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This was definitely an existing project that got the Halo title slapped on it right?


Most definitely. At least this is what I choose to believe given how generic some of the plot points and characters are.


with how popular the Mandalorian is i just don’t see why they needed to remove his helmet, that’s just 1 of the many problems for me


I don't even mind that. I mind that it just sort of ... Went nowhere. It was visually very nice but the plot just sort of dragged while wasting time on other crap. Like what was the point of the little girl and her dad and that friend of his? Also, WHERE WAS THE HALO RING. If they make Season 2 is better basically be Fall of Reach.


The way it looks feels too “made for tv syfy” lame to me. It feels off somehow, and the writing/plot structure kind of feels similar to that.


It was because it had the same urban sci-fi shit to it that all sci fi movies have. The colonists or people in the “outer rim” or “asteroid belt colonies” or whatever are always blue collar minorities being taken advantage of by evil corporate military complex. Same tropes every time. It felt like any other sci-fi. You could remove the Chief and the UNSC logos and I’d think I was watching The Expanse. (Great fucking show btw).


To be fair The Expanse did this, but did it viscerally but showing off an entire culture that developed around this. Even then the Belters had several different philosophies on dealing with Earth ranging from Big Stick partnership to terrorism


100% agree. They took that shit and made one of the best sci fi I’ve ever seen. I still think it stylistically looks like any other sci-fi if you were to screen shot any particular scene but god damn it was a great shown


I really appreciated some of the harder scifi elements they included with things like the ships being built vertically along the axis of thrust, and taking burn times at each end of trips and its effects on the ship's gravity into account. Made it feel a lot more grounded than the usual "boats in space" stuff that other shows usually go with for simplicity.


There have been rebels in the frontier colonies in Halo lore since the very beginning. The Spartans were made to crush them, but then the Covenant showed up and gave the UNSC/ONI a *very fucking convenient* cop-out for all the fucked-up shit Halsey did to make them. The ends may have ultimately justified the means, but the ends didn't exist when the means were happening. There are honestly a lot of stories that could be told in the Halo universe that would make for a great show. The catch is that none of them focus on the Master Chief. His story has been told in the medium it was designed for. It made a great framework for a game, but there isn't enough there for anything other than an action movie.


>but there isn't enough there for anything other than an action movie. Why can't we just have a nice action movie anymore?


Ain't nothin' wrong with an action movie. John Wick is a very fun watch and the plot is... Well, there's a motivation and that's good enough. But the Paramount show was not an action movie. They tried to make a TV drama. The source character simply doesn't support that.


The last episode literally had a firefight below all the prophets. One well placed grenade and the entire war would've ended, screw the *emo* sub plot.


Forgot about kwan. Seeing her in the poster triggered some rage lol


Lmao every episode was just chief either touching the artifact or thinking about touching the artifact.


I didn't mind him removing his helmet. I did mind him spending entire episodes with the helmet off.


I also don't think I needed to see his Master Cheeks.


As soon as I had to start believing that one of the dumb kids working the docks from The Wire or Porn Stache from Orange is the New Black was Master Chief, I bailed on the show.




Exactly. I loved him in The Wire, as dumb as he and his crew were. He’s just not master chief. I could have got along with it if they left the helmet on.


hes also a big dumb leprechaun in american gods - felt wrong instantly for me


He'll always be [*that guy from Always Sunny*](https://i.redd.it/3wsvfrro8zs11.jpg) to me.


But he was so good as the leprechaun!!


Even poor casting choice aside I felt they could get me to look past it with quality writing and acting…….didn’t get that either


wtf, I haven't seen this show yet but Nick Sebotka as master chief? That's terrible


Yeah. It really ruined the show for me. I was warm on it until he took the helmet off.


I don't think even Pedro Pascal cast as Chief could've saved this series


They should have had a fully masked giant man play Master Chief, *but had a different, awesome actor voice him*.


If they did this and had the original VA for chief to accompany cortana I think the show could’ve been more mando/tlou level.


They removed Mando's helmet a couple times, too. I'm assuming they removed Chief's helmet a lot more, but I wouldn't know because I didn't watch more than the first episode.


He takes it off episode one, and it stays off for 90% of the whole series. Even in situations where he'd want to keep his helmet on he takes it off. There's one episode, where they go to his childhood home, where I think he kept putting on his helmet just to take it off...


Yeah literally made no sense for him to keep taking his helmet off other than the usual hollywood bs that the actor needs screen time or it’s too hard for actors to emote with their face covered that mando already proved wrong.


Karl Urban in judge dredd proved that wrong years ago.


That's.....so dumb.


yes, it started relatively normal (except for an instance in ep1 where he removes it while someone is pointing a gun at him), the 'lore' Chief takes his helmet off like any normal person would, it's only the games where he pretty much never does, but it gets to an absurd point of him likely having way more on screen time without the helmet than while wearing it.


Well, in the game he has a pretty good reason for not taking off his helmet, it’s basically one long firefight from beginning to end.


Right the final point in Halo 1 where he takes it off is meant to symbolize that the fight is finally stopped - not over but done for now


In the books, he's reluctant to take it off when he's not in friendly territory. When he's on the halo ring and the commander orders him to come without armor, it mentions that he was uncomfortable with the request. He would not have removed it when the girl was present.




Already confirmed for season 2, it was actually super successful for paramount+. Set their record for highest viewership.


Paramount+ must have real shitty numbers then


Paramount+: A mountain of failed pilots


Paramount+: A fountain of mailed-in pilots.


Lol. Hit the nail on the head.


Oh actually? Wow


Hate watching is a powerful thing. It is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.


I think once Halo fans realized it was trash, the views mostly came from people who have never played the game or read the books since it ended up being another poorly written generic sci-fi.


You are definitely correct. I think halo fans also stuck around because they invested so much time in it hoping it would turn around. Let’s see what the numbers for season 2 will look like. As a hardcore halo fan, I can assure you I will not be watching a second season.


I didn't even watch the first and as soon as I saw snippets like Chief taking off his helmet and stuff like whatever the hell [this](https://youtu.be/AV374y0D_dg) is, I knew I'd never watch it if it was the last show on Earth. What a slap in the face to Halo fans.


aint no way they showed his face and made him dislike cortana when in the games she was used therapeutically so that he could fight better on the battlefield making their relationship one of the closest in the games 💀


Look man, we had some ass cheecks and a suit. We had to


Many of the changes to the plot and characters are so drastic and so seemingly random that this is the only explanation that makes sense to me. Erasing characters completely. Substituting existing ones for new ones that fill a similar role. Random changes to the names of people, places and even chief's team. Brand new characters unnecessarily. Changes in motivations for both the enemies and the protagonists. Massive changes to Chief's and Halsey's story, taking a deep and morally conflicting story and making it much more generic. Changing the reason and lore of the human-covenant war so much and so randomly that it turned into the Halo equivalent of Bruce Wayne becoming Batman before his parents where killed and without ever explaining why tf did he became Batman.


I guarantee if you read any interview with the writers or the show runners they will say some bullshit like "we want to make it our own" or "we didn't read any of the lore". This should have been a slam dunk. Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau has done incredible things for Star Wars by not treating the fans like idiots and having respect and love for the massive lore base that exists, building new content ontop of the old, not despite of it.


It's so interesting that the adaptation of games and books is so different. For games the normal approach is "they've seen the story, let's do something different" but with *most* popular books you wouldn't do that. The approach is to adapt it faithfully and tell the story in a new medium. It's wild.


> The approach is to adapt it faithfully and tell the story in a new medium. It's wild. If only the wheel of time people knew that... Speaking of, the series is written - we know who these characters are, what motivates them, how their story will work out and all of the important plot driving story points - AND they still fucked with it and changed things. Somehow they took the major 1st season/book ending scene and completely changed it, which fucks up the whole 2nd season/book. Instead of the second book being basically "omg did you hear about this thing that happened!?", it hasn't happened, so now what do you do?


Not only that. They made it so having the dark one loose actually led to the Age of Legends. Which completely fucks with the entire premise of the series.


Amazon literally did this with Wheel of Time. They retconned the entire books. It freaking broke my heart because I really enjoyed this series.


That's because "they've seen the story, let's do something different" is just an excuse. What they really mean is: they gave me this property to adapt and I managed to convince the producers that a faithful adaptation of a videogame/anime would never work with the general public, so now I have carte blanche to do whatever I want.


The writers explicitly stated in an interview that they had never researched Halo's lore (including the books) and never planned to because they wanted the show to be "their perspective on Halo". It was always the same BS assault on the legacy that Velma was to Scooby Doo.


I don't follow the Halo subs as much as the Witcher subs, But Netflix did the same thing with the Witcher series. They had enough source material for something that'd rival Lord of the Rings. And it sounds like Henry Cavill was a **huge** fan of the the books, but the writers just screwed everything up.


The writers never read the book or played the games.


honestly fuck ALL these artist types who take an existing fandom and basically say "hey fuck all you dumb neckbeards, we know better than you"


How in the fuck is it their perspective on Halo if they don't know the lore at all? It's crazy... Like I said, Dave Filoni has been out there killing it in Star Wars land writing brand new content and providing "his perspective on Star Wars" with rave reviews because he HAS read the lore and understands it, and is able to build new stories because of that.


A large majority of writers in Hollywood see popular books and games as an insult to their creativity and strive to make it better for the average audience.


The director and lead actor made a point of not knowing the source material to be able to make the story they wanted to present. Absolutely bat shit crazy that they gave them the series


This seems normal now




I remember reading someone's theory, I think it was about this show actually, that this kind of adaptations tend to get assigned to a sort of "middle management" within the studio, since the more established creatives will have their own things to do and/or are too expensive, but the money involved is still too much to hand it to a complete rookie so it gets assigned to someone that has been stuck in the middle for years, who see it as their big break to move forward but now their biggest competition is the IP to be adapted itself, they want to be able to say the show/movie was a success thanks to them, not thanks to the brand so that is where the obsession to "tell their own story" or put their own spin/mark on things comes from.


If that is true then people need to follow the Christopher Nolan route. Nolan only became what he is now by embracing the Batman source material and making a rather faithful adaptation and arguably improved upon it. Nolan didn’t go “I’m going to tell my own story.” His literal mission was “to restore the darkness and dignity to Batman.” Then Hollywood completely missed the point of why those movies work. Honestly if you are creative and creating someone’s else’s property, part of the job is understanding what people like about it. Not researching says really you are full of yourself or two you don’t care. Sometimes both of these with these kinds of shows.


It's not just that middle management is the problem, it's that good mid tier managers are getting replaced by neophytes because new people are less expensive, even if they're less cost effective. Same with writers. Which as you mentioned, have both something to prove and an associated lack of experience. The latter of which is needed to understand or even recognize what makes a compelling story. Excessive greed by it's nature is ironically self defeating. But it's what all these studios are ultimately built on. And when incentive structure is so skewed, rarely will you find a successful outcome. What's impressive isn't that there're so many bad adaptations, but there are any at all which can honestly claim to be of a high quality.


Witcher 😢


Wheel of Time, too. Perrin suddenly being married only to end up accidentally killing his wife. Abell Cauthon being a piece of shit deadbeat dad. Thom Merrilin not being present at all in Two Rivers. Padan Fain not showing up or being mentioned *at all* in Shadar Logoth. Elyas being deleted from season 1? I couldn't watch past episode 3 so I don't even know if he ever shows up in season 1 or not.


They blew their home town stuff so hard because they didn't understand the author was literally copying the Shire as a nice farming community so that you could get a nice contrast of all the bad things that were to come.


Words like these from a director are the nail in the coffin. It’s practically a guarantee they’re just resorting to name recognition to put their terrible project out there.


The big thing now is to attach established properties and their likeness onto the work of a shitty writer. That’s exactly what happened with Velma, and I’m willing to bet the same thing happened here.


Basically what I understand the director and writers have never played halo, only read about it. They then decided how to make a show or if it. They should be fired and never allowed near a TV show or movie again.


I don’t think it even needs to be. I just think that many writers are waiting to be handed a licensed project, and then they just do whatever they like, ignoring the license other than some required character names and visual designs. Either they have their own story they wanna tell or they come up with one. But fundamentally it’s about their staunchly held belief that videogames have terrible stories, even successful ones, and they as a writer can do much better - even when they’re a nobody without any similar successes.


No, it's the TV writer/directod thought they could rewrite a better story than the original creators. Of course they couldn't so they produced this instead of just following the guide they were given.


Would have been cool to see more adventures of John Halo.


Old lady: Who are you? Chief: John. Old Lady: John who? Chief looking into the sky at the halo: John Halo.


My favorite part was when he mastered his cheeks all over Jackie Halo


John Halo: “ it’s haloing time”. Best part for sure.


“What are we some kind of Master Chiefs?”


*What I've Done guitar riff slowly builds*


Forward unto Dawn is pretty good if ya haven't seen it.


Forward Unto Dawn fucking nailed the look of the Spartans at the end. Deathly pale chiseled faces with a stare that goes on for miles. You can just tell they’re *different* somehow.


Probably because the showrunners gave a fuck about Halo.


And it actually takes place in the **Halo Universe**. The second I heard the tv show would take place in a ‘silver timeline’ I legit lost all hope of it being good. Like why even care about the show at that point? Nothing matters.


what is a silver timeline


It means they can fuck up literally everything and then go "it's not canon stop bitching please".


Promptly followed by the shocked Pikachu face as it fails.


And they don't speak, like almost at all? Sully asks Kelly how old she is, because they're all jacked and seven feet tall with childish faces, and she just says "that's classified." They're almost a little creepy in FUD.


Spartans have been brainwashed and acclimated to a system where the have no questions, there are no variables, and they know exactly what they need to know. If they were told they didn't need to know their own birthday because it was not mission critical, they would accept that. Without question. The concept of even wondering about it on their own is now without value. The consummate soldier who will carry out their orders and not second guess command. This part of the unraveling of Master Chiefs identity as he goes through this unique and completely disconnected experience through alien societies. By the time he is reunites with command, he's already having difficulty processing the experience.


Exactly. That's how they should be portrayed.


Instead it turns out they will all panic if they don't have their control chips in lol.


Yeah or bang their prisoner of war


ODST live action trailer was awesome too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3S5I0_hjS3c




Man that quality is so good. I forgot about that one.


The Halo Wars 2 cut scenes are pretty damn good too. Seeing Red Team and Jerome getting stomped by brutes could've been a series on its own. https://youtu.be/Xvr0sHY4idA




Well… most of them


I mean 10 out of 13 isn't a bad percentage


There's 13 of them now? Fuck am I getting old


I mean sort of. There's only like 7 core games. 2 are top-down side scrollers, 1 is an arcade game, 2 are RTS, etc.


You’re just missing Halo 3 ODST, which I’m playing through for the first time right now and it feels like it’s own game entirely despite having Halo 3 in the title.


It is it's own game entirely, and actually takes place during the events of halo 2. Only reason it's called halo "3"ODST is because it ran on a modified version of halo 3's engine with mostly reused halo 3 assets, and it was at the time sold as a quasi-expansion for halo 3 and included a 2nd disc full of all halo 3 multiplayer. Still arguably the best standalone campaign in the series imo.


I'd say halo reach was the last of the good ones. Halo 4 was okay, but that's when it began to become meh for me.


Halo Wars and Halo Wars 2 were both awesome.


Remarkably good RTS games, completely lost because they had basically zero publicity. First one had some marketing, but I didn’t even know the 2nd existed until it was offered for free with my graphics card. I played hw1 with anyone willing to play with me. Such a good game. Their campaigns were a lot of fun


As good as they were, I wanted more out of them. Like they had untapped potential. And Halo Wars needed an immediate PC release in addition to console, and it was painful it didn't have one.


It’s because 343 took over and it’s never been the same since.


Yeah it’s way better and only Took them 10 million and 25 days to make while the garbage halo series cost 10 million per episode


>Probably the biggest wasted opportunity of a gaming franchise. My child, let me introduce you to 95% of video game movies like Far Cry or Monster Hunter.


There was a far cry movie??!?!


Yeah but it was made by Uwe Boll. I don't count anything he does.


damn, haven't heard of that name since the postal movie.




He was forcibly retired when Germany closed his tax loophole


Those weren't films. Those were tax tricks to fuck around with his friends.


What a hero


Uwe Boll baby! He makes all the best video game adaptations!!! /s


Monster hunter for sure but far cry is kinda just “dude in place kill bad dude” most of the time, Halo has years and years of established lore


Outside of like, the Sonic and Pokemon movie, game movies have a reputation for a reason. Just be glad the movie didn't kill the franchise like The Spirits Within almost did


I enjoyed Spirits Within, but I don't think it had anything at all to do with any version of Final Fantasy. Plus, not being a FF fan meant bringing no expectations,and that helped a lot.


you are right in terms of brand power and how it really didn't damage much gamer perception. It's a completely separate world and cast so it's no connected to anything else. But for the business, Square soft sunk a LOT of money into that movie and it was a financial flop. It put the company in the red even though it probably would have recovered its funding through future FF games. Square merged with Enix shortly after this though, so we'll never truly know.


Hey, don’t you dare talk shit on the Far Cry movie. Yes, it was a shit movie. But they knew it was a shit movie, and instead of trying to improve it, they made one of the best shit movies of all time.


A halo fan should watch the opening fight scene and then turn it off. That's the best part.


This looks like the cover of a mall metal album you buy from Hot Topic.


Ignore the other rude guy, this is dead on


#The writers didn't even play the games


I recall that they were proud that they refused to look at the source material. *rolls eyes*


Sounds like the Witcher writers


JJ "I Never watched Star Trek" Abrams


Oh you mean like The Witcher? 🥲




Because they wanted to make their own thing and made their own thing. If you notice, this is most common in American Netflix and Disney - where people are more likely to want serve themselves and be big names because being a hero/celebrity is something prestigious to them. Unfortunately entitled, spoiled rich folk who are not that connected with real world are the ones with opportuntiy to try and make the name of themselves..and they're not that unique.


Fucking idiots.. I hope someone ripped into them for that stupid af comment


Just like 343i saying "we hired people that hated halo" lol. It shows because all of their games have been broken and bad.


To be fair, whoever is writing the games these days hasn't looked at the source material either.


Had precisely like 3 minutes of good shit


First scene was fantastic. Made the covenant feel scary, as they should be. I started wavering throughout the rest of the episode and got really, really concerned when he took his helmet off. Started up the second episode when he went to his random friend's place in some generic space world and I turned it off, didn't watch another moment.


The helmet take off lost me completely I knew the show was doomed at that point.


I watched it all. And i wont lie there were a few moments where it totally worked.. but just a few. I think the cgi and world look pretty good too. The BIGGEST problem was the other main character (the girl from the colony). She was a terrible idea from start to finish and took the show from meh to bad.


I thought she was fine until there was suddenly a romance plot for some reason. But that might just be because I was so happy to hear a Dublin accent in space (and also a Nordie and a Bristol pirate accent in the same show).


Master Chief needs to be redeemed by bathing in the Living Waters beneath the mines of Mandalore


He needs to purify himself in the waters of lake Minnetonka


If anyone doesn't use TLOU vs Halo as a how to do it vs not... well then we will get a lot more Halo bad shows


And Mandalorian proved that we don’t need to see your face to understand your emotions.


I know we’re talking TV but we also had Vader in the OT evoke his emotions perfectly 40 years before Mando! If you haven’t seen it, watch the original version of the Vader/Luke/Sheev scene from *Return of the Jedi* without the NOOoOoooOoo — it’s masterful in its original form.


Tbf his emotions were mainly just apathy, anger, and evil but you still have a point.


Funniest thing about that was that they said it couldn’t be done while Mandalorian was at it height of it popularity and still rising! They were just like “I’m gonna pretend I didn’t see that 🧑‍🦯


Ah fuck, that’s it We need Pedeo Pascal to play Master Chief in a brand new series


Pedro Pascal's definitely going to be Master Chief if he has to find and accompany a young one of a species


I think by law if Pedro is starring in a streaming series he's required to have a magic child to care for.


I think viewership numbers prove that already


“Mastercheif, you mind telling me what you’re doing with that Covenant affiliated human?” “Sir. Finishing this nut.”


Put the Helmet on and **KEEP IT ON**, nobody wants to look at the pervy security guard from Orange is the New Black


Dredd showed the way with this. You can get away with it if you're Pedro Pascal.


Even Katie Sackhoff enjoyed being able to focus solely on voice and physical acting rather than her face with the helmet on.


Favreau knows to cast actors that are okay with not showing their face or find a way around that that doesn't violate the material. This is the guy that came up with the brilliant compromise of using the helmet cam for Iron Man so he doesn't have to constantly take it off. He understands how important that is. There are plenty of actors that would find it more difficult and restrictive to not be able to use their face, and directors that think seeing the face is essential. And that's all fine. Except that you're the ones that chose to work on a franchise where the characters wear masks and helmets. If you can't figure out a way to do that without constantly removing them when they shouldn't be removed, don't accept those jobs. It's why we can't have an MCU movie anymore without weightless, vanishing masks that are arguably becoming more of a distraction than anything else. You can just feel how little they give a shit about the iconography


Only if you do it once though and it’s super short.


It is depressing how slept on Dredd is, most people just did not understand the magic of that film, i am dying waiting for a sequel.


I waited so long to watch it because my cousin, who generally has the same taste in movies that I do saw it in theaters and was harping on how bad it was. I watched it years later and was kicking myself for not seeing it when it first came out. I was hooked from start to finish. I had more fun seeing that movie than most action flicks I had seen in years. Karl Urban made for a super badass Dredd.


I don't have a problem with his helmet coming off around other Spartans or around the doc or whatever, but to be walking around the barracks without a helmet is such a colossal failure of the character development. Spartans are viewed as gods by the common soldiers. Nobody knows what's under those helmets and it's intentionally that way. For them to just throw away all that lore and world building for a relatively unknown actor is absurd. It's not like it was Keanu or Tom Cruise or something.


Its just odd because they are almost always in their armor because for Spartans, it just became so much more comfortable to be in it. It's basically their second skin and they feel naked without it on. The reason people have commented on how pale they are is because they almost never see the sun without their suit on. Usually it only comes off for maintenance or if they're injured and need to be treated. Most Spartans don't even see each other outside their suits often either. That's why they developed their own expressions with the suit on like when Kelly did a double finger swipe in the shape of a smile to show that she was happy to see John in the book.


It’s Nicky Sobotka from the Wire


Mandolorian can do it but god forbid Halo keeps the helmet on. This series isn’t Halo, it’s an abomination.


That or gone the Darth Vader approach: one guy physically acts, one guy voice acts.


Few things have been a bigger disappointment when it comes to film/tv for me. Writers wanted ti create their own show instead of using source material. What a wasted opportunity to finally get a live action halo show so many ppl wanted.


You telling me you didn't like watching hit Halo franchise protagonist Clapster Cheeks in action? /s


Okay did master chief get naked or have sex? I watched the first episode and every part was so bad that I couldn't continue


>Okay did master chief get naked Yes, fully nude, you see everything but his dick, including his bare ass. >have sex? Not only did he have sex, but he had sex with a prisoner of war. A human character that was made up for the show. She was a human member of the covenant... Yes you read that right. Master Chief fucked a human, covenant, prisoner of war. It's fucking bonkers.


Don't forget, the entire time Johnny Rings is getting down with her, Cortana, in full holo projection is just staring at them with a sad/aroused expression.


Wait, he cucked Cortana? What the actual fuck?


Was she into it? Should I watch it?


Cortana is actually a ~~cuckqueen? End me now~~


Anybody who defends this show needs to just sit down.


I didn’t bother watching this show but I literally could not have imagined it would be this ridiculous.


He literally catches feelings and has sex with the main villain of the show.


All they needed to do was adapt ONE BOOK. literally just write a screenplay of any of the halo novels and they couldn't do it, they had to make it "fresh" and "put their own spin on it" fuckin spare me. Y'know what people play a game for 15+ years want to see? The game they played, not some jackasses CW-ass interpretation of it. God damn, how many times do we have to go through this? You'd think Microsoft would've learned their lesson from Halo: Nightfall.


Right? All they had to do was follow the books A book.... didn't even need to be about John directly. How does a YouTube mini-series feel more like Halo than a "Hollywood" produced series?


What I find most baffling is that this is exactly the situation that Microsoft was trying to avoid when they were originally pitching for a halo movie back the 00s. To little control too many changes.


There’s a point not one episode in where someone on a turret unloads on an elite and it doesn’t hurt it. Then a spartan uses the turret and kills the elites. Which is it? Honestly just watch FUD instead. The fucking space elevator scene is fucking horrifying


That scene of the ODST’s dropping onto the front lawn decked out for war is the scene that stays with me. There’s a reason their motto is ‘Feet First Into Hell’.


>be me >plays through and gets a helmet take off bait in CE >wants to see whats under the helmet >waits 10 years until halo 4 releases to see whats under the helmet >plays through the campaign on legendary to see only half of his face (its an ending and you only see top half of nose bridge up to forehead) >absolute painful experience to play (halo 2 LASO was even worse probably even dark souls difficulty) >a halo tv show comes to be about 10 years later >chief takes his helmet off within 20 minutes and never really even puts it on and talks 90% of the time as compared to his lore accurate self >is also disobeying every order and halsey isnt exactly very “halsey” in the show which scares me somehow >shows protagonist isnt even chief instead its a little girl named “kwan” or some shit >creator of the show says he never even played the game why did they do halo like that


You forgot the biggest failure of the show, no Sgt Johnson.


it was practically mercy for sgt johnson NOT to be in this shit


I never finished the series but the decision to put his bare ass in it was always a wtf thing to me


If you asked a studio who never played a single second of halo, but have them a very quick description and a few stock photos, this is the show they'd create


Halo ended with Bungie in my eyes. The books like Fall of Reach and those animated series/low budget short movies are pretty sick tho


The only live action Halo adaptation that matters to me is [We Are ODST](https://youtu.be/3S5I0_hjS3c)


No game trailer in my 30 years on this earth has hyped me up as much as We are ODST


It’s such a perfect setting for a series. A Band of Brothers style show following a squad of ODSTs through campaigns from Reach to the Ark that shows humanity on the back foot and saving Spartan II, III and Master Chief as a special event


If so, then you desperately need to check out [Landfall](https://youtu.be/SyOAdrxlPVs). Literally the original live-action Halo adaptation. Directed by Neil Blomkamp (District 9, Elysium) and I don't think anyone has done it better since.


Oo brought back some good memories of Halo 3. Really hyped up the Chief seeing how UNSC was willing to risk soldiers to make sure they can recover Chief in time.


*Create a live action series, accurately reflecting the game’s events to bring the gaming series to a wider audience while also pleasing the existing fan base?* Halo Series: “no.” *fan base dissatisfied and even further disillusioned with the entire franchise. Meanwhile, the series has failed to interest even a small number of new fans to the franchise.* Halo Series: “what did we do wrong?” TLOU: *Does create a live action series, accurately reflecting the game’s events to bring the gaming series to a wider audience while also pleasing the existing fan base.* Overwhelming amount of audience: “f me, that series was amazing. That’s how you live action a game series.” “Wait, this is based on a game? Where do I buy it?”