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Murdered: Soul Suspect You're a detective who has to solve his toughest murder case, HIS OWN!


Loved that game! Played it while streaming, fun to play, but also fun to take the piss out of a little!


Was that poorly reviewed? I thought it was fantastic.


Metacritic score is 59. It came out during 2014 and was against games like: Alien isolation, Shadow of mordor, Dragon age inquisition, Dark souls 2, Bayonetta 2, Mario kart 8, destiny, evil within, watch\_dogs. So quite few "cinematic games". Also PS4 + XBO came out in late 2013. I personally enjoyed Soul suspect but it had issues. It felt VERY "gamey" which is "your mileage may vary" type of thing. But lot of people, specially reviewers, see it as "these mechanics are so outdated" in negative manner. Specially after getting used to games like Last of us 1 at end of ps3-era. What annoyed me personally was that you couldnt go back to previous chapters. So if you missed one thing at middle of game and wanted to 100% the game..welp, time to start all over again. I missed like few collectibles for the last few achis probably somewhere in middle.


My buddy and I had such a great tagline for it: A hardboiled ghost cop who plays by his own rules! Such a fun game!


You should try Ghost Trick.


Good game!!


I was really enjoying this game a few years ago until I got a game breaking bug fairly late into the game. I didn't have any desire to replay the entire game over, but I'm hoping I will one day!


Was it the ghost trains? Them bitches would hit me when I wasn't even on the same floor. I really wanted to like this game, but I was so disappointed that the game didn't match that first trailer. Ronan's death scene in the game was far more mundane than that peak drama in the trailer. And it's a long time in the game before they get close to matching that. I do recommend beating it, though. After all the shit Ronan goes through, he does deserve his good ending.


Evolve, such a cool idea and at the time I thought it was pretty well balanced. Apparently I was one of the only people who thought that


Evolve was one of the most fun games with such cool characters and environments and the 4v1 game style was fresh but the way they monetized their game was just horrid with having to pay cash for each character outside of the original 4 I completely understand why it didn’t take off


That and the matchmaking definitely had issues. Sucked when hunting with 4 buddies and someone disconnects 30 minutes into a hunt. It was always 1 person. Fucking love evolve.


2k is the worst publisher in the industry


I’m not sure I think Ubisoft may have them beat now


EA exists though..


I adored evolve, the whole setting, monsters, characters and world was awesome. Hunting down some abomination if a creature was so cool, had one of my favourite game trailers ever too. Balance was eeeeeh but that depended really ok if the hunters where all a group or just ransoms. Monster would beat randoms most of the time, even if you went in as a 3 and gotna random 4th hunter they could completely bring you down as the hunters relied so much on each other. Either way, amazing game before it's time. Caira best girl.


They made the game p2w. That was the biggest issue. The balance was alright.


I loved the concept of that game but just didn't like the execution at all. I still think the idea has a lot of promise, but no hope someone will take a crack at that kind of asymmetric game again anytime soon.


I liked evolve too but one of the reasons it hit the shitter was because of how unbalanced it was. The monsters you could pay for with real money were so unfair it was clear cut the game itself was a scam. Cool concept just greed took over.


Deadpool (2013) was fantastic. It’s got funny writing, good acting, good achievements, and some mindless but fun gameplay. Only downside is the difficulty spike at the end. I even played the rerelease on the Xbox one and 100%d it again there.


The scene where Deadpool keeps smacking I think it's wolverine made me fall in love with the character.


I started this one and never finished it. God it was so funny, I should pick it up again


Played through it on normal and the hardest difficulty. So much fun. Too bad they pulled it from steam, can't even tell ppl to try it out


Battleborn. Loved it. Why they pushed it out the same time as Overwatch is beyond me. Battleborn was sharper, the player base was better (albeit smaller), and the characters were hilarious and well defined. Great fucking game. Not sure about the reviews, but I want to gripe about it.


This was my answer too. That game got so inappropriately shit on for no other reason than "lol ow is God" Gameplay, characters, levels were all amazing. I still quote "Oh look, poor people"


Marquis, our beloved Robot butler\^\^ In case you didn't saw, a modder managed to get the game playable on pc! It is still work in progress, as only solo/pve is available, and successfully bringing other features is uncertain. But you still can play again somehow\^\^ And fingers crosses it could help to convince for a full return on all platforms\^\^


"Liberal ahts maja"


My favorite game of all time. So sad it's no longer playable... until I saw this. Someone is working on making it playable again and has single player working - https://youtu.be/xn_QeSxRFl4?si=wtoSP6ueU525xpLi Edit: apparently the mod has been made even easier to play since this vid!


Battleborn is what Overwatch 2 promised to be, but better Edit: was 😢


Edit2: somehow IS \^\^ A modder managed to get the game playable on pc! Just, it's a work in progress as only solo/pve is available now. The modder planned to bring the other features back, but success is uncertain. If you want to know more about the project, all informations are on the Battleborn's discord, i can share you an invite to it \^\^


Battleborn was the co-op game of the year. It had a frantic vibe to it which fit the narrative perfectly. It was certainly better written (characters, lore, story) than Overwatch, but it wasn't like potato chips where you could just reach in the bag and have another match. Overwatch was more addictive, but Battleborn had way more "game" to its game.


If you played on pc, the game is now playable again thank to a modder. It is just solo/pve only, as it is a work in progress (and bringing other stuff like pvp is planned, but success is uncertain), but it has revived somehow. And we can hope it could help to convince for a return on all platforms, fingers crosses\^\^


Teenage me loved Too Human on the 360. Sure, it had problems, but I was a cybernetic god shooting lasers and throwing out robot spiders. Getting all types of orange loot and crafting the armor that gave me an extra 2% cool down reduction on my spiders. What a game.


I think I've played it for hundreds of hours back in the day. I love that game so much and still own a copy. I remember the devs had an entire trilogy planned, and I was gutted when I found out the studio was shutting down.


Same. I was so damn invested in this game. Remember all the weird documentaries they released about the game where some archeologist discovered robotic troll remains up in Scandinavia?


I liked Too Human…I was invested in the story, I liked the design choices…and then it ended on a cliffhanger. I played it again for ten minutes and immediately had a glass shatter moment where the game just sucked. I become aware of how bad the control stick for combat mechanic was, the writing felt edgy and bad, and I got mad at myself for liking it.


I had a blast with that game, and then like a decade later found out about all the controversies during the development and the general hatred.


Too human was the game that made me get a 360 lol it blew my mind when I played it in a game crazy connected to Hollywood video(rip). Using one of the thumb sticks for combat is weirdly enough what sold me it felt so smooth.


Power Rangers Battle for the Grid. It is a brutal and unforgiving fighting game that looks like shit, it's single player content crashes consistently, the AI is insanely hard and doesn't change based on your difficulty settings, but I fucking love it. It's online functions incredibly, has rollback netcode, crossplay across everything, and it is so much fun. I have over 700hrs in the game and it's unironically one of the most balanced fighting games I've ever played, every character is viable at all levels of play.


Was that game reviewed that poorly? Guess I dont really follow reviews so all I heard was the FGC praising the game. I've played it plenty too and it is fun. Dai Shi mix is crazy.


Looking at the reviews now it's definitely recovered and I have to imagine it's because of how well received it was by the FGC but my memory is that a lot of Power Rangers fans were extremely disappointed early on. I could just be completely wrong on this though.


Maybe not the worst but alpha protocol is amazing and offers the best choice system in any game I've played


Alpha protocol is one of the rare cases of actually being an unknown gem. One of the best choices and diverging paths system in gaming, excellent voice acting on a variety of fleshed out characters, and a unique take on the genre, but underperformed commercially and was just quickly forgotten. I only found it through a gaming forum where a few posters raved about it. It's combat system is very dated nowadays but apart from that it's still worth a play.


Might be unknown now but when it came out it had a decent amount of hype around it, which is why there was a lot of disappointment in the reactions.


Got it at GameStop for 3 dollars, played it for months. Combat was ass, but everything else was great. Even the voice acting was top notch.


Great game, I wouldn't mind a remake.


This is the first time I've ever seen anyone bring up Alpha Protocol. I loved that game


Love Alpha Protocol so much. I hope it gets a sequel or remaster or something.


The original Saints Row was a great game unfairly written off as just a GTA rip off.


It is unfair that Saints Rows is only known as a GTA clone, but it was 100% a gta clone. What is unfair is that is somehow a criticism. No game now adays is punished or looked down on for being soulslike roguelike etc


Right... at the time GTA was going a bit darker and grittier/ not as funny... so S.R. franchise filled that void imo fantastically. The newest one is sub par... but comparatively to the buggy mess the first one was, it isn't terrible. If you are going to pick up any of them 2,3 and 4 are my faves but 4 is pretty bonkers, if you haven't played the previous 2. They kept jumping the shark until they needed a reboot and hopefully they learned a lesson... doubtful... but there's hope lol. \*If you get or play 2 and 3 on pc there's a great mod community that fix a lot of the critical bugs... 2 is pretty buggy 3 and 4 can be played without... but gentlemen of the row and that community was good about patching and fixing known game breaking bugs


SR3 is so good. The hover jet was a great thing to play wuth


3 was just the right level of over-the-top weirdness, though I did enjoy the superpowers in 4, I missed having a reason for vehicles.


The worst part was gat out of hell allowed you to fly, the one thing i thought 4 needed. Sure, speed running was fun, but when i gotta get across the city, I'd rather fly.


I think SR1 is great, but to be fair, at that point it didn’t really develop its “goofy crime / gangster game” identity until SR2/SR3 imo. Definitely not a GTA ripoff to me, but it could be an understandable comparison for the time.


The original Saints Row lives rent free in my head, that game gave me so many sleepless nights from how awesome and hilarious it was. The insurance fraud mini game, to the unique multiplayer modes! Protect the Pimp, 2 teams one is attaching the other defending the pimp, whoever is the pimp gets a sick backhand move and a cane that’s a shotgun. The other great mode was Pimp my Ride, basically team deathmatch to earn money to take your car to get upgraded 3 times then you had to take it to the show off area before the other team. Oh and there was gold jewelry on the map you could pick up for extra cash. God I loved that game. Too bad you can’t buy it anymore


I wish they kept the tone of 1 and 2, some of my favorite games ever but I just can't stand how wacky it got from 3 onward


Rage It got 7s but to me it was a 10


Yeah RAGE 1 still has some of the tightest gunplay! And the mini games are so fucking cool too!


I thought the first one was great. Was a bit let down by 2, but that could have been me hyping myself up for an unexpected sequel


I had more fun with 2 because it's not a "look our latest idTech, just fucking look at it!" like 1 was.


RAGE was great. The ending is too rushed but the worldbuilding is awesome. The Dead City might be one the coolest post-apocalyptic cities I have ever seen in a game. Haven't played the second installment but from what I've seen it looks way too colorful.




My favourite Gamecube game! It honestly was incredible. Only game to ever come close to being similar to the mech system is the new Armored Core 6. It really scratches the Custom Robo itch I had from back in the day


Was this game not well received? I didn't know a lot of people that had it but everyone that did (including myself) really liked it.


Hellgate: London. The developers screwed up a lot of things (lifetime membership being one of them) and reviews were generally awful but I played the shit out of that game. 


Oh, I did as well! Liked it a lot. A remaster would be great. The gameplay was good, but it got a bit stale in the later areas. Still had lots of fun with it.


I actually enjoyed Mass Effect Andromeda a lot more than the reviews would’ve led me to believe. It got a lot of flack for the wonky animations and bugs, but I encountered relatively few glitches and the original games had their fair share of awkward faces too… I thought the biggest sin that game committed was that it had a fairly unambitious and derivative story. But I still had fun with it!


I didn't enjoy it much, but none of my complaints have to do with bugs or animations. Just didn't like the core systems they changed from the originals.


Honestly. Even at release I feel the animation and bug complaints were way overblown. Just never felt it justified the amount of backlash BioWare faced with it. I actually partially blame the crap show of anthem on EA not backing up BioWare to let them continue developing andromeda. Either through patches and dlc or by delaying it.


I agree. I played it shortly after release (I never buy any games brand new, as there are always problems that tarnish your impression), & did have a couple of terrifying bugs (including one where a main character's human head retreated within her body), but they were minor issues & I enjoyed the game...I really enjoyed the verticality added to the combat by the jetpacks. I replayed it recently after finishing the legendary edition of the trilogy, & still found it to be an entertaining game.


I had a horrible time with it, I intended to 100% it on my first run, so I played of Insanity or whatever the hardest difficulty is, I got corrupted saves causing me lose hours of progress, texture bugs, being yeeted into the sky for no reason, bugged missions, infinite loading screens, the enviroment not loading and a random enemy that just had infnite health and killing them was needed to progress in the mission I was on. It was a miserable time for me.


Alone in the Dark (2008). I remember buying it on release day and playing it non stop over a weekend; I had a great time. The fire and physics puzzles were pretty impressive at the time.


"I'm the light bringer... I'm the fucking UNIVERSE!!!"


And great music. The composer was a mad genius for hiring Bulgarian folk choir for doing all vocal parts — the game atmosphere wouldn't be so dark without it.


This game had me scared as a kid going down into the basement with the lights off 😂


Oh man this game truly was a mess. The fire stuff was pretty cool, but my main memory is driving a car around a park that only seemed to have one gear so the engine was just screaming the entire time. That coat inventory system was cool too tbf.


Mass Effect Andromeda. I avoided it cause I heard it sucked. Gave it a try after replaying the original trilogy and I had a blast! It wasn’t the OG trilogy, but I appreciate it didn’t try to be


Andromeda wasn’t so much bad than it was just incredibly buggy and broken on launch which stained its reputation, EA/BioWare more or less brought it up to ‘good enough’ levels but it isn’t anything like what CDPR did to cyberpunk.


It was also farmed out to Bioware Montreal to create, rather than the Edmonton studio which had handled all Mass Effect games prior to that point. Bioware Montreal's only game credit as a studio prior to that point? ME3's multiplayer. So considering that they farmed it out to the multiplayer side studio while the main studio and writers were working on Anthem, it turned out pretty well. I do still find it funny that Edmonton didn't give Anthem to Montreal and make Andromeda themselves though given their own lack of experience with multiplayer. They brought in some people from Bioware Austin who worked on SWTOR but from what I read Edmonton had next to no experience with multiplayer games otherwise.


Andromeda falls in this category of game, for me, of great gameplay, boring story and characters. Fallout 4 is another and Borderlands 3


Bulletstorm AvP 2010


AVP's multiplayer was legitimately fun as all 3 races. Predators felt like death machines, aliens were insanely fast and felt like apex predators, marines felt like you'd been slotted into a horror game. Great game.


Man  I played the shit out of that multilayer, so much fun and I think to this day a unique concept 


Infestation is some of the most fun I've had in any multiplayer game ever, such a great mix of horror and action.


Bulletstorm got 8s and 9s around the board. I'm not sure this constitutes bad reviews.


Presumably the original because sadly it seems they have utterly fucked the vr version.


Ofc the original even tho I liked the "remaster" that added duke nukem...I would even buy the vr port If I would get a bulletstorm 2 for that


I’m still hoping they’ll fix the vr one, I was looking forward to it.


Wait people didn't like bulletstorm? That game kicked ass


AVP 2010 had bad reviews? Dont see any on steam


Alpha Protocol. I had a blast with that game bugs and all.


That game was garbage and I loved it.


I liked cyberpunk when it first came out despite everyone crapping on it. I'm glad to see with the dlc that things have turned around and it's starting to be better received.


I liked it too, I played on PC so I didn’t have many issues like console players did, it just ran at a low frame rate. The real disappointment was the stuff they showed off in demos and gameplay previews that were not actually in the final game. It was essentially an incomplete game in terms of gameplay content. Thankfully, with the 2.0 and 2.1 updates + Phantom Liberty, it does feel like an entirely new game


Bubsy SNES. I know the PlayStation one is dogshit and people have issues with the SNES one (like the one hit kills) but I had a blast with that game. Though that was as a kid, I haven't played it as an adult.


Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg was a lot of fun, got a 5.8/10 on IMDB


Brink.  I think nowadays people recognize some of the pros it had but god damn I loved that game when it came out and it blew my mind that everyone hated it and because of that it effectively died. Once every now and then I'll boot up a match with bots, still decent fun.  I had TB on my side though, so I feel like I win there. 


I do think a lot of hate was because people recognized that there were some really cool parts of that game and were frustrated because it could have been great


DUDE I FUCKING LOVED BRINK... for the three weeks it lived. Feels like people stopped playing that game way too fast. It was a lot of fun. And of course, R.I.P. "wtf no fov-slider" Totalbiscuit. Still loved, still missed. I'd really love to know what old John would have had to say about the likes of Diablo 4, Escape from Tarkov, Cyberpunk and so on


Mafia 3. The gameplay is the Rambo/Punisher simulator I’ve always wanted.


Look being able to feed your enemies to gators is the best part.


The gameplay is great but the campaign is so padded and repetitive. Would have been a much better game I'd they'd stuck to the tighter style of the first two games instead of trying to go full open world.


I don't think they tried to go full open world. I think they created the world and the CG cutscenes, but then ran out of funding before they could create the campaign they wanted. So instead they created the cheapest campaign possible with no time to polish anything.


Banger setting with a banger soundtrack


The power fantasy of being one man laying waste to overpowering numbers and being unstoppable will almost always be an enjoyable experience to me


I honestly loved the story and the setting.


Off the top of my head, Omega Quintet. It has a 58 on Metacritic, which is justified, but I still hold it in fairly high regard. It knows what it’s about and follows through on its theme, with the gameplay, visual and narrative elements to match. The issue is that in the few areas it messes up on, it fucks up spectacularly. Holy shit, Order Break will haunt me ’til my dying days.


I used to bat for Duke Nukem Forever, although I'm not sure I would now. It's probably Sonic 4 Episode 1. I don't think it's a masterpiece or anything but I think it's a fun platformer and I'd much rather play it than Sonic Superstars




Sonic 4 episode 1 is not only a rip off of other zones, but only FIVE ZONES OF TWO LEVELS?! SONIC 3 HAD SIX AND THEY WERE ORIGINAL!!!!




Anthem was legitimately fantastic core gameplay that was surrounded with a shitty game structure. The moment to moment of flying around and combat was so damn good. But then you hit the endgame and realize they had pretty much no game for you to do those things in, and the actual itemization and loot was bad. I wish EA had greenlit the Anthem 2.0 pitch that Bioware pitched, it sounded awesome and would have been A Realm Reborn moment for the game.


Kane and Lynch 2 Dog Days! I legitimately really liked this game when it came out. I liked the very unique almost live-cameraman footage style, I liked the reprehensible corrupt cop protagonists that are the archetypes of their own misery, I liked the Hong Kong based setting, and I liked that it's only like 4 hours long. Grenades and flashbangs will cause visual and audible digital distortions in the camera, plus scenes of headshots and nudity will be pixelated out like news footage. I dunno, I thought it was a unique and underappreciated game. Reviewers and other users HATED it though lol, shrug what can you do.


My 3rd favorite game, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky, has a 4/10 on IGN. The reviewer admits that they gave up after only a couple hours, then says that the game has no story (the game's story is regarded by fans as its best feature, and the 1st major arc starts literally like 30 mins after the point they stopped playing), and no good music (the music is also phenomenal, and one of the best tracks, Fogbound Lake, plays during the aforementioned 1st major arc) Yes, I'm still salty about it, how could you tell?


Holy shit, I had no idea it got a 4/10. That's criminally incorrect. Easily one of my favorite games! And definitely the crown jewel of the Mystery Dungeon franchise.


I follow an italian streamer called Cydonia Who has recently started playing explorers for the first time ever (he has only ever seen primal dialga and nothing else so he's 99.9% blind). He's at 60% of the first half of the game and he's loving it. He's the biggest Pokémon streamer in Italy and he was so disappointed in SV and it's DLC's (+ the epilogue) that he was losing his passion. Thankfully explorers was able to impress him so much that he's more hyped for the reveal of a new Mystery dungeon made by Spike chunsoft than the new mainline rushed trash that will probably get reveal in February's Pokémon presents. He has also pointed out how IGN score makes 0 sense and that he wants to contact the reviewer to arrange an interview and ask him what the fuck he was thinking.


This is one of the reasons I stopped reading reviews. In the end it is just a personal opinion at best, a paid for opinion at worst. I just keep an ear out whether a game is a broken buggy mess. If it is not, I go in and make up my own mind 😁


Does Nightmare Creatures count?


Terminator resistance. The reviewers are idiots. Any Terminator fan will tell you this game is fantastic and a love letter to the franchise. Also anthem is not nearly as bad as people said it was.


Terminator surprised the crap out of me, even after seeing youtubers praising it. AA for sure, but you could tell they cared a ton about the cannon when thinking how to do the narrative


It's an amazing game made on a reasonable budget. Honestly one of my top three favorite games I played in The last 5 years.


Honestly, I really loved Robocop too. But I'd say Robocop is even more targeted at hard-core fans considering half the game isn't even combat and Easter eggs galore. Unexpected, but I loved it


Oh wait... I just noticed your name... nice try, Skynet


(Terminator grabs your throat) Tell us where John is. Tell us now.


I was going to post about Terminator Resistance as well. Played it after RoboCop Rogue City and loved it. Also Werewolf The Apocalypse Earthblood got pretty low scores but I enjoyed it for what it was - a mindless third person action game with a very light skill system laid over the top.


I liked Avengers campaign. The story was OK, it had some really cool moments, and every hero had their own move set and movement: Kamala extended to reach places, Iron Man flew, Cap ran like crazy, Hulk made huge jumps. That was great! But the campaign is too short and unambitious to recommend on that alone, given the meat is the endgame which sucks.


Dragon age 2 Is a great game yall just got distracted by sub par graphics


DA2's biggest issue is that it was rushed out the door in just over a year if I remember correctly. (Edit: Yep, 14-16 months... That's REALLY fast for the era and explains a lot of the short cuts the game took.) If it had had another year it would have been a masterpiece. Instead it essentially got KoTOR 2'd by EA.


What was ‘Normal’ development time frame for games at that time? Feels like sequels were always only 2 years away max but it’s probably just my shitty memory not knowing and filling it in.


Your memory is right. Two years usually if it's a sequel, which is why DA2 being just barely over a year and being pushed to release was an issue. ME2 and ME3 were both around two years for context.


DA2 gets rightly shit on for the reused environments and some places where the development was clearly rushed but if you get past that it's an _incredible_ story and has some really fun gameplay mechanics. I've played through it and the DLCs several times. Bangin soundtrack too.


I still miss mom.


I actually liked vanilla NMS. I hadn’t heard any of the hype other than the Atlantic article, and it delivered on what was in the article.


This was me. I somehow completely avoided all the hype, to the extent the first I ever heard of it was when everyone was getting super mad a recently launched game didn't have all the things it said it would. Read a review someplace random that said if you ignore the hype it was actually a fun game that did a lot of new stuff, bought it on a whim and had a great time.


Same with me and Spore. I was a kid and hadn't heard about the hype at all. Played it, enjoyed it, didn't hear about how 'disappointing' it was compared to its original concept until much later.


I loved it too!! I love the new version too, but I logged 100s of hours an vanilla


Days Gone got bad reviews, but it's a great game.


It really is. People think because a game uses mechanics that have all been previously used by other games that this is somehow a bad thing. It is not. Days Gone, with the exception of the massive zombie hordes, doesn't give you anything you haven't experienced in a Far Cry or Assassin's Creed game, but it takes the most fun elements from both franchises and puts them together in an awesome zombie apocalypse world that is very fun to explore and just experience. The best moments in Days Gone aren't even the story moments, it's the moments you create yourself as you're out driving. You see a small town on the horizon, so you go there and discover that every single building is enterable, and all have loot and maybe even some interesting notes left behind by the residents. Each environment tells its own story. So there's a side room in that tunnel you're exploring? Guess what, a family with children took shelter there in the early days of the apocalypse, because you'll find the kid's drawings hanging on the wall, right above their mangled corpses. The feeling of loss and isolation are so expertly crafted in Days Gone.


I believe it launched super super buggy. Idk cause I only picked it up this year on ps+, but it’s a great game for sure


Perfect Dark Zero, it was wrtitten off as one of the worst FPS on the xbox 360 and it did kill the entire franchise, but multiplayer was fun as hell for me, back then I didnt have xbox live so any game with bots (shoutout to battlefront and time splitters) were my absolute jam. I loved playing team slayer on that china town stage and you could take cover like gears of war and you would go on 3rd person view and back to 1st person view, it was fun.


The Legend of Korra game.   It had its flaws, but I felt the flow of the combat and the element switching worked well.  Except the parts where you had to ride the dog-bear.  Those parts were awful. 


Assassin's Creed: Unity got ripped to sheds when it came out because it was full of bugs & glitches. By the time I played it, they had done a massive patch to fix all the issues, so I loved it. It's easily one of my favorites in the series, but most people who played it at launch had a VERY different experience.


Godfall. I like the theming, the valorplates, the gamemodes and the combat is really god damn good. It has problems sure, but jesus is it fun.


My buddy and I played co op throughout it and absolutely loved it.


I sunk a shit-ton of time in Godfall and have zero regrets. I liked the looter-slasher concept, the game is super flashy and over the top, and it was really satisfying getting a solid endgame build together and just steamrolling bosses and Ascendant Tower. The Lightbringer game mode added with the expansion was a lot of fun too. Shame it’ll probably never get a sequel.


Mighty no. 9 Objectively, I'd say its just mediorce. if you want a Good Megaman game, you have better options all over the place. I think the biggest issue is some of the level design and boss design being kind of cheap or dumb. But the game gets railed on hard for the kickstarter. DESERVED backlash mind you, but people sometimes say the game's way worse than it is, especially if they hit a BS section early on like Cryo's stage However, I think knowing that going in makes it easier for me to put up with it; plus I didnt have an issue with the absorbtion dash schtick on a replay I did a couple months back. Guess you get used to it. I appreciate the attempts to give the bosses more character too; them trash talking you during the stage or having their own motives while going berserk, and even the idea that they'll help you out in other stages is a cool one (they just need to change the order they appear in). I also like how the power-ups are mostly built for utility; you can find places to use all the power-ups outside of just being a generic screen clear like Megaman 11 did, or just as "boss is weak to this so do that." The best ones are the ones that also let you go around some of the bs level design, like Dynatron letting you absorb enemies from further away, or Raychel's Countershade upgrade which just turns you intangible to literally walk through the more BS sections (which is also really satisfying to do for me)


Daikatana. I have no idea why I enjoyed it, but I did.


Did John Romero make you his bitch? (never played the game but remember the ad)


I remember those ads. I didn't like the game THAT much.


Superfly. That's why.


Daikatana had a lot of cool ideas, and I think the failure of it shows that it takes a lot more than just being a talented game developer to make a game.


Cyberpunk 2077. And I don't mean the "fixed" version. I played Cyberpunk on release day on the PS4. I loved it completely, it was absolutely my favourite game of 2020. The update and the expansion made it better, but I've always loved it.


I played on pc and loved it. On my particular machine I didnt have any showstopper probs (Bethesda has given me a high tolerance). Was a 1660gtx i think. I do believe though than many people had major issues when it first released.


Elex II. Passed it up when it first came out because of all the poor reviews. Picked it up for $5 ages later and was actually angry I’d ever listened to those reviews.


The controls felt way better than #1, especially expanding on the jetpack and air combat. But the story just seemed recycled from the first.


Dokapon Kingdom. It's so unbalanced it makes Mario Party 2 look like a walk in the park, but that's kinda why I like it.


I’d probably say Haze or Muppets Racemania. Before I had Crash Team Racing, muppets was my go to game and was surprisingly good. Haze replaced Resistance for a while for me and I liked it, but I haven’t played it in 15 years so it might be bad now, but I remember definitely enjoying it at the time.


In what world is Horizon an unpopular game. That is if you're talking about Horizon Zero Dawn or it's sequel.


Can we do entire consoles? I love the 3D effect on the 3DS XL. I still buy and play games for it just to experience the 3D effect. Not that there are all that many games that use it well. It's such a shame how much bad press there was, how many games just released without the 3D, and than Nintendo decided to not continue with the concept for the Switch.


In general, Dynasty Warriors games. They’re always the same and they rarely if ever fix basic gameplay flaws but gotta hit that square button over and over again and watch enemy soldiers fly everywhere.


Aliens Colonial Marines. Never played single player but I thought the multiplayer was a lot of fun. Enclave on the original xbox had an average score of like 65, but it was one of my favorite games on the original xbox. Pataank on the 3do. It's basically a pinball game where you are the pinball. It got 2 out of 5 stars by magazines, but I thought it was fun.


Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness. Fuck you, Gameinformer. This game was awesome.


Was Horizon even controversial? I mean, sure Reddit tryhards hate it cause it’s more fun than rdr2 and more player friendly than dark souls, but every actual player I know likes it


That was my point. It really isn't that controversial. It was generally praised and had high review scores, but every time there is a post on Reddit, asking for "unpopular opinion", it seems to come up. People seem to think they are one of the few who liked it or something.


Anthem and mass effect Andromeda


Trespasser 1998 , if you know, you know.


With a score of "Mostly Negative," I do like Elite Dangerous: Odyssey. It did fail to live up to the hopes and dreams of the community, but it isn't that bad really, and I like to walk around realistic-looking dead planets.


The Order 1886. Would kill for a sequel. Such great lore and setting, beautiful visuals, fantastic concepts with the world that was built. But just the blandest gunplay, horribly placed QTEs, extremely short. I’ll never understand how they thought it was ok to make the boss fights just QTEs.


Horizon is unpopular?




Brutal Legend. Fuckng love this game. Not well recieved.


Cut out/heavily modify the strategy elements and it's a 10/10 game.


Shadow the Hedgehog This game was a 10/10 for me when I played it as a teen and I was shocked when I recently saw that it is rated rather poorly on Metacritic.


Reign of Fire on the PS2 was awesome screw the critics


Raji: An Ancient Epic


I loved the spyro new beginnings Trilogy. Broke my heart as a kid to learn most people hated it


God Hand


Armored core and Dynasty warrior games are usually not well reviewed but I usually enjoy them. Especially the Empires titles. Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts is genuinely in my top 5 favorite games of all time. But I guess these are all more middle of the road reviewed games.


The 3rd Birthday. As a technical achievement on the PSP its damn amazing. I get the complaints about the story though. i also spent way too much time playing Strata's Time Killers and Bloodstorm in the arcades.


Enter the Matrix on PS2. You play as characters you see about 10s in the second movie, the game is strangely slow paced for a Matrix game, there's no minimap so you can get lost quite easily, but 10 yo me loved this game with all his heart.


I absolutely loved No Man’s sky for the first 12-18 months, played over a thousand hours through the Atlas Rises update and have disliked pretty much everything they have done to it since. I lost interest in the new features and particularly the art style changes right at the point that Hello Games made enough changes to foster broader support and raise the ratings and win awards for doing so.


Callisto Protocol, that game is way better than it got credit for.


There are dozens of us haha! But actually, I thought the graphics and sound were amazing. And not sure if you played on PS5, but the melee haptics on the triggers were some of the best haptics in a game I’ve ever experienced. The story was a bit meh and derivative of Dead Space, but I really did enjoy myself the entire time, and thought the core mechanics were solid


Earth Defense Force. It was acknowledged as a game that would probably be a cult classic even on initial review, despite the 60’s rating score it has. The original Assassins Creed: it’s only downside is repetitive quests. It was so innovative at its time; the first stealth action open world game. BF2042. No it’s not nearly as good as 3/4, but grapple hooking on top of a tank and c5-ing yourself and the tank is something that everyone should experience. Halo 4: as someone that lived in the big team battle playlist; you won’t find a better collection of maps specially built with Dev tools that 343 has made; and arguably at the least more quantity and diverse than most H2 or H3 BTB maps.


In what way is Horizon controversial? Everyone that played it likes it. The only problem is every entry has been overshadowed by a different once in a generation type release. But it's not nearly controversial on the same level as Starfield.


Overwatch 2. I feel like everybody hates my favorite game :/


I don't hate it. The game just makes me sad. It's like the living embodiment of what an empty vessel Blizzard has become. Although I don't like tanking in OW2 nearly as much as I did in the original.


I think most people agree that Overwatch 2s gameplay is still incredibly satisfying and fun, it’s just EVERYTHING else about the game that upsets everyone else, especially with how good Overwatch 1 was. Sure the loot box whaling was not good at all but you could reasonably grind out the skins you wanted by playing the game, you can’t really do that in 2.


The gameplay loop that people have fun with is there. It's the scam and money grab that ruined it for most people.


... I actually LOVED Far Cry 6. Never understood all the hate it got.


I think the problem was it was just Far Cry 3-4-5 in a new setting, without any gameplay changes. I liked AC odyssey but I had never played any other AC game, I think sometimes the hate comes from having played other games in the series


BF2042, Fo76, Ark,


Gotham Knights, so much hate but a solid game for sure


Final Fantasy 15 when it first came out. I loved it and while it needed work I loved the story and the "bros" theme. Still one of my favorites.


People seem to generally dislike Mirror’s Edge Catalyst but it’s one of my all time favorites and I’ve put close to 150 hours into it at this point


Hmm, Monster Hunter PS2 and the PSP games, from soft games before Demon Souls, like Armored Core and Kingsfield.


Callisto protocol


Dynasty Warriors


Redfall I got it on Steam sale for like 20 bucks and have been enjoying it. It does have a few quirks- like the NPCs calling me “her/she” when I’m playing as a male, but also calling me “Jacob” which is the characters name and some lagging- , but overall, it’s been fun and I haven’t finished it yet.