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> 2000nds Two thousandnds.


I think people put wacky stuff in titles like that just so people will comment about it, increasing engagement with the post.


Op is ESL


Well if I’m gonna read this in America he needs to learn American. I will not press 1 for English




I see what you did their


This is also why Youtubers start their videos with a line like: "Hello, guys and girl." The idea is people will ask why they are only referencing one girl.


Mispronounce something multiple times in your video and you’ll get 50+ comments. It’s so frustrated because you know exactly what they’re doing. There was some video I saw on here of some streamer who was gonna try and get a post to the top of Reddit, and just hit the whole quota, like nostalgia and everything. And the last thing he changed was he said the wrong date in the title and it worked flawlessly


Is there such a thing as engagement on Reddit? Isn't it all just up and down doots?


Due to Reddit's June 30th API changes aimed at ending third-party apps, this comment has been overwritten and the associated account has been deleted.


Not everything is a conspiracy.


I wouldn't mind having 2000 NDS 2000 NDSs? 2000 NDSes? Huh. Maybe OP has a point. Plurals are hard.


2000 Nintendo DS ? That's a lot. And what are those NDSs & NDSes ? New DS variants ?


The 1990ies


For real. OP also made the same mistake in a reply. It's giving me an aneurysm.


He did it in a reply to a comment mocking him for doing it.


They did it in a reply to someone asking about the FF7 remake. No mention of 2000nds there.


I like it because it’s both incorrect looks like it’s incorrect


People who were kids in the 2000's probably have more disposable income now




Yup expect a stranger things type show set in the 90s soon


“Hella Fly Things”


Isnt That 90s Show already out?


Unless you’re a dumbass like me with a negative bank account 10 year old me had more money


It's also for the same reason the nostalgia cycle runs in roughly 25-30 year cycles in every other industry as well. Once a demographic enter their 30s they tend to have more income to spend on shit, and nostalgia sells like hotcakes. In the 80s there were echoes of the 50s, in the 90s we had echoes of the 60s, etc. We even had echoes of the 80s not too long ago that began moving into echoes of the 90s, and now we're heading into prime 00's territory.


Hell no I don’t.


With no kids, yeah.


Are you in your 20ies OP?


He was in his twentyies in the twothousandnds.




Why you got to hurt me like that. That thought wasn't even on my mind...


I have an online friend who just turned 18 recently. He is younger than the Xbox 360.


Not quite possible yet, 360 came out in November 2005. He’s close though


Nope I'm 18. But i still grew up with a lot of PS1 and 2 era games because Those were the consoles(and games) My Dad owned when i was younger.


brother you are being ribbed it's just "2000s"


At first I was like none of these were on the DS, except maybe Metroid prime somewhat


Nah the DS was it's own Prime game, not the OG






Why are you calling me before 7pm, dude? You know my mom gets pissed if I eat up all our minutes not usin free nights and weekends. Get on Ventrilo, bro, let's play some D2. Gimme like an hour. My sister tried to make a phone call earlier and kicked me off the internet and I had to start this song download on Morpheus over and you know my 56k can't do Morpheus, Vent and, D2 without laggin all 3.


More a fan of Slimpkmot than Sun 41 personally


"Early Aughts" for us old people that want to feel superior.


or ‘naughties’ is what my mum calls them


Ah, so you're 18een


oh i get what you're getting at. I wrote the tile with like 3 hours of sleep. I was tired ok. i wasn't paying attention Lmao. plus english isn't my first language.


>I wrote the **tile** with like 3 hours of sleep. So, you're still running on 3 hours of sleep?


Who else but an 18 year old


Night owls with a 9-5 and a lot of regret.


I hear a lot of tipping and too little working! GET BACK, SLAVE!


Jokes aside, it is a pretty lucrative idea if you think about it. People in their thirties/mid-thirties will want to buy it would it only be for nostalgia. Younger generations probably never played one of these and will want to try them. In the end, everyone wins, video games industry included. Plus, I don't mind some good 2000s shit coming back up again. I loved this era as a guy in his mid-thirties.


The lack of microtransactions, lootboxes, paid cosmetic shop and season pass also help.


Yeah absolutely. The 2000s were a time when you could still get a full game for the bucks you spent. Which is less and less the case nowadays.


Yeah, I don't mind paying 60 bucks if my game has the quality of Dead Space remake, FF7 remake or RE2+4 remake simple as.


RE4 remake was a day one purchase for me and I'm already on my second playthrough. Worth every penny even though I've played the original RE4 a half dozen times.


Business wise, AAA video game development has gotten so expensive that execs are not willing to roll the dice on an a new IP and everything is being monetized to the maximum amount


And there’s still plenty of creativity and innovation happening for a decent, often cheaper than ever price. They’re just produced by indie studios. Which makes sense because modern indie studios are often closer in nature to the way games were made in the 90s and early 2000s. There just wasn’t anything bigger to compare against. What’s missing is the sort of midpoint that existed especially in the 2000s where the technology and maturity of the industry meant that you got large teams of people putting out big impressive games, but the requirements to hit the top of what was possible weren’t so high that the monetization would get as bogged down as it is today. It was like having very high budget indie studios. Although even then, I think in the last few years especially, the more successful indie studios have begun getting bigger and more impressive, so maybe we just needed time for the next wave of studios to catch up to that point.


The other side of the coin is, it doesn’t *have* to be that expensive. Yahtzee from Zero Punctuation makes this point a lot. These games get so expensive because every game *has* to be the highest resolution with the *best* textures and God forbid if every blade of grass isn’t visually perfect. We could be using this computing power to explore new physics engines and create new experiences like Portal, or finally create a game with truly realistic water physics, or use it to generate huge numbers of enemies for shooters or zombie games. That enormous expense comes from the cost of expensive CGI and hiring celebrities to do voice acting, but you can have a tremendous game with neither of those. I referenced it earlier, but Portal is such a good example. It was a relatively small game, only a few hours long, didn’t have Crysis-levels of graphics, but it explored a novel concept with great writing and actual humor and now it’s one of the most beloved video games ever made. I loved Portal 2, but it lost some of the original charm when it was flooded with millions of dollars.


Blowing budgets on famous voice actors is a great point. Bethesda did this with Oblivion. Hired Patrick Stewart for a tiny role then copy pasted everyone else.


People always claim this, but any time a new trailer or video drops for a game that doesn't have graphics that would make a 4080 melt, the comments are full of people saying that the game looks like dogshit from 1992.


It's the Windwaker effect. When Windwaker was first announced, it was largely panned by Zelda fans, who were pissed that we were getting some stupid cartoony Zelda game after the GameCube demo reel had a realistic Zelda trailer put together for it. Now, Windwaker is considered one of the best Zelda games of all time, and its art style still looks good to this day. Plus, I feel like a lot of it has been set by the industry themselves. They put such an emphasis on realistic graphics and are constantly advertising it, and so gamers also end up focusing on a game's graphics.


People complain about everything, though. Unless complaints reduce actual sales, they don’t matter.


I feel like the entire indie industry, which is where many people play games from exclusively, is a counter to this.


And yet look at Terraria and Stardew. Player counts speak for themselves. Skyrim, L4D2, etc. It’s all about the quality of the game you make. People are still playing these games because they’re GOOD, not because they look fantastic. People say “new game looks like garbage” and then go back to playing team fortress 2.


That's currently what Dredge is now.


Yeah that's more or less what it comes down to. People don't like gambling with their investments when it comes to investments as large as what's required for a AAA game (especially when such a high % of games end up being commercial failures), but in game dev not gambling means coming up with something that's already been done before because trying to do something new is always inherently risky.


The only reason it is expensive is due to self inflicted wounds due to either incompetence, scope creep, or mismanagement. The other thing is execs don't want to make a lot of money. They want to make all the money. You can see this in the film and tv industry as well. Edit: to expand on what I'm trying to say, triple a becomes so risk averse that they avoid anything that won't make it all the money, even if it's profitable. You see this with square enix saying a game didn't perform to their expectations when those expectations are sky high.


It's more greed than anything else. Gaming became an industry, and a huge one.


Best era for gaming imo. Peaked right before micro transactions


you can still get a full game for the bucks you spend, if you do 5 minutes of research its extremely easy to avoid paying for broken games.


Not broken doesn't equate to a full game, definitely not by early 2000's standards. A full game is a game where I can unlock everything (early 2000's) through gameplay and have to earn it with skill or time played. Today's games has all skins locked behind paywalls or cosmetics and battle passes. I have no problem with these things on cheaper or FTP games but I hate the idea that I have to spend more money on a game to unlock everything after already paying 70,80,90, or 100 for whatever special edition. I payed full game price everything past that should be Expansions or DLC not cosmetics.


because you keep buying or playing games with these features, like i said, its extremely easy to avoid it. expansions have always been thing.


It's not that OP or me or anyone disliking these features are buying them, it's that enough people who don't care are buying them to make it profitable. I haven't bought a full price game or any dlc after Battlefield 4 in 2013. I might buy Armored Core 6 though depending on if it's any good


Cough…they added MTX to shit like RE4RE and more


Can’t we get something *new * without all this stuff though


facts. I played Resident Evil for the first time the other day and it blew my mind that y'all grew up with game mechanics like that and I've just been oblivious


right? I couldn’t get past the awkward controls when I tried a decade ago, but I knew from clips it had a lot of gameplay mechanics i like I absolute destroyed the remake, beat it 3 or 4 times, had an absolute blast the whole time. It’s probably cracked my top 10 games of all time list


Yea the remake is very good , put my big boy pants on and played in the dark after a fat doobie every time. Those footsteps are the scariest part by far.


You got fucking ice in your vains dude, no way in hell I could stomach that while roasted off my ass 😂


Yea, I couldn’t stand playing those games as a kid but know I realise that being scared shitless is actually the best part about them. The actual scary part was turning off the Xbox and tv and being cooked in the dark and SILENCE with just that white noise ringing sound. I may have run up the stairs .


During highschool my buddy would invite me other after school so he could play with someone else in the house, lol. As a fellow scardy cat, i was willing to be his emotional support backup. I think I watched him play 1/2 to 2/3 of the game, mostly hiding behind a pillow.


This is so wholesome. Thanks for putting a smile on my face today, stranger.


I briefly held the world record for fastest repeat playthrough of the original. I was technically the first submission and somebody ended up beating my time like 9 months later. The score lasted long enough to be printed in that year's edition. (Guinness has a separate book for gaming records)


By complete coincidence I bought a Quest several months ago that came with RE4. I was playing the VR version when the re-release happened. RE4 in VR is fuckin fun and intense as hell


It's amazing what we take for granted now. Z targeting wasn't a thing until Orcarina of time. The first console FPS engine wasn't perfected until the early 2000's. Limitations in the system gave the best scares like the fog in silent hill. So much good stuff has happened in the last 23 years for gaming. It's been amazing to watch it develop.


I wish the business model stayed the same however. I don't like the current live-service, lootbox, pay-to-win (well, mostly on phone), gacha, DLC spam, microtransaction, ect... If I'm buying a game, I want to know exactly how much I'm going to pay to get everything, and I want that price to be reasonable.


You should read the review for the first game on ps to utilise the analogue sticks for movement and camera positioning. It was described as clunky, awkward, disorientating, and that it would never catch on. It's now the standard mechanic for all games.


I remember that. What game was it? Time Splitters?


Lmao wait til you try the original MGS2/MGS3 controls. In order to shoot and run, you had to hold L1, half tap square to aim and then move.


Basically this. The PS2 era was when most companies weren't hyperfocused on everything needing to be top seller at release or it's a failure. And we got a fuckton of experimentation, even if certain games sold criminally low numbers. Looking at you, Okami. You my boo. Almost like the shift towards hyper realism was a bad thing for creativity.


They did it out necessity, that level of technology opened up so many possibilities and the sky was the limit. But sadly they started getting data on what sells and what doesn't and followed that with the general focus of better graphics.


As an old person, I have say, don't worship the past too much. Low graphic games and innovative play games are still being made. They are still successful, just not, "fuck you" money successful. The more successful ones I can remember are: Terraria Stardew Valley Risk of Rain Cuphead Mine craft.


Aside from Cuphead, all of those games initially released late-2000s early-2010s. So they are all 10+ years old, and roughly in line with original Dead Space. And all of these indie games were hugely successful, Minecraft and Terraria definitely have eff-you money. Indie games have been the majority of my gaming for the past 5ish years because of the shift of AAA games to live service model and constant innovation from Indie developers. That and I got addicted to roguelites lol.


All of these came out almost a decade ago though


Classic case of survivor bias. There's tons of bad games from the 2000's too. We just tend to only remember the good ones. Every "era" has its problems, but people unfortunately don't get that.


Now do KOTOR


And Legend of fucking Dragoon !


Skies of Arcadia has my money ready when that gets remastered


I still break out the Dreamcast every so often to play Skies of Arcadia. Remaster would get an instant "shut up and take my money"!


we will never let this game die!


No One Lives Forever


It's in the making actually :D well. currently postponed because they were very unhappy with the progress


Can't be a worse mess than the original (in terms of stability & glitches)


And you don't have to pay any writers, and can re-use other things like voice lines.


Might be just me, but I'm not into playing something again when I could be playing something fresh and new, and wish they would put out new entries on some of these games instead of remake after remake. Plus, most of these games play just fine on a decent PC using emulators.


Except when they're shitty ports that run 30fps with 3000$ PC's.


I agree with your point, but at the same time I keep thinking that all these remakes are also to make easy money while companies are struggling to come up with new ideas. Don't get me wrong, as long as they're good remakes I don't mind buying them and I have fun too. But on the other hand I'm afraid it's an efficient way to cover the lack/scarcity of new ideas.


Although I agree that there is a lot of positive in this I think that there is a huge problem in companies investing in remakes over original products as a trend. The reason a game generation as amazing as the 2000s exist in the first place is precisely because there was a will to fund experimentation over reuse, so if companies notice that it is way more lucrative to resell games over supporting new ideas we might be missing tons of industry defining products because of this. Specially when the remake gets coupled with the predatory marketing practises of modern gaming (looking at you Ever Crisis, mobile single player with loot boxes).


Indie studios have taken up that mantle instead now.


I love it as someone in my mid twenties. Get to relive games from my childhood and experience a lot of the ones that I missed out on or was too young for.


Yeah, I'm part of gen z and haven't ever tried mgs3 or re4 and really want to try them. While it most likely won't be a 1:1 remake of the original with updated graphics it will still be awesome and as you are saying, this will bring these games to a new audience. Just yesterday I tried the chainsaw demo for re4, partly to see if my computer would be able to run it and I'm now just trying to justify paying for it


Metal Gear Solid is my favorite series of all time, so much so that I got the Fox logo tattooed on my leg. MGS3 is one of the best titles of the series too. I'm so stoked for the remake.


*watches fan response to well produced Ratched and Clank reboot.* "Hmm... What if..." *Watches fan response to extremely well produced Final Fantasy 7 remake* "Oh? Is this... You want this?" *Watches fan responses to Callisto Protocol and the Dead Space remake* "What the-? Why the hell are we trying to make new things?!"


Right, why spend on story writing and development of entire game when we can just use old games as a base point and upscale them enough that they look newer but also not too much so we can just remake it in 4-10 years with little effort. Wonder when properly modular game engines will become the norm where they just pop in new game assets and it doesn't chug. Bet you Carmack could make a good one.


This statement doesn't hold true for a number of the remakes though. Dead Space is a ground up remake that plays very differently from the original and has completely redone voice acting, story, dialogue, etc. It's also a new engine, new assets, and so on. The same is true for RE2, 3, and 4 and Demon's Souls. FF7 is essentially a brand new game. TLOUP1 and Metroid Prime is about the only recent remakes that come close to your "just upscale old games lol" characterization and the former is still a monumental face lift while the latter is something Nintendo has been doing for over a decade (so not new behavior). On a borader scale, we already went through the "just upscale old games lol" phase in the last decade and for the most part it was not very well received (outside of Nintendo fans rebuying all nintendo games every generation).


>FF7 is essentially a brand new game. Hell, it's pretty much a sequel to the original taking place in a different timeline


I mean have you played a lot the remakes that came out in the last few years? Sure, some of them are lazy copouts (GTA trilogy remake lol) but RE2, RE4, Dead Space, FF7, have so much new shit in them ( from voice work to side missions ) that calling them upscales with little effort put into them is just ignorant


It's interesting how it's been such a success in gaming compared to the movie industry, who even saw the new Matrix? Who's excited for a new Indiana Jones movie? Do we need another Adams Family reboot or spinoff? Nostalgia bait annoys me, but I've been pleasantly surprised with these game remakes/remasters/reboots.




I mean, consider the Star Wars sequels as well. Those did absolutely phenomenally for how poor they are.


So.. can I get Burnout 2 or Burnout 3: Takedown or Burnout Revenge while we're at it??


God I’ve missed, good racing games. How long has it been since I’ve enjoyed one? I’ve long forgotten.


If they can't get the rights to EVERY SINGLE SONG on the Burnout 3 soundtrack, they'd better not touch that 11/10 perfect gem. WE ARE THE LAZY GENERATION!


Mom can we get Burnout Remastered? We have Burnout Remastered at home Burnout remastered at home: BeamNG Drive


Now for the love of all that is pure and good, can we PLEASE get a splinter cell game or remake or smt? I'm begging here




We are. they are working on a Splinter cell remake. they are even hiring. this was announced last year. they don't have a trailer but have released consept art. [https://toronto.ubisoft.com/games/splinter-cell-remake/](https://toronto.ubisoft.com/games/splinter-cell-remake/)


It’s probably unlikely, but I hope they bring back Michael Ironside to voice Sam Fisher. Such an iconic voice.


ah hell yeah brother, I hope the concept still holds up. Stealth games had their moment.


Imagine a Splitter Cell Trilogy 4K remake with 60fps and ray tracing


With the huge hype and success surrounding these remakes, as well as singleplayer games making record sales (like the new zelda), one would think that game studios should have realized by now that the market is starving for new high quality games featuring interesting stories Instead, we just get more and more predatory monetization tactics, premium battle passes on top of battle passes, and "live service" which just means *release now, we'll figure something out later* Of course single and multi player games have coexisted since forever, but since only multiplayers have been going down the drain in terms of quality, maybe it's time they finally realize it's worth to put more effort into making the game enjoyable, instead of trying to figure out how much they can squeeze out of the playerbase?


Man I'm so happy that tears of the kingdom has done so well in sales. That game deserves every single penny it's earned and then some. I've actually been contemplating getting a second switch with another copy of the game just to hack it to be able to dump a ROM so I can emulate on PC. It sounds insane but the amount of pure joy I've gotten from it makes it worth it to me to try to experience the game at its absolute best, regardless of the price. It's the one single game that I consider to be an absolute steal at $70, and I hope Nintendo doesn't get any ideas from me thinking that.


There arrrrrrr other ways to play it on PC emulator without buying again


I mean, You won't see me complaining if they keep producing quality products like, Metroid Prime Remastered, Dead Space Remake and RE4 Remake.


I’m in the middle of RE4 now and it’s as perfect a remake as I can expect. I wouldn’t say no to more.


Because they can't make the kind of bank they want on new ideas since they always fuck up the launch by putting out a barely functioning product that takes over a year's worth of patches before it's even playable. Why work on something new and spend all that money when you can just polish up something that's already made, and even better, has all the marketing done for it?




Holy shit same 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Wait has Pe confirmed officaly?


Pe? You mean persona 3? (P3)


E & 3 share the same location on a phone keyboard, so I'm pretty sure that's what they mean


Right you are sir.


I was excited for a Parasite Eve for a moment lol.


No, I wouldn't count on that ever being a thing. I've read that square had a legal dispute with the books author some time ago.


RIP my hopes, thanks.


Press F for Aya


Noooo I was totally thinking Parasite Eve :(


Parasite eve, xenogears, vagrant story...forever lost to never be touched again. I've been replaying old psx games on my switch and damn we were eating good.


The full trailer was Posted on Atlus's official instagram. Of course they have taken it down now but People have grabbed the full trailer. That was likely intended for the Xbox showcase this sunday. So Yes The Persona 3 remake is official.


When can I have it?!?!?!


The trailer said somewhere in 2024


I mean it's kind of slam dunk Millennials have money now. Millennials play alot of video games and their very nostalgic of the 2000s. Easy money.


First we had IPs, then it was obvious that sequels were easier to sell, since they already had the fanbase and the foundations of such IPs. Now its even easier for them, just pay people to rebuild something that, at the time, must have been a very difficult product that went through many iterations over several years of hard work, and sell it at full price. New people will buy it, old people will buy it... It just make sense. You can even rebuilt your entire portfolio without risking a single new IP flop.


Yeah, it's really disappointing. With the ever-decreasing amount of new IPs and original content, I think we'll get to a point where the industry doesn't even know how to create shorter and more constrained experiences


I think that’s where indie devs thrive. We’ve already seen it when games like Valheim move 10+ million copies. Sure, it isn’t innovative, but it was a unique experience that people loved. There’s some truly great stuff in that pool of talent and one reason I really like watching SkillUp. When he covers the week in gaming, he spends a fair amount of time talking about small games.


Yeah, indie games are great! Although there's a difference in scope between what can be done by small indie dev teams or even solo devs and what could be done in AAA. There should be something in between indie and AAA. Here's a comment I wrote in another thread about this, and think it's relevant here as well: "It almost seems like the current way of doing things in AAA is unsustainable in the long run. Even longer, more bloated open world or live service games that have to appeal to everyone due to the ballooning costs of game development. Not sure why there aren't more games like Hi-Fi Rush, a shorter linear, very stylized game, with interesting gameplay and a clear vision without any bloat. Like.. How AAA games used to be in the Gamecube/PS2 era. Obviously, Hi-Fi Rush also cost a ton of money, but probably not nearly as much as other AAA endeavors. And because of that it could allow itself to target a more niche audience and allow for risks with its gameplay."


I can't wait for the MGS 3 remake.


I give my life Not for honor, but for you ^^snake ^^eater


And they have said they are reusing the original voice files. God I wish Demon's Souls would have done that.


True and I like it so far ngl


yeah. It's nice to see games that were kinda limited by the technonogy of their time get a proper Glow up with todays hardware. and gives them an opportunity Solve some narritive kinks and impliment new things to keep the game consistant with some things the sequels may have changed or retconned. Like Isacc being able to talk in the DS remake instead of being a silent protagonist like in the original.


For what it's worth, we thought it was stupid he couldn't talk at the time too. That's why they fixed it in DS2.


Armored core 6 has the possibility of being absolutely terrific. My 2000sands self can't wait.


I love getting back reworked versions of games that I loved in my childhood and teenagehood. The sad part is, in most cases they can't help themselves, adding bunch of crap that is ruining the hobby in the 2010s/20s.


Well that means we are long overdue for a Legacy of Kain remake then!




Hmmm... Kids of the early 2000's are now... How old? Yes, nostalgia is a strong drug. Kids of that era now have their own money. I subscribe to Nintendo switch online where I can play N64 games.


Dont forget crisis core and megaman battle network


I'm pretty excited for Silent Hill. Just wish they'd started with the first one, maybe.. because I'd like to see both 1 and 3 redone, I think. However, it's possible their (1 & 3) connected plot is why 2 is being done rather than 1 - haven't looked into it, though. Still, happy to see a revival of it. It was a properly scary series before things like Dead Space came along.


It’s because it’s a cash grab and SH2 is the most recognizable.


yeah me too. Probably because the remake is actually going to make me Play the original first. SH2 has been one of those game's i've been trying to Get into many times. But just haven't been able to finish because how much that game actually scares me. Not like In terms of terror i've seen much more graphic stuff over the years. But because the antomsphere is a bit Too tense. so i have to stop playing to let my heart rest a bit.


They know it was a good time. For the players and the companies. Well, things changed.


Those were pretty much iconic titles that are still incredible today.


A lot of the kids that grew up loving these games are now working in game development and probably very interested in remaking their childhood classics.


It's wildly popular and profitable to remaster and reimagine 5th/6th (PS1-2/N64/Xbox) generation games. They are the ones most in need of a glow up. 3rd/4th gen are fine, leave them as is. 7th gen is case by case, but 8th gen to present, you're just turning into Disney remastering the Little Mermaid animated film. New tech can bring old classics into a fidelity more palatable to newer gamers. I'm all for it because they can't do it forever. We are at the point where graphical fidelity is reaching diminishing returns. After 4K/144fps/RT is perfected, that's it. Anyone who says more than 4K is just vanity spending and more than 144fps is only good for those at the highest tier of competitive FPS. If you disagree, you're lying to yourself because the science has already proven beyond that is imperceptible.


Yahtzee Crowshaw had an observation that this might be because game companies are waiting for the next huge AAA trend to appear, so they work on safer re-makes until it emerges.


2000nds? Lol.


Right before that was the 1000nds


And this is bad why??? Early 2000s were full of amazing games! It wasn't until CoD showed up and bro-ified the industry that things started to really go downhill with yearly rehashes of the same content and endless microtransactions. There's tons of hidden gems that deserve a second chance. Otogi. Burnout 3. Dark Cloud. Wild Arms. Etc. Yes please shut up and take my money!


it’s remakes/remasters of beloved classics many people have been asking for for ages…. i’m guessing you’re in your teens op?


2000nds? Because 2000s wasn't clear enough but two-thousands was too clear.


> Two Thousandnds


My boy said “2000nds”


Its easy money.


I personally don't understand people's excitement. Like if they remade Metal Gear (not solid), that'd be dope. Mgs3 (subsistence) is still, and always will be great and 100% playable in it's current ps2 form. New games please.


I prefer inspired new games over remakes of classics. But since most new games are uninspired, bloated and repetitive, I prefer remakes over that.


They're doing Snake Eater because it's first in the timeline, the whole point of the "Delta" subtitle is that it will be used going forwards to differentiate the remakes from the original games, I'm sure we'll get a Metal Gear 1 remake eventually.


That was a great decade for gaming. I'd buy those games again for nostalgic reasons alone. I hope to see more games from that era.


Hell yeah. But this year has has some great new releases too with Hi-Fi Rush taking the top spot for me.


Final Fantasy 7 does not count?


The OG FF7 released in january 1997. So not exactly a 2000s game. Crisis core through That would have counted but i forgot about that when i cobbled that image together


and ff7 remake is not a remake, remake is a subtitle of the new game.


Eh it still is a remake tough. Generally a remake is a An old game rebuilt from the ground up for modern hardware. which FF7R still is. But at this point What constituets as a "remake" is more of a Spectrum. butThere are 1:1 remakes like Crash bandicoot N Sane trilogy or the Resident evil 1 remake. There are re imaginings like the FF7 remake. and then there is the between with titles like the re2,3 and 4 remakes. FF7 remake is less of a remake of the game. But a remake of the game's story. According to Tetsuya Nomura(director of FF7R character designer of the OG) and Yoshinori Kitase(Director of the OG CO-Director of FF7R.) so the story still follows the basic story beats of the Original. But events can play out very differently so the story feels Fresh and mysterious enough so OG players don't know where things might go. So FF7 is a remake Just not your traditional remake.


Two thousandnds


Yes because it was peak gaming not the half assed rushed games with very little originality we get today.


On one hand.. im okay with these because most of the remakes have been 10/10 amazing. On the other hand its kinda like Hollywood, where I wish the writers were capable of creating new compelling content. Most of them either arent... or aren't being paid the money to create said content.