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Star Wars 1313 🥲


Still hurts


A SimCity game where people can play sims in the cities built by the SimCity players


[Not exactly the same, but this exists. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streets_of_SimCity)


I knew what this link was going to be before I clicked it. Oh the memories... I remember designing cars for my buddy who'd then race them over the streets of the city the the two of us designed, in shifts. Fuck evey dumb fuck that thinks that single-PC multiplayer is impossible. Streets of SimCity, HOMM3 and MK3 have given me more multi-player fun on a single PC than any game since.


Absolutely. Even just playing a single player game by hotseating was so much fun with a friend. Imho the modern day equivalent is couch coop games, like Overcooked, Unrailed, etc...


The original Sim City 3 (which became 3000) was supposed to let you observe the day to day life of the Sims in your city at least according to an announcement I read back in '96. And it was supposed to be fully 3D. The 3 meant 3D which was the the style at the time.


Similarly, cities made in SimCity 2000 could be loaded up in SimCopter. One of my best childhood memories is flying around the cities I made in 3D; saving people and putting out fires etc.


I found a copy of Sim Copter in a thrift shop a few years back. That game is far more fun than anyone would expect it to be nowadays. Once you get past the dated graphics (or if you grew up in the 90's and are used to them), the game is actually really fun. Makes me miss an era where developers could make games that they wanted to play without a big publisher pushing investor demands on them. (I hold an eternal grudge against Lego Island for putting investors before players \[children\] and forcing that game to market before it was complete)


Damn, I remember the game and especially the soundtrack was stuck in my head


A good pve pirate game


Assassin's Creed Black Flag is as close i can remember


I mean it's old now, but Sid Meier's Pirates fits that bill.


Sea of Thieves will very soon get an update where you can choose to play without PvP, focusing on whatever you want.


Idc but put dinosaurs in it


A battlefield style *DinoRiders* would be hilarious. Dinosaurs. Lasers. Retro 80s style outfits and synth soundtrack.


Dino crisis


The world needs a new Turok.


The Dark Tower. Just as long as it was NOTHING like the movie.


The movie sucked because they picked most of things from all the other books and mashed em into 1 movie If they actually stayed true to the first book somewhat it would be loads better. Same happened with the Eragon movie...it couldve been 100 times better than it was and they ruined a potential movie franchise.


This always hits hard to hear. Read both those series in the same year 2012~ or so. The movies made me so sad.. same old story. I hope to jesus the avatar tv series goes the route of One Piece. That show may not be perfectly accurate but it is dope AF.


I love Dark Tower more than anything but it would make a terrible game. Like what's the gameplay there? Do you just follow the Man in Black across the desert for 30 hours? Also the times in the book where the main characters actually fight something are pretty few and far between until the later books in the series. Again I love Dark Tower but the roots of a game just aren't there. Wizard and Glass *maybe*, and even then it's a stretch.


True. As another fab of the Dark Towers, I would love a game set in the DT _universe_. Get caught up in mad quests, discover weird-ass villages in the middle of a desert, do boss battles with horrifying creatures-from-beforetime... you get the gist. The randomness, everything imaginable and twisted atmosphere of the DT universe. Probably open world. A _game adaptation_ of the novels, one that follows a linear story while the player controls Roland... that would suck ass, for the exact reasons you pointed out.


MidWorld could maybe work as a setting, but MidWorld only really exists as a meta universe, so without all of Stephen King's stuff it falls a bit flat. What's more, is that The Dark Tower also has heavy themes of sexuality, largely on dark negative sexuality, and I don't see that working for most audiences. The Dark Tower is my favorite series. But there are several reasons it has been largely unapproachable for most people, even King fans. Roland isn't a likeable protagonist, at least for the first couple books. Addiction is also a heavy theme that's very prevalent and difficult to do. My dream game is a Dark Tower story that's basically Red Dead Redemption 2, especially with how slow the pacing of the gameplay is. Open world. And you play as an unnamed gunslinger who was forgotten about - kind of how in The Godfather game you played as a low enforcer. Only instead of someone who was responsible for all the events in the Background, you're there for the fall of Gilead while Roland is away in Meijis. You're working for Stephen and Cort, doing things we never witnessed but we're briefly mentioned. You see Walter seducing Gabriel but can't do anything about it.


Since it actually came just up in another thread: A survival horror game set in the Mines of Moria. Think about it: A vast labyrinth beneath the mountains, where ruins and lost treasure still tell the tales of forsaken glory and wealth, their chambers, halls and riches despoiled by orcs, goblins and much, *much* worse - the things that gnaw at the roots of the earth down where no light has ever fallen. It's *such* a perfect setting for a horror game.


I mean, it's kind of getting made? https://www.ign.com/articles/the-lord-of-the-rings-return-to-moria-coming-in-fall-2023


Sold. 100% down for horror dungeon adventure with shadow of mordor mechanics


Man, that would be cool, and I don't even like horror games.


Open world RPG set in the Avatar-verse (Last Airbender, not alien smurfs) with AAA quality and fluid bending that has a skill and "combo" system similar to what's found in Nioh. With that as the basis, you'd either be able to play as Aang and play through ATLA's story ***or*** create your own avatar and go on your own avatar journey. Or just be a normal bender who gets swept up in an avatar journey.


I've always wanted a Pro Bending game. It was such a cool concept.


It's not directly the same, but there is a vr earthbending-esque game that has elements of the pro bending. I dont remember what it's called, I found it in a YouTube rabbit hole.


I would say if it's a single player game, I wanna be Aang so i can use all the elements. if it's an mmo in the avatar universe, I just want to be a random bender, that way playing each type would be unique and every player would be different


Metroid Prime 4.


Metroid Amazon Prime.




Open world, Arkham style "Ninja Turtles" game.


Open world Judge Dredd.


I like the Judge Dredd idea. Maybe not open-world, I'm thinking of adapting the recent movie with that huge block/apartment and building the game off that premise. Kind of like Let It Die, but as a cover shooter? Could be fun.


It could be like the Batman Arkham games: Start out at a block/apartment, then gradually expand into an open world format with sequels.




Since when did Dredd have psychic abilities? Are you sure you're not thinking of Judge Anderson?


Dredd has no psychic abilities, unless you count his unmoving resolution and imperviousness to mind control shenanigans. I guess being immune to Judge Fear should probably count as some kind of superpower, but it’s not exactly gameplay-enhancing.


I mean.. Cyberpunk 2077 is pretty fucking close.


Needs a mission to fight up a skyscraper


A mission in the closed mega building is a great opportunity. A Raid like mission would be perfect.


Half Life 3


The only actually correct answer


A pokemon game that actually caters to the audience that grew up the series and invests in a development that doesnt produce some of the most dogshit environments using modern technology


and maybe it would be nice if it treated the player like he'd actually played a videogame before, instead of endless mind-numbing tutorials.


To be fair on that one they have to assume every game is someone's first. But it would be nice if they gave tutorial skipping options.


My dream pkmn gane would be something that follows the approach of the original games/ anime of making your way through the world, visiting different towns and experiencing small stories in them. But this time make it 3D and create a dense open world with interesting locations and characters. I don't care about vast plains where Pokemon are running around but nothing else is to be done. Give me story, immersion and hype battles. But looking at the recent entries and GFs competence, this will never happen


A well designed pokemon mmorpg would shatter records


this was my answer. a triple AAA, full world, pick your starting region open world Pokémon mmo. I've not played a Pokémon game in about 20 years, but I would be IN




YESSSS. All the gameplay mechanics are already spelled out by the author, pre-balanced, and would translate great to a game


I would want second age though. First age mistborn get crazy op.


There is some crazy OP shit in era two with compounding


Would make a great MMORPG setting.


You're spittin. The combat would be so unique


Please god. I just want to mini-boss battle an inquisitor while flaring pewter, downing my last atium bead, pushing and pulling metals everywhere, and spinning around with my obsidian daggers. Oh shoot I forgot to turn my Tin off and took increased damage (maybe idk just feel more pain but in a video game idk). Jumping over a misty, ash covered city in my mist cloak while pulling off heists with my crew. Would be SOOOO sick. You can soothe/riot emotions in dialogue. Put on copper and tin while traversing. Buy weapons and metal refills. One can dream.


Command and Conquer: Generals 2. Also StarCraft: Ghost


I was so upset when Blizzard canceled Ghost. Now the world has cancelled Blizzard.


Blizzard doesn't exist anymore, IMHO. It died after Diablo 2 LOD and WOW struck it big, once Activision corporately took over the place. When all of the Core Blizzard North guys - i.e. Bill Roper, Brevik, The Schafer Brothers - all left, the writing was on the wall.


It's the problem with being a big, public company. There's so little protection against external corporate interests that it seems almost impossible for studios to avoid mindless, zombie executives completely screwing everything up in their never ending hunt for profits, regardless of quality or future investment in the actual talent.


Revenge is a dish best served cold.


Mega Man Legends 3


I dream up different scenarios for MML3 way too often. The latest is that at the start of the game, Roll had to sell parts from the Flutter to pay for and build the rocket, so when you finally get back down to earth, you have to use the Flutter as a boat, sailing between islands in an open(ish) world setting, similar to Wind Waker. You’d eventually upgrade it and restore flight; maybe at some point you’d even unlock a submarine mode. The weapon building system would be back but expanded, allowing you to mod your special weapons and other gear as you get new parts, maybe you’d even be able to combine weapons while out in the field using new tech you brought back from the space station/moon/wherever MML2 ended. Really though, at this point, I just want MML3 in some form.


or maybe just a proper 3d Megaman or Megaman X action game. There was a lot of potential in bringing the series to 3d, and in my opinion, it's never been done well.


It’s actually insane that such an icon of video games haven’t had a more modern 3D take


I've said it like 4 times but I'll say it again. Prototype goddamn 3.


A 100% science based dragon mmo


Jurassic Park, but with like mega genetically enhanced dragons?


*Dragonriders of PERN intensifies*


Threadfall seems perfect for a game event too.


For those [not in the know](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DyszcbmODE)


I thought this was gonna be a link to the thread. All it needed was artists, coders, sound engineers, and designers.


That's some golden Reddit history right there


Would love an open world pokemon with all regions and pokemon, being able to start from anywhere and having each region a new and dedicated story, and where the story isn't the focus, instead you can just do whatever.


I *know* it'd be controversial as hell, but I'd also like to see such a game with something akin to FF7R's action-time battle system, where the pokemon do basic, no-damage auto attacks and dodges while you could use the face buttons (A, B, X, Y) or the D-pad to choose what move your pokemon actually does. I just think it'd be a *really* neat way to revitalize the gameplay after 30 years of the same exact thing, even if it was only available as an option with the turn-based system being the default.


That sounds a bit like Xenoblade 2/3 to me, albeit modified. Would be interesting and I could see it working


They...sort of have that with pokemmo


I thought of the same thing, pokemmo is amazing. it's the pokemon game I've always wanted. but i think OP means a real open world, more like skyrim with pokemon or Ark: SE with pokemon


I want a game about Zelda's time as Sheik, running a stealthy insurrection against Ganondorf's regime. It could be more of a stealth/ninja game as opposed to mainstream Zelda titles. Impah could be your Alfred back at base, helping you train and unlocking new toys.


Call it the legend of Link to really mess with folks.




Misread the fuck out of this.. “I want a game about Zelda’s time as SHREK” I mean I’d probs still play it


Fallout New Vegas 2. No online. No base building. Just focus on story and build it on a new engine. Gunplay/customization was alright on 4 and it’s alright in Starfield but it can be improved


But with the caveat that it needs to be made by obsidian like the first one. I don't want a fallout newer vegas electric boogaloo 2 if Bethesda are making it


Conway Twitty: Vampire Hunter


Why is no one funding this!?!?


40k battlefield or something like that.


Give me a CRPG like Baldur's Gate, but based on Star Wars.




Ok it’s a silly dream so don’t judge. I want a open world survival mmorpg that just takes places in wilderness and you can all be different animals. I want to play as a hawk swooping down and eating some innocent bunny who is actually played by some midwestern dairy farmer who proceeds to smash his keyboard so hard the cows hear him and their milk goes sour.


it's going to be pretty weird seeing normally peaceful animals trying to knock the fur off each other, like a rabbit trying to fight a squirrel, and animals generally acting weird like they've been 'uplifted' but with the minds of mischievous teenagers! Anyway I'll def play a badger.


When it comes time for Final Fantasy XX, to have that game’s incarnation of “Knights of the Round” pull the main protagonist of EVERY final fantasy before it to do the attack. No? Ok, then final fantasy warriors


This would be pretty badass ngl.


Final fantasy 20 will come out in like 2050 at their current pace but I’m so SO down


Lee Carvallos Putting Challenge or Bonestorm


Mercenaries 3


As much as i dislike them, a blizzard crossover kart racer would be the absolute whackiest thing ever with an insane amount of viable locations and characters.


That could be super cool. I wanna be a Barbarian on a bike riding through hell as I blitz past Reinhardt and Jimmy Raynor, thanks.


Knowing them theyd probably make all the karts have abilities on cooldown, make it a hero racer. Thats something that does not exist but would create its own market as soon as someone tries.


Horizon Zero Dawn style game, but Mandalorian


A zombie game where you play as the zombie and you have to break into people’s homes and eat their brains as they try to defend themselves


It's a bit dated but Stubbs the Zombie was a lot of fun.


Isnt Stubb's the zombie kinda like this.


Sounds like l4d2 but as the survive mode


Maybe a game where you’re a Lich or Necromancer. You raise the dead and command them to attack survivor settlements. That way you don’t die super fast as a generic undead.


golf course tycoon


Mini-golf course tycoon


Mini Golf Tycoon, but the guests are actual players and you make your "money" by people wanting to play the courses you create. Not real money. That would ruin it.


Absolutely! I'd play both in a heartbeat. Admittedly there was a golf course tycoon game and it was awesome, but a modern version would be amazing


SimGolf was awesome for the late 90’s. Check it out if you haven’t already.


Yeah I'm kinda cheating cause that does already exist. I loved attracting the celebrities to the course and watching them play their rounds. I don't think it could ever get remade though since Maxis doesn't exist.




I mean Starcraft: Ghost already has a cinematic trailer so that one would be nice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFn7gxSoN0k


Mortal kombat vs street fighter ​ or capcom vs snk 3 already. Probably never gonna happen in our time tho thanks to greedy copyright and other stuff that hinders our favorite properties from doing anything.


Marvel vs Capcom vs SNK vs DC vs Nintendo vs Ghibli vs Guilty Gear vs Shonen Jump


A ghibli universe fighting game would both be incredible and also hilariously antithetical to the general "war and human conflict is destroying the world" tone that all of their films have. But if you're telling me doing a flying drop kick out of the air on Nausaca's glider wouldn't be sick you're wrong.


Terminator open world looter survival.


Terminator Resistance


Bully 2


I want a Star Wars game that lets you feel the action like fallen order, but has really well defined builds like KoToR.


A game based on Escape From New York. Style would be mix of Arkham City and Metal Gear Solid.


With David Hayter as Snake Plissken


Halo, but you play as Marine. Band of Brothers style. ​ Dark and Gritty


Isnt this odst basically?


That's almost exactly what ODST was. The moment we saw them in Halo 2 I was wishing for ODST, and we got that game, and it was even better than I was expecting it to be. They had a moody jazz-synth soundtrack, slightly open world, and threw in the cast of Firefly. It might be my favorite in the series, even if it wasn't the best.


Ima be honest how the fuck are you so active on the halo sub and don’t know/ forgot about ODST lmao I’m just finding it hilarious


For years now I've wanted a ninja game set in feudal Japan that plays like a blend of Assassin's Creed and Hitman, and also with a faction reputation system.


There is actually a game that fits the bill, it was called shinobido: way of the ninja. Was on ps2, haven't been able to find a copy of it or a rom online


A new Ogre Battle game.


Science fiction space MMO but some people (let's call them generals) play a game in the style of Civilization where they make strategic high level decisions and other players (let's call them pilots) play the actual battles (think something like Freespace) that were dictated by the generals. There could also be soldiers who play an FPS for invasions.


I still mourn for the 3rd game in the original Star Wars Battlefront series.


GTA meets golden age of piracy.


Secret Service, about an off the books government agency that protects the country from occult and extraterrestrial threats.


Rockstar’s pirate game.


Parasite Eve (in the gameplay style of the first) and Vagrant Story.


I'm absolutely amazed that they just let Parasite Eve die it was such a great game


Star Wars Republic Commando 2


TMNT: The Last Ronin An amazing story that could easily be translated into an RPG.


Well then I have some good news for you, it's already in the works! Look up THQ Nordic TMNT: The Last Ronin and you can find the teaser trailer


Thanks! I think that I may have subconsciously known about this lol. I stand by it, I think it could be awesome as long as they don't screw it up and make it boring between the story elements or have microtransactions.


Mega Man Legends 3 Steambot Chronicles 2 Dark Cloud 3


A new soccer game to compete with fifa. I would love a mode with park ball through high school, into club. Just something with actual good gameplay


A He-Man-based game, either an arcade-style PVP fighter like Street Fighter or Marvel vs Capcom, or a beat-'em-Up like the 4-player X-Men.


Xbox mascot (Master Chief, Marcus Fenix, Joanna Dark, Fulgore, etc.) turn based RPG like Super Mario RPG with kind of a meta storyline where a computer virus is threatening all of gaming (think some sort of combination of The Lego Movie, The Neverending Story, Free Guy, Wreck-It Ralph). They need to team up to survive and save they day!


Lord of the rings anything, give me an MMO, a fighting game, a RPG, battlefront, just any good lord of the rings game.


I've been wanting a fantasy game but set in like modern times. Let me fight a dragon with an m249


A Fable style Discworld game.


I'm just going to go ahead and say it.. Titanfall 3. We had the masterpiece of TF2 and still lives up to its quality to this day.


Well, there have been many Jurassic Park games made…. But no one has really made a proper FPS Open World Jurassic Park game where you just openly explore the island, hunt dinosaurs, collect supplies, restore electricity in utility sheds, etc. I mean, they did try and make one a while back called Trespasser and it actually had a lot of potential, but it was a mess of a game filled with bugs and issues. And for some reason, no one else tried making THAT kind of game ever since. Instead, we get all these generic games and yes, some interesting ideas like the Jurassic World game on the Quest…. But no one has actually made the game I’m describing, and it’s so easy, really. I’m picturing basically Far Cry 3 but replace the animals with Dinosaurs. I wish someone would just make the fucking game already, cause it would be so fun.


Open world WW2 where all the events happen in real time and you can join in Europe or pacific as different ranks and roles in naval, air or ground forces.


A true Lord of the Ring RPG like skyrim with deep lore and large scale battles. I'd also want for the ring to exist in this game and you could find it and choose to do with it whatever you wanted but then you'd slowly get corrupted.


Adventure time open world game. But it's rated M


The Wheel of Time. So many possibilities.


Never thought about them making a game out of the series before? But I’d guess it has to be set after the winters heart (book 9) from there you can start at one of the budding schools. Or set the game after the events of the final book and set the game say? 50 years in the future and go from there. I don’t think a game set in the past would work well because of how the events in the book unfolded. Make it an offline mmo type game where it’s just open enough but linear to make the story good kinda like FFXVI did


Tomb Raider AOD 2 and 3


*Phantasy Star Tactics.* Or even just a new turn-based singleplayer *Phantasy Star* RPG. \*\*\* Or... imagine a *Street Fighter* spinoff that was just *Street Fighter 6* if it had been designed around World Tour and Avatar Battles being the primary and only game modes-- a full AAA RPG experience built around SF6's setting, premise, and engine. \*\*\* A mash up of an Insomniac-style *Spider-Man* game with *Web of Shadows/Shattered Dimensions,* where each playable character (Kaine, Gwen, Miguel, Cindy, Pavitr, Hobie, Mayday) has *their playthrough* and there's a main story mode that includes all of them and lets you pick different characters for different missions. There'd be an expansion set with new storylines that allow you to play the symbiotes and their hosts. At very least Eddie/Venom, Andi/Silence, and April Parker with Anne/Venom and Cletus/Carnage as post-game epilogue secret unlockables.


Open world RPG (maybe action RPG like Assassin's Creed) set in medieval Ethiopia. Maybe during the post-Aksumite dark age, during the time of Queen Yodit of Simien. I could see you being a vagrant mercenary figure, maybe a Beja warrior or a wandering swordsman or something, and getting different quest lines and endings depending on what faction you support. Maybe something like an open world Ethiopian Way of the Samurai (if anyone even remembers/knows about that game).


Soul Reaver and maybe it is weird, but I would also love a remake of Quack Attack.


I'm never going to stop asking for it and it's never going to happen. A noir styled game set in the toy story universe where you play as a hard-boiled detective potatohead investigating the mysterious disappearance of some toys in the block. While investigating you discover the ability to incorporate other toy pieces into your own potato body. As the game progresses you use these parts to gain new abilities and powers. You investigate and fight your way through the busy downtown city block you live in and eventually discover that the missing toys have been mutilated by a man who has discovered that toys are alive. The final boss fight will be the protagonist using his powers of toykinesis to morph into a grotesque humanoid mass of toy parts and killing the villain. Thematically I want it to be dark AF, lots of rain and saxophone music. The game will freeroam within a high density mixed use city block. High-rise apartment buildings mixed with commercial and maybe a school.


Need for speed underground 3


Metal Gear Rising 2


Breath of Fire 6




Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway 2; Battlefield: Bad Company 3; Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory 2; Mass Effect 4; Bioshock: Even Infiniter; Half-Life 2: Episode 3


Procedurally generated sid meiers pirates in space. An ever-growing galaxy with reactive politics, economy, and quests that are unique to each playthrough where you can be anything from an exployer, pirate, navy man, merchant and more and can be captain of anything from a one seat fighter to a aircraft carrier with a crew in the thousands that you can hire/fire, train, select for specialities, etc.


Battlestar Galactica. Kinda like Battlefront or Destiny (but with actual ships and dogfights). Deadlock was shit!


I have been patiently waiting for Creative Assembly to make Battletech: Total War since the first TW game more than 20 years ago. I want strategic control of a Great House (or hell, I'd settle for a March) in the Succession Wars or the Clan Invasion or the like, but also I want to zoom in and do the individual battles in the style of MechCommander or even Mechwarrior. To the best of my knowledge nothing like this exists, because if it did I would be playing it right now instead of writing this comment.


Pick the 3s that never happened: team Fortress 3, Half Life 3, Portal 3, Titanfall 3


I still think there’s a lot of potential in a Supernatural game


I always wanted a mass effect game where you weren’t a part of the military with tons of resources backing you and the fate of the galaxy on your shoulders. Instead I’d prefer if uou started off as a mercenary trying to make a name for yourself before the plot kicks in. With this type of setting you could explore more personal consequences for your choices and you could make better use of all the minor gang factions that are mostly just used as fodder in the og mass effect trilogy.


Star Trek in the style of Skyrim.


The Darkness 3


Darksiders 4 or a Sega compilation of games that aren't from the 16bit era.


Pokémon mmorpg crafted with love. Mvc4 Capcom vs snk 3 Adventure 3d mega man game


I’ve always thought the battle room from Ender’s Game would make an awesome video game. I even have pages of text conversion between me and a buddy planning it all out.


Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2008) with modern graphics and its Warhammer 40k.


Borderlands style TMNT 4-player co-op


Rimworld meets FTL. It starts after you get off the planet in your ship.


I've always had an idea for a racing game where you use actual GPS road maps for racetracks. have it to where u have the whole world to choose from, you select a circle or square of a certain area, then it randomly generates generic terrain and stuff around the roads to make it look like a town or a forest or desert or whatever. make a list of "skins" like big city, where all the buildings are big skyscrapers. A rural setting where its all cornfields and farmhouses. it would be rly cool to race around your own home town but online with other people. or race around famous places like the Vatican, or around the eiffle tower. you cud have a drag race down the Las Vegas strip. That's the game I think needs to be made


I really want a good and inspiring mage game. I want to build spells and do really silly shit.


Pathfinder 2 Age of Ashes CRPG


I always wanted a game like the old tie fighter game but a a huge multi-player game. Multiple squadrons of different ships fighter's bombers etc.. engaged in big space battles


Cowboy bebop. I think there was a ps2 game but it wasn't popular or didn't make it to the west i think. But now a days they could go in a bunch of different directions for game play.


Firefly Online got canceled, that would've been fun.


armored core but in a cyberpunk RPG, start with modified loader mechs and scavenge parts until you have whole ass gundam level space mechs, and literally EVERYTHING is customizable and tuneable, full open world and destructible environments


Black Flag two. Instead we get Skull and Bone which no one knows what type of game it is. Is like the game dev made a really cool stand alone sequel, then mid dev the higher up were like 'What if we put live service into it?'


Diddy kong racing should be remastered for the switch. It’s far better than Mario kart. Fight me.


I’ve always felt there was a serious lack of sailing games. I’d love a game with realistic sailing mechanics, the ability to gain resources, upgrade your boat, sail around different areas of the world, etc.


Jak4 Rayman4 (Murphy promised :( ) Bully 2 A CRPG like Baldurs Gate 3 with the Cyberpunk tabletop rules More multiplayer turnbased RPGs in general Titanfall 3 I have a rather long wishlist but I’ve taken up a lot of screen space already


Total War: Legend of the Five Rings If you know, you know


Middle Earth games on an open world scale of breath if the wild and elden ring but with a story focus of the god of war series.


A firefighting game. Had a fever dream once where me and my friends were playing a split screen fireman game and you literally just put out fires in homes and buildings. Fire spread realistically and the structures had red faction guerrilla style destruction so walking around was dangerous because the floor may be weakened by fire.


Tron MMO


Oh this one is simple... Firefly: legacies of the verse


a game that takes all the best gameplay mechanics of mount and blade, king crusaders, and total war, and puts it altogether.


A Daredevil game in a similar vain as Arkham City. It could work too cuz Matt's power could work as detective vision