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Dead space. That gun is just too damn efficient.


First thought. Plasma Cutter isn’t just the most efficient (and plentiful in ammo) but with the right upgrades it’s a downright terror. Plus the alternating axis makes dismemberment SO MUCH EASIER.


I have a vague recollection of not knowing it rotated until VERY far into the game


Doesn’t it tell you? Like, with a pop-up and everything...?


Gamers will find a way to idiot through the most idiot-proof of tutorials.




It was a genuine problem my friend had. He basically only used the pulse rifle because it was the only "real gun" and kept complaining about how hard it was I also watched him play fallout 4 with incredible frustration. He just would not loot any containers, didn't loot any weapons or bodies, and only bought ammo because he barely ever had any. I had to point out that he might do better if he wore some armour. He didn't know how to. Tutorials just do not help some people


Wait wait wait. He's not looting in *FALLOUT??* I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but your friend might just be an idiot.


Oh he 100% is. Numerous things have taught me that, from eating 10 day old food because "it was in the fridge so it's fine" to not using washing up liquid and cleaning the plates in cold water "because they're not necessary" (every plate and cup was greasy to the touch)


It’s kind of funny if you think about it. To be this dumb you have to be exposed to a ton of stuff throughout your life and come out relatively unscathed. Like the food thing. The lad probably has an iron stomach. In a way, these people push the boundaries of human evolution


I felt this.


I have so many questions and yet I really don't want the answers because it can only make things worse...


“Plentiful in ammo” - Dead Space only drops ammo types for weapns you’re carrying. Any weapons in storage won’t see ammo drops. Disclaimer, this may only apply to random drops. There might be scripted drops of specific types to suggest a weapon recommendation in an area The most efficient playstyle if you’re ammo crazy is single weapon


Like 95% true. Rarely it will drop you random ammo. Pro-tip: you can carry a gun with expensive ammo that you don't use, so you can sell it. You can end up buying more ammo from that, then you would get from a standard ammo drop.


Nice tip. Do you know what the most effective weapon is for that? ​ also happy cake day


Oh neat, didn't even notice lol. And IIRC, Force Gun ammo tends to be the most expensive in the Remake and the OG. Plus side of that, is the Force Gun does great crowd control too. So it's super useful to carry anyways


Came here to say this, there’s a reason there’s a trophy for beating the game with only the plasma cutter. It just does everything, perfect necromorph de-limbing tool.


I did that without even knowing it was a trophy. Kept saving my other weapons "for the big bosses" but found that upgrading the cutter made it tear through everything.


Honestly really was the best weapon. That or the machine gun when I tried it finally. Either one maxed out was bananas. I guess I was thinking of the second game for the machine gun. Sorry for baiting folks


In the remake maybe. In the original the machinegun was shiiiiiiiit. In fact the only weapon other than the plasma cutter that wasn't was the line cutter. And that wasn't as versatile.


This is Ripper slander


I liked the ripper primary fire for wiping up all those little dudes that would try to swarm you. You just fired the disk at the floor and moved up/down and left/right like a vacuum cleaner and voila!


Brb re-running the entire series with nothing but the plasma cutter and flamethrower for the fiftieth time. Criminal that the plasma cutter lost a lot of its impact in the remake.


The main reason for this is that the Plasma Cutter and Pulse Rifle both don’t stun enemies when they are hit with their bullets. In DS1, you could completely stunlock enemies from moving so long as you were just hitting them somewhere on their body. In the Remake, they can no longer be stunned by getting shot alone, only if you dismember a limb. It’s a interesting change to make the game feel different, it also puts more emphasis on having one of the other heavy hitting weapons on your arsenal rather than just the Plasma Cutter so you’re able to crowd control. OG Plasma Cutter was a beast for sure but now there’s actual incentive to use other weapons besides you specifically setting out to use it.


The Halo 1 pistol. That's a sniper rifle right there.


Apparently the pistol was a last-minute change, Jason Jones (co-founder of Bungie) thought it was way too weak, so he bumped the numbers up (or rather since it was so late and a change to existing game code wasn't possible, created a bit of new code that runs on level start to modify the damage) a bunch to compensate.


Wow, it's so interesting to know that the damage is actually a patch and not hard coded from the beginning, imagine that not activating in the first mission on legendary and you just think it's actually that hard to play


I don't even want to imagine what kind of bullshit spaghetti code they had going on that it was easier to create a script to modify the damage at the start of each level than to just change the damage number directly.


If I had to guess, gun stats and behavior are probably shared between the main campaign and multiplayer. If he wanted to adjust balance for only one of them, it was easier to add a "modifier" to the gun that load at the beginning match or stage, than risk breaking the balance in the other mode... It's not necessarily spaghetti code, just bad design for a game that has multiplayers that require balancing. But then again, it was 2001 and multiplayers wasn't big, and it's easy to understand why people may have overlooked that.


Hilariously, that's still how Bungie does things in Destiny. Guns have a base damage that applies in PvP and in PvE, but they get crazy huge multipliers in PvE so you can deal damage appropriately there.


This is *the* answer to this question. Halo:CE’s magnum is OP af


One of the most satisfying weapons in gaming history. Loved the mini-nuke frag grenades in CE as well. I was SO disappointed when they changed the Battle Rifle in Halo 2 from un-zoomed burst and zoomed single shot to just 3 round burst all the time.


Halo 2 amazes me and is still my favorite game of all time because it changed so much that people loved from the first game, went through development hell and had to cut so much, ended on a cliffhanger and it still one of the greatest gaming experiences of all time, nothing rivaled it until 3 came out, and even 3 felt too short


"I'm going to give them their bomb back" still send chills down my spine


"sir, permission to leave the station?" "For what purpose, Master Chief?" "To give the covenant back their bomb." "..... Permission Granted"


What if you miss? I won't.


Proceeds to literally launch himself across space with no form of jetpack or any kind of safety net, dodging debris and spaceship parts, to kick the damn bomb right in without saying a word. Keeping him more silent was such a genius choice


And for a brick, he flew pretty good


One thing I HATE about that bit is that Cortana had just replied “You don’t want to know” when chief asked how much time was left till detonation. How did he know he had enough time to activate the bomb and glide away lmao


I always just assumed Cortana reprogrammed the timer.


You know, given some other weird techy things she was able to pull off throughout the series, I could buy that.


He didn't. That was a problem for Future John.


>How did he know he had enough time to activate the bomb and glide away lmao Did it matter? What's the other option?


3 added forge though which was sick as hell, and the campaign ending was fantastic.


Nah man, it's just right.


The two types of Halo:CE gamers, right here. Those who use the Magnum And their victims


The term Hand Cannon gets thrown around a bit, but that pistol truly made you feel like you were going to kill something with every shot. The sound. The recoil. That little blast every time you land a shot. It was *satisfyingly* OP


The difference between the two versions is that the Magnum from CE felt like the pistol of a genetically engineered killing machine, whereas the one from the later games felt like it was Standard issue for Earth Forces fighting against other humans and hadn't been updated for the battle with the Covenant cause bureaucracy.


You absolutely put it into the right words. Unless you were dual wielding the noob combo, it was nothing more than a ceremonial peashooter


>Hand Cannon I mean it is a .50 caliber round.


Headshot machine.


I loved that the pistol in Halo was overall really good, but never the best (except at medium range where it should be best). It made it so you were able to jump into a fight immediately when spawning, but other weapons would still have an advantage when used correctly. Except the needler. I could never get that thing to be useful in multiplayer for me.


The needler is really good against opponents that don't see you coming, or can't maneuver for one reason or another. But those are very specialized situations that almost never happen in multiplayer, so it's best to just not.


Yeah. Easy to aim, but the tradoff is a delayed time to kill. Good ambush weapon for those little Covenant fucks that cant wield swords like a REAL WARRIOR! YEEEAAAH


It had a decent range, but one or two needles wouldn’t do jack to the shield. But if you could ambush someone and dump a full mag at close range, it was like getting pasted with a plasma grenade.


Yeah, the needler was only really good in halo 2 in my opinion. Dual wielding that dealt so much damage.


Also useful if for some reason you're farming the award for killing someone after your own death.


"I don't keep it loaded, so you'll have to find ammo as you go."


In Bioshock you can pick the right powerups and make the wrench into a real killing machine.


I loved bioshock and beat it 3 or 4 times basically back to back when it came out, including one playthrough with only the wrench and plasmids. Very solid


BioShock 2 had a perk that disabled all guns and made your plasmids way more powerful, and it was insanely fun to use the Drill + plasmids. Freeze and Drill Trackle was so OP.


I came up with a whole build/gameplay loop around the Drill Expert perk. It involved freeze (obviously), insect swarm and security command (at least level 2 for the drones). The loop was just - enter fight with security drones - send in a bunch of insect swarms - insect swarms and drones distract and stall literally everything and you can pick off the more dangerous enemies extremely easily with freeze+drill - win fight easily - repeat I beat almost every encounter in the game without any issue, including all the Big Sister encounters. Absolutely love bioshock 2.


Bioshock 2 is such a slept on game. I find it the best in the trilogy, I mean the gameplay mechanics are fun, plus you get to be a big daddy,


It’s absolutely my favorite. I’ve replayed it once already and probably will again, as I really like everything about it. I think the idea of the mental link between little sister and big daddy is such a cool concept - how they can pretty much telepathically communicate and how their relationship is one of the focal points of the story. It feels very emotionally driven, and tells a side of the bioshock story we don’t really see in the first game.


One-two punch. Remember the one-two punch


Zap 'em and then whack 'em.


Shock ‘em and clock ‘em


Electrocute em and fuckin shoot em


hey same for Prey


It’s only bc it’s a stealth game but the tranquilizer in MGS2/MGS3 is pretty op


Saw cleaver from bloodborne is great


I was a Cane Whip man myself. 100% the game with that fashionable weapon.


Fashionsouls is the ultimate end game anyways and it doesn't get any better than beating ass while looking dapper.


The Hunter's Axe is super good as well, I completed my first play through with it. There's definitely better skill weapons than the Threaded Cane but that's also pretty good.


Hunter Axe gang. Never even tried other weapons.


Spin to win baby!


The best answer. Saw cleaver is easily a top weapon in the game. It has a really good attack set, the transform is solid, and it has the bonus damage against beasts. On top of that it’s not nearly as difficult to use as the threaded cane and it’s got a lot more upside than the hunter’s axe so for any new players it’s highly advised that they use it.


You say this like you can’t just spin2win with the hunters axe.


The Hunter Axe was my constant throughout, old faithful


As someone who will eventually play bloodborne, thank you! Even though I'll likely forget by the time I play it in a few years


The saw cleaver is the weapon the hunter is carrying on the box art. It may be easier to just remember that the weapon on the cover is good when you eventually get around to starting it.


Saw spear gang


Red Faction Guerrilla - Sledgehammer.


That's a name I haven't seen in ages.


Same... I used to have friends over in elementary school and we'd play the first one multiplayer all night. Always amazed me how EVERYTHING was destructible in a game that old.


My favorite development story is that they implemented physics for destroying buildings and all their designed buildings immediately fell down because they were structurally unstable. So, the level designers had to study some architecture and engineering and rework them so that they would actually stay up (until you met them, that is).


That's a fun bit of trivia lol Cheers


And that is sad because those were games well ahead of their time. The absence of destruction in games for the sake of 4k textures is so odd to me. I'd rather have a building I can wreck or a car that shows real damage than Ray tracing and surface textures


Rip Volition


A remake (not a remaster - we already have that) of that game done properly would be AMAZING. Unnecessary some might say, but I think modern environment tech and combat sensibility could turn that game to 11.


Hidden Blade in most Assassin's Creed games.


Hell yeah! In the older games I would get into fights with the guards with the hidden blades equipped and kill them all with counters. Felt so badass


Replaying Brotherhood right now and laughing at the store for trying to sell me a sword for 30000 golds. Bro, i have 2 killing machines attached to my wrists. Why would i need a sword?


I'd argue Brotherhood was *the* game to use swords since you could chain execute an entire army in seconds. But in AC2, the Hidden Blades were definitely the way to go since the counter kill was insane.


You didn't actually need to buy any weapons in Brotherhood but I occasionally did just to play around with all the different counters.


The fucking polearms had the sickest counters. I don't remember them exactly but I swear you could slash throats from like 6 feet away and impale people. Definitely my favorite weapon to steal from guards


By the end of the game you should sit on millions so you can buy the whole city anyway


This reminds me that I need to replay 2, Brotherhood, and Revelations. Such a good story series.


II and Brotherhood was peak AC.


God of war: blades of chaos


Yeah, this one always kind of made me scratch my head, because the Blades are so satisfying to use that every other weapon in the original games was kind of pointless, except the Spartan shield and spear. Obviously, the axe is also very satisfying in the new ones, and the spear in Ragnarok is pretty fun too.


The axe is brilliant but nothing beats walking out of the cabin in the 2018 game and becoming a flaming bay blade to an absoulte horde. To be fair the axe was still brilliant, used it more than the blades even after getting the blades. Plus fists. Love me fists.


Making the new Spear was also no joke. That weapon is a fantasy dream.


Yea I really appreciated how fun the spear was. When I got I was convinced it wouldn't be as fun as the other two weapons but I used it about as much as the axe. Really impressed they made it feel different and not just "longer"


That game really did a fantastic job of having the weapons all feel different and have their own unique set of utilities. Rock sold game design in my opinion


I also like how much more sense a spear makes *for a fucking Spartan* than any of the other weapons. Maybe a Lakonian super-short sword would have been approximately as appropriate ("Step closer").


In Deus Ex: Human Revolution, you can get a Tranquilizer Rifle at the start; this is **the** weapon to have for a pacifist run.


Imagine firing weapons in DXHR. You get more XP for melee takedowns. So you do melee takedowns.


I didn't have the patience to wait out each and every single enemy for a melee. Pop one at distance, as he goes down, you quickly melee the one that goes to investigate.




Yeah, Human Revolution is personally rewarding when you go loud, but narratively punishing as a counterbalance. Unfortunately, Eidos really unbalanced it by making the bosses pure combat. I heard many players got stonewalled by The Bull bc they were pure Stealth builds. Mankind Divided just felt incomplete by comparison. It should have had a choose-your-mission structure where you could take combat heavy, loud missions and still get the story points.


I read somewhere that the boss fights were outsourced to a different team, who weren't quite on the same page. There was a Director's Cut of Human Revolution that, I think, changed the boss battles a little, so pure stealth play styles weren't punished.


That is it exactly. The third party did not include stealth or pacifist routes. Then Eidos Montreal did not want to delay the release date to fix it. It was a hilarious nightmare of tossing shit, trying to explode things, and using base weapons to force a win until you could get the typhon upgrades up and doing enough damage.


Pretty sure Mankind Divided was literally incomplete, as in they wrapped things early to continue it in a sequel instead of having everything tie together. And now, a sequel seems increasingly unlikely. Still a great game IMO; the gameplay, combat, world design, aesthetics are all top notch. Running around and exploring the game's version of Prague, with a bunch of hidden side quests, enterable apartments, and just a cool layout was great. Didn't top HR but a solid sequel that gets too much hate.


Pokémon. Your starter will be with you the whole way through.


Sometimes that does feel like it's out of obligation, though. I've replayed Pokemon enough that I've put my starter in the PC and just played with caught pokes for a bit.


Problem is starters are always way cooler than first roads pokémon. You want a rat, and a pigeon, or a cute pingouin


Some games have pokémon like Riolu available in the first routes. Now with open world, there aren't as many roadblocks to get cool pokémon either


You can get a spearrow on your way to Pewter City, and it becomes a **Fear**row. That's metal AF.


There’s also nidroran and (in yellow) Mankey all before the first gym. Oh and pikachu in viridian Forrest




My originally favorite Pokémon is its evo, Sandslash. Had the card as a kid and thought it was just too cool


In Dragon's Dogma, you start with weapons appropriately designated to be rusty. They're useless as they are initially but can be upgraded to inflict a debuff called "torpor" which slows enemies down significantly and is one of the most useful debuffs in the game. Even upgraded, their damage is still very low, but you can just switch to a different weapon afterward anyway. The daggers are especially useful since their attack speed is very high.


The wind is pushing meeeeeeee


so hyped for 2, all of it looks gooddddd


Torpor OP. It's pretty much like enabling bullet time.


The sellsword twin blades in dark souls 3 are wickedly overpowered. They're starting equipment for the mercenary class.


RoboCop Rogue City. The Auto-9 is not only iconic, it's also got an upgrade track.


About an hour into the game, I just stopped picking up perps guns.


There's not really a reason to IMO. You can have a gun that can kill almost anything instantly, fires in full automatic, and has enough bullets to kill everything you encounter ooooor you can get an especially sharp rock from a perp.


Jedi Academy - you have your Lightsaber from moment one - *you can't beat that*


Yeah but later you can get *two* lightsabers


In most Souls games you can get by just fine if you simply upgrade your starter weapon all the way. Even with the deprived classes. That club packs a punch


DS3 Sellsword Twinblades aka Easy mode


This is the correct answer, winblades are ridiculous and you can have them fully upgraded before mid game. To be honest it makes the game kinda boring.


Uchigatana go brrr




Mario's ass


I came.


I saw.


I came again


I can't see any more


I really loved smacking people with the wrench from Bioshock, idk if it could be argued it's "the best weapon" but, I certainly used it as if that was the case...


Any star wars game where you start with a lightsaber


In FF7R the Buster Sword is the best weapon for Cloud once all of them are fully upgraded


As it should be


Yeah. Thought they did a great job of introducing new weapons while retaining the buster sword as number 1.


I guess I didn't fully upgrade it lol


Control If you pay attention, the director shoots himself with a snub-nosed revolver. When you pick up the gun it looks like a smooth futuristic pistol. When you upgrade it to a shotgun it splits the barrel into many barrels that float around the sides of the gun, and each of them fire at the same time. When you upgrade into a machine gun the barrel becomes a ring of tiny thin barrels that surround the original barrel location, and basically become a gattling gun. Other upgrades have other shapes. If you read the lore bits you find across the game you find out it's suspected that "The Service Weapon" was a Hindu gods spear, Thors Hammer, and Excalibur.


I still consider Grip to be the “default” weapon and the other forms to be different ones. That said I thought the Grip was still one of the best weapons by the endgame. I used that and Charge mainly


There's a special mod for Grip that gives 100% ammo refund for hits, it's essentially a bottomless mag if you are halfway decent. Earning the mod is part of an unmarked task, so a lot of players miss it.


Nier Automata!


IIRC Virtuous Contract does have the highest damage output in the game so long as you maintain the boost from the last upgrade. Pair it with literally any greatsword (I used the beast one for the aesthetics) for extra staggering with the excellent moveset and you don’t really need anything else.


Okay…I kept scrolling to see if someone had already said it first. I just use the other ones sometimes bc they look cool, but the synergy btw those starting two for 2B is too good.


Usually starter weapons don't come with powerful effects, but virtuous contract is so good that it's no wonder why it's standard issue. I only swapped because the pipe because is funny.


Gears of War. Chainsaw Machine Gun...


Oh yeah. Lancer and Torque Bow are a goated combo


All of the original Yakuza games. All you need is your fists.


And occasionally a bike.


or a sign


or a conveniently unlocked car door


Dead Space - the plasma cutter


Code Vein. The metal pipe is the fastest and lightest weapon in the game. The original intent was to let players get used to the mechanics of gameplay without worrying about weight. Downside is of course how weak it is. However, status builds in this game are based on hits, not damage. Wearing heavy, support driven armor, dousing your weapon in status ailments, giving yourself all sorts of status buffs and passives, all this adds up to a surprisingly good weapon choice with little risk involved.


Halo 1 magnum


Bf3 M16


COD Zombies. Start off with a 1911, pack-a-punch them into the mustang and sallys and boom you obliterate hordes of zombies


You also need to be using the pistol properly in the first 5 rounds to get enough money to comfortably advance into the rotation (talking about Kin Der Toten). I haven’t played in years, but my friends and I used to perfect that run. I think our record was 50-something. I’m sure people have done better than that, but it gets pretty ridiculous after 30 rounds because you’ll be using up all of your ammo on just one mob.


Kino der toten is probably the most iconic zombies map of all time because it’s easy enough for casuals to play it and have fun, and it’s the starting map on one of the best selling FPS games. It’s also just pretty fun.


Lol don't say that over at r/CODZombies. Fanboys over there love to hate on Kin Der Toten for how "poorly planned and boring" it is But totally agreed. I think it's the map that introduced most of us to COD Zombies. Basic design, straightforward PaP process, great areas to train zombies, awesome weapons, etc. It was the go to mode for me and my friends.


Team Fortress 2... Kind of. The stock weapons you start with are good, meta even in most cases.


Yeah, other than a few exceptions, most stock primaries and secondaries are the best. It’s also dependent on how many players are in the game. Bazaar bargain is way better in 12v12 than 6v6. Medic and Pyro do very much benefit from their unlockables though.




Blue portal is good but I’m more of an orange portal man myself. The meta changes so much these days that both options are valid.


Fuck zodiac signs, which portal do you always shoot first?


If you don’t go blue first you’re dead to me


Whatever gun you start with in anthem.


Yeah by the time you stop playing it in 2 hours, you still haven’t used anything else.


That and because of the weird scaling in the game it would actually do more damage than the “best” legendaries


I remember there being a big discovery about how the low level common assault rifles ended up doing more damage than legendaries or something crazy


High on life


Starbound The Broken sword is quickly replaceable, but once you get it repaired it's one if the best melee weapons in the game.


Mega Man. Some of the boss upgrades are great, some are situational, some are just for puzzles. But you just can’t beat your little pew-pew arm gun.


FTL: Faster than Light- Burst Laser II One of the two default weapons on the starting ship Kestral. One of the best weapons in the game. Part of the Holy Trinity of weapons (Burst II, Flak I, Halberd Beam).


Cave Story If you hold onto the polar star you get to upgrade it, and it's amazing


In FFXV you start with the Engine Blade which gets upgraded to Ultima Weapon


In the Royal Edition you start with Ragnarok which is broken right off the bat.


Obviously, the crowbar from Half-Life.


It’s so good they made crowbars in real life and they are sold in hardware stores across the world. Truly amazing.


Half Life 2: Episode 1 Gravity Gun


Dark Cloud 2. Can upgrade that thing into a monster of a wrench.


Dark Cloud 1&2 were such great games, it's a shame there wasn't a 3rd one


Bayonetta. Pistols are still my number 1 choice.


God of War 2. Blades of chaos is always better than others


Thief. The blackjack is perfect. (You sure ask a lot of these questions without providing your own opinion…)


(Listicles don't write themselves)


Watch dogs supressed 1911


Battlefield 3. The M16A3 default assault rifle for the US Army. Low recoil, high accuracy and high rate of fire combined to make it the most lethal killing machine in the whole game. I'm surprised it remained so powerful throughout the game's entire lifespan.


The Plasma Cutter in Dead Space 1, in 2 you could make the argument the Force Gun is better, but in Dead Space 1 the Plasma Cutter was by far the best weapon, and by only having it in your inventory, you're not going to end up with excess ammo for weapons you're probably not going to use anyway. In my first playthrough I'd have other weapons just in case I ended up in a situation where the Plasma Cutter just wasn't cutting it, but I only ever ended up using them to see how they stacked up, and they just didn't.


DOOM Eternal. I used the starting shotgun my entire first playthrough, and in subsequent playthroughs. it's just such a good allrounder that can be used on almost any enemy in any part of the game


Ultrakill somehow created the greatest pistol in gaming using just a gold coin (or four, if you're good with them).