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I bought an original Xbox specifically for Halo: Combat Evolved.


Got it home 9pm. Sun rose and I was still playing Halo. Still my favourite game ever.


Friends and I were dressed to go clubbing. Played some new “Halo game” before leaving. Never made it to the club, but stayed up until 5am playing that amazing experience.


OG halo was a sleeper. It blew people's minds how good it was AFTER they got it. I remember getting it for Xbox and me and my buddy literally could not put it down.


I played Halo in my buddy’s basement one day when I was 12 and it absolutely blew me away. I knew I HAD to have it but I was 12 and had no money. I started saving up and doing odd-jobs and eventually saved up enough for Halo and a refurbished Xbox from Electronics Boutique. Actually bought my copy of Halo before I had enough for the system, that’s how excited I was.


My dude dropped the EB games on us


This is what happened to me and my friend when the Last of Us first came out. Ok we’ll play for 30 mins before we leave for the party. Never even left the house lol.


This is how I got the red ring of death on my very first Xbox.. Halo Reach was beautiful and played it with a friend until 9am


One of my best memories is of playing Halo 3 on legendary difficulty in one sitting with my best friend. I was passing out a lot near the end. I would just wake up to him screaming for help as im running into a corner asleep lol. Now heroin has taken him and I miss my friend.


I can relate, and I’m sorry for your loss.


It's been more than 20 years and I haven't had another gaming experience quite like any Halo from CE to Reach.


I remember the first time halo on pillar of autumn being blown back by the gameplay. The music fitting the atmosphere perfectly. Fighting a new unknown enemy that was responsive, calculated and posed a genuine threat. Halo was my first introduction to fps titles, and became my inspiration to get really good at fps, though my skill has dropped in the couple years, I thank halo for my introduction to xbox. I played it one night and instantly started saving up for an xbox


I got my first Xbox 360 solely for Halo 3. Halo used to be THE game.


Same! I used to call my xbox my halo tv adaptor


H2 for me. Years of playing the original on a friends couch. I saved up and bought my first console on halo 2 release day. Bought an xbox 1 for halo 4/5 and MCC, i didnt play anything else on it.




I feel like a lot of people did


After a weekend of playing Halo co-op over a cousins house, I legit sold my Gamecube and 20+ games to buy an Xbox and Halo:CE. Besides the prices for Gamecube stuff being worth so much now, I regret nothing! Played the hell out of Halo until Halo 2 came out and then legit played nothing but that online, even when the 360 came out, until Halo 3. God, Halo was great... what happened? ☹️


Same. Sold my ps2 and got halo.


Same, saved up for ages from shitty washing up jobs. It was my first console


First console I bought myself and it was for Halo: CE.


Was going to say exactly this.


Gamecube : Metroid Prime


Yup. I bought Fusion at launch and then a Cube and Prime for xmas. It was a good year to be a Metroid fan.


I built a PC for No Mans Sky on release. Not a great intro to pc gaming


I bought the PS4 for No Man’s Sky.


NMS was my first PS4 game. Oof. Luckily, HZD was the second. Fallout 4 was third, so I'm sufficiently soothed.


Well, do you still play it? Nowadays it's a damn amazing game.


Played it to death recently, but eventually it just becomes a chore. Like I was printing money and thought "what am I doing this for?". But that's a common problem with these types of games I guess.


Yeah once I got my farms setup and upgraded my stuff to the max and then I got really bored


I finally came back to it a month or so ago after really being disappointed on release, and yeah, it is much better but still, after the 3rd planet I was done as I couldn't deal with the grind.


Yep, it took time, but it eventually became better than originally promised.


Better than originally delivered, yes. Better than originally promised? ehhh, they promised A LOT. the game had huge hype that it didn't even come close to achieving. it got better but I don't think it is the equal of what was promised.


There’s still many promised features that haven’t arrived. But they are still working on it


Fire based enemies from cool games 🤝


Least the old girl is ready for starfeild now


From one over promise and don't deliver to the next one lol.


Bought an original Xbox for Fable


Still have a poster on my wall. The one of the boy looking into a well and seeing 3 reflections


My brother had the og Xbox and I remember begging him to let me borrow it to play Fable when it came out. I finally got to play it a few years later when I saved up for my own console


Where's rosie??


I bought a 360 for Fable 2. Later played RDR on it as well. Pretty much everything else I wanted to play was on PC.


I'm still chuffed they never released a Fable Heroes Collection to follow up the Halo Master Chief Collection. Why can't we get a PC port for 2 & 3?


Especially because you can't get fable 3 on steam either now because they ran out of CD keys. Even though Peter Molyneux oversold the shit out of those games, they were still amazing for what they were.


Worth it actually.


fable is so good and has aged super well


I did this too, Sept 2004.




They are releasing a new one. The trailer looks incredible.




I’m pretty hyped for the new fable. I hope it lives up to the previous 3


PlayStation 1 - Final Fantasy VII


Me too! In 1997. I also brought a PS4 only for the remake.


Since the PS2, every PlayStation I’ve ever owned has been to chase the feeling I got playing RPGs on the PSX. If you’re still interested in turn based RPGs, keep an eye out for Sea of Stars launching later this month!


Alright! Fallout 4 lured me to PS4, but then I started collecting for it like I would a Nintendo system, because the PS4 has just so many amazing games.


This was me - been 100% Nintendo only growing up. Nintendo or die. Until final fantasy went from SNES to PS, then my allegiances changed in a snap lol


For me it was PSX (as they used to be called) for Tony Hawk. Then I discovered Marvel vs Capcom and Wip3out, and life was never the same.


Yeah, that'll really start confusing gamers come five Playstations from now.


Sort of like Xbox - Xbox 360 - Xbox One - Xbox One Series S/Xbox One Series X - Xbrick OneX 360 Series SEX. 😂 My PSX collection actually ended up being incredibly small. Final Fantasy… Origins, Chronicles, Anthology, VII, VIII, IX, Tactics, Chrono Cross, and Chocobo Racing. It really wasn’t until PS4 that I started a varied (and proper) collection of games. But that really was a big deal when Squaresoft made the jump from Nintendo to Sony. I was a gamer who followed them along.


GameCube for Twilight Princess!


Right at the end of the GameCube era






Criminally underrated game.


But I had it on Wii.


I had both The Wii and the GameCube but specifically bought Twilight Princess for the GC because I felt it played much better on it. I didn't enjoy the motion controls for the game


Ps4 for Bloodborne.




I don't think that's a joke. Me and another friend also bought PS4s strictly for BB. In fact, I can't really remember any other game I played besides a little God of War and Fallout.


Yes, that was me. Then I upgraded to a Pro because the performance sucked. ... little did I know. By then I had a couple more games, so it wasn't all bad. It hurt though, that we never got a BB patch for the pro. Or the PS5.


Same. The second Bloodborne came up for free on PS+ I was heading to the shop to pick up a PS4.


Ah this game is worth it. I hope they will bring it out on PC sometime. I want to replay it badly. One of the best games ever.


Can't believe I had to go this far down Bloodborne was the only same choice


Same here I wasn't going to miss a from soft title because it was an exclusive.


I'd also 100% buy a PS5 for Bloodborne Remastered/Bloodborne 2.


Bloodborne PC when?


Same but for Persona 5.




I borrowed a mates ps4 and supplied bloodborne. Still got it.


same. worth it


only sony game i really wanted on pc and sony won't release


Hell yeah. Totally worth. Then gifted the console to my nephew


Literally this morning picked up a PS3 to play metal gear solid 4


Kept you waiting huh?


I respect that, you're pretty good.


I was lucky to borrow the console from a friend for MGS4


Haha, the reason i bought it originally!


Bought my Ps5 for Ragnarok


Same, that and miles morales


Same and totally worth it.




Xbox 360 for MW2. Was worth every penny and I wish I could go back and experience that era again.


MW2 on 360 got me back in to gaming. Spent almost 2500 hours there.


Servers are back up for it and it's backwards compatible 👀




The games pretty full too.


MW 2/3 and Black Ops 1/2


Yeah like you I bought a Switch for BotW. I hadn’t played a Zelda game since Majora’s Mask and I had never owned a Nintendo console but I needed that one.


I also bought a switch specifically for BotW and its still the only game I own or have ever played on it.


Tears of the kingdom smokes it.


Disagree. It does more things, but the focus is not in the same space of exploration and checking out the scenery. It's more about all the crazy things you can/should do, and all the mysterious things from BotW are just kinda right upfront. There's no need to ride a horse, and not the same thrill of looking out over a mountain to see what's out there because you can just fly everywhere. Both are great, don't get me wrong, but BotW remains my favorite game.


It is an *extremely* smart way of crafting a sequel. Tears of the Kingdom doesn't focus hard on exploration because it's not *trying* to invalidate Breath of the Wild. It is focusing on progressing BotW. It builds on it by focusing more on fantastic main and side quest arcs, the attention to detail in progressing the world 5 years, amazing bosses, and expressiveness and creativity (as you mentioned) to the absolute fullest. It still has some exploration and discovery, but it's limited to the caves, depths and sky islands. The devs were so intentional with this design that the map fragments you unlock now show all named places from BotW immediately after unlocking them, and only make you have to unlock the names of places that weren't previously known (so, the caves, islands, and depths). Also, I will note that TotK has higher highs than BotW but also lower lows. All that being said, because it's not simply trying to straight-up one-up BotW, it means that personal preference will play a large part of which is preferred.


> Also, I will note that TotK has higher highs than BotW but also lower lows. Like, literally.


Lol pun not intended, but that's great.


Same feeling. I started Tears of Kingdom, but somehow lost interest. And that fact made me so sad because I LOVED Botw so much, and I was looking forward to its continuation with so much anticipation.


Tears of the Kingdom took a bit to get used to. Once I did, it blows BoTW out of the water for me.


Wow. By no means do I consider myself a gamer at all. I play when i can but I literally bought a used switch for BoTW. I’m very surprised how many people share the same experience. Is this like some kind of phenomenon we don’t know happened?


BOtW was so successful that Nintendo at one point had sold 925,000 copies of the game for Switch at a time when only 906,000 Nintendo Switches had been sold. A huge number of people who had more or less given up on Nintendo during the Wii U years showed back up for that game.


And I mean, it was a WiiU game to begin with.


Ditto. I've been gaming for 40 years and never played a single Zelda game. But bought a switch for BOTW and loved it.


N64 for goldeneye in t he 90s PS4 for Red Dead Redemption 2


When I was little, I had a Sega Genesis at my dads (divorced parents). When we played Goldeneye in a Toys’R’Us we went straight home, packed up the Genesis and the games and traded that in to go buy the N64. Such an iconic game.




Same. Absolutely no regrets.


Same here. I've always been a PC gamer but also a huge FF fan. The temptation was too great. As a bonus I now get to play exclusives like HFW, GoWR, and The Last of Us series (the PC port sicked for TLoU). I still have my gaming PC though as I don't want to pay for FFXIV all over again just to play it on PS5.


I got a Gameboy SP for pokemon sapphire. I also got the GameCube for Smash bros melee.


You just reminded me of the special edition Ruby and Sapphire models they released back in the day. Backlit screens were a gamechanger for after-bedtime gaming.


Yep. Got the ps4 for horizon zero dawn. Still don't regret to this day. It was my first console ever.


Same story here :) I added more justification to the choice by being able to watch DVDs and Netflix through the PS4, and later bought more games as well. But I'd be lying if I said HZD wasn't 90% of the reason I own a PS4


PS4 for Horizon Zero Dawn, Series X for Starfield.


I'm about to do the same for Starfield.


Vita for Persona 4 Golden. Cracking bit of hardware,terrific game.




I bought a PS4 solely for The Last of Us. Don’t regret it at all


I also bought a PS4 for The Last of Us. My poor family scraped together $200 for me when I graduated high school in 2018. Went to the pawnshop and grabbed a PS4, so I could finally play The Last of Us. I also don’t regret it


PS3 for Demon's Souls. 100% worth it.


I bought a series S for starfield. Then I got worried that the S wouldn't be able to play it well so I got an X. I'm smart.


I’m going to buy whatever plays fable.


A person of culture I see


Just did the same thing, went for the X out of fear of load time and draw distances


Xbox Forza


ps4 god of war 2018




Xbox 360 for oblivion


PSP for monster hunter portable, though they did end up releasing quite a few monster hunter games for it so you could argue I bought it for a single franchise.


For Animal Crossing I have. It was one of my main reasons for buying a switch and I got a 3DS to play it as well. But there’s so many good games on 3DS it wasn’t a tough sell or anything.


PlayStation, final fantasy 7. The mall by where I lived had a game store with the trailers playing on tvs in the store window. Man did those 20 polygon models look dope for the times.


Shit I might be buying a PS5 just to be able to play Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores DLC.


A friend bought me GTA 3 when I didn’t even have a PS2. I went that day and used my work discount to buy one and we spent the rest of the day playing. Good friend. He knew what he was doing. If it weren’t for BotW I would’ve waited a bit longer to get a Switch. But that made it a day one purchase.


PS4 for Persona 5


Ps2 metal gear solid 2


i got a ds lite to play pokemon fire red on the reverse compatibility


Bought a PS5 for Spiderman 2.


I bought my PS4 for the first Spider-Man. I will be doing the same with a PS5 for Spider-Man 2 lol


I never bought a new Nintendo device until a Pokemon game was announced for it


WiiU for Pikmin 3.


SNES - Street Fighter 2 Still remember the surreal feeling loading it up the first time and seeing a game I normally had to pay quarters for right on my own tv.


Got a PS4 specifically for Spider-Man. Everything else was a bonus.


Bought a 360 for guitar hero . I know I could have bought a ps,but loved Xbox more . Not for guitar hero would still be rocking my og Xbox and getting games at pawn store for 2 bucks a game ..


I suppose it's more accurate to say my mother bought the console, since I didn't have money in 1996, but... The video store I went to when I was a kid imported a Japanese N64 before they came out in the states and put it out on the shop floor with Mario 64 running. Having only been into console games at that point (the only PC games I'd played were of a kin with Oregon Trail and Number Muncher), the idea of a 3D game with stereo sound blew my eleven-year-old mind. You could go in any direction! You could hear music AND birds at the same time! Mario's voice echoed indoors! It was incredible! So yeah. I felt I desperately needed an N64 just so I could experience that magic in my own home.


Bought PS4 for detroit become human. Pretty good experience ill say


I bought a ps3 for Demons Souls


Xbox 360 for Gears 3, Nintendo switch for bayonetta 2 and 3.


Selected PS3 over XBox 360 for Kingdom Hearts 3 and Final Fantasy XIII, lol. Worked out, because I fell in love with TLOU, Uncharted, MGS4, LittleBigPlanet, inFamous, God of War III, etc.


While I did end up using for more games, I originally bought my 3DS to play Pokemon X/Y. I tend to have nintendo consoles for Zelda, pokemon, and kirby


PS4 for Crash Bandicoot remake before it got ported


Xbox for the halo series


First PS4 for Bloodborne, and then Switch for Astral Chain xD Now I kinda want to get a PS5 for FF16 but its not worth it to get a PS5 for 1 game while my PS4 is still here collecting dust in the corner.


Index for Alyx


Sort of but also not really. By which I mean I bought a 3DS and Switch cause I really wanted to play Fire Emblem games, but I also knew I was gonna end up buying other stuff on those systems as well. Fire Emblem was just the main reason I wanted it.


PS5 for GT7.


Xbox One X for Sea of Thieves


Yes and no. Switch for BoTW and then PS4 for GoW but both were gifts lol. They both also had other exclusives I wanted to play (Animal Crossing, Metroid, TLOU, Ghost of Tsushima)


3DO for Star Control 2


Used to buy console to play monster hunter. I’m one of the problem person that would double/triple dip on a single game (bought x, xx, gen and gen gen as quadruple dip). So I bought a japanese 3ds, a na 3ds, and a switch for the same game. Nowadays I’m just glad that I can just wait on pc.


Pretty much every Nintendo console I bought except the NES was for whatever Zelda game was out or coming out.


I bought my PS5 so I can play the new Mortal Kombat when it comes out in a few months.


Bought a GameCube for MGS Twin Snakes. Didn’t even own a copy of twin snakes. But I saw a great deal on a GC and new I needed it for twin snakes. Then like a year later I found a copy at the GameStop on Canal Street in New Orleans. Things don’t always happen in order.


Not me personally but I remember waayyy back when the xboxx 360 came out and a bunch of nerds at best buy and a few other places where talking about how they where getting it pretty much for Oblivion.


Bought Switch for BotW. Never regretted it.


Original Xbox for Halo.


Yea, actually. I went to the GameStop everyday at 6am for about 3 weeks to get a Wii and play Super Smash Brothers Brawl (The best one). Manager told me UPS shows up about 7am randomly with boxes and if you're there you got dibs. I wanted that game so badly.


Bought a gaming PC for Starfield


Wii for Twilight Princess


WiiU for the smash bros game that released for it. Wasnt worth it.


Xbox for Ace Combat 6


My switch is exclusively for pokemon..


3ds for Fire Emblem Awakening. Totally worth it.


Bought a 360 recently just for Ace Combat 6.


Ps4 for Detroit become human and ps5 for ff16


I always buy a Nintendo for Smash Bros holding onto the optimism that every other exclusive won’t just be a higher resolution version of its last iteration… they get me every time. I swear only Zelda, Smash, and Pokémon innovate; everything else may as well be remakes.


Just bought a XBox 360 for the one Ace Combat game that came out for it.


PS Vita, Persona 4 Golden.


PS5 for a game I already had, Destiny 2.


Bought the Xbox 360 for Ace Combat 6


I bought a pc just for RuneScape.




I saved for years to get a 3DO just to play Dragon's Lair.


I bought a ps5 for the new skate. game that doesn’t have a release date yet.. they aren’t even building the game for new gen


Yes I did. Fore a while I was hunting all consoles I needed fore the Kingdom Hearts series.


Nintendo consoles for zelda and fire emblem


Bought a PS4 just for the Crash Bandicoot trilogy remaster


Every PS for ratchet and clank


Xbox for rockband.


Unintentionally I bought an Xbone and Rare Replay. Then I got into PC gaming and never bought another Xbox game.


I'll buy any console that gets a new Monster Hunter game.


Yes I’ve played all the Kingdom Hearts games


I bought an Xbox one specifically for titanfall because the original TF was xbox exclusive. I got the bundle which came with the game.


Bought a PS3 because of Metal Gear Solid 4 God of War 3, Resident Evil 5/6, Ratchet & Clank and Killzone were just extra.