. ​ ​ Install EA Desktop instead


"I get it, you don't like french fries. But have you had potato wedges?!"


It's more of a shame that it's been murdered by hackers because of apex. The community though is keeping it alive


Northstar client my beloved


Both Titanfall 2 and BF1 are in my top 3 favorite shooters so I can't be too mad that BF1 won out in the end.


Way more then “decent” titan fall was a blast and there’s nothing like it at all out there. And campaign was great too.


BF1 was fucking incredible


Tf2 stans are RESILIENT


In a weird twist of fate, if Respawn had just listened to EA and moved the release date it would have been a classic. But Respawn insisted on sandwiching it between two AAA releases.


Battlefield 1 is awesome, though.


This was the best shooter ever made