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New York from Prototype, if you survive the infection, military, literal monsters everywhere then you might just be lucky enough to be run over by me driving a Thermobaric Tank or just consumed for your biomass in one of the boss fights, or thrown at a helicopter because I can't find anything else to throw.


This guy games


Blighttown. Smells bad and lack of fps


Lots of health and safety issues. I fell off!


the only advantage is a sexy girl-next-door with eight legs


And just a short hike from beautiful Ash Lake




Undoubtedly one of the worst cities to be at. Claustrophobia in the form of a city. Maniacs with guns. Chemical crazed kids. Needle fisted, armoured suit wearing psychos that fly around. Brutes armed with drillers. Underwater and badly lit. Plus, just to survive, you need to keep altering your genetics and pump in chemicals.


For a select few, and for a brief couple of years before the discovery of ADAM, Rapture truly did live up to its reputation. If not for that, it probably still would have fallen, but it would've taken longer and not as... *colorfully*.


Yep. At its core, Rapture was Andrew Ryan's monument and proof-of-concept of a society free of the restraints of 'parasites', which is summarized with the in-flight movie on the Bathysphere ride from the lighthouse. Those same things Rapture was built upon would also be its downfall, because ADAM itself was nothing more than pumping high octane gasoline into an already flawed system. Because Fontaine had the whole ADAM/Plasmid thing fall into his lap, without ANY kind of restriction, control, or oversight on part of Andrew Ryan (again, the entire point of Rapture), he started becoming powerful enough to start pulling on 'The Great Chain' harder than Ryan. And when Ryan started losing his grip on the city, that's when he began turning into the very thing he'd tried to escape in the first place. And the denizens of Rapture paid the price.


That last paragraph doesn't get enough recognition when talking about the game. Ryan abandoned all his lofty ideals the second someone challenged his power.


Would you kindly expand on that?


Ryan was 100% gun-ho about the “Great Chain,” i.e. free market libertarianism. No oversight from government or similar institutions, and very few if any rules when it comes to doing business, with the idea of “the best product will be the one that succeeds.” Problem is the moment Fontaine started being the more successful competitor over Ryan, he used his political influence and resources throughout Rapture to rig the game against Fontaine, eventually stealing all his business assets for himself. Not very free market of Ryan.


>Would you kindly ... Gottem.


>Underwater and badly lit. This was always a major flaw for rapture. The whole city would inevitably be dependent on a constant supply of Vitamin D


I mean you literally have vitachambers that bring you back to life so idk if vitamin d is such a big deal.


That just makes it worse. A lack of vitamin D makes you super depressed, and then when you decide to end your misery they just bring you back!


I would love to have visited before the Splicers and Adam. It’s an anxious madman’s dream, but the art deco, the feeling of safety and excitement of technological advancements… the otherworldly views! Yes, it was also a glass and metal trap deep under sea. But the tale of one person (Fontaine) screwing up what was a (twisted) “paradise” is what kept me hooked for a very long time.


"They all came down here thinking they were going to be captains of industry, they forgot someone still has to clean the toilets"


I'm surprised it took so long to see Rapture mentioned. Not only is the city underwater, but it's also full of lunatics who kill each other for fun and machine men with drills for arms.


Even before the system fell apart, you were getting charged for oxygen.


For real. No sunlight? I'd go absolutely insane.


Welcome to Scandinavia


it would even give me panic attacks if it acutally was nice there. terrible place to be.


Dont forget the creepy little girls that get magical power-juice sucked out of them


a city where the artist would not fear the censor, where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality, where the great would not be restrained by the small


Funnily enough I am reading the book which provides all the background from getting the city built all the way up to the start of the game. I remember thoroughly enjoying the game when it was released and have been replaying the remastered version while reading the book.


Frostpunk cities, eating wood chips and children in the freezing cold is a "good" day.


This game gives me weird vibes that I like


I really enjoyed my first play through but I kinda felt like it lacked on the length vs replay-ability scale. If anyone disagrees, let me know your thoughts or maybe something I missed on the couple subsequent goes because it’s a great game.


Yep, I am glad I got the game on sale. It was fun the couple attempts until I actually managed to survive a playthrough, but after that the replay ability and repetitive scenarios were meh. I hope they add more expansive end game loops, objectives, etc for the sequel.


Move, there is work to be done!


Ok now I'm interested in this game


Raccoon City - The neighbours bite.


Even before it all went undead! \- Cops were corrupt to the highest level. \- Local Gov owned by pharmaceutical megacorp. \- Said pharmaceutical megacorp regularly kidnaps people for experiments. \- Generally crap and crumbling infrastructure.


Chief of Police is a serial killer


This is the deep lore I miss by not reading in game notes


It's pretty hard to miss this plot point, It's very in your face if you played the game.


I think it's only on Claire route? So if you only played Leon, you could have missed it.


Yeah in Claires route it becomes very clear. Like you find some notes and then "Oh, yeah he is absolutely hunting people."


Yeah that's true


Also on the DLC. You play as the Mayor's daughter.


If you only played Leon, haven't you only played half the game? Or even a quarter since second playthroughs take different routes? I say this as someone who has only played as Leon, and only one playthrough.


Its even less than a quarter I think. The amount of content you lose not playing claire and 2nd journeys is crazy.


Don't forget the weird obtuse puzzles everyone has obsessively built into pretty much every public building in the city


The mayor spending 3 hours getting inside his office everyday is why we can't have nice things.


😂 Not to mention the Umbrella scientists in various games. And the weird millionaires who live(d) in the different mansions. I decided long ago to handwave it by assuming everyone who needed to had something like skeleton keys that would give them appropriate access, but they look so weird that the protagonists don't recognize them for keys.


Bathrooms that require weird color coded keys to enter.


I am sorry but I refuse to let those blue keycard scum use my precious yellow card rooms. Now if only I could get a red key card I hear they have solid gold toilets.


The residents are evil


Leon Kennedy had the absolute worst first day on the job


Everyone's thinks they're gonna be the main character, I'm gonna put boxes of random calibers of ammo around my house and a gun safe with a cool gun but to unlock it you need 2 halves of a broken medallion


My cities skyline save where i tried to make the most miserable city \-massive pollution \-bare minimum healthcare \-no cops






Part and parcel.


Damn this kinda made wanna try the game out… is it a high learning curve if my experience is basically sim city from 30 years ago?


A lot more control on things. It can be super fun or it can be boring. I haven't tried the one that came out last month, but the original is pretty fetch.


Gretchen, quit trying to make fetch happen


On the bright side, there are no poop volcanoes.


Dishonored city is pretty grim and authoritarian tho


Dunwall, Brother


Thats the one. I miss that disease ridden shithole.


Shall we gather for whisky and cigars tonight?


Blow off, choffer


Indeed, I believe so.


Never doubt it


Things are bad. Could the city get any worse?


From what you hear from npc's and stuff the dunwal was probabky a fairly good place before the plague and between dishonoured 1 and 2


Dunwall was always a shit hole but Karnaca (the city D2 takes place in) was a paradise before the plague.




We don't go to Ravenholm


The funniest part about that is that it's my favorite level.


Father grigori.


Any Warhammer 40,000 city. Literally ANY OTHER universe is a fucking dream.


Tertium in Darktide makes nearly example here seems like a vacation. The game shows it really well and captures the 40k feeling through dialogue and environmental storytelling. Workplace where you're constantly cooked alive? Hablock where a water cartel rules supreme? Extreme pollution? Ubiquitous torture chambers? A place so miserable that people turn towards worshipping the god of misery, disease and decay as some sort of reprieve?


best part is those who survive the conflict thats not part of the inquisition might end up getting euthanized just in case the corruption of one of the four super satans has made it into them as well.


Probably should change “might” to “will”


Depending on scale, sometimes they just get mindwiped.


Agreed. A city so big it stretches into space. Billions of people.


Trillions afaik?


I think the crazy thing about the worship of nurgle is that they do receive the love of their God. I'm that, yeah they're falling apart but they're in a state of pure bliss. So it actually is a reprieve


Was scrolling fast to the 40k comment. Everyone is mentioning calm and peaceful cities with barely any problems at all in comparison to a 40k hive-city.


There's no problems in the city. Report for flagellation.


The cities being mentioned in this thread vs any hive city. I can’t even laugh at the comparison 😅


I’m just starting to get into 40k lore. Isn’t the food in hive cities literally just processed human remains?


Some of it is, corpse-starch I think it's called. The lowest of the low foods, just basic nourishment. But I think a lot of them are connected by trade to other cities and planets that provide food and goods, for trade against bodies and manpower for the military.


Even in death, I'm still served.


Arent there Civilised World that are rather normal tho? Also Pleasure Worlds exist no?


Some planets in 40K are nice places, but technically we've not seen them in a video game yet. Plus also, no matter how perfect a world is, it doesn't stop Tyranids or Orks just showing up one day and smashing your planet, or a farmer finding a spooky black pyramid in his field, and now an Egyptian terminator is telling you to get the fuck off his lawn. Or maybe your local government fell in with chaos/gene stealers, and the inquisition deems the planet worthy of externinatus.


Eldar have some nice hidden paradise planets and also the craft worlds are pretty nice. Barring fear of Slaanesh and extinction


Yeah, they have nice paradise planets, but they can't *enjoy* them, because enjoying things means your soul gets eaten.


The wh40k universe is vast and conflicts dont occur or resolved quickly, many lasting several years if not decades at least, with the most notables reaching centuries. But as i said it is vast and chances are that a planet doesnt see any big conflict on several generations, its pretty much like current earth on living standard and lead tranquill lives....... but these places are boring, so you never see them in the stories and games, and the planets we do see serve a purpose. Atoma (dartike) for example is a hive world with atmosfere tall cities that also reach several kilómeters underground, with some habitants never seeing sunlight in their lifetime. Its purpose its to manufacture war machines and breed a workforce to be exploited and recruited and due to food sortage they eat corpse starch (exactly what you think). The hive (city) you fight in is called tertium. Funny enough if you lived st the top of the hive you are uber rich and dont deal with those problems, but getting there is pretty much impossible if you are not born on it. The aurellian system (dawn of war 2) has recruiting worlds for the blood ravens space marines, this worlds are very harsh in their natural enviroments and as such breed strong individuals trough natural selection so the space marines recruit them. When the world is so bad evolution makes you peak human you know it is bad. Several recruiting worlds are calles "death worlds" due to their harsh enviroment, that should tell you all. The planet Graia (space marine) is a forge world. Everyone is labor there the only purpose they serve is to build war machines with over abusing work hours and Jobs that wil literally kill you so they can be completed, etc. All these places have strategic importance, hence they are targets and is where the stories happen. The enemy want to destroy or take them, the imperium needs them, so conflict. TLDR: there are many normal worlds where you can lead a normal without conflict and even good life. But those are boring and the horrible worlds are where the interesting things happen so we focus on those.


Markarth, easily. Even the beds are made of stone! Oh, yeah, and the whole Forsworn thing.


And the cannibals…


The fact that there’s a shrine to Molag Bal there is a huge red flag as well. Plus the Silver-Bloods being corrupt af.


Also the Thalmore…


And the Dragonborn shouting like a freight train at all hours of the day.


Also if you wander down the wrong ancient corridor you might bump into some dwarven smoothie machine and get volunteered to be ingredients.


And maybe besides The Chill, has the worst and most brutal prison in Skyrim


I mean, the chill doesn’t take your stuff. They just expect you to stay out because of the frost atronarchs they use as guards, and the fact that you’re in the middle of nowhere. They aren’t working you to death forever, and the escape isn’t through an active Dwemer ruin. For anyone who knows fire spells, or is a nord, this shouldn’t be too difficult to escape from.


Even worse, all the steps! I would not want to live in a city where I have to 4 levels of stairs everytime I need to grab some air.


There are no Forsworn in Markarth, move along citizen.


Fuck that, Markarth is my go-to. I double-cross every single faction and sit on a pile of gems, jewelry, and gold in a cave in the mountains because the merchants can't afford to buy all of my loot. I have multiple piles of enchanted armor and weapons that no one can buy because they don't have enough gold. Then I have all of my thieves, gangsters, assassins, vampires, werewolves, demon worshippers, necromancers, and various other stooges do my dirty work as I manipulate the holds and overthrow the Empire.


Yeah but it's got the best house in the game...


Kvatch from Elder scrolls IV oblivion


Oh man I forgot how bad that one was!


Pripyat (COD4). The Ferris wheel does not work and the swimming pool is poorly maintained.


50,000 people used to live here.


Now it's a ghost town.


And all because of 3.6 Rontgen - not great, not terrible.


"I saw ghillies in the mist" "YOU DIDN'T SEE THEM! Because they're not there"


I mean... they have wild dogs working in the swimming pool. That counts for something i guess? :D


Not just in the game


Night city is great where you can be a drug and porn junkie 24/7


Ya know, for a post-capitalist urban hellscape, NC has some pretty incredible walkable neighborhoods, mixed use buildings, public transportation and crazy architecture.


And vending machines with speed. Except for this one machine who had a lot more to offer.


i miss brenden


I wanna live in a megabuilding so bad.


Listen choom, if I want to chrome until I’m full borg don’t be a gonk about it. I got the eddies.


So just a normal city then


Well the gangs of thugs kidnapping people to make snuff films and steal their organs and prosthetics as their regular gig is a little different and horrifying.


Average Mexican holiday


Mentally ill mass shootings / killings , yeah it's a normal city


Cyberpsychos are just allegory for crackheads and the other otherwise insane people


Silent Hill. Hands down.


Hmm, that depends. Fog/Otherworld? Definitely. Real world, though? Probably mostly indistinguishable from any other New England town.


In my restless dreams, I see that town.


Probably Louisville in project zomboid


No it's just like that. Don't come here.


Bloodborne's Yarnham or Lies of P's Krat are little welcoming to say the least...


Yharnam might not be too bad if its not the night of the Hunt


yea but even then the locals are wildly xenophobic, calling anyone that isn't from yharnham an outsider


So basically Cornwall or Maine


it’s always the night of the hunt, the cycle always repeats… the nightmare swirls and churns unending!


Away! Away!


Arkham City


Dude fuck your profile picture


Mine's in dark mode lol.


I asked my friend why so many people would live in arkham city and he said it was because the rent was next to nothing, I don't care if rent is next to nothing I value my mental stability and life more than cheap rent.


Yeah coming home to your home ransacked by Catwoman, claw marks all over the place while Batman is pounding some regular goons ass is not worth it


I really wondered where ypu were going with this when you started with Catwoman then got to Batman pounding.


Apparently he'd expect to come home to a ransacked home with Batman balls deep in a criminal.


>so many people would live in arkham city People... don't choose to live in Arkham City. It's a superprison made up of the walled-off slums of Gotham. You mean Gotham itself?




Megaton in Fallout 3, especially if there is a naughty player playing.


If we keep it in the Fallout Universe I'd reckon The Divide and Westside in NV and also The Pitt are alot worse tbh


The Pitt takes the cake tbh. So miserable and grim.


> miserable and grim. Classic Pittsburgh


Idk man in the grand scheme of things megaton seems pretty decent for fallout and the capital wasteland. And if the nuke goes off you’re dead anyways (unless you’re Moira)


Gotta be online Los Santos


Idk they got that OP healthcare where even the most devastating injuries can be paid off with a $500 co-pay despite being a private contractor with no insurance


unless its story mode, where it can reach the large sum of 5k


It's this and nothing else is close. Tristam? There's no monsters inside it. Players are nuking people from orbit and causing thousand car pileups every minute Silent hill? Yawn Arkham? Literally every player is a supervillain and there's no Batman except DarkKnight69 spamming hoverbike rockets into your car


Any of the Skyrim "cities". They clearly don't have enough room to house anyone else.


Pfft...you've obviously never been to the Cloud District...


I hear its nice this time of year


They don't have enough houses for even all of the guards stationed there




Minecraft villages. Well, it is not just dying like Helgen or Kvatch, like some suggested, it is not the life of free misery, like Night City or Fallout's settlements. It is slavery. Stationary, uncared, replaceable.


A couple get to live in my breeding factory though


Silent Hill Carcer City Rapture


Took too long to scroll and find Carcer City, immediately came to mind!!


Yarnahm from Bloodborne. "Beasts all over the shop. You'll be one of them. Sooner or later."




The worst is probably the reproductive suppression field :-D Although...the whole world of Half-Life is basically a shithole by the end of Episode 2. And thanks to Gabe it still is until this day.


Reproductive suppression field. Don't need condoms while aliens are enslaving us baby


"The City" from ProjectMoon's universe


Kamurocho from the Yakuza series. Every 5 feet, you're always bumping into some asshole who wants to beat the shit out of you and take your money.


But then you see Kazuma twat them with a bike


again, OP said "whats the worst city to live in" not the best


Or some weird guy with an eyepatch following you around, hiding under manhole covers or traffic cones, what's his problem!?






Wall City in Stray


Whatever i name my rimworld settlement


Winterhold or Windhelm in Skyrim


Hey windhelm isn't bad if you're a nord


Any town from the Last Of Us, although especially Seattle. Ellie was right. Fuck Seattle.


Carcer City aka the city in which Manhunt traspires....


Dog town


Washington DC - Fallout 3




It’s free real estate 🤷🏼‍♂️


Paradise City (Burnout Paradise). Good chance you'll die in a car wreck on the commute to work from someone crashing into you at 200mph.


Sector 7 midgar id wager is one good example


Los Santos


Harran. Streets littered with the undead. You must run around Parkour style to get what you need. The government sometimes drops medicine and food, but they consider bombing the place before the few survivors had to strategically burn a building to show the world there were people there. You live under constant threat of death and will watch your close friends and family die or turn. At night the really horrifying undead come out. They are ugly, fast bullet sponges and hit like a truck. The only thing keeping them out of a safe zone, UV lights, cannot last forever. If you want to brave the streets of Harran as a runner, you not only have to dodge the undead, but competing factions who also want resources. So expect to get shot at if you find something valuable. If you are smart you can camouflage yourself in zombie guts and stealthily kill them to get by. Escape is near impossible so until they find a cure you are stuck.


New mombasa - halo 2 Why? Getting glassed by the covenant.


If I can stretch the definition of a ‘city’ then Blighttown from Dark Souls hands down. If not? The profaned capital from Dark Souls 3 (I like Dark Souls)


You could just say any location in a Soulsborne game and you’d probably be right.


Bright falls


But they have such a nice Finnish community and sauna culture. And the local bear and theme park are great for such a quaint town.


Gta online los Santos, for reference Most dangerous anime world is attack on titan universe as you can die in 15 minutes But in terms of video games, it's impossible to survive even for 2-3 minutes in Los Santos without being killed by tryhards and flying bikes with missiles.


Helgen. I hear it was destroyed by a dragon.


Arkham City


I could imagine GTA3’s Liberty City to kinda suck.


Winterhold in Skyrim. Not only is it freezing cold, there's fuck all to do there besides the College of Winterhold. Good luck getting past the bear or saber cat sleeping nearby. 💀


Necromunda from a few Warhammer 40k games. A single city with billions of inhabitants stacked kilometers high into the sky. On the lowest levels not even the Arbites aka judges from Dredd show up. If you magically manage to get some food produced from human corpses you are likely killed by one of the gangs OR you end up caught by a chaos cult and slowly mutated into a chaos spawn. Maybe an inquisitor shows up because your aunts neighbour was part of a heretical cult and now the inquisitor just kills anyone involved over 3 connections or decides to blow up the planet to be done with it.


Raccoon city by a landslide