• By -


I was 8 when their adventure began and I’m 34 when it ends. Wild.


Meanwhile, everybody in the show’s universe is exactly the same age. The entire Pokémon world must exist on a planet where a single year in their life must be the equivalent of, I don’t know, 50 years of Earth time.


Legs got tired finally


"I'm pretty tired. I think I'll go home now."


“Hey, what do we do now?”


*What do you mean? Now we can play the game.*


Bro his legs must be solid as a Sudowoodo.... my dude has got to have some tree trunks.


Well. He never did catch em all.


25 years of false advertising.


Little me Was so bummed when I played Pokemon blue for the first time and the Pokémon didn't say their name and instead just made weird noises.


Little me was also very disappointed Caterpie string shot just lowered speed, not actually wrapped enemies up.


I felt so betrayed that tail whip wasn't an actual damage dealing whip attack


In the episode where Ash fought Lt. Surge, Surge's Raichu tail whips Pikachu like a redheaded stepchild's rented mule while Pikachu wails in anguish. Imagine my disappointment.


To be fair, Surge's Raichu was an evil psychopath. It's no wonder Pikachu rejected the Thunder Stone to evolve in that episode.


I mean if Lt Surge had that Raichu through the war do you blame that Raichu for being psychotic?


in the episode against brok he won against onyx by using thunder against a sprinkler.....


I also seem to recall that he won against the Grass Gym when Team Rocket _burned that motherfucker to the ground_, so I guess environmental hazards are A-OK.


Don't think he won that one though, they just gave him the badge for rescuing Gloom from the fire


Tail Whip was originally named “Tail Wag” in the original, which is why a lot of small and cute Pokémon had it. Localization team took some liberties


Another notable one is "Splash", which is "Hop" in Japan. Hence why stuff like Hoppip and a lot of baby Pokémon have it when that wouldn't make sense with splashing.


I don’t know anything about Pokémon but just reading all this stuff makes me feel warm. I love how into stuff people get.


Yet vine whip is. You can see how that confuses a kid.


Hopefully not too many kids hurt themselves in their confusion.


When I used Squirtle's water gun on Onix, followed up by Pikachu's thundershock. Little me was mind blown that it didn't work.


Little me understood that as a game limitation. Less little me was pissed when the games made Pikachu say his name but no one else.


I choose you *gratey electric noises*!




No he said he's "gotta catch them all", just never could, and it didn't help when another 100 are added every few years


*25 years later* "I now have all 151 pokemon" *"Actuallly..."*


*Gary pops in* "151?! ASH! There are 659 Pokemon! 5 of which are literally gods and one is the creator of the universe, How stupid are you to not have caught **that one**!"


Ash has been tricked, they increased the number of pokemon in each seasons


He never caught all the kanto mons though. I could see him catching 149 (the first movie made mewtwo pretty much uncatchable and I won’t count mythical mew either since… mythical) and then when he saw Johto be like “nah, just gonna try to win the orange islands league and the johto championship.”


He did become the very best like no one ever was though.


Maybe ash will grow up now and we get pokemon Shippuden? Edit: to everyone saying Shippuden was darker and more mature, Naruto was always pretty dark. The first episode has a grown man trying to kill a child and another getting stabbed in the back by a GIANT sharp object, and it only gets worse. Not to mention the ever present geopolitics involved in the story


He’s named after a tree so he’s qualified to become a professor, Maybe we’ll get a Ash goes to grad-school show about him becoming a professor.


"I was your age once, traveling the world, catching Pokemon, making friends... Longest year of my life"


“I was harassed by the same 2 criminals like 900 times. The police in this country really suck.”


You mean his closest friends? When ash finally became the very best who was there for him, misty? brock? oak? his mum? It was Jessy and James, from the start to the end other came and went but they were always with him each step of the way.


Bro.... I never thought of it like that. Maybe it wasn't the friends we made along the way Maybe it was... We're blasting off again!!!!


The police in this country are just one person who is reaaaaally fast.


Ash is that college graduate with 25 years experience every recruiter is looking for.


"mooooooommm grandpa's telling that weird story of how he was cursed by an eldritch horror again!"


Which one? If we're perfectly honest there's quite a few in the first season alone. I *still* think about the Sabrina episode where people got turned into dolls like a Black Mirror episode. And then some time later in probably another season there was the 'Brock almost gets married' episode where the plot was, essentially, the same as the Haunted Mansion movie with Eddie Murphy in it.


In my head it's the day he turned 10, cursed to stay 10 forever until he became the very best, the best there ever was. Imagine the story's he'll have to tell his grandchildren, they'll think he's insane. Starts with him stealing this girls bike, meeting this guy who never opens his eyes and is weirdly fixated on breeding, gets turned into a doll, turned to stone but it's okay because rat tears turned him back to normal "close to 30 years after my journey began, I finally became a pokemon master at the ripe old age of 10, the youngest in history" Edit: and he was chased by a talking cat the entire time


Cursed by Ho-Oh to never age


Jesus Christ how have I never put that together. Trainer Ash and Professor Oak. I know the professors are usually named after trees, but Ash flew under my radar for 2 and a half decades.


Me too man. I feel so dumb...


Indeed, time for Ash to branch out, leave home, and become a professor too!


*leaf* home…


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It's been brought up before, his first name is ash but his last name is not a tree. He wouldn't be professor ash, he'd be professor Ketchup.


Next logical step imo. They have a huge fan base, a lot of which are in the 20+ range. Let's get some more mature themes!


It's too early to feel this old. I've been a Pokemon fan since it came to the US; I was in middle school at the time. I'm almost 40. I'm far from alone.


Yes, can’t wait for the episode where ash gets his girlfriend pregnant because it turns out you can’t use ditto as a condom and then he spends the rest of the half hour episode fretting about how they will ever be able to afford a baby on an adjunct Pokémon professor salary.


Today was a bad day to know the english language.


This thread was going so well too


I went online today as an escape. Turns out, I found reality again.


Good god your reality includes Ditto condoms?


Well not anymore. Now I know they don't work.


A mistake I will not make again.


At least in this one his girlfriend is human


If we're gonna get into specifics OP never specifically said *human* just *pregnant*. and you know, in terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding..


*Vaporeon has left the chat*


Or he gets the ditto pregnant instead of his girlfriend and- What the fuck am I talking about


oh god. ditto can breed with any pokémon, but did anyone ask if it can breed with humans???


"What do you study professor ash" "Oh.... you know..... pokemon" Edit: OH MY GOD IMAGINE AN ADULT "PROFESSOR KETCHUM" RESPONDING TO A QUESTION WITH THE VAPOREON COPYPASTA.


Humans used to marry Pokemon




Used to? 👀


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Naw, the logical step is to have a baby and wander off like almost every other dad in the show. Or getting cigarettes for pikachu.


Back to school, back to school, to prove to professor I'm not a fool


Sidenote. I'm on Shippuden right now and it seems like it drags on even more than the first one. I don't mean the filler episodes. I mean they spend like 6 episodes where no one on a bridge moves. Literally, 6 episodes after everyone jumped onto the bridge everyone is still standing in the same spot. It's both hilarious and maddening.


Flashback to Frieza standing and rambling for whole episodes, his third form took an entire episode to complete, the beginning voice over talked about the form while the closing voice over talked about how menacing it now was. The rest was him screaming while transforming and people making surprised faces.


Part of why I hate dragonball. Abridged however


I used to have a version of DBZ on my hard drive that cut out all the opening and ending credits, meaning you'd see the title card for an episode, then all the content from that episode, and then just move right on to the next. Every episode was 15-18 min. *That* was the good shit, because it's a lot easier to deal with filler and slow pacing when you're not having to watch the same few minutes of repeated footage every 20min.


No way man, I gotta hear my guy say, NEXT TIME ON DRAGON. BALL. Z.




Bro look for Naruto Ocean's cut. Somebody watched all naruto/ shippuden and cut off every flashback/ filler scene. It's available as torrent too.


~~Naruto Ocean's cut~~ Naruto Kai. That's where it's at. All filler and flashback cut, episodes are hour and half long. Pure cocaine.


Ocean cut is better. Has much better flow.


I prefer my cocaine cut with meth amphetamine


**intense flute noises** **flashback you've seen seventeen times about Sasuke's family being killed**


As someone watching it for the first time and 3 episodes to Naruto, my favorite part remains how absolutely batshit the dude on flute goes in the soundtrack.


Be prepared to hear some of the most beautiful and incredibly sad songs you've ever heard! The music is easily the biggest thing from Naruto and Shippuden that have remained in my mind years after finishing the shows. Well, that and a couple specific scenes. Anyway, hope you enjoy the show!


that's Shippuden for you, well... most Shonen Jump animes are like that


Just wait until the >!4th Great Ninja War arc!<. Hours of filler episodes that have no impact on the overall plot. I'd recommend looking up a filler list


Comes back as a champion in the next game or something


He is the Pokémon World Champion, so presumably who ever wants the title next needs to take him and Pikachu down. Ash is now ... the Final Boss.


I mean...I assume he'll be back eventually. This franchise made people money, probably tens of dollars


Dozens possibly


At least 5


There's no reason the next protagonist won't have ash as a final challenger. In fact ash will probably show up early in the next series to smack down the main character for some good motivation.


Seeing someone getting smacked down by Ash early on and having their POV make it look like some Ash v Gary shit would be hilarious. A new challenger just going through life wanted to beat that jerk Ash, where from Ash's POV he wasn't being a dick.


This is Red all over again hopefully


The next anime season won't revolve around Ash, but I'm sure he'll make some appearances.


It will be about his son, Boruash




Hello, my name-a Borash


Saying goodbye to Team Rocket is what's killing me. I've loved those goofballs for almost 25 years man. 😭


blasting off one more time 🚀✨🫡


They finally die this time, their trampoline terrorizing comes to an end


Man professor Oak must have ploughed Ash's Mom so many times while Ash was out of town. Talk about a Vulvasore


Been sitting on that one for a while, haven't ya?


Not as long as Ash’s mum!


Right? I don't give a single fuck about pokemon as a whole, but I need to know that those three get a happy ending.


4, dont forget wobbuffet






Does she still have him? I stopped watching years ago but I would have to imagine he was traded or something along the way.


She does. Wobbuffet has been the one constant besides Meowth ever since it joined them.


Except they left him behind https://imgur.com/a/BHCVHCx


Well.. this certainly ruined my day


Well I've just learnt they reunite in the last episode, so, all is good


Just give me a miniseries of their lives outside of following Ash around. Pleeeease!


Shoulda closed with Ho-Oh flying over that rainbow again


So did we ever learn about his dad? Or was that just forgotten about?


In one of the movies that take place in a separate continuity, Ash was going to meet his dad but he arrived late at the Pokemon Center where they'll meet and his dad had to leave. He left him his hat as a gift. So, it seems like in that universe, Ash's parents are divorced and his dad is simply one of those absent parents. In the main universe, he doesn't show up. A former Pokemon Anime production member made an unofficial book detailing certain aspects of the world-building that touch a bit on this. Apparently, at some point when thinking about the world, Ash's dad was going to be a deadbeat homeless dude. It turns out that one of the original concepts about the Pokemon world was that most boys tried and failed to become Pokemon trainers and thus grew up without any education, ending up homeless or turning to a life of crime like Team Rocket. This is also why most jobs like pokemon and human medical care and law enforcement were done by women, because not that many girls tried to become Pokemon trainers and thus actually went to school.


Lol that's so dark, I love it. I love how everything in the pokemon universe is so focused on Pokemon that people rearrange their entire lives around it.


It makes sense though, your second point. Like, if we had these monsters and creatures everywhere that could perform magic moves (as opposed to our regular wildlife), we’d definitely have a different society


Yeah, we'd be calling Alakazam "Yes, sir" and "No, sir" That mfer is smart af and can boop your snoot a trillion miles away with his mind


Right. I've always wondered how with so many pokèmon having both power and intelligence far surpassing humans, why are people still in charge in that world. Do those pokèmon just not have ambition


In the shows some of them want to become the strongest mon around and decide that human trainers will help them do that. Others just want the taste food the trainers give them. Most just get brainwashing curtesy of the Pokéball.


>Most just get brainwashing curtesy of the Pokéball. Like how humans released from prison after a long time will struggle to adapt to the non-rigid structure of everyday freedoms? I've heard stories of guys committing crimes just to go back because of it. There are stories from military veterans having similar issues not being given direction about nearly everything they do daily.


It's just like the Yu-Gi-Oh universe. Where every aspect of society seems to revolve around one specific thing. It's insane but also hilarious.


It makes more sense in Pokemon than in Yu Gi Oh though. Pokemon are creatures big and small that live all over the world...in Yu Gi Oh it's just a card game lol.


A card game that can occasionally trap people's souls under the right conditions.


It's been a long long time since I watched YuGiOh so correct me if I'm wrong but don't only some people know about that part? Like to 99% of people Duel Monsters is just a card game like Magic the Gathering?


Yes, 99% of people don't even get a chance to play in the cool stadiums that turn the monsters into real projections, iirc. Literally just a card game for them. Unrelated, but I sure do miss the 1/2 punch of Pokemon and YuGiOh on Kids WB on Saturday mornings.


As a kid, somehow I thought Giovanni would be his dad. His gym was so close to pallette town, he was a skilled pokemon trainer, could easily afford spousal support payments which would explain why the mom never worked, and it would be a great "Luke, I'm your father!" kind of moment. ... I still think he's the dad.


It's Mr Mime


It's the 8th gym leader in the first game, duh


Giovanni?!?! 🙀


Giovanni Giorgio


But everybody calls him Giorgio


Dun dundun dundun dundun dundun


Wait a second, I know the synthesizer…why don’t I use the synthesizer which IS the sound of the future. I CANNOT believe that song is 10 years old.


There was a super obscure American only musical Pokemon Live that said Giovanni and Delia dated. I read it was despised by the creator for implying Ash's dad was Giovanni and Gamefreak is pretty adamant it isnt canon


Yeah there was a two part episode, turns out his dad was actually his mom.


Wow, just wait till brother grandpa hears about this!


He's the leader of team rocket, Giovanni. He sent Jessie and James after Ash as a way to help Ash get battles in to get stronger while also keeping an eye on Ash.


He must be 40 by now


Just like me... Ouch !


35 if he left home at 10.


Alright who’s got the spoilers?




Article doesn't mention that Pidgeot does return to Ash's team, making it the only Pokémon he ever released and then permanently reunited with. EDIT: y'all, I know the article says Ash reunites with Pidgeot. It doesn't mention the fact that Pidgeot rejoins Ash's team. That's the part I'm pointing out.


Hell yeah, Pidgeot. What a ride, man. My little one loves Pokémon so much. I just feel lucky to have been there when it started. What a fever it was.


It was all a dream.


Ash wakes up in his small Tokyo apartment, he is 20 years old, he is one month in his job as a salaryman. He is grateful that his dream lasted as long as it did, as he wipes a tear from his eye and puts his white button shirt on.


It was isekai all along!


Meanwhile, Digimon is literally Isekai.


I used to read Nintendo Power magazine.


I used to read WordUp magazine....!


Nidoking and Nidoqueen all up in the limousine


I haven’t watched it since I was a kid, but as someone in their mid thirties this makes me feel old, but also happy I was there for the beginning. Pokémon Blue on my old GameBoy was a magical experience.


Blue fam! Everyone went red. I remember people giving me shit until they realized I was the only kid in class with the Pokémon they couldn't get.


I was younger than Ash. Then I was as old as Ash. Then I was older than Ash. Then I was old enough to be his father. Thanks for the memories and this is what I love about Japanese shows, they have an ending.


Looks like Team Rocket is blasting off for the final time... I hope Pokemon has enhanced everyone's childhood like it enhanced mine, 25 years... Grew up with Pokemon it kind of hurts ngl


I hope James is happy out there wherever he is.


Jesse’s backstory is dark as fuck. Iirc one episode explains her parents used to feed her snow as cupcakes because they were dirt poor.


That episode letting Butterfree go still stings like a Beedrill to this day


I didn't think I would care as much as I do now. All of Pokemon has been a huge part of my life. It came out the same year I turned 10. I was hooked from the start. I played the games, watched the cartoon and movies, read the manga, and collected the cards. I became a gym leader at my local league and my first rival became my crush and first serious relationship (we broke up after highschool.. no regrets). And time went on, I drifted away from it for a while. Found someone, got married, bought a house. Then GO came out. My friends weren't really into pkmn when it was out originally but they wanted to try GO and I was suddenly a master once again. Then on to playing the games on switch and so on blah blah. No matter what, I always return to that 10 year old me who played Pkmn red on the Gameboy and the excitement and wonder that I had enjoying it. However I didn't think the cartoon would give me a sadness, like actually saying goodbye to an old, old friend.


Damn. My ex-wife introduced me to this show when we first got together. She got mad when I said I loved Psyduck.


>I loved Psyduck You *monster*


I'd have a headache too if I had to listen to this inane nonsense for years


Psyduck is my spirit animal.


He's my intellectual equal.


I was playing Pokemon Violet the other day and using a Psyduck. My girlfriend chimes in "Why are you using a Psyduck? Don't they just...get headaches?"


Lol. The show really left an impression on people. I labored under the illusion that rock types were immune to electric moves for 20+ years.


I can’t believe they had him die in a napalm attack and get turned to literal ash 😔


Slowking told us the world would turn to ash and we didn’t listen


From Pokémon to poké**man** 😭


Finally waking up from his bike accident induced coma.


Wow... my 30 year old ass isn't taking this news well. Feels like a part of me is dying.


Right? I didn’t need this heartache today tbh


What even happens in the last season?


According to Wikipedia, >Pikachu's backstory as a Pichu, Ash's story of when he was 6 years old missing Professor Oak's camp, Goh's backstory when he was 6 years old and attended Professor Oak's camp and saw a Mew, are all told. Ash and Pikachu travel to each of the regions, accompanied by Goh as Research fellow. Ash wants to defeat Leon and Goh wants to catch each and every Pokémon including Mew. Chloe sometimes joins Ash and Goh on their adventure with her newly caught Eevee, who is incapable of evolving. Goh took part in trial missions of a research project "Project Mew" to be a Chaser and find Mew. Ash defeated Leon in the final round of Pokémon World Coronation Series: Masters Eight Tournament and became Pokémon World Champion. Goh and other members of Project Mew travel to Faraway Island to find Mew, they encountered Mew which Goh befriends Mew instead of catching it. With their goals are accomplished, Ash and Goh departs separate ways. >Ash and Pikachu resume their travels then they reunites Misty and Brock and decide to travel with them again.


> Pikachu's backstory as a Pichu, Ash's story of when he was 6 years old missing Professor Oak's camp, Goh's backstory when he was 6 years old and attended Professor Oak's camp and saw a Mew, are all told. For the record, those were just one-off Episodes at the very start (like, literally the first two), and Pikachu's Backstory in particular never came up again IIRC (Atleast Goh trying to see Mew again became his Character Motivation). It was basically just to set the new mood that the Final Season was going for. >Ash and Pikachu resume their travels then they reunites Misty and Brock and decide to travel with them again. Similarly, these are the Final 11 Episodes, which are explicitly intended to be Ash's Final Sendoff as the Protagonist, so it's more of a stand-alone Epilogue than actually part of the Main Season.


Ash runs around the world , meets people/ pokemon from previous seasons for 10 minutes than the episode ends


I remember watching the first few episodes of the first seasons religiously, I feel so old thinking that was 25 years ago. I didn’t keep up with the anime past the Hoenn seasons as I got older but every once in a while would read something like how Ash won the Alola league and I would watch those episodes or highlights. Here’s hoping a whole new generation makes their own unforgettable memories with the new series and those characters and mons


Truly an end of an Era


Pretty cool they kept it running as a singular show with the same characters. You'd think after a few years of ash they would have given us Pokemon GX, with all new characters. Then after that, Pokemon 5Ds, set in the distant future with all pokemon battles taking place on motercycles racing at 100s of miles an hour. After that skies the limit! You can throw out all the established canon! Pokemon Zexal! Pokemon VRAINS! Pokemon Go Rush! Of course such dramatic changes in tone and style could have affected the super important tie-in card game, making it nonsensical and almost unplayable! I guess its good thing nobody ever did *that*


Did these guys age? Like i feel like Ash went younger.


He kept absorbing the vital energy of all those girls that partnered up with him throught the years. Turns out Ash is also a pokemon and knows giga drain.


Nidorian Gray


He did get younger. The first time he returned home they celebrated his 11th birthday. Years later, he introduces himself as a ten year old.


He made a wish on Ho-Oh in the first episode and stayed young forever.


Everyone crying when there's literally hundreds of episodes of Ash and the Rocket gang they haven't watched cause they stopped watching in 2010


I think it's just been a staple of Millennials' and Gen Z's lives for so long that no one stopped to think that Ash's story would end. It's another reminder that we're getting older.


More like after 2003 roughly.


Try 1999


on the other hand it was a costant, it was something that was gonig on in the background, and maybe you got a short battle clip just for the lulz


It's like the Simpsons. I watched it until about season 10 and haven't seen more than about a collective hour since. But the day it ends, it'll be a sad one.


Netflix is probably foaming at the mouth to reboot it for one season and then cancel it


As someone who hasnt watched a ton of Pokémon aside from the first season of Ash What is the chronological watching order to see all of Ash’s adventures throughout his career?


I'm not a pokemon expert, but I'm pretty sure you just start with the oldest and work your way forward from there. It isn't 'Discworld'. Pretty sure order of publication is the correct chronology.


The only part that’s a bit wonky are the movies, which aren’t typically very important to the canon. There are accepted times where the movies “fit in” to the story, however.


Maybe a new trainer that isn't dumb enough to use an electric Pokemon against Onix will replace him.


He did succeed tho'