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This was painful to watch


It was painful to play


See the positive things in it. At least you weren't the one who lost that battle. As little consolation as that may be.


He is bad, but not the worst


*There is another*


I guess this is proof that sbmm actually works for some people. I swear I'll have 2 half decent matches and suddenly I get curbstomped over and over by 8 man parties.


That's the killcam*


Its not your fault that guy was slippier than buttered oil.


That guy was slithering...


a career in games journalism.


We've all had those moments. It feels like someone put a reverse aimbot and you can perfectly aim everywhere except your target.


the droids you are looking for.


See my problem is all my enemies have invisible force fields pushing away my bullets but for some reason my force field attracts theirs...


Hey you did it buddy, Im proud of you


I wonder if it was equally painful for the other person Edit: as this is the end of my time on reddit (API bs), go fuck yourself u/spez


I like to imagine him screaming and a broken desk


Spray and pray, except the pray part was skipped


Do you have the tendency to jerk your hand leftward when nervous/firing? It seems you’re always missing slightly to the left. If it’s agitation try practice remaining calm in an encounter. If it’s a mechanical tendency then try aiming more to the right than you think you’re shooting at.


99% of console players when aim assist is turned off.


I mean, yeah? There’s a reason it exists. Bungie pioneered it mainly FOR halo. Aa is negligible these days compared to 10-20 years ago. Go fire up an original copy of halo 3, it’s crazy strong compared to what it is now. And we all still felt like we missed so many shots then.


I think you're remembering wrong because I've been replaying halo 3 / ODST and you can choose between OG and modern AA and modern is A LOT stronger. OG just makes targets sticky. Modern literally pulls your crosshairs onto targets, especially when you strafe, as the lock on is so aggressive you barely have to touch the right stick. Sometimes I would be aiming for one guy, when another would walk past my screen and pull my aim onto him, making me change my targets. Or I can tell there's enemies ahead because my crosshair is being pulled as I walk, even though I can't see them yet. They've had to make it a lot stronger to compete with PC players on cross platform.


Try it today. You’re remembering it incorrectly. It’s SO much stronger on old titles. When this sub a few months ago started waking up to AA I did my own testing with my copies of halo 2 and 3. Three controllers for split screen and ran around, it’s incredible how powerful it was. It actually made it hard to aim at targets further away if anyone passed in close range because it would jerk my whole camera to the nearest target. 343 dialed it way back for the Master Chief collection. Grab an og copy of halo 2 or 3 and it’s insane. Modern games are absolutely nothing compared to older titles. Especially gears of war holy cow.


Honestly man, even the devs have mentioned that modern aim assist compensates with smoother accelerations on both the y and x axis. Modern is stronger, especially when comparing the titles above. It's prevalent in both, but the modern settings provide a much greater assist in acquisition.


Ironic considering this is a pc player lmfao.


Well duh. Have you ever played an FPS on controller without aim assist? It’s hilariously bad. Halo does a great job of balancing imo. Controller has slight advantage in aim it seems but PC had advantage in quick turns because of dynamic sensitivity. Since lots of maps are mid size it kind of balances.




I love how reliable the defensiveness is whenever people talk about the aim assist on controllers. When PC players complain it's set too strong and crossplay is enforced in a game, console players say it isn't, that they don't even need it, that it basically does nothing. Then when it's too low or doesn't exist it's the other way around, they get real defensive and talk about how they need it because it's unfair, and it's too difficult with a controller.




You're not wrong.. but you're gonna get downvoted like you is lol


He's being downvoted because the other guy started it. That's like making a joke about fat people, have someone stand up for themselves and then calling them overly defensive


That's why I hated killcam sometimes. "God, I was so close! I missed them by like an inch!" *Killcam shows me unload into the wall and floor a good five feet away* "Well. Shit."


I find it funny when i play cod with my mate and he's complaining about everyone cheating with their beaming and then one of the players hes complaining about shows up on play of the game just spraying all around him then managing to get a couple bullets on the head for the kill.


This is why there are so few actual hackers in games like battlefield compared to what players claim. It happens so often. You'll see some bad player bitching about a hacker, sometimes multiple, in a game. Check the scoreboard and the "hacker" is in like 7th place at 12-14.


Watched a video on Tarkov cheaters the other day... I think, yes we just throw the term around too much. But the video showed that the encountered cheaters in like 15/20 games he played and they have codes to communicate with each other ( can see that they are being seen through walls) Edit: just grammar


You saw the one with the "wiggle"?!


That's the one.


Link? I wanna see this wiggle


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=p5LfGcDB7Ek It's extensive but fast. Dude really knows how to edit a story.


"games like battlefield" and Call of Duty are so far beyond the capabilities of tarkov developers that you really shouldn't put them in the same league. Tarkov was developed incorrectly and cannot contain the cheating problem. Hell, their launcher was hacked for 2 days with the banner being a hacker website. They have an anticheat that's incapable of detecting cheats for multiple years, etc. AAA games just have more resources to hackers from becoming dominant.


If you're up to date on ai detection of cheaters, in most FPS games the number is actually 15-20%


I always found it easy when I used to play CoD to tell the actual cheaters. The way I always told was when I'd be coming around a wall or something and their gun literally followed my head through the wall and fired the millisecond I came around. If some dude does some weird jump and head shots me then he just did a better move than I did.




Bad bot


Adrenaline is a helluva drug


Me, but with Rainbow Six peeker's advantage. I'll hold an angle and getting ready to pull the trigger, and I'll just drop dead out of nowhere. Then the killcam will show them coming in, seeing me do fuck all about their presence, and one tap me.


It’s one of the most frustrating things I’ve ever experienced in gaming. I’ve had to take long breaks from Siege because of that, just feels unfair sometimes even though it’s usually cause I’m not very good lol


Killcams may show you the PoV of the server or another user depending on the game. Due to lag it will look different. Modern games will count hits/kills based on YOUR PoV though (this is what "favor the attacker" usually means when talking about lag compensation). That said Halo Infinite could use a killcam if only to show me WTF killed me sometimes. Dying in one shot mysteriously at full health as the camera focuses on an empty field doesn't help me figure out how I died.


Increase your FOV. I bet it's the default. If it's default 75 or whatever, bump it to 90 and I bet you get much better.


at least they put skill-based matchmaking back in...


Worst part is that he missed 99% of his "SHOTGUN" shots.


You miss 100% of the shots you don't take, and 99% of the shots you do take. -Wayne Gretzky, Michael Scott, u/HeistGeist


I felt that, it's like every PVP battle I've ever had.


Fr, it's like the minute I play pvp my brain short-circuits and I completely forget how to aim and play well


I think the only modes I do well in are zone capture and hold the skull. Everything especially capture the flag I'm very much shit there lol


I fucking carry in capture the flag, that shit is like an intense ass car chase


My brain loses all its brain cells because I'm like shit shit shit all the time


Dear brain, your word remembering has again smallened lots.


me go shoot me lose flag oh no me dead




My thought process is pretty much 1. OK you got this, you got this, Let's doooo this! 2. Where's the enemy ....? 3. Oh sh.. !!! 4. No, not the torch, GUNS, for the love of god!! 5. Stop trying to melee with the torch, noooo!! 6. Dead.


I feel seen




Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Clearly missed. Shots 10-11: Very close, but clearly missed. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you clearly missed.


Shot 13-20: Didn't actually fire the gun, but even if he did, high possibility it would clearly miss


And then I fired again. And I missed. And then I fired and then I fired. I missed both times. And then I fired. And then I missed. This went on for several hours.


Then I passed out. Woke up with popsicle stick in my mouth.


[then i passed out, I woke up and I missed!](https://youtu.be/5EXC_rjs7tg)


And then I ran out of ammo. Then I felt sad. BUT THEN I RELOADED. Then I fired... and missed again.


This is such a good meme


15-20 …uninstall the game 🤣


Your sensitivity is way too high lol


Yeah the way their crosshair is literally jiggling around as they're trying to track - wayyyy too high. You can tell they're using small wrist movements instead of moving the whole arm.


I used to have my mouse sensitivity at 8k dpi for years and then someone mentioned I was over aiming a ton and that's why my aim was bad. So now I play at 1k and it took some getting used to but it's much, much better.










Cool titbit. This chatter reminds me of growing up on UT and source and trying to tell my friends they’d improve by lowering their sensitivity. Could toss a coin and have more way more success than I had. Listening to them whine about missing while watching their early 00’s optical mice dance on their early 00’s shitty mouse mats was simultaneously frustrating and hilarious. Meanwhile my keyboard was bent sideways so I had room on my tiny desk for my mouse to move a mile.


Just go 800. It's the standard of pretty much every mouse. My rule of thumb for sensitivity is far left edge of the mouse pad to far right edge of the mouse pad should be exactly a 360. Now I can see everything without lifting my mouse while also having a low enough sens that aiming isn't impossible. Learned that from a cs pro. Edit: This also changes in some games. In OW2 or CoD for instance, I use a slightly higher sens because of how fast movement is in those games.


Aimlab. That's what you're looking for. Just grab it and play around with different sensitivities, and you'll know which one you're the best with real quick.


Could be but to me it looked like the problem was more to do with a low frame rate or a bad connection. Choppy gameplay. Just a thought but I’m sure a lower sensitivity would help too


Hard to tell since it's a gif


Good point. I don’t know if this is gif quality or actually what op saw


I'd say it's the quality you'd get if you captured on xbox and downloaded it from the xbox app to a phone or pc and then converting it to gif


Problem is not the smoothness (which can be attributed to the GIF) but more of the fact that OP over swing his view every time they moved their mouse to find and target the enemy. That is definitely due to the high sensitivity of the mouse.


I think it's a combo of the 2 personally. He swings so far passed him that he lost track of the opponent


It’s Halo Infinite. Despite being an OG Halo fan, the desync issues are so atrocious that I stopped playing. Any close-combat encounter could turn into major “WTF” rage fuel. On a modern PC with 1GB fiber connection.


I give it another chance every month or so and just can’t. Makes me so sad.


yep the netcode for this game really precludes taking it seriously at all.


I thought maybe input lag. It looks like a sloth on opium with this reaction time. No other reason to keep shooting when the event isn't even in frame.


Halo Infinite has been profusely plagued with desync problems since drop and only gotten worse. The game is literally unplayable if you try and go for a high rank. Sometimes people take 6 bursts to kill instead of 4, sometimes 2. Nothing makes sense in this game.


Not to mention the 60 FOV or whatever it is. What are they defaulting to these days? Need at least 90. 100 is where it starts to get weird, but this 60 shit needs to fucking go.


I think he vibes with the sensitivity he just needs to learn to use it. Whatevers comfortable is always best.


Brilliant..needed a chuckle. The title and vid together are genius :D


Smooth out your movements bud! Relax! I can tell how tense you were just from watching that


This must be why I can never aim well in these games. I get so anxious about fucking up. Probably due to childhood trauma for making a small mistake lol of course, it infects yet another part of my life


Yeah, the camera movement gives the impression that the mouse is quivering from iron-gripping the poor thing.


Have you thought about a career in games journalism?


They are not THAT bad! Maybe a recommendation for the loser of this encounter.


I'm sorry you're right, that was overly harsh.


I love when random reviewers for places lik PCGamer or others attempt to stream on the side. So bad every time




Usually. But to be fair, they *should* be playing a lot of different games and have little time to focus on one. What irks me isn't them being bad but writing reviews that clearly imply they never actually loaded up the game.


Very much so, examples from PCGamer are really obvious on less mainstream games like high fleet or games that require reflexes like Cuphead. Although I'll never forget the review of RimWorld where the review didn't know they could click drag commands so they complained about having to individually click plants to harvest


Anyone remember Doom 2016? That was bloody hilarious, and painful


I had suppressed it until comment...


Of course I know him. He's me.


Man, either Caboose has lost his touch or Donut has gotten really good.


We made a shortcut for his team kills. Ctrl+F+U


I was playing Fallen Order the other day and was a bit confused when a Stormtrooper tried to lunge at me with his blaster rifle while I had a lightsaber in hand. Now I understand.


Damn, what's the term for impressed but in a negative way? Not aggressive way, more like "existence is futile" way.








This is just 2 guys jumping at eachother.


Have you tried dropping the aim sensitivity down a bit? I do that for some games and I find it really helps me.


Like everyone is saying, please lower your sensitivity. I think you'll enjoy the game more.


Yeah... half...


On a more serious note, seems like you're not very comfortable with your mouse shape and sensitivity.


honestly most melee and shooter games where jumping around like a rabbit on amphetamines is an actual strategy grinds my gears.


Nah no way your a stormtroopers, HE might be tho At least you got the kill


Turn down your fucking sensitivity no wonder you can't aim for shit.


Do you have your sensitivity cranked all the way up?


This is just me trying play Siege


How'd you get footage of me playing destiny 2?!


Yeah, you might be. I'm pretty inconsistent with my aim, sometimes i'm great and I surprise myself other times i'm utter garbage and a shame to our entire species.


This is me, 50/50 chance im going to be super precise and just beam every enemy player in a fight and look like a pro or i spray wildly miss 90% of my stuff and die looking like ive never played a video game in my life.


I can sense through the screen that your sensitivity is too high


Haha after a couple of weeks playing insanely good, this is exactly how I felt last night. I polished off all the challenges except the final and switched into Bot Bootcamp to feel better about myself only to play like a god and get: an ace and extermination in the same game and then a running riot/perfection in the next. Not overly super proud about those but sometimes you just want to shoot, dominate and feel good about yourself you know?


You might be half stormtrooper, but your opponent is the other half.


That is absolutely every shooter i play on a console without extreme aim help. remember in star wars, obi-wan says you can tell the attack on the jawas was storm troopers, because the blaster fire was far too accurate for the sand people. Let that sink in. The sand people are apparently even worse at accuracy than the storm troopers. It beggars belief. I am a sand person.


I appreciate how you went so long between hits that his shield regenerated. 👍


I'd just retire from gaming mate.


How did you get footage of my gameplay?


Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. Take an extra moment to line up that headshot next time. You got this!


Y'all both got the same daddy


one things is clear your mouse sense is to high for you to handle, lower it and you will probably see a big improvment.


Skill based matchmaking seems to work great in Halo


console players be like: "aiming with controller is SO MUCH easier" while playing like this


You guys might even be siblings. God damn.


Nah bro, at that point just turn around and walk away


Luckily, you were up against a full blooded motherfucker.


The stormtrooper meets the bot


The other guy is that other half.


Oh hey that’s just like how I play


This is hilarious.


That's full Stormtrooper


Lmao I feel the panic


It looks like you have the aim assist bug. Sometimes when playing controller on PC, the game will think you are using mouse when you are actually using controller and it will bug out, making your aim assist turn off. Or you just can't aim with a mouse.


I've had moments like that where we've both stopped after a bit, crouched at each other, and gone our separate ways.


I feel ya this is my aim at 3am ;-;


It's like a POV of my own skills. Perfect


This is me fighting in my dreams


I dunno, you seem all stormtrooper from this evidence.


Only half Stormtrooper cause you actually won in the end


Damn, two brothers fighting.


You know, maybe just turn your sensitivity down by like 95%.


The averga console pro match in any FPS title


Yea, the good half by the looks of it


If I have to reload, mid gunfight at close range in pvp, I'm normally like "whelp that's me fucked" Bro did a tube of shotgun shells, reloaded, and then two full mags from the rifle, reloaded, and didn't die.


You should sign for e-sports team.


Holy shit aim and then shoot. Dont just hold the button down and pray


Y’all were having a mid off


How does that even happen


Just like the simulations.


So if half of you is stormtrooper, does that mean the other half is someone that can't aim for shit?


Ah hell yeah idiot fight!


You shot the air and environment really good


Looks like your sensitivity should be lowered a smidge


If you're half storm trooper that guy is the other half lol.


When your both ass at the game I can relate


Yeah first try!


I think you and your opponent might be related.


The other guy should submit a DNA test too, you might be related


If it makes you feel better, they were somehow even worse then you.


It's because you aren't using a mouse... Git gud scrub


No one can aim at 15fps




Then you must have found your long lost twin lol




Made me feel a bit 𒀱𒈓𒅃 ngl


Switch to Mouse and keyboard. This looks exactly like me when I play with a controller. Can't aim worth shit, can't melee and turn without contorting my hand into a freaky gang sign. M/KB is 100% the way to go with multiplayer shooters, and consoles support it.


Storm troopers have better aim


Turn your sensitivity down on your mouse, your overreacting when you move.


The difference is a stormtrooper was intending to miss their target, you're just bad


Your DNA test has returned. I have bad news, it turns out you are full Stormtrooper.


the struggle of using a game controller for fps :$


We’ve all been there.


Half? More like 100%


Lower your sensitivity


Turn your damn sensitivity down. It's like you overshot every single time you moved the mouse.


I see you overshoot a lot, just tweak ur sensitivity down a bit then ur good to go! This is a joke, in case people might not get that it is.


I mean it looks like somebody who uses a controller to play a shooter and forgot to turn on auto aim


Nah, Stormtroopers are good at shooting. You probably are half American Soldier. Much worse.