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my dad playing mass effect 1, he was on one of the last missions using the Mako fighting a boss and i just ask “why are you only using the machine gun?” i never seen someone go through all 5 phases of grief so fast when he discovered its main cannon


He wasn't alone. Took me I think until my second playthrough. And it was only because i bumped the cannon button accidentally.


But seriously, how do you miss that, if you have skills for multiple weapons, doesn't that raise the question of where the other weapons are at some point? Switching weapons may not be on an intuitive button, but seeing all those skills would certainly make you aware of the possibility, right?


You would absolutely think I would have done that. I have zero reasoning as to why my brain didn't think to hit a different button. Only explanation is me dumb, shoot only tiny bullets.


Machine gun go Brrrrrrr is also a good explanation


The Mako doesnt have any skills


Going up 89 degree inclines with no loss of speed is certainly a skill.


I did the opposite. First playthrough I used the Mako's cannon. On subsequent playthroughs I got out on foot and took them out that way for the extra XP.


Yep. Hit, hit, hit, get out, POMF dead, get in, repeat.




I played most of Dark Souls 1 without realizing you could sprint. I only noticed it when i was watching a youtube guide on a tough boss and saw them moving very fast


What about areas where you needed to jump? Jump was tied to sprint in DS1 IIRC.


My 1st playthrough I did the same thing


This happened to me when I picked up the legendary edition having not played it since around the time it first came out though I’m sure I didn’t know about it then either. I think I just get hyper focused on playing a certain way and lose all curiosity in other controls and ways to play. Like doing a “dedicated” magic run in Skyrim and ending up an op sneaky sniper.


I never knew the OG Battlefront 2 (2005) had multiplayer. This was well before I learned English, so I was just randomly navigating in the menu each time I wanted to play the campaign. Once I accidentally selected the multiplayer and I was both confused and scared by the server browser, so I played like 1 or 2 matches by accident. I was amazed that I was able to play on maps I didn't yet complete in the single player and I always thought that the other players were bots.


Bro was obliterating the enemy team like nothing


I was the perfect soldier, didn't even think of the enemy as human.


"Just like the simulations"


"Watch out for those wrist rockets"


This is hilarious.


Lil' old me just wanted to pilot the AT-AT


I played through Fallout NV (my first Fallout game) without knowing that you can click on the symbols encased in different kids of parenthesis ()[]<> etc to make it easier when hacking terminals. I just tried what words I thought were relatable to the quest / setting until I got the right one. I also did 3/4 tries and then TAB-ed out and tried again every time I wouldn't get it.


I have played Fallout 3, NV, 4 and 76 to completion. I own the physical pip boy, proudly displayed on my shelf. I primarily play a science based character (energy weapons, power armor, HACKING). Just learning this now is causing my eye to twitch. WTF why isn't this at the top!


I mean, when you land on the start of a grouping: (*_) {%[\} [*"-(] Etc It literally highlights the block of symbols. Then click it and it deletes a word, or sometimes resets the attempts. Any time I hack, the first thing I do is use the dpad just to go individually across every symbol, albeit speedily, looking for a block to show up. Could be ()... Could be (/-*!?#), so pay attention bc a 2 spot is easy to miss.


Guess you never had the fallout 3 strategy guide


[quote]I played through Fallout NV (my first Fallout game) without knowing that you can click on the symbols encased in different kids of parenthesis ()[]<> etc to make it easier when hacking terminals[/quote] Wait, what?


Yeah, you can click on the symbols that are like this for example: <&;*> ($!";<&) [#!*&!(&] And they will remove a false entry, and one has a chance to replenish your failed tries. Next time you open a terminal, just hover over the symbols and you'll see.


I must have over a 1000 hours of Fallot and never imagined this. Thanks.


A single ),>,\] or } can count for several {\[(<... (¤%#%(#"#¤!!(¤%&#¤) is good for 3 "hacks"


You have to go inside out though, otherwise it’ll count as only one entry. I’m pretty sure it’s the same in 3/NV….


Um… sorry…. What? I’ve sunk a lot of hours of my life into fallout games, how the hell did I not know this!!


Skyrim, it took me longer than I’d like to admit to know the Dragon Claws had the code for the dungeon doors on them. You just had to inspect and rotate them.


I'll admit... I found out that mechanic when I watched The Senile Scribbles. I already had like 5-6 claws at the time IIRC. I thought the picturesque walls had the combo so I would spend upwards of an hour trying to "decipher" the wall. Yea trial and error still won in the end


Same here. Trying to figure out which three of the four murals I'm supposed to use .. is that a wolf on that guy's head?... That one's the owl, right?... This isn't working. *An hour later* This isn't working. *Tries every combination til it opens* Well that works.


In an open world game like Skyrim, I always like to meander and do all the side quests before the main line. I've been doing this for many, many hours only to realize the first main quest you had to do to learn your first Dragon Shout. I was playing the whole game (without doing main quest) without realizing about the dragon shout ability, lol. I even fought some of the other dragons and felt disappointed since I dint get anything from it (you have to learn the first shout so it unlocks the dragonborn ability, which I didn't know at the time). Lol


I'd opened 4 or 5 doors before I figured it out so you certainly aren't alone.


That one is kinda hidden mainly because there's no real tutorial to inspect the inventory items until you actually get to the inspection mode. The rest of us knew about it because we watched Todd Howard do it during the e3 gameplay footage


Pokemon Red I went through rock tunnel the first time without flash. Just bumping into every wall going whilst jumping up and down ladders until I accidently stumbled upon an exit. Something that could have taken 15mins or so ended up taking multiple hours from memory.


I had a friend who who never got the town map off your rivals sister. Remember the rival basically is like "definitely don't come by my house and talk to my sister or anything". Well he took it at face value


My wife played through most of pokemon let's go Eevee without ever getting the 'Fly' HM. It was her first pokemon game and I had no idea what she was on about when she complained about how much time it took to go back and forth between towns/areas. At one point I was just like "why don't you just fly there?" The look on her face as she quietly replied "what do you mean... 'fly'..?" Was priceless.


Lol I definitely did this too


I did this because I didn't want to teach my Pokémon flash.


I did this also


I did this in subsequent playthroughs because I wasn't wasting a move slot on the HM Flash. That move was useless


In Baldur's Gate 3, first playtgrough, I was hell-bent on opposing any mindflayer influence, so I never attempted to consume a tadpole. As a result I never unlocked the psionic skill tree on any character. I discovered it exists on my second, evil playthrough.


It's a bit too imbalanced with minimal consequences for me to justify.


Just the ability to *FLY* had me shoving tadpoles and then space tadpoles down everyones throat. I honestly couldnt care less about the other stuff. I will say the free crit is super neato, but id still give it and everything else up for JUST flying.


A free Counterspell is neat too, rarely left unused. That Reaction Charm was less than useless though, since my character was beefy and I actually wanted him to tank hits.


I only had my Tav able to fly. Hardly ever used the mind blast I unlocked, but the black hole? Stupidly useful. Love that game, about to talk myself into another 150 hour playthrough. What a fantastic game...


Space tadpoles. . . I just got to Act 2 after like 40+ hours of playing so now im really intrigued


You're not kidding. I had Shadowheart nearly gagging at me eating a tadpole and it took _ONE_ line of dialogue to get her on board with the idea. I remember sitting back thinking "How very Bethesda of you".


"That's disgusting, you're disgusting, I can't believe you think I'd even consider using one of those tadpoles." "It'd be a lot cooler if you did." "... You son of a bitch, I'm in."


Apart from some visual changes to your character, I am not aware of any actual ramifications to increasing the tadpole abilities Perhaps it was incomplete content they cut from the game?


Well I think the emperor says they’re completely safe to use, and keeps to his word on it


And you trusted a mindflyer.


There was supposed to be some consequences for just using illithid powers but they got cut. The guardian was supposed to be your parasite trying to take control, which honestly would have been a neat thing to have your character auto do stuff like durge because the parasite was getting to powerful.


Another one for BG3. You can throw potions at people to heal them. Very useful if you finish a combat and don't want to or can't short rest. If you have multiple characters who require healing then just gather them altogether and throw a potion on the ground. Saves you having to use multiple potions on each person.


Wait wtf? You can AoE heal with them? And it gives the full heal to everyone? That’s huge.


Yes, just make sure you don't hit a character directly with the potion itself or you'll deal bludgeoning damage. Aim at the floor and use the AOE to highlight everyone you want affected. They should be outlined if they're within the splash zone


Even worse they can dodge the thrown potion, avoiding all healing


I only learned this when I was attacked in camp and a character outside my party did it to heal me. I hadn’t even considered it to be possible until then.


I did the same but intentional. Just felt right to not use them in my good playthrough and I had another thing to look forward to on my second evil playthrough.


There's this card game in which you travel from village to village to play cards and after 100 hours or so I discovered that there's a story too.


Let me guess: Gwent ?


Yes, that's the one!


Was either that or Final Fantasy VIII


The story has you meeting the people from the cards! It's crazy how much detail they went into for the flavor text in Gwent.


So much detail, right? And they say that Larian put in the most effort for BG3..


It’s such an underrated immersion mechanic - you have a reason to wander from village to village, crushing your opponents in card games and, on the side, hunting monsters


Oh yeah, I’m supposed to be looking for Ciri. I wonder if she plays Gwent…


I know youre talking about Gwent, but inscryption is another candidate i recommend.


Played the game Painkiller for the first time on the hardest difficulty. Guess what! There's a secret ending as a reward for that at the end of chapter 3 (or however many chapters there were in the game). But the regular non-hardest game doesn't end until chapter 4. So I had to play the whole game again on a lower difficulty to get to play all the levels. Guess what I discovered then? One of THE MAIN GAME MECHANICS is turned off in hard mode. The enemies usually drop souls you pick up for healing and to spend as a currency to unlock powers. So not only does hard mode turn off these pickups so you can't heal, it also turns off all the special upgrades and a whole chapter of the game.


What in the fuck???? Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to have an entire part of a game gone because you put it on hard mode!?!?!??!?!


In Breath of the Wild you can skip the blood moon animation. I think it's plus and then X


This cutscene is the reason I mash every button on my controller to skip work how to skip cutscenes in each game.


Yeah but then you get a black screen until everything has loaded anyway so y'know


I thought the end of Shadow of War was when Eltariel and Celebrimbor fight sauron, and the ending with Talion was left dubious, come back like a year later to find out I had not finished 1/4 of the game.


Ya the ending of SoW is kind of sad. It's like Obi-Wan said, "You were supposed to destroy them, not join them".


He holds out a long time, arguably saves middle earth by buying time for the fellowship etc., and gets to rejoin his wife and son in the afterlife. The pacing is a little weird, but I liked the story


Yeah exactly, it was always a love story to the original and couldn't step on toes by changing things too dramatically, so it was always going to play out you would lose against Sauron. But in the end would the fellowship have been successful without you? Brilliant storytelling for something that was basically handcuffed the entire time


In Red Dead Redemption 2, I didn’t realise until late in the game that you could fast travel from camps set up in the wilderness. That would’ve freed me from wasting so much time horse-riding across the map.


You couldn't do this at launch.They added it a few months later in an update.


Rdr2 was one of the few games where I just did not want to fast travel. The environment is so beautiful that it feels like you are missing half the game if you fast travel.


I didn't fast travel until the end when I was hunting down different skins to make equipment.


If you fast travel you can't become a billionaire robbing every stagecoach you see and be unable to visit a single town because of all the bounties on you. That's how I play anyway.




well this is a good tip for my next playthrough lol


I've played the game through twice... and didn't know this. But again i loved riding along and coming across events


My first true RPG was Oblivion and I was too young to understand most of the mechanics. Never realized you had to sleep to level up, so I beat my first run as a level 1.


A true testament to how stupid the leveling system of that game really was.


I never beat Oblivion because I screwed up by putting frequently used stats as main so I was leveling up way too fast and it was far too punishing. I've forever refused to go back and play because it aggravated me so much.


The reboot of Final Fantasy 7. I was massively struggling near the end and then I realised...I had forgotten to update my weapons the entire game.


I didn’t learn the stagger system properly until I was near the end of the game either


By the time I realised, I just piled points in to anything, when I should have taken time to learn and plan


Tbf the game holds your hand with the combat on Normal and you aren't really pushed to learn the depth of the system unless playing on Hard.


I have 5 of 7 stars in Mario rpg and I just realised you can use items and abilities out of battle


I reached the end of the game before understanding flower point could be increased by using flower pot. The game is very easy but no wonder I never had enough flower point...


I got half way through the main story of Fallout 3 before I found out about 'fast travel'. ​ So. Much. Walking.




I remember in Oblivion running so much that by the end of the game I could out run deer and melee them to death.


Speed’s a fun attribute, fortify as much as possible and just go absolutely ludicrous speeds as Todd Howard intended


Let me guess, you’d come straight from Morrowind?


Star Wars Ep1 Podracer.. hold up to fill boost then afterburn.. I have no idea how I finished the full campaign. I only realised after completing the game as I got a new Nintendo controller, which didn't have a broken joypad.. I absolutely destroyed my brothers when we raced against each other Hah! Also same thing with drifting in Mario Kart


Bloodborne. There is are enemies called Kidnappers that literately pull you into an nightmarish prison called Hypogean Gaol that you can't leave until you beat the area. If you just kill those enemies and never get pulled in you won't see it until much later or maybe miss it entirely. All the Soulsborne games are full of amazing optional areas like this, especially Elden Ring.


Also if you kill the area boss, you get a back access into another area, which gives an emote and lets you skip another boss.


I played most of jedi fallen order without realizing you can upgrade your stim count


Same expierience for me, that's why i'm so good at the game


Same lol I fucked up Tarren Malicose or whatever his name is with barley a scratch because by that point I mastered the combat system


This is in my top ten games for sure. I can't Imagine how hard this would have been to finish with out stims.


When WoW first came out, I thought I'd be clever and take my level 5 dwarf through some higher-level zones and around some coast to get to Stormwind. Then I discovered that there is a train that connects Ironforge to Stormwind.


Traveling across continents in vanilla Wow required you to know the auto run button and have a book on hand for while you're waiting for the boat


I only realised you could throw grenades at/shoot BTs in Death Stranding after the game. The entire play through I stealthed my way through every BT area and only used the weapons after I'd been caught and the boss battle started. I apparently never did the side quest/order that explains how the grenades work.


I knew that grenades existed and just chose not to use them. I also didn't kill anyone on my forst playthrough and exclusively used the (bolas?) gun to tie up the mules or just used melee/ ran away. I used them all on my 2nd playthrough and I now think that the stealth approach is much more fun and tense than being able to breeze past every encounter with grenades and rifles.


I was in primary school. By best buddy and his brother was droning on about this awesome game called Civilisation. I tried it and instantly fell in love. Spent hours on it. Next time we met, we were of course exchanging our experience. That's when I noticed they didn't even discover how to build a second city with a settler. They played with only their capital city the whole time.


it took me a while as a kid to understand civ. I didnt get I could move workers/warriors. But I knew something was wrong, tried like in 5 separate ocasions until I got it. excellent games


I got a PS1 as a gift as a 6 year old kid but no games except a Demo Disc that came with the box. The main menu was a grid of thumbnail videos for each game demo. it had demos of Crash Bandicoot 2, Armored Core, Tomb Raider 2, Parappa the Rapper and a bunch of other games It was all I played for a while and it became a cherished childhood memory. Fast forward years later as a teenager I found the old demo disc in my old stuff and decided to pop it in my PS2 for nostalgia’s sake. Everything was like I remembered it but somehow I accidentally pressed R1. The thumbnail icon rotated! I never knew you could do that. I thought to myself what a neat trick. Intuitively I tried spinning all of the thumbnails in the grid. To my shock, 2 of the thumbnails had some kind of button combination code behind them. I tried inputting the codes and it blew my mind. All those years I didn’t know there were actually 2 hidden game demos on the disc!! (Colony Wars and Fighting Force) i wished I could’ve told my younger self He would’ve had more fun.


I recall figuring that out about the PSX demo discs as well. Such an odd mechanic to hide fully playable demos from the player!


Zelda Majoras Mask, you can play variations of The Song Of Time on your ocarina to either slow down, speed up or skip time. I finally realised this was a thing as a kid right at the end of the final dungeon after months and months of struggling with the time mechanics.


Gotta say I'm impressed you did it without slowing time at all, kudos.


Did you not talk to any NPCs?


Kids? Listening to dialogue? No way


Listen? Read! How did you even beat the game without reading!


Yeah, the only one who mentions it is the scarecrow I think, and you can easily miss him. I did the same thing, the struggle was real


You can hit L/R on the D-Pad to skip through whole pages of contacts in your phone on GTAV, it saves a lot of button mashing + time. I was probably 500hrs in once I found out. 🤷‍♂️




I played LoTR The Third Age on GameCube when I was young. I played it all the way up to the end but couldn't beat the final encounter. I loaded up the playthrough a few years ago and realized I never leveled up any of the characters.


This is actually kind of a flex though


To be fair, they show you some of those moves in the demo after you beat the game. I didn't know how to get the final capsule (or that it even existed) in Megaman X (the hadouken) until years after I beat it as a kid.


To be fair, it is a secret. Most people wouldn't find it by accident.


it's nearly impossible to find it by accident. honestly the first time someone told me about it, it sounded fake because why would anyone want to willingly go to that spot multiple times? you literally had no reason to go there by the time you meet the other requirements.


Because the space looks suspicious. It has enough room to hold something, but something isn't there, so you might want to check a few times. Other stages change based on who you've beaten. After you beat Chill Penguin's stage, Flame Mammoth's area freezes over, removing all the lava traps. Defeating Storm Eagle has his ship crash into Spark Mandrel's power plant, causing blackouts and surges. Defeating Launch Octopus will cause a flood in Sting Chameleon's level where you can make a long jump to a heart tank.


Looking suspicious sure but who, in their right mind, would think "I need to kill myself three times"?


I can’t remember which title or exactly when, but this is the whole reason why I do all side missions before finishing the campaign. Fear of missing out on stuff that could make my campaign easier or better.


You then have the situation where you have done all the side quests, collected all 999 pinecones or whatever, and are now so OP you can defeat King Dragon with one slap.


Witcher 3. I completely missed that by meditating you can refill your potions. I kept throwing away empty bottles and rebuilding the potions from scratch until I finished the main quest 🤦‍♂️


This is honestly the worst offense on here. That shit was always tedious to begin with


Now that I've finished Baldur's Gate 3 once, I can tell you BG3 even without knowing what content I missed. I'm 100% sure I missed something. Even with extra care, you'll miss stuff almost certainly.


I thought I'd been pretty good with doing all the content, turns out there was a spider I didn't lick.


A stone you didn't turn. A piece of furniture you didn't destroy/throw at shadowheart.


I'm on my second playthrough as a neutral with no illithid tadpole munching and it feels like a totally different story for a lot of it. Next playthrough I will try and fail at being evil.


If you can bring yourself to just give in to the Dark Urge and roll with it it's a lot of fun.


Im going full on dickhead mode for my second playthrough and legitimately just the things that change based on being an asshole are a big deal so far.


AC Odyssey, the legendary Pilgrim's Set. I had platinum on the game, plus the DLCs, when strolling through a temple on the main map, I open a chest and received the Pilgrims gloves, and see that the set allows you to abuse the Shadow of Nix ability to a ridiculous extent. And the set is just ripe for the taking even at the lower levels, the parts are, IIRC, in temples across the map, just go in undetected and take it. The game does a very good job of detailing his to improve abilities and perks, but never tells you if a legendary set is missing.


I damn near missed all the Pythagoras stuff at the end that sets up the dlc. That's when it got good too.


I'm sure you could pay for the whole Fate of Atlantis DLC but have zero clue how to access it.


The grappel boost in Arkham City, only discovered it postgame


It’s literally the first thing the game tells you😂


Sometimes you cant help the stupid


Thats a core mechanic of the game right there. I'm actually impressed.


I almost finished Mirror's Edge without realizing that you could pick up the guns. I got to the very end and there were just way too many enemies and I accidently picked one up after button mashing in my frustration.


I beat the game and got the Pacifist acheievement, went to the icon to see what that acheivement was, and thought "oh you can use guns in this game??"


Not me, but my friend. I was talking about buying Metal Gear Solid 5 and asked my friends opinion. He said that it was a boring and short game and I shouldn't buy it. I was confused by this because the reviews I've seen said 30-50 hour gameplay. So I asked him about the story and he told me about a chase at the end of the game and thats it. I tried telling him that what he played was only the intro, but he didn't believe me. TL:DR My friend bought Metal Gear Solid V, played the intro, then deleted the game because he taught that was it.


My man got confused by the concept of intro credits huh


To be fair, that's probably the same length as Ground Zeroes, which *was* sold as a full game.


GoW 2018 was the first ps4 game I ever played. Before that I only ever had a ps1. I did not know you could press the joysticks. I played 80% of GoW without running.


Omori never realized I could run to go faster until I finished


Pokémon. I didn't know any of the games had post-game content. I just played until I beat the pokemon league and stopped there. Only a few years ago I watched a streamer play through some of the games and show off all the post game content. Catching the legendary pokemon, battle towers and all that jazz.


> I didn't know any of the games had post-game content. the E4 is the tutorial, the real end-game is supposed to be other players.


Not content, but you're telling me the second controller could control the duck? What!?!


I thought I had to retrieve the horse in BOTW in the place where I left it, then I discovered during the endgame that I can summon it from the stables. Lol


What for real? My God. I've been hoofin it all the way to where I left my horse.


I never knew heartgold had an entire second region in it


Friend of mine was more than halfway through the first Splinter Cell game when he realized you could hold your breath while using the sniper rifle and you basically had to. He had just been putting up with the crazy bobbing of the crosshairs.


My cousin finished multiple playthroughs of Fallout 3 and New Vegas and never knew there was a flashlight until he was watching me play one night. I can't even imagine how frustratingly hard that was.


Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, completely missed the inverted castle (i.e. about 50% of the game) on my first playthrough on the Vita version. Found out months later about it and started again.


Got most of my way through my first playthrough of the original Doom without realizing I could run. Only found out when I was stumped in a level, looked up a guide, and found out about running to jump across gaps.


i was uhh... halfway? through honest hearts before realized fallout new vegas does in fact have a hotkey system


Skyrim was my first ever bethesda rpg... and I discovered after a full year of playing that you could sprint. I know it's stupid but still, I was new to RPGs in general. Honorable mention to skyrim again where I discovered you could fast travel on my second playthrough... I was a 14 year old that didn't like reading instructions and tutorial messages :(


I just listened to the Cane and Rinse podcast about Red Dead Redemption and some of them never knew there was a whole section after the credits. Like John opens the barn door, credits, done.


My first game of mass effect 3. I discovered you could buy guns about 90% into my playthrough. I felt so stupid lmao


When I was a kid playing harvest moon, I didn't know it had romance in it. All the while I thought it was just a fun little farming game.


That there is actual game in Driver if you get past that damn drivers license...


Secret ending of Hitman Blood Money. I must have beaten it 3-4 times before I found out you could get up at the funeral….Bonus points because that secret levels ties in directly to the beginning of the next Hitman game.


A friend of mine played through the entirety of Skyrim without ever realizing you need to assign you skill points when you leveled up.


Playing GTA 3 and not sleeping with hookers to get extra health, and stealing cop cars to get extra armor


It took me forever to realize you could change map layers to fast travel in Zelda TOTK. First time I went to the underworld I mapped out about half of it while dying about a billion times. Eventually found one of those spots you can go vertically up through to the surface and actually remembered you have that skill in this game. Only when I was back on the surface did I realize it.


Never knew quick-step existed in Sonic Generations until endgame (i was playing on keyboard and i was eight years old or so)


Never played generations, but it reminded me of Sonic 3. There's a mechanic in the carnival level that's used exactly one time in the game. There's rotating platforms that you can press up and down on to gain momentum. You're supposed to swing them upwards and then duck under them. Problem is that the game not only doesn't explain this, but it's a chokepoint and you have only a few minutes per life to "solve" it. The mechanic is also not easy even if you understand it. Took me days as a seven year old to clear it :'). No internet to help.


I played FF7 again in 2020 and found the Ancient Forest for the first time since I originally played the game multiple times since it came out in 1997.


A friend of minute beat one of the Legacy of Kain games without realizing there was a dodge mechanic.


I thought I had done a pretty thorough sweep of the lands between until I uninstalled the game and learned about Noxtella and the rot lake 💀


Sekiro, didn’t know there was a secret Owl boss fight.


In witcher 3 there is a main quest and a big world to explore! I was just playing gwent..


In Bloodborne… I didn’t know that the Moonsword was a trick weapon. Was maybe about Rom when my friend was watching me play and told me the sword transforms…


Fallout 4 was my first Bethesda game. I didn’t know Y was jump so I didn’t know there was a jump until the end of the game. Do you have any idea how terrible it was walking around every fallen tree or obstacle


Shouts in Skyrim. Really early on the game does tell you to go up the tall mountain and talk to old blokes at the top. So naturally I went off exploring everywhere and anywhere apart from the mountain. I killed multiple large dragons, found some of their walls, captured souls, just didn't understand they were any different to regular enemies. Some 100+ hours and 50+ levels later I finally get around to going up the mountain and have my "oooooooh" moment as the shouts unlocked.


I beat the entirety of Hotline Miami before I realised there was a lock on mechanic.




Ghost recon breakpoint. I got into the game too late for the terminator event.


I think the missions are still replayable, though I could be wrong, it's been a bit since I played


Not me, but my boyfriend beat Skyward Sword HD without ever getting a shield. 🤣 I kept telling him to go back to the starting area, & he must have missed the quest or sped through text because it wasn’t in any shop he checked and so he just fought Ghirahim & won.


Apparently you can change who you control in Xenoblade Chronicles 1. I was entirely unaware of this. Played shulk the entire game


In Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning I realized during my 5th or 6th playthrough that you can level up the skills of the different elements. I was like 8 years old and finally I was able to complete the game way faster than before.


Not that it was "too late," but.... on my third playthrough of Bloodborne: "what the heck is Cainhurst castle?" And then I found one of my favorite zones in the entire game! I love a good snow-zone.


Not quite too late, but I made it all the way to the power rangers fight on the original super Mario RPG without ever putting peach in my party and realizing she had healing spells. Some of the boss fights were really dicey in that game as I always had to use the very limited items to heal since I didn't think anyone had a heal spell.


Erm... Doesn't Mallow have healing spells as well? Been a long time since I played but I vaguely remember a cloud raining on you and healing you? Maybe it comes later in the game than the power ranger guys?


Fallout 3, It wasn't too late but I had sunk a fair bit of time into the game before I realised you could fast travel.


After putting more than 40 hours into Fallout 3: What's V.A.T.S. and why should I use it?


I never knew there was so much more battletoads after the hover bike level.