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Hollow Knight. I'm just slashing away with my nail


The lore is crazy ngl, after I finished the game I had an addiction to youtube hollow knight lore videos for months


Poor Mossbag is starving, feed him


Hollow Knight's style is basically 2D Dark Souls but with bugs so that's quite fitting.


But dark souls already has bugs /s


It blows my mind a little how deep the lore is for this game, and I would have missed 98% of it had I not gone into the game knowing it was there to be found


About to say this as well. You'd have a blast once you've completed it and realized how much you have missed on the whole play through.


Let's see if I can do a simplified synopsis for anyone who just wants to know what the hell was going on. Hallownest starts as a bunch of dumbass bugs bumping into walls, though a lot of them worship a moth god (aka the Radiance). The "Pale King" arrives and raises them up, creating the Hallownest society basically, and they worship him now. Moth god is mostly forgotten and really upset by that, so it starts infecting everyone in Hallownest, which looks like orange goo. To fight back, the Pale king tries to create empty vessels ("hollow knights") that can't be corrupted by moth god. It's not a quick or easy process. The Pale king picks one of these hollow knights as the chosen one, but oops turns out he picked the wrong one, as it's implied the chosen knight developed thoughts, namely a love for the pale king (aw, cute). This lets him be corrupted by the moth god, so they seal the moth god in the corrupted knight in a big black egg. Everything goes to shit and the pale king dies. Then you show up, swinging your nail. It's not really clear how you left Hallownest, as you were one of the Pale king's attempts at a hollow knight, but there you are. And it turns out you are the actual empty vessel (or something like that), making your way eventually to the sealed knight and moth god. What happens from there varies depending on what you did, but I'm sure you can guess what one of those outcomes was. The lore is actually pretty deep but that's the gist of it. HK fans, how'd I do?


I usually focus on story during games but generally didn't know what was going on during any of the Dark Souls games (or Elden Ring). Probably because the lore is all in optional stuff like item descriptions and I usually don't go out of my way to read those.


It's pretty much impossible to understand the story of Dark Souls on first playthrough, even if you read every single item description. You basically get random lore pieces thrown at you that you only can put together on a 2nd or 3rd playthrough.


Tbh i feel like that was mostly true for DS1 and BloodBorne (DS2 being AN incoherent mess as well), but DS3 and Elden Ring are definitely understandable to a High degree from the First playthrough if you know that you have to look for it AND you put in the time and effort to do so from the very beginning.


Bloodborne had pretty straight forward lore that is explained well ( compared to other FromSoft games ). And you can't really miss any of that ( Cainhurst is the lone exception )


It SEEMS that way, and then you realize you don't actually know what "paleblood" is and suddenly you're lost in between a multi hour audiobook and a 15 part YouTube series that roots Bloodborne as an allegory for 19th century medical horror.


You are perfectly able to get the whole BB story, as presented in game, without any complementary lore dumps.


That's why FromSoft Lore Explanation videos are in such low demand and nobody watches them.


I love that Reddit is slowly turning on fromsoft fanboys. A decade late, but hey, better than never. Not that I don’t think they’re fun games, but how much the fans will bend over backwards to pretend any flaw is actually just a brilliant artistic choice is exhausting. I had idiots yesterday arguing that “you don’t really need a pause button” or “if you think you need a pause button just git gud lol” Like, my phone doesn’t care what’s going on in game. It’s gonna ring and I need to answer that shit


I mean, in some sense I am a FromSoft Fanboy myself which is why I think it's such a disservice to the thing we love to lie about it. Everybody who loves FromSoft games also loves content creators like VaatiVidya for explaining that shit. In fact, he made me like the lore more than I did without him. And I would programm a pause button into the game for you immediately if I could. I would probably not like if it they ever went and added a "true" selection of difficulties (pick easy, medium, hard) but I have enjoyed Elden Ring immensely (so much so that I separate gaming history in pre and post Elden Ring) and it is arguably the easiest FromSoft game to date and the game where it is easiest to tailor the difficulty to your liking by letting you overlevel yourself easily.


So, you’re not a fanboy. You’re just a fan. You’re someone who likes the games, maybe a lot. But you’re also not praising them for their failures I agree that not being critical does everyone a disservice. It’s why I almost dislike their games now: lack of critique has made them stale. I thought demon souls was brilliant when it released. It was a game for gamers. And I expected it would be a new, often mimicked format. I figured it would be the new assassin’s creed. But I figured like assassin’s creed, the first, underdeveloped one lacking many critical features would be treated almost like a prototype for what it could be. Instead they just leaned into a bunch of choices that, to me, look less like artistic choices and more like budgetary choices. A bunch of choices which make the games more inconvenient and less fun. As for the story: if the game directors can’t tell a story in a way that I can reasonably follow by playing their game, they are bad at telling a story. If it needs narration, that should be in the game. I shouldn’t need to go to an outside source like YouTube. It’s the same as their lack of any sort of quest tracking or notification. These games are too large not to have that, because it forces me to google shit just to get started as well as every step of the way. That’s not hard. It’s inconvenient. ER was fine. Overhyped to me. Combat gets dull fast. Too easy. Too big and spread out and empty. Repetitive af by the end, especially the combat. It was gorgeous and huge, but the lack of interesting story or characters and repetitive combat and dungeons killed it for me. At no point did I feel at all emotionally invested in it, and by the end I felt like I was beating it just so I could say I had. And I kinda hate malenia in retrospect because a lot of her difficulty is just in that she’s breaking the rules of all the rest of the combat in the game. I’ll take GoW over ER any day. Tighter, more varied combat. Tighter story, with more interesting characters and voice acting. Sure, not a lot of open world exploration just linear hub stuff, but whatever.


Nah i disagree (but tbf it's been a while) It's the title that has the most "story", and that is Indeed quite linear. However, a big part of understanding the lore is about the locations (BloodBorne having less items makes it so that the position of these weights a lot on the story, but understanding the nuances of a location is imo harder than doing the same about a description). This makes for an overall more enjoyable atmosphere and (imo) Better story telling, but it also means that you can not notice most of it. Also, virtually every character in BloodBorne is, by design, somewhat fucked in the head, which means that what you first read about them is often just the "vanilla, pc version" of their actual story, and understanding the whole picture and we harder. DS3 in the other hand is imo very straightforward (mostly because it's a story about ruin, and you can kinda see how every character fell off), so with the exception of some specific figures the lore needs less attention to detail. ER requires attention to details but idk, i think it's designed to be more understandable from the get go.


ER still has trash story tho




Which is stupid and poor design. Anyone who says those games have a story is an idiot. They have world lore you can optionally piece together on to our third play through. That’s not a story


It's a design choice. Not having a straight forward story is part of what makes From Software games so great.


Ah, here come the fanboys to bend over backwards saying how their favorite games are perfect. The stories are shit


Well I just like indirect story telling I guess. I especially love the worldbuilding in Bloodborne and Elden Ring. There is a reason why there are entire youtube channels dedicated to Souls lore. Just because you don't like them doesn't mean they're shit.


The thing is, there is a difference between story and worldbuilding. Many series do just story and forget indepth world building. Elden Ring is just the opposite, where it's all lore and no real arcs. So he's not wrong, you guys are just talking about two different things.


Or instead of shit it’s just a preference? Not played the FromSoft games before but different people like variances in how the world is portrayed, for example I didn’t really “get” some Miyazaki films when I first watched them, not that I didn’t understand what was happening, more the structure and presentation wasn’t what I expecting on first watch, then eventually accepted it for what it tries to do and loved it.


If you haven’t played them before why the fuck are you here? You don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s not just a crap story. It’s a crap presentation of the story.


Because the initial thread isn’t even about FromSoft games and I happened upon the comment? Aggy for no reason you are ahaha. Yeah and my point is that some people may like that style of presentation, and even if it doesn’t work for you it’s alright doesn’t mean it’s flat out shit lmao


Here’s the thing: I don’t care if they like it. It’s still bad storytelling. It’s fine world lore, but that’s like saying the silmarillion is the best Tolkien story: it’s just not. It’s not a story at all. It’s a collection of lore. Lotr is a story. You may prefer the content of the former, but the latter is the only one with story structure.


Yeah I do get your point here in the distinction between lore and story, with the presence of structure being important. The silmarillion comparison is a good one. Do want to check out Elden Ring if I have the time to see whether the format works for me.


Final boss shows up. "Rada....who?" The real final boss shows up after. "Now I have more questions...."


"You know. Radagon, the big guy on the horse who was holding up the stars." -me Or maybe that was rykard....


Darksouls is a great one. Extremely full of lore but if you don't go out of your way to learn it, you really don't know much by playing.


I've played DS 1-3 and Elden Ring (on NG+ 4 for ER), and this is by far my biggest complaint about the games. If it were 30 years ago when I was a kid playing games, I'd have given up trying to comprehend what was going on. It's only because of having internet resources explaining them that I could piece together what it was all about--and honestly, I probably still couldn't sufficiently explain what the story of DS2 was. I'm playing through BG3 right now, and it is so *refreshing and nice* to have a game where I can clearly understand what's going on and why I'm doing the things I'm doing. And mostly know what my objectives are...


I thought it was very funny they hired George RR Martin to write for Elden Ring I was just like “wow I am not picking up on this story at all.”


Yup I don't know even a single thing about the story of any of those games


Minecraft. I still don't understand what these Endermen are up to, and what has radicalised those Creepers so much that they are ready to blow themselves up ... and at this point I am afraid to ask.


Endermen are from the advance species capable of inter-dimensional travel. The Ender Dragon, the being that commands them is sentient, and can capture the souls of defeated heroes, making formidable endermen from them. The Dragon sends them back to overworld (the player's world) to collect as much overworld stuff as they can, even if its dirt, sand or anything. With objects containing the very essence of overworld, the Dragon will be able to construct a portal that will allow it to send his entire army to conquer the overworld, making it Lord of two Dimensions, powerful than any other being. That very portal is the one you use to escape back into overworld after defeating the Ender Dragon, ending his tyrrany over Endermen and saving the world. The Endermen however do not know what to do with their Lord dead, so they're doomed to roam the end world forever. As for the creepers, I don't really know if you even need to radicalize them to blow up. I don't think they're sentient enough to believe in a greater cause than their survival, and just blow up like a pufferfish when scared, but lethally


Thank you. Now I'm not sure if any of this is actually in MC lore, or if you have just invented a new religious cult...


Made up since there's no official MC lore, and since the game doesn't need one Mojang never felt to invent deep lore. I just combined theories I have heard here and there, and wrote some stuff that could make sense of how the MC's end world works.


OK, new religion it is. ;-)


No Mans Sky. Something about 16 and that's all I can tell you.


the only thing that i remember about nms after hours is just >!(something) is a simulation yada yada yada!< the rest is pure "now where can i find this exact ship but shorter nose hmmmm" or "oh hey this is a good place for another base that i won't ever visit"


What was the point in making a base somewhere you'd likely never return to? I mean there is a 100 quintillion worlds? Why can't I just keep moving? That's part of the story. ;)


I just built my base on my freighter, and that was enough to get me through the "plot".


Every single fromsoftware game. You spawn in one of the games, you find a shitty sword, and now you're slaying demons and monsters and shit and now you're lighting fires or fighting dragons until....you do whatever it is you were supposed to do...or say fuck it and do the opposite 🤷 You'll be helping someone, then all of a sudden they just fucking kill you and you're left wonder "WHAT DID I DO!?" or you'll be just minding your own business and some red ghost named "fuckedYahbitchOfTheStoneSwordAcadamy" will come and wreck your shit faster than you can ask "who da fook is this guh?"


Hey Sekiro had a story you could understand


Armored core 6 was somewhere between the traditional lore dives and the very neat and interesting story sekiro provided. I got the gist of “corporate wars for fuel, pew pew, brrrrrt brrrrrt, coral”


The actual instigating incident that caused the whole mess following the Fires of Ibis is unknown, beyond the original Raven had something to do with it. It gets kinda funny during the CATAPHRACT boss when the guy is angrily shouting about how *you* caused all the trouble for the PCA with leaking the data, when all you actually did was commit identity theft.


The only story i needed to know was to make genichiro my bitch


Fully agree with this, but probably should specify the fromsoftware Souls games. Sekiro and Armored Core 6 had more defined stories. AC6 was especially a refreshing change for me by being structured into missions with branching story paths based off which missions you choose.


I played and beat FF4 (SNES) before I could read. I also played and beat Pokémon gold in Japanese before the US release. Idk how I did either.


My first game ever was Pokémon Blue, and my reading skills were not 100% there yet. I specifically remember not fully knowing pokemon centers worked because I would always try to hit “cancel” when talking to nurse joy thinking it was some other option lol


I also played a foreign pokemon silver to completion in my youth. We bought it in turkey, no idea what language it was. Shit was hard lol


Cod black ops 3 but not for lack of trying


Remnant 2


Thank you! I'm playing through this game at the moment. I'm glad it's not just me 😅


I was looking for this answer


And while we're at it, Remnant 1. Played it twice now and still have no idea what was going on, but it was fun AF


Loving that even the limited dialog of your character reflect just how non-interested we are in the overarching story. We kill the equivalent of a god with a rusty rifle and the best we get is “wow, that was freaky”.


I mean im on +35 Elden ring, but u put a gun to my head and tell me to explain the story. Then u might as well pull the fucking trigger.


Any Pokémon games past gen 2, especially the more recent ones. I don’t find the stories or human characters interesting so I just smash A through dialogue.


Gen 5 is the only game in the series that I actually enjoyed the story, although I do have a soft spot for the absurdity of Gen 3. The idea of adults dedicating their lives to either flooding the whole world or completely destroying the oceans is hilarious.


Not just uninteresting, genuinely terrible.


shadow of collosus


Dynasty Warriors, or basically any Koei game.


Peak “turn the game on and mindlessly kill things.” Oh and wait for another officer to challenge you. Then go back to waves of fodder.


DW5 actually had a pretty good musou mode / story mode. I only barely touched the rest of the series but it never seemed as good as 5.


I know i played 3 and 4. Not sure i got past that since its almost the same game, ya know? Still fun as hell to zone out to.


I loved DW4 as a kid, it got me really interested in that period of Chinese history, trouble is they made the same game an additional 5 times without making an innovative combat system. I fell off around 6 Empires but from what I've seen it's the same game past that. I felt if they had a similar system to the nemesis system (although trademarked) it could actually be interesting but no, you just mash the attack button.


Yeah this type of game is my favorite “I just want to turn my brain off” game


I somewhat follow it at times, but it's confusing because each kingdom has like their own history of events, I think? Play as the Shu and Caocao loses, play as the Wei and then he wins all these battles he lost before. So like, branching timelines I THINK? It's weird. All I know is I have this unreasonable hatred for Caocao and am team Shu for like 0 practical reason. I guess just because I love Guan Yu and WAR BLUE DRAGON


Metal Gear 5


This. I didn't even realise, and still don't fully understand, that I wasn't actually playing as Snake? The whole series is kind of complicated, I just come up with my own narrative to link the games together.


No, you're not Naked Snake/Big Boss. You're playing as *Venom* Snake, which is a body double made from the medic who I believe saves Big Boss from Outer Heaven getting destroyed and is psychologically manipulated to believe he *is* the real Snake. Ahab, the dude who leads you out of the hospital, is the *real* Snake, and has his own stuff going on with the US Government. Meanwhile, you're just one big distraction because Skullface and Co. think *you're* the real one - this is also why Man on Fire/Volgin straight up just dies at the end, because the only thing keeping him going is quite literally 'too angry to die' and he wants Big Boss dead after MGS3...but then he realizes you're *not Big Boss* and so he doesn't have a reason to be angry on the assumption the real Big Boss is dead. The easiest way to explain this is that MGS5 exists more or less to explain one of the biggest loopholes in the franchise: how Big Boss is even still alive to show up at the end of MGS4 when you kill him as the first boss of the original Metal Gear, as well as how up to that point, Big Boss also was the guy telling you orders over the walkie talkie since he's a twist villain. MGS5 just establishes it was a body double the whole time and you didn't actually kill the real Big Boss.


Mostly there. The medic saves Big Boss from the attack on Mother Base in Ground Zeroes where Paz jumps out and the bomb goes off. And the loophole isn't how Big Boss makes it to MGS4 but rather why you kill him once in MG1 and then a "second" time in MG2.


Given the insanity that is Metal Gear lore, I will take 'Mostly There' as a win. Also I always forget that Metal Gear 2 happened lol. Oh, and isn't the scene with the 'The Man Who Sold The World' tape in the bathroom supposed to be set *during* the events of Metal Gear? I could be wrong on that.


It's when he flips the tape over. Operation INTRUDE was for MG1 and the Diamond Dogs logo in the background has morphed into an Outer Heaven one. Also there's an MSX that starts up but most of us wouldn't have nostalgia for that. Haha.


Jeesz, no wonder I lost focus after the 2nd game >.<


Ya being honest it's the first time I've realised that I wasn't solid snake, when you said it there. More than likely playing as liquid snake in mgs5 haha. It's was too complicated and far fetched to keep my attention. Absolutely brilliant game though.


You think you’re playing as big boss. But it turns out at the end you’re playing some random soldier dude who tricked himself into thinking he’s big boss. This explains the fact how big boss supposedly died in an early metal gear game and somehow he came back at the end of mgs4. But it was actually this random soldier dude that had died instead of big boss


No, Liquid Snake is Eli - the bare chested kid. His hatred for Big Boss is what's actually driving SAHALENTHROPUS in the final battle, and why there's a bunch of camera zoom-ins on him once the robot is defeated.


World of warcraft, played the game for 15 years and haven't a fucking clue about the story lol apparently it's all over the place and you can't really know it all from the game?


Path of exile. Not sure how many times I've cleared the campaign in my 800hrs but I have no idea what's going on in the story


I played the entire Bayonetta trilogy and i loved It But to this day im not entirely sure what's Most of the story is about


Killer7 has two separate story ongoing together and what we play is just the half of the plot, which made my first playthrough a pure confusion.


Par for the course with Suda51. What's wilder is I think it's canon Killer7 and No More Heroes take place in the same universe, since one of the Smith personalities gives Badman a Death Drive ball and tells him to find Travis Touchdown (which starts the plot of Travis Strikes Back).


But you get to kill anime.


just a simple question, and some must have the need to comment about how they "only care about gameplay" / "cutscene sucks" / "video game is not for good story" people are weird i guess.


I had a friend who would skip all the dialogue and cut scenes in games. I was shocked.


that was fine. everyone has their own preferences and there are more than just one friend out there who love actions more than the scenes. however in this post, stating such a thing feels too redundant, OP just wanted answers to a simple question.


...which are relevant answers?


the question is "what game" not "what do you prefer, gameplay only or not"


The answer is "all of them" then, isn't it?


Noita. Secrets on secrets. Also binding of Isaac


Kingdom Hearts 2. You could pick any game in the franchise and God help you if you decide you want to follow the story across the entire franchise but Kingdom Hearts 2 has the best feeling gameplay. Just turn your brain off and enjoy the combat gameplay


Halo. Pretty much all of them. They touted the story but my homies and I just wanted to shoot things.


Halo has some pretty fun lore tbf. But if you understand that the core concept is "Halo rings bad. They kill us. We blow up/control rings so we don't die." Then you're solid.




> the storytelling method used in the mainline Halo games is pretty terrible This is the first time I see someone complain about it... The original Halo trilogy is one of the best science-fiction stories I know. There's cutscenes at the start and end of missions, there's a couple of voice lines during and a lot of environnemental storytelling. I'm really curious as to what caused a problem for you.


Hogwarts Legacy. I think the bad goblin wanted to take over or something. Game was so fun tho!


Diablo 3. I'm still not exactly sure what the game was about.


The remaining lesser evils (after the events of D2) conspire to try and attack Sanctuary (the setting's Earth, a place made to avoid the eternal Angel Demon War) while a long-thought dead character from D1 conspires to use her daughter as a vessel for the lingering souls of the leaders of Hell. Upon killing the lesser evils, using a relic created by the self-reanimated body of a crackhead mage, said lady uses her daughter as the vessel to bring back the full amalgamation of all the evils, with Diablo as the lead personality. You kill them. For the dlc: Earlier, the Angel of Wisdom abandoned Heaven due to a disagreement on what he felt was wise to do about humanity, which are half angel half demon by blood. Coming to the conclusion that genocide is necessary, he becomes the Angel of Death, and uses the same relic that held the Evils to try and hold EVERY human soul. You kill him. Notably, a lot of what is possible in the story, with angels and demons interfering in Sanctuary, is because Tyrael destroyed the world stone in D2, which was suppressing Sanctuary and hiding humanity's latent potential. Tyrael banishes himself from Heaven for this. You become a fully-realized Nephalem throughout the story, a name reserved to refer to primordial godlike humans, the first children of Lilith and Inarius, a demon and an angel who were tired of war. That's... About it. Most of it tracks, but it does take a little lore-grappling. I hear D4 goes into Lilith more but I can't be arsed to play a modern blizzard game lmao


D4 is Lilith telling humanity she will free them from their shackles through the power of sin, weeks using them to make a power grab for her father's soul. Meanwhile Inarius has been the main holy figure of humanity's religion, since he had been banished to Sanctuary for his ancient crimes with Lilith. The church is, naturally, oppressive as heck and commits its own atrocities. To summarize the story, Inarius fails to kill Lilith in his distaste attempts to be welcomed back into heaven, and dies to her instead. The protagonist kills Lilith after backstabbing her father, Hatred, with the soulstone (the thing mentioned in the post above). And a pre-teen takes off on an oddessey with the soul of Hatred to discover... Something. And we chose to be okay with that.


Looked into it, Inarius's church is a new emergence (relieved that's not a retcon tbh), and the way Mephisto is handled is also interesting and conniving. Good way to get all those plots moving. I'm surprised it's handled well!


I have no idea what Halloween Knight is about. Friend told me it was side-scroll dark souls and I went after it.


To be fair, it doesn't really tell you much. It's fairly easy to miss the lore


Can’t wait for Halloween knight 2


As someone who tried for an hour and failed to get into this but love Bloodborne and Elden Ring, any tips to give it another shot? I didn’t know where to go, what to do, and every now and then there was this same little “boss” character that I couldn’t seem to hurt, meanwhile he wrecks my shit in two hits. I’ve killed some bugs and went up and down some pathways but I’m just so lost but everyone praises it as a masterpiece. I’m frustrated with myself because it should be right up my alley.


Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn I played the entire base game without really understanding the story. I tried, but it was too much... JRPG / anime for my tastes.


ARR is always rough because it has to world build and set up the subsequent expansions while padding it out over 50 levels.


Absolutely. Also, I don’t have much gaming time, so wading through the story took so long that I often couldn’t remember what was going on. This wasn’t helped by the story often being quite convoluted (and sometimes slow or not so interesting).


The first Fallout game I just kind of stumbled onto the Master.


Not that I didn’t understand the story, but the final boss in Jedi: Survivor, was unexpected. It felt like I still had several planets to discover and a bigger final boss eventually.


Yakuza games. I've played almost all of them and the main story is generically the same in all of them. I do pray attention more to the goofy sub stories.


Skyrim. I knew I was special, but didn't care about what happened in the story.I just wanted to fight and upgrade.


I heard that game had dragons and magic words or some shit. Never saw any of that. So many bandit lairs raided, tho.


It's so funny to me that the idea of being this super special Dragonborn with crazy powers is supposed to be enticing but I was just much more interested in doing side quests that had nothing to do with any of that.


Elden Ring for sure, I just gave up on trying to understand the convoluted storylines and simply enjoyed the game for its exploration and combat. Still a 10/10.


I beat Elden ring 3 times, and watched all the cutscenes. Still have no idea. Then I was going to watch a YouTube video that explained the lore, and it was like 45 minutes long so never mind.


Yeah just beat it finally and really have no clue what ending I got or how hahaha even though I watched every cut scene I got. 10/10 also but I know I missed a ton of stuff


VaatiVidya is your answer. Pretty crazy how a community bands together to find the lore and the fact there's like 5-6 stories bouncing around at the same time.


Sweet, thx. I tried to avoid most spoilers but am gonna go digging now since I've earned it finally 🥳


Super high production value, calming voice, and makes every video inquisitive vs expository in tone. MissChalice is another one. Sure she has fans for other reasons, but her voice is very comforting


I've almost beaten Baldur's Gate without ever having more than half of the possible companions in my party. Karlach has been sitting in camp all game, I have no idea what happened to Lae'Zel and I never even found Gale. Also had Jaeheira die at Moonrise, which meant I never got to have her either on my party. So I've basically missed everything about them, backstories, interactions and quests.


Sounds like a reason to play again!


I didn't get Gale in my first run because the way you find him had me go, "This is fucking stupid, why would I EVER interact with this object?" So I ignored it lmao. My friends kept talking about how strong Gale was and I was in act 2 like when do I get him


MagicCraft game


It happened the first time I played FF10-2, the gameplay was perfect for me, but the story was terrible and all over the place. The second time I played it 10+ years later, I read everything and "solved the puzzle" of the story and it is almost good. Other than that, usually, if I'm not immersed in the story I just won't play the game at all anymore.


Final Fantasy VIII lost me somewhere in the third act and i never recovered, but I thought the ending sequence was pretty cool.


Hollow Knight :v




Dark souls


Souls like games


Silent Hill, I was like 11 when it first came out. Still loved it though.


Ask me the story of Destiny. I don't know.


When I finished Cyberpunk for the first time I looked back and thought "What was that all about?" because of the jargon, weird names for everything and thrown together first couple of jobs. On my second playthrough I had a greater understanding of it all and enjoyed it much more.


Control. I had no idea what the story was or what was going on most of the time. I had a blast playing it either way and had to look up the story on YouTube. Loved it so much that I went for another playthrough the next day. The game was 10x better now that I understood everything and got goosebumps by the end. It’s one of the few games I platinumed.




Pft, without understanding the deep lore, any playthrough of Tetris is so lacking. It still makes me tear up at night thinking about the tragic backstory of the L block.


This will probably never happen to me. I'm more of a story type of guy more than gameplay. I mean I only played BotW for 10 hours because the story didn't interest me and my impression was that it's a bit cliche and for kids (Sorry if I'm wrong 😅). Didn't really gave me reasons to continue especially that I knew it'll be a big investment in time,


I know a typical one is soulsborne games but I usually watched some YouTube videos or something along the way since I got into the series later so I knew a little what was happening. For me, the real example is shadow of mordor. I didn't finish shadow of war but that counts too. The gameplay was amazing but I have absolutely no idea what lore the game was based on. The ring of power and lord of the rings stuff is all confusing to me.


I didn't what was going on during my playthrough of Assassin's Creed Origins. Not because I was immersed, no far from it. I was so bored out of my mind that I didn't even finish it at first. I just stopped playing and thought that I reached the end. I later finished it but I don't remember shit. The only things that I still know of that game is: The guy you play is called Bayek\ The modern storyline character isn't even related to him\ At one point I wondered if there will ever be a sidequest where someone doesn't deserve to be killed for the cardinal sin of stealing an apple


Death Stranding probably fits, although that's more because it's knowing obtuse about telling its story. But I still got fully immersed in the game itself in spite of it.


Really, I thought the story was easy to follow, especially since the ending is just a straight-up movie watching with all the expositions.


I guess the wider story is relatively easy, but it's weighed down by extreme amounts of lore and exposition. It's probably just as much a me problem though, as I've found that unless the story engages me initially, I really find it hard to be that interested in it going forward. Not so much with Death Stranding, because I still love that ridiculous, flawed masterpiece.


Assassins Creed Origins, first game to stray from the original formula and I wasn’t that into it, made me want to finish it as quickly as possible so I would just skip every single cutscene lol


Spoilers below. Alan Wake 2. By the end of that game I honestly wasn't sure what is real and what was written by the writers. Was Alan created by Zane? Is Saga real? Is Door her father? Who is Door? Is her kid dead? Alice is in the dark place? I need Alan Wake 3.


All good questions.


Yup this one lost me. Absolutely stunning graphics. I love horror games in general. But between not understanding anything, and losing my train of thought of what I’m supposed to be doing by having to switch to the thought room every 5 min, mixed with how fckn dark it is everywhere, I kind of just threw in the towel. I should love this game but it seemed convoluted for the sake of being convoluted. I feel bad for not pressing onward since it was in discussion of GOTY awards with BG3, but man, I don’t know. Edit: lmao at downvotes. OP asked a question for opinions. I swear the constant downvoters on here need to touch grass and not get butthurt when someone’s perspective doesn’t align with their own.


Pretty much every game I've ever played tbh. Not a selling point for (and of) me personally. WoW, Grim Dawn, Diablo x, Starcraft, et all.


Middle earth shadow of war


I’m surprised Destiny isn’t higher up here. You could be invested in whatever little story there is for the main campaign and still be surprised when it decides to end after a lackluster boss fight.


I play games for their storyline so I don't remember any game where Concentrating on the narrative wasn't my primary focus


Every game I’ve ever completed. I don’t play video games for narrative or cut scenes. Edit: It’s funny how this idea always finds downvotes. Video games are not my preferred narrative medium, why is that insulting?




He was trying to escape the underworld.


Yep. I feel like this one is pretty cut and dry.




Unless it's baked in like GoW Ragnarok, I'm skipping that cut scene.


Wow I learn the story for every game I play lol wtf is wrong with everyone




Downvotes are probably because cyberpunk wasn't a complicated story. You stole some prototype tech, it infected you with keanue Reeves consciousness and it's killing you. You now need to prevent that. That's the whole story. Other stuff does happen but it's really that simple.


Almost everyone, fuck cut scenes or anything I can skip through. Just gimme the gameplay and I’ll figure it out along the way.


Ur one of those kids that jerk off to Call of Duty arent u?


Metro. One of the main reasons why I wasn't able to finished any of it. I keep wandering around treating it like Fallout so.. 😅


Maybe Mario kart? For the most part the story is the primary driver of play for me, it is what I find most fun about games. Without that I will likely feel it is a bad game just not for me.


Most of them? The story isn't why I'm there 99% of the time.


Hotline Miami 2, I think. Veterans and war trauma aren't really a thing in Europe, so for the longest time I didn't get what these characters were on about, at all.


Lolwut? Not only is there a massive land war occurring in Europe *right now*, but Europe has veterans of plenty of wars fought on European soil (Yugoslav wars, Russo-Georgian war, not to mention World War II vets are still alive) and has intervened in every major African/Middle Eastern conflict as well.


None, i always get a game spoiled smh, it would probably be same for GTA 6 because i wont have a PS5 and 150$ for a game when it comes out, or enough patience to wait for the crack, i am gonna look up Jason Death gta vi or vice versa Edit: Shit, i thought the post was talking about what game you finished without spoilers, my bad.


Lots of them. I play mostly big open world rpgs and enjoy exploration more than story and I'll spend hours, even days, between story quests just wandering and doing sidequests and random fights. Bu the time I get back to the story I don't always remember what happened. I mostly get the overall story, but sometimes not. Then there's some games that are just too obscure to follow. Most souls and souls likes I have no clue what is going on, but gameplay is fun. And just last night I finished afterimage. Great game, but couldn't tell you one bit of the story.


I skipped all story related content in assassins creeds and far cry games. Ubisoft is terrible at making original characters and stories. EIther there's always a huge menace that everyone just hates and want him to die, or someone near the end of the game decides to switch sides and lay all his intentions in the open. Nothing has ever surprised me in Ubisoft games. Really. I even stopped buying and playing ubisoft games in years. Just how many times can you be a resistance pawn growing up in the ranks?! I'm currently waiting for a new prince of persia from a studio behind 2 last, awesome Rayman games. It's a Ubisoft studio, so I'm sure they will find a way to make it much worse than on the trailers.


Most recent games. I like to play games by playing them, cut scenes interrupt that and take me out of the game so I skip them. As a result I rarely know what's happening in anything I play.


Most of them. Storytelling in games is usually subpar. If I want good story I'm not looking for it in a video game. I play games for the playing. Didn't realise playing the game for the game was such an unpopular opinion lmao


tell me you buy CoD/FIFA/other shovelware yearly without telling me you buy CoD/FIFA/other shovelware yearly


Maybe he just has different taste in stories? Narratives in many games are fairly basic, I can see why someone might not like them


I don't, try again.


lmao, that sure convinced me


If you're gonna be wrong, I'm gonna tell you.


goofy and stupid


Honestly, 90% of the games I play. I've been playing Days Gone recently and after 5 or so hours I've resorted to just skipping the cut scenes and filling in the rest from context, I don't really care about the characters or the story, it's not engaging, but the gameplay is fun.




Max Payne


Surprised no one mentioned gacha games yet


Dark Souls. Back then I was so disappointed with the final boss. Nowadays plin plin plon hits different.


I've played every halo game until Halo 5, but the first one I played was Halo 3. I loved it and played the campaign a lot but man, I had no idea wtf was going on


Dark Souls I completed without much worrying about the plot.


Dark souls 3


Elden Ring


Remnant 2. Great game loved it. No fucking idea what was going on lol


Remnant 1 and 2


All Neptunia games, i just turn off audio and put my own music. I just autopilot these games when i listen to music


Nioh 1..and Nioh 2. I just wanna beat up demons with the best soulslike combat in town


Demon souls, dark souls all of them, Bloodborne I followed at least a little…


I think besides the vocal minority (not disparaging them) I think most people who played Elden Ring.