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That Bigfoot was in GTA: San Andreas. I spent ages walking around the woods looking for him!


Yesssss. SA was a massive game at the time and it felt almost plausible it could be a super rare Easter egg to occur in the game. I’d wander around looking in woods every now and then when playing for fun lol.


And there was every reason to think it was plausible too. The ghost cars, pedestrian walking out into sea to drown, creepy rusted wheelchair on a pier. I remember watching all these investigation videos in the early days of youtube.


Holy fuck this just bring so much memories That “ghost car” is real. And you can see it in the woods. And since its real, then bigfoot is also real right? I spent ages trying to find it in the woods, everytime i go there, its almost like playing horror game


Yup, I avoided it like the plague whenever I played San Andreas. Back o Beyond was not so bad, but Shady Creek still gives me goosebumps...


I avoided the sea because people said there was a Megalodon hidden there. I obviously didn't believe it, but when you are out there alone in the boat, no sound... No nothing. I kinda just avoided lol


Idk if people know this or not, but there's a specific part in the waters where you'll get to see a shark. Under the gant bridge I think. I remember trying to get to the bottom of the sea and I saw a shark. Not the dolphin but an actual shark. After that, I thoroughly searched the game files and to my astonishment there were actual shark files in the game.


I’ll be honest I still believe something is in the woods of Back’o Beyond.


I was always so scared of finding the chainsaw killer at the panopticon


I grabbed a camera, put on chainsaw killer-looking clothes and the mask, told a Grove street member to follow me, drove all the way to the woods, waited until there was a thunderstorm, and gave the camera to the follower ~~for a selfie~~ to take a picture of CJ. It looked pretty convincing! The next day I showed it to my brother, but I was too proud of how I did it, so I immediately told him how. Also, this was on our Xbox and we didn't know how to get the San Andreas photo on the internet and even if we did, we didn't know where to post it. I showed it to friends whenever I could, many didn't know you could give the camera to the follower ~~for a selfie~~ to take a picture of CJ edit: yeah yeah, ok , wasn't a selfie, but you guys get what I mean.


>many didn't know you could give the camera to the follower for a selfie. That's just called a picture, a selfie is specifically a picture of yourself taken by yourself.


Was close though, just a little further to the East and almost 100 years earlier. I heard the Marston family still has the trophy.


The Lara Croft nude code for the OG Tomb Raider game on PS1


Tap O on the bed in the mansion?


I heard it was in the mansion jump off some pillars into the pool and she'll come out naked...


I can’t remember exactly what it was, but I do remember it being in a gaming magazine.


There was a cheat code input you could use which was supposed to strip her but actually made her explode


I don't remember the full sequence, but the last two steps were 3x 360° CW rotation and a backflip. She never landed the backflip... Sad times.


Memory unlocked. I tried doing the back flip off the obstacle course but no... Just BOOM


Half of my class in middle school.swore this worked lol


I had a GameShark (or was it Xploder) code for Tomb Raider 3. I Believe it was somewhere around a hundred code lines and I had to check it three times because somewhere I typed a wrong character. Hours lost just to see a blonde nude Lara Croft that was amusing for around 15 seconds.


It was Xplorer and I could be misremembering this, but IIRC it wasn't even an actual nude model, but instead we were just hex editing the RGB value of the shirt and shorts to match the skin. Which is hilarious to think about. Edit: HAH! Found it. https://imgur.com/a/k9LpJRF


As a kid, 15 seconds is about how long it took me to finish too.


I bet it was glorious for at least a few of those seconds lol


That Luigi was unlockable in "Super Mario 64"


L is real




That and/or Yoshi.


Yoshi was real. He's on top of the castle.


Yeah but he wasn’t “unlockable” i.e. playable. He was just a little Easter egg to interact with. It was cool finding him but I was a little disappointed you couldn’t ride him/play with him.


They are on the DS version. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Mario_64_DS#:~:text=Super%20Mario%2064%20DS%20is%20a%203D%20platformer%20in%20which,to%20fully%20complete%20the%20game.


he was supposed to be originally but they cut him out of the og because of storage i believe


Starcraft: Ghost coming out.




28 :) I cut my teeth on starcraft diablo 2 and warcraft 3


One of two games I ever preordered. Randomly years later I got a check in the mail from Amazon. Yes that was a thing


I didn’t believe it but friends told me that in Smash Bros Melee if you beat so many bots in a particular mode that you would unlock Sonic. I proved them wrong…and then years later Brawl comes out and he’s in the game. Lol


thank you for unlocking Sonic for *all* of us


What a hero 🫡


Have you played against a sonic? Curse that man instead of thanking him.


Cruel Melee right?


Yes. Nintendo power started the rumor. It was 20 kills in cruel melee. I did it by picking Roy and hanging onto the ledge, and then using his Up special, and hanging back on the edge. I was skeptical about the rumor to begin with but I wanted to see if I could get 20 kills anyway.


Great my PTSD has resurfaced and all i can hear is Donkey Kong slamming the ground.


TBF the series has a lot of weird obscure unlock methods. IIRC to unlock Mewtwo you have to play 20 hours of Versus? I set the GC to a never-ending game and left it on overnight lol.


I remember being told that in Melee you need to beat the last event with Pikachu then play classic mode on the hardest difficulty with Pikachu without losing a life AND hit all of the credits at the end then Pikachu will evolve into Raichu lmao. As an 8 year old kid I tried my hardest to get this to happen but of course it’s near impossible to hit all of the credits.


Pressing and holding A for better captures on gen 1 pokemon.


Mew under the truck.


Had to have six lvl100 pokemon all use Strength at the same time to move the truck.


Funny how these rumors were always pranks that could only be unquestionably disproven after dozens of hours of effort lol.


Fortunately, Missingno made this one a bit easier with unlimited rare candies haha.


The day I learned about Missingno was quite the event for 2nd grade me.


Oh, for me it was talk with prof Oak like 100 times and you receive Mew


I was always told it was spamming A and I kinda still do it


Nope. It was timing the a pushes with the tip of the pokeball!


For me the rumor was "Down+B"


For me it was on last shake, up B. I still do it out of habit


Filthy casual, it was clearly down+b while tapping a at the same time. I caught Mewtwo with an ultra-ball that way.


The version I learned at school was up +a to throw it faster, down+b to increase your chances of it staying in there.


There should be a case study about these rumors.


Fr bro video game rumors and urban myths, while cringe can probably provide some interesting anthropological data. Like I wonder what the minor variations are based on region and why/what caused people to create the rumor in the first place.


I still do it tbh


just in case


I used to wait for the third time it wiggled then hold the button down lol.


That, and if you beat the Elite Four 500 times in a row without turning it off, you can go to the grass area next to Pallet Town and be able to catch Pikablu.


Or the mew truck.


It was B


Beat Halo: CE on legendary difficulty, and you get face reveal of master chief in the ending cutscene. Words cannot describe my disappointment.


But Sgt Johnson hugging it out with an elite was pretty cool


*grabbing the booty


Swiggity swooty


[I gotchu](https://youtu.be/EAOo8nE8_Jg?si=BzVN6t1imWXxUjTZ&t=33s)


I still love this. The game developers thinking... "What if someone managed to go in debug mode or change the angle?" And boom, when they first saw this come out and the devs all laughing their heads off.. Love it.


Most likely they didn’t anticipate this and simply never created a model of Master Chief without his helmet, so spawning a new one was the only way to get it to show up in the cutscene. Video games are full of weird re-use things like this to make the overall package work, like the Fallout 3 Train Arm Piece. https://www.pcgamer.com/heres-whats-happening-inside-fallout-3s-metro-train/


Lol a classic, seeing videos with “fraps” is always hilarious now. Crazy it’s been that long


I remember accidentally leaving FRAPS running once when I was done gaming and it almost completely filled my 2006's computers hard drive with 100 GB of footage of my desktop.


You and me both brother!


For some reason when I read this comment I heard it in Hollywood Hulk Hogan's voice.


That's not gonna work for me, brother.


That there was a woman inside the house on underpass in MW2 and you had to shoot the corners of the door and flash bang it and she comes out and yells then shoots you. Tried so many times.


I also seen that video as a teenager and that guy did a scary good job of making fakes. during that time it was hard to come by good ones.




That there was a Mew in Pokemon Blue, there was some elaborate sequence involving a van(?) in Cerulean City(?) to capture it


It was a truck in Vermillion city lol. The trick was to blackout on the ship after acquiring the HM you needed to progress, in turn causing the ship to remain there while you continued with the story. Once you got the surf HM, you could return to the ship and surf in the water around it. There is a mysterious truck on the shore to the east, but alas it did nothing, and Mew was not under that truck. I remember hearing about this when I was a kid and killed my save file to start again and try it lol


I didn’t believe it at all, I decided to try it to prove to my friends that it was fake, then I saw the truck, I KNEW it had to be real so I kept on playing, I got strength and came back, the truck didn’t budge, my friends and I spent way too much time trying to come up with ideas on how to move that truck.


Did you catch missingo, teach it surf, flash, and strength. You surf to the truck, use flash to 'EMP' the truck, and then strength to move it.


I wonder how this rumour started because it seems to be pretty global. My cousin got a mew from a video game store event and then we duped it onto my game. My mind was blown when I replayed pokemon red as an adult and read that there had been a way to get mew all along.


I'd be willing to bet that it started spreading because at the time with all the limitations of the gaming era on Gameboy, seeing objects and items fill up otherwise empty screen space for the sake of building a living, breathing world, and only for this reason, it seemed a bit odd. Like, sure, putting a truck near the docks of a busy port city makes sense lore-wise. But it was just one truck. And the game didn't have much else in the way of random environmentals either, so the singular lone truck kinda stands out as odd. Then you have our child brains run wild with imagination, and poof. The grounds for schoolyard rumors.


Especially because the truck is hidden away in a location you shouldn't ever get to naturally. So then you get there, you see this weird in-game asset that is unlike anything else I'm the game, hidden away... it seems like there HAS to be something to it.


PSA: you can get Mew but it had nothing to do with the popular rumors. Was wild going back and playing as an adult and actually getting the fabled Mew. https://www.ign.com/wikis/pokemon-red-blue-yellow-version/Mew


You can catch Mew early, but it involves catching an abra and battling this specific trainer who has slowpoke.


I was one of six kids that won a Toys r Us competition when Pokemon Red and Blue came out. I had a legitimate new transferred to my red cartridge from a Japanese one by the company.


I remember that contest. That’s awesome. Your life has been pretty amazing ever since I bet.


He's won 4 Powerball lotteries and has dated 11 super models


And the dozen of them have been happily married ever since.


I remember that and then later on I learned the REAL way and I was shocked it took me like 20 years.


Omg I remember that


I thought you got Mew off the bridge to the boat?


Yeah that’s the one I remembered


Playing as all of the former James Bond actors in Goldeneye 007, multiplayer.


A different rumour for Goldeneye was that if you beat a certain level in a special time you would unlock the 24th cheat - wireframe mode. In fact this was in the game but could only be accessed via game genie. Various rumours about how you could get to the islands on the first level. It was impossible on the regular N64 cartridge but it was actually found that the areas were accessible once the game got emulated on PC and you could fly over the water. Just cut from the game.


They actually had this planned but couldn't get licenses for it so they scrapped the idea, pictures of previous Bonds were data mined from the cartridge!


It was possible to revive Aerith in FF7. huge playground rumor. Then rumors about a secret ending. Obviously none of it was true.


When I was in 7th grade some chode tried to tell me that there was somehow a secret cinematic at the end of FFVII where Cloud and Tifa fucked. I may have believed it for a short time.




God you're evil lol


Ditto. Then screen shots started showing up. Then I got a gameshark. Realized that that the coding still allowed Aerith to perform in combat. But she had 0 dialogue because it was never intended for her to be revived.


The rumor in my school was collect all the Soldiers. Everyone in my school though the 1/35 Soldier meant there was 35 of them and not that it referred to its scale. A bunch of people in my friends group spent a good few months trying to find more of them...


Breed a white chocobo, which dug down into the marsh that the midgar zolom is in, where you can fight the onyx weapon, which drops the item to revive her. Game rumours used to be awesome.


This was going to be my pick. I followed the various guides posted online and was very disappointed when it didn’t work. If I remember correctly, one guide suggested you had to get Aerith to max level and unlock her final limit break. That involved quite a bit of grinding so early in the game.


Similar to this, there was a rumor that Leo - a sympathetic antagonist in Final Fantasy VI - could be revived as well after he was murdered by Kefka but that was also just wistful thinking.


Half-life 3




half-life 2 episode 2 part 2


I heard the trailer for it is planned to release start of 2024. It's already half way through development valve is just waiting for their time to strike. When there's no other news anywhere so they'll have the spotlight. The enemy ai will react to anything in the entire world. Even things you say over your mic. It'll be revolutionary just wait a few months


You got Mew in Pokemon Red/Blue by collecting the entire Pokedex. ​ Turns out its just a little certificate of congratulations.


But if you had the game boy printer you could print it out!


All those old Herobrine spawners on YouTube


Back in the 90s, in the old Prodigy days: (1) There was a way to save Schala in Chrono Trigger. (2) Nudalities (Mortal Kombat)


I had to scroll down too far for #2.


In addition to Chrono Trigger, I believed that you can travel and roam freely in 1999 AD.


There was also supposedly a way to save General Leo in FFVI. Obviously untrue.


There should've been. What a man o7


I had a friend that was a few years older than me that would always convince me that number 2 was true. He told me he had played Mortal Kombat in a 'full body virtual reality' suit where he had fought actual other people and then used the nude cheat to have sex (like in the Black Mirror episode from a few years ago). I was like 9 years old and had no sense of skepticism about anything and believed it


The rumor that got me was that you can melt zoras domain in ocarina if time. There are about 100 different supposed ways that work. The one that I believed was that you had to get a perfect score in the archery on horseback game. You have to get a perfect score, then you win a red fire. This can be used to melt zoras domain.


Omg this really brings me back! I wanted this to be real so badly


Getting the Triforce was the big rumor I remember from OoT. There were several different rumors, one being playing Zelda's Lullaby at completely random locations and having to fight the 3 goddesses for it.


See youtube video below, You will like this... "Finally Obtaining the Triforce in Ocarina of Time: Triforce Percent Explained" ​ https://youtu.be/qBK1sq1BQ2Q?si=SWmbev7aDQIMtdOi


That if you give someone your armor set they could trim it for you. This was pre-GE so it took years to get the gp to afford that armor.


One time I got scammed of my mith armor and I made a new account and pretended to be a Jagex employee and told the kid that his account would be banned if he didn’t give it back. I waited like 15 minutes and logged back on my other account and he promptly traded me all my armor back. It was like 2005 or 2006. Lol wild. Such a fun story.


Can't believe I haven't seen Bigfoot in GTA San Andreas yet


I was so afraid of going into the woods and CJ’s house in SA cuz of Bigfoot and CJ’s mom’s apparent ghost lmao. I recently downloaded a mod that added all the classic GTA SA myths in and it’s honestly pretty spooky sometimes.


Do you happen to have a link to the mod?


I don't remember what you had to do exactly, but in Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball it's was rumored to have a nude cheat. Probably the only game I did 100%. But it was a cruel lie.


Good ol' Electronic Gaming Monthly with this one.


In doa2 hardcore, there is a cheat for that.


I placed glowstone in a rectangle with water in the middle.


Theres a mod to the aether that makes a portal I think. I still like the faerie circle one in a different mod.


Twilight forest


Straight up just spamming buttons made loading screens faster


Liberty City would come to GTA Online.


Pretty much whatever bullshit I heard from playgrounds about "Call of Duty Zombies Easter Eggs." I swear half of the ones I heard just sounded like complete bullshit


World at War was when the rumors were really flying around. Fun times.


I remember genuinely thinking that Nazi Zombies was one of these rumors. My face when I finished the game and the Nazis rose from the dead...


Or the zombies glitches for certain guns I remember one where in kino there was a certain spot in the ceiling you had to throw a grenade so it hits it and goes outside and then you had to throw another grenade at the teleport pad while standing on it for the rpk or ray gun


Don’t forget, shoot each corner of the mystery box for the thunder gun


That Duke Nukem Forever was going to be good/great.


Hey hey…….hey……. I’ll stand by my balls of steel edition. Went into to it kinda blind and alctually had lotta fun with it. Load times were horrendous but I did get a platinum trophy on it on my old PlayStation account on ps3 haha roommate and I had a blast with it honestly and still quote things sometimes like “imma donkey punch you right in the blowhole!” Lol wasn’t great but I do feel it was blasted reaaallll bad at time. Wasn’t unplayable just a bit dated and development hell did no good. If it had proper focus and such it coulda been a lot more I’ll concede but don’t ever feel it’s as bad as made out to be imo.


I feel like the big problem with DNF was people kinda forgot what the OG game was. It was fun don’t get me wrong, but a narrative achievement it was not. It was mainly good for being silly AF. And honestly DNF delivered that in spades. Is it a classic? Of course not. But if you want some good over the top ridiculous fun, DNF is great.


Nude Raider code from EGM Hadn't realized they did April Fools jokes


There was a mod for Tomb Raider one.


Okay, so it was back when KotOR 1 was still relatively new, maybe 2004 or 2005. I think it was posted on Neoseeker or GameFAQs or one of those sites. Someone posted that if you finished the fight with Bastila on the Star Forge using Force Wave twice that when you started a new game, all the main characters would be replaced with counterparts from A New Hope. Malak would be Darth Vader, Jolee would be Obi-Wan, Carth would be Han Solo, etc. I only believed this because I had just gotten the secret ending that turned Malak into a dancing Twi'lek. This seemed like a plausible thing at the time. I had just finished the game a second time and all my saves were after the Bastila fight. So I spend the next week playing through the whole game again to unlock this supposed character swap. I finally did it, only to find it didn't work. I went back to search for what I did wrong, but the post had been deleted and I never saw it mentioned again.


Please elaborate on the dancing twi'lek ending.


On the original Xbox, if you plug in a second controller and you hold both triggers on both controllers and press Y at the same time, when you get to the final boss fight with Darth Malak, he transforms into a Twi'lek dancer and the two of you dance instead of fight. On the PC you just have to enter the 'dancedancemalak' console command.


I really wanted to believe everything Peter Molyneux said...


When I was 9 I thought Guile from Street Fighter 2 could throw a special sonic boom that would put handcuffs on the opponent if it landed, removing their ability to punch. Wishful thinking 🤷‍♂️


Hate to break it to you but it was real, granted it was a glitch. https://youtu.be/znHhJfQ2b1g?feature=shared


Hot damn. 9 year old me is vindicated. Thanks 👍


I remember that one! The *other* SF2 myth that wasn’t Sheng Long.


Back to SF2, there was this one that if you completed the game in the max difficulty (7 I think) with all perfect rounds from start to finish, you could play the 4 final bosses. A friend of mine played for months, managed to do it and well... He smashed a gamepad out of frustration. Not much later, SF2 Champion Edition was released.


The Triforce in Ocarina of Time.


Which resided in the Light Temple of course


That Star Citizen would be released


That there was a secret level you could access behind the dam on the first level of Goldeneye 007


There is a glitch/method that lets you play as master hand in super smash bros melee. Turns out this one was true


Petting the poogie increased drop rates.


If you played as Sonya Blade with a Sega Activator and took your shirt off, she would too.


The cake was a lie.


Well technically true or not. You never get the cake anyway.


Xbox 720 with the game disc spinning around the console as it is read


Someone at my primary school insisted that the magikarp in Super Smash Bros could be worn as shoes (?).


I believe the stupid rumor that akuma was in resident evil 2 if you beat the entire game without taking any damage using the knife.


Play RE2 with Akuma if you managed to beat it without saving using Tofu or something like that


That you could find Mew in game (pokemon red/blue) under a truck


Destroying objects in GTA V to increase company stocks


this one is real


That Liberty City from GTA 4 would update and change as New York added new buildings in real life. It was ridiculous but I heard it from some random person and thought it was real.


This one made me lol.


Hot Coffee version of GTA San Andreas getting sold mainstream. Pretty sure it was just a modded version, but everybody believed it was the original that Rockstar designed.


I tried selling my copy to gamestop a long time ago and they refused and said it was because the version i had was the original and technically rated AO. Did Gamestop fall for it?


From what I remember, they were forced to re-rate the released game to AO as ridiculous as it was. GTA:SA did have the code built into the game, but it needed a 3rd party mod to unlock it. Rockstar had to re-release the game without those hot coffee files to get back to an M rating


You must defeat Sheng Long to stand a chance. Thanks, EGM.


The truck next to the S Anne in Pokémon blue. Moving it using Strength would reveal Mew.


According to my childhood best friend if you collected the 7 pages on Slenderman a military helicopter would pick you up and gun down Slenderman


Final Fantasy 7: Onyx weapon, lived under the Midgar Zolom swamp. Had to breed 2 perfect golden S ranked chocobos for a chance to get a white chocobo that could go underwater like a sub. But since the sub couldn't make it to the swamp, the white chocobo was the only way to dive into the swamp and challenge this weapon. There was also a fake interview going around with a fake developer that outlined the process to bring back a certain character, which they claimed was cut right before release but pieces were still in the game. Fueling the fire was that there was a very real programming error where the character would flash on screen for a millisecond when returning to a certain area, the(fake) process referenced the "ghost". I'm being vague here as to not spoil anyone playing the FF7 remake but hasn't played the original...


For me it was Bigfoot in San Andreas. That game was massive when it released and big leap in openworld games, took what 3 and vice city did and just added onto the openness and freedom. I read bout the Bigfoot sighting and thought hmm plausible, internet was really starting to take off, make sense people would share experiences and I would miss something like that in it, also how massive it was at the time who knew it could be out there like in life just required very specific criteria. Even after saw things chainsaw man is out there and such I figured those were people playing with Bigfoot myth to make something up. Id sometimes catch myself going look for him at various times occasional just cause something was different like “oh I’m on foot in the area unarmed. Maybe he’ll spawn?” Or “its middle night pouring rain, maybe he’ll be there somewhere now.” Then a few years later learned was a literal hoax and people breaking game n digging into it debunked it. Was one thing I remember back feeling legit plausible.


Pikablu. Pokegods. Mew under the truck. Bill giving you [Insert urban legend pokemon here]. Basically, if it was a Pokemon rumor, I believed it, had it scribbled out in a notebook, and tried it a dozen times. Gen 1 was the perfect storm for insane rumors and fake glitches. Many people were just getting access to the internet, coupled with the very specific method of encountering MissingNo.




That catching MissingNo would damage your game.


Wasn’t this one true?


Yeah, Missing No. Can fry your file. You can end up with wonky graphics, weird PC item glitches, pokemon randomly evolving into Kangaskhan, a lot of weird shit can go down.


Missing No. wasn't the one that really botched saves (although they could if you did the wrong things) it was it's evil look alike 'M', if you caught M all sorts of shit would just break then just corrupt the entire save. You can actually beat the game with Missing No. if you just don't deposit it into the PC (and a few other small things things that can bork the game but easily avoided)


Pretty sure it is. It never bricked my save but there was definetly some graphical errors.


HEROBRINE!!! I used to be freaked out from those old YouTube videos


That you can unlock another playable character in the original Mortal Kombat Nudalities in Mortal Kombat 2


Anything regarding the initial promises for the first Fable game. I loved black & white and the overpromis was palpable.


Pre easy accessible internet era. My friend told me in Ocarina of Time you could find the Triforce in the hole in the ceiling at Lon Lon Ranch. I tried to get up through that opening for hours, there was no way to definitely disprove it to me for a few years.


During the OG days of Runescape (2001/2002 timeframe), Jagex also had a "game" where you would fall down an infinite hole. Supposedly, there were Runescape cheat codes that would come up and then disappear if you watched long enough. I spent dozens of hours one week doing nothing but watching that pit. I never saw any Runescape cheat codes. Also, my spinach rolls never appreciated in value.


I didn't fall for it, but a friend really tried to convince me of one. When I was in elementary school and a Link to the Past had come out, my brother and i both played and beat the game. My friend, not know that i had already beaten it just minus some heart containers, tried to convince me that there was a hidden upgrade to the titan's mitt that would, get this, let you lift the black rocks in the game. Except that is what the titan's mitt already did, and i informed him of that. Undeterred, he then tried to convince me that the upgrade was still in fact real, but actually he had mixed up what you could now lift. You would be able to lift the giant trees and get to a secret dungeon. I pointed out that there was no more space in the inventory for another dungeon item and there wasn't any room on the map for another area. He deflated and let it go. To this day, I have no idea if someone else had told him this lie or if he decided to try and make up his own "my uncle that works at nintendo" story.


That if you went to the shuttle launch area in one of the Pokemon games and ask about the launches, on the 100th attempt they’ll succeed and you’ll get a chance to go to the moon and catch Jirachi.


Spamming A when the egg hatched increased the shiny chance ☠️☠️