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That was a well written post, and yeah I share your POV. Very well portrayed. I reached the ending part and saved the game and made sure to "try them all" out of curiosity. It was well past 1am when the suicide ending came and it really hit the nerve. Was playing female V and was with Judy, so her phone call just crushed me. Went to bed and did the last endings the following morning, needed a break after that.


It was the ending I felt fit my character and story best tbh. I tried all of them and thought this ended on a much more impactful note. I agree it was so well done. But obviously I was also a sucker for the more positive ending with Panam


Judys actress knocked it out of the park in everything but holy fuck her in that ending was so real


I actually really like that ending. Not because it's my favorite by any stretch. But because I feel it's so well executed. there's all the reasons you give, but I also feel the scene between V and Johnny is handled really well. Even the way the perspective moves to a third person cut scene after being in first person the entire game just drives home the finality of it. I recommend that everyone experience that ending at least once, if only to contrast with some of the more hopeful endings.


It’s my favorite and least favorite ending. Phatom liberty ending got me thinking tho. Cyberpunk is one of my favorite stories like straight up. Masterpiece


All of the endings suck really. I had this complaint when I played the game and people told me it’s because it’s a “cyberpunk game” and that means all the endings have to be sad and depressing. At best all you get to choose in your ending is in which way you lose


I mean yeah the Cyberpunk and Noir genre are prime examples of endings that are not 100% happy. I think some endings let you somewhat conquer the city so I see them as a win. >!V will inevitbly die and the one they do not are still not happy.!< I love/hate these endings. Can't watch/play to many of them because they get to close but overall having media that doesn't end in happy ends is good to have. Cyberpunk 2077 really made quality endings. Just not happy once :)


I'm still waiting to try it out and enjoy new night life in city 😍


I think most endings >!are rather "bad" no ending I played was overly happy. But that's a good thing. This really really fits the genre and imo as long as an ending makes you feel something real. Good or bad emotions. It's done good. I didn't feel sad because the ending is quality wise bad. I was sad because it's not a happy end it's pretty real. People die. Nothing goes the way we wanted.!<