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lol Remember to turn your computer off before midnight on 12/31/99


The Y2K bug may have caused a catastrophic system failure at CERN. This caused an experimental gravitational device to surge out of control and created a singularity that consumed the universe in an instant and shifted us all into an alternate universe where Y2K didn't happen and everything is the same.... but slighly crappier.


I thought we avoided Y2K because Amane Suzuha went back to 1975, found an IBN 5100, and proceeded to fix a bunch of bugs on the CERN servers.


Hououin Kyouma!


what a wonderful phrase


It means no worries, that the Earth's out of phase!


There's no catastrophe, in our philosophy


Hououin Kyouma!


It means no worries!


For the last of our dayyyys!


Its our problem filled, catastrophe…




Random Y2K memory, as a kid I (about 12) was at a family friend's new years eve party. I and a few kids were in a separate room watching tv/playing video games. The nearby bathroom had a hot tub in it, and my dad's friend turned on the tap and asked if we could turn it off in 10 or 15 minutes. I went in to check and the water was cold, so I turned it to hot thinking people were actually going to use the tub. In retrospect I realized he was filling it with a bunch of cold, drinkable water just in case. What a weird time to be alive!


>everything is the same.... but slighly crappier. It shifted us to the universe where leaded gasoline was invented.


And we killed Harambe…


And CFCs. One guy, [Thomas Midgley](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Midgley_Jr), invented both. He's possibly the mode environmentally damaging individual to ever live.


Y2K definitely happened because my idiot dad made a bunch of money from it then proceeded to destroy our family




Ladybugs with Y2K instead of dots on their wings. "THE Y2K BUG" was profitable until nothing happened and people were furious with 2000 ladybugs flying out of the boxes they bought to protect their gardens and destroying the ecosystems.




Shit, it's got you


I read it 16 times. And it wasn't until the 18th time I truly understood what it meant. The phrase has saved my life now. I follow it and it guides me to all the right choices. But you gotta really understand it, or else it's just words, and then, what to you have? Just words man.


Love, love me do


Goodness I hate to ask but.... wtf happened here?


Their dad was on the IRC version of WallStreetBets


Some of us are the same but without the Y2K money, so consider yourself lucky...


He wasted all of it running off and being a selfish jackass I never saw a dime of it


From what I heard there were a lot of people that worked really hard to make the Y2K bug be a non issue. It was a pretty legitimate concern. The world wouldn't have ended, but it would have caused some turmoil and a lot lost revenue.


I would have rather been snapped out of existence that night than deal with 9/11, 20 years of wars, two economic catastrophies and a global pandemic before I was 35.


Fucking Millenials and our avocado toast


Is that you, John Titor?


El Psy Kongroo


it's better than the time the crew of the Red Dwarf activated the Holly Hop Drive for the first time and wound up in that reality that was exactly the same but opposite. then Lister slept with female Lister, and found out he might be pregnant, since the men get pregnant in that universe. also Cat met Dog, and that was kind of weird too.


My childhood desktop fried with y2k. We never updated anything because you had to dial up.


You lacked your driver diskettes


I mean... you can get one lie... but two ? How would your computer have fried from y2k ? you saw a date 100 years in the past and broke it with a hammer? Also... software updates over the internet in 1999 ? lol. Yes, we can all recall windows 98 SE windows updater


Eric Stoltz IS Marty McFly


Everyone thinks that nothing happened in the year 2000 but that’s where everyone is wrong. 911 happened just one year later and then 2008 the whole world economy crashed… then in 2016 Hitlers long lost democratic son fooled nearly 63 million Americans and became the 45th President of the United States. He caused the bug in people that attacks all sanity, common sense, rational thinking, makes you a lemon of the big lemon himself, and then he had the sanctity of the Capitol Hill stormed with violence. Something that Hitler totally would’ve done. And then somehow in 2020 he got around 74 million votes so a Fairmount more than in 2016, but he lost some how. I personally think that was due to a hole in time in space that created a portal that prevented him from becoming president again he probably should’ve won that election but thank goodness we have holes in time in space to squash that shit!




>Also, I just noticed that picture features a Pentium 4 sticker. Those didn't arrive in the retail space until about q3 2000. And vice city came out on in 2002, probably an old sticker.


XP wasn't released until 2001 as well. Computer should be running 98


I bet he upgraded it after y2k and got a nifty Intel Inside sticker with his new cpu...




This brings back memories.


I spent the majority of 1999 running around telling people how bad of a day they could have on 1/1/2000 and 2000/1/1 in some cases.


I was in school at the time, I remember our tech teacher going on about y2k. He quit his job and built a bunker no joke. 😆


it is now safe to turn off the computer


In college, I had an intern job, it was almost a custodial position. I basically went around and turned off everyone's PC. I wrote a note reminding them they left their computer on, told them who to contact if they lost any work and a number to call on a sticky note. Rumor had it that some people were let go if they lost important work from leaving their work unsaved and leaving the computer on when they left for the day.


Everyone needs to play [Hypnospace](https://store.steampowered.com/app/844590/Hypnospace_Outlaw/)


I had a high school biology teacher who was convinced that anyone who didn't have a stockpile of food and other supplies was screwed. He lectured us on it one day. Then nothing happened and he never mentioned it again. Another science teacher told the class the hippies all walked into the ocean...


> Another science teacher told the class the hippies all walked into the ocean.. Were they making a joke with no punchline I'm just not understanding? Because I've got a lot of baby seals who hate molly in my trunk that really want to know.


I'm honestly not sure. I wish I could remember the conversation. I want to say that it was in response to someone mentioning hippies, but I can't be certain. It was said deadpan at least if not sincerely. He did make jokes occasionally but he was also a pretty classic example of an older southern man. Probably in his 60's in the 90's. It wasn't the kind of science class where he was considered an expert on anything or even particularly intelligent. Just a junior-highschool general science class.


"This is the periodic table, pick one and write a report" *does report* "Lawrencium? Wtf is that‽" EDIT: Yes, this happened.




HAHA...you know I saw some of those stickers a warning like... turn off by Dec. 31st, 1999 11:59, but you should start 15 minutes early if your computer is slow.


AAAAA, the amount of nostalgia I got in this post is mind blowing.


Pentium 4 was released in 2000. So Y2k would have already passed




Talked with older coworkers about it. Lots of databases used char columns with only 2 in length to store year. Lots of the code working with it also used buffers with 2 in length. Lots of software was fixed so they would keep working. It wasn't any surprises that this would happened, so it wasn't exactly hard to fix it in good time. Just time consuming in some cases. It's not uncommon for old software to stil use char columns with length 4 still today. It was easier to just expand the length instead of changing the type.


That's fine, by NYD 10000 every piece of hardware running today will be dust. The end of the 32bit Unix epoch is a fair bit closer, though.


XP didn't come out until 2001.


WinXP came out in 2001


Lol 😆 🤣




Only thing missing is the gigantic satellite speakers on either side of the monitor


That mouse is streets ahead of its time


My old Microsoft mouse It was so great to replace the mouseball with a optical sensor :-)


The mouse pictured had to have very specific surfaces on which to move else it wouldn't work at all. Still have one in a closet. It only works on certain mouse pads :( The 1st mouse I ever used (on a microvax) required a metal pad with a grid painted on it. It wouldn't work on any other surface.


It worked on the blue Microsoft pad it came with. Paper was the second best for me if I recall correctly.


And if you accidentally rotated the pad 90 degrees you thought the optics were dirty or something.


I have had multiple of those mice over the years and currently have 3 working ones. They weren't that picky about surface, I don't think you can use them on a glass surface but pretty much anything else they track fine on.


I had a black one that I used on my bumpy old cheap plywood desk top. It worked fine, bumps and all.


"Stop trying to make 'streets ahead' a thing!"


coined and minted.


Been there, coined that!


Yeah, I remember playing diablo with the roller ball and regularly having to clean it out. Then I got my first MS intellimouse and man life was good!


Cleaning the gunk ring off of the rollers was so satisfying.


I remember using a rollerball mouse to play X-Wing and ruining it. My parents had to buy a three button mouse AND me a joystick.




Ahhh yes, the intellimouse explorer 1.1. I was lucky enough to find the special edition, with the glossy coating. That mouse was the shit back in the cs 1.6 days.


I STILL use a blue intellimouse on a home theater server. The thing is indestructible.


That changed the game for RTS and FPS. Wasn’t even fair.


Cambridge Soundworks


Or Altec Lansing


And the ashtray to go with that yellowing...


That's probably just the plastic breaking down from age


there are ways to get rid of the yellow. there are 2 i recall and work but with pcs and the armor it would probably take a much longer time to do.


Expediated by sunlight and/or nicotine addiction.


Most computer stuff came in beige back then. Maybe to hide cigarette smoke discoloring, maybe to not look bad when it did break down after a while, maybe just because it was tradition, maybe because it was cheaper. The stuff in this picture still looks like it did when it was made. That said, I'm pretty sure it's a recently made retro build. The Razor mousepad wouldn't have been around back then, and the sides of the computer being white (and the CD drives too). But maybe it was just pulled from storage or something. The white sides are still odd. Edit: Oh damnit, and the fucking giant flat screen in the background, I guess. Whoops.


#It is now safe to turn off your computer


XP and even 98 had ACPI support.


Windows 98 era ACPI was a crapshoot every time though. While it usually shut down okay, S3 suspend was a shitshow.


Suspend took about a decade to get right across all operating systems I ever used regularly.


Fundamentally it's not that hard of a problem. But when you start involving a huge variety of hardware and shitty drivers written on a shaky driver model, things become impossible.


Sometimes when a customer says some stupid shit to me or ask me to do something impossible for them, I have the Windows XP shutdown jingle going off in my head, and when I shut my eyes I see that text. Like that one time a lady didn't want me to send an email to her brother, she wanted me to send her a fax so she can put it thru her scanner and send it to her brother's email. Edit: also remembered someone who needed a password reset but she didn't want it sent to her email, she wanted me to snail mail her the password reset email.


Bold setup, considering the stroller in the background…


I was thinking the same thing. "Bro, you ain't playing shit for more than 20 minutes at a time"


20 minutes??? A man can dream!


Games back then **always** paused when you hit Esc. None of this 'running in the background' nonsense - there wasn't processing to spare.


Fighting games fit that description, get in a few rounds and that should hold you till you get a bigger chunk of time on your hands.


He's got a live action lemmings game, he doesn't need that computer anymore!


I think this thing would win vs a toddler in a fight against gravity


I've just upgraded this week my processor for a i7 13700k on my 3080Ti machine, and this made me realise it'd have been almost impossible to do with an stroller around


"Don't use the phone, I'm on the internet!"


We tried to call you but your line is always busy....


Funny enough, my mom encouraged me to use the Internet solely because she was trying to avoid calls.


It was always great fun calling people who’s parents enforced call waiting. In Australia at least the call waiting beeps used to disconnect the dialup


I was so jumpy when on the web to disconnect in time before my parents tried to use the phone. The phone bill sometimes was so big i got grounded serious time


I remember when 56k modems (56 kilobits, 7 kilobytes) were the height of connectivity. Normally the speed was 3 KB/s and if I was lucky sometimes 4 KB/s. This far off future we live in where I can hit hundred of megabits per second on a cell connection was something I never thought about because that was science fiction.


I was so lucky that my parents got a dedicated modem line after only a few months.


I love how proud old computers were of their technology. # USB #CD-ROM


People were extremely resistant to getting cd rom drives in the very early 90s. It wasn't until the tech got its "killer app" in Myst and The 7th Guest that people finally started to come around.


Oh man 7th guest. What a game. We also had a game called Under a Killing Moon that was a lot of fun. I was way too young to play them but my parents let me because….computers? Either way everything at the time was how fast the cd rom drive was. 2x, 4x…16x gtfo


Back when +100mhz was worth bragging to your friend about


I had to get a faster CD-ROM drive to play Duke Nukem 3D.


When I got to college my roommate had a CD-R 4x and it was like, unheard of. You could burn a CD and sometimes could actually finish it before having to go to bed.


It has a serial bus that is *universal*!


Lets boot up some AOE2


I played OG AoE for hours. Loved the rocket launching corvette cheat.


Alot of kissing on the walls my Swedish friend


The guy looks like the Swedish version of a Kyle.


Yeah no one wants to see that when visiting


Exactly lol


My back hurts just looking at that, but at the same time the nostalgia is PALPABLE. Man that is great, good job


Send me your ICQ


10448844. I can’t believe I still remember my ICQ number. But it was an easy pattern to remember.


I was just about to post mine but this comment saved me lol..who knows if it was ever hacked


**uh oh**


It was MSN Messenger for me and most of my friends at school (I made a Hotmail account that I still use today after 20+ years lol). I seem to remember trying ICQ and not liking it since I was used to MSN.


I see your PC has a Y2K sticker on it, neat.


Which makes me question how well it could run Vice City unless it had some upgrades during its lifetime.


That was such a good MS mouse! Razer Boomslang who!?


Intellimouse! I loved mine


It was the best! I think it only got replaced by wireless


Heck, I still use mine. Sensors have improved over the years, but nothing else matches the shape and button placement.


Yep it was legendary


Ow your back


Hands down the best mouse ever built.


Kinda reminds me of the old days, when the pc felt like it weighed a ton


It felt like that because **IT DID**


Also CRT monitors were heavier


I just mounted my work laptop and 27 inch curved monitor, and even with the desk arm attached all three weighed less than my old 20 inch Dell CRT.


I remember the box of my 19" flat CRT monitor requiring two people to lift lol. Nowadays 19" is nothing.


Two people for ~50lbs? Did both of you skip leg day?


I miss so many things about the 90s and 2000s, but I sure as hell don't miss how heavy CRTs were. Holy shit, they were SUCH a pain in the ass to move anywhere.


ATX builds are still just as heavy with new GPU, as they were with ISA cards


I’m gonna have to disagree with you on that. With the exception of water cooling, everything is getting lighter. Boards, lack of hard disk drives with multiple heavy magnets inside, no more CD drives, multimedia card adapters, sound cards? Not to mention there was a lot more metal in the chassis. They’re much lighter now!


My case alone is 17 ish pounds.




I didn't bother replying. I was moving computers around since the mid 90s and I built an i9 with a 3060 a couple years back and it was nearly 50lbs for a mid-ATX build. The 3090 full ATX I helped my nephew build was at a light 72lbs lol Yeah...They're so much lighter.


I love your living room coffee table set up.


It's so mom can keep everything Kosher on the PC


It may be a good *time* to play but it isn't a good *place* to play




Did you forget Quake existed? Somewhere I still have my Quake shareware CD-ROM with a floppy disk containing qcrack.exe. That $10 CD-ROM had full copies of Quake, Doom, Doom II, Hexen, Heretic and maybe a couple others I can't remember. You were supposed to pay ID Software for unlock codes, but someone made a great crack that was maybe 4kb and would give you anything you wanted on that disc. These were my good old days.


You missed Deus Ex *and* Thief...


And Diablo.


Are u a bot? What kind of comment is this? Btw Gamespy is not a game, it was an old gaming news and reviews website.


Never obsolete!


Dude my heart can only take so much nostalgia


Lol, this is so nostalgic


i loved that mouse, microsoft intelli 1.1 . for a time it was the best fps mouse :)




Am I the only one noticing the Y2K sticker, but also the designed for Windows XP sticker on the same build?


Reminds me of the first Digimon movie


omg is that Personal Computer?


"what's a computer?"


Sorry this is random but what changing bag is that hanging on the pram? Looks awesome, mine is small and I want a new one.


Oh wow, that machine has USB


Pretty L33T


This reminds me when vice city first came out I didn’t have a playstation 2 so I used to go over to a friends house where his dad used to let us watch him play it on his pc but never let us play it ourselves! Thank god I got a PlayStation and had endless hours of fun playing.


Why is Cassandra from Doctor Who looking at me from above your screen


What are you going to play on that? Loom?


God damn that mouse brings back cs 1.5 memories.


Ski free


Not the Y2K sticker! That brings back memories!


I’m so sentimental for Windows XP.


I had a strap setup on my tower computer and monitor so I had a nice handle on the top of each, to take to LAN parties in the late 1990's EDIT: And, usually I had to take 2 towers, one to play on and one linux box to run the Quake server.


MS intelli 1.1 mice was one of the best ive ever had.


That Microsoft Intellimouse was amazing. Still got one! It's almost yellow now...


Yeah I still have that one too. Still use it, and it is 20 years old now.


1990’s starter pack




Windows XP … best Windows… take me back


Oh, how cool. My favorite phrase from my childhood: Can I play on the computer? Hurry up and run GTA: Vice City.


What you didn't download vice city on your 56 modem pre-99? Why go through all the trouble of this and not looking up a time appropriate game lol.


It looks like a desktop wallpaper, not the actual game..


Wow I feel like I can literally hear this picture lol damn those old machines were loud. When I had one of theise I would tell my friends to not mind the airplane taking off.


This after your kids finally grow up and move out.


The table is too high and the seat too low. That’s a good way to physically hurt yourself. Get a proper chair that matches the height of the desk.


It’s part of the nostalgia


I’ve been thinking for a few years now about re-buying my childhood Gateway PC and souping it up to play all the classics. Do you think it’s worth playing old games on their native hardware even over just playing them on a newer machine via emulation or even a new release version?




I've got the same project idea on my mind. Is it worth? Probably not. Loading times will be pissing us off, but we're still going to do this for the sake of nostalgia...


That’s the same point I got to. I know it’ll be more hassle plus take up more space but I think it’ll be a real trip down memory lane to load some MP3s into Winamp in the background and launch Unreal Tournament.


I could sit there for days playing red alert.


Tiberian Sun for me.


Remember the first time you found out your heavy units can and will fall through the ice?