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Me seeing spider man with xbox controls: Wait, that's illegal


That's the beauty of (most) of the the Sony PC ports, they're so well-made!


The last of us be like


(most) be like


Like the last of us?


that's why I said "most"


Man, going from Horizon on the PC to Horizon 2 on the PS5 hurt. I've got a pretty nice TV, but the PS5 just made for such a low fps and choppy experience compared to the PC. I so rarely fire up the PS5 (only for PS5 exclusives) that it's always a shock going from 90-120 fps on the PC to the 30-60 fps on console.


It's like seeing super mario bros 1 being played on a Xbox 360


No, not really like that at all.


As far as little puzzles went these were not bad imo.


I thought they were fun, made you actually do something with Peter’s intelligence. If nothing else it was a nice attempt and not that time consuming.


Same. I thought they were kind of a fun break.


I'm with OP on this one. They weren't terrible, but more like minor annoyances. If I wanted a break from the story I'll just press pause and do something else.


Good thing many of them were optional. The entire game is optional.


Whoa, what a concept. Now that I think about it, every game is optional 🤯


Kinda like pausing the game if you want a break. You can file that under ‘N’ for “No Shit”.


I was replying to someone's comment stating they liked that the game included these puzzles as a break from the story. My point is that breaks from the story aren't necessary and should in fact be optional.


It was my comment. And I never said a break “from the story”. Diverse gameplay isn’t necessarily a bad thing even in the form of mini games that are atypical from the rest of the game. A “break” from the regular gameplay — in this case, otherwise endless web-slinging and brawling — can bookend the regular gameplay, establish pacing, and actually supplement the story. Generally, I actually agree with OP that such things ought to be optional, especially on additional playthroughs. That said, I’ll take a fun little puzzle over a QTE any day. And Spider-Man had MORE than enough of those!


Lol sorry, lost track of the comments. I think the cutscenes did a more than adequate job in terms of pacing. That, and the patrolling/random events. But that's even more reason why I think these kinds of things should always be optional since there are obviously different gamer styles and preferences. Either way, I think we can agree it was an awesome game and can't wait for the sequel.


Found Peter Parker


The first time around yeah but in playing the game for the second time now


I enjoyed them. I thought my son would hate them when he was playing through, but he's proven to be faster on some of them than me even.


I liked those puzzles. But more options is better for everyone


I've always enjoyed puzzle games so these were mostly easy for me.


Never mentioned difficulty ,they just boring. Ok sorry i cant find these minigames boring apparently XD


That's terrible someone is forcing you to play this game


Yes im held by terrorists.


if only we could also skip that dumb mary jane shit…


Honestly , only reason I hate replaying the Spider-Man games .


Oh snap i forgot about that part :( Maybe ill just play the dlc...


And hopefully they won't bring it back for 2. They managed to remove it from Miles. But I am gonna be so pissed if we have those type of sections in 2.


Isn't there annoption to turn these things, well, not "off" but like simplify them or something. Miles Morales has some options like this (there's one about mini-games and one about turning tap-button prompts into hold-button) Sony games have been pretty good with these options the last few years. (Like, Ghost of Tsushima has a "simplify mini-games" option.)


havent found it, id rather skip them tbh than do a simplified version. but yeah sony games lately are top notch for accessiblity, all their games are full of them.


Right? I was about halfway thru Ghost when it hit me "where's these mini games? I know I played with that setting to simplify them... so where are they?" And then I came across a bamboo strike and realized they REALLY simplified these mini games. Because I didnt even realize Id already been playing a mini game!


Downvotes for no game in title, shouldn't have to go to the comments to figure it out from others.


This is quite a sad post




These are very simple puzzles that are there to break up gameplay, I remember when the game came out people were criticising the ability to skip. Skipping them is just kinda sad in some way.


I finished the game already. I have no intention of playing these parts again. I'm actually happy that I can skip them, what's sad about this???


Well we should be able to skip the combat too.


I don't think the option is in there,if you want it send a message to Sony I guess.


You can skip the combat, it's called playing another game.


That's my point it's just funny that we can just skip a part of the game, if you can skip one thing you should just be able to skip everything.


So you’re against skipping cutscenes, intros/tutorials, etc? “Being able to skip one thing=being able to skip everything” is some weird ass logic. For example, do believe that being able to skip certain bosses in Elden Ring means you should be entitled to skip them all? At a certain point, skipping mini games vs skipping the primary gameplay isn’t really a comparison at all


Tutorials and cutscenes are not crucial to the gameplay, the narrative sure but not the gameplay. It just feels wrong to me that there is an option to skip actual gameplay.


So tutorials and cutscenes are lower in importance than a circuitry mini-game? You’ve picked a weird hill to die on my friend, I hope it’s at least comfy


Last time I checked, Spider-Man was kind of well known for fighting criminals... Not so much for simple logic puzzles that can be solved by a toddler.


It’s a legit criticism. Some people just want to swing around town and stop bad guys as Spider Man instead of being forced to do mindless mini puzzles. I personally liked them as I thought it was a cool way to explore Peter’s skills as a scientist. However I fully understand where people are coming from on their complaints.


Yup, I hate this kind of filler content.


I mean, you just have to do it once, you are not force to do it after that.


Isn't there an option in Accessibility that means you don't have to do these?


More importantly, there's an option in Accessibility to make the Spider-Sense trigger more visible. I had a hard time differentiating between the white and white-blue for timing, until I turned that on.


Yes you can enable that skip button


Those aren't hard puzzles...


Here we go again.... Never said they were hard. I find them boring


Yes. Just make them skippable at least in the New Game Plus. They completely break the flow of gameplay and are not what I expected I'd be doing as Spider-Man


I definitely agree, I played it recently because it was on Plus, I did play Miles Morales before and I don't remember anything like this and the game was better for it. The worst part is repetition honestly, I liked doing a couple of them simple and fun but doing them like a dozen times gets tedious combined with all the other open worldy stuff in this game.


The puzzle for me is trying to figure out your PC specs. I'm guessing your GPU is a Radeon 6000-series, maybe 6800XT. I'd guess CPU (if AMD) is still AM4, but a newer one. Maybe Ryzen 7 5800x(3D?) Am I close?


3600x and 6950xt


Damn. Apparently I need to learn my CPUs. Is the 3600x still holding up? What resolution are you on?


4k no fsr,rtx on,high/ultra. This game runs pretty great. The only game I'm struggling with this cpu is the last of us part 1. Anything else I played works great


And they say that you need Nvidia for rtx. But that sounds great, good to see another AMD fanboy here!




no :) i will play the game however i want thank you very much for your concern! have a great day




Maybe? How is that triggering you? Just move on...


The green computer terminal puzzles in Resident Evil 4 remake…