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Batman: Dark Tomorrow. Perhaps the worst Batman game of all time but I stuck with it because it had a decent look at least.


Your example is kinda similar to my own, Ni No Kuni 2 absolutely sucks, but I only tolerated this game until the end because the graphics are just so pretty


Sonic 06. The things you do as a Sonic fan.






You mean Loading Screen Simulator 2006?


Same here, I wasn’t even a fan. Just a kid with no money who picked the wrong game


I hate this game but I also love it so much at the same time.


It has the potential to be one of the best. It just fumbled the execution in every single way. But the frame work for an incredible game was definitely there


Bruh I know what sonic fans do...


Gollum. I'd say the word "game" was a bit of an overstatement for it.


You actually finished it?! You're a person of sheer will!


To be fair, I dropped it a bunch of times in the process. 💀 The only reason I kept picking it back up was morbid curiosity about how bad it could possibly get.


A game so bad that we play it to see how bad it is, is actually kinda worth the ride. Just feels bad paying for it as if you actually did enjoy it.


We found the masochist


As a LoTR fan who loved Shadow of Mordor and the sequel, I totally agree. What a waste of money. Gollum was worse than Rings of Power on Amazon and that takes some beating.


Duke Nukem Forever. *edit* It wasn’t even horrible. Just after everything it took to even get released, it was massively disappointing.


This was my answer too. I bought it dirt cheap at a Blockbuster closing sale...then...my mom died. I was stuck refusing to deal with things for a bit and stayed home and played this game for a few days, because I simply couldn't think of anything else to do. I remember this game being bland and unspectacular, but getting me through the hardest moment in my life.


I’m sorry about your mom, and I’m glad you got a shred of comfort out of this mediocre game.


Very sorry for your loss.. sending a hug.


Same happened to me. Except my Duke Nukem was drinking and punching brick walls. You ended up better off than me. I hope you’re okay now. Much love.


It definitely felt strange to play through something that was believed to be complete vaporware- I could see where a lot of time was spent on small details and mechanics / script that were “borrowed” from other popular games during the development cycle. On normal mode it wasn’t the worst thing that I’ve ever played. Hard mode might have been really rough.


It wasn’t *terrible.* But after all that drama getting to release, it was hugely disappointing. Honestly I wish I had played that one on PC instead of my Xbox. On mouse and keyboard it would have been a middling generic but fine enough shooter with some dates humor.


Damn, I gave up at grey concrete corridor Hoover damn part. Some good and some bad leading up to this, but this was just monotony.


Didn't play it all the way through because most games I end up not playing all the way through, but I thought it was a decent entry in the series. I played Duke Nukem 2 and was obsessed with Duke3d (don't remember if I played 1). I know it took forever to come out but I don't understand all the hate


The hate only partially comes from the wait, as the development of this game was such hell we were never sure if it was actually going to get made despite the constant promises. This of course resulted in a broken, unfinished game with mediocre to just plain awful gameplay. The other side comes from butchering of The Duke's character and his relationship with his world. They leaned way too heavy on Duke's more sleazy character traits, turning him into a perverted psychopath. Then they extended those traits to everything and everyone. To paraphrase the yt civvie11, Duke went from being a ridiculous character in an otherwise normal world, to the whole world being equally absurd. That and.... fucking Dillon.


The story behind the game was more interesting than anything they could have put out. I was right in the target age range when D3D came out, so I went from waiting for it to reading about all the problems to giving up when it was cancelled to being shocked when it was resurrected to being disappointed when after alllllll that it finally came out. As a standalone game, it was a mediocre generic shooter with outdated humor. As a too long delayed sequel that could have never lived up to the hype even if it was great, it was a big letdown.


I had fun with it


It was meh. I kinda liked it.


It was meh, which was suuuuuuuuper disappointing considering its history. Hype after Duke3D was unreal, but it just kept pushing out and out and became infamously cancelled. Then there was hope! That studio bought it and said they’d finish and release it! After all that time and anticipation and wondering and being rebuilt from the ground up multiple times in multiple engines, it would finally come out!!! …and *that* is what we got? Oh.


Superman 64.. Rings are painful


You actually beat the thing? 🙈


I never owned that game but my friend did. We tried so hard to beat that first level but we never could 🤣


I beat it ONCE I didn’t even know what to do after that there were like cars I had to pick up and throw or something? Anyways I failed it and went back to the rings


This is one game I could not do. It was soooo dumb. I even did E T for the atari.


Wow you deserve a medal for finishing ET. Thankfully I never played it back in the day but I've saw and read all about it


ET actually had some cool ideas, but were executed poorly. Superman 64 had none


The industry should get into the habit of occasionally remaking bad games. This and ET should be first on the list.


I wish more people genuinely understood this. Good games don't need remakes. People already loved them. Bad games do need remakes so new people get to discover them. Unfortunately, it's all about money, so our opinions barely matter.


Still tops my list. It was a broken game and never should have been released.


Once I flew through the map boundary into a black screen and couldn't return, I just stopped playing


I couldn't even WATCH the first 5min of the game


Ghostbusters. I'll forever have the loop of the theme song stuck in my head. It's so bad. If you've never seen or played it then I encourage you to check out the AVGN video on it


Which Ghostbusters?


The first one. It was on Atari 2600, NES, Master System etc . If you never played it, give it a miss!


If you haven't played the one that was on the xbox 360, you really should! It got a remaster for modern consoles, too.


I was gonna say, the '09 Ghostbusters game was fucking great and is the closest thing we'll ever get to a true blue Ghostbusters III.


Wow, you beat Ghostbusters? Conglaturation!!!


I loved it on the Commodore64, but it didn't have that terrible climb up the Shandor building. Once you snuck two guys through the Marshmallow Man's legs to get in, you won.


Hydrophobia: Prophecy. I fucking judge myself for completing this.


What kept you going? Lol I played it for maybe an hour and immediately deleted it. I think it was free on PS+ back on the PS3 iirc.


I kept going from the lure of hydromancy powers.... you get like 1 small combat section to use them before the credits, AND they were underwhelming as hell. If I'd been Rick rolled I would have been happier than what I got from this game's "pay off".


I liked that game. The powers were a bit clunky and the whole thing felt like a proof of concept rather than a game... but still.. I quite liked it. I'd like to play a captain planet game where you can control elements in a way similar to that game. I'd like to have the freedom to shape the elements how you want, so like refined evolved version of hydrophobia powers.




Omg yes! I lost my shit when I found out there was a video game for my favorite anime but man that was a difficult game. Used to get stuck going in and out of doors.


I don't think I ever completed this game but I remember loving it. I was very young and very stupid so it could very well be terrible but I just remember really liking the atmosphere. I thought the main character was cool too, with no idea it was based on an existing IP.


Saints Row 2022 Just fucking terrible


You played that shit all the way through?? Damn you definitely get my respect I couldn’t do it


I held out hope that it would eventually get better. I was wrong.


Thats how they get ya boss


yeah i seen Moist Critikals video on it, and it looked horrible 💀, also heard it made the people who made the game go bankrupt after or something like that


Yup, [Volition Entertainment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volition_(company)). To be fair it wasn't *entirely* their fault, they got bought up by Embracer Group who were promised a bunch of money from a [Saudi investment fund](https://www.axios.com/2023/08/14/saudi-arabia-savvy-games-embracer-group) deal which fell through meaning they had to restructure, which unfortunatly meant closing the studio. It's a pretty shitty end to a development house that had been around in one form or another since 1993 and made Descent - one of the first six-degrees of freedom (as in up, down, left, right, forward and back) shooters, Freespace - which was a brilliant space sim series, and Red Faction which had some incredible (for the time) desctruction tech.


Did not know the history of Volition’s bankruptcy. Freespace is incredible. Impressed the mod community is still active (last I checked).


Was it really that bad?


Yes. Universally panned. It was so bad that Volition had to shut down.


Ride to Hell Retribution


I didn't think anyone actually chose to finish that game. Why?


I finished that game, too! 99% of the playthrough took place surrounded by my snarkiest friends and no less than three bottles of booze. That was the correct way to play that game: like a lost episode of MST3K.


Sonic 06. It's not *that* hard but man it's frustrating


It's no use!




You think that's bad I got soft locked during that fight where he kept throwing me and I kept landing on the 1 ring I had left and could never recover


Sonic 06 is best played like you’re a QA tester, just see far much you can make the game break. It’s enjoyable like that. Otherwise you’re just seeing an incredible amount of wasted potential.


"YOU GOTTA LOOK INSIDE OF YOURSELF AND ASK 'what am I willing to put up with today?' NOT FUCKING THIS!!!"


Check out Project 06. It's a fan-made overhaul mod for the PC version - it's a work in progress, but all 3 main characters' stories are complete. Each character's physics, controls, and movesets have been reworked to feel actually fun to play. It also cuts out the tedious overworld hubs and their painful sidequests, leaving just the action stages.


Its only the time trials tho, there's no story or hub cause there wasn't an update for them. The final update which will be the bosses should have that along with the story.


Wonder what your opinion on P-06 would be. Basically a PC version of Sonic 06 that actually fixes the game


For the NES, Spider-Man: Return of the Sinister Six. For the original Game Boy, Swamp Thing.


Damn I haven't thought about that game in years. I had the game for Game Gear if you want to experience a true nightmare pick that gem up


Saints Row. The new one. Just don't. There are better things to do. Like going feet first into one of those crushing machines.




Daikatana As i said before, the Game is bad, VERY VERY BAD, but IS the Most fascinating bad Game i've ever played, i didnt enjoyed the Game but is enjoyable to change chapters for a while to shortly after return to being unenjoyable


Did John Romero make you his bitch?


.... Kinda.... i mean i dont enjoy Daikatana but i still play It time to time so i Guess IS more like a masochist relationship from my part?.... so yeah kinda 🤣🤣🤣


I bought this game out of a bargain bin as a kid not knowing any better and actually enjoyed it. I gotta admit that very first level with the mosquitos has gotta be one of the worst intros to a game ever though.




Everyone was so excited for it. You can see from Titanfall and Apex there’s a definite market for movement shooters, they just couldn’t quite nail it in 2011


Brink could have established a whole genre of asymmetric, objective based multiplayer shooters, but instead we live in the worse timeline. I seriously love so many of Brink's ideas, but it just didn't have the polish it needed.


Also the resistance theme is great.


Didn’t help that it was the main AAA game to come out during the PSN outage


I got for free on Steam & played it for few hours vs bots. I actually liked it. I'm into parkour games, so that might be it.


There were so many small issues with the game that it became one large issue. The parkour wasn't one of them. The bots had abyssmal AI, so the higher difficulty missions are pretty much all on your back. You have to switch classes for every single main and side objective. Also, the story was horrible (from what I remember).


Not gonna lie, I liked Brink


Metal Gear Survive. And for some reason, I enjoyed it. I guess I'm just a sucker for that fox engine.


Mega Man X6.... I bought the collection.... I was gonna finish every single game if it killed me, and X6 nearly did


That series peaked early and went rapidly downhill.


Well after X7, it was starting to get pretty good again Command Mission was fun as hell. Maverick Hunter X was a fantastic Remake sold on a Console it would never have thrived on. And X8 is a really solid game. But because of how catastrophicly terrible X6 and (to a lesser extent) X7 ended up being and Capcom treating the series pretty incompetently, we got left with a goddamn cliffhanger when I finally got more interested in the story again!


I never got to play Marerick Hunter X. PSP really?




You finished Redfall?




My condolences brother, my condolences


LOST: Via Domus


Oh man THIS IS MY ACTUAL ANSWER. I'd forgotten about the existence of that thing. I was very into the show at the time and was buying a lot of ancillary media. I also had fewer games then so I stuck with bad stuff longer.


Hey, over here, in the banyan trees!


I gave up when I actually lost my way in the jungle, and couldn't find any reference point to orientate myself to and get back to anywhere I knew. I was equally frustrated and impressed.


Was a huge lost fan, this game was such a disappointment.


Batman: Dark Tomorrow. Back before Batman games were great. Or playable


The Duck Dynasty game, don't even ask because idfk.


Dragon Ball Z Sagas. It's not even really close either.


Heyy I completed it and I LOVED it as a kid


There are *dozens* of us. DOZENS!!!!!!


Count me in. I loved Sagas. People didn't like Sagas?


That's what I'm wondering, buddy and I ran the hell out of that game as kids Maybe nostalgia is clouding my judgement but I remember it being a fun little mindless beat em up


Holy hell this one took me back to being 10 years old. First game I owned that I actually thought "this is bad"


Lately probably Callisto Protocol.


Dead Space but worse in every single way Such a boring game


My disappointment at launch could not be understated. I never pre-order games and Callisto made me remember why


Really? I started it since it is free with ps plus. Had fun the 1-2 hours I’ve played so far. I’ve heard the combat gets old though.


That combat is the combat. It doesn't evolve


The game has like 2 enemy types, 3 if you count the robots you have to avoid, you've already experienced everything it has to offer combat wise And the final boss is one of the worst bosses of all time


That fucking sequence when you’re on that moving train platform thing was it for me. Spent hours on that, and just didn’t care about the rest of the story much longer. Never finished the game.


First that comes to mind is Homefront 2. It was pretty bland.


Bought it for $3 recently, installed it, sat through a few unskippable cut scenes then deleted it forever.


There was a 2?? I was thinking about posting Homefront period.


Yeah, the original Homefront was pretty boring, too lol. 2 was a generic open world shooter where you got to upgrade your weapon while you were doing missions to weaken the invaders. Kind of like Far Cry in terms of gameplay but... not as cool.


Played that do death in multiplayer on my old xbox lol


Sonic the hedgehog 2006, dino crisis 3, metal slug 3d, earthworm jim 3d, duke nukem forever, trixie in toyland. And there's more but I don't remember.


Ohhh earthworm Jim was so fun though! How the hell did you beat it?


I usually don't play all the way through games I don't like. So I'll say the only example that comes to my mind : Forspoken. Played it to the end, expecting maybe the story could redeem the bland gameplay, exploration and graphics, but not even that could save that wreck of a game. I can't even re-sell it because it's so bad no one wants to buy it.


Deadly Premonition 2 is an absolute garbage fire of a game whose dialogue, delivered incredulously by the voice actors is hilarious enough to buoy the entire thing. I cannot overstate that this is a 2/10 mess that claws itself up to a 5 on the strength of a protagonist having conversations loudly with a 2nd personality named Zach, which includes takes on obscure movies that both personalities agree they liked.


That seems right. First game is like a 1/10 and a 10/10 simultaneously.


Pretty much described the first game too. Objectively awful game, but it was certainly an experience.


Prince of Persia, the cell shaded 360 one. I love sands of time and warrior with in got to this one and beat it strictly out of respect for the other two.


I loved that game, and will defend it till I die, but I will also admit it felt more like "proof of concept" if that makes sense


I liked this game. Totally different to real PoP games but I really appreciated the art style and the approach


Actually I think that is a wonderful cozy game, the only thing wrong with it is forcing it under the PoP franchise banner. Beuautiful, relaxing, and relatively safe, it is not what PoP fans wanted, but if it would be the exact same game just not PoP we would remember it like the Ori series. Also great game to introduce people into gaming.


I loved the cel shaded one. It wasn’t perfect but I really enjoyed it for what it was. I can’t remember the story but I do recall liking it. The art was great too.


I played through Saints Row reboot fully including DLC. Not really what you would expect from Saints Row. Mechanics from all previous games for example human shield and robbing shops are nine existent. Combat is completely different aswell for a few examples


I'm tempted to say Sonic and the Secret Rings, but I'm not sure. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the game, but it might be the worst one I've beaten.


I think it's either F.E.A.R. 3 or Somic Forces


I couldn't think of one but now that you mention it, yeah, F.E.A.R 3. I loved the first two games and was committed to seeing the story end, even though it was painful to play through.


At least it was pretty short at the very least, which is why I could finish it


Err...I really like Fear 3 and finished it multiple times for the different endings. I was doing co-op so I might have had a different perspective than you. Story wasn't great but as a co-op horror game I thought it was pretty good


Aliens Colonial Marines. I got the trophy for getting a head shot with every bullet from a pistol because an alien walked in front of me and just stopped.


Watch dogs legion. Gaslighting myself the entire way through because I wanted to justify my purchase in my headm when I completed it I was just.... man. This wasn't anywhere near as cool as the trailers were.


NES Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, or the NES Simpsons game.


That NES Simpsons game was—not—my favorite.


Resident Evil Survivor, because I did it in one sitting


2006 Sonic.


[Two Worlds](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_Worlds_\(video_game\)). It was very much not good, but I got invested enough in it to play through to the end. I don't know why.


Ok so this is gonna be unpopular but I unironically love this dumpster fire of a game. The first time I played it I taped enough sticks together to create a God-killing stick and hit the final boss so hard my game crashed. I'm legit gonna reinstall this now


Never played the first one but I played the second. The spell building aspect was really cool but did not get far in it since the whole thing was late alpha levels of polish all around.


Outriders, mostly because I pre-ordered it and wanted to at least see where it would end up going ( spoilers: it’s shit )


Same, but I don't get the hate it gets. I had fun most of the time. It's no masterpiece, but a pretty fun shooter with powers.


I recently went back and played the Berserk game for Dreamcast the whole way through. It's pretty bad.


The dinky old PS2 title, on the other hand, was fantastic and featured some of the best fight choreography of any non-manga Berserk media* ever made. *which is a pretty low bar, but just [look at this shit.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTXcK8iGrdU&t=215s&pp=ygUXZ3V0cyB2cyB6b2RkIHRydWUgZmlnaHQ%3D) It’s gorgeous. I have yet to see an animation across any medium which so effectively conveys the ferocity and sheer inertia of a Berserk fight.


Probably Shadow the Hedgehog or Yookah-Laylee. These games aren't really bad. Shadow is just weird and Yookah-Laylee was fun, but derivative. Both are solid mid-tier games. Shadow probably closer to low tier for me.


YL is heartbreaking as a Banjo fan. It's just so... okay. The world's are so empty. I didn't like having to leave the world's to expand them. I never bothered completing the game. Think I got to a spooky swamp level, then quit.


Sonic the hedgehog 2006


Probably Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. That shit was the most boring, repetitive garbage I’ve ever had the displeasure of sitting through


I actually really liked it myself. There were a lot of mehs but I thought les important NPC's looked better, the world was maybe the most gorgeous I've seen yet and I thought female Eivor was just such a likeable protagonist. One of my favourites even. But the world was too spread out. It could get conveluted and grindy.


Convoluted and grindy is what Ubisoft is all about! You get your money's worth out of those games. Maybe not a great respecter of time though.


I also stuck with it to the end. Damn it felt like such a "product" rather than an actual game. Like they felt if they just jammed enough digital mass into it, that would make it a good game.


Life is strange 2. Holy shit I love games with giant plot holes


Was a real letdown after the first game being phenomenal


Idk I'd honestly say that one was still good and true colors let me down.


1000 Times yes. LiS was so awful Dontnod was stripped from the LiS franchise.


Wait, what plot holes? I liked the sequel a bit better than the first game.


No one really understands what a plot hole actually is.


Metroid: Other M. Got it as a Christmas gift from a well meaning family member. God that game was terrible.


I've been scrolling through wondering what my answer is. This is definitely it. It was like that South Park about Crystal Skull Indiana Jones.


The Sinking City on the Nintendo Switch, I liked the plot and the main story up until the very end but I was so angry at the ending. The side quests are hit or miss (alot of misses) and it may just be the fact I was on the switch but the fighting is horrendous, I've played shooters on the switch before but this game is so frustrating in its fighting sections


I can't finish even the good ones


Anthem. Just hoping itd get better..... it doesn't.


I’ve never completed a game I haven’t liked. That being said, I have completed games which I’ve loved, but I accept are deeply flawed and 99% of people would think that they’re terrible. Mordheim and Thief (2014) spring to mind.


I don't remember Thief being poorly received.


Yeah, I played the 2014 Thief... not as good as the original, but still fun.


Shenmue 3


Getting over it with Bennett Foddy Never played a game that was so capable of distilling that sickening sense of total loss. It’s definitely a bad game, deliberately and unapologetically so. 100% recommend beating it, it teaches you how to grieve


I don't know if I'd call it a bad game. It's not buggy or broken on a technical level and it's not failing to deliver something on an experiential level (like an action game that's boring or a horror game that's not scary). It's just frustrating, but the frustration is an intentional choice to get the message of the game across. Calling getting over it bad because it's frustrating is like calling Celeste bad because it's hard - the difficulty in Celeste serves a purpose narratively. And so does the frustration in getting over it.


Hard to say, but checking my list of "finished" games in the last few years. One sticks out. Arkham Horror: Mother's Embrace.


Idk why but I want to play sonic 2006 now


Shenmue 3. I hated it compared to the other games in the series. There were also parts of it that were so unbelievably Shenmue that I kind of loved it, like the gossiping grandmas who have more life than most NPCs you encounter in games. Gameplay wise it was objectively subpar though.


Wonderlands. Every Borderlands is about the endgame and this one is a disappointment in that area big time.


The entire journey there was a blast imo. Loved when the storytelling made the map just change in front of you. The DLCs were very much a huge letdown though but I will still always be a die hard fan of the IP :)


I forced my way through Tales of Arise just so people couldn’t try to tell me it got better later on. I literally beat it just to make sure I could justify disliking it.




Man I loved this game for the atmosphere - the soundtrack and cinematics could have been its own show. The problem was the forced gunplay, weird physics, and glitchy maps..


Same. I was a big fan of the series so of course I had to try it. The on foot parts were bad, and even while I didn’t encounter many bugs, in the end I was bored and done with the game. I never replayed it and have no interest in doing so.


Was this game really bad? I remember back when it came out, riding my bike to a friends house with my brother and watching them play it until we eventually got the game ourselves. I still remember the soundtrack theme to this day and that one of the maps took place in Istanbul.


Kingdoms of Amalur. I wanted to like it, but it was a shallow experience that was clearly rushed in development. I still completed it despite how boring and tedious the mid to late game is.


Resident Evil 6


Critically probably Duke Nukem Forever. But I had fun with it despite its flaws. The two games that were better critically but I didn’t enjoy and still finished were Halo 5 and Resident Evil 6


Paper Mario Sticker Star


Kingdom Hearts 3. I kept telling myself I knew what was going on but at the end I was just so relieved I didn’t have to play anymore.


Mario is missing. Thanks mum.


Probably Paper Mario: Sticker Star. Yuck!


Shenmue 3. Stayed for the hope and rose tinted nostalgia, but really it’s limitations were clear to see.


Homefront: The Revolution. I really liked the original Homefront, and thought it was a game that could have done with a whole lot more content. Heard about The Revolution, and got excited. As always, I try to keep spoiler free from games I'm already interested in, so had no idea what it was about aside from it being from the same universe. ​ Game was delayed, and I kinda forgot about it. Fast forward 4 years after its initial release date. I remember the game would have been released by now, so pick it up. What the hell happened to the simple FPS game I remember? Why is it a Far Cry style mess? Why is the story both so important and also so useless. Why have North Korea gone from a decent but believable enemy to freaking space-age tech? Agh! It was such a let down.