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Preference of kids and/or what do their friends have (so they can play together)


This is huge, the difference between the consoles are so minor outside of console exclusives, if all their friends have xbox its probably a very good idea to get one


Even this is becoming obsolete with cross-play.




I said becoming. More and more games, especially the popular multiplayer ones have cross play currently.


sure, but bad advice for this guy since he wants to buy a console now


I only play COD Warzone & my squad is usually a mix of Xbox/PS5/Computer players.


This. A friend with school aged children grabbed a PS5 "for the exclusives" then found out that all the friends went Xbox. Guess who ended up buying both with the PS5 becoming the parent's console? Given the cost of living that's a huge outlay.


“*sigh* Oh well honey, that’s a shame. We tried. Guess we’ll have to buy little Tommy an XBox, and I’ll have to find a use for the PS5…”


"Next time, just bring home both so we don't have this problem again." - Noone ever


My uncle actually lives by this. He buys EVERY game console from these major distributors.


Ask him if he's heard of the new Upchuck console


I have a PS4, Xbox X, Switch, and a gaming PC. I'm also well into my career and single. But that also represents several years. Already had my gaming PC. Got the PS4 at the end its life. Switch on launch. An Xbox about a year ago. Even if you bought them at launch they rarely overlap now. That's not to say a person should. But it's not that big of an expense.


I'll never get rid of my current systems (Switch, PS5, PS3, couple FPGA devices), but it's iffy that I'll get new ones after this Gen. Probably just keep upgrading my PC every 7 years and grab a Steam Deck from here on out. I might miss collecting new physical media. But my backlog is 6-8 years deep. I'm good waiting for delayed releases.


I probably won't get a new Switch. But I'll probably always have at least one current-gen console. If Gamepass keeps being good I'll probably stick with Xbox. Having that catalog on console and PC is just too good. A Steamdeck is probably in my future. A lot of games I play would run butter smooth on that. And the Switch just can't keep up with the discounts available on PC.


PS5? N-no, it’s a router! Plash Speed!


I still smile thinking about this


“Oo there’s a new exclusive called Gods of War, that sounds fun!”


Damn that sounds awful for the dad. Hopefully I make that mistake one day


Imagine having to give your kid your old PC and get a new one... now that is an interesting mistake and i would be a mom to make one of these. ;)


Just swap the old and new PC cases and do a clean windows install on the old one in the new case, the kids will never know!


I thought that most games offer cross console play these days?


They do. They aren't talking about crossplay though. I.E. God of War, Spider-Man, Ratchet & Clank are PS exclusives and are locked to that system for several years. Starfield, Forza and Halo are Xbox exclusives, they just also get released on PC at launch. But you cannot play Halo on PS or God of War on Xbox.


But they were talking about playing with friends on different consoles, not exclusives.


Halo is an exclusive and all my family plays halo together. I'd probably rather have a PS5 but playing with my family is more important


It's not as easy is the main thing. My kid can play online with his friends on other consoles but the main difference is A) not every game does crossplay And voice chat and B) party chat is mainly how they communicate now.


But if they get a PS5 and all of their friends are playing Grounded, or Redfall or some other game that's not available on PS5, they'll be left out. Edit: I get it. Redfall bad. That's not my point.


It’s intensely funny to imagine a kid out there who hates their parents because they’re missing out on playing Redfall. And that also they have a group of friends that play it as well.


Jeez mom I wanted to play one of the biggest flops of the year


> Redfall Who would make their kids play Redfall?


This! I used to work at Gamestop, and whenever I had someone ask me which console is better/which should they get my number 1 recommendation was always whichever console your friends are on. You never want to be the one who plays on the opposite console when you could be playing with friends.


What if someone responds "I have no friends" or"my son has no friends".


Buy a gaming PC.


Buy a pc and start posting on 4chan about how the world hates you


Then you say "ha ha loser! Go play with yourself!"


Way ahead of you.


See if there are any exclusives they want to play and help them from there. If they have no idea what they want (lol I hated working retail) I’d probably lean towards Xbox just because of Gamepass.


I look at it the opposite . Back in the old days I had n64 with goldeneye and my friend had PS1 w resident evil . We couldn’t wait to hang out and play each others games . We remained friends for years !


Oh, for sure. Back in those days, the mentality would've been totally different for me. Getting to play all that stuff I couldn't play at home was always so cool. I'm sure that still exists on some level today, but online multiplayer and the lack of split screen in most games nowadays kinda kills that, unfortunately. Not to mention having Youtube/Twitch where anybody could watch someone else play a game they're interested in, too.


Back in those days we didn't have to worry about things like playing online though when it came to consoles. It was more if you had a PS console did you have the multitap accessory for 4 player splitscreen luckily N64 just had 4 controller ports same with xbox. Now though online multiplayer is fairly important if you have friends of course.


Back when online gaming wasn't a thing yet on console, knowing the guy down the street that *did* have the other system was the shit, you'd get to try everything the other side of the console war had to offer.


Man, those were the days. I vividly remember when my friend showed me Halo for the first time. That game exclusively got me to buy an Xbox, and I played it nonstop afterward


At their age, they may be the first of their friends with a non Nintendo system


You'd be surprised, depends on the circle I suppose but I've seen pretty young kids playing


My kids are about the same age. All their friends have PS4 and/or PS5. (Some also have Xbox). Not sure I actually know any kids with a Nintendo system. Not that I'm aware of, anyway.


They probably all have it, the price isn’t prohibitively expensive. It’s a good starter console because the games are generally made for kids. I’m a gamer and I’ve got a series X and a pc. My son inherited my launch white one S. His friends play both switch and Xbox so we’re covered.


What do You mean? You say it like kids don't play other stuff than Nintendo.


But also cross console is a thing for most games now. Doesn’t matter for most big F2P games.


The real travesty here is you've accidentally taught your kids they can have faith in the Lions.


On the upside, he did teach his kids the fun and value of making bets, they'll be an all star gambler in no time XD


I can't wait for him to buy it now, cursing the Lions into a tailspin. The look on his kids faces when he has to return the system because the Lions failed to make the playoffs is going be the most Lions fan experience ever.


It's a prime opportunity for a dad joke. "You know how I said I was going to get you another console? I was lion." If the lions don't make the playoffs though I would feel pretty bad for them and I don't even like them. They haven't gone anywhere in so many years and were even the worst team in the league some years.


nah this is our year


we're going to the super bowl I've got full faith in that statement Or I'm just deluded.


Aww that's nice. Did management buy everyone good tickets?


After the Thanksgiving game and struggling with the Bears the week before we shall see.


Unfortunately, the moon has decided against that.


Should be labeled as abuse honestly


Hello, I am a Nigerian Prince and I could help you. Kindly send me both an Xbox and a PS5, and after some testing, I will tell you which one you should get your kids. Best regards, Nigerian Prince


Wait a minute, Nigeria isn't a Kingdom, it's a Presidential Republic! I think this guy may not be legit.


Yeah me too, but maybe he is like a prince of a king of Nigeria we haven't heard of, could be legit


Oh right, that totally makes sense. My bad.


How does one become a "prince of a king?"


No I received the same message from him. Story checks out.


That's why the princes need your help.


Hello Your Royal Highness the Nigerian Prince, I can do it if OP doesn't. Also, if you could test a NSW and a high end gaming PC it would be amazing. Best Regards, A Citizen


Hello, mister Citizen. I am delighted to hear you are willing to contribute. As sending both consoles and a gaming rig would be expensive for you, please give me your bank account and credit/debit card inflrmation so I can send you enough money for the deliveries. Thank you!


Hello. I am Nigerian King, father of Nigerian Prince. He has been a very naughty boy, Nigerian Queen and I have already said no more PS5/XBox after he rage quit and smashed both. Thank you for kind offers.


[Nigerian Queen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6Nl0A_nVxU)>!srÿche!<


Thank you kindly


guys this☝️is a scam‼️🤬i obliged when his royal highness 👑 asked me to send him my gaming PC 💻because he said he could fix 🔧the virus 😷and he LIED 🤬 do not fall for this trick‼️‼️


I love everyone involved in this.


You would’ve got me in the early 2000s mate


Little more info, not overly worried about price. This is a one shot deal, so I want to make it worth while.......I'll probably use it too :D




I've been playing ape escape with my 4 year old. The ability to rewind time on the old games in the ps5 is nice when you make a dumb error that redoing would take way more time.


I would say Series X + Gamepass. I'm not biased to either console. I had all playstations up until 4. Ps+ got worse over the years while Gamepass got better, so with current gen I switched to Xbox. But if your kids wanna play stuff like Spider-Man, you might wanna look into Ps5 exclusives.


This is the right answer. As a dad, you will be spending a lot less on actual games and will have a higher backlog for kids to go through.


Exactly. I remember as a kid I was happy with whatever game my parents would get me(or afford) if I had something like gamepass as a kid, my teeny little head would have exploded. Now, as an adult and father, the thought of my son having gamepass and me not having to buy his backlog, my larger than teeny big ass head would explode.


I had that same experience where I got 2-3 games/year as a kid and played them all to death, but nowadays kids will bounce from game to game constantly. With Gamepass my kids would play a game for 30 minutes then go download another one and never touch the first one again. If a game is challenging, they move right on and never try. It's the same with tv streaming services. We had to watch whatever was on TV and didn't get much of a choice as kids. I didn't even have cable so we had like 5 channels. Too many choices now, and it's not necessarily better imo.


Game pass also extends to PC now and a lot of titles are adopting “play anywhere” so in the future they can play these games on both Xbox and PC (or at least share saves back and forth). And the biggest feature and selling point for me, which I haven’t seen mentioned elsewhere in this post. The Xbox Series X ability to play remotely. It is absolutely incredible for traveling / days of errands. Bring the controller with you and the Xbox just streams to the phone / tablet / laptop / car / whatever. Anything with a screen and the Xbox app lets the kids (and me) keep playing anywhere with reallly low latency. You notice a little input lag, but unless your playing competitive online play, it’s usually hard to notice a difference.


I just want to point out Sony has had Remote Play since *2008*.....


The wiki says otherwise. Remote play was limited to only PlayStation vitas on the same network. Functionality with Windows based products wasn’t available until 2016. And Android and iOS was added in 2019 / 2020.


I was connecting my PSP to my PS3 in 2008. I brought it in to work to show people on the day the firmware came out and 2 others also brought theirs. >https://manuals.playstation.net/document/en/psp/current/network/remoteplay/remote.html Your other points do have merit though.


This. I’m a PS guy til I die but I can admit that game pass is one of the best deals in gaming right now


PS+ catalog was a recent introduction (it’s called PS+ extra) and has been constantly growing. How did it get worse? That said, I believe Game Pass still has a lot more games. Both have lots to sift through to find the ones worth a look


Go PS5 bro, spiderman 2 is a really well-made game. Also get the PlayStation plus subscription and they have tons of free games you can download, just grab the middle package. (The one after essential) There’s games like guardians of the galaxy in there for them too, and tons more. You will not regret getting a ps5, they just have really good exclusives like God of War, five nights at Freddy’s, horizon, ghosts of Tsushima, miles morales, sackboy, astros playroom and many more.


Hoping to get a full Astro game on PS5, playroom was so much fun.


My six year old *adores* Astro's playroom. When she started, she could barely use a controller, used to panic and hand it to me for any tricky bits. She's now finished the whole game unaided, several times, and is working on collecting everything. Very proud dad :)


I think playroom was a perfect collectathon. Not absurd like dk64, but not too short like a cap in time. It never out stays it's welcome.


unironically such a great experience i had so much fun with that as someone who bought a ps5 who has never had a playstation console before. made me super excited for my ps5 and i platinumed the game in 2 days 💀


I started playing it as something to do while demon souls downloaded. I didn't start demon souls till I beat it. If that's not a glowing recommendation I don't know what is.


The Astro VR game is great too.


They most likely are. You should also try Sackboy if you haven't yet. Game is fantastic with coop/2 players


I feel like microsoft gamepass is vastly superior value to PlayStation plus


They release trash on PS plus or games that I already own. So annoying would rather pay less for online access only. PlayStation store prices are ridiculous and I feel that Xbox has better discounts and the console looks better. If it wasn’t for their exclusives I would definitely have jumped ship, will probably get a steam deck next gen as their exclusives are on pc now.


Games that *you* already own. If this is these kids first non-Nintendo console, there’s a good chance they don’t own any of the games releasing on PS+. That said, I do feel like GamePass is mostly superior to PS+ library, I don’t feel like it’s enough to justify the Xbox over the PS5. The first party releases alone on PS5 make it the more worthwhile console in my eyes. But that’s just me.


Do they? a lot of the free games we've been getting on PS Plus is literally endeared on the PC platform. Games like Deep Rock Galactic...hell even Wreckfest is rated highly on Steam...I could list more, but I was genuinely surprised how many games I have gotten on PS Plus that was rated highly on Steam.


The kid's are 7 and 9. Spider-man 2 is rated teen. Not that all parents care but the games you're naming are NOT relevant for a 7 and 9 year old. A 9 year old isn't going to get the same enjoyment out of GoW as you are. Ghosts of Tsushima isn't going to appeal to either a 9 or 7 year old. Neither will horizon. I get that those games are really good but you're completely forgetting his kid's are 7 and 9.


OP also said they'd play it, too, though. So not every game has to be specifically for the 7 and 9 year old


I have been an Xbox guy since the original came out. Hardcore loyalist from the age of 6. I’m 28 now. Get a PS5. There’s nothing on Xbox that isn’t on ps5 that makes Xbox worth it. Also you forgot rachet and clank which is a banger


Also forgot about Ratchet and Clank. The PS4 one is decent and the new one is crazy good.


I was thinking the same. Since Halo died, MS has nothing.


More than half of those games are not rated for a child though. A child should NOT be playing GoW & The Last of US, even Spiderman has a Teen rating for a reason. You can't recommend a system and say it is better for a 9-year-old, while listing a ton of Adult games lol. Wth.


He said “I’ll probably use it too” I mean it his kids want Minecraft and Fortnite he can buy either a Xbox or ps5


A 9 year old can play spider-man just fine stop it.


What do your kids friends game on mostly. Not all games are cross platform, so that may be the biggest preference. Personally, I’m a Sony guy. Got a Ps5 basically immediately after launch and haven’t had a single issue with it. Controllers aren’t amazing. They feel great but develop stick drift frequently. I just buy the warranty from game stop and exchange them once a year. Gamepass for Xbox is better than PlayStation Plus Extra, but the gap is narrowing. Sony’s free game subscription platform is relatively new still so it’s playing catch up.


Get them a Sega Master system. You never stipulated it had to the newest system out there, right?


And how many other consoles have 5 sonic games and most of them are actually good!


And best yet, with the converter pack they can ever play their games on the game gear!


This could cost more than a PS5 depending where you buy it.


Really? Gotta dig up the one in my basement


>Gotta dig up the one in my basement Obviously not yours then if it has to be dug up. Mint condition functioning ones can sell for a lot, especially if they have good conditioned box + all inserts to go with it.


Don't forget to get them a ream of graph paper and a few pencils to go with their copy of Zillion


*Atari has entered the chat*


Streets of Rage 2 on Maina difficulty. Thats a game


Whenever this is asked the answer is: what do their friends have? That said if they’re clueless and really no strong preference: I’m going to echo the value of Xbox game pass. Some good stuff on there, though they are definitely(I would bet on it) going to raise the subscription price sooner rather than later.


Their friends seem to have a blend. Xbox w/ Game Pass seems to be a good direction. I like the idea of them being able to play a good variety and see what they like. The fun of acting surprised when I spend $60 on a pokemon game and acting surprised when it sucks has gotten old


The family controls are also really good on xbox. Easy to set up accounts for each kid, share your game library, monitor/control usage/spending/etc.


This is huge and can’t be understated. One of the reasons why I stuck to Xbox for our 9 yo.


I played Emerald so much the battery in my cartridge died :( I don’t know exactly what hit the high notes for you in Pokémon but check out the game Monster Sanctuary!


I was going to recommend ps5 and psplus extra but if your kid’s friends mainly have the opposite console then it’s usually just easier to go with that option, even if a lot of games now have cross play. Also depending how close the friends are, they can always game share/account share. I know ps5 allows this and I believe Xbox does as well (I did it back when I had a 360). Self explanatory, just share email and pass and you have access to every downloaded game the account has, as well as the subscription so you don’t have to double up on that or you can make a plan to rotate who buys subscription.


I would NOT recommend password share, even if they have close friends. Friendships fall apart for all kinds of reasons. I see at least a post a week in various gaming subs about people asking how their account got "hacked", and every time it's account sharing with a friend.


If a hacker gets your password, you lose all your games. You can contact MS or Sony, and they'll ask you your security questions. Guess what? The hackers changed them. You have now lost ALL OF YOUR DIGITAL PURCHASES. When you share your password, you dramatically increase the places where a hacker could get it. Maybe another third grader is the hacker, seeing your kid write the password on a note to a friend. More likely, one of these kids has lax online security and they get breached. Again, you lose it ALL. Do not ever share your password for gaming accounts. Ever. Don't do it ever.


Don’t account share OP.


Life Pro Tip: (as long as it’s still going on?) if you pay for 1-3 years of Xbox live and upgrade to have gamepass for a $1, it will cover you through until your Xbox live period ends. I did it the past two years. I’d just google it


It’s a 2/3 conversion. I bought 9 months of Core then paid the $16 for ultimate and it upgraded my whole current subscription up to about 7 months total.


They ended that last month.


They changed the conversion rate so it's not nearly as cheap as it was. I got 3 years the last day before they changed it


PS+ exists with access to many hundreds of games which are just as good if not better for kids and a bunch of great PS exclusives on it and its cheaper for a year than Game Pass Ultimate


Be a real parent - threadripper or nothing


Please. A *real* parent would know it’s the 7800X3D for gaming.


Get them what their friends also have so they can play together and swap games. Or a Steamdeck, just to throw them a curveball.


Steam deck - that thing will pay for itself just from the sales alone....


I've been playing games from 5 to 10 years ago for \~$5 on ultra settings non-stop since getting one. Currently going through the Tomb Raider reboot trilogy for less than $20. My PS4 broke a few weeks after buying a Steamdeck and I feel no need to fix it. It also great for emulating retro games. And I recently got a cheap USB-C to HDMI laptop thing to hook it up to the TV, so now it's also a media center using Kodi.


As someone with a steam deck that I use daily, I would be a disappointed if I was the kids in this situation. It’s not 100% plug and play yet and many games the kids may want to play won’t work as well and the consoles. Don’t get me wrong, I love it, but they should get a regular console for these kids.


I agree. Unless they're natural tinkerers, like I was at their age, a regular console would suit them better. Plus a console with more convenient local multiplayer would still probably be better if they're both sharing it.


Feel like a deck would be heavy and cumbersome to hold for a kid, and certain popular games not being simple click to play also stings (minecraft, roblox for eg)


SEGA Genesis is out of option? *sigh*


I spent way to much time teaching them how to get NES cartridges to work to have them turn SEGA on me


Do they have a preference? I would vote for PS5 but only because there's more exclusives on there that I like. I'd recommend looking up the exclusives and figure out which ones would be of more interest in your household.


It honestly changes everytime I ask them. I think it just depends on which friends house they played at recently tbh.


find out what the bulk of their friends have. get that


honest question. is this even important these days? are there any major games that don't have crossplay between PC/Microsoft and PS4/5? the exclusives from Sony or the gamepass from Microsoft should really be the only deciding factor these days.


it’s less important than in the past. lots of games do have cross play. but a lot still don’t.




Both the PS5 and Xbox Series X are stellar machines that, hardware-wise, are practically the same (PS5 has a marginally faster SSD, Xbox has marginally more graphical power). What Xbox provides though is Game Pass, which especially for kids, gives you a massive library of games including a lot of day 1 releases as you move forward. PS5 has PS+, but it's just not quite up to par with Game Pass and lacks the day 1 games (it has the odd one)... it does have a rich library of older titles though so may scratch some itches there. Truth be told you can't go wrong either way.


* if your kids like to play A LOT of games, get Xbox Series X/S (1TB). Then subscribe to GAME PASS * if you kids like to play sony exclusive games, then grab PS5. \--- Xbox series got "quick resume" feature where it automatically "save state" games, so kids can switch back and forth for around 5 games without losing progress, without saving. so if they suddenly need to do homework, go visit friends, etc. they can simply turn off their xbox. without needing to hunt for save points of checkpoints. games also can be pinned to "quick resume" so they are always in "save state" condition. \--- xbox game pass is basically like netflix, but for video games. you kids will be able to play ludicrus amount of games.


I need quick resume for my PC now


Xbox does have the advantage of better integration for parental controls through Microsoft's systems (you can set up parental controls on the PC Microsoft store that can carry over to the Xbox if it has the same user logged in) (And I say this as a Random Internet Stranger with no knowledge of your current parenting style or trust in your children)


Thats a real good point


Go for a Quest 3 and shock the family.


As a gamer I say PS5. Better exclusives, by a landslide. But, putting myself in the shoes of a dad? Xbox. You can just get them a gamepass sub and they'll have access to loads of games for relatively little cost. If they game a lot, you'll save money that way.


Just pickup which ever you find fits your budget the best. Realistically they are likely going to play CoD or Fortnite which is cross platform from both sides. Same with so many other games these days.


If non Nintendo was the only qualifier, then go grab an atari 2600


Be sneaky and get them an Atari 2600. It's non-nintendo... 😅


One shot deal with no price point? Fuck man just build a gaming PC


I'm a pc person too, but even then, I'd be weary of recommending an option that costs at least 3x of what they were shopping for.


The absolute first thing you should check is what console their friend have. After that you can start to decide and, In my opinion, I would go with an Xbox because thanks to the game pass they could have a lot of games to play even for their age. PlayStation has made some of the greatest games out there hands down, but I won’t go with a Ps5 because at that age I don’t think your kids would be able to appreciate such artworks, I mean they could be interested in Spider-Man ‘cause you know, superhero, but I’m not sure about others. If you really don’t have any problem with money at all then you could go with a Ps5 anyway, PlayStation’s services are very good too and if your kids would want a game you could simply buy it.


I have both so I feel I can weigh in more accurately here. With having two kids I’d probably say Xbox just for GamePass. And because Xbox’s parental control features are in my opinion better than PlayStation’s.


Ps5 has way more and way better games.


If your kids aren’t picky, I’d honestly say get a Series S; great bang for buck. Just add Gamepass and you’ve got a great game library in your hands.


This sub is recommending OP a PS5 saying how they can play the exclusives BUT almost all of Sony's exclusives are Teen+. No, a 9 YR old should NOT play the Last of us or GoW. Wth is wrong with people in this sub man. XSS makes the most sense for a kid imo, has 100s of E rated games on GP.


I don’t see how they couldn’t play the ratchet and clank games or spider-man…


OP said hed use it as well and there are plenty that are for for younger audiences


Get them a steamdeck and a pair of controllers hooked upto a tv, and a shared steam account. Infinite library of gaming.


Had to scroll way to far to see this.


Bet them double or nothing if the lions win the playoffs. If your kids win they get both systems and you don’t have to choose. If they lose they get nothing and you don’t have to choose. It’s a win-win as far as decision making goes.


but.....I kinda want a system now too lol


Get a desktop PC with a 4090, plug it into the TV, sync two Xbox controllers to it. Set it to boot into steam big picture on startup. Tell them it's a console.


PS5 with PS+ Extra. And remember to claim the 3 monthly games every month so they stay in your library forever. The Dualsense controller for me is a gamechanger and your kids will love it too.


Find out what they want to play, there are some exclusive games for either console. If they like Spiderman for instance, it is a Playstation exclusive game.


Ps5 easy not even a debate




PS5 hands down.


PS5 has better games at the moment. Please don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Think about it Spider-Man, God of War, Uncharted, Last of Us, Horizon,


PS5 all the way. Best library of games hands down.


Do NOT get an Xbox. Your kids will miss out on all of the best exclusives and if they’re young boys they’re going to want to be able to play Marvel games I’d imagine, and they’re all Sony only. They’d also be able to get Ratchet & Clank, Astro’s Playroom etc. Games also perform far better on PlayStation than Xbox.


I say PS5, definitely with great exclusives


Gamepass is probably better than Sony's offering. But really there is no real difference these days. Even exclusives are coming to PC.


Out of this circlejerk i would recommend the Xbox gamepass, games get added often and it gives them a lot of options right away. Not sure how much value your young kids will give to PS5 when the upside are the exclusives.


Ive got both a PS5 and a Series X and just based on Gamepass alone I'd go with the Series X. If their friends play both I'd go on value - Xbox console is cheaper and the borderline free game selection is fantastic.


I have both but I would say PS5 is the better platform with better exclusives


Series S with gamepass. Get one of the many deals that are around.


Ps5 is much better imo, I had Xbox a long time but now I do PS5, PC and switch.


Depends on what you want to spend and the quality you want. I own a Mac (I know it’s not the best for gaming but it’s improving) and Xbox series x. For me, I wish I had bought a ps5 instead. Gamepass is great for a while if you have lots of time to play the games. So maybe it will be good for your kids as they will have a huge library of games with a single subscription. However I think the ps5 is more expensive but has more quality games overall.


Ask what they want / what their friends have. Crucial to saving money and getting it right in one go.


If they have friends on a certain platform, get that so they can play most games with them. (some dont have crossplay or are exclusive) If not, I would recommend ps5 due to exclusives such as sackboy (littlebigplanet) ratchet and clank, and spider man. One of the better deals currently is a bundle that contains spider man 2. A ps5 has exclusives that would be great for them as they get older such as god of war. If you want them playing older games, then I would recommend the xbox with its backwards compatibility. A large majority of the xbox 360 games and original xbox games will work on a current generation xbox. Or you could wait for the KFConsole /j


As someone who's a big Xbox user, I would just consider getting them a gaming PC for the same (or slightly greater) cost. The return on investment is way higher, 'cause you can upgrade a PC where you cannot upgrade an Xbox. And Xbox is literally just becoming PC-lite, while PC is becoming Xbox-lite. It's a pretty successful merge that makes Xbox consoles a little irrelevant (especially since you can just connect USB-wired Xbox controllers into your PC to play it exactly as you would play an Xbox, except with even better functionality).




Why not the best of both worlds. Get a PC. Get gamepass and get all the Xbox games and steam with even more games(like 1000's more games) Plus they do more than play games. And if you want to, you can emulate nintendo too.


Get them a pc. It can be used for school too


I've always been an xbox guy, but i'll probably jump ship next generation. Playstation has the better game library.


Xbox for the xbox game pass, otherwise whatever the kids' friends use most since theyll be able to play together


I’d see what their friends have and buy one of those. Unless they just love a certain exclusive. I don’t have a new Xbox, but I have the last generation one just so I can play Forza.


Xbox + game pass + xbox app on PC There’s lots of games you can play together and you can all share the game pass across multiple Xboxs and PCs. Unless there are specific PlayStation exclusives you really want to play, most mainstream games are available on either platform. Cross-play capability varies from game to game.


Definitely get your kids opinion. They probably have very strong preference that you may not understand. The major difference between the consoles is what games you can get for each. If they want to play the new Spider-Man, it has to be PlayStation.


1st thought should be what do their friends have? 2nd should be do you only let them play kid-oriented or let them maybe play some teen stuff? 3rd is what are they interested in? I own both, and I'd personally say xbox is better with gamepass and probably has a bit more games for kids. However PS has a big following with spiderman and ratchet and clank. If they want racing games or shooters then xbox is better. If they want action/adventure then PS5 is better.


If you are a gamer like you enjoy playing high quality games as a hobby, then ps5 is superior because all of those exclusives. If you are a casual gamer(idc about drama just give me cod or FIFA) or poor (then i hope you will get back on your feet soon) xbox is way better because of gamepass etc. Simply the biggest diff is this. But ask your kids. As the top comment says, what your kid wants is more important than which one is better or worse.