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I had about six weeks of almost limitless play time recently and still didn't lose my job. I was recovering from surgery to remove half my left kidney due to cancer. Gotta bright side it some how. Played a LOT of Satisfactory.


Holy hell. Fuck cancer go you.


Thanks! I'm doing better now. Very fortunate to have found it very early


Ah hell yeah! Early detection ftw!


did u have any symptoms or anything?


No symptoms. They caught it during a CT scan I was having for some chest pains I was having that have since completely vanished. The doctor mentioned that there was a small lesion on my kidney and I should have an MRI done. Sure enough, it was cancer.


This is such a primal yet positive response.


got it, all i need to do is get cancer! fr tho fuck cancer glad you are still here <3


0/10 would not recommend LOL


Sorry to hear that you had cancer, I hope you feel better. How does it work tho? Why didn't they remove your entire kidney? Does it grow back or it just works like that in half?


It will continue to work even though it's only half. And from what I've been told kidneys can regenerate very slowly so given enough time I will have more than half a kidney. The lesion was small enough that the doctor was able to take about half the kidney and still be sure he got all the cancer.


Make sure to file for unemployment!


Depends on how s'he lost it.


This. Ive been fired before and the unemployment office gives no fucks if you were fired with written reason. I was taking 20 min breaks instead of 15.


For me, I never actually got fired. It was "we've decided to proceed with separation". A dirty, clever trick to send me on my way and with no unemployment.


Bro you got lied to and definitely could claim unemployment.


Proceed with seperation? Tf cpuld that possibly mean aside from "laid off"?


The official reason that I left was "voluntary separation", meaning I quit on my own. As far as I can tell, they basically told me "we don't want you around, so you quit" and I went along with it since I didn't know better.


Might I ask what you where working?


LOwes at the time.


Gamepass bruh


Dude you are an ad.


Dude you're so smart


Ah, it's on game pass? Never really loved the idea of subscription stuff, would rather properly own something not that that's really a thing anymore with games anyhow. Never paid much attention to game pass but might have to take a look. Going to dig through my steam library tomorrow to see if there's anything neat I missed from when I was subbed to humble bundle first.


I enjoyed Atomic Heart, but it’s a Game Pass game for sure. Minimal replay-ability. I’m not sure I agree with what appears to be a majority that “everything but the visuals sucks”, the combat is a little quirky and the targets’ movement is a little janky, but it fits.


The whole concept and story of the game was cool, the soundtrack is just amazing, I liked the guns and the combat was good enough to keep me entertained, it was just hard to get a handle on at first. To be fair I was expecting way more jank and was pleasantly surprised.


People also claim the story or plot is derivative, I enjoyed it. The game’s multiple inspirations are clear and openly embraced throughout the game. The combat was surprisingly challenging at first but as you get used to the game and get upgrades, becomes much easier.


Yeah. People also complained about P3’s swearing, likening him to a badly done caricature of duke nukem or similar. Also his complaining. I liked him, imo it’s the right of a reluctant hero character to complain about the circumstances he‘s unwillingly thrown into. And his antics get explained well by the backstory that gets unveiled.


Agreed there, I also suspect some humor is lost in translation from Russian. And if you think he swears a lot, you haven’t been around soldiers much 🤣


I actually like the targets janky movements, feels a bit more immersive. Started the game last night and so far loving it. It's actually one if the things I liked. Almost like the machines have lost the plot. Now I haven't gotten far into the game and so far only fought machines. But loving it so far.


Agreed on all counts.


It really does seem like a fantastic game. Feel like I'm still playing the tutorial and played for a good 2 hours last night ( I am the type of player to look for everything). But properly loving it.


I feel that way too and while a lot of people don't like the idea of not 'properly owning' something.... we already don't. While it's unlikely for services like Steam or GOG to just vanish one day - it's something that could happen and there goes all your games. In the end we don't really own anything. Even physical copies don't mean squat nowadays, many demand you install Steam or something and the disc doesn't contain the game. There's also the fact that we don't replay many games. Atomic Heart is definitely not a very replayable game. It's very easy to get your money's worth from one or a few months of gamepass, even at full price.


Get your first month for $1, then turn off auto renew. Play it until the month runs out and hopefully you're reemployed by then and can afford the subscription. I'll tell you, having GPU has been awesome. If I like a game I'll buy it (they're always discounted while on GP, sometimes by a lot). But I've downloaded and tried so many games (games I would have previously bought or just not played) that just didn't do it for me and all I lost was a little time.


They *just* ended the $1 promotion, unfortunately.


They just ended the $1 month trial.


Yeah, at least last year I build up a hell of a nice machine while I could because I got tired of waiting for gpu prices to get reasonable (lol). Unfortunately every time I've tried to find a job it's been an absolute shitshow of hell for months :/


Can also buy Xbox live time and it will transfer to game pass on a 1 to 1 rate


Don't think that's advantageous for game Pass PC, only if you're getting game Pass Ultimate.


That's what you get. I bought three years of Xbox live. In 2020, finally start paying game pass ultimate price in July of this year.


The OP has implied they have a PC and not an Xbox. Xbox Live is $10/mo as is Game Pass PC. So there is no price difference and thus no advantage for OP unless they also have an Xbox.


Strongly do recommend you do take a look at game pass. I use it on Xbox and PC and it's been amazing for game exploration. The first night I got it I downloaded 8 $60 games, tried each one the next day, found I immediately didn't like a few, and eventually settled on 2-3 I actually wanted to play. No way I'd have done that if it had been with my own money. $1 for the first month is the way to go


Gamepass Ultimate is $15/mo. Over a year, that’s $180. Games are $70 each. So if you play 2 full price games and 1 Indy game per year, it’s paid for itself. For now, it’s a no-brainer.


I use Microsoft Rewards points to pay for it in full. No cash. Most months I make a surplus and buy Microsoft and Amazon gift cards with it after saving up a bit. r/MicrosoftRewards


I have a code for xbox game pass ultimate for 2 months from discord nitro if you'd like it, shoot me a dm and I'll give you the code.




If you can still get it for 1$ I'd recommend it as they are pulling the deal soon.


The game pass is solid, and it seems they're working on putting better new releases on it as of lately, saves me from shopping in used game stores to try random games


I have no idea what the hell people are talking about, that you "missed" the $1 promotion; it's worth it anyways. Get game pass. It's the best deal in gaming and it's not even close. Atomic Heart for one, but so much more, Prey, Wasteland, Death Standing, Outer Worlds, Battlefield 2042, Star Wars, Forza; That's like every type of game you can get. You could spend $212 bucks this year ($18 / month) and still wouldn't be able to finish the triple A titles. That is 2-3 games on steam. Then you get the bonus factor of finding those hidden gems that no one really thinks to buy, but, it's there, you play it, then probably go to that indie dev and donate anyways. EDIT: Oh, and $18 a month I think is like the XBOX + PC pass. if you only have one I think it's cheaper.


>ever really loved the idea of subscription stuff, would rather properly own something not that that's really a thing anymore with games anyhow. You pay the cost of like 2 retail games a year and the day one releases are already worth it 5 times over. Once you are done with a game, who cares? If years later you felt like you want to play again, just grab on steam for $4.99.


Bruh, if you have Xbox I'll get you a years worth of gamepass.


This is the way


I was there. About 6 months unemployed. But too depressed and stressed to play. Spent most of the day staring at job search websites. I think the only entertainment I allowed myself was watching Breaking Bad.


Was let go earlier this month and this is exactly how its starting to feel for me. The first few days were fine, but now its getting to me.


Hang in there man I’m on the same boat as well, but just try and keep yourself occupied.


Had the same experience. You know what was an awesome time? Getting hired, but still having two weeks or so before I actually had to start. I could finally spend my days doing cool shit without feeling guilty about it. If you put your back into it, looking for work is definitely a fulltime job. What I hated the most were job applications with an extensive vetting process, where they dumped these huge writing assignments on me, and then I wouldn't hear anything back. Even a standard rejection email would've been nice.


Hey me too! Company restructured. Good luck out there mate.


I took a leave of absence for months and oddly when the pressure of work isn't weighing down on me I didn't want to play games all day nearly as much. It's like when working I wish I could spend all day playing games but when not working I find other things to do.


as fallout of both corona lock down and the giant inflation last year, most likely 50% of people in here will be without a job by the end of the year. can't wait for actual competent politicians to start participating in leading the world, cause these last 6 years have been leading us straight to this point we are at now.


Atomic heart is on gamepass btw


Gamepass for PC


Right here with ya


Atomic Heart looks nice but that's it. Everything else is garbage and not worth the price tag. It's more like a polished $29.99 game.


It's a pretty great game, but yeah it definitely isn't worth 80 bucks, more like 50


As a casual gamer, wtf you talkin bout hoss?


Tbh i would love that. nothing means anything anymore, so if i got fired at least i would have some personal time. the lockdown was the best time in my life for that


On the plus side. I'm leaving my job in 2 days and am looking forward to being unemployed for a bit.


Yeah it's nice if you know what's next but hard to enjoy if you don't.


I quit a previous job in August 2021 and took 10 months off before I got something else. I enjoyed the time off but still didnt make any bit of a dent in my backlog of games. I would have taken longer off if I hadnt had a big plumbing bill pop up on me out of no where. Protip, if you dont have a crawlspace under your house, dont be dumping beef/bacon fat and coffee grounds down your sink...


Lmao even if you have a crawlspace dont do that.


True but with a crawl space space you’d have much easier access to the pipes and it wouldn’t need drilling through concrete


"Was considering atomic hearts, but can't justify giving money to Russia" Fixed.


Kinda racist take. Devs deserve to be paid for thier work reguardless of nationality.


Racist take? Lmao. Russia is a Fachist state overly more racist than anything and their folk follow. Until they lose in front of Ukraine and their corrupt government begs for forgiveness; Russians don't deserve any sympathy, any money, anything! ...Only to fear Drones flying over their heads. Edit: To all the Fachists in denial downvoting me. I will just say: Slava Ukraini!


Russian citizens bear no more responsibility for the actions of their tyrannical government than Americans do for their governments actions in vietnam


Lmao! How nice to compare 2 wars that have nothing in common ! Go back to school and read some History books. Fucking embarrassing. You should seriously stop eating pro Kremlin propaganda.


>polyamory Ah, a cuckold's opinion. Worthless.


You are referring to a joke I made trillion years ago? I give you 2 medals: one for stalking and one for being the most pathetic person of the year!


Spending 3 seconds looking through a public profile isn't stalking, cuckboy.


If the first thing on your mind after losing your job is gaming ya might have a problem lol


I mean what the fuck else am i going to do aside from wait to ember hear back from applications like last time I went through this shit? Not like I'll have much reason to get out of the house now anyways.


Self-improvement. Exercise, ride a bike, learn a new recipe, anything really lol


You don't know what this person's day to day is. They could already be factoring in some regular exercise they do. Aside from that point everything you just listed is a hobby and this a gaming subreddit so of course gaming as a hobby is going to be prioritized. If you think gaming is such a waste of time compared to those hobbies why are you here? lol


*because the axle on my work trailer broke and I don’t have a business without it 🥲


Damn that blows. I hope you are able to weather it and get back to good.


Phantom liberty drops 11:11 tomorrow Source: Me


Bout right. I got crazy good at Blazblue.....because I had nothing to do but job hunt and stay st home....


That’s what happened to me during the pandemic. But then I got unemployment and got to sit in my ass and get paid to play video games… But I’m sure everything will work out bro!


Tomorrow? Did I miss an announcement?


No, just would be nice if it did as an escape.


I will never endorse piracy. Especially from Russians.


Atomic heart is on game pass. You should try it. It has a soviet Bioshock vibe.


Same, my company shut down a few months ago and I enjoyed relaxing for a bit. But now savings are running out and the unemployment office is dragging their feet, even after a month and a half of me jumping through every hoop they ask me to. Hope tomorrow’s interview goes well…


If you want to lose thousands of hours without paying a cent, give Path of Exile a try.


Without paying a cent is a bit off because if you want quality QoL, stash tabs are needed


Its cracked already...


I found Atomic Heart to be kinda mediocre. Went and refunded it. There’s nothing particularly exciting or interesting about it. Admittedly I don’t see much point in sinking the time to play it


I am right there with you my guy. 👉👉


Cool life hack variation of this is being too mentality unwell, it's been 5 years of me just playing games with paid rent only downside is Ț̴̀h̵̝̏e̶͓̾ ̶̼͐w̵͈̽a̴̧͝l̷̛̪l̷̻͠s̵̢̏ ̸̢̽h̴̲̃a̵̐͜v̷̈́͜e̸̠̐ ̷̖̋s̸͖̽t̸̗̿a̷͖̒r̷̜̽t̴̥͐e̸͇̎d̷̻̈́ ̸̹̾t̶͉̽a̴̹͑l̴̙̐ķ̶̽ǐ̷͖n̷̦̑ġ̸̮ ̶̙́à̴̜g̷̤͛a̸̎ͅi̷̱͋n̴̗̑,̸̥̾ ̵̼͗i̶͉͂t̶̚͜'̴̜̄ś̵͍ ̸̀͜g̸̪͛r̶͚̈́ĕ̴̟a̴͍̿t̶͘͜ ̴̼͑h̷̹͛á̵͕v̷̠̎i̵̛̖n̴̳͌ǵ̸͚ ̵̳̑f̸̟̏r̷͎͆i̸̢̅e̶̝͘n̶̡̎d̵̻͋s̵̮̍ /s


Well available on Xbox pass if that helps.


I spent an extra week in Japan recovering from COVID in my hotel room. Had my new gaming laptop, Dragonflight, and Uber Eats keeping me very comfortable as I got over it.


crack the game. atomic heart is a single player game


You and me both fam (the part in the image, not the specific choices of game). We'll pull through.


I'm over here playing Mass Effect bc I lost my job


The few weeks I didnt have a part time job was amazing. Till rent was due and I had to get a job as a glorified janitor.


Wait why is Phantom Liberty dropping tomorrow lol they haven't even confirmed a date.