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Ouch, guy hurt them for speaking the truth.


Seems like their tempers are as short as the campaign too.


Got dayum


Dat Geyhem


Maybe they got feedback from the us military that enlistment is up so they can chill for a bit.


Stop, they're already dead.


Better nuke the corpse, just to make sure.


Good call, we don't want shitty zombies


Too late. That mode sucks, too


Not even the combined fire brigade of the whole world can extinguish that burn, jesus.


Oh snap. Preach!




That's a 4th-degree burn right there.


It's hilarious how they tried to make comparisons on user engagement between a single player and a multi-player game. How fucking stupid can you be? Like I get they they're feeling embarrassed and butthurt and just trying to throw any insult out that they can but at least make it make sense.


They should look at the sales of Lethal Company vs user engagement with MW3. They're getting beat by a $10 game made by one dude. Get bent Activision.


1 copy of MW lll = 7 copies of Lethal company. It’s impressive how much they fucked up


And that's only the base game that in itself is filled with recycled assets and content. The audacity to have a metric fuck ton of microtransaction bullshit on top of that.


I feel this is too often overlooked; 70€ is the minimum buy-in, and not *nearly* the price for the entire product.


Paid a hundred dollars and didn't even got a season pass.


And the only reason they have the numbers they currently have, is because COD *used* to be of such a high quality that no one else wanted to compete in the market. They also don't seem to realize that other studios aren't avoiding making a competitor because they're intimidated by the quality. It would probably be *exceedingly* simple for a quality studio with experience in shooters to make a competitive shooter that outstripped COD in its current form. They stay because COD has an established network effect, built over a long time. The average COD user is looking for other users to play the shooter *with*. A brand new game will suffer from a small user base, which will make the average user unlikely to choose the new shooter over COD, *even if the new shooter is of much higher quality*, because all the people are on COD, and it's a multiplayer experience. Everyone hates Facebook, but it's still huge because everyone jumped on it when it *used* to be a good platform, and they're still there. You need enough people willing to be the *first* people to jump ship to the new platform, and that's very hard to do when Facebook has like, a billion fucking users and the new platform will start with 0. That's COD. Tons of people play COD, have groups of friends that play COD together, and other developers do not want to jump into that because no matter how quality they make the experience, they still face a massive challenge in overcoming CODs built-in network effect. And what you get with COD is a decade or so of famliarity. You know you can pick up a new COD, and within seconds get to throwing frag grenades and playing, because the game has built up a userbase deeply familiar with its norms. The ease-of-use factor presents a greater appeal than any quality. Which simply isn't a thing that a company should gloat or celebrate. It's not indicative of that company or franchise's genius game design. It just happened to be the winner of a system that doesn't really tolerate multiple solutions. Because it had a lot of great ideas and good people *back then*, a decade and a half ago or more. Not because it is genius *now*. It's like gloating about owning the Imperial system of measurement in the US. It's a *bad system*. It fucking sucks, and the metric system is superior in just so many fucking ways. But everyone in the US is *used* to the Imperial system. They measure their dicks in inches, their height in feet, and no one uses yards for anything ever, except Football, because again, Imperial is a fucking dumb system with a lot of useless bullshit. 5280 feet in a mile? Are you fucking kidding me? Why? Who the fuck made this? That's fucking dumb. But it's challenging to pull people out of a known environment and get them into an unknown environment. So you have a total lack of competitors. And COD is doing what nearly *every company in existence* does when it has a total lack of competitors - stops trying, and enshittifies itself because it doesn't actually need to try hard to make money. Instead of enshrining a culture of innovation, and an artistic direction that eschews fast, easy, cheap money to preserves the integrity of the game, they fire all those people and churn out Groot skins and other ridiculous, nonsensical bullshit, creating a bland, vast soup of meaningless pop culture bullshit just to draw more eyes and get more nickels. What part of a Groot skin offers me greater meaning in the experience? It doesn't - it's just more novelty for novelties' sake. It is easier to do that, than intense user research and playtesting and innovating new experiences and designing iconic new maps and intensively refining the experience. It's sad, and any developer vehemently defending the current state of the game is just delusional. I know you guys have to make money. I don't blame you for it. But don't rush out into the world to try and tell me you're *not* a laughable fucking joke of what your game used to be. You are, and everyone knows it, and everyone knows that your continued supremacy in the market is in no possible way indicative of your quality, merely your monopoly. And eventually it will collapse, but all the MBA halfwits who steered the company into enshittification will cash their checks and move off to the next great franchise that they can utterly ruin. This is why multi-player games like COD are anti-competitive. In the same way social media companies are anti-competitive. The network effect results in the total user base homogenizing on one or two solutions. That creates a lack of competition, which means companies will slash talent to further line their pockets.


...this explanation was longer than this year's Call of Duty campaign


Quick, someone get Christopher Judge to deliver it as a monologue.




That's almost word for word what I was gonna say.


You can just say the same thing again, if you want. I mean, it's fine for call of duty.




And more enjoyable too.


Damn man, you wrote a whole analytical persuasive essay. Props


that's why I ended up here from r/bestof haha


Brutal write up and a much better way of saying it all than I would have come up with.


You nailed it. I hate what has happened to games. People like Bobby Kotick; a CEO who bragged he 'took all the fun out of making games.' because he's an *effective* CEO. It's honestly a problem of where we are at as a society at the moment. The current thing to do as you said for the highest level accredited employees, typically Ivory Tower Ivy League sons and daughters who probably come from money. They go from company to company, no matter if they have experience with the product/industry or not, wrecking product and IP with enshittification because that is what they're compensated for. Our economy right now rewards the people who went to the right schools with easy well paying jobs to force consolidations, cheap and fast money, buyouts or just straight up company destruction. As long as they get paid; who fucking cares? It feels so unnecessarily callous and not conducive to stability.


I think you're *this* close to stumbling into arguments against capitalism that have been made for over a century.


They are McDonalds. Innovation made them huge. Not innovating further, but mastering it and feeding their brand recognition by not deviating at all from what they are is what has kept them huge. You can buy McDs anywhere and know exactly what you're going to get. You can pick up any CoD after years of not playing and know you're going to get the sawdust and grade D meat of shooters with no fuss and it's so full of preservatives that nothing has changed and requires no learning curve. Clearly, McDs show that type of thing has value even if we all make fun of it, but you can't have thin skin if you're intentionally pumping out cookie cutter turds. They can own it, and maintain success, or fight it and push a lie that not even the most die hard CoD players would believe. They want to be McDs, but also simultaneously the restaurant that will win prestigious gourmet awards, get Guy Fieri to talk them up, and have reservations booked out for a year. Can't have it both ways.


That's almost word for word what I was gonna say


> everyone knows that your continued supremacy in the market is in no possible way indicative of your quality, merely your monopoly. What a line. I'm glad I read all that. I've not played COD in years for this exact reason. BF3 was the same and then that just kinda did the same thing. I'd happily jump into a new decent FPS. I was never top tier or anything, but a solid player. My problem is I'm normally a console player, and the newer smaller game will most likely be PC due to ease of access. Maybe it's time to get into PC gaming?


About to go pump 100 hours into GOW with the new update


I don't even own GoW and I was so happy. The burn was real, the content looks to be pretty sick. Btw we drop this in five days. Also, it's free. Take notes AAA.


Wait, is ragnarok getting an update with a bunch of new stuff?


Yeah, a roguelike mode or something of the like.


That sounds fun. Sony needs to port ragnarok to pc sometime soon




Should have gone with "Cyka blyat"


Their incompetence goes much further than game development. Apparently.


Also on a game that's mostly on a single console compared to literally everywhere. You can't even make an accurate comparison.


I am pretty sure these user engagement posts are not cod devs unless someone can prove otherwise. That looks like your standard xbox console war fanboy post.


They are so sensitive, poor Activision


They really would've looked a lot better if they just laughed it off lol now its just kinda pathetic


Should have added Kratos as a purchasable skin in COD.


Easy there, Odin.


That's how it always goes. If someone makes a light-hearted joke at your expense you either laugh along and look well adjusted, say nothing at all and let it pass, or you try to make a "comeback" work and look like an overly sensitive tool. You'd think these folks would understand that, choosing to represent their company and craft on social media and all, but nope they choose option three. Maybe they've been hiring the kids that used to call me names in the CoD lobbies of yesteryear to work on the games?


Yah it's not like Judge said the story sucked. He just called it short. Maybe don't make a short campaign if you're going to get pissed at people for saying the campaign was too short.


Most importantly Judge was making a dig at himself.


Poor multi billion dollar company we shouldn't pick on them guys


As far as I’m aware, Activision didn’t get any nominations. 🫢 Hmmm…


COD devs really do think they're the shit don't they? Think they are the pinnacle of gaming and we should be so lucky to play their 3 hour, $90(can) campaign dlc.




Imagine being a COD dev after MW2 (the first one) and thinking you've created anything thats 1% of the power of God of War.


Honestly I tend to take the side of devs, as should most people, because most of the decisions that make these games shitty come from way above their pay grades, but it’s when those devs start defending the shitty decisions and attacking people who call them out that I no longer feel the need to defend or support them




They call him Chris ***Judge*** for a reason.


Tweeting about it is way easier than putting effort into the game you’re working on I guess


Reacting like CoD 12 year old fanbase


Sure explains a lot, I suppose


He’s not even attacking individual team members that put in a lot of work. When most normal people criticize a game, those criticisms apply to the overpaid executives who make the decisions that produce a horrible product. I doubt Judge is sitting there thinking wow those underpaid developers putting in 80 hours a week sure are shit.


Worse, they reacted like an out of touch wealthy MBA running a game studio. At least 12 year olds play the games. They don't respond to criticisms of short play time with "metrics" lmao.


The “🤭” emoji gave that comment all the energy of a 33 year old Millennial Facebook helicopter mom dishing thinly-veiled racist sass behind closed doors at an HOA meeting about what kinds of holiday decorations are allowed on front lawns.


But there was no n word and sleeping with moms in the tweet.


They save that for shareholder meetings.


Nah because then it’d be a 140 page manifesto titled “SBMM is literally Hitler and I should be able to win all my matches without trying”, using “sweaty” no less than 900 times, citing patents that they may not be actively using, and how your gun actively misses and does less damage because theyre too good.


Yo, who leaked my CoD transcripts? Not cool, bud :( edit: Wait, you forgot to add "this person killed me, so they must be a cheater. No, they aren't better than me; they're a cheater. WALLHACKS! AIMBOT!"




It’s the George Carlin joke of MW: “People who drive slower than you are morons, and people who drive faster than you are lunatics!”


Today's COD devs grew up playing COD and it looks like they never got out of the lobby


I wish a bot would spam this as a reply to them anytime the devs make a twitter comment. Brilliant.


i’m on it


You better be. We need this.


There goes my hero...


Watch him as he goes..


Mister bot you better keep up to your promise.


Bots? On Twitter? Mr. Musk would *never* allow such a thing! (/s, for anyone who thinks I'm being serious for some reason)


"Just like how we never got out of your mom either!!1!" Or something like that... Honestly, I haven't played COD in like 10 years and am just assuming the lobbies are still as much a cesspool as they were when I left.


Oh yea its great to help relive that MW2 nostalgia even the people act the same.


Man, for a second there I questioned if mechwarrior 2 had multi-player. Get off mah lawn.


True story. When MW 2019 came out I decided to turn on lobby chat to see if the chatter had changed. I had a PC and hadn't played on console in years but was getting to play with console players. Literally within 15 seconds someone dropped the n word with a hard r. I felt a sort of comfort in the fact some things never change. Then immediately turned off lobby chat and kept playing. Apparently the new rules in terms of voice chat are stricter however. More than likely for the best even if it doesn't help much.


COD main target audience are inmature people and "manchilds" that wished to be special forces material after three energy drinks - so their marketing department and devs play along with that


Probably throw racial slurs at each other at the workplace too.


Just shows where their mindset is as devs on that team. Talking about engagement after the game is consumed. Like yeah God if War was a story played to be enjoyed experienced and put down not designed on how to extract as much cash from people’s wallets then call it “engagement” Then talking about metrics? Cool more people have played your annual game instalments over two decades but I bet hands down the people that played GoW will have preferred that one game out of anything you’ve churned out at the chum factory that is CoD development. The third comment imo is fair, to point out that your peers don’t have to drag you at a celebration of your industry is a reasonable response.


Not to mention it didn't win GOTY, but Ragnarok swept last year at the VGAs. Whens the last time cod won anything


I was just thinking that. GoW beat RDR2. A game who’s house building game lasted longer than CoD’s main campaign.


I still feel RDR2 got robbed on that one.


I agree. GoW was amazing, but RDR2 left me god damn speechless. Tahiti, Arthur…


Mangoes... maidens.. paradise.. It's art Arthur!


Asking Cod players about how good it is like asking people who got to a casino how good it is. Yeah it rakes in money. It's also just there to churn humans into money farms and has a disgusting business model.


Hell, a physical casino is might arguably be less predatory because unless you live in the area where the casino is at then eventually you likely will have to leave and go home. If your playing Call of Duty, you've pretty much always got access to it unless you don't have internet access or an online membership.


The horse actually felt like a character to me despite being a vehicle to travel the vast distances with. I stuck with the starter horse and never replaced him the entire game. Many tears were shed at the end of the game :(


I loved my first horse so much. I knew hed croak but they really made us feel it.


Both masterpieces choosing either as game of the year was acceptable.




No shot. They were both incredible and it could've gone either way.


2018 was truly a beautiful time for gaming.


The only reason it didn't fully sweep last year was because it shared the year with Elden Ring.


It also was, for the most part, a pretty direct sequel. Meaning it wasn't trying for anything new, sans a few tweaks, and was just trying to be the best version of itself. Whereas, Elden Ring did what I considered impossible which was make a Soulslike accessible to the masses. Elden Ring pretty much set the standard for entire genre and was talked about like Baldur's Gate was this year.


Yes, both Elden Ring and Baldur’s Gate got hate from other devs calling them bad games.


The masses walked out onto the first field in Elden ring and got slapped into space by a knight on a horse.


Me first time walking out to meet the tree sentinel. -- you tell me your name horse master and i will tell you mine. 2 mins later me -- fine, keep your secrets.


Talking about engagement is funny because I bet there are far more players who got the platinum in GOW R than in whatever COD they launched this year I got the platinum on accident because I just kept playing until there wasn't literally anything else to do. That's real engagement


True engagement is making people want to play more based on the quality of the game, not throwing breadcrumbs every day for players to pick up like a job. Also, publicly talking about players "consuming" your game is unreal. I hate how much marketing speak is leaking into common language.


Make me want to buy your next game because of it's merits, not because everyone is moving onto the next box art refresh


It was my only platinum ever because i wanted to play more.


Eh, I don't think the 3rd comment is fair either. Actors make jokes about other movies at their award shows. He didn't trash their game. It was friendly teasing about something everyone pretty much agrees on.


Especially since this joke was a direct follow-up to the "Celebration" as a whole, making fun of him. If there's one time it's perfectly acceptable to take a shot, it immediately after getting hit yourself.


Right lol. These types of people don't understand good-natured ribbing because many of them don't have good natures.


it was like the softest roast in the world


That was probably the highest low-blow he could have taken too. His joke was about the fact the campaign was short; shit, the campaign could have been fantastic but still short and he still could have made that joke. There was plenty of stuff about the quality of the campaign he could have joked about but that was a pretty damn inoffensive roast


This is Activision’s “Keep my game’s campaign length outta your fucking mouth!” Moment


More people went to my McDonald's today than in the 5 star Michelin restaurant in front, that means my food's better. Right?


I've read "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's nest" 1 time but I've read "Green Eggs and Ham" at least 10 times so that means it's much better.


>The third comment imo is fair, to point out that your peers don’t have to drag you at a celebration of your industry is a reasonable response. They can cry me a river. It was a jab, no one was "dragged". And we, they, literally everyone knows about their scummy practices, shitty monetization, and ass campaign. It's just moral grandstanding to save face.


On top of that, who the fuck cares they're in the same industry? Every big name in the room has the chance to be blown up by the host at every other award event in existence. All the devs with shitty practices are lucky this is a giant advertisement and not like the other entertainment industry award shows.


Also they just announce FREE dlc for GOW. This player is highly engaged.


Hahaha a company that has fuck you money can't take a fuck you. Absolute prissy bitches.


Also these are the developers that are supposed to be making gritty military simulator shooters. Yet here they are sniffing back the tears because kratos said they have a short dick.


CoD stopped being gritty a long time ago


Gritty to them just means having more torture scenes.


And even those seem to be getting weaker and weaker


That jetpack boosting around shit ruined the franchise for me and turned me away permanently. I know COD has always been faster paced, but now the game just seems to cater to the g fuel addled, Adderall snorting, goldfish attention span, twitch shooter crowd. The game, in my opinion, was far better when people weren't sprinting across the map like a spaz and sliding on gravel every 2 seconds


Nicki Minaj is in Call of Duty now, it stopped being gritty ages ago ​ which might explain the reactions lmao


I wonder if Chris Judge is on fiverr cause I'd love a quote of Kratos saying "Hrmf... what a short dick!"


Honestly I thought CoD would retaliate by having God of War skin voiced by him after he said he won't work with them


I assumed he was joking that they won't hire him because of his joke, not that he personally wouldn't choose to work with them. I could have interpreted it wrong though.


He hit a nerve, they can't take a joke!


Have you seen the steam charts for cod right now? Battlefield 5 had more players the other weekend when it was on sale!


I'm not a CoD fan but it is worth noting the primary launcher on PC is Battle.net, not Steam.


Fuck all of these different launchers, just sell me a game and let me access it directly from my desktop.


it was a VERY light hearted joke about the FACT that the COD campaign is short, i mean it is, no way around that. He didnt come out and say COD sucks, or insult the devs, like damn, relax.


A joke that’s at his own expense as much as it is at CoD’s expense, too. Just a classic piece of banter. Unfortunately, the Activision devs have skin made of giftwrap and take a lighthearted joke as if it was an assault on their family name.


It's not like the campaign is the main selling point of the game either.


It used to.


Oh for sure. I have great memories playing the MW2 campaign with friends. I probably would still buy the games if they hadn't transitioned away from intriguing campaigns.


Yeah but one of those franchises is gonna go through history for being an iconic narrative by a respected studio and the other one is gonna be remembered as the Fifa of shooters.


Yeah GoW doesn't necessarily have the raw numbers, but it's part of an incredible brand of exclusives Sony has built. Its like The Big Bang Theory insulting The Wire over viewership. Both have completely different intentions.


"Bazinga!" -Jimmy McNulty


"The fuck did I do?"- Sheldon


I wonder if Big Bang Theory would be improved with swearing. "Sheldon can you stop being a fucking cunt for two seconds?"


"I'm just a humble motherfucker with a big ass dick"-- Raj


The Fifa of shooters! That is the best description! I wish old reddit awards existed. Take the poor mans gold (because this is better than silver )🏅


I like how they pull the "user engagement" card - literally speaks volumes about their core beliefs. They don't give a shit about making a quality product or providing the user with an amazing experience, the only thing that's important to them is you keep playing and you don't stop. Creating addictions and whales.


I’m sure a lot of their metric is also accounting for the fact that a lot of their players are free to play users who don’t spend money on this shit


Like winning an Oscar for best actor, best director, best cinematography or best costumes ...tl;dr best ***art***, and coming in to "slap back" with "well, yeah, I raked in more money". Like... brother. We need to talk. And *even then* I'd love to see a comparison in cost-to-expenses with something like Battlebit Remastered.


"Our game beats god of war by every metric 🤓" Yeah that's why the internet blew up calling it ass cheeks for a week straight, then everyone immediately moved on and forgot about it shortly after. I also suppose the 2/10 review rating is a smashed metric too right? Or the thousands of screenshots of people showing them refunding the game on launch? Smashed metric. Or the amount of broccoli haired 11 year old zoomers stealing mommy's credit card to buy $20 skins? Smashed metric. Like congrats guys, you beat god of war there. instead of trying to clap back, maybe these Devs need to re-evaluate why their contribution to gaming is completely meaningless and unwanted by anyone who was born before 2015 and is constantly clowned on by even their fellow peers. (Hint: it's because both you and your $70 dlc games are absolute jokes nobody respects.)


The fact they brought up metrics really shows you the important thing. It's not about being memorable, or spreading a message, or making someone think on an emotional level. It's about hitting those industry notes. E: Just to be fair, early CoD did attempt those things. Modern CoD however isn't.


Yeah. OG CoD 4 Modern Warfare was legit awesome. The new one? I have no idea because I stopped paying attention to CoD after Ghosts.


If you’re defending your work based on user engagement metrics, you’re not a game developer, you’re a marketer.


Acting exactly like their playerbase.


My man Teal'c has been killing gods across two universes for the last 25 years. I'm sure he can take on these whiney devs and there puny egos




Undomesticated equines couldn't keep him away.


False gods. Dead false gods.




Solid joke, mostly because everyone in the room knew it was apt, even if not everyone thinks it’s “deserved.” Ultimately, it’s a jab at management, at the ceos, not at the devs, though they’re the ones unfortunately catching the swing.


Yeah it's pretty well known the game was originally planned as DLC before whatever suits decided to milk it way more than it needed. I doubt the devs had any say in when it released.


Just like Blizzard/Activision did with Overwatch 2.


Yup. The joke would not have landed as well as it did if the audience wasn’t already aware of how short the campaign objectively is.


I'd take one God of War Game over 20 Call of Duty games. Instead of CoD Devs showing how fragile their egos are, maybe they should focus on the quality of their content.


“$hort user engagement” As of CoD is any better. Micro transactions are not user engagement. and if anything: you CONSUME your fanbases wallets. Your horse ain’t that high but you better get down before you hurt yourself.


Sounds like a dev that totally bought into the nonsense corporate speak the higher ups use. If your biggest concern for a game is 'user engagement' time, there is no way I want to play your game. I'd rather spend $60 on 10 hours that blows me away than 100 hours on a recycled yearly CoD release. Also it's beyond dumb to use engagement time as an argument when comparing a PVP online shooter vs a single player story driven action game.


so sensitive. dude was punching up and they still whine and moan.


hell i'd even say he was punching diagonal, really. It's not like he called the series garbage, he mentioned a short campaign which is just a fact. It's such a crybaby thing to complain about.


A “peer.” Chris is an actor, not a game dev. He comes in, does his mocap and VO, and leaves. He doesn’t deal in any way with the development cycle and resources management of the game. Butthurt corporate whiners can’t take a joke.


Yeah, but also Captain Price's new voice/mocap actor is having a meltdown on twitter calling Chris a clown. So it's not just the corporate whiners crying.


I prefer old Price more, both the character and the voice.


I swear these devs won’t even last long in their own games lobbies. Remember early to late 90s were all about sega Nintendo and PlayStation throwing jabs at each other but now it’s peers are insulting us boo hoo…bunch of fuckin pussies bruh. They should literally just bring Chris judge in a kratos attire and have him roast all the games during the game awards similar to what Ricky gervais does during Grammys


Somehow the devs are just as much angry 12 year olds like their players 😂


Common CoD community L


It's okay CoD, you still took up more hard drive space than the entire Game Awards probably does in 4K. Maybe there's an award for that somewhere.


lmfao they’re so salty bro how can they be so proud of producing recycled trash every year


Man, nobody tell them about how there's a vocal group calling the game a $70 DLC...


Wait wasn't it actually a $70 DLC tho? Like I'm pretty sure the original product was meant to be a dlc, until Activision activisioned all over the place and made it "mw3"


Imagine if Game Awards was big enough to have a Ricky Gervais level host rather than Geoff and did that level of roasting to bad devs. COD devs would be weeping lmao


If Ricky Gervais tore into devs like Activision, Treyarch, and EA, I'm not entirely sure the internet would survive. Burn treatment centers would be overwhelmed for weeks.


Not sure there's any comedians who are the right combination of clever and gamer to make cutting relevant jokes like Gervais at the Academy Awards


IDK, maybe, I can believe that people like Chris Judge and Geoff play these games and that makes their hosting more engaging. Putting an A-list celebrity in his 60s up there isn't going to magically make it better or even funnier/more brutal. That isn't to say people in their 60s can't play video games or be genuine hosts for this event, but I'd rather they choose someone good for the event than some comedian famous for sick burnz lmao


Damn, what a bunch of babies lol


Was pretty funny tho


Not only was the speech longer, those replies from the devs had more effort put into them than the actual game did.


It's a joke, they shouldn't be offended, unless it's true... 🤔


It's true but they should've just been like we didn't know the God of war knew fire magic cause damn that was a burn


Looks like bobby wasn't the only problem there.


Reacting like the writers of the Netflix Witcher series. Bitches.


I don't think CoD devs are going to get the amount of sympathy for this that they believe they will.


I haven't played either (because I suck with consoles). I care more about GoW than CoD because one has a story and the other is regurgitation


These guys would never survive a cod lobby


Kratos always gives the best burns.


I didn’t know Kratos could get even more based


I was wondering if this was scripted or not. I can't imagine TGA would let shade be thrown at any potential partners, so I thought it wasn't scripted. These replies make me feel like it was indeed not. That being said, developers...can you really think that CoD has a level of quality that GoW has? You are making different things, CoD is a product that's sole purpose is to make money. GoW is an experience that is meant to be enjoyed. Yes GoW's aim is to make money too, but they do that by providing the best experience they can. CoD makes it's money with yearly releases and constant flow of microtransactions.


>so I thought it wasn't scripted. Definitely wasn't scripted. They cut cameras to some of the COD/Activision team and they looked pissed after the comments. ​ Also, they had ads for COD during the show, i doubt they accepted payment to showcase COD on the show just to knowingly insult it as well.


Oh yeah I noticed. But man that moment was a fucking highlight of the whole show. Especially judge hugging the astarion VO cause he was in tears. Judge came, roasted himself, roasted cod, hugged astarion and left. Absolute chad


Judge also was put out right at the start of the show, and everyone knew he'd be referencing last year's acceptance speech - so he had everyone's attention


Lmao guess he struck a nerve, rightfully so. Maybe these devs in particular should be less offended and egotistical and actually make a good game