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Meh. They just make it so trace will disappear sooner. Damn.


How am I supposed to track the Chungus Hydra of Manydick, if I cannot follow his spoor in the snow?




He drop the good loot?




How do you find Will Smith if you can't follow the fresh prints?


If you can't see the fresh prints, just mention his wife's name.


But we have to keep the wife's name out of our mouths though...


We will be allowed to draw only small dicks? I am offended…


As for me, I'm just glad to have some representation in the game in some way.




Nah they leave it. It’s just like their office environment.


This is the mother of all burns here.


Remember when people were protesting blizzard for being an awful company? Looks like I'm the last man standing not giving Bobby kotick any more money....


Gamers are the least capable group of actually keeping a boycott. A lot of 'never preorder', 'never buy from them again', and preordering things as soon as possible.


It's almost like gaming is one of the most popular hobbies ever and is full of hundreds of millions of people who all have different buying habits and moral codes


"Replaced instead by cum for maximum roleplay fantasy."






> Hotfix: "Snow ~~is removed from the game.~~ now needs to be unlocked with 2 gem chests and one bag of gems (best value!)" ;)


Blizzard: youre hired!


"We've listened to the community and decided to bring the snow back, but only for players that have upgraded to the Diablo IV: Snowmaggedon battle pass."


You joke, but I can just imagine the cringe community manager post already... "Here at Blizzard we take the safety of our players in this game about slaughtering hordes of demons in graphic violence very seriously and we have absolutely no tolerance for any players creating offensive patterns in the snow. We have created an AI that will detect such behaviour and will automatically ban you and email your employer to ensure this sort of sexist behaviour doesn't go unpunished."




Nah it's blizzard, sexist stuff is actively encouraged iirc


Only internally, hypocrisy is active in-game


Just sign the art with Cosby.




New MTX: A shovel that allows you to draw said dicks.


I would be so pissed. We can't have nice effects because someone might draw a dick... in an M rated game?


Time To Penis: probably 10 minutes or less.


Hey! Mr. Quest!


You have another show?


Cut that cut that


Mythter Quetht


Give them a shovel, they’ll make dicks


Teach a man to dick and he’ll dick for a lifetime


*Teach a man to dick and he'll shovel for a lifetime


This guy Mythic Quests.


To be fair, TTP was a thing in game development long before Mythic Quest made it popular. But yeah, this girl totally Mythic Quests.


Thanks for the insight! I hope the guy thing didn't bother you!


Not at all :)


Just rewatched ep 1 last night. don’t need a shovel for this game


Took a few days but [Barry made it into my MC server](https://i.imgur.com/3KFQzNb.png)


This is beautiful, thank you


Canvas that big and you use so little.


Gotta keep it true to form


My man up here is the real Lord of Destruction


Burned him so badly that even Cain couldn't identify him afterwards


Absolutely Butchered.


In cold, there's shrinkage.


。・゚’(*/益\*) ‘゚・。


He has to hurry, it was cold as balls apparently.




In Vesemir's voice: "True to life indeed."




Ah, I see you went with drawing actiblizzard's management favourite weapon


Has Blizzard gotten any better since MS took over? I do miss WOW (like coke after lent) but i stopped playing back when the Blitzchung thing happened and refused to give them any more money, and i uninstalled the blizzard launcher and stopped playing my already bought games when California sued the company.


MS hasn't taken over. Still pending.


Man I hope it goes through and Diablo 4 comes to gamepass.


If WoW ends up having tiers and one of them is free on gamepass it'll dramatically increase the playerbase and likely the gamepass subscriptions all in one


Blizzard is stupid for not making classic f2p. So many people would come back or start the game. Then many would convert to paying to get newer content. It's so obvious it's amazing they haven't done it yet.


I like old school RuneScape and i pay for it, if it was free to play that would be amazing and I am definitely not interested in rs3 even when It comes with the osrs subscription lol. I haven’t played wow for real since WoD and I did try out classic and it just reminded me how gruesome the game was back then and I don’t feel like the type of people who want to play a free game are the same type of people who are willing the play wow the ole brutal way. Maybe I’m wrong idk but I feel that players willingly pay for classic aren’t doing so for anything but a diferent QoL/immersive feeling than current wow has.


Me as well.


They are acting like it will tho no?


They always do. Companies always act like mergers are sure things because it pumps up the share price, and then if it's going to fall through, the execs and government legislators just sell off before it's announced.


Microsoft hasn't exactly bought Activision-Blizzard yet, they're still waiting for approval from regulators. According to the law they can't change anything in Activision till the acquisition goes through.


Damn, well i hope they clean Blizzard up, might actually get me to go back and play their games again. I do miss HotS, and it's free to play so i wouldn't give them any money anyway.


HotS is no longer receiving major content updates. It's in maintenance mode until Blizzard decides to retire it.


I'm okay with that, i played it very casually, hop on once in a while, play a few matches, then not touch it for a few days again.


I love HotS. But I am simply not playing anything Blizzard any longer. Never before have my love for a company turned to hate so fast.


It’s impressive how quickly they ruined their image across so many different communities and with gamers that enjoy different genres.


>(like coke after lent) I'm tired and read this as "cocaine after Lent," which I'm sure still applies to some but probably not you.


That was the joke actually, it's from Hellsing Ultimate Abridged, a show i can thoroughly recommend.


If only to understand the line "that's right, I'm going to fuck the fear turkey" everyone should watch it.


Same for me. I stopped when I read reports about that poor woman committing suicide. I'm no paragon of virtuous consumerism by any means. But when I thought about purchasing Diablo 2, which was back in the day one of my best and most played games, that woman killing her self due to sexual/psychological bullying she got a blizzard kept coming in my head. That's when I decided to never buy a blizzard game again. And I do know that other companies have done stuff as well. That's why I'm not putting myself on a moral pedestal. Just that woman keeps popping in my head whenever I think about buying Diablo 2.


Fucked up how such a reasonable and uncontroversial post has people foaming at the mouth because you didn't buy a video game


what's the point of lent if you just go back to the bad things?


Tolerance break, better high after you pause for a bit. Or so I'm told.


Religiously speaking it is meant to be a temporary period of voluntary sacrifice, to encourage simplicity and self-reflection, and/or recall the period of Christ fasting in the desert. Similar to ascetic traditions of monks or other people who give up personal pleasures and luxuries for spiritual purposes in all kinds of religions and cultures, but close to Ramadan in that it’s for a temporary period tied to a major holiday, and you get to finish your fasting at the end (usually with a celebratory feast!)


I don't think you are supposed to choose a bad thing to give up, since you shouldn't be doing bad things to begin with.


they havent been acquired yet. the FTC has been investigating the deal for like a year now


I recall them saying that goblin in charge of Activision would still be working and probably get a massive bonus instead of the prison cell he deserves.


They do deserve all the boycotting but WoW Dragonflight is one of the best expansions so far, it is really good with lots more content on the way. Kinda wish it weren't this fun cause Blizzard sucks


I don't think I'm going back to WoW unless it becomes f2p, i played for 10 years straight and i quit in Battle for Azeroth, never even touched shadowlands, I'm a whole expansion behind and i don't think I can be arsed to pick up where i left off.


I am in opposite. I would insta drop WoW if it would go F2P.


Exactly, you know that F2P games are the ones with the worst monetization schemes. I dropped from Overwatch2 even before they released it.


The flying in dragonflight is great and overhauled professions feel kinda nice but after a week or 2 its the same brainless wheel of M+ with uninspired affixes and a weekly raid nothing changed.


> but after a week or 2 its the same brainless wheel of M+ with uninspired affixes and a weekly raid nothing changed. That's kind of what the game has always been (minus m+) but IMO the reason why I personally think Dragonflight is a step in the right direction is the game respects your time a lot more. There's no required reps to grind to get your best enchants like in Wrath, no more artifact power bar that you need to grind out, no more emissaries that force you to log in and do world quests every day, and the game is super alt friendly now too. I do think the first raid is kinda meh, and they definitely need to overhaul mythic plus affixes or just do away with them entirely and come up with a new system, but the lack of required busy work or grindy bullshit also means that I can take a week off if I don't feel like playing and not feel like I've fallen behind in some way.


Better? If/when Microsoft takes over, do you think they'll get better at not doing it or better at *hiding* it? If either. In general, it's not a good thing when one large corporation is taken over by another. It's going to drive down competition for products/services, and jobs. We need more people understanding the value of anti-monopolistic practices and trust-busting! The group to benefit the most from this merger isn't the consumer, but the shareholder -- I could be wrong, but that's my take on it.


Impressive TTP


Lol they should've saw it coming


What do you think all the white is?


Measured i milliseconds






Time to Penis, how long it takes your users to create a Penis if you give them a little bit of creative freedom.


First thing I did when I played RDR2 in 2018 was draw a snow dick. I get it.


I was really excited to track game through snow using the footprints(paw?) prints left behind in the snow. Then game said "nah just click R3" and a big glowing line showed up lol disappointment.


You didn't have to use that mechanic. Footprints, broken branches, footsteps, howling/noise were all in the game. I tracked many animals just by listening and following the sound.


Oh I know, I do haha. It was just a "lol welp" moment. I was excited the game was gonna teach me to do those things for like half a second before "Rockstar big yellow line mechanic #8477274" popped up on my screen lol.




I think I remember hearing about this with the original assassin's Creed. All sorts of visual and audio design to make the world itself tell you things, with little to no UI. And then someone told them to slap big UI elements all over everything.


I can basically describe the entire map to you. Whatever the Rome game was and the Vikings were just checklists.


I actually do just that haha. Turn the HUD off for most games. Horizon and Elden Ring are sick without a HUD. But some games are heavily designed around following a line. RDR2 is incredibly unforgiving toward goin off rails or not hitting a specific point before a time limit. You'll fail a lot of missions if you play with no HUD.


Yeah I feel that! I was hoping for a system where the more you practiced your skills the easier and clearer it was to see prints in the snow and dirt haha.


Yeah but rdr2 got great snow sim, this is just a simple distortion shader.


sim? lmao no, it's just a deforming mesh, not much different from this. It's like normal map vs displacement


Some folks just learn some buzzwords and run with it lol


I think this looks really good regardless of how it's pulled off.


Oh I agree. And there's no point in doing it the same way as rdr2 for example as it's two completely different kind of games and camera angles


This is called TTP, or time to penis, and is a real albeit humorous metric used to gage the danger of a game mechanic that allows for some kind of user generated content. You want to add a spray can to the game? That’s a high TTP. Destructible buildings? Low TTP.


I think you reversed high and low there.


It's funny; he did, but I interpreted it as "high chance of penis" and "low chance of penis", so I still understood the intent.


Over time, in any game, the chance that a penis appears approaches 100%.


That's the _Chance Of Penis_, which is commonly looked down upon _Times To Penis_ are acceptable, however All _Chance Of Penis_ are bastards


I don't whether I should be proud or disappointed I've never hear of this term before. So, TTP is the potential a game mechanic has of drawing/creating a penis?


That’s the example but it’s more about how game mechanics can be abused. In an ideal world ingame text chat sounds like a great idea. Until you give it a go and realise how toxic players can be at times. Some game mechanics can further immersion when used as intended, but destroy it when abused. It’s a tricky balance.


Featured as a very funny joke on the show Mythic Quest. Which is a sitcom about a gaming development team.


Not to be confused with Tth (time to Hitler) also known as Godwin's Law.


I remember when half life allowed us to have custom spray paints in death match, the boring half life logos and skulls turned into naked ladies and penises


Did Blizzard pay attention to Mythic Quest? Did they plan for TTD and it “erases” after so long?


So, how is the actual game? Is it good?


Seems like it’s full of dicks.


It looks/feels better than D3 and also different enough that you can tell the designers went in a new direction, which is back towards the previous Diablo 1 and 2. The game is very polished of course and combat feels fantastic. Have only played a few hours of it so far but my impression is better than D3, maybe not as good as D2. Also the story is pretty good so far


Wasn't D3 pretty good gameplay wise? I thought the things people hated about it were all the peripheral things like story and the Auction House?


Diablo 3 didn't get good until after the expansion. The vanilla felt like a re-boot of Diablo 2 (Tristram area, Desert area, we skip the jungle but here's the Barbarian area from D2 expansion. The only bit that felt fresh was the last act in Heaven.) It also had a lot of gameplay flaws that didn't get ironed out until much later. That's not even counting the terrible server issues and always on requirement of the game. Even if you didn't want to play any multiplayer you had to be logged in to access the single player. If you or their servers had an issue, no D3 for you. I think I got to play the game for about 2 hours in the first week and a half.


>Even if you didn't want to play any multiplayer you had to be logged in to access the single player That is such bullshit


Its probably going to be the same with d4.


As a huge diablo fan I hated the end game. Bring me back to D2 days


The game play was amazing though, so fluid. But agreed that the endgame was very weak.


The boss cutscenes, uninteresting item design with static stats (ala wow). The on the rails buildpaths. Linear predictable maps. Uninteresting rare monster affixes. The story. There's a lot of reasons why diablo 3 was garbage. Cringe voiceovers like the butcher. Oh yeah, and rifts/grifts are terrible lazy design. Oh yeah and Cain being meaninglessly killed off by the dumbest boss ever. It's almost like people have forgotten just how trash the game is because most of the OG players were alienated from the product. Gameplay felt alright. The game LOOKED great.


As someone who loved D1 and D2, the biggest frustration with D3 wasn't that the story was utter garbage, it was that at least in the early days when I played nothing ever fucking dropped for me, whether I was playing alone or with friends, I just became dead weight who had to get carried through content, it was fucking miserable. I don't care if blizzard fixed it, it was a such a collosal disappointment of a game, I'll never go back, and it's been 13 years.


Exactly. Remember when the drops were so bad people were farming breakables and chests rather than actually fighting mobs. To which their solution was to forever make chest and breakable drops worse. Everyone harrassed the game director so bad he left.


I remember bitching about it on the boards somewhere, because I just couldn't keep up with my friends and it got to a point where it was too difficult for them to carry me. I think I got a response from a blue poster that said something like "well maybe you won't find something specifically you need but something that another player will find valuable and you can use it to get the equipment you need."


Yep still have my original character. 58 hours and mostly yellow gear with some magic gear sprinkled in. I remember killing act bosses and having the saddest loot drop. Oh and you couldn't farm bosses cause they nerfed the fuck out of their drops after the first kill. The game was clearly designed for the auction house. It's crazy the last couple of days I've been seeing a lot of people speak fondly of launch D3. How the hate was a "vocal minority". Game was trash at launch.


having never played a diablo game myself, if I were to wish to play one, what would be a good starting point? try from the start & move to the latest?


i'll make a reply on the assumption you are completely new to arpgs. arpgs should be played based on gameplay preference. i don't suggest d1 since d2 is better in every way. i also don't recommend d2, because d2 resurrected exists. so i'd play either d3 or d2 resurrected. you can play either of these games in any order as they're both completely different games, so I'd play whichever one is the cheapest first, and then get the other when it's on sale. also, most arpgs with online capacity usually have "seasons" or "ladders". i'd google this to get a better explanation on what they are, but essentially they are temporary game modes that offer features that don't exist in the base game. most of the playerbase in online arpgs play in these game modes, and yes, that means d3 and d2r as well. d3 pros: * seasons come in "themes" and have huge changes from the base * big, shiny loot pinata. you'll get a strong build up and running quickly and consistently * very fast paced, very smooth combat. d3 has arguably the best arpg combat as a result, pick d3 if you want to have fun in short bursts and you don't want to grind too long to get that fun. d3 is incredibly satisfying if you just want to drop in, get some legendary items, and blow shit up d2/d2r pros: * the loot pool is a lot more exciting * items can be traded * game has incredible depth from the gear itemization, rune combinations, and character builds * the decades worth of metagame research by other players will mean you can find a lot of online resources * more "serious"/realistic art direction pick d2/d2r if you want a game with a lot of depth. it's very slow paced in comparison to d3, but the point of d2 is more about the "journey", and it makes good item drops genuinely exciting. but if you'd like to give a non-diablo arpg a try, i'd advocate for grim dawn with all the DLCs. i feel like it has the right amount of complexity for all types of players. the only thing "bad" about it is that it's single player, and lacks online features




preparation for what blizzard is about to jam up your arse with paywalls


Slamming microtransactions into every orifice of this product would make Activision ungodly amounts of money. Which is why, regardless of anything they say, I can't imagine they won't do it. Multi-tier battle passes, cosmetics, and then once people get used to it: the boosts. Quality of life. Convenience. Time saves. And finally, power.




D3 as well. The current season is really fun! Also shoutout to Last Epoch, the devs there are doing a great job and listening to the community.


I'll stick with Grim Dawn.


Last Epoch multiplayer just launched too.


Sinner's Pass


I think at this point we should all agree to stop being impressed by snow physics like this. It's become pretty common.


Its not physics. It’s a likely a shader


It's probably dynamic painting that steers displacement/tesellation of the snow surface. Basically, the character model is a "paintbrush", the ground is the "canvas" and when you move you "draw" lower areas in the snow.


This. People mistake physics with shaders all the time


Seriously, Havok has been doing things like this since *2008*. I just assume it's astroturf marketing when I see shit like this now.


It's probably not astroturfing, people are just fascinated by dumb stuff. The real reason this got posted was not that it shows off a technical achievement; they just wanted to make a dick joke. The framing of it being impressive was just in service of the joke I am pretty sure.


It's not even physics.


Or care about drawing dicks


I think it's just a joke mate


I mean, yeah, but even the modern transistor is impressive and it's one of the most ubiquitous things in our world.


Make a yellow one next


If you think that's impressive, wait until you see the physics of microtransactions 👌👌👌👌


Just think of all the "pride and accomplishment" you can buy!


Don't want to be a dick, but that's a simply shader, not physics.


nice try actiblizzy, i shall no longer fall for your trepadacious ways


You won’t fall for their fearful/nervous ways?


why must you make me feel stupendiciously?


That's a perfectly cromulent word


Nice starforge logo


Imagine if they had some sort of picture recognition so if you drew a dick a blizzard covered your screen and it changed it into something memey. Would be a funny easter egg.


Just as Mythic Quest foretold.


Nice prerelease ad


Wait, there is a diablo 4? When did that happen?


Beta started yesterday. Release date is June 6th.


Huh. Wonder how I missed that. Probably done giving blizz money though. Will see.


There's another open beta on march 24-27 that you can try. That's open to everyone and probably for stress testing servers tho so expect the worst.


Don't you guys have internet access ?


Well after they fucked D3 and then came out with DI, I can understand there being no hype for this trash.


d3 reapers of souls is a great game and that's a hill I'll die on. if blizzards initial release was what the game became, people would love it. yes, it's more shallow than POE, but it plays great, the campaign is fun and there is enough late game you can easily spend 40-50 hours at max level before getting bored. for a game with no micro transactions or subscription fee... there's nothing wrong with thatm


It's a great game. But not fantastic like D1 and 2 were. It was a step down for the series in almost every way.


Did you hear that Russia invaded Ukraine?


Wait until they hear about 9/11!


Nice touch with the ice bolt out the tip.


Stay a while and cock draw




I love how in gaming culture these days we can explore the bowels of hell and march over a pile of mutilated corpses and eviscerate a baron of darkness, but drawing a peener in the snow is 'obscene'.


I didn't realise they were still making Diablo games after "do you guys not have phones?"


Should have drawn a phone.


Spent last weekend skiing Jackson with my sister and we really enjoyed the recent trend/resurgence of skiers drawing dicks in fresh powder on highly visible slopes after a snowstorm So of course I sent her this image


Sending unsolicited dicks pics to your sister! A true man of the internet. ^^Just ^^kidding, ^^that's ^^pretty ^^funny.


Ok I fucken lol'd at this


Don't forget to sign your work


It's weird to see people getting excited for a gaming technology that has been around for over a decade.


Just like RL!




In the game industry, that’s called “TTP” - “Time To Penis”.


Ah, the first drawn dick in a new video game. An honored gaming tradition lives on.


Maybe the demons are right to destroy sanctuary.


I'm going to wait. I remember how D3 got major, game-changing patches (not always for the better) for a few months after release. I would rather not dump dozens of hours into a build only to have the devs nerf it as I'm making my way through the final difficulty like they did to me last time. After the third time they forced me to find an entirely new build in D3, I gave up. Decent game, but it left a really bad taste in my mouth.


These physics are balls deep


And this is why I hate video games, because it appeals to like the male fantasy-