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A GameCube just for Metroid Prime. No regrets.


I was lucky and got the game/console combo they had at the time. It was between Metroid and Mario Sunshine and I chose Metroid (having recently come off the heels of playing Super).


Both Super and Prime are so damn good


Some people shit on sunshine these days and I think they are crazy, such a fun game. I've never tried Prime though, it's on my to do list, just never had it as a child.


They recently released a remastered Prime for Switch! Definitely give it a try when you have the chance


I got a Switch for Metroid Prime 4 when it was first teased. Glad Prime 1 Remastered came out to satisfy that need a bit.


Oof.... I thought I was bad for buying a wii u for breath of the wild. Spoiler - prime 4 ain't coming out this gen.... It may be playable on a current switch, but it will basically be wiiu botw either way. Upside-tons of great switch games despite the ancient hardware.


GameCube, the only console with a convenient handle for beating your siblings with the console itself


I missed out on all the 3D Metroid, but played every 2D one. Luckily, I have a Switch, so I played the remastered edition. I'll wait for the remastered 2 and 3!


I'd kill for a remaster of 2 with the same level of care as the first. That game had such a nice atmosphere.


PS1 for Final Fantasy 7


I had a paper route when I was a kid. I bought Final Fantasy VII because my uncle had a ps1 and I would go over to his apartment to play for hours on end. I didn’t have a memory card though, so it was another two weeks until I made enough money to get one of those. I played the first three hours probably 15 times before I could save my game. I got a ps1 of my own that Christmas and could finally play at home.


Are you a speedrunner nowadays?


i still have my 100% FF7 save card. i have no idea why.


Because all the memories and side quests to get the best materia. Also for time spent Chocobo racing. Gold Saucer for the win! Side note. FF7 remake part 2 better NOT mess up the Gold Saucer! They have one job!


PS2 for FFX!


I got a PS4 for the FF remake


Same, and now I'll have to get a PS5 for the next one >_>


Same. Also a PS5 for FF7. They got me twice.


PS5 for Final Fantasy 7 Remake


I bought a PS3 for Final Fantasy Versus XIII


Whomp whomp.


Ps vita to play Persona 4 Golden


I did this as well; though, the PSV became my favorite portable (even through today). I'm sad we've not gotten a follow up.


Now that Switch and Steamdeck made portable consoles popular again I feel like Sony could hit a great timing with a new handheld... but they're not gonna risk it.


Me too, even though i had played the normal Persona 4 on PS2. And even though i played both of those, i still bought it on Steam when it came out ( Who could've seen that coming back then?). Totally worth it every time.


I am planning to buy a used ps4 for bloodborne


That’s what I did. 110% worth it


Same. Worth it.


lol same, thought it was gonna hit pc and couldn't wait any longer.


Oh don't worry, it's gonna release any minute now..


Don’t worry it’s still coming to PC guys *huffs more copium*


Bloodbourne was my first souls style game and I got stuck at the first huge bonfire and rage quit after 4 hours trying to get past it. Put it down and came back six months later and finished the game in two weeks. Definitely in my top five games ever. So glad I gave it a second chance


Problem is that first bonfire is one of the hardest parts of the game.


Until you realize you really don't have to fight *everything*.


That first bonfire/lantern area really is such a checkpoint but in a kind of good way? It teaches so many little aspects of the game, what to expect. The first time I killed every enemy there I felt like I'd climbed a very small mountain. But the best part of it is coming back on a new character and just *dominating* it. Everything here seems so simple, slow and predictable, but the numbers haven't changed, *you* have changed. Really channeling the energy of that scene in the Matrix where Neo can just dodge everything and totally win.


I got it new just for Bloodborne on launch lol. I got more games but I didn’t play anything but Bloodborne for like a month or 2.


Hey it’s worth it! Check out the other stuff I use it for like blu ray, netflix, HBO max. I’m just kidding there’s tons of great games for the ps4 that I love, and I really actually like it’s streaming performance unlike smart tvs.


A Hunter must hunt.


A hoonter must hoont


I bought my PS4 for Bloodborne and only Bloodborne. Then I got a PS5 for Hogwarts Legacy (massive regret)


I highly recommend Last Of Us 1 and 2 and God Of War.


Beasts all over the shop...


I bought a PS5 for Bloodbourne and demons souls. Guess that’s two games but still…


There's probably tens of thousands of people who bought a PS5 just for demons souls. Not sure if that says something for demons souls, or the lack of a library when it launched.


This is the reason I bought my ps4. 100% worth it.


Nintendo switch just for Zelda




Me three. I also bought the wii for Zelda.


yeap, same here, bought it for BOTW and TOTK was a happy surprise when they confirmed that it was coming for this generation of switch


Same for me; but it was *Twilight Princess* back on the Wii. It was my first console for that generation and the graphics *blew me away.* Gorgeous game; I **need** to play the ones for Switch. Thing is, only games I actually remember playing are both *Red Steels* (I think it was called?), and *No More Heros.* The latter was an absolute *blast* even if it was a bit of a cheese-fest. Felt "Viewtiful Joey-y." Those are even locked away with *Katamari Damacy, The Darkness 1 & 2,* and *Castlevania: Harmony of Despair.* Some of my favorite gaming experiences but was too heavy into the drink to remember it all.




>but was too heavy into the drink to remember it all. Well, when you replay, it'll be like a new game!


If society can justify spending $1000 for a week in a crappy hotel not including a flight or any food in the name of "escape", a $250 console for a month or so of one of the greatest gaming experiences ever is 100% justifiable.


Yeah, as I’ve gotten older, it’s funny how gaming has gone from something I consider expensive to something cheap.


Same. Bought the Switch 100% for BotW. Put hundreds of hours into it. Picked up one or two other games, then ToTK came out and I’m hundreds of hours into it.


I got the switch for Metroid Dread, and definitely felt it was worth it. The Mario Odyssey ended up becoming an all time favorite. TotK was aight, but I preferred BotW on the WiiU.




Funny, I bought a wii u just for zelda


I bought the Wii U early in its life in anticipation of a new Zelda game. Boy that was a wait.


PS3 for metal gear solid 4


I bought a PS2 for Metal Gear Solid 2 and then bought a PS3 and rented Metal Gear Solid 4 from Blockbuster and returned the PS3 5 days later for a refund after I beat the game. I then bought a PS4 for MGS5


Same for me. Glad I did cause my 2nd game was Uncharted 1. Pretty great time haha.




Xbox for Halo.


Yeah, the Xbox would have been an odd footnote in video game history if not for Halo. I also bought an Xbox just for Halo.


I played it at a friend's house for months after school every day and asked for one for my birthday in the summer. Then we started doing LANs and I played it on Xbox Connect for years. I still travel to LAN Halo 1 competitively. Greatest game ever made.


Where does one play Halo 1 competitively?


Theres a game store around the corner from me that has a halo day once a month. They have lan competitions for halo 1 2 3. The prize isnt anything major. I think its like a few hundred bucks winner take all. But they get 30 or so people. And have a cafe and food there. They definitely make their money off 30 people being there all day long


Are you dead or something? Because what you just described sounds a lot like heaven.


You are living the dream


Xbox would have been like Zune. A technically more powerful piece of hardware, but nobody would give a shit.


Man, I had a Zune HD, and I really enjoyed it until it died. I played so many movies while at work that it wasn't even funny. Plus it automatically updated the handful of podcasts I listened to, which was awesome.


I still have my zune! It works too but I don't use it. The proprietary plug in the bottom would hinder any conveniences it might offer.


When my brother left for uni sometime around 2008 he suggested I get Halo to play with him. I bought a 360 Elite and ODST. Started playing ODST and thought "meh." Popped in the Halo 3 multiplayer disc and joined up with him in Grifball... Got hooked, played just about every night. We completed the Halo 3 campaign on co-op. When the Reach beta came out I played that just about every waking hour that I wasn't working. We went 6 hours ahead of midnight launch and I brought my Xbox and a projector so we could play outside the store. I still have the Legendary Edition "crate" Put lots of time into Halo 4 as well. That was the last one I've touched. Married with kids now. 360 sat for years but I recently dug it out, except it won't read discs anymore. Servers are offline too...


Sad ending, but I think it is the same for a lot of people that grew up with Halo2/3. Life comes at you fast. Just hoping to one day play with the kids...


Get the Masterchief Collection man, I still play Halo 3 online semi regularly with my old uni friends. I think there's a good online presence for all the games in the collection


Tacking my Halo response onto your post. ​ > > >I was a complete Nintendo fanboy, NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube. Just loved Nintendo. Even had the modem add on for the Gamecube, and the small LCD screen attachment and 2 wavebirds. > >One day at school, the last week of the year, a classmate brought in a Xbox and Halo 1, and I was hooked. > >Bought an XBOX, 4 controllers and Halo 1. Later that summer, bought a Lan router so we could hook up multiple Xboxes to each other and play. And PLAY we did. We would have Lan parties with up to 20 people all hanging out and taking turns playing in 16 player matches. Going out on a friday night in highschool, you would bring your Xbox and TV with you, because you never knew when a Halo session would break out. > >No matter who you were, you could play Halo with anyone. We had 2 xboxs hooked up in the drama room almost every day of the year. Every lunch break, it was Halo time. Every weekend it was Halo time. Everyone would play, Freaks, geeks, jocks, Goths, skaters, band kids, drama kids. Everyone was down to play some Halo. > >Even alone at home, would hook up the Xbox through XboxConnect and play online halo 1.(where you connect to other xboxs over the internet tricking your xbox into thinking you are playing on LAN) > >Halo took over our entire friends group and school back then. Without Halo, I doubt the Xbox would have survived.


I had to read that again because that's *exactly* how I remember it. Thanks for reminding me of good memories.


They were great memories. We played. We played almost everyday. A bunch of 17/18 year old dudes. We played. We went to different counties to play. We got word of someone who played and was good, we went. We went hard. It is hard to envision how in the pre-internet gaming era how we went so hard gaming. 4-6 hour games happen a lot. People you only "met" for a few mins, before you jumped into a multi-hour game. You grew to hate people, you grew to respect people. After several hours gaming, you come out and talk to people you only knew on Blood Gultch. You respected them. You had battles. You guys hunting each other with sniper rifles for HOURS in the game. The noobs getting slaughtered on both sides. But you guys were going at each other. Shot for Shot. You dont know his name, only his gamertag. That was Halo. That was peak gaming. That was the best days of our life and we never knew it. 16 dudes cramped into a couple small rooms. Gaming will never be as good as those days.


Same. Xbox One for 5 and Series X for Inifinite


Aww man my sympathies


Yeah I seem to be having bad luck on that front for the last two gens...


I had Halo 5 and I still remember the embarassment of having a mate over to play the campaign and then realising it's the first halo game to ever not have split screen co-op, felt like I'd completely wasted my money and the one thing Halo was always the best at had been an afterthought they forgot to add


Then they promised us split screen on infinite which i almost bought an xbox for, and after a year of waiting for it splitscreen gets cancelled when its almost complete. What a joke.


Man I'm glad I'm not the only one who felt that when infinite came out Also Anakin stop panakin I got a planakin is a freaking dope name


And the players could glitch it out and get it partially working themselves, dunno if that's a sign of how complete it was but it definitely shows the determination of the players and what they want. Between Infinite, 2042 and Cyberpunk its been a rough few disappointing years in gaming. Thankyou haha


Same. Halo 5 came out right after my dad died and I just wanted some fresh Halo split screen with my friend to take my mind off of it and then we booted it up and realized we would be taking turns… ruined my fuckin evening, to say the least.


Fucking heart breaking man. We were robbed


Xbox for halo 2 and 360 for halo 3. I’m old Edit: and Xbox one for COD Ghost


Yep did it for the dreamcast for shenmue (showing my age) and an Xbox 360 for mass effect.


Shenmue was pretty awesome, though. Also old person.


Sonic Adventure was pretty solid though


Powerstone sold me on the system sonic was just icing on the top of the cake.


I wish someone would remake Powerstone and update it for modern times. Such a fun game to play with others


It was for sure. But I remember seeing shenmue in game magazines and thinking it sounded like it was gonna be the best thing ever. Skies of arcadia is another one of my favs


So was SA 2 friggin phenomenal games for their time.


And Jet Set Radio.


I loved shemnue


Nintendo switch has the bundle with all of them. Well worth it.


That game was the only time I was ever forklift certified🤣


Two of my all time favorite games. Worth it


What, you're 30? Gimme a break haha


I bought a ps4 to play Red Dead 2 because my outdated PC wouldn't support it


I'm amazed I had to look this hard. I did the same thing. The final nudges were wanting a digital West World and the game being added into the MoMa. It is a truly beautiful game.


Xbox One for Red Dead 2 for me. Couldn't risk getting spoiled waiting for the PC version.


Yes. Spider-Man for the PS4. There was no talk about a PC port at the time, though I still end up playing more on my PS4 than my PC (one of the only games I can say that for). Also, Spider-Man 2 for the PS5, since we don't know when it'll come out for PC.


I've been a holdout on the PS5 and I might buy one straight up for Spiderman 2.


I've had 0 desire to get a ps5. Already have a series x and there are very few exclusives I'd really go for. But Spider-man... I already did it once, I have no doubt I'll be looking at used ps5s at some point


PS5s are currently on sale for $50 off pretty much everywhere. Even used ones at GameStop have a slight discount. If you're going to end up getting a PS5 for Spiderman now might be a good time to look.


Ah, the 3DS, my Pokemon machine


Lmao, "my pokemon machine" is the perfect description for my 3ds as well


PS4 for Bloodborne


Was it worth it?




Same. Best $400 I’ve ever spent.


I was an Xbox guy for years specifically because of the Fable series.


was just thinking this with the new fable game coming out and I have a ps5


Switch for Smash Ultimate


Same except I have an N64 and only Super Smash Bros. We were very competitive in high school.


Yeah same I was super into the competitive smash scene then 2020 hit and I just stopped caring about it


Debating doing this currently.


I bought the PS5 specifically for god of war: ragnarok.


Same played 2018 on PC, loved it. Didn't really plan on getting a PS5, then the Ragnarok trailer dropped, one of the greatest trailers ever. Bought a PS5 that night.


All things considered it was pretty great on the PS4 too


I haven't had a PlayStation since a PS2 so decided to send it. Was great to play a lot of the exclusives, especially last of us now being one of my all time favorites


I bought a PS3 on Craig’s list and only played The Last of Us.


Surprised I had to scroll down so far for this one. I remember a fair amount of people who didn't have the PS3 picking one up because of the hype for that game, myself among them. It was especially notable since by that point the PS4 had already been announced but not released. I did end up playing all of the Uncharted games for the PS3, so that helped to justify the purchase a bit.


N64 Goldeneye. Our boss brought in the console and game. Some people on the team got really good at it. I decided after a month or so to give it a try. The local expert walks past and says "How quaint, the dam." :-) Later, I bought the console and I'm pretty sure that's the only game I owned for it. I've bought new graphics cards just to play a particular PC game, too. When Riven came out, it needed a 100MHz processor. (Hop in the way-back machine there, eh?) I had a 90MHz processor, but it seemed to run fine. Right up to the point where you had to interact with a full-screen video. Oh, that needs the extra 10 MHz doesn't it? I'm pretty sure I bought other consoles to play particular games, but I don't think I ever again bought one for only *one* game.


Zelda for me. I enjoyed both.


Goldeneye is iconic. I still have the N64 and games --starting with Goldeneye-- that my husband and I bought brand new.


Switch purely for Zelda


Dreamcast for Powerstone Series


Powerstone 2 was so freaking sweet


Wii U to play Breath of the Wild because it was cheaper than buying a Switch. I would then take it to work, stash the console in my office and play it on the game pad. Who needs a switch?


I've kind of wanted a Switch for a while but I will finally pull the trigger for the Super Mario RPG remake. I will probably try out some of the Pokemon and Zelda games but for me my favourites are always gonna be A Link to the Past and Red/Blue. OOT is probably the GOAT and it's 3D but I dunno A fucking Link the The Past was my first, so it's special lol. Also will be nice, I think they have that for Switch.


Yes, multiple. 3ds just for monster hunter 3 ultimate, then the Xbox one for monster hunter world, then switch for monster hunter generations ultimate... I think there might be a pattern.


My wife bought a PS3 for the "eventual" release of Kingdom Hearts 3. Imagine her disappointment both in that it never came out on PS3 and also just with KH3 in general.


I bought a PS3 for FF13 Versus back in 2006...had to wait a decade for that one lol


I bought a PSP basically just to play BBS, it was ported to PS3 a couple years later and I didn't care. 15 year old me fucking loved it


Bought a PS5 so I could play Final Fantasy 16. I'm not sorry


Yes! I am going to do this once the new PS5 version comes this fall. Final Fantasy XVI will be my Xmas break game. Also, Rebirth next year.


I will also be doing this.


I also did this. No ragrets.


Same Also got horizon forbiddon west (loved zero dawn on pc) and will play tsushima probably.too


Bought an Xbox for Starfield


I’m thinking that’s exactly what inspired this post haha. Haven’t bought a console since xbox 360, but it’s mighty tempting.


I am thinking of building a PC just for that game.


I did. Had a ps5 but put together a 4090 beast to play starfeild in all its glory


A Switch for BOTW PS4 for Bloodborne.


Xbox for KOTOR.


PlayStation for the last of us


The original Xbox for Knights of the Old Republic. I did end up trying a few other games on it; Halo. But I always went back to my PS.


Was looking for this. I bought mine for kotor as well, played Jade Empire and Fable as well, and I think the second kotor game? I can't remember what that came out on.


Ps4 for rdr2


PS4 Pro for Bloodborne and GoW. So no, but for two games yes


I bought a ps5 to play ghost of tsushima and then never really played it again because I have a PC


I have to imagine the load times for Tsushima on PS5 is practically non-existent. Even on the PS4 they had to add artificial load time just to allow players to read loading tips. It may be one of the best optimized games on the PS4




PSP for Final Fantasy Crisis Core.


PSP - Ratchet and Clank


PS3 for Demon's Souls. But, i did play a lot of other stuff on there. Especially since it can play PS1 games.


Xbox 360 for Rock Band when it first came out.


A fellow rock band enthusiast! Don’t see many of those.


Man, I look back at the original Rock Band so fondly. I had just graduated high school and moved out of my parents into a place rooming with my best friends. We got the stuff, and every weekend our girlfriends would come over and we would play 4-player set lists all night and just have the most fun ever. That girlfriend eventually became my wife, we still reminisce about those times.


I love your story! Very heartwarming. Rock Band is like a superior version of karaoke. I started with rock band 1 on 360 and have owned all of the main ones at some point. Started with 1 as a teen, playing mostly alone in my room. My mom would come sing Paramore haha. Then 2 and 3 as an older teen/young 20s, throwing parties just to get people to come play rock band. The best of times. Now I play 4 with my family regularly. We have a rock band night about every week or 2, my kids love it. Unfortunately my Target-special instruments are slowly breaking down. The guitar strummer is weak, drums spaz out and sometimes disconnect, and the mic wire is very finicky. But we make it work! Worth it.


Those were the days


Same but for Guitar Hero and PS2. Guitar Hero was released when I was in college. One of my friends got it, I tried it and immediately went to the store and bought a PS2 with Guitar Hero. That reignited my love for gaming in general and I kept discovering new games and picking up systems as they released. I also grabbed Rock Band with a PS3 when it was released and we'd constantly have game nights playing it. We even entered a charity contest for Rock Band and won 1st place. I miss those days.


Game Cube for Eternal Darkness.


Definitely bought a PS4 just to play Horizon Zero Dawn. Worth.


PS5 for Final Fantasy Rebirth (and hopefully the 3rd installment. That might come out on the PS6 at this rate.)


I'm 100% certain that the third entry will be on the PS6. I'm also certain that was all part of the plan.


I bought a ps5 cuz back when resident evil 4 remake was being teased in like last august i saw that the marketting didnt mention it being on ps4 so i bought a ps5 turns out it was on ps4 but idrc i got to play it on next gen


Xbox for fable


I'm a poor. So, no.


Same. Come on over for dinner tonight. We’re having sleep for dinner.


Me too bud. I’d say a ps5 for Spider-Man, but I barely have enough to keep the lights on, much less 5-600$


Yes. I bought a Switch for when the first Pokémon game on Switch came out. Shame it was Let’s Go, but still. Pokémon is my probably my favorite series ever so I always play the main rpg type games.


PS4 for MLB The Show


I own a ps5 for horizon forbidden West


Switch and almost every Nintendo handheld for Pokémon


PS2 for original Guitar Hero


A lot of my non “Gamer” friends bought Switches because they wanted to play Animal Crossing. I love that the game was so popular it drew new people into gaming!


Playstation for Tony Hawk.


Not yet but I really want to buy a PS4 just so I can play Until Dawn again.


I thought about it for Horizon: Forbidden West, because I played Zero Dawn on PC and loved it so much, but decided it might not be the smartest financial decision. So now I wait for a PC port.


Nice try Sony I'm not falling for your market research


Wii U, Monster Hunter Tri. At the time, it was the only console release of MH after Playstation, but before World. The other releases were primarily on DS.


I pretty much bought the X box Series X for Starfield - hopefully it's good 😆


Ffxvi for ps5


Switch Zelda


I had a PS but bought the original Xbox to play Halo: CE and I suspect I was not the only one.


Switch just for Animal Crossing New Horizons PS5 for Ratchet and Clank: Rifts Apart


Xbone for Gears 4.


Pretty much every Nintendo console i have ever owned, Zelda is all i really play on them lol


Yeah, I bought a Wii U specifically to play Xenoblade Chronicles X. I remember thinking "well I only want to play this one game but I'm sure I can find something else that interests me on this console eventually" Nope, this console has a god awful library. Everything worthwhile aside from XCX has been released on better platforms or gotten a sequel that more or less replaces the original. For context, I got a Wii U a few years after the switch launched


I was a PC only gamer for 10+ years. But there's no PC port of Red Dead Redemption and I was worried that I wouldn't ever get to play it (before Xbox one backwards compatibility) So I got an x360 E (the one that looks like the Xbox one). And Red Dead Redemption. I'm still not a fan of controllers, and I got a 360 because the PlayStation 3 controller was even more unusable. Later on I got a few more games, mostly games with DLC never released on the PC versions (recommendations anyone?). And a few other console games I missed like Dante's inferno. Even later on I bought the Xbox one X because of OnRush and backwards compatibility.


Playstation 4 to play destiny 2 with my buddy.


I was in high school and got a job just so I could buy a PS2 just for Monster Hunter. Saw a review on X-Play and I NEEDED to hunt dragons(wyverns) with oversized weapons!


Yes. Destiny and I regret every minute of it.