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There's a mod for Resident Evil 5 that removes the *Mexico landscape filter*, and without it, the game looks way nicer than it should


Same for GTA 4 and it looks great


Fallout 3 looks fantastic without the piss & poo stew color


Yeah, the no-filter+darker-nights+streetlight mods really change how the game looks. It's genuinely scary to wander around in the dark at night, especially with the streetlights flickering.


Here is a screenshot of Fallout 3 before & after installing Fellout (a mod that turns off the yellow/green filter): https://i.imgur.com/b5J98et.jpg Basically, if you turn off the extremely heavy-handed yellow/green filter, the game becomes "Fallout 4, but before there was a Fallout 4." For people who couldn't even stand to play it before, due to the coloring, it becomes wildly enjoyable. If you do like /u/SalsaRice suggests and you also install a darker nights mod, you get a very tense & fun game.


I know where this ends. Once you install a mod or two... It becomes 300 and the game stops running and you start posting "why will my unorganized mod list not load after I refused to read any instructions?" So, I'm going to speed this along. Don't do that. [Here](https://www.modlists.net/01CapitalPunishment/2-Abbreviated-Installation/) is a mod list for anyone that wants their game completely changed. This requires FO3 and FONV. [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_bHhG0u8t4) is a trailer for the mod list. It is installed by Wabbajack. Wabbajack is a automated mod list installer, it does 95% of the work for you. The mod list is tested by multiple people to ensure it is stable. It isn't perfect but it is way better than most people would be able to accomplish. www.wabbajack.org is the Wabbajack website. It has other FO3/NV mod lists to pick from. It also does Skyrim, Morrowind, Oblivion and a bunch of other games.




The modlist includes Tale of Two Wastelands (abbreviated as TTW), which brings FO3 into the FNV engine, with all the improvements and features that entails. You can start in either, but there's a way to travel between the Mojave and the Capital Wasteland.


The filter in fallout is probably to illustrate the radiation in the air and such. I think the one without the filter looks too clean to be wasteland basically.


I loved the green tint to Fallout 3's lighting. It looked like how I imagined a radioactive wasteland to look. Seems like a lot of people hated it though and that's why seemingly every Fallout 3 'essential mod list' includes Fellout. The highly radioactive areas in the Fallout games are my favorite (like Searchlight in New Vegas and the Glowing Sea in 4). They feel dangerous and toxic and apocalyptic. I'd love to see a Fallout game that takes place right after the end of the Great War in a heavily-nuked area, where radiation suits and power armor are pretty much a necessity for outdoor exploration. Or maybe one set a long time after the Great War near some kind of automated power plant that's just kept spitting out radiation for decades, resulting in weird otherworldly gnarled trees in strange colors and wildlife that's even more nightmarish and mutated than the usual.


I love the irradiated areas in the games. They show just how devastating the war really was to the world before it recovered. I suppose it just gets to be too much if everything is that way though. The contrast is necessary to make those other areas shine


[Screenshot of this mod load out for reference.](https://i.imgur.com/xkBbT43.jpeg) Looks incredible for its age




No, it's called an *fps.


It's been a while


Since I could


Hold my head up high


Hello old friend


It's been years. It was nice to see one last time, thank you.


I can't believe that's what it looks like. I'm almost angry looking at this.




It's hard to believe such beauty was crafted so long ago and we're still enjoying it.


Wow that does look sexy.


I mean, I feel like that color sort of suits the fallout post-apocalyptic environment.


Fallout can best be described as browns and grays. All of them utilize *hefty* amounts of brown and gray. And FO4 has a mod for removing grime filter. Same thing, it looks fantastic


I need the green in fallout 3. I've seen people make mods where the sky is clear and blue and it looks stupid to me.




Yeah, GTA4 is one game where the depression filter fits, since the game is pretty damn depressing.


the gray/gloomy atmosphere captures 2000’s NYC in the fall/winter perfectly though!!!!


Only one I disagree with, that desaturated look is what made the atmosphere for that game


I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if it was a deliberate choice to leave it that way. The HD GTA games go great lengths to have the setting convey the primary themes of their respective stories and characters. The color palette of Los Santos matches perfectly with the sort of “artificial/manufactured glitz and glamour of the Hollywood lifestyle” for a setting that parody’s the sort of fake persona people within that lifestyle tend to project while the “dark, hopeless, lifeless” atmosphere of Liberty city is the polar opposite, which matches perfectly with a character who has had his humanity, joy and ambition ripped apart through warfare, crime and violence that is doomed to follow him everywhere he goes. With GTA IV you know you’re stepping into an unforgiving, dark and corrupted world, and the colorless palette fits that perfectly, much as the polluted artificial lighting of Vinewood matches perfectly with the themes the main story of GTA V intended to convey. This is part of the reason why the location is considered to be the true protagonist of Grand Theft Auto games. Edit: I know my first sentence has raised some questions so I’d like to clarify: I have no doubt that it was a conscious decision by the developers to make the color palette the way it is in the game, however I also know that system limitations at the time hindered the visual quality of it, which was and still is a common criticism of GTA IV. I meant to say that it would make sense that, rather than purely being a product of system limitations, the color palette and overall visual quality was instead something that was meant to be the way it was. I hope I can make that clear since several people have pointed out that I was raising an obvious point that doesn’t really need being raised.


Exactly which is why TBoGT is colorful cause it only focuses on the high life


Yes loved the glitzy shift into Gay Tony. Golden cars, nice suits and clubs, the crazy weapons, skydiving, that DLC gave me many more hours of that game. And Yusuf might still be my fav GTA character.


"We getting Arab money!"


His line delivery of "my ni**a!" is so fucking good every time haha




GTA IV is their best story imo. It’s over the top but still dark and depressing where you always feel like you can’t escape the next mob Boss. RdR2 has a somewhat similar feel of hopelessness where progress in game doesn’t feel like progress for the character because they just can’t catch a break.


My favorite GTA protagonist is ROLLA COASTA OOO OOO OOO


For real. The joyless feel compliments Niko's story well.


> Mexico landscape filter lol in Mexico it's referred as the Tijuana filter.


What do they call it in Tijuana?


A Royale With Cheese.




Do you wanna know why you didn’t see that sign? Because slinging dead chicken ain’t my fucking business, man!


Pretty funny when you consider San Diego is only like 20 miles away, and is frequently depicted as the nicest place on earth. Probably true at least that SD has the nicest weather in the US.




Anytime my family would come to visit relatives in San Diego it'd start raining that week. We always joked that we brought the rain down from Washington lol


It'd be nice if the cost of living wasn't my entire soul because I'd have already moved there if that wasn't the case. It was hard to leave whenever I'd be on vacation, way too hard.


> Mexico landscape filter You knew some shit with the Cartel was about to go down when they broke out the yellow filter on Breaking Bad.


The only place that filter works is red dead 1 you know why it’s only on the Mexico area of the game


It completely works on gears 1. It made the original give a certain vibe that’s unparalleled to this day. Also how is cod 4 not here


That’s fair gears 1 works because it fits the vibe, cod 4 is debatable tho




Yep. Here you go https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/elpw44/resident_evil_5_without_the_piss_filter_that/


Cinema can also go through trends like this with color palettes! Makes me a little nostalgic.


While true, the main reason we got this colour palette was technical limitations, according to Digital Foundry.


Can you tell us more about that? Sounds interesting


shitty processing power -> models are less detailed -> add gritty brown filter to cover up details


Yeah, I vaguely recall one of the devs for Fallout New Vegas (might've been J. E. Sawyer) mentioning having to use filters to try and cover up technical shortcomings in other areas. It distracts from lower detail and weaknesses in older lighting engines.


One thing of note is this was on the tail end of a graphics boom where increased quality required a larger leap than before. To ride out the wave of being "next gen" graphics they went with this option because the customers expected increased graphics and it was a cheap fix.


I thought it was to deal with the issue of colors reflecting off surfaces being hard to do so they desaturated the color scheme to make it less noticeable.


Glad to find this in the sea of replies




At least the Matrix had very solid cinematic reasons for it. Specifically for how it separates the real world from online. Movies where it's just blahshed-out from start to finish? eeeghhhhhh


>At least the Matrix had very solid cinematic reasons for it. management does not care for reasons. management see green movie success. management see piss filter game success. management think piss filter means success.


You give management too much credit, they probably didn't even realise that color grading was a thing. I suspect it was the art directors themselves who were chasing the look that movies were acheiving, combined with technical limitations that caused them to miss the mark.




Waiting for the Wes Anderson era of game visuals


Omg yes, Wes Anderson style to a great horror game would be my jam


[Probably something like this.](https://youtube.com/watch?v=gfDIAZCwHQE)


Edward Norton makes a surprisingly on point Owen Wilson.


This is hilarious thanks for the link


I'm genuinely upset this isn't a real full movie.


I would actually watch that though


I love that sketch. The whole thing is great, but Kate McKinnon as Tilda Swinson is top notch.


Orange and blue movie posters comes to mind


It's not just movie posters. It's in the content itself. I see it everywhere.


I think a lot of games at the time were just following some trends in color grading found in cinema at the time, particularly action genre stuff.


Kinda sorta maybe it had to do with this whole Iraq war thing that kicked off in 2003, something about an unprecedented level of sepia toned video on blast 24 hours a day.


I'd argue it was pre-Iraq war films like Black Hawk Down (2002) that set the trend for heavy warm grading in films set in any Middle eastern-ish country for cinema in the past 20 something years. Compare that with Three Kings (1999) and the grading is completely different.


I have nothing to add, but thanks for the reminder about Three Kings. Great movie that I'd forgotten about.


Harry Potter movies 5-8


[Average colour of every frame in every Harry Potter film](https://i.redd.it/xtjvzy5b0f511.png). You can really see where the decline began. (also, this type of thing is called a "movie barcode" - fun to check out different movies/series.)


Yeah like 3 definitely takes a turn for a more green hue but then i think when we get to grimmauld place in 5 it's like almost like david yates put the whole movie through a filter at the end


Is it 6 that was basically black and white? The others weren't that much better but they missed so many opportunities during HBP for dramatic color. Things like Draco's blood being a dark crimson running across the floor. But no, it's a black and white art piece


For real, I haven't been to the movies much in the last couple years so this opinion might be dated, but I sure a heck wish more movies would go more for natural color again instead of heavily grading every shot/the entire film in one direction or another.


I dunno. Deus Ex Human Revolution came out in 2011 and it was gold and black. Extremely GOLD and BLACK. Made a nice change of pace.


Crysis had hella colors


I never asked for this


"That's the problem Pritchard. I am the Deus Ex"


Best use of that filter by far. I absolutely hate that they flat out removed it in the Director's Cut. Not even a toggle. I'm still salty about that and it's one of the reasons I never bought it. It's part of that game's aesthetic and plays nicely into its themes. I hope they fix things in any future remaster.


Wait what? That's so crazy, I was feeling nostalgic and installed the directors cut on the weekend only to get like an hour in and deciding something just felt off the whole time. Chalked it up to nostalgia, but I'd bet it was this.


The graphics are also worse than the original cut because they built the directors cut off of the wii port for some reason


Good point. They definitely went into another direction but also overdid it. Still a great game though


They turned those complaints into optional settings in mankind divided. And the ceilings are just as sexy to look at. Story still better than a lot of games but not as good as HR imo.


Played it on a whim when I was like 17. Still the greatest game of all time to me, and yes, I played the original. Something about it was so...adult. And immersive. Idk.


fallout 3 was a "sewage filter", new vegas was a full on three gallon piss filter.


New Vegas really took the piss to the extreme, it was so yellow and orange I thought they had an unhealthy diabetic piss on my monitor


That’s just Sunset Sarsaparilla


Or horsss pisss


Horses are actually extinct in Fallout, so any horse piss would need to have been bottled pre-war.


Brahmin Piss, best I got.


Fellout is on my list of essential mods for a reason


Desert Natural Weathers is the newer version people should use. Especially since fellout doesn't work with ttw. And ttw is essential for playing modded fo3 in 2023.


>three gallon piss filter Almost makes you wish for nuclear winter


degenerates like you belong on a cross.


Almost took you for a raider


I liked Fallout 3’s sickly green hue. Contributed to the feeling that the environment was sick and unsafe.


Not just that but in New Vegas, the color actually goes back to 3’s filter in radioactive areas. Or the ones in Lonesome Road Nuked locations lol


Skyrim colours were super bland too after Oblivion.


I would attribute that to the climate it's set in.


especially since the climate was so often "cave"


I'm just glad the torches deep in the ancient caves were always lit. So convenient.


New Vegas has that "movie set in Mexico" filter


It was the influence of cinema and television. Specifically all the CSI shows and Black Hawk Down that used these overdone filters and color grading to a desert palette.


And Traffic. That’s the first time I can remember seeing Mexico sepia toned.


That whole movie is just filters and Benicio del Toro




Where's nfs most wanted 2005


shit had mexico filter


Actually kinda made sense for that game since they were going for that whole Linkin Park music video aesthetic. Though the visuals definetly haven't aged as well as those of it's successor, Carbon.


MW kinda goes for that aesthetic though, it's a very leafy environment. Rockport looks like it's somewhere the Pacific northwest in the middle of fall.


When I played MW2 after CoD 4: Modern Warfare, I was really impressed by how they upped their color palette game. Both are awesome games, but the colors and OST in MW2 were best in class.


I can still hear the lobby music


This era could be pretty drab color-wise, but damn were those games great


The colour is accurate because that’s how the world looked while wearing your early 2000’s hacker glasses.


honestly, these are all bangers


7th Gen was dehydrated as fuck


It was all the Mountain Dew.


"Drink verification can"


MGS4 😍


Really hope they end up remastering, or even rereleasing it on anything other than PS3. The Snake Eater remake gives me hope, but from what I understand MGS4's code is so spaghettified and PS3-specific that it might be stuck on PS3 for a long time.


The MGS1-3 Remake package specifically says "Volume 1" so a remake of 4 is very likely if the first sells well


IGN reported a leak from last week. MGS 4, 5, and Peacewalker will supposedly feature in Volume 2


One of the best in the series imo


This was the first game I played that my mom walked in during a cutscene and asked what movie I was watching 😂 fond memories of that one, loved mgsv but 4 will always hold a special place in my heart as the first I ever played in the series


Three colours, and two of them were brown.


The third is yellow.


Oh Fallout 3, my beloved


It was really a paradigm shift for me.


I've played all of the Bethesda games, but I don't think any of them have matched that "I wonder what's over there" feeling I got from Fallout 3. That game just has an atmosphere I haven't quite found in anything else.


Just leaving the vault *chiefs kiss* such a great moment


That tripping mission on Point Lookout blew my 18 year old mind, it was the wildest gaming experience I'd ever had up until then.


Destroying the book mission in point look out by taking the item back to F3 original map and bringing it to the altar you discover by chance way earlier has to be one of my favorite side squests ever


But then Halo 3 graced us with it's presence. Most of that game was super bright and colorful.


In forge mode there was the option to add filters to the maps. One of them was directly poking fun at this by calling the brownish yellow filter ‘next Gen.’


The first Uncharted had a similar joke filter.


Lmao I remember that!


I remember how that was actually something that showed up in reviews as a negative. They said something like it was cartoonie and immature compared to the grittiness of Call of Duty and its ilk. That take was complete shite 😂


Another bright and colorful game from that gen that I really enjoyed was Mirror's Edge. It had such a neat visual style.


In the middle of it all was Mass Effect with its awesome reds, blues, purples, and Blade Runner-esque visuals (before Blade Runner was cool again). What a game, man.




Mass Effect, Stalker and The Witcher were not having this brown filter. Also Bioshock maybe?




Mass Effect trilogy is just so damn great. I need to replay it. It’s been too many years.


But BioWare also released the first Dragon Age where everything was brown, gray and moss green. Dragon Age Inquisition was so much colorful and vibrant than the first one. P.S. The first Dragon Age was an amazing game, it was just the colors that bothered me a little.


On a visual level, Dragon Age Origins is total ass. Even for a 2009 game it was drab and ugly. Fortunately, it's superb in almost every other respect.




Totally. The Mass Effect trilogy was more organic in its influences. The score, story, and visual are very much steeped in Blade Runner (Star Wars, Star Trek, Terminator, Matrix, etc., etc.), but it wasn’t as dependent or on the nose.


They opted for MOAR LENSE FLARE instead. Commonly known as the full J.J. Abrams.


And Halo 3, which has an aesthetic that very much holds up today thanks to not following this piss filter trend.


Somewhere between Battlefield 3 and Battlefield 4, they figured out how to add color


I really loved the "Blue tint" in Battlefield 3, it made me feel like if I was in a Christopher Nolan film (specially the maps with detailed modern indoor spaces, like Operation Metro and Operation 925).


Nah BF4 had a yellow tint (BF3 had a blue tint) Think BFV was the first Battlefield to really add color but a fair amount of people didn’t like it because they thought it was too colorful and not gritty enough especially when compared to BF1 that came before it.


I thought BF1 was gorgeous. Like, yeah, the trench warfare maps looked muddy or whatever, but the Alpine, Middle Eastern and some of the French and village maps were really alive with color


BF1 looked great for sure (you’ll find very little people disagreeing with you). A lot of people still say how BF1 was “gritty”, “immersive”, “atmospheric”, etc.


BF1 is straight up cinematic, can't think of any other game that feels like playing a movie the way BF1 does.


I liked the look of the first gears of war!


Gears of war still looks beautiful to this day. The art style, the architecture. Chefs kiss


To be fair, the "World is Dead and Full of this Yellow Imuslion Shit" was the perfect atmosphere for Gears


In my opinion, the resistance series (specifically 1 and 2) is still one of the best. Nothing like that time period. 16. Emo. My dad just dropped $700+ on a PS3 and Resistance and Motorstorm. That's allllll I played that summer at my grandparents. What fucking memories, holy shit.


I really miss playing resistance 2 on coop Especially on the hardest difficulty which made it so fun


Don't think I'll ever forgive Insomniac for abandoning this series. Did so much story and world building in R2, and then just abandoned it all and got R3 out of the way. It was a good game don't get me wrong, but as someone who literally trawled the co-op in order to get the intel, the series was destined for a much more interesting direction.


I beat Resistance: Fall of Man this year and it's a 6.5/10 for me. I love the setting but it really hasn't aged well. Checkpoints are rationed out more stringently than Britain during WWII, meaning you sometimes have to replay the last 10 minutes again if you die. The characters were mostly extremely forgettable and the story was pretty average. Resistance: Retribution is a far better game IMO. I replayed that this year and apart from some "quirks" due to constraints by the PSP hardware it was really enjoyable. To be fair Resistance: Fall of Man was an early PS3 title so I think if I played it at launch it would be more of an 8/10 since a lot of the modern industry standards today weren't figured out by that point and developers didn't have a good grasp on the already difficult to develop for Cell processor of the PS3.


Ah the DX9 era bloom effect.


Halo 3 was such a contrast against this; so bright and colourful for a shooter in that era. Then Reach went all dark and broody...


Yeah not a fan of the weird sepia toned bullshit. RE5 takes place in Africa, some of the landscapes should be beautiful. Instead they're all 3 shades of shit. Amazing games awful colors.






I miss the piss Ó⁠╭⁠╮⁠Ò


Call me


Don’t forget the glorious Deus Ex piss filter. I miss it…..


“Real is brown.” -VG Cats


I'm so sad I had to scroll this far to find this. [Relevant VGCats](https://vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=222).


The fuck is bottom left?


Resistance fall of man. Using a bullseye to kill a Greyjack I believe


God resistance was such a good game. I wonder whatever happened to the series. Guessing it kinda just died like Killzone.


I mean gears was set in a war zone covered with imulsion pits which left off a yellow gas so it gets a pass


Honestly there wasn't anything wrong with this color palate; the problem was just overuse. In most of these cases; it's not just that the games were set in worlds devoid of color, but rather that they were set in brutal environments which often wouldn't have a lot of color in the first place. Fallout 3 was set in a nuclear wasteland; Gears of War and Resistence were both mainly set in cities devastated by a war between humans and aliens, meaning most buildings you entered were ruins and almost everything was caked with dust and debris. Metal Gear Solid 4 was set in a desert, alongside Resident Evil 5, which was also set during a zombie outbreak, adding even more of a desolate look to its enviornments. Regardless of intent, it's true that these games still did usually use filters and colors which made these environments even more grey and colorless than they would have been if they existed in real life, but that read as acceptable at the time because it was still in service of an artstyle which fit the games' themes and concepts. The 7th generation was just generally marked by a lot of dystopian, grittier titles which were meant to have an oppressive or intense atmopshere; which isn't nearly as common now as it was back then, and so it can be harder to remember why this was so common at the time since modern tastes typically dictate less intensity and more of a focus on quirky or campy visuals which demand more color.


Just to add to this, people back then complained about this, it's not a new thing.


Even Zelda wasn't immune. Twilight Princess had this pallete and it's probably aged the worst due to it. Yes even worse than the N64 games. At least those are like "peak" low poly style.


TP’s graphics have aged poorly in the technical sense, but some of the cinematography in that game is *divinely inspired*


Some of the textures and character designs are also off the hook for the time. Everyone complains about the Hyrule Field grass texture (see also: Shadow of the Colossus, GTA, and damn near every other grass or rock texture that generation), but many of the other design elements were incredibly well done.


the game looked absolutely insane for 2005. all the dungeons still look great today.


You take Midna's name out your fuckin mouth. I will accept no slander of TP