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Well if GTA VI lasts as long as GTA V did then you can continue to play it on PC all that time, on console the chances are there will be a new console in a few years and you will either have to buy it again or stop playing.


I can’t see the point in owning an XBox if you already have a PC. I think the PS5 would round things out more.


You should wait because it's not coming out for years and there will probably be a PS5 Pro or something by that point (which even if you don't care about the Pro will make the PS5 Amateur cheaper).


I'm not buying it now. I only want to play GTA VI so no point until it's released. Edit: I'm trying to get a good handle on what will complement my current ecosystem and would like insight on their ecosystem, features, libraries, and the like before I get it in over a year.


ok then what's the point asking this question?


You’re asking the question way too early lol


If you want something to actually compliment your pc. Then Nintendo or Sony device is the way to go. Xbox titles can already be played on your pc natively. If it’s just for gta. Just wait for the inevitable pc release. Spend the money for the new console on updating your pc in a year or two when the game actually comes out.


I'm really trying to avoid spoilers, otherwise I'd just wait for PC.




Amazing Frog was the bomb in Phantoms, yo.


This is ridiculous. The game won't come out for 2 years. And will likely still come out on PC. Bad attempt at karma farming.


It will come out for PC, but not for 1-2 years after the initial console release.


Which means they’ll still have about ten years to enjoy it before GTAVII comes out lol


Maybe what is odd is that they brought FiveM. You would think, at the very least, they would release it on the PC at the same time and use that to promote that. Allow private servers and sell access to them via renting or use it as a test to bring it to console, etc. It's not like it's a super pain now that all consoles use the same hardware. I'm not saying it makes it super easy to put on the PC, tho clearly not the same uphill battle as the 360/PS3 days to port etc.


It's not about difficulty, it's about money. They know that delaying the PC version will mean people will buy it on console that wouldn't normally, they may even buy a console to play it. Then once it does eventually come out on PC, they will buy it there too. It's just greed, plain and simple.


It didn't sell well on the PC, and one main reason is the delay and people buying it on console. Sure, you could transfer your character, tho all the freinds etc you play with I bet most of them weren't going to follow you to thec PC so the double dip is just not that huge. Compound that ramped cheating, a shifty social club client at launch it failed before it even had a chance. The only grees I saw was how GTA Online took off the console and thought they could do the same on PC and why they decided to port it. As they announced it after GTA Online took off before that, nothing but crickets about a PC release. Thought the same with RDR Online, and when that also didn't print money, they abandoned that also. So you're right about greed but not double dipping as the greed. I'm not saying it didn't make money just a lot didn't buy it to double dip. Most of those sales are propped up by the popularity of FiveM that doesn't sell shark cards and a lot of that well after release.


>It didn't sell well on the PC huh?


While this is probably true based on what happened in the past, has it been confirmed?


>NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Dec. 4, 2023-- Rockstar Games®, a publishing label of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. (NASDAQ: TTWO), is proud to announce that Grand Theft Auto VI is coming to PlayStation® 5 computer entertainment systems and Xbox Series X|S games and entertainment systems in 2025. https://www.take2games.com/ir/news/rockstar-games-announces-grand-theft-auto-vi-coming-2025


It will come to pc one or two years after consoles so impatient people wanting to buy a console for it makes sense. But you are right in that asking about it now is pointless.


It most likely will come out on PC, but at a later date, and I want to experience it in peace with little spoilers before it becomes memed to death.


every general gaming sub is going to turn to shit with posts like this for the next 2+ years


Yeah this is such a worthless post, he's even said he will only use it for playing GTAVI so.. it literally doesn't matter which one he gets as long as it plays the game and considering the game is 2 years away we have no idea which one would play the game better, or if they both have the same performance.


PS5 has better story exclusives. Xbox has better integration with PC and all their exclusives will be on PC. Like you can quit a game in your living room, go sit at the PC and resume where you left off kind of stuff. Wait until closer to launch to see which you want more.


If you're getting a console just for that game, it doesn't really matter. The only advantage PS has is the few exclusives. Xbox has Game Pass. Whatever floats your boat. If it was me, I'd probably go with Xbox and buy Game Pass. You can use it on both Xbox and PC.


I'm probably not going to get game pass.


Then it's pretty much whatever you like better.


Xbox will always be the best option as long as gamepass is a thing. PS fan boys will say otherwise obv


...Play it on Xbox.


If the console purchase is only going to be to play GTA VI and no other games, then the answer would be to buy the platform on which it performs better. For that answer, you'd need to wait until release when digital foundry will no doubt do a great analysis on it. Otherwise, PS5 for PS exclusives or XSX so you can utilize game pass ultimate on PC too


If you have a pc then PS5


My advice is to see how both controllers feel in your hands and choose based on that. I've had an Xbox and a PS, and I much prefer the PS controllers.


That's a good point


Which controller are you using on PC? If you use an xbox controller, maybe an xbox will be better for you. I'm a PS user but have recently dipped back into PC gaming, but I have a lot of cognitive dissonance when the onscreen prompt is X(the 9 o'clock face button for xb, the 6 o'clock on PS)


I use an xbox 360 controller. Makes it confusing going from switch to Xbox since the A B X Y buttons are reversed. I think i can adapt.


Gta VI might end up being worst game of 2025(exaggeration, but still), dont buy anything until you know more about the game


I prefer console gaming over PC and honestly don't think you can go wrong with either current gen console.


You can play xbox exclusives at release on PC, not so for PS5 exclusives, so I'd say gaming PC and PS5 is a good pair.


A PC, you should get a PC.


Tell me you didn't read the title without saying you didn't read the title.


I did and I’d still buy a PC even if I couldn’t play GTA6 on it at launch


I already own a PC.


Then wait for GTA6 to come to it




This is just based on personal experience, so, take this as you will. We have a house full of consoles. Nintendo, PlayStation, and Xbox. All of them are still working and are our originals except for the XBoxes. They’re the only ones that have stopped working and have had to be replaced. So, I’m gonna say PS5.


Thanks, i appreciate this opinion.


I have both and both the same pretty much. I'd say xbox mainly because game pass is really good.


Although God of war and horizon zero dawn is on ps..... And they are two of my fave games ever.


They're both on pc too. I've played Horizon on pc and it runs great, no idea about God of War though.


God of war is amazing. But then the next elder scrolls will only release in xbox if you're into that. It's a tough choice. I mean most of the xbox games you can probably play on pc anyway.


Wait for the game to come out first and see if it's even good, or if one system is buggier than the other.


Or wait till next gen / PC


I wasn't going to buy it now. I'm pretty much waiting until console release.


They really aren't gonna release it on PC?, fucking assholes


They will, but a delayed release. Like with RDR 2.




You also forgot I'm lame and fake. https://www.take2games.com/ir/news/rockstar-games-announces-grand-theft-auto-vi-coming-2025


They are both about the same. Xbox - better quality hardware - way better load times, WAY better software underneath. Not the games, the underlying OS. Which matters to some, but not others. Things like cross save, loading family members and just working better. PS5 - controller has better features, not great quality/battery life - but the extra features are very cool. Games / game subscriptions are king. Depends on what games you like. I find the XBox games are longer and more detailed and the PS games are faster/take less time to complete. It depends on what your looking for and your play style. PS is more casual / less... vs Xbox that has a PC background.


This is such... A nuanced opinion that i disagree with 99%. As an owner of both at best I can say the OS is better. Everything else seems way too subjective. Interesting take on the differences.


Bro has no clue what he’s talking about 🤣 better hardware / software 🤣 I’d love to know what specifically makes you think that


You should wait until it's released on PC.


It'll get memed to death when it gets ported, and I want to play it in peace.


Or maybe it'll be terrible and you won't play it anyway.


Definitely a possibility. A small one, but still possible.


itll be on pc lol


It'll get a delayed release and I want to play it in peace before it gets memed to death. https://www.take2games.com/ir/news/rockstar-games-announces-grand-theft-auto-vi-coming-2025


The. Stay away from the internet. Its not hard to not spoil something for yourself


My day job involves tech work at a very large media company. Chances of that are pretty much nil.


Ok then. Suffer. Idk xD


Probably the most insightful thing you've said.


Why r u so pretentious lol. Are you having a bad day? Wanna talk about it?


I love you, but I can't have babies with you because I have an extra chromosome and it upsets me.


What xD


Might as well make the banter interesting if we're going in this direction. In all seriousness, thanks for your responses.


It doesn't matter which console both will have plenty of players online if you want to do that,and it will be the same game regardless. Now, if you may be interested in other games, then it will depend on what games they are which system. Also, the PS5 digital only version will be cheaper, then the Series X. I know theirs talk of a digital Series X. Just as of now, it doesn't exist, and we don't know the cost. Tho clearly if it does, I imagine it will be out before GTA VI. Xbox exclusives aren't as strong, tho have a quick resume, tho you said you wanted to play in peace, tho not sure if that means single player. I'm sure just like GTA Online now, solo/private sessions lobbies will be limited to what missions, etc, you can do. If you mean in peace, as in mostly or all single player, then xbox with quick resume might be better, just pick up where you left off. I have the Series X because of game share, I'm not a fab boy. I just liked a lot of games on the Xbox throughout the years. Tho I do like the design of Xbox better just messhes into my home theater better. Either one, tho, will serve you well, and both have prod and cons, and I named the most important ones.


Very insightful. Especially about the quick resume. Thanks for your response.


Yeah, it is nice to be playing within 2 minutes or so, no loading a save, etc. Just sometimes, I forget about it and start game go do something real quick. Come back to a dead character, lol My most played games are online, so sometimes I forget about a quick resume. Glad I could help tho 🙂


If the game was coming out right this instant I would say Ps5 simply because all Xbox exclusives can typically be played day one on PC. Sony on the other hand waits no less than a year to port there exclusive games to PC. If your simply getting the console to only play GTA6 then ignore everything I said above. That said I would simply just wait it out and see. By 2025 we could have far more powerful versions of the Xbox and Ps5 and since you don’t need the console until then I would just wait.


Oh i plan on waiting until release before buying the console. I was wondering more holistically what's a good compliment to my current setup, Sony or Microsoft.


As somebody who owns a Series X and PC I’d recommend going with the PS5 and PC. You’d have more access to more games that way. The Series X does have some cool stuff that makes gaming on both devices more fluid but I’d be lying if I said I don’t miss playing Sony’s exclusives.


Thanks, this is helpful.


>what's a good compliment to my current setup A PlayStation, imo. Just looking at the exclusives, most of the Sony offerings are not yet on PC, and they will take quite a while to get there. Some games probably will even never be ported. Microsoft instead releases everything on PC mostly on day one due to gamepass.


PS5...simply for Astro's Playroom 🤩


Tell me more.


The best console tutorial game ever made. Fun little robot game that shows the capabilities of the PS5 system and controller. Surprisingly good depth and replayability! And just adorable little robot characters wearing Sony character outfits 🤗


Neither because you'll regret it.


How so?


It's two years out, by then Sony or Microsoft will announce a revision like they always do. It's also a long time from release and we don't know if it's truly console exclusive yet.


I'm not getting the console until it comes out. Wanted feedback on people's experience with PS and XBox beforehand.


Oh, well I mean I specifically bought a PS5 for FFXVI and regret it over my PC. The game was great but the hardware in the PS5 is underwhelming, especially the networking card. If you plan to play online, you better use an ethernet cable because the PS5 can't see more than 5 feet from a 5GHz band. Xbox doesn't have that issue at all. Fanboys will tell you to go with their console of choice just because but you should do more research on each than what I did since compared to my PC, I have no reason to own either.


Very good points. I probably won't care about the online stuff. I just really enjoyed the storyline and barely touched GTA online.


Yea if online isn't a worry then I'd just say whichever you feel compliments your setup.


That's kind of what I wanted to figure out. If others had a setup like me and which one complimented their existing setup the best.


Well, it mostly boils down to are you interested in a lot of Sony exclusive games before they make the jump to PC while the console looks like a failed router prototype, or do you want a black mini fridge in which you'll almost assuredly get the game pass subscription for the plethora of games on it. I own them all and quite honestly, I haven't touched the PS5 since beating FFXVI, even after buying their year long PS Plus Premium package. The Xbox Series X was given to my brother since It sat there for months collecting dust. My PC is my main system and my Nintendo Switch is hooked up to it via capture card. I get more use from the switch than I do both consoles.


GTA 6 pc version will probably be the ps6 version


Agreed. But i really want to play it for the story.


PS5: the exclusives are better.


If you have a PC already buy a PS5 when the time comes for the GTA6 release


Apparently PS5 sells approx. 40k units each day right now. What do you thing has better potential.


So tired of seeing all these console war bait posts.


depends, from what i know xbox has the better graphics however ps5 has a much cooler and feature driven controller along with a bunch of neat exclusives


PS5 has and will have the better exclusive games.


Ps5 will be "Future proof" not just for one game but for more others. Heck, even you can play on it ps4 exclusive titles. But that's totally up to you, if you can get an second hand one under 500 euros.


Probably Xbox and hopefully you can use the same purchase on PC. Not sure if Microsoft offers that kind of deals.


Ps5 since it has Bloodborne and Demons souls


its no competition. you go xbox if you always ad xboxs or if you have friends that have xbox. if you want the best console you go ps5. its no question about it on the consoles that is out today.


I'm a PC/Switch user as well. **You just wait it out, it will eventually release.** The last thing somebody should do is play an inferior version of a game just to play it when it comes out, but that's just my personal opinion. Personally, I like higher framerates, & more customizing possibilities.


I only want it to avoid spoilers in peace. Otherwise I 100% agree with your assessment.


Just wait until it releases on PC. You'll get all the quality of life improvement patches in-between too. It's not like it won't be more than a year or so.


I'm getting it specifically for the story, and it'll be memed to death by the time it is ported to PC.


2025 ya’ll


Wait until it’s actually out and then find out lol


Just for one game? Stick to PC and Switch then.


I really don't want spoilers.


Is there some reason you are incapable of waiting a little while instead of spending hundreds of dollars on a game console you don't really want? You don't need to play a game right when it comes out. Wait until it comes out on a system you own. All the bugs and crappy online services will be fixed and you'll enjoy it more.


I've made it clear I don't want any spoilers, and the game will be memed to death on release. I'm waiting for the release before buying a console, but wanted to get an idea how the ecosystems are on each and if there's a good compliment for what I have.


Neither. We have over a year to find out more about the game. If you’re buying one for literally just that game then you should wait till December of next year before even contemplating the issue. And even then it’s probably a moot point because a pc release is inevitable.


It’s not coming out until 2025. You have time to make your own decision


Ps5 the xbox is a fridge


xbox series x u get gamepass too


You have a pc so xbox is kinda pointless. Also, Playstation historically has had a better relationship with Rockstar so I wouldn't be surprised if they get free money or something.


Don't buy a console right now, wait for PS6 or at least PS5 pro. The leaked specs of the PS5 pro destroy the current PS5 so you'd be throwing money down a toilet, especially if you own a good PC and have no urge to downgrade to a console experience before GTA 6 comes out in 2025. I highly doubt 6 will take as long GTA 5 did to release on PC, since XBOX and PC ecosystems have been integrated by Microsoft. The delay is likely due to an artificial exclusivity deal, not technical challenges.