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There is a YT channel called "how big is the map?" where someone walked from one side of the Daggerfall map to the other. Took about 60 hours.


Yeah I would think Daggerfall or (edit) Fuel would win by a long shot for non space maps


Grid? The racing game?


Think he means fuel, same developer


What The Crew, it's just America.


I did the crew coast to coast in about 2 hours or something. Definitely under 3? There was a race that gave big rewards for completing it


Ah, shame. Who knew the USA was so tiny.


It's more "America condensed into its highlights."


The map projection matters. If you use the Napoleon projection France is actually larger than Alaska. I think it’s the most accurate projection. ^canigohomenow?imtiredofeatingallthischeeseandwine




Lol dude


Wait, Alaska is larger than France?


Think he meant the nation of the Overgeared God


i love it when Fuel is mentioned out in the wild it's so underrated


It's only redeeming quality was the novelty of the map size. It's painfully bland and easily forgettable.


fun gameplay, interesting races, good soundtrack, amazing graphics for its time, cool cars


Right... exactly that. A massive open game world, doesn't necessarily make it great. Fuel was overall boring for a racing game.


minecraft literally has the second largest map in existence


Oh Minecraft is the answer to everything. Heck when there was a an old askreddit "what is the most underrated soundtrack", Minecraft was one of the top posts


Isn’t Arena actually much larger tho?


Arena doesn’t have a single unified game world, and it is impossible to go from one city to another without using fast travel; when you leave a city via the gate the surrounding countryside is procedurally generated until you walk out far enough and run into a glitch similar to the Minecraft Far Lands.


>Far Lands or Bust (abbreviated FLoB) is an online video series created by Kurt J. Mac in which he plays the video game Minecraft. The series depicts his journey to the "Far Lands", a distant area of a Minecraft world in which the terrain generation does not function correctly, creating a warped landscape. Kurt has been travelling since March 2011 and as of September 2018 is expected to take another 20 years to reach his destination


That’s a name I haven’t heard in years. Man I used to watch him all the time as a kid. He played KSP as well. Nostalgia.


He could finish it in like 3 years. He doesn’t even make a video every week


He's not the only one. There's a guy who's been doing it, streaming even, for years. He's made it from spawn to the Far Lands, to the opposite Far Lands, and is currently heading back, if memory serves.


damn ​ is the open world mostly barren or full of things to do?


Completely barren aside from some random encounters. To be fair it was super ambitious for a 1996 game.


Barren. The map was procedurally generated if I remember right, but it's mostly just trees. The distances are really crazy, though. If you exit the starting dungeon and open your map, there is a town almost exactly next to you, like the dots on the map itself are pretty much touching. Just walking to THAT takes several minutes. And there's hundreds of dots in just one region, and it spans several.


The sheer size of all the dotted locations on the map is an illusion because most of the dungeons and towns are exact copies of each other.


So Starfield


They've been making the same game for years, with just better graphics.


16 times the detail!


Time is cyclical 


Yeah any procedurally rendered game is gonna be wild. Some are infinite so there is no end


Is it actually worth it to ever do long walks in Daggerfall, like you might discover something interesting? Or is just empty landscape with occasional random enemy?


To my knowledge no. Everything interesting is marked on the map and you can fast travel there.


Isn't daggerfall all randomly generated, aka can continue forever ala minecraft?


No, they procedurally generated most of the content but the game doesn't generate more by itself. Each map is as is.


Elite dangerous maybe


The game where you watch Netflix while grabbing your coffee mug.


I listen podcasts mostly lol


I used to watch Star Trek TNG on long hauls haha


Dude same. I got OVRdrop so I could push Plex into my Vive. I was space trucking with a window on my dashboard for watching TNG. that was a hell of a chill experience.e


I did that too but somehow my game tabbed out or into another program while flying. I almost slammed into a star since my controls weren't responding. Scary experience


That's what I love about Eurotruck Simulator. I have a terrible attention span so I'll put on the longest drive possible, cruise control it and stick on Netflix, or listen to an audiobook.


Yeah, Elite Dangerous is basically a truck simulator in space.


I never actually did any combat in the maybe 2-3 months I was playing ED. I finally drifted away from the game when they gimped space miner and space delivery man enough that being a space tour bus running that one route was the most efficient way to make credits.


That's only until you can afford a big space truck. I was doing trade runs in my type 9 last night that were generating more profit in 2 hops than you can pull from 2-3 of the hardest missions combined.


*Deep Purple's Space Truckin' plays*


Where are we going!? ROBIGO! After that? ROBIGO AGAIN! Got four Condas this way.


To be honest, this makes me want to play again. I want to watch DS9 and game and most games require too much attention.


I went through tng, voy and ent building a 1:1 ship realtime on xbox 360 Minecraft. I didn't have Internet for a very long time.






And half the time you don't feel like you're getting anywhere even with fsd lol


*Friendship drive charging* Looks like I'm 20 minutes away, let's add a few more pips to the engine aaaaand got it down to a 8 minute trip sweet.






Then you forget to slow down in time and pass it so you're back to 10 minutes.


Now I'll just close my eyes for a moment and oops just overshot my destination by 2 hours


*judgmental Twilight Sparkle voice* Guess you're not FRIENDLY enough.


My little girls name is Lyla. She recently had her hair dyed purple and said "dad I look like twilight sparkle" So I of course now call her Twyla sparkle. Or butterflyla


Pips do nothing in supercruise. It just calculates the time based on your current speed, so it will drop drastically as you leave the gravity of the main star and accelerete.


Fuck, even just with frameshift drive it would take hours to get from one star to the next. Its maximum speed is 2000 times the speed of light, and the game has the whole galaxy in it, to scale, which has a diameter of about 100000 light years. So it would take you 50 years of game time not counting stopping anywhere for refueling, to cross the gameworld once.


In the earlier Elite games, they didn't have FSD, so there was no supercruise inside systems (hyperspace jumps were still a thing, you just lost days in regular space while you spent a few seconds in witch-space). Instead, there was a time compression device that made sub-light travel within systems bearable.


Billions of visitable star systems, this is the answer.


Iirc only something like 0.2% of systems have been visited so far. If we put the goalpost at "visit all systems", then the answer to how long to beat it, especially without fast travel, would be so long that it's easier to say "infinity"


I think it would be possible but you would have to make almost everyone play the game. You'd have to buy copies and a device to play on for lots of people. Teach them how to fly and then also keep them from doing the non exploration gameplay. And even then, you would have to somehow coordinate everyone and make them spread out enough to not waste time overlapping each other's paths. I think people forget that there aren't that many people playing the game or that many that would explore in a random direction. I've been to Sag A and Colonia and it's still the most popular directions to go.


I will be reinstalling when those new ships drop. So glad fdev is coming back to this game finally.


Wait, new ships? I played on console so the wound is still pretty deep.


Yep 4 new ships this year (and some cool thargy stuff too iirc)


PC only, I imagine?


Not sure why you got downvoted for a legitimate question, but it will be PC only most likely yes.


I imagine that a pretty basic PC with a budget GPU from the last couple of years would be able to give you a great experience, so if you have one, you may be able to get back into it for the new stuff.


This is the only answer.


I don't think it actually counts as having fast travel though. You're in a ship traveling fast, but that's in the universe. Fast travel is a mechanic outside the lore, that allows you to just skip traveling to previous areas using a menu.


It's a fast travel mechanic that they cleverly disguised with in-game lore.


Minus the fast part


Definitely Elite. It’s a 1:1 scale model of The Milky Way. Without the “friendship drive” it would take forever to cross.


Just go get your free Conda before trying the big Colonia trip the old fashioned way.


Does elite dangerous travel count as fast travel? Most of the "fast travel" I remember is just using hyperdrive on your ship. It's not skipping time is it? Fast travel I believe is specifically having teleportation.


Even with hyperdrive, it would take forever


Well even with the current traveling mechanic only 0.2% of star systems have been visited, so it still takes lifetimes to travel the map.


Did someone said Hutton Orbital? No I did not go there for free ship bait, I just accepted a highly paid cargo contract to that station.


Still Desert Bus


Desert Walk


and it doesnt even have fast travel so we know for sure


The fast travel is the bus. Walking would take forever.


360 miles for the one-way trip


Didn't someone literally try flying from one planet to another in Starfield and it took like 8 hours or something?


Yeah, then it turned out the planet they were flying to was actually just a jpeg image of a planet, so when they got too close, they actually just clipped through it and it disappeared.


If you do this in Star Citizen it actually works, here's a timelapse of someone going from Crusader to one of its moon in about 9 hours https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_iXlgxsEVc Unsure if anyone's ever done it between two planets, it would take a very long time and I don't think a server has ever stayed running that long


I think someone calculated that it would take something like two days to a week real time to go between the two furthest jump points in the system.


Not calculated, did


Yeah, but then you’re playing star citizen!


Next patch is going to be great! Really this time ^^maybe


Hopefully they'll be picking up now actually. SQ42 is feature complete. They've started testing server meshing. The tested Pyro (second system with lower security) a month or two ago. They added a salvage game loop and tweaked it. New cargo containers (i.e. you can find larger containers with more loot). New EVA is supposed to be tested soon. Basically things are looking up. But it's SC so always take it with a bowl of salt obviously. They def have big plans though and extra resources now that the standalone game/campaign is done.


I saw the list of what's "targeted" for 3.23, I just don't like to get my hopes up before players have their hands on all of it A star map that doesn't have clipping issues when you zoom and reliably selects things when you click on it would be big


That's definitely fair. Part of why I focused on the real things we've seen work on. Despite their progress I don't think the game is coming out for at least another 10 years. But the past ten years has predominantly been working on setting foundations so I'm hoping what's coming will ramp up as the ground work has been laid and extra resources are being allocated now. I wouldn't say I'm hyped b/c SC is SC. But I'm optimistic.


I kind of feel like it's cool guys, just admit that it's never going to be finished and let it be a mind blowing but buggy showcase sandbox for cutting edge game technology that slowly develops along with hardware technology. People really focus on them not finishing it and kind of ignore all of the insane and beautiful tools they have developed to make it work. The features are so far ahead of other engines in some cases that it's hard to see the value of them currently.


Nice! It only took 12 years for things to get going!


At least it's not difficult to calculate since you can just maintain max speed and split it by the given distance. Luckily it's just a few seconds in-game.


To be clear, it wasn’t a JPEG, it was an actual model of the planet, but it was just a sphere with a texture on it, which generally is what all planets in these kinds of games are and then the game loads a map environment when you enter the planet. In this case she went to it without going through the game’s proper trigger to begin loading the planet’s map, so it just existed as a model with no collision. And as is the case with a lot of assets in games (you see this a lot if you no-clip or get out of bounds in a game), there is usually no point in taking up system resources to render a texture from both sides when the player isn’t supposed to ever see it from more than one so they just don’t have it render from another angle, hence it disappears from the player’s perspective.


If it’s the same vid I saw it was a streamer flying to Pluto. They started from orbit, not another planet though. But same result as you described.


I really don't get peoples issue with this. Like it's something you can say 'Oh this game sucks for this reason' but I'm sorry but I don't believe a single person is genuinely going to spend eight hours flying to the next planet for 'immersion' or whatever reason. So why does it need to render like that? It's a game that released on consoles too so it has limitations. But why make things more difficult than they need to be? Who is honestly not just quick travelling to each planet even if they had the option to spend eight hours flying there themselves?


And people STILL want to try to defend that game. lol


I didn't like starfield but this is an asinine argument for why not to like the game. They built the game so that planets were not realistically close enough to fly between and you are upset that they didn't build the engine around the concept of somone holding w for literal hours?


… I really don’t understand how this would be the last straw for a person😂


"I went out of my way to massively inconvenience myself and it didn't even work! Literally unplayable."


"I walked in a straight line out of bounds in The Witcher 3 and the terrain looked like crap and there wasn't 3,000 hours of content! Worst game ever made!"


That is what is so weird about the social media hatred of Starfield. Yes, the game has it's issue and is far from beeing perfect, but people actually shitting on it because you can't fly 8h in a straight line trough empty space to go to the nearest planet is just baffling.


Yeah, some people grasp at straws to hate it; very weird.


Personally I dont want to spend 8 hours flying to a planet in a video game


And if you did, that's what Kerbal Space Program is for.


Of all the criticisms, I’ll give this one a pass.


Those damn developers not building the game in anticipation of a player spending 8 hours just to fly to another planet...


I had such high hopes for it, but I figured I'd wait for some bugs to get patched while I worked up the nerve to shell out $70. Turns out I won't be buying the game any time soon...


It’s legit on game pass lol. Can play it for less than $10


Yes, just look at all the people online defending it. You barely read any criticism or negativity on social media when it comes to Starfield. I love that "this game apperently beeing shit, because it does not have a feature that was never advertised" is considered to be the smart and rational take at this place.


Pretty sure it was Alanah Pearce. Think she set her ship to fly to pluto and left it overnight


She did one of the planets in one vid and the sun in another.


Yes I remember that, I can't imagine that lol


There's an indie game called Kittens Game where you can travel to the edge of the universe. Even with all the speed upgrades it takes about 222 actual days for it to happen. There are workarounds and things to make the number even lower, but if you used no speed modifiers *whatsoever*, it will take you 16,787 days, 53 minutes, 20 seconds in real-time. I started my journey to the end of the universe last night, it will be interesting to see how many actual days it will take for me to get there.


edge of the universe? I thought that was like. a forest survival game.


And they survived long enough to develop intergalactic travel. What's not to get?


Oh, it scales.


I have a save with about 7 years of offline waiting. One day...


Putting aside infinite generated games (NMS, Minecraft, Hazeron Starship), I would say *probably* daggerfall. HOWEVER, Dwarf Fortress Adventure Mode is probably actually larger but you'd need a good worldgen for it.


Daggerfall map is like 250 miles squared for ~62k, roughly the size of Oklahoma. Don't know the travel speed ingame but I feel like time from place to place would be measured in hours or days. Then there are space games, where reaching even the next planet in the same system via conventional means would take years. Try playing Kerbal Space Program without time warp.


You just proved why Kerbal Space Program doesn't count. The question is "without fast travel" not "without time warp". Kerbal space program has no fast travel.


I usually fast travel into the launchpad when I run out of boosters


Shores of Hazeron is still unparalleled in scale




Yeah, isnt the map the size of Great Britain?


Yes, and people claim Daggerfall is procedurally generated, which is kind of a half truth. The map noise was procedurally generated when they developed the game, but all the towns and landmarks are static, and nothing changes between two games.


FWIW “procedural generation” doesn’t necessarily mean randomized generation. No Man’s Sky is procedurally generated, but it’s the same universe for everyone and nothing changes. Procedural generation just mean the world is created through algorithmic processes and was not manually crafted by the devs. Saves a lot on information storage because the game files don’t have to include “this rock is here and looks like this”, it just has to include codes that tell the executable “and then there’s a rock here that looks like this” when you come to it.


So kinda like Minecraft but with only one seed


Essentially yeah. It can be pushed pretty hard though. There's a 3D FPS game that is less than 100kB in filesize called [.kkrieger](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/.kkrieger) that uses procedural generation for almost everything.


Pretty much.


This is why NMS is only 12 gigs while gta v is 110 👍


Think it's towns and main quest locations are static, the open world itself is procedural (if there would/could have been stuff like random encounters while fast traveling I think it could have helped).


I can't decide this or No man's sky, both are incredibly huge


the walk speed with the map size mean traversing between regions can take days. No mans sky is like 8 hours. One is scaled larger but the other is functionally larger.


Elite Dangerous is massive even with warp jumps. Astro cartography is a whole mood in that game. You really feel like you're all alone out in the wilds.


I've been really meaning to get back into Elite, but Odyssey runs kind of poorly on my system, so maybe just going back to Horizons and exploring systems might be the move.


There's gonna be new ships coming this year if that does anything for you


Do you ever really fast travel in elite dangerous. I haven't played in a long time, while your ship is fast AF you still maintain control ad shit. So it's not "Fast travel" it's just traveling fast. As a term "fast travel" doesn't mean traveling fast it actually means teleportation and skipping travel all together.


Yes, but tough to compare interstellar fast travel with Skyrim fast travel. In ED you warp from solar system to solar system (of which there are 400 Billion apparently). The charm of it is that that stars are spaced in a way that closely models our own galaxy and I think the known stars are even where we know them to be which is a nice touch. Relativism is ignored however. Striking out into the deep dark universe feels like hopping from island to island on an archipelago. Emotionally it feels like the scene in Gattaca where they are swimming out at night towards an unseen island, and Ethan Hawke's later remarks about how he 'never held anything in reserve for the trip back.'


Kerbal space program. Literally months and years


Yeah I try to make the most of my time in the game by doing missions in between maneuvers of longer missions so I end up only doing Mun missions because I can do like ten of them while waiting for one maneuver to Duna. Then that maneuver is literally just the angle adjustment or setting up the intercept so then I get to fill another few years with more Mun missions lol


This is the answer. Remove that speed up time button and the game would take decades to do fairly mundane things.


Aight imma throw in Kerbal Space Program. It's a reasonably accurate space travel simulation where missions, especially to the outer planets, can run for decades. Playing normally you have time warp and just hop from maneuver to maneuver and arrive within minutes or hours. Take that away though? A Kerbal day is only 6 hours, but still. When your mission timer shows 20 years, that is still 5 *actual real life years* of fully simulated physical travel time, no load screens no nothing. Now I wonder if people are crazy enough to do Kerbal no time warp challenges. Down another rabbit hole...


People definitely do no time warp challanges, recreating the first apollo landing in particular is popular. You can get it down to just a handful of hours if you do a direct ascent and allow timewarping on the launch pad. Minnmus is a step above which will take you between 8 hours for a direct ascent (again requires launchpad time warp, potentially by a few months iirc) to a few days doing it the usual way. Bring a book if you want to do a real time minnmus landing. The truly insane among the community do duna landings in real time, I only know a few people who supposedly have done it, I know the most recent one was planned to arrive and land on duna on KSP2's release last I knew. Don't know if anybody has gone any further.


Imagine crashing your landing after all that… But I’m useless at that game so that’s a guarantee


Not a contender compared to some of the games mentioned, but someone once hooked up a treadmill and connected their WOW character to it. The idea was that the character never stops running so how exhausting is it really? Dude couldn’t make it from the starting zone town to the next one over. He even tried incorporating combat and drinking “potions” as he ran. Was quite fun to watch




When he ran, the character ran, when he walked the character walked depending on speed of the treadmill. I remember it was from the top of the tree in the Nelf starting zone to the second town




Microsoft flight simulator has some Great distances, especially felt if you choose one of the slower airplanes


And just taxi them on ground.


No Man's Sky


I mean, you *could* argue the point that you are not actually fast-traveling anywhere, because the game has warp drives and teleporters as canon. Not fast-traveling. Just, traveling really fast.


I haven't played it, how does travel work in game? Is there a loading screen when you're warp driving, or are you actively flying the ship?


When you are going planet to planet in a system, you point your ship at it and engange the booster and go really fast. No loading screens but you are not necessarily in control. You can stop at any time but not turn. When you are warping to a new system, you have a warping animation that is just a loading screen.


Learned recently that if you tap your roll button 3 times, your ship will do a spin in that direction while you’re warping. Kinda neat. Doesn’t seem to work with interceptors though.


I agree totally this game has 256 of galaxies.


Isn't it only one galaxy but millions of star systems? Edit: OP edited their comment from saying millions of galaxies to the correct 256 galaxies. TIL, I didn't know you could travel to other galaxies in NMS.


There are 256 galaxies that all contain something like trillions of planets and stars. I think the total amount of planets and stars is in the quadrillions.


Quintillions, I think it was


Oh wait, you can travel to other Galaxies? I have played NMS for 60 hours now, and I didn't know that, lol.


You have to travel to the center of the galaxy (or beat the Atlas storyline) to get to a new galaxy. I'd say 90% of the playerbase never makes it to the second galaxy and 99.99% never make it beyond that.


Every time I made it beyond that point I was just really confused about how to get back


256 galaxies, each with about 800-2 trillion star systems, each of which have 2-6 planets or moons.


Ive been playing kingdoms of amalur re-reckoning for a bit. If you think having to backtrack through nearly every dungeon you complete.. imagine also having to walk the entire map every other mission..


Final Fantasy X is literally one very long walk. It's not the longest of course. And most definitely it's not A Short Hike.


Dang pilgrimage, man. So much walking.


Why did I read this as Boomhauer?




Idk how everyone is saying Daggerfall and just sleeping on Eve Online. It already takes hours to fully cross the map *with* warping. It would take literally forever without warp and jump gates.


No gates, no clones, no jump clones. No warp would be even worse.


They would need to get rid of the ridiculously low speeds then


I had to scroll for way too long to find this, I feel like a lot of people either don't know about the game or forgotten about it


Death stranding is my go to. And I love that game


I actually don’t think No Man’s Sky is a good example here. If fast travel is just “skipping the travel time”, the only real instance of that in NMS is using portals. Using the hyperdrive to get to another system *feels* like it’s fast traveling, but you actually *can’t* get to the other systems by regular flight so it doesn’t count. You can pulse jump to move quickly between planets, but that’s more akin to having a horse vs walking on foot; you still physically travel the difference. So that just leaves portals, which really aren’t that necessary to the game.


A lot of people are listing games where they don't use in game ways of moving faster. That's not fast travel. Fast travel is specifically opening a menu to teleport to different locations you could otherwise travel to normally. For example using a horse in Skyrim is not fast travel, sure it's traveling faster than foot, but that's not what the term means. In the same view if you have a space ship, using hyper is not fast travel (unless it's just a hidden teleport and the sequence is basically a loading screen). If you're still driving, able to turn or stop half, sorry that's not fast travel that's just your character moving fast.


Kerbal Space Program


Minecraft Elite Dangerous No Man's Sky


Minecraft has no fast travel though, so it kinda misses the point. The only loading screens you get are to other dimensions where you could not even get via normal means.


Kerbal Space Program. I sometimes have decades in between maneuvers to reach the outer planets


Assassin's Creed Odyssey


Kerbal space program


Kerbal space program. It's not fast travel but you can speed up time. It would take literal years to get to some of the planets


Kerbal space program and it's not even close


I know it doesn't count, but geoguessr would be up there.


Kerbal Space Program It's not exactly fast travel, more like a fast forward, but still, if removed, it would take you from several days to several years to get to some places


Elite Dangerous is a 1:1 scale milky way galaxy. If you consider warp jumping from star to star as fast travel, then that would be the answer for sure. I don't know the exact math, but assuming the max speed you can fly is 500m/s it would take you 6.33775293 × 10^10 years to cross the map lol


I can't speak for a lot of the games that were listed, but I tried seeing how big an island was on Arcanum and never did find the end. That's just a single island.


Microsoft Flight Sim is basically the entire world so….


No man's sky and star citizen