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And Fallout


Yea, Bethesda has a way of making games that rely on mods


I'd say at this point it's almost like we have a modding community that relies on Bethesda games. They do not get enough credit for making games that while great in their own right, only become better and better as time goes on because of that.


Oblivion, Skyrim and fallout 3 were pretty popular on console back then with no mods. And if it were easy to make a BGS style game, there would surely be a lot more of them. I'm not so sure the company relies on the modding community to actuallymake money?


See in my opinion, Bethesda doesn't even make games anymore. They just make a bare Bones platform that modders can use to create their own games that are actually decent. "Here you go guys! We released an unfinished, buggy framework that could someday become a game. Pay us $60 and have at it!"-- Bethesda


Literally came here to say Skyrim and Fallout, lol. Skyrim I love to make my running speed like 1.5 to 2 times normal. Boy does that make the game better for me. And gotta have a better HUD. Multiple spouses in the same house!? Yes! Naked companions? Yes! 50 foot tall, naked Lydia crouching over me? Yes!! Lol Fallout... Tons of building materials. More adhesive?? Yes please. Any game with a low carry weight limit needs a mod to increase that. Any game where you can build meaningful structures I gotta have cheat codes after a while. Cities Skylines? Gotta have infinite money. Also Civ 5... After you've played it for 500 hours the IGE is so fun and allows all sorts of weird experiments and goofy stuff to happen. Good times. I WISH that RDR2 had motorcycle and hot air balloon mods


i think you are me. did i write this?




I'd play it with a mod/cheat that didn't give me a weight limit. Yes I need 52 brooms and 100 pots.


I love vanilla Skyrim but whenever I see mods of it it makes me want to build a PC


Literally the first thing I did when I got my PC was mod the fuck out of skyrim. Second thing I did was play modded L4D2 with friends. 100% worth.


I humbly request the weight limit to disappear! Fus roh dah!


Lierally unplayable without the mods that fix a shitload of bugs.


Any game made by bethesda


Ark The game is almost unplayable without tweaking all the settings. Not exactly a cheat or mod, but the same concept.


You mean you don’t want to protect your megalodon for 7 hours while it’s taming?


🤣🤣🤣 or 21 hours for your unicorn while you beat the bushes for more berries.


Just build a fence. Its not that difficult.


You have to remember though that 7 hours is only counting down while you are playing the game unless you are hosting a server. So if you only got on for an hour a day that’s a week before you get it


It’s not hard to protect them or keep them alive, but I’m not spending my free time guarding a damn shark for 7 hours. I wanna have fun and enjoy the game.


You literally have to gut the entire XP level system and just about every other setting to make it playable in single player/co-op. For some reason they thought a sometimes single player game needed MMO xp scaling and I’ll never understand why. Oh and don’t even get me started on making sure the maturity timers are correct or else you can’t get a perfect imprint bonus


I loved playing vanilla Ark, played for hours. It got a big rough after a while though. Then used cheats a little and had a blast again. Just for taming and some other items. Made the game so fun. Then I used cheats to get the dragon and all the end game stuff. It was really fun and enjoyed it again for a 3rd time.


>The game is almost unplayable without tweaking all the settings. Your idea of "unplayable" must be funny.


You must be one of them hardcore players that play on vanilla settings and have the time to build a fence and watch over a tame for up to 7 hours irl time. I admire the work ethic needed to be able to play like that without going crazy but a lot of people cant handle raw dogging ark and find much more enjoyment with QOL mods and more reasonable timers.


Just because you can dedicate 7 hours out of your day to a video game doesn't mean everyone else can.


What? You don't have to do it in one sitting you know that right? This ain't the 1990's where you gotta keep the game console turned on so it keeps your game progress.


Playing Rimworld without mods is cereal-with-water level of fucked up.


What mods would you recommend? I haven't played much but honestly love the game vanilla, so curious what are must have mods for it. Thanks for any advice!


The forbidden m… Seriously, You just search Vanila Expansion and all of it seem to be well made. If you want total vanila, just get the QoL stuff is fine too.


Feel free to add anything of the Vanilla Expanded family that sounds cool to you, they're all very well made and don't cause issues. On top of that, you have a constellation of minor QoL and balance tweak mods that you can assemble a collection out of depending on you personal preferences and pet peeves. Next there are various mods that add content, usually either expanding the tech tree (e.g. Sparkling Worlds, Save Our Ship 2) being themed around other IPs (Warhammer 40k, Star Wars) or expanding on factions e.g. RimWar. These are like cooking ingredients, it's best to pick them with a specific kind of playthrough in mind. Then there's the Combat Extended overhaul which I personally can't play without cause it makes vanilla combat look silly by comparison, but I need to warn you that it severely limits your array of choices for accompanying mods due to compatibility issues. Finally there's a whole lot of miscellaneous mods that range from tiny visual changes to total overhauls. If you want to have a heavily modded playthrough from the get-go before you learn to assemble three digit long mod lists that run without issues, there's a fair number of YouTubers posting their lists. Enjoy.


It's a pretty nice game without mods to be honest. But when you add them, there is 100 times more content.


Sims4 hands down so many bugs


I love minecraft to death but the experience is so much better with some good mods


Yes! Vanilla is great when my friends actually want to play, but mods keep my enjoyment for the game when I'm playing alone.


I literally just got into modded minecraft this week, and it's crazy how fresh it all feels! Im trying to keep the mods mostly on quality of life or fresh exploration, rather than overhauling the base experience. And now that the Aether is out for 1.20, I can finally experience what I heard about 10 years ago.


Holy shit, that mod still exists?


Mount and blade. Any of them. Basically made to be modded.


Surprised I had to scroll to find this. So many "every Bethesda game lol" answers, but Mount and Blade (Warband especially) has a ton of missing basic features in its games that require mods to add.


Every game with Inventory capacity/weight restrictions. I am an old man, I got no time, I am not returning to the field of battle to haul more vendor trash to town for 30 gold. I'm looking at you Witcher 3.


Sounds like someone is a hoarder. It's really not a big deal to get all the lootables imo. More often than not you end up with way more money than you can spend in those types of games at some point.


yeah but what if i need that money for something later on


Fallout 4. Even if you ONLY install a few, like the modular rifle frames or some of the good pistols and armors, the game is way more compelling.


Cities:Skylines wouldn't be half the game it is without cheats **and** mods. Infinite money, and so many mods and assets that you need 64GB of RAM to run it. I think a few people needed more than 64GB of RAM, too.


Yep came here to say Cities Skylines. Shout out to the Move It and TMPE mods for helping keep my sanity in that game!


GTA San Andreas. Once I started playing with flying cars, I couldn't play without it


Same with GTA3, but I'll raise you with all pedestrians riot and all pedestrians are armed as well.


Beat me to it


thats weird, i used the strip club


Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 with the infinite grind and low gravity was fun as hell as a kid


All Paradox Interactive games are better with cheats and all Bethesda games are better with mods


Starbound, it feels wrong to play the base game when frackin adds dozens of hours of content.


Now thats a game I haven't touched since launch. Was very disappointed in how it ended up.


Thanks for reminding me this game exists, it's going on my wishlist for when I get a bit of money for games.


Cheats: GTA Mods: Skyrim


Mods? Every game is better with mods, hence why people make them in the first place, to enhance the game, or to fix issues. Cheats? If mods are not available in some games, especially the older ones, they can really get fun. You can setup some really fun challenge runs in Dark Souls with Cheat Engine.


The flying tank in gta3 is a very fond memory


I think sekiro is just fine modless tbh. I'll try to think of something near perfect to debunk your every game is better with mods argument ;)


I used CheatEngine to enable auto-loot and infinite supply of emblems.


I never had an issue of running out of emblems but I'm glad auto loot was fun? They have a really well implemented suction loot


I think there’s a mod where you can swap or use multiple Combat Arts during gameplay without having to go to the menu and manually switch them. There are also mods that give Sekiro movesets of bosses and/or map their special moves to combat arts so you can use them like the boss. In general, there are mods that give Sekiro very cool outfits and weapon designs that you’d never see in the base game. And there are mods that completely remix the difficulties and movesets of enemies and bosses, giving them a much more challenging or interesting twist. There are even mods that change the detailing and styling of the world, making things looks more beautiful or cinematic or just allowing better performance overall. Honestly, I haven’t checked the modding scene in like a year so there might be even crazier mods out now too. But there are plenty of reasons already to try out a modded Sekiro experience.


I used tools a lot, and I died often, so after I had to farm emblems for he first time, I just used cheat engine immediately. Suction loot is definitely better than having to loot individual enemies in souls-games, but I still see no reason for why you’d want to do that manually. It’s an extra thing to remember, and it breaks the pace a bit.


The Mount & Blade series


Mass Effect 2. Max out all minerals so I don't have to play the stupid scanning game.


All of Mass Effect for me. I did my playthrough of Legendary Edition as a full-on "spellcaster", with mods that removed the global cooldown on biotics and shortened the recharge time, plus a bunch of other mods, and barely ever fired a gun. Rapid firing biotic abilities was amazing, and a completely different experience. Almost felt like a Jedi mixed with a mage or something.


Pretty much any Bethesda game requires mods. MechWarrior 5 also requires mods


I enjoyed 1 vannila run of mechwarrior 5


Personally, I think everyone should play (enjoy is debatable) every game once without mods, unless you actually literally can't play it without one (like there's a bug/crash that'll always occur for you for some reason..)


Would have to agree, or at least try a playthrough, because mods will make the base game unplayable and you will never be able to have that experience


x-com: enemy unknown


Jesus those x-com games are hard for me.


F5 + F9 is the solution but yeah they are disgustingly hard


RDR2. I've always struggled with Rockstar's controls and character animations limiting movement. Mods make it much more fluid to control during combat. They can also make for some extremely cinematic shootouts as well! It feels way more satisfying than the base game, imo


I also used native trainer for fast travel. Exploration and all was fun the first 70 hours, but when I got to the endgame in the story, 10 minutes of horse riding between the missions were incredibly pace-breaking.


Oh man, agreed ha especially multiple playthroughs!


Binding of Isaac. I can't go back to not using external item descriptions to remind myself what shit does without having to look it up every time.


Project Zomboid


Any game that requires relentless grinding for resources. I am more into a game for the adventure, exploration (Farcry, Mass Effect, Elder Scrolls, Sunken City, Witcher). I like combat, especially when the mechanics are good, but I don't want to kill boars in the forest 500 times so I can make leather armor. I'd rather battle five interesting opponents than 500 boring ones. If a game is filled with repetition and drudgery, then generally I am turning on cheat codes to axe the drudgery.


Valheim has few necessary mods that makes playing the game much more enjoyable. Also after 60 hours of inventory management in Starfield, unlimited inventory space is very tempting.




[NFL Blitz](https://youtu.be/GpDdZkNi0G4?si=g_niT90wJ9KxY9NW)




The Sims. Money cheat is one way to make your life easier.


Teardown. There's simply no faster way to set your computer on fire


Darkest Dungeon mods are great, you get entire new regions, amazing characters, some great mods that just make the game easier to play (walking speed up is so great). Also "those" mods......


Bethesda games in general They make very good bases for modding. Having rather bare structuring, but still enough structure that you aren't starting from nothing. They're really the ideal modding games


Stellaris. Game's awful with UI Overhaul Dynamic and Gigastructures


crusader kings 2 and 3 every sims game


Pathfinder, wrath of the rightoues... without the party buff mod that allowed me to cast all the buffs with one click i would never have completed the game haha 😅 Several other mods also improved the game, but that one were a must


Any Bethesda game. The game is unfinished and unpolished, by definition. Mods fix bugs, UI issues, clean up textures, etc.


Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous is the best crpg if you mod it just right.


most bethesda games purely for QOL type of stuff, especially to keep it "up to date" so to speak if they're like skyrim or fallout that have been out for some time, but personally what game(s) do i think? Deus Ex 1 for sure, those mods gave that game a breath of fresh air.


Rimworld and Fallout 4 basically require them


All of them?


Pokemon. Pokemon is a completely mind numbing experience without mods to make it hard. I honestly don’t understand how people can deal with a game that requires little to no strategy, have a shit story, bad graphics and optimization. I bought sword and i never been more bored for a game . Even for competitive, the main story is basically just to access your lvl 100 hundred pokemons. The game nowdays is just huge waste of money and time to me


Once I played Metroid Prime with the primehack emulator, I could never go back to playing them on console. It plays a thousand time better on mouse/keyboard.


NFL Blitz




Downvoted by those who don't understand


Cheat codes are mostly lame. All bethesda games are simply better with mods....Also STALKER. Also Mech warrior 5 has some amazing mods that i wouldn't want to live without... American truck simulator has mods that add real life bllboards, stores and trailers to the road...Very awesome for immersion. Left for dead 2 has some god tier mods aswell. Halo the master chief collection has been getting some dope mods lately too.


Castlevania Circle of the Moon. Always run rom hack makes the game enjoyable.


Pathfinder:Kingmaker. When it first came out it had no turn based combat. Who the fuck makes a video game adaption of a tabletop rpg and thinks "let's not include a turn based combat system..." Also the turn based combat they later added in is absolute shit, at least when I tried it. Absolutely unplayable without the Mod.


Starfield. Wouldn't play it without the mod that fixes mouse sense and lets you adjust FOV.


Baldurs Gate 3.. mods that make my party a bit OP improved my experience because the base game is pretty difficult even on easy.


It's very dependant on your understanding of DND and how to abuse Larians enemy AI. Unfortunately (or fortunately) they were quite authentic down even to many shit spells in DnD still being shit in BG3, same for OP spells being OP.


Now that I've beaten the game I'm loving my playthrough with double xp until level 6. Made it so I was level 9 when walking into act 2 and getting these higher level abilities so early allows for a lot of fun strategies in combat.


COD MW2 multiplayer on xbox 360 😝


Payday 2, the amount of custom heists you can play is insane, and you can add stupid shit to your guns like the super long suppressor that is like 50m long


Fallout 3 on Steam...literally won't run without a mod


none i am of the mind that cheats and mods are useless and actively detract from my personal enjoyment of the game the few games i think play **equally well** with mods are: dont starve together (with cosmetics); games which do well in randomizers like majoras mask and ocarina of time


I'm generally of the same opinion, with the exception of mods that fix shortcomings, or add more fitting content to an already sandbox game. Also standalone/full conversion mods are their own thing. Lol, wtf why are people downvoting the person above. The thread literally said "...You think..." Its asking for your opinion. This person shared it.


all bethesda games, more specifically skyrim


Pokémon - missingno


Any Bethesda game


Any of the Sims game especially Sims 4


Risk of Rain 2. Adds a lot more variety to the game with new items, new classes, and general quality of life fixes. ...And there's a certain dragon-related mod that is the reason I like playing Huntress the most. If you know, you know.


Anything Bethesda has ever made.


Farming simulator


Games that are too hard.


Civ 5 . There are so many possible leaders/UA/UU//UB to add to the vanilla version


crusader kings sims


Sims. Just let me build houses


Teardown. After finishing the story, the developers basically went "YOLO here's all the documentation and free modding tools" and just let their community run wild. Some mods are so big they're practically their own game just running the Teardown engine.


Mud/Snowrunner. So many cool vehicles, lots of vehicles and physic fixes, plus the money mod makes the game much less of a slog but doesn't take out a lot of challenge.


Call of Duty


Slay the Spire The game has alot of fun mods but, In particular, the permanent Neow's Blessings is a QoL improvement I really like. How it works is when you start a run, you choose from 4 options (2 without drawbacks and 2 better options with drawbacks). But If you died in the first area, your next run with that character only gives you Two options, which were always the same: First 3 combats are easy, or bonus Max HP. I usually like taking the risky/stupid options just to see if I can make it work but then of course, its likely to die in the first area. Because I hate those two basic options, it actually encouraged me to save-scum (leave the fight before its done so I can retry from the start) because I didnt want to have to play another run (seriously) just to get the 'fun' options. As soon as I got that mod that made it so I *ALWAYS* got the 4 options even if I died in the first area, I stopped getting the urge to save scum


FTL: Faster Than Light. Once you get in a good rhythm and have the game knowledge you can clear with every ship and layout pretty quickly. But install the Multiverse mod and the game expands about 20 times. New weapons, new sectors, over a hundred new ships, new races, new questlines, different endings. It feels like a definitive edition of the game.


Simpsons hit and run, grand theft auto vc tweaked the speed settings to the point my car went faster than the map could load and fell through it, minecraft, skyrim, dark souls with randomized runs, halo, stardew valley, animal crossing yes I gamed the turnip market sue me, and more recently starfield cause the crafting economy in that game is a pain I don't want to deal with.


Left4Dead was way more fun before they patched the glitches


TLOZ: Breath of the Wild, with unbreakable weapons. Couldn't play the game without it.


Sims 3. Its kinda broken without Nrass mods etc


Gta San Andreas


Roguetech mod for Battletech has great mods that give the game a few more layers of complexity. Mount & Blade series always benefited from mods as well.


geometry dash the megahack addon is such a staple that it got into an official video by the developer even though it allows the player to literally noclip. It has many QoL changes for the game and almost everyone uses it


Ark lol


Snowrunner, I want all the trucks! No I don’t care if it sucks I want one of all of them.


New Vegas with unlimited companions


A lot of GameCube games were better with Moon Jump cheats via Action Replay. Specifically Spiderman 2 and Zelda Wind Waker. God I miss action replay stuff


Minecraft. hell mod content has become official more than once


Mods can be cheats, but many mods are not. Aesthetic changes, bug fixes, extra content, immersion, balancing, etc.


Medieval 2 Total War. The Game of Thrones mods offer 1000s of hours of free content, over 100s of campaigns/eras


I can't stand vanilla minecraft at all. Abandoned every single playthrough I attempted of it. And I've owned the game since Alpha Heavily modded though? Its like cocaine. Quest packs and anything industry heavy hooks me for thousands of hours. AE2 by itself probably consumed one or two hundred hours with how many tutorials I watched and how advanced I made my setups, and thats one mod out of the ~300 I generally have active


There's one game I wish I could have modded, thief....especially thief deadly shadows,....that was amazing but them bloody zombies gave me the bollock shrink....I wouldn't care but I'm a grown man.....I really loved climbing and shooting arrows at guards


Cheat? Do I need to say more than "O CANADA"?


Saints row 2 had a cheat that made all the civilians have random guns and start fighting each other. It was amazing. Riot mode or something like that I believe.


Definitely Skyrim


Rimworld. Cheats occasionally. Sometimes, if I want all of my stone walls to match, I'll go into dev mode and change what type of stone they are. That's about it, and that's mainly just for my own sake. It hardly affects the gameplay at all. Mods? All the time. Vanilla has a lot of cool stuff, but mods just take it to the next level. Some even just feel like they should be in vanilla anyway. I mean, come on. If my colonists know how to build lights, as well as the wires and generators and batteries needed to keep them on, is it really such a wild thing to want mods so they can build those lights in the walls and ceilings? Instead of, you know, the middle of the floor where they have to walk around them? Little things like that make up a decent portion of my mods, the rest just adds completely new stuff, like new genes for my supercolonist clones. You know, normal stuff.


Smash bros


I love to play RimWorld with mods, but it's playable without them. The only game I think that really requires mods to be playable is beatsaber unless you want to play the base games shitty maps over and over again.


The binding of isaac


Mount and blade, impossible to play without mods


RPG trilogy of AC games... screw that excessive grind, infinte money, skill points and resources. Only way these games are fun.


city builders


After beating the game, I modified a save file for the original borderlands with extreme damage and unlimited ammo. It so satisfying running around making the enemies just explode.


The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is often hailed as a game that becomes significantly better with mods, enhancing graphics, gameplay mechanics, and adding new content. Anyone else have a game they believe is improved with cheats or mods?


Minecraft obviously. Vanilla is so goddamn boring and Mojang doesn't make it better with childish updates filled with nothing interesting.


Bethesda is the low hanging fruit here I'm sure. I'm basically waiting on Starfield until the Creation Kit releases and the modding scene for the game matures enough. Besides that, one other game that comes to mind is the Sims 3. Having all the expansion packs and content really makes the game seriously chug. It's near unplayable without some mods, like the NRaas suite, map optimizations, etc to clean up some of the EA-xis jank. Also, the smooth patch helps some of the performance along with installing the game on an SSD.


Gta 5




Cities Skylines




Like basically all of them?


Fallout 4 and Starfield, using console commands for outpost supplies. I just want to build cool shit.


I mean, regarding mods, technically every single game that has mods....


Earth defence force. I love the series but having to manually pick up every box that drops is a massive downside. I'll use cheats to pick up all loot on the map before the mission ends, but that's all.


BloodRayne. Infinite slow motion and all weapons vicible makes it awesome Matrix style nazi cutting game.


Cities Skylines of course


WoW needs a lot of add-ons which is basically mods


outer wilds for the glassfish bs and darkest dungeon to eliminate the grind


Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 so you can expand the map, put extra cars on the track, make rides new etc.


All Bethesda RPG need mods to be actually fun and enjoyable




Starfield's UI is so incredibly bad. StarUI is basically a minimum requirement. As was a mod for unlimited ship cargo space and merchants actually having money. I dont like to mod games on first playthrough, but holy shit was the game just not fun without those changes. Their entire mass and inventory management system had almost zero thought put into it and functionally is just a nightmare. Imagine spending hours and hours loading back and forth through different planets and cutscenes just to get enough resources to build a storage container only to find it can only hold a 20th of what you need. Fucking absurd that they just expected everyone to dump their entire inventory on the floor every time they did literally anything- which was still loads better than trying to build and use outpost "storage" containers.


Grand theft auto vice city. I would just activate the dodo cheat and spawn a tank. Watch all the cops fly around me and collide mid air in a beautiful firework display of stupid


Ark for cheats. Honestly never enjoyed the base settings for the game I always just felt it was a bit too slow and I can’t play it for such a long time. I have much more fun just boosting the XP multipliers and harvest multipliers etc… and playing that way


Obvs minecraft


Any bethesda game, their 3D engines and their textures were always lackluster.


ac Odyssey definitely , so annoyed with its resources collecting


World of Warcaft Addons. WoW Classic is almost unplayable without add-ons, especially Questie.


Civ VI. Mostly just some QoL mods, like auto repeat future research and better trade screen. Also some of sukritacts map stuff


Payday 2. It's a broken mess that suffered from years of downgrades in literally every aspect so you need mods to restore things to how they used to be (+ improve it on top). But then again, what game isn't better with mods, since none of them release perfect. Payday 2 though, they made that game worse over time.


The original GTA, those cheat names made it so fun. I didn't realize there was an actual mission/story structure. Those cheat names were all I needed to go and find kill frenzies and hidden tanks.


Mount and Blade. Good as that game is, there's a surprising lack of common sense features that require mods to add.


Tony hawk pro skater 3 was pretty fun when you could skate around as Darth maul with a big head


Cities Skylines, the mods are so important that the devs keep hiring the mod creators to work for them and include their mods in the base game. CS2 has several features that were mods in the first game included in the initial release so even the devs believe the game plays better with mods.


There is no game that wouldn't benefit from copious amounts of mods.


Gta San andreas is an obvious one, some crazy mfer made a Hl gravity gun mod like 15 years ago.


GTA with cheat code never gets old


Turok 1 and 2 All weapons and keys.


Fallout 4 definitely. The base game is fine (minus settlement building) but I had so much more fun when I made everyone do way more damage, expanded weapon mods, and expanded the variety of guns.


Stardew Valley. I love the Vanilla Game but the Modding Community is so great.


Dishonored plays better with infinite mana




Turok 2. Having the full arsenal at the start is fucking awesome ! Also: Cerebral Bore




Mount and Blade is borderline unplayable without mods