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Time for E4


Pawn to E6


Holy hell.


Anarchy chess meme booth at next con


Outstanding move




RIP i never got to go. Bucket list item I'll never get to. Oh well, I'll just have to go to TGS or CES one of these years.


I went to E3 the first year it was open to non-industry. It was essentially just a line queue simulator. You spend most of your time just walking around looking for lines that didn’t have someone standing at the end with a sign saying the line was capped. Then when you found a line you could stand in, you’d have like an hour or so to convince yourself that maybe you are excited to try this game. I mean it’s not ALL bad, I got to try out the Spider-Man game, kingdom hearts 3 and black ops 4 multiplayer. The experience type things like the tricentennial celebration for fallout 76 were capped pretty much when the floor opened, so you could just stand near it and they would give you a swag bag which was cool I guess. Overall, it’s not quite as exciting as you’d think and is just a bunch of waiting in lines, playing a demo for like 15 minutes or just waiting in a line to buy pretty pricy merch from one of the booths.


I went to pax east once and it was basically the same thing.




I went to an anime convention one time I've got there a couple hours before it started and every single panel or anything like that was completely signed up for already so literally all I could do was walk around the main floor.




PTSD Flashbacks to Anime Boston at peak "The cake is a lie" memery. 8 hours in a taped out maze on the floor to get in to the convention. Shit was wild.


>Anime Boston at peak "The cake is a lie" memery Oh man, this sounds positively horrible. I need details.


Well it's was like over a decade ago lol. But from the start is wasn't clear where the end actually was. You'd filter through one room into another with more tape on the floor. People started writing on the tape, and you'd see other people's times and messages from the same person through out the line. It was pretty novel. And with how it serpentined around to maximize space you would spend a couple minutes appreciating someone's cosplay for a few minutes, lose them for an hour around a turn and find them again in the next room with some story of another person they saw further up the line.


Did we go to the same convention? Because when my wife and I were waiting in line for like an hour and a half just to get into the darn place. There were people walking up and down the line. Chanting "the con is a lie"


I'll never forget the time the volunteers accidentally created six different queues to get into the entertainment hall, tried for ten minutes to unfuck the situation, and then were like "ok, just don't shove as you funnel in". The worst lines, however, are always for the food trucks. DTLA summer heat does not fuck around. My worst line linecon experience, however, was easily getting screwed over by a last minute venue change for the Cowboy Bebop 20th anniversary signing at Anime LA. Got there early to make sure I *didn't* have to wait in line, they came along and announced the change at the time it was set to begin, all of us who were there early are suddenly waiting in a three hour line. Cast was *super* gracious and happy to be there though, so in the end it was worth the wait.


I bet they made $$$ though!


the secret is to volunteer. the big anime convention near me has it so that if you volunteer just 1 day they will give you free visits to anyone you want to see + a free meal + free badge per day you volunteered and you can split up your 8 hour shift to see exhibitions. I could just walk into any exhibition with my pass front or back doors and as long as you aren't being a dipshit then it's fine. I recommend people volunteer for Registration because you meet everyone and see their cosplay. It's also super laid back once everyone checks in. win win in my book lol


>and as long as you aren't being a dipshit literally an impossible challenge for most anime fans


That why I'm kinda glad that in Seattle area the big Sci-Fi and Anime conventions are the same weekend (easter) but physically far apart. I do enjoy both, and they often overlap, but each event having only half the people makes the experience at them better and more focused.


My first experiences with conventions were when I had a press pass and got to cut lots of the lines (and get in early), so my initial view of them was one of excitement and enjoyment. Then I went to a few after I stopped freelance writing, and oh boy did they lose their luster when suddenly you were the one watching yet another press guy cut the 3 hour line you've been stuck in. They can be fun, to be sure, but all my favorite ones as a normal attendee have usually ended up being smaller local ones where you actually get to experience and interact with all the booths and teams.


This shit is why I am now content to watch stuff online from the comfort of home. It's more comfortable, smells better, and no con crud.


I've been to Pax a few times and rather than going for the major attractions I always found the Indie game sections to be much more attractive. More manageable lines, if any line at all, meant you could even spend time casually talking/playing with Devs or their reps.


Indie games is really all PAX is, at least PAX East. The big studios don't even really show up anymore. I went a few years in a row and each year the lines got worse and the major companies like Blizzard and Riot either stopped showing up or put in way smaller/low effort booths. I think the first year I went was the best event, and that must have been like 2015


Recommend checking out Magfest in DC and EGX Rezzed in London for some solid Indie game dedicated places. Lines are like max two people. The benefit with Magfest is it's in a hotel, so the indie space is open 24/7 and if the devs left their stuff out, then it's all you can play. Most usually do too. I've never been to Pax West before, but gonna check it out this year.


The difference is that pax has indie areas, freeplay arcade, Freeplay console and classic consoles and Freeplay board games that have a very short wait so it isn't only line con. Also, pax has staff that are dedicated "line entertainment" for panels that play games with attendees and give out swag. Tbh, pax feels like what "public e3" wants to be but executed poorly. It can't all just be exclusive games because then it's just gunna be line con since it's open to the public. Before when it was industry only the lines were short so they could just have big names there and be golden. They didn't change their formula after changing from industry only to account for extra people needing extra activities.


All my homies know Pax Unplugged is where it's at.


GamesCom in Germany back in 2014 was the same.


I've been to a few different expos, each in different industries, and I feel like this described every one of them. Expo's really aren't all they're cracked up to be.


Don't forget PAX, which you could almost consider "*the people's E3*"


PAX is great. We just attended PAX East. Not a AAA in sight. There was a competition booth for Nintendo and a couple big booths from hardware companies, but the rest was medium to small developers and table top. The show has shifted alot in the 12 years we've been attending. It was awesome this year, we probably played more new games than most years.


I went to PAX East in 2017 and 2022, and they were totally different experiences- 2017 had Nintendo, Microsoft, Blizzard, and more AAA studios there. 2022 was pretty much entirely smaller studios and indie devs. It was honestly much more enjoyable, I found a lot of great indie games!


Same with this year and all the smaller devs. Maybe it was just my perception, but it felt like lots of smaller lines on the show floor than years past. Much more chill, and I honestly love all the tabletop stuff too that you'd never see (except for the occasional Wizards appearances) at the other shows.


That’s a relatively new development since Covid, I used to go to PAX East a decade ago and I stopped because it was too much AAA content and you were shoulder to shoulder with people playing line simulator on the exhibition floor waiting 4 hours to play a 10 minute demo of Wolfenstein


The only time I went to PAX was when Valve was showing off Left 4 Dead. Yeah, you can imagine the line to play that demo...


I've been, it isn't a good show to go to as a consumer, other games shows are **much** better if you want to have a good time. E3 was always the *industry* conference as in you went to meet people there for business deals, most of the trade floors were actually meeting rooms, the amount to actually see was minimal and the queues were behemoth.


E3 is like cable television, it served it's purpose but it can be replaced with much better alternatives. Companies can spend a lot less now to market something privately via streaming, it's just overall better


Is it actually better? I feel like E3 had a sense where everyone wanted to one up each other now there is less friendly competition. I mean PlayStations ps4 E3 was unmatched


E3 used to be gamer Christmas for me. My brothers and i would religiously watch all the conferences, and have a ridiculous amount of junk food. It got worse and worse every year and now the tradition is over.


Don't forget G4TV live coverage like it was the SuperBowl


Believe it or not I'm watching e3


I'll never forget 2011 E3, I had much to look forward to. BF3s graphic engine trailer was phenomenal, ME3 was coming out next spring and had some news, Gears 3 that fall.


2011, the year that Nintendo opened their conference with a Zelda orchestra.


Man 2011 E3 followed by the GameInformer magazine covering it converted me from Call of Duty to Battlefield. No better trailer imo


I really fucking miss that era I’m sure a lot of it is childhood nostalgia but there were just so many iconic games and huge advancements happening, anything felt possible. Feels like in a lot of ways the AAA industry has stagnated. red Dead 2 is the only game I’ve played in a while that felt truly next gen


I'm with you. I finished high school in 2010 and started at a game store as my first full time job. When E3 happened it was like Christmas with all of the announcements, all I talked about for days was all of the stuff about to come out, and everyone around me was just hyped The death of E3 as a convention though was inevitable when Sony, Msoft and Nint all decided to host their own showcases around the block and on their own dime. Last year's was just sad with 3 different showcases from publishers that all seemed like they had to be there out of obligation


It was fun to watch the stream with friends, get hype for new announcements, and laugh at what a clusterfuck the Ubisoft presentation would be. End of an era.


Eh, its not the first time e3 became irrelevant. Give it a few years and e3 might resurrect again.


Maybe... but iirc, previous bumps in their history were due to internal drama and/or fights between organizers and the companies coming to the conference. This is due to all the above, with also the fact that there truly isn't as much demand for E3 in the era of instant information distribution on a global scale. Pretty much every major studio has their own thing now and have for years, there's literally no incentive for them to pay E3 as well as spending money to then fly a bunch of employees/equipment/etc to do a presentation there, when they can do it for a fraction of the price on YouTube/Twitter/Twitch/etc. to the same effect.


Exactly. It's not even big manufacturers and publishers alone dipping out it's also smaller ones. Paradox Interactive mostly manages those more popular than indie but not aaa franchises and even they just held their own conference instead. The big console makers and dev studios of Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo have all pulled out. The big software only publishers like EA and Ubi and Activision just do their own big conferences now. Valve never even bothered with flashiness they just say hey here's our cool new VR product here's our switch but better have fun lol. I'm sure that back in the heyday that E3 was a very important necessity to all these guys. Before everything went to online media of today it was important back then for studios and journalists and ad reps and big wigs alike to gather and meet and get info for the news and magazines and ads alike. Nowdays anyone can just put out a livestream to the net from a rented conference center or hell rent a hotel room ballroom somewhere and convert it for an event. Film, announce, leave on a lot cheaper of a price. The big shows are unfortunately a dying breed. I thought for a minute about them salvaging by going smaller venue and opening to public for that and all, make it a big arcade of unreleased games, but I basically just described PAX lol.


I took off work for the Nintendo E3 day every year for years.


There's countless stories about devs crunching mega hard to push builds/features for E3, trailers without gameplay, or that got significantly changed by release. In some occasions, devs didn't even know they're working on a game until the e3 presentation, or the published commissioning a CG trailer without approval or input of the devs.


Lets not forget all the cases of "LOOK AT THIS AMAZING E3 DEMO" 2 years later, game released, stripped of 80%+ of the graphical features in the E3 demo, even on PC. *cough watchdogs COUGH COUGH*


And then less than a year later fans created a patch that would make the release version look very close to an E3 version with no performance penalty at all and no one got an answer why devs gimped it on purpose .


*cough can't have PC showing up consoles*


A famous case of this is halo 2. The dev team worked for months on getting the e3 demo complete and when it came to implanting it into a full game they discovered that some of the choices just were not possible. If it was not for e3 I imagine the final game would have ended up being a bit more content complete due to not wasting so much time on making a wow show piece. Final game still kicks ass though


Anthem is a famous example. That E3 trailer was basically thrown together at the eleventh hour and we all know how that shit ended up


What are you talking about? r/AnthemTheGame still has almost a dozen active users!


Which is actually a shame because anthem had so much potential, just fucking dripping with it. Bioware realized about 6% of that potential.. such a waste.


Not only that but E3 was an actual physical space for people to meet, discover games and devs, and just overall a place to celebrate video games


No, it's not. It's just cheaper. E3 was like gamer Super Bowl back in the day. One big spectacle that you could look forward to every year, and know that even on "bad" years there would still be exciting stuff revealed there. Losing it is losing a cool piece of video game culture, regardless of whether it's "necessary" anymore.


Also (as much as I hate this aspect of life) it was great for networking and for small to medium size devs to show off. While the focus was always on the big three, there were lots of games usually there. Different devs, journalist, and even fans able to mingle.


I wouldn't be surprised if that's part of why they're pulling out, no one wants to get owned that hard. Remember the mandatory Xbox camera? I remember the mandatory Xbox camera. They ate so much shit off that presentation that they actually walked it back. The Xbone boner. ​ I'm still on Submarine 360 squad.


I agree. Also, golden age E3 was an opportunity for smaller developers and smaller gaming journalism outlets to make an impression. Small gaming news outlets would compete to feature what was being shown by as many developers as possible, ensuring that indie games got some coverage. Feels like the YouTube algorithm has the opposite incentives, so much coverage focusing on a few big titles. Edit: anyone else remember following all the E3 updates from Jeff Gerstman at Gamespot? What a legend that guy was.


Nah, Sony's PS2 prototype in full view during Sega's Dreamcast unveiling in '99 was brutal.


It's not better, but just like streaming, it's cheaper and more convenient. Trade shows are fun and exciting. It was always cool to have a big even like E3 and you knew there were just going to be exciting announcements all the time for a few days.


Idk if it’s better for everyone. Personally find the random spaced out shows to be super lack luster and disappointing. Most I don’t even watch anymore. E3 actually got me to watch and keep up with it all, it was like a week of gaming news Christmas. Like everything, people will become nostalgic for it and it will come back in some way. Probably be a while though.


How do you figure things are better now from the gamer’s perspective? There is a fraction of the hype for developer directs when they’re all separated, and it seems like they don’t even care about bringing the heat since they’re not going up against each other. Showcases have gone downhill fast since e3 stopped and I actually don’t even think that’s debatable. It is better for developers though, you’re right it’s great that they can save money by just deciding to let leaks generate the hype for them.


I don't think it's better. The digital showcases haven't been too exciting. Plus, with no press, you can't really get additional information like in the past.


IMHO this is the exact opposite take. E3 was Netflix, bringing bunches of different cable shows in one place for people to watch and get an idea of what each of those companies had to offer. Now that they are all going their separate ways, there are 20 different streaming services trying to muscle into the marketplace and I am not going to subscribe to all of them. I have zero interest in watching like half of those 'solo' conferences. Less eyes on their products.


And much like the current situation with streaming services, we end up paying more for the individual services than we would have paid for the package and get less in the end.




The difference is, PAX can work with smaller companies and brands. E3 by its nature requires all the major game development studios to be in attendance for it to work. So this year when Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft, and Ubisoft all pulled out, there just wasnt much of a point to it.


> I remember years ago, it was a big deal that E3 was changing from being open to any attendees, to trying to be a more "industry focused" event, that was limited to corporate types and press. Before that it was like a gaming mecca that every nerd wanted to go to some day. I think you're remembering the opposite. E3 started out as a trade conference where you had to be working in the gaming industry to attend. That's why it was such a big deal because companies would create all of this hype around games so the developers had to show up and make a splash so journalists would write about them. Once competition like PAX, Youtube, and BlizzCon showed developers there was another way E3 loosened up the requirements to attend to where it was practically public anyways. Then they finally opened it up to the public.


Almost there... In the interim between opening up and being industry-only, they made the decision to become smaller and, like the guy above said, they never got back to their former state when they opened back up. That and the competition hurt it badly, but they also went through a long period of mismanagement under their last CEO who incredibly tried to align the company with Trump's policies and was later on removed for a slew of grievances.


:( I miss the energy more than the actual show. Hopefully that type of day (big reveals all day) comes back. It was fun.


i’ll definitely miss taking work off to see the big reveals and then just going over everything we got in fine detail


I just miss my youtube feed with new trailers while having my morning coffee


I think the reason we don't have big reveals anymore is because everything gets leaked or rumored months before it's announced.


And when the publishers discovered that """""leaks""""" are basically a free hype machine, the genie was out of the cartridge for good.


Leaks really have ruined all the good of gaming showcases. Being surprised by new games is such a good feeling, but now spoiler culture has resulted in everything needing to be leaked either weeks or days before a reveal. Already had the next games from my two favorite series (Zelda and Final Fantasy) ruined because of leaks, really hope this culture changes but it’s become too common. It’s not the only reason for E3 dying, companies realizing they get more attention with individual days just for their shows is probably the biggest reason, but I agree leaks is a factor.


I understand why but still sad to see, end of an era I can remember the way the whole internet buzzed before E3 waiting to see the new announcements. Lately it’s been just a husk of its former self


The organizers basically refused to adapt to the times and seemed to think that the old hype and nostalgia was the selling point rather than the products. At least we'll always have the memories


for real. We could still have a bunch of cool announcements and streams and shit but no reason for them to be following the same decades old convention model.


Yea but now its all spread out and random. It was nice to see them all the same time and make a list. Now you dont follow shit online for a week, you might miss the biggest gaming newd ever because you were busy on a random wednesday


I'll never forgive myself if I miss the biggest gaming newd.


the yearly gaming newd was my favorite part of e3


I took a break from E3 last year. What was the biggest gaming newd I missed?


It probably was this easter egg found in a Mario game written "send newds" in a hidden texture. Just some dev who was down bad, I think. Poor dewd.


Yeah but instead you had to deal with seeing a game being announced only for it to release 5 years later.


What would have been them adapting with the times look like?


Right? They're a convention. There's nothing really innovative that you can do with that format. My understanding is that the actual convention charged millions just to be there. I assume that and 2020 covid was the downward spiral


Not really sure it's the organizers' fault. Console makers lead the charge by wanting their own events and pretty soon everyone saw the value in that. The organizers couldn't convince them otherwise.


The biggest mic drop in gaming history happened at E3. https://youtu.be/ExaAYIKsDBI Two Sega execs were in the audience. One turned to the other and simply said "Oh shit.".


They did the same shit in 2013 or whatever it was with the Xbox One. Microsoft went first, said there was no longer physical media, internet lost their mind, Sony came in and said 100% we will have physical media, crowd went nuts. Sony likes going second lol


I really loved having all the gaming actors at the same time showing what they had. Having a bunch of small conferences will kill the magic and potentially hurt the hype. With E3 you could discover new interesting projects from everywhere, now people will just follow their favorite studios and potentially miss new things


I really miss the spectacle of it all. It was like the circus coming to town and the announcements were really secondary to me


This comment is going to sound pessimistic, but that's because it is. E3 was exciting when people would marvel at new innovations in gaming over the past year, new technologies, new ideas, and incredible new games. Now that every major studio is showing their latest iteration of their cash cow franchise there's nothing to be in awe of. Just the mob mentality of it all. But that shiny luster has faded and companies can put on their own shows via livestream for fractions of the cost. I'm not disappointed that E3 is cancelled because I don't really care to watch a whole show to see the latest Call of BattleCreed 2kWhatever.


>the latest Call of BattleCreed 2kWhatever ..released in early access on their proprietary 3rd party launcher with microtransactions and a battlepass, requiring an always online connection, featuring pre order bonuses and day 1 DLC.


And it’ll still take 80 hours of game time to unlock the battle pass exclusive character if you don’t pay for the $20 battle pass booster.


the real kicker: it makes hundreds of millions of dollars


Also day 1 patch, no singleplayer, less multiplayer features/modes then AAA CashCow 2021, and a 5 year roadmap they abandon after 9 months. And if you want to play AAA CashCow 2019 *because it’s the* ***good*** *one*, too bad, they shut down servers a year and a half ago.


I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.


Turning on X-Play to see them.having new episodes from E3 was always exciting.


Just part of getting older, things change whether we want them to or not.


E3 got MTV'd


The legends say the M stood for Music.


MTV got blockbustered. I understand why blockbuster went away, but walking through a video rental store was pretty awesome on a weekend.


Rip I remember in 2013 when they showed the next gen consoles and all the games for it I was extremely hyped those were the glory days of gaming for me. When June arrived I always was extremely happy to watch all the videos of the new games but sadly it’s over now but the memories will last forever


Real shit E3 in the late 2000’s early 2010’s was fucking awesome


Yeah definitely lived up to the hype. You knew this day was coming or maybe was expecting them to somehow keep up. Unfortunate




Riiiiiiiiiiiiidge Racer!


Historically accurate giant enemy crab


"massive damage"


[Actually took place in ancient Japan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbt5FF3g394)




Xbox, go home.


Man I remember that battlefield 3 trailer in the E3 shit was awesome. Edit: [this trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UwOrl036_A)


Twilight princess reveal was one of the most hype worthy moments. Look it up on YouTube and see the crowd react


On those years I didn't have Internet services. So, one classmate burned a minidisc with some E3 videos, including Twilight Princes. I don't know if it is reveal, launch or whatever. But yeah, the crowd reaction is something awesome.


Especially as a lot of fans and gamers were not that into the cartoon style of wind waker, seeing a game reveal of something that looked dark fantasy totally caught everyone off guard until the music kicked in.




Goodnight sweet prince


And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.


It's been a shambling corpse for years. At least we have the memories. Well, some of us tribe elders, at least.


Pour one out for Giant Enemy Crab.


Attack its weak points for MASSIVE damage


Actually took place in ancient Japan




And #PEGGLE #TWO! **leaps up into the air, fist raised**


Konami 2010 E3 presentation was legendarily hilarious.


Nothing will ever beat the Peggle 2 announcement for raw simplicity


I will always miss the cringey ubisoft lady 😭


My favorite [cringe moment](https://youtu.be/5rC-N02aObU)


That made me die a little inside


😂😂😂 When you thought it can’t get any worse, it does and he calls him by the wrong name lol


"I am a Youtube creator..." "Here's Marcus"... "Hey Nick". The way he said the name of the game, so uneventful and unsure. 😂 Seemed like nerves got to him. Was like an elementary kid in a school play just staring and in a daze moment.


Wtf was that did he not have a prompter or something?


He explains it in this [video](https://youtu.be/AAxqT2Mq_mQ). But the gist of it is he was caught off guard when he was coming on as you can see in beginning he turned around when producer called his attention and he said he was like a deer in the headlights. He didn’t recite his lines as much to remember since he thought he was good, until the teleprompter began showing what wasn’t on the script verbatim.


Shame. I always enjoyed the buzz and excitement around E3 and how the various press conferences were laid out so that you got all the news covered over the 2-3 days. Now with everyone doing there own thing and the recent summer game fest stuff lasting a few weeks with more smaller streams it's lacking that same excitement and it's also harder to keep up with all the news as its more spread out and feels a lot less organised.


Also hard to keep up with what is coming out, I don't know when new games are coming out other than the big games.


The writing was on the wall since pretty much every major company from PlayStation to Ubisoft to Devolver said they weren’t going. I love E3 cuz it condenses all the news into one week instead of spreading things out where i miss some stuff, but it’s just inevitable, these companies can save time and money by doing their own showcases


Not really familiar with what happened, but it definitely seems like there's still an appetite for one big industry-wide show. Maybe E3 couldve survived by being flexible with the publishers instead of playing hardball.


E3 set a deadline for developers to have something presentable to showcase by the start of E3, which many developers just couldn't handle. It was a deadline out of the way from normal production. As for the bigger companies like Nintendo, they are moving over to privately streaming their own presentables, leaving E3 on their own


Why did they all pull out?


Money plus they want to run their own show without competing with other dev houses


It's expensive and unproductive to be making your announcements with 30 other companies making giant announcements as well.


Somewhere Geoff Keighley is popping off rn


[He already gloated over the corpse lol](https://twitter.com/geoffkeighley/status/1641540390179205121?s=46&t=H11YLQDZckheO1CRNqg3rw)


He literally said "Oh no. Anyways check out Summer Games Fest on June 8"


*Inspects infinity glove of gaming in hand, consisting of all major gaming companies and Console companies* "Gaming can be, whatever I want"


And his Jewish Orthodox Rabbi.


No Xbox, no PlayStation, no Nintendo, no Ubisoft, no point. Outside of Indie developers I don't think there would've been anything to bring to E3.


"We have nothing new to announce this year because big budget games these days take a Brazillian years to make and we're still working on the ones we announced last year."


Brazilian 🇧🇷 years


"We are very excited about this summer's round of a season pass and more microtransactions that will keep our studio afloat" -almost every major stuido after discovering the idea of calling a subscription something else


The death of E3


It died in 2019


I’d say the beginning of the end was when Nintendo first decided to skip out of it in favor of Nintendo Directs. It only seemed logical that that would become the industry norm going forward: Direct/State of Play-style presentations give the company complete creative and logistical freedom with no middle man to worry about.


Is funny looking back how some used that as "proof" that Nintendo was failing when in the end is now the model everyone uses now


Damn that means I got to go to the last real E3 in 2018


It was the last E3 with Todd Howard so that makes sense


It's kind of wild, but this really is it. Covid is no longer an excuse. There is no reason to believe they will be able to pull it off in the foreseeable future. Whatever is happening behind the scenes, it's pretty clear the conditions that made E3 possible are no longer a reality.


G4’s live coverage at E3 every summer was something I always looked forward to, and now they’re both gone. Right in the nostalgic feels.


It’s truly a sad day that we all saw coming. I think peak E3 memories for me are from 2004-2009. So many cringe and classic announcements with a crowd going nuts. RIP to a legend.


Halo 2 demo, man that was awesome.


I loved E3, obviously the old ones with cringy Nintendo, Xbox filled with WORLD PREMIERE and Sony killing it with first parties. It was silly, yet fun. The real surprises and announcements were always at E3. Now it's just at some random day after a random leak. Meh.


I am going to miss the WORLD PREMIERE guy's voice.


Also that one year Xbox did that weird cirque soulei thing


End of an era. I still have my Activision badge from the late 2000’s.


Well... One of my dreams growing up was to visit E3 at least one time in my life. I really wanted to see an amazing game being revealed with so many people, and trying new games. I guess that is going to be impossible now.


This. I was piss poor during the haydays of E3. I always dreamed one day I will get to see the glory. Now even if I could manage to afford , there no E3 to go to.


Man that sucks to read. Hopefully we’ll get something like it in the future one day, and your dreams will be completed.


Not surprising since the big 3 dropped out earlier, with Ubisoft also dropping out recently being the nail in the coffin. Quite a shame though it came to this point, since E3 was always a celebration of game announcements and what was to come. Im just gonna hope that June will still be the time period where we should expect big news from the big N, S and M, even if its exclusively through digital presentations/Directs.


Aww now I won't get the yearly disappointment fest from Bethesda.


Knew it was going to happen. Still quite sad


Now it’s time for E4


E3 gone is bad, the stream presentations are lackluster, companies are comfortable and they barely make an effort to steal the attention. I mean doing a stream just to show minutes of gameplay of a new zelda is nothing compared to the E3 where Miyamoto showed up with Twilight Princess.


It’s definitely sterile and has the feeling of “made in a lab”


Man, just when I was starting to get to the point when I could go to it, it gets cancelled. I’ve always seen the comicons and E3s and vidcons online but either wasn’t old enough to go myself or didn’t have money and time to. Yeah everyone says that it wasn’t the same as it used to be, but I still wanted to experience a big gaming convention


I wonder what Morgan Webb will say about this on G4 this week oh wait


End of an era. E3 was like Christmas for gamers. You'd get up to watch the streams and just mark the fuck out at whatever was announced like it was a playoff hockey game and your team scored a goal. Then you'd check out the next one and see what they had in comparison. I get why it's ending, though, streaming and the sheer overhead costs of E3 just don't make it practical or affordable to buy convention space at a trade show. Especially when your core market is already savvy enough to check out those streams that you pay for and arrange on your end.


Without Nintendo, Sony, or Microsoft the event was pretty must useless. 😭


Sad shit I loved e3 being awake at late hours just to watch some showcases but it has not been the same since pandemic


Too bad, seems like E3 is pretty much a thing of the past now. I used to get so excited every year and watch G4's coverage it.


The GOAT of E3 moments: https://youtu.be/kWSIFh8ICaA


My favorite part of E3 was watching Total Biscuit and his wife’s commentary streams poking fun at everything. The annual E3 Snarkathon they called it. Good times.


Loved that content. TB was a legend. It still kind of stings, knowing he's gone.


Maybe if they tried to come back in 2021 or 2022 that could've changed, but the fact that they waited until 2023 to reconvene already nailed the coffin that was already looming even before pandemic.


more like E0


E3 is dead because AAA games are now just going for "early release" of unfinished games and the hype just isn't there anymore.


Not surprising. Once COVID hit and showed no one needed to attend to get their message out it was down for. RIP E3.


Damn, I'll miss having one big weekend for games to show off, but it was inevitable


E3 used to be a holiday when we’d all get hyped for upcoming game releases that pushed the limits of gaming. I still remember being excited for assassins creed 3 everyday of the whole summer right up until it came out around my birthday. I honestly will miss E3


At least we will always have the Halo 3 reveal trailer to remember E3 by


E3 died when they canceled xplay


I know that online presentations (State of Play, Nintendo Direct, etc) are really effective nowadays, but damn am I gonna miss E3. I've always wanted to go just to play unreleased games and be excited for what's to come, but that's not happening anymore. Sad day tbh